29 ottobre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 548

 Escludendo il virus e quanto ci aspetta ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Twitch Suddenly Mass-Deletes Thousands of Videos, Citing Music Copyright Claims
copyright e brevetti | social media
::: Slashdot

SpaceX is closer to offering internet service as it completes fifteenth Starlink mission #SpaceX
Web, Internet | spazio, esplorazione
::: BattistoniChris

New RAT malware gets commands via Discord, has ransomware feature
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | frodi
::: AghiathChbib

Hundreds of App Developers Want to Join New Apple-Defying Coalition
::: Slashdot

Twitter è particolare: ti fa aprire a confronti inaspettati
::: Santas_Official

Cult Expert Predicts QAnon Adherents Will 'Get Angry and Exit'
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Chrome Caught Exempting Google Sites From User Requests To Delete Data
browser | Google
::: Slashdot

(Ciao povery!) Pandemic makes world’s billionaires — and their advisers — richer
coronavirus | economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon

It's easy to use deep learning to generate notes that sound like music, in the same way that it's easy to generate text that looks like natural language. But it's nearly impossible to generate *good* music that way, much like you can't generate a good 2-page story or poem
machine learning
::: fchollet

Facebook non fa certo l'elemosina a progetti sul giornalismo solo per pagare meno tasse
Facebook | media
::: RadioProzac

About time some projects left M$-owned GitHub - Pale Moon migrating source code from Github
programming, codice, snippet | Microsoft
::: GianlucaXAcqua

Does Python Need to Change?
::: Slashdot

Fuck you @github or should I say fuck you @Microsoft?
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: costalesdev

The Battle Over Chips is About to Get Uglier
hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Important reminder: When we criticize media's lack of reporting on the climate- and ecological emergency, we are not criticizing journalists. We are criticizing editorial decisions. As we've pointed out: there is no future for democracy without a strong, independent free press
ambiente, ecologia | media
::: GretaThunberg

So How Good Is Edge on Linux?
::: Slashdot

Is Right to Repair Gaining Momentum?
::: Slashdot

Notizia che mi era sfuggita: la Svizzera mette una tassa del 7,7% sul commercio online, #Amazon chiude tutto e non consegna più in Svizzera, a vantaggio dei produttori locali. (In Italia la legge sulla web tax è in frigo e se ne riparlerà nel 2021.)
Amazon | economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon

Ci sono due tipi di "cattivi" scienziati che fomentano l'anti-scienza. Se hai un h-index da prefisso telefonico e pubblichi su riviste predatorie sei un pezzente della conoscenza. Viceversa sei in malafede (per un qualche motivo). Da grande h-index, grande responsabilità
scienza | coronavirus
::: f_ronchetti

CNET: Police Are Using Facial Recognition For Minor Crimes, 'Because They Can'
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

How efforts to make Facebook less polarised ended: "Mr. Zuckerberg also signaled he was losing interest in the effort to recalibrate the platform in the name of social good, they said, asking that they not bring him something like that again"
Facebook | politica
::: anneapplebaum ::: reztirps

Is X.Org Server Abandonware?
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Apple, Google and a Deal That Controls the Internet
Web, Internet | Apple | Google
::: Slashdot

Scordiamoci le auto a idrogeno
::: MauroV1968

How 30 Lines of Code Blew Up a 27-Ton Generator
::: Slashdot

This is huge news! and long overdue. @arxiv finally has links to code!
programming, codice, snippet
::: IgorBrigadir

I'm confused… Anyone can help?
pasticci pythonici; dai non era difficile, ma a volte (a me spesso)
::: alfcnz

Vint Cerf Is Working on an Internet for Outer Space
Web, Internet | protagonisti
::: Slashdot

#emacs #orgmode website has been revamped - This is a new basis for further improvements, and I'm glad to see the old unicorn back 😀
applicazioni, programmi
::: bzg2

multiprocessing — Manage Processes Like Threads
::: pymotw

Peer reviewed study: FB is 5x as polarizing for conservatives as for liberals. So much for bringing the world together
Facebook | politica
::: Moonalice

Facebook Steps Into Cloud Gaming -- and Another Feud With Apple
Facebook | games
::: Slashdot

Ransomware Hit a Georgia County. That Didn't Stop Its Ballot Counting
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Pensando a voce alta, non sarebbe male se tra colleghi ci si coordinasse per creare un canale YT, dove raccogliere video di ausilio alla DaD, ognuno nel suo ambito di competenza. Dall'italiano alla matematica (inclusa la statistica), dall'inglese alla filosofia, dalla fisica alla
scuola, educazione, cultura | coronavirus
::: dottorpax

bash redirects
tip, suggerimenti
::: b0rk

I'm very excited about this announcement!! The future of @pymc_devs, aka long live Theano
Python | deep learning
::: exoplaneteer

Artificial Intelligence Definitions: This (northern) summer, I spent more time than I’d like to admit coming up with a handout defining key terms in AI in 1 page, trying to be informative and suitable for non-specialists
artificial intelligence
::: chrmanning

New Nuclear Engine Concept Could Help Realize 3-Month Trips To Mars
::: Slashdot

EU Council presidency conclusions on Artificial Intelligence and human rights failed to secure unanimous backing from member states last week after Poland refused to support a text due to opposing the inclusion of the term ‘gender equality’
artificial intelligence | politica | gender, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

About 3% of Starlink Satellites Have Failed So Far
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

How to Add a Simple Progress Bar in Shell Script
tip, suggerimenti
::: linuxjournal

ninja: a simple build system
programming, codice, snippet
::: b0rk

Verily's COVID Testing Program Halted in San Francisco and Oakland
coronavirus | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Google
::: Slashdot

AMD Grabs Xilinx for $35 Billion as Chip Industry Consolidation Continues
hardware | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Study Shows Which Messengers Leak Your Data, Drain Your Battery, and More
social media | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Pop!_OS 20.10 Released Based on Ubuntu 20.10
Linux distro
::: dcavedon

A major leap in speech recognition: a system trained on just 10 minutes of labeled data performs at similar levels as existing systems trained on 960 *hours* of labeled data
machine learning

UK Mobile Networks Banned From Selling Locked Phones
dispositivi mobili | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Fedora 33 is here! Congratulations to the @fedora team
Linux distro
::: ubuntu

Japan's New Leader Sets Ambitious Goal of Carbon Neutrality by 2050
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Deleting Your Facebook Account Forfeits Oculus VR Games You Already Paid For
::: Slashdot

RIAA's YouTube-DL Takedown Ticks Off Developers and GitHub's CEO
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: Slashdot

Facebook Tells Academics To Stop Monitoring Its Political Ads
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot

Trump's Campaign Website Hacked By Cryptocurrency Scammers
hackers at work | politica
::: Slashdot ::: AtlanteUsa2020

Folding@Home Exascale Supercomputer Finds Potential Targets For COVID-19 Cure
::: Slashdot

SpaceX Starlink Public Beta Begins: It's $99 a Month Plus $500 Up Front
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Satellites the size of duffle bags might keep polluters in line
spazio, esplorazione | ambiente, ecologia
::: IEEESpectrum

F(x)tec Pro1-X ufficiale: ha tre OS e tastiera slider QWERTY
dispositivi mobili
::: Genjuro75

Microsoft Teams Passes 115 Million Daily Active Users
::: Slashdot

Italian competition authority starts an investigation against Google for anticompetitive abuse of dominance in the adtech ecosystem: control over user-data and personalization impedes new entrants' access to the market
antitrust | Google

La danza dei robots
robots, automazione, droni | umorismo

Facebook Approves Trump Ads That Violate Its Pre-Election Rules
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot

What the heck is the value of “-n % n” in programming languages?
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Apple is Stepping Up Efforts To Build Google Search Alternative
::: Slashdot

25 ottobre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 547

 Continuo a tentare di abituarmi alle imposizioni della pandemia, intanto ecco le nuove che ho wisto nel Web.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Will Build a $160 Million Supercomputer in Finland
::: Slashdot

PayPal To Let You Buy and Sell Cryptocurrencies in the US
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

AI-related job growth correlates to improved social well-being, new research shows
artificial intelligence | lavoro
::: StanfordHAI

Microsoft Says It Took Down 94% of TrickBot's Command and Control Servers
web-bot, robocall | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook is looking to hire compiler and library engineers to work on @rustlang. Rust is taking off within FB, and we'd like to work with the community
FB ha fatto anche cose buone
linguaggi di programmazione
::: nadavrot

Airbnb Hires Jony Ive To Design Next-Gen Products and Services
::: Slashdot

Google AI Tech Will Be Used For Virtual Border Wall, CBP Contract Shows
Google | politica
::: Slashdot ::: samfbiddle

A simple way to keep constantly learning is to be able to learn from anything and anyone around you. There's always something to be learned if you keep your ears and eyes open. Just look for it
tip, suggerimenti
::: fchollet

History of FreeBSD - Part 2: BSDi and USL Lawsuits
sì, c'è il link alla prima parte
storia | sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

/* You Are Not Expected to Understand This */
storia | sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

I'm excited to announce @landingAI's LandingLens, a visual inspection platform to help manufacturers build and deploy visual inspection systems. We need to lower the bar to AI!
artificial intelligence
::: AndrewYNg

The Deprecated *nix API
da approfondire, ci sono cose intriganti come fd e sd
tool, componente software
::: b3h3m0th

What's New With Windows? See 6 Top New Features in the October 2020 Update
sistemi operativi
::: geekdotcom

AOC's Debut Twitch Stream Is One of the Biggest Ever
non so cosa sia Twitch ma AOC la lovvo, assay, anzi di più, esponenziale
social media | politica
::: Slashdot ::: AOC ::: CNN International ::: Slashdot

A voice from the cutting edge of machine learning, @AndrewFerlitsch talks about the current and coming changes in machine learning systems, starting with the concept of model amalgamation
machine learning
::: ManningBooks

I do not understand the economics of bitcoin well, but I must say that this was an entertaining blog post
blockchain e crypto*
::: lemire

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe tonight says both Iran and Russia have obtained U.S. voter registration info in an effort to interfere in the election, including Iran posing as the far-right group Proud Boys to send intimidating emails to voters
(h/t @marina_catucci)
::: WestWingReport

Activists Turn Facial Recognition Tools Against the Police
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

a small minority of companies using AI—just 11 percent—(...) say they’ve reaped a significant return on investment from using the technology, according to a new report
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Senate Republicans Vote To Subpoena Facebook and Twitter CEOs About Alleged Censorship
social media | politica
::: Slashdot

A Dutch researcher managed to log into @realDonaldTrump's Twitter account by guessing his password ("maga2020"), which had no 2-step verification
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Charles_Lister

Due ufficiali del GRU e una unità nella lista nera per cyber-attacco contro il Bundestag - L’unità del GRU è la “military unit 26165” anche detta “APT28”, “Fancy Bear”, “Sofacy Group”, “Pawn Storm” and “Strontium”
::: davcarretta

YouTube Is So Flooded With Political Ads It Can't Place Them All
ad, pubblicità | politica
::: Slashdot

How a Secretive Phone Company Helped the Crime World Go Dark
dispositivi mobili | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

A full Linux version of the popular password manager is expected early next year. 1Password for Linux desktop app now available in beta...
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Linux
::: Gurgling_MrD

Edward Snowden Granted Permanent Residency In Russia
Edward Snowden
::: Slashdot

Firefox 'Site Isolation' Feature Enters User Testing, Expected Next Year
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

WHO To Grant Wikipedia Free Use of Its Published Material To Combat Covid Misinformation
Wikipedia | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

The Royal Navy testing the Daedalus Mark I jet suit by Gravity Industries
::: MachinePix

Researchers @penn_state have devised a way to sinter metal nanoparticles at room temperature directly onto the skin to create circuits to monitor vital signs
::: IEEESpectrum

Tesla's Full Self-Driving Beta Rolls Out To Rave Reviews
::: Slashdot

Software reuse is more like an organ transplant
::: RichRogers_

Minecraft Will Require a Microsoft Account To Play In 2021
games | Microsoft
::: Slashdot

Software Engineer Reverse-Engineers McDonald's Ordering API To Find Locations With a Broken Ice Cream Machine
bravo Rashiq! 💥
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

It's Official: Solar Is the Cheapest Electricity In History
::: Slashdot

#Microsoft Office wanted to update on work PC. I used the time to download #linux ISO’s & install standalone PC’s . I’ve installed 2 full operating systems & #OpenSource office packages. MS Office is still at this stage in updating itself on the work PC
sistemi operativi | applicazioni, programmi
::: ernmander

There’s a rover flying above our heads inside #Turin's ultra-clean room 🤔😱🤩
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: Thales_Alenia_S

La CNN ha scoperto che la virologa cinese, che accusa la Cina di aver creato il virus in laboratorio, ha ripreso e copiato parti del suo studio da un blog legato a Steve Bannon
coronavirus | frodi
::: valigiablu

Thread à lire concernant une étude empirique relative aux bases de données biométriques utilisées pour la #reconnaissancefaciale. En dépit de la suppression de certaines d'entre elles, pour des raisons éthiques (biais!), leur usage controversé demeure très large
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: C_LeqRth

Internet Ascendant, Part 2: Going Private and Going Public
Web, Internet | storia
::: Creatures of Thought

La vittoria di #ItaliaViva: salta la legge contro i criminali ambientali
il #CazzaroDiRignano, un'altra delle sue
ambiente, ecologia
::: domanigiornale

slow down, at all scales, slow down. people need time to learn and culture needs time to evolve and we should be patient with ourselves and our students and our communities rather than decrying ideas as "unnatural" based on nature as of today. things feel unnatural until they are
::: neurocy

Apple Glass: micro-display oled nelle lenti
altri hanno già provato, chissà
augmented reality
::: AppleZein

North Americans and people from Western Europe see the development of AI and robotics as more likely harmful as beneficial. Survey respondents in South and East Asia are much more likely to see these developments as beneficial
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Version 0.6.0 of the simdjson C++ library is out. 10x Faster serialization. Minify JSON at 6 GB/s. Validate UTF8 at 13 GB/s
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire

Go has a faster number parsing function (strconv.ParseFloat), to know more, see blog post from Nigel Tao
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire

NVIDIA Cancels GeForce RTX 3080 20GB and RTX 3070 16GB
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Bashes Slack Complaint in European Antitrust Filing
antitrust | Microsoft
::: Slashdot

When #quantumcomputers become common, so will sophisticated attacks aimed at all kinds of networks, including the #IoT. @Intel researchers are trying to stay one step ahead by creating cryptographic schemes that even quantum computers can’t crack
quantum computing | crittografia
::: IEEESpectrum

The Technology That's Replacing the Green Screen
ah, sì! io sono rimasto al chromakey
::: Slashdot

The most important concepts and ideas in technology are undocumented
manuali, how to
::: lemire

Days since Seibel's 1st Law of Debugging
programming, codice, snippet | umorismo
::: peterseibel ::: peterseibel

This is a disturbing development. Last Friday, Facebook sent a cease-and-desist letter to two NYU researchers (@LauraEdelson2 and Damon McCoy), demanding that they shut down their research into political ads and disinformation on FB’s platform
Facebook | ad, pubblicità | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: AlexanderAbdo ::: fabiochiusi

Il sistema scolastico pubblico di Washington D.C. ha pubblicato i dati sul rendimento scolastico durante la pandemia. In un anno, l'alfabetismo dei bambini al primo anno di scuola primaria è sceso di 22 punti percentuali rispetto agli obiettivi prefissati
scuola, educazione, cultura | coronavirus
::: FabbioSabatini

Now officially old enough to vote: the Roomba
robots, automazione, droni

Ubuntu 20.10 su Raspberry Pi4
Ubuntu | hardware
::: Genjuro75

In Aug 1988 BYTE featured an article by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie that reviewed the state of C. Immediately following was an article by Bjarne Stroustrup on C++, titled "A Better C?"
::: unix_byte

youtube-dl was taken down by RIAA via DMCA
copyright e brevetti | censura | Python
::: scriptjunkie1 ::: dietrich ::: lrvick ::: slashdot ::: EFF

Informatics of the Oppressed
Algorithms of oppression have been around for a long time. So have radical projects to dismantle them and build emancipatory alternatives
algoritmi, codice | politica
::: fabiochiusi

CEO confidence skyrockets on expectations of layoffs and wage cuts
economia, lavoro
::: RadioProzac

“Nobody wants to look in the mirror and go, I make a lot of money by giving objectively dangerous people a huge megaphone,” a former Facebook employee said
::: NewYorker

Scientists Capture World's First 3,200-Megapixel Photos
::: Slashdot

AI Bot - A basic AI driven bot, which retweet tweets that have 'Artificial Intelligence' in their content
web-bot, robocall | artificial intelligence
::: Artificialbra1n

My Hacktoberfest tiny experiment is taking shape :-) I just built a NodeJS library around the actor model that wraps up those concepts, strongly influenced by my experiences with Erlang and Elixir. Check it out!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: dottorblaster

22 ottobre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 546

Presto, prima che arrivi il nuovo lockdown ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web

US Antitrust Regulators Could Target Google's Chrome Browser For Breakup
antitrust | Google
::: Slashdot

Xonotic is an addictive, arena-style first-person shooter with crisp movement and a wide array of weapons. Classic Nexuiz and Quake maps are also supported. Frag away!
::: ubuntu

Tesla Owner: I Butt-Dialed a $4,280 Autopilot Upgrade -- And They Haven't Refunded Me
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

I've just become a member of #USENIX — to support them in these difficult times for nonprofits and also to thank them for all the open resources they have shared with me (and the world) throughout my career and geek life. I encourage fellow geeks to do the same
open source
::: zacchiro

Qualcuno mi spiega il senso del tormentone col coniglio in ASCII da copiare e addobbare con una emoji?
c'è chi che, a volte, --ma anche no, nèh!
::: suzukimaruti

'No, Microsoft Won't Rebase Windows to Linux' Argues Canonical's Manager for Ubuntu on WSL
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Discutendo delle tesi di #RadicalChoc è emerso un paradosso contro-intuitivo: se ammettiamo che un più alto livello d'istruzione è correlato a + sviluppo, + produttività, + reddito, dove stanno i rendimenti decrescenti e qual è il problema? 1/14
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: eschatonit

McAfee lancia l’allarme: in queste ore sta colpendo diversi paesi tra cui l’Italia e Israele. Il malware è veicolato mediante un UEFI implant, lo stesso usato in passato da Hacking Team
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andreatemplari

Intervista di @arturodicorinto a Mikko Hypponen, hacker molto noto e capo ricercatore della finlandese F-Secure, racconta i nuovi rischi della Rete. Dai ransomware alle app anti-Covid, ecco come cambiano le minacce
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: simopieranni

Linux 5.10 Solves the Year 2038 Problem Until 2486
::: Slashdot

sphinxcontrib-spelling 6.0.0
::: doughellmann

La stupidité de cette proposition n’a décidément d’égal que sa persévérance
::: oliviertesquet

Copia/incolla ma cambia quello che tiene in mano il coniglietto
::: Genjuro75

Falcon 9 launches 60 Starlink satellites – one step closer to providing high-speed broadband internet to locations where access has been unreliable, expensive, or completely unavailable
di parte, praticamente pubblicità
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet | ad, pubblicità
::: SpaceX

#Facebook, and possibly #Google, "optimize" ad delivery in discriminatory ways, even when advertisers do not target. This could be in breach of the law
ad, pubblicità
::: algorithmwatch ::: algorithmwatch ::: RTSinfo

A national research cloud has the potential to make currently out of touch #AI research, available to all who want to innovate with it. Our team @StanfordHAI is trying to make it a reality
::: russellwald

urns out Twitter isn’t so bad when you read tweets that aren’t from President Trump
::: JoeBiden

Microsoft Forces Windows 10 Restarts -- To Install 'Unsolicited, Unwanted' Office Apps
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot ::: Genjuro75

BYTE from Dec 1990 reviewed Amiga 3000UX by Commodore. Amiga Unix was a port of AT&T Unix System V Release 4. Bundled with two C compilers (A&T and GNU), "the Amiga 3000UX greatly outperforms the equivalent NeXT and Mac with A/UX". Priced at $4,000 (~$8,000 in today's $)
::: unix_byte

For all its bluster about "digital", the "new Bauhaus", constant obsession with American tech companies, etc., the greatest damage done to Europe's potential, and its future with tech, culture, innovation, creativity is being done by Europe & the EU itself. #Copyright
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: jdrodrigues

"Qui una volta era tutto foto e magliette di #Assange e ora sembra che il suo processo non ci interessi più. Così si logorano i diritti, così si consumano le persone"
Julian Assange
::: informapirata

pwd — Unix Password Database
::: pymotw

Mie dichiarazioni sul caso "openwhistleblowing" in "Di Software Libero e rispetto delle licenze per OpenWhistleblowing"
open source
::: carlopiana

Proprietary Grapes Come With Draconian End User License Agreement
pazzie del brevetto
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Gamers Are Replacing Bing Maps Objects in Microsoft Flight Simulator With Rips From Google Earth
::: Slashdot

Japan To Join Forces With US, Europe in Regulating Big Tech Firms
big tech
::: Slashdot

Vent'anni fa la Stazione Spaziale Internazionale ha iniziato le operazioni in orbita terrestre e da allora non si è più fermata. La sua erede orbiterà intorno alla Luna
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

Google is killing Google Music and will shortly delete all the music you purchased, unless you download it now. They are suggesting you transfer to Youtube Music, which will not let you download music you purchase. Ironically demonstrating why I'll never buy from @youtubemusic
::: scriptjunkie1

One of @Facebook's "answers" to political disinfo in ads was to require campaigns to pre-load all their ad content before 10/27. This is what that policy looks like in practice: over 300K ad added in the last two days (and more to come). Good luck fact checkers!
Facebook | ad, pubblicità | politica
::: nellwyn

Marvel Shortens Window Between Print and Digital Comics
::: Slashdot

Twitter removes false coronavirus tweet by Trump's favourite health adviser
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: guardiannews

EU Shoots For $11.7B 'Industrial Cloud' To Rival US
::: Slashdot

Apple Launches 'Apple Music TV', a 24-Hour Music Video Livestream
::: Slashdot

A Group of Materials Called Perovskites Could Be a Game-Changer For Solar Power
::: Slashdot

Tom Lehrer has released all the lyrics to his songs into the public domain
copyright e brevetti
::: Jadasc

QAnon/8Chan Sites Back Online After Being Ousted By DDoS-Protection Vendor
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

::: rootbert

How CO2 emissions have changed by country over time between 1750 and 2019
ambiente, ecologia
::: ScottDuncanWX

"Ricordiamoci che non è la tecnologia il problema. L'innovazione non è solo un prodotto, ma il processo che c'è dietro. Senza questo la app non serve" -- @alexvespi su Repubblica di oggi, al cuore della questione Immuni
tecnologia | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

sempre collegatissimo con la realtà. Sempre lucido. Un vero uomo di destra
::: bermat

HAI Distinguished Fellow Barbara Grosz discusses launching Harvard's Embedded EthiCS program to prepare the next generation of tech workers to think more ethically about their work
::: StanfordHAI ::: AI_Regulation

The Long Wait for Google's $2.1 Billion Fitbit Deal
::: Slashdot

Big news: DOJ today unsealed charges against Sandworm, naming the Russian GRU hackers who have for 5 years crossed every red line in cyberwar from blackouts to disrupting the Olympics to unleashing the NotPetya worm that cost $10 billion
::: a_greenberg ::: Slashdot

If you don't try, then you won't make mistakes, therefore you'll not improve, hence there's no leaning! 🚫🤓
how to
::: alfcnz ::: alfcnz

Raspberry Pi Foundation Launches Compute Module 4 for Industrial Users
::: Slashdot

I decenni passano e il modo di approcciarsi ai libri diventa sempre più variegato
::: ProfCampagna

bash functions
tip, suggerimenti
::: b0rk

The first article in the new issue, by @aatishb, visualizes Earth's carbon history as you've never seen it before. Step back through time with interactive graphics that are tailored to you. 🌏🌍🌎
ambiente, ecologia
::: ParametricPress

China is ahead. They are selling 3d Hologirlfriend smart ar glasses. It is unclear whether the girlfriend is included
::: lemire

TIL modern Linuxes let you dynamically turn hyperthreading on and off: echo off > /sys/devices/system/cpu/smt/control
a me da notsupported
sistemi operativi
::: johnregehr

Simplifying the Ruggedized Raspberry Pi Portable Over the last year we’ve seen a wave of portable computer builds that center around the Raspberry Pi taking up residence inside a commercial heavy-duty storage case. It’s not hard to see why; whether you …
::: hackaday

Huawei lost yet another European market, as a Czech telecoms provider owned by a billionaire who recently sponsored a pro-China think tank has chosen Ericsson as the sole 5G supplier
::: stuartlauscmp ::: Slashdot ::: simopieranni

The end of times!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: levwalkin

There are 4 types of engineers
::: memenetes

Deep-seabed mining disrupts seafloor food web
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

OpenStack Foundation Transforms Into the Open Infrastructure Foundation
open source
::: Slashdot

Google’s Waze Can Allow Hackers to Identify and Track Users
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: cybersecboardrm

Developer density per country (number of developers per 100k citizens), calculated by geolocating 3.7 million GitHub users that have a location set in their public profile
programming, codice, snippet
::: gousiosg

L’Europa alla ricerca di una sovranità digitale: sfide e interessi in gioco
::: simopieranni

Just published an interactive #visualization of #greenhousegas emissions by country and sector
ambiente, ecologia
::: martindaniel4

Researchers are realizing that qubit numbers are an unreliable method for tracking the advancement of quantum computing. IBM has come up with a way to do it during this period when the technology is still imperfect
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

Microsoft Teams With SpaceX To Push Cloud Battle With Amazon Into Orbit
spazio, esplorazione | Microsoft
::: Slashdot

Ridiculously fast unicode (UTF-8) validation
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Seven Mobile Browsers Vulnerable To Address Bar Spoofing Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

+++Il Premier conte chiama Aranzulla
::: Zziagenio78

GM To Invest More Than $2 Billion In US Manufacturing To Increase Electric Vehicle Production
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Hands-On With Amazon's Luna Game Streaming Service
::: Slashdot

No alle fossili nel Recovery Fund: il voto della commissione Ambiente del Parlamento Ue
ambiente, ecologia
::: Qualenergiait

Warty Warthog (4.10) was released 16 years ago today! 🎈
::: ubuntu

GNU could continue to play its part (build a free operating system and setting high standards regarding free software in general) while not disregarding the work of "neighbours". Especially when *maintainance* is involved, as it is always easier to ignore what is at stake
open source
::: bzg2

In #Cina 🇨🇳 il governo interverrà per mettere ordine nell'industria dei semiconduttori. La campagna di Pechino per ridurre la dipendenza dall'import di microchip è infatti finita fuori rotta, producendo grandi sprechi di denaro pubblico
hardware | Cina
::: galbcasanova

Another cool CPython optimization, inspired by PyPy! This time, the LOAD_ATTR bytecode, gives up to 10% improvements
::: pypyproject

ML models depend on data that companies often don't want to share w/competitors. PrivacyFL is a simulator for secure federated learning - a method that lets orgs train and learn from shared models
machine learning

"Neural Circuit Policies" is a promising new architecture inspired by biological neurons. It leads to very small models that can handle complex tasks. This simplicity makes it more robust and more interpretable
neural networks
::: fchollet

7 ways to avoid overfitting in #ML
deep learning | neural networks

Preliminary data show that today's sample collection event went as planned 👍 More details to come once all the data from the event are downlinked to Earth. Thanks, everybody, for following along as we journey #ToBennuAndBack! Next stop: Earth 2023! 🌍
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni

Google Translate can't recover lost languages. But MIT's new ML model can, thanks to machine learning
machine learning

Earlier this year we learned that Clearview AI was stockpiling people's personal social media pictures to power their facial recognition system. One of our biggest concerns was how this might be used by ICE to fuel deportations
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: ACLU_NorCal

Over 680,000 women have no idea their photos were uploaded to a bot on the messaging app Telegram to produce photo-realistic simulated nude images without their knowledge or consent
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Huawei says smart city business will grow despite US pressure
::: simopieranni

European Commission's Open source software strategy 2020-2023
open source
::: Sjig

Debian donation for Peertube development
open source
::: debian

Introducing http://MediaManipulation.Org, a new resource for those working in the field of Critical Internet Studies. We have created a custom theory/methods package for detecting, documenting, and debunking media manipulation and disinformation campaigns
media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: BostonJoan

Huawei, China Firms Said To Seek Curbs on Nvidia's Arm Deal
hardware | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

The Japanese government is running an initiative called "Go To campaign". To my surprise, it is not about rehabilitating the GOTO statement in imperative languages
::: fchollet

The Police Can Probably Break Into Your Phone
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Mozilla Fears 'Collateral Damage' in Google Antitrust Case
::: Slashdot

18 ottobre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 545

 Come sempre quando giunge l'ora --ok, la butto sul tradicistico-- ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Q: ”Why is does little Sweden have so many unicorn startups?”
programming, codice, snippet | Web, Internet
::: birk

Apple Fibs About iPhone 12 Pricing To Promote Wireless Carriers
::: Slashdot

Zoom To Roll Out End-to-End Encrypted (E2EE) Calls
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

From a Small Town in North Carolina To Big-City Hospitals, How Software Infuses Racism Into U.S. Health Care
programming, codice, snippet | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Date un premio a quest’uomo
::: NicholasD_Altea

Questo me lo salvo per quando lo toglieranno anche loro <3 br=""> economia, lavoro
::: bermat

Amazon Workers Say Prime Day Rush Breaks Virus Safety Vows
Amazon | lavoro | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Fun article about my amazing father, who has completed 146 online courses! (I also talk about this in today's edition of @DeepLearningAI_
's The Batch)
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: AndrewYNg

Split-Second 'Phantom' Images Can Fool Tesla's Autopilot
::: Slashdot

Computers Are Hard: Building Software With David Heinemeier Hansson
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Bill Gates: 'I Was Naive At Microsoft,' Didn't Realize Success Would Bring Antitrust Scrutiny
::: Slashdot

China Starts Digital Yuan Trial By Giving $30 To 50,000 People
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Florida Could Become First State To Offer Digital Driver's Licenses
::: Slashdot

Google and Intel Warn of High-Severity Bluetooth Security Bug In Linux
::: Slashdot

::: JoshKoomz

Questo è l'account della portavoce della Casa Bianca - Bloccato per violazione delle regole di Twitter - #inRealtà è che il prossimo con buona probabilità sarà quello di Trump
Twitter | politica
::: LGmarangon

Watching discussion of Apache’s failure to attic OpenOffice for the nth time, and wondering why OpenOffice/LibreOffice doesn’t come up more often in discussions of the efficacy of permissive/copyleft licensing
open source
::: luis_in_brief

Ma perché la gente fa così?
social media | umorismo
::: Artibani1

Distracted No More
::: savagechickens

Thales Alenia Space on its way to reach the Moon
roba vecchia ma ... dice @a_a_f_t
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti ::: a_a_f_t

Internet Freedom Has Taken a Hit During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Web, Internet | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Presente e futuro del 5G
::: MauroV1968

Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) and Digital Signatures
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: linuxjournal

We exaggerate the importance of the Trolley Cart Problem for Autonomous Vehicles
::: thek3nger

Scientists have created a mystery material that seems to conduct electricity without any resistance at temperatures of up to about 15 °C—a new record for superconductivity
innovazioni, futuro
::: sciam ::: PaoloBarucca

Sure, it can be a mistake and can be circumvented but the sheer fact that a system like this exists makes me shudder. Dark, dark times ahead...
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: GianlucaXAcqua

After two years of travel, and two years of surveying, a probe is finally ready to touch an asteroid with an 11-foot pole @OSIRISREx #NASA
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Pitivi Video Editor Gets a Blockbuster Update
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

If you had a ten million lines, decades-in-the-making fortran code, how'd you convert it to a modern language, how long would it take, and how much would it cost?
discussione --imho-- molto interessante; anche se --imho-- conviene riscrevere ex novo
linguaggi di programmazione
::: skdh ::: daniel_bilar ::: arclight

Space junk is still junk
spazio, esplorazione
::: AstroMCollins

Mind = blown
ambiente, ecologia
::: ScottDuncanWX

Twitter, Like Facebook, To Remove Posts Denying the Holocaust
Twitter | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Unsurprisingly, the French StopCovid app is a failure. Curious whether any country is going to pull this off and make it even remotely useful. My hunch is no
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: tobie

"the next turn to watch for in the Post saga is how much — and on what terms — it gets covered in mainstream newspapers and nightly news programs. If they take the bait (...) the operation (assuming it is an operation) will have worked" -- @CaseyNewton
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | media
::: fabiochiusi

The Debunking Handbook 2020 summarises the current state of the science of misinformation and its debunking. It was written by a team of 22 prominent scholars of misinformation and its debunking
ottimo manuale!
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | ambiente, ecologia
::: fabiochiusi

Vivaldi Browser Just Gave People a Massive Reason to Try it
::: dcavedon

Per contestualizzare la provincialità nostrana sullo #smartworking: ieri l'Agenzia Internazionale per l'Energia ha inserito questa misura (3 giorni a settimana, per il 20% delle attività che consentono lo SW) tra quelle necessarie per 0 CO2 al 2050
h/t @cmnit
lavoro a distanza | ambiente, ecologia | coronavirus
::: LuMo71

1. cara ministra @AzzolinaLucia siamo con lei nel difendere il valore della #scuola da chi vorrebbe trattarlo da *servizio* di serie B, sacrificabile. E' un valore imprescindibile, per questo NON consegni i #dati di bambini e ragazzi a #Google,#Microsoft,#TIM
scuola, educazione, cultura | dati, raccolta
::: SMaurizi

love this way of explaining recursion! also please watch the whole thing for a great ending
programming, codice, snippet
::: RubaMoh

.@AllenInstitute CEO Oren Etzioni: “What people are doing and what GPT-3 is doing is very different. The question we need to ask is, is that an alternative route to intelligence? It’s not going to be like people, but neither is a Boeing 747 like a bird”
artificial intelligence
::: StanfordHAI

Cosa c'e' di ignorante nella Great Barrington Declaration❓
::: bicidiario ::: bicidiario ::: MauroV1968 ::: CrossWordsCW ::: NeilDotObrien

When will things get better?
::: stephanpastis

Last night I released an LFE 2.0-ready version of the LFE eunit DSL: https://github.com/lfex/ltest/ (it's more than a DSL/Lisp wrapper for eunit, though ... it's got beautiful output/reporting 😁)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: oubiwann

An example of targeted advertising. This is what I get when I read the ''Corriere della Sera'' online
ad, pubblicità
::: brusco_sandro

The Great Barrier Reef Has Lost Half Its Corals
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

You Can Now Install the Windows Calculator App on Linux
non che serva davvero ma si può fare
tool, componente software
::: dcavedon

FAA Revamps Space Launch Rules as SpaceX, Blue Origin Expand
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Senate To Subpoena Twitter CEO Over Blocking of Disputed Biden Articles
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

YouTube Bans QAnon, Other Conspiracy Content That Targets Individuals
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Ubisoft, Crytek Data Posted on Ransomware Gang's Site
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world
::: RichRogers_

FCC Will Move To Regulate Social Media After Censorship Outcry
social media | censura
::: Slashdot

At @pinakotheken we'll continue improving the accessibility to our (digitized) artworks, keep on spreading the #openGLAM-Love & fostering the need to re-use of what's out there
open source
::: OpenGLAM ::: OpenGLAM ::: CultureDoug

Engineers at @Intel Labs have launched a project called #OpenBot to turn $50 worth of hardware and your phone into a mobile #robot that can support autonomous navigation and other advanced features
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

Andrew McCarthy

Gli illeciti della didattica a distanza
scuola, educazione, cultura | coronavirus
::: MauroV1968

Google Is Pushing Zoom Out Of Gmail By Default Starting Today
How to use your dominant market position in one area (mail) to impede competition in another (video chat). Just another day in the life of a monopolist!
::: dhh

Wow, an actual think tank agrees with me that the government should fund development of open source software
open source
::: samth

Microsoft recently published their IoT Signals report. This is the second year they have published the report and it provides an interesting insight into the IoT customer adoption process. Well worth the read
Internet of things
::: IanSkerrett

Modernizing legacy software code is a tedious task that #IBM chief scientist Ruchir Puri says #AI can take on
artificial intelligence | programming, codice, snippet
::: IEEESpectrum

Sono stanco e non ho più voglia di parlare, ma il modo in cui la scuola viene sempre e comunque considerata sacrificabile da parte di chi deve prendere decisioni, da buona parte dell'opinione pubblica, da chi non la vive è avvilente. Mesi sprecati, parole sprecate
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: orporick

What I like about Twitter is that you don't have to explicitly say "bad answers only" to start a bad-answers-only thread. It's the default
::: fchollet

"How To Code in Python 3" by Lisa Tagliaferri
::: unglueit

Twitter updates its hacked materials policy
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Pres. Trump: “That was a retweet, I’ll put it out there. People can decide for themselves.” - @SavannahGuthrie: “I don’t get that. You’re the president. You’re not, like, someone’s crazy uncle who can just retweet whatever.” #TrumpTownHall
Twitter | politica

Biometric data leaks also pose a unique challenge because they involve immutable attributes like fingerprints and people’s faces. So securing an account after a data leak is not as easy as just changing a password
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Ecco il team al completo! Il laboratorio di @bgscienza è stato un successo, i ragazzi sono stati bravissimo! Spero di poter partecipare presto a un'altra iniziativa come questa! Complimenti a tutti!
artificial intelligence | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: SteffPy ::: SteffPy ::: alfcnz

perché é ostaggio di incompetenti da 30 anni
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: bermat

NASA Funds Nokia Plan To Provide Cellular Service On Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Tenetevi forte. Trump ha affermato seriamente che Twitter si è bloccato per salvare Joe Biden dal New York Post. La sua fonte è un articolo satirico dal Babylon Bee, una versione cristiana di destra del ben più famoso The Onion, come dire "Cuore", che lui ha preso per vera
Twitter | politica
::: marina_catucci ::: atrupar

Chilling Report Suggests 1 Out of 5 Countries Could Be Headed For Ecosystem Collapse
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

How China wants to control the next generation of digital infrastructure
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Cina
::: carissaveliz

In German the word "Verschlimmbessern" means "to make something worse while repairing it"

France and the Netherlands Call For Tough EU Powers To Curb Big Tech
big tech
::: Slashdot

Google Says it Mitigated a 2.54 Tbps DDoS Attack in 2017, Largest Known To Date
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Elon Musk's Las Vegas Loop Might Only Carry a Fraction of the Passengers It Promised
tecnologia | protagonisti
::: Slashdot

San Francisco Apartment Rents Crater Up To 31%, Most in US
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Google Is Beginning the Forced Migration From Hangouts To Chat Next Year
Google | social media
::: Slashdot

Billionaire CEO of Software Company Indicted For Alleged $2 Billion Tax Evasion Schemes
uno solo?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

A study found the main programs are twice as likely to incorrectly transcribe audio from Black speakers compared to white ones
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: GianlucaSgueo

University of Miami Reportedly Used Facial Recognition to Discipline Student Protesters
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

As calls to defund and disband police forces reverberate across the United States, a coalition has formed in Minnesota to reign in intrusive surveillance technology and establish democratic controls over policing
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: evan_greer

Finalmente c'è la soluzione per quando vi rimane in testa una musichetta per giorni senza sapere da dove arriva
uahu! wow! io questa la sogno da sempre 🤩
Web, Internet
::: ilpost

WHO, EU Commission and EDPB clearly stated that COVID apps should not be mandatory. Portugal wants to make it mandatory nonetheless. PM Costa says: "I hate to be authoritarian, *but* (😲) we have to get this pandemic under control"
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Quarantine rules spoil coronavirus app research, information is now incomplete
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

A un certo punto sul twitter populista si è iniziato a usare ironicamente la parola "competenti" per intellettuali e scienziati. Ho cercato di capire cosa ci fosse dietro quella parola ma soprattutto dietro a quel risentimento. Ci ho scritto un libro ma ora faccio un thread. 1/23
scuola, educazione, cultura | economia, lavoro
::: threadreaderapp

Speaking as a panelist @FastCompany's 2020 Innovation Festival, our co-founder @orussakovsky explained the largest hurdle in the deployment & building of unharmful AI--industry priorities. "The reality is there's just a lot of easy money to be made in AI"
artificial intelligence
::: ai4allorg

Mark Zuckerberg "talks regularly with White House senior adviser Jared Kushner" and "has lectured Facebook’s broadly left-leaning staff about the need to understand that their user base is more conservative"
Facebook | politica
::: JuddLegum ::: taraemcg

Copy and paste but change what the bunny is holding
yepp! anch'io (me); ma Joseph è molto meglio, assay; e poa arriva Simone e non gioco più
::: _juhan ::: JoeHughesDev ::: scaffarini

Japan Decides To Release Treated Fukushima Water Into the Sea
se non ricordo male mi sembra di aver sentito dire che non è come sembra
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

“Vai a letto, domani ti sentirai meglio”
::: MaxxGhe

Borges identificava l'orrore con gli specchi che duplicano, inconsapevoli, cose e persone. Non conosceva i gruppi WhatsApp dei genitori
social media
::: orporick

Un consorzio svedese ha svelato il progetto della #Oceanbird. #Nave a #vela innovativa che potrà trasportare 6-7.000 veicoli e sarà in grado di ridurre le #emissioni per la traversata transatlantica del 90% 🤔🔬👍 #Fotovoltaico per emergenza e manovre? 👨‍🔬
::: SaveOWorld ::: WalleniusMarine

I wrote in depth in 2018 about the crash in Facebook traffic to many news sites, including @slate, where I worked at the time - I’m now wondering how many had their FB traffic throttled so the Daily Wire could soar—and whether Slate itself was among them
::: WillOremus ::: StollmeyerEU ::: jason_kint

"We are marching against an algorithm, & the philosophy behind it," I spoke to @WillySolis357 about why workers for the Target-owned delivery app Shipt are going on strike, after the company rolled out a black-box algorithm to link payment with "effort"
lavoro | algoritmi, codice
::: AASchapiro

New Benchmark Shows iPhones Throttle So Hard They Lose Their Edge Over Android
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Basta ricaricare gratis le Tesla. Sono partite le nuove tariffe (0,31 euro kWh) e si paga anche lo spazio, se la Tesla resta ferma al punto dopo aver finito la ricarica
::: Genjuro75

The other 50% is procrastinating by trying to create a better plotting library
::: jakevdp

Are you choosing what to watch, or is YouTube choosing for you? Their algorithm is responsible for over 70% of viewing time, which can include recommending harmful videos. Help us hold them responsible. #YouTubeRegrets
Web, Internet
::: mozilla