31 maggio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 505

Tempi difficili, non bastava la pandemia evidentemente. Qui si tratta di Web e allora il grosso della settimana è ovvio, ho riportato tanti link, senza discriminare. Poi c'è anche altro che ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: DEAcampaign ::: DefendAssange ::: couragefound ::: declassifiedUK ::: wikileaks ::: DEAcampaign ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: greekemmy

COVID-19 - sorveglianza
::: birdsarentreal ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: StopCovidApp ::: valigiablu ::: carlopiana ::: laurentchemla

Trump vs. Twitter
::: quinta ::: nelson ::: EricaJoy ::: TheOnion ::: LaPrimaManina ::: polotek ::: stefanoepifani ::: AlxThomp ::: vijaya ::: evelyndouek ::: Senficon ::: spinozait ::: fabiochiusi ::: ilmanifesto ::: fabiochiusi ::: evan_greer ::: fabiochiusi ::: TonyRomm ::: donie ::: conspirator0 ::: WebReflection ::: ACLU ::: carloalberto ::: slashdot ::: marina_catucci ::: marina_catucci ::: Breaking911 ::: marina_catucci ::: marina_catucci ::: MauroV1968 ::: marina_catucci ::: LalaHu9 ::: katierogers ::: AlienoGentile ::: fabiochiusi ::: janavel7 ::: cdteu ::: fabiochiusi ::: brianstelter ::: TwitterComms ::: axios ::: _arianna ::: gianlucac1 ::: gba_mm ::: JoanBarata ::: tedeschini ::: InertialObservr ::: thek3nger ::: diritto2punto0 ::: fabiochiusi ::: alex_orlowski ::: fabiochiusi ::: MarcBodnick ::: fabiochiusi ::: Link4Universe ::: rezamarashi ::: disinformatico ::: jacopo_iacoboni ::: Stefano32847521

Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Update with Linux and Notepad Enhancements
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

#Huawei CFO #MengWanzhou can be extradited to the US. Highly sensitive decision as tensions with #China 🇨🇳 are escalating
politica | Huawei | Cina
::: galbcasanova

Arrivo tardi per la lezione
coronavirus | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: SpaamIsBack

OpenSSH To Deprecate SHA-1 Logins Due To Security Risk
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Dopo le storie di Snapchat, i video di TikTok: Facebook ha pronta la copia
social media | Facebook
::: sole24ore

A federal appeals court rejects claims that social media giants including Google, Facebook and Twitter conspired to suppress conservative views online
social media | politica
::: Anthony

GE Is Saying Goodbye To Its 129-Year-Old Light Bulb Business
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

John Lennon sniffing Coke

New Fuzzing Tool Finds 26 USB Bugs in Linux, Windows, macOS, and FreeBSD
::: Slashdot

Amazon In Advanced Talks To Buy Self-Driving-Car Tech Company Zoox
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: MattOrtega

This is obnoxious. I can’t even
politica | Cina | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: mattmight

Once again, @Facebook refuses to enforce its own, clearly spelled out policies - this time about election misinformation
politica | Facebook
::: kreissdaniel

Bankrupt OneWeb Seeks License For 48,000 Satellites, Even More Than SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Forza, ce la possiamo fare tutti a fare come Manuel!
social media | umorismo
::: LaPrimaManina

La Nasa, Musk, Bezos, Boeing e quella voglia di spazio dei privati, che puntano a Marte
spazio, esplorazione | economia, lavoro
::: sole24ore

I'm a strong believer in active learning, and I'm so excited to share what I've been working on at @digitalocean: Interactive Tutorials!
::: bphogan

Una bufala è sempre una bufala
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: _Sazed

Neat! A reimplementation of Smalltalk-80 to run on modern machines
cosa non sta facendo il virus!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: PaniczGodek

Questa settimana, la #ESA ha testato per 30 secondi un nuovo motore stampato interamente in 3D chiamato ETID! L'obbiettivo è riuscire a creare strutture troppo complesse da poter assemblare in altro modo, che abbiano sia un peso minore che efficacia molto maggiore
innovazioni, futuro
::: Link4Universe

🚨 New Raspberry Pi alert 🚨 The long-rumoured 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 is now available, priced at just $75
::: Raspberry_Pi ::: Gabry89 ::: nixcraft ::: Genjuro75

Un "logiciel" (software) est désormais un élément de #bibliographie à part entière ! C'est la dernière version de #BibLaTeX, qui propose 4 entrées possibles, @SWHeritage
programming, codice, snippet | storia
::: ThierryStoehr

Google Highlights Indian 'Hack-for-Hire' Companies in New TAG Report
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Developers Reveal Programming Languages They Love and Loathe, and What Pays Best
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Devastating thread on Facebook - at this point, Facebook is the social network arm of the Republican Party. Just like Fox is their TV network, both claim “fair and balanced”, but we can see their actions
Facebook | politica
::: migueldeicaza ::: michelleinbklyn ::: maxberger ::: LeoKelion ::: RadioProzac

How Baidu's AI Produces News Videos Using Just a URL
artificial intelligence | novità
::: Slashdot

il primo pensiero quando vedi un #chromebook
hardware | Linux
::: Genjuro75

ACLU sues facial recognition firm Clearview AI, calling it a ‘nightmare scenario’ for privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

What a Week's Disasters Tell Us About Climate and the Pandemic
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Exit Vim
::: nixcraft

$100 Million in Bounties Paid by HackerOne To Ethical Hackers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

This is not going to end well
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: jessgartner

Mapping an interval of integers to the whole 64-bit range, fairly?
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Star #polygons and #Mandalas, made at school together with my students using @geogebra software. The procedure is illustrated in my Mathematics blog
matematica | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Nereide

A flurry of research into antiferromagnets has come out in the past few years. I explain why some engineers (+ tech companies) think these materials will be key to the future of memory tech
::: AmyNordrum

A $350 'Anti-5G' Device Is Just a 128MB USB Stick, Teardown Finds
5G | frodi
::: Slashdot ::: schneierblog

The Vintage Beauty Of Soviet Control Rooms
::: orporick

NSA Warns of Ongoing Russian Hacking Campaign Against US Systems
::: Slashdot

Viva viva @Sci_Hub!! (I could not have done science without it.)
open source | scienza
::: carlorovelli

YouTube Says China-Linked Comment Deletions Weren't Caused By Outside Parties
social media | politica
::: Slashdot

Google Launches Android Studio 4.0 With Motion Editor, Build Analyzer, and Java 8 APIs
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Germany Calls In Russian Envoy Over Hack Attack
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg – Dead At 36 – Says Social Media Sites Should Not Fact Check Posts
umorismo | social media
::: TheShovel

Vulcan Is Closing 'The Living Computers: Museum + Labs' In Seattle
storia | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Some programming languages can draw images in the REPL. In @racketlang I got the REPL to display animations
language Racket
::: doitwithalambda

Finally, binary output and thus execution of @rustlang programs on Compiler Explorer
programming, codice, snippet | browser
::: CompileExplore

Check out the highlights from our 2020 Developer Survey
linguaggi di programmazione | programming, codice, snippet
::: StackOverflow

Negli Stati uniti un film complottista - "Pandemic" - sul Covid-19 è diventato un «colossal» con migliaia di condivisioni. Presto «molti americani accetteranno o rifiuteranno una storia solo a seconda di chi la racconta»
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: ilmanifesto

Optical atomic clocks based on the natural vibration of atoms will likely redefine the standard for measuring a second in time. Now @NIST has shown how stable microwave signals can synchronize modern electronic systems with optical clocks
tecnologia | scienza
::: jeremyhsu

The time to adopt btrfs has come (already a while ago perhaps). I loved Zfs before this and is a pity how it will not survive long term because of its proprietary licensing. Let this be a lesson, long live btrfs! #filesystems
sistemi operativi
::: jaromil

🌟 The #Townscaper Steam page is live! 🌟
::: OskSta

[Thread] La mia università (non faccio nomi poichè al netto di questo scivolone la ritengo di ottimo livello) ha deciso di inserire un sw di proctoring nelle modalità di esame
scuola, educazione, cultura | sistemi operativi
::: beard_333

Building a 3270 Terminal Controller - We like to talk about how most of our computers today would have been mainframes a scant 40 or 50 years ago. Because of that, many people who want to run IBM mainframes such as the IBM 360 or 370 use the Hercules emul...
storia | hardware
::: hackaday

Remember the XCodeGhost malware? It used to infect XCode's build process to backdoor iOS apps. Here, now there's the NetBeans version of it, planting a RAT on your system and using other NetBeans projects to spread further
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: phretor

Why Remote Work Is So Hard -- and How It Can Be Fixed
::: Slashdot

Full Circle Magazine #157
::: fullcirclemag

I love Twitter -- the product, the tweets, the people I've met on here over the years
::: fchollet

Google Rescinds Offers To Thousands of Contract Workers
::: Slashdot

Quando Trump incontra il giornalista saggio Trump blocca
ok, fake ma ok
Twitter | politica | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: iancanwrite

Ricordi TomTom? Ci ha semplificato la vita e lo abbiamo usato in milioni. Poi si sono venduti i dati sulla viabilità così da piazzare meglio autovelox e multare più efficacemente. Il punto è sempre quello:convincere le persone a fornire spontaneamente i loro dati più preziosi
dati, raccolta
::: f_ronchetti

Indennità Covid-19: distribuito malware APK tramite falso sito INPS
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: _mrbyte

Lockdown has caused a drastic shift in climate we thought was impossible. While people have stayed home, 2.6 billion metric tons of CO2 was never emitted
ambiente, ecologia
::: QuickTake ::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg created a website to rank his female classmates by their appearance
::: democracydiva

Google To Enable the Chrome Anti-Notification Spam System in July 2020
::: Slashdot

Senator Ted Cruz Calls For Criminal Investigation of Twitter
Twitter | politica
::: Slashdot

Amazon Sellers Are Marking Products As 'Collectible' To Get Around Price Gouging Rules
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Eye-Catching Advances in Some AI Fields Are Not Real
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

we can model a lightning strike by finding the shortest path in a random maze, from a point at the top to the ground
ooh! | programming, codice, snippet
::: matthen2

#Apple and Google may never sell their own #cars, but they've already planted their flag in the auto industry
::: DigitalTrends

TinyML is giving hardware new life, thanks to companies like @EdgeImpulse and @Arduino
::: Hacksterio

Joe Biden Doesn't Like Trump's Twitter Order, But Still Wants To Revoke Section 230
social media
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

"Windows is not capable" McNealy said. "Just because you put wings on a horse doesn't mean it's going to fly" 😎
le previsioni riguardo al futuro... Sun, chi l'avrebbe detto (come DEC, Prime, Apollo e tanti altri)
::: unix_byte

He STRONGLY disagrees
social media
::: karaswisher

When An Island Shuts Down: Aruba & the National Emergency Library
Web, Internet | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: RadioProzac

Amazon Will No Longer Support the Echo Look, Encourages Owners To Recycle Theirs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

"(...) Twitter che cancella i messaggi Donald Trump o li bolla per contenuto ingannevole". E quali messaggi avrebbe cancellato?
certi giornalisti (tanti, troppi) e giornali (tanti, troppi) proprio non ce la fanno
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

Rimane sempre il fatto che i social network sono come club privati. Se non stai alle regole ti sbattono fuori. Alcuni sono più restrittivi di altri. È così difficile da capire? Svolgono un ruolo pubblico ma non sono un bene pubblico economicamente definito
social media
::: ThManfredi

La nuova cybertruffa in auge è il vishing
::: sole24ore

Così nasce una leggenda metropolitana? Anche gli scherzi e le battute, se condivisi e adattati, possono essere una scintilla...
confesso che ci sono cascato; ho re-tweettato
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | umorismo
::: Ceravolc

Today, Germany (one of the richest countries of the world that was once called a „climate pioneer“) is opening a new coal power plant. In 2020, in the midst of the climate crisis. What the hell. We are determined shut it down again. And we will. #StoppDatteln4
ha rinunciato al nucleare e allora...
ambiente, ecologia | energia
::: Luisamneubauer

Science and Technology links (May 30th 2020)
::: lemire

28 maggio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 504

Mentre continua l'isolamento e comincio a dimenticare com'era prima ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: AitorxMartinez ::: SMaurizi ::: DEAcampaign ::: couragefound ::: DEAcampaign ::: jlpassarelli

COVID-19 - sorveglianza
::: WebMarkeThink ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: ebobferraris ::: fabiochiusi ::: fpietrosanti ::: fabiochiusi ::: marcelsalathe ::: mikarv ::: fabiochiusi ::: hare_brain ::: F_Kaltheuner ::: mariofusco ::: fabiochiusi ::: jaromil ::: vitalbaa ::: raistolo ::: fabiochiusi ::: lizalinwsj ::: Slashdot ::: vitalbaa ::: disinformatico

Python is considered one of the cleanest, most elegant, programming languages (source code speaking) and it has no types in its sources (but it's type safe anyway). When I quickly scan TS files, even if I understand TS, I visually struggle way more than plain JS
lunga discussione
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

5G milioni di volte più debole forno a microonde
::: dvdfoglia

Here's my favourite implementation in TF 2.x WITH SUPPORT FOR YOLO v4 with many different backbones, from efficientnet, mobilenetv3, xception, etc. It also provides automation for finding best hooks. Plus, the code is constantly being maintained
machine learning
::: nospotfer

Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program 🖌. It is made by artists that want to see affordable art tools for everyone👩‍🎨👨‍🎨. The latest version of Krita, built on #KDE is now available as a snap
applicazioni, programmi
::: ubuntu

Java Programming Language Celebrates Its 25th Birthday. What's Next?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

The man page for Thompson shell from the first edition of Unix Programmer's Manual, 1971
::: unix_byte

Newly-Released Jailbreak Tool Can Unlock Every iPhone and iPad
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Chromium Project Finds 70% of Its Serious Security Bugs Are Memory Safety Problems
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Inspired by a discussion on the racket-users mailing list, I implemented a tiny lock-free queue in Racket for use with future-based parallelism. It was fun! :)
language Racket
::: lexi_lambda

What Happens When Software Development Environments Move to the Cloud?
::: Slashdot

Transmission 3.0 Released
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Altran's 'Code Defect AI' and the Rise of AI-Assisted Coding Tools
programming, codice, snippet | artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

The original .net garbage collector was written in Common Lisp and automatically translated to C++. All newer versions are then based on the C++ code
::: RainerJoswig

UK May Drop Huawei From Planned 5G Networks
5G | politica | Huawei
::: Slashdot

Linus Torvalds Dumps Intel For 32-core AMD Ryzen On His Personal PC
::: Slashdot

Good idea
::: _youhadonejob1

Il diffondersi di #fakenews con le assurde teorie contro il #5G evidenziano la profonda ignoranza sul tema delle reti cellulari e la loro evoluzione. Raccomando la lettura di questo contributo sulla “cooperazione” tra l’attuale rete #4GLTE ed il #5G
::: cesareavenia

All extremist contents must be removed because these contents are prohibited by law, this is our position on #HateSpeech and illegal contents, what is illegal offline must be also illegal online
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: cdteu

My Standard Desktop
Since so many people have been asking about my setup I wrote down what my work from home desktop setup looks like
::: mitsuhiko

Synthesizing JIT Compilers for In-Kernel DSLs
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Corrado Böhm, On encoding logical-mathematical formulas using the machine itself during program conception (1954). This is considered the first compiler
::: pervognsen

Putting the same effort in designing every single part of your code base is wasteful at best and overengineering at worst. Fan-in is the number of other classes depending on a particular class. Design effort should be proportional to it
::: mariofusco

The 25th anniversary of Java has been mostly fun conversations with old friends. Besides, it's really more like the 28th anniversary
mio ricordo: Ubaldo da Giors che scorre un articolo e parte al volo, bei tempi (ero giovane)
linguaggi di programmazione | protagonisti
::: errcraft

Il @LinuxDayItalia giunge alla 20a edizione, e un anniversario così eccezionale, in circostanze (quelle imposte dal #COVID19) così eccezionali, non poteva che essere celebrato in modo eccezionale: 24/25 ottobre, manifestazione nazionale online
::: ItaLinuxSociety

Finally getting clued in on why graph/data flow interfaces don’t work very well for programming. They are context free diagrams which actually model a universal space. Unvisualized state is part of the problem. Also at runtime, there is a rewiring of diagrams happening
programming, codice, snippet
::: prathyvsh

Artificial Intelligence remains a high-priority for the EC. AI framework could become a standard for other nations to follow. Interesting difference between @ThierryBreton & @VeraJourova (of course not mutually exclusive)
artificial intelligence | politica
::: SamuelStolton

La rivincita della #rete #fissa corre sul filo in #fibra #ottica. Crescita a doppia cifra delle nuove connessioni in #banda #ultralarga nei due mesi di lockdown. La riapertura di maggio non inverte la tendenza. Torna anche chi aveva staccato la spina
Web, Internet
::: viciocort

No geolocation data used ✅ fully based on the new "Exposure Notification framework" exposed at OS level by the manufacturers and based on the privacy-preserving protocol "DP3T" by @carmelatroncoso and colleagues ✅
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jaromil

Il sito del Progetto Gutenberg bloccato (via DNS) in Italia ( e mi pare solo in Italia!!) per violazione del copyright dalla Procura di Roma. Un qualche P.M. che non ha idea di quel che fa avrà preso per buona qualche iniziativa "a tutela della cultura". Ma basta! #fixcopyright
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: CBlengio ::: CristianCantoro ::: demartin ::: xmau ::: patfumetto ::: CBlengio

Modern #Java for cloud developers
linguaggi di programmazione
::: myfear

Very proud to announce the great work by 100 @tudelft computer science master students: A collection of over 100 technical essays covering the software architecture of 28 open source systems
programming, codice, snippet
::: avandeursen

How else are you actually supposed to learn math if you can't spend the whole weekend writing your "cheat app" instead of studying for the exam?
::: dabeaz

itertools — Iterator Functions
::: pymotw

Twitter Struggles To Label Misleading COVID-19 Tweets
::: Slashdot

Today @jakevdp and I turned the 2018 PyCon Altair tutorial into a Jupyter Book. Special thanks to @choldgraf and the team at The Executable Book Project for making the process so easy
::: eitanlees

A Massive Database of 8 Billion Thai Internet Records Leaks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Densità delle reti Wi-Fi in Europa
Web, Internet
::: LucaSambucci

Thousands of Enterprise Systems Infected by New Blue Mockingbird Malware Gang
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Confidence Interval
::: xkcd

Game of life written in V, built with WASM/V.js in your browser
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

Excellent thread with lots of links to other excellent threads on THAT widely reported claim about covid bots. We have to do better than this
social media | web-bot, robocall | coronavirus
::: rasmus_kleis

Il #5G è una questione geopolitica. Un ritardo oggi è una tara sullo sviluppo futuro. L'Italia🇮🇹ha un buon posizionamento, ma altri sono avanti: 🇰🇷🇨🇳🇺🇸. Le fake news sono alimentate anche da chi vuole fare concorrenza sleale
::: Luke_like ::: carloalberto ::: cosimoamato_

Twitter statement re: Trump's tweets about Lori Klausutis: "We are deeply sorry about the pain these statements… are causing the family." Changes are in the works to "expand existing product features and policies so we can more effectively address things like this going forward"
Twitter | politica
::: brianstelter ::: Slashdot ::: DebraMessing ::: lizzadwoskin ::: marina_catucci ::: darth ::: PreetBharara ::: fabiochiusi ::: sole24ore ::: b_fung ::: noUpside ::: fabiochiusi ::: JoyceWhiteVance ::: carlopiana ::: tedeschini ::: fabiochiusi ::: skdh ::: AlienoGentile ::: emenietti ::: cdteu ::: ilpost ::: dangillmor ::: jbarro ::: Reuters ::: f_ronchetti ::: fabiochiusi ::: BrendanNyhan ::: EstelMP ::: AlienoGentile

📢 the most popular circular JSON module has been updated, now written in modern JS and shipped as proper dual ESM/CJS module. That’s it for v3, no other changes at all, still 100% code covered
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

Microsoft's Jeff Teper: Teams 'Will Be Even Bigger Than Windows'
::: Slashdot

Ci son più data breach
::: Genjuro75

Google porta in Italia i nuovi computer portatili Chromebook
hardware | sistemi operativi | Google
::: sole24ore

Every time that I type "block" in email, GMail tries to complete it with "chain." Usually, I'm going for "-based programming," but it might be fun to take the suggestion and see where that leads my research
::: guzdial

Google To Begin Reopening Offices July 6, Will Let Employees Expense $1,000 for Equipment While Telecommuting
::: Slashdot

FB/Twitter et al: It's a complicated, nuanced, not one-size-fits-all problem that will take new legislation to fix
social media
::: DaveLeeFT

New Android Vulnerability Strandhogg 2.0 Exploits User Trust
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Chrome and Firefox Block Torrent Site YTS Over 'Phishing'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

New #dataleak of private account information extends the long list of 2020: this time 26M bloggers' email, username and passwords on livejournal. While this year has seen record numbers, we provided free and open source solutions in our European projects at @DyneOrg
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jaromil

Internet - famiglie connesse
Web, Internet
::: _Sazed

The Remote Cheerer system (...) allows fans following the match on TV, the radio or online to encourage – or berate – players via their smartphones, their voices reverberating around the stadium in realtime via loudspeakers
idea 💡 | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

Insignia Project Aims To Resurrect Xbox Live For the Original Xbox
::: Slashdot

actually, I went pretty minimal in here too 😅
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

In land of big data, China sets individual privacy rights
dati, raccolta | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: AndreaPira

target="_blank" - The most underrated security vulnerability
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lucaferrari15

I've just published a post about controlling the terminal with escape sequences
Lisp | programming, codice, snippet
::: dk_jackdaniel

Looking Glass Starts Shipping Its 8K Holographic Display
::: Slashdot

Minecraft Dungeons might wipe your SSD if you uninstall it
non so quanto serio (Windows 98?)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Win98Tech

An introduction to edge computing for computer vision and robotics
robots, automazione, droni | programming, codice, snippet
::: ubuntu

Un salto di 10 anni in 10 giorni di sicuro, ma un salto efficace? Ed è stato nella direzione giusta?
e-learning da COVID-19
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: MarcoCantamessa

How Covid-19 tracing apps can be attacked
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | coronavirus
::: nielstenoever

profili falsi, esercito di troll, botnet a sostegno, presenza anche di attori nazionali in questa dinamica: la relazione del Copasir cita il monotoraggoi dell'Aisi e denuncia una serie di azioni di Russia e Cina nel web italiano
trolls, disinformazione
::: jacopo_iacoboni

This is how a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist's "brain" works
trolls, disinformazione | coronavirus
::: carlopiana

Facebook knew its recommendation algorithms were dividing society and didn’t address it, because doing so would reduce engagement/growth, @dseetharaman @JeffHorwitz report
::: sarahfrier

Web development used to be easy to at least bootstrap, but nowadays it's more complex than ever. ucdn and ucompress were created to simplify bootstrap and debugging, also using npm modules right away
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

"UNIX AND OTHER LIES" by John C Dvorak, PC Magazine, March 1988. "My favorite example is the notion that UNIX will not only achieve success as a personal computer operating system but will dominate the scene and be the operating system of choice" 😎
::: unix_byte

Your periodic reminder that “system python” is not python. Avoid at all costs
Python | Ubuntu
::: dabeaz

A solar power revolution is happening indoors, with next-gen solar cells that could make our many IoT devices more efficient & less reliant on batteries
::: mariagallucci

25 maggio, 2020

Una scuola al tempo dell'epidemia

Riporto quanto raccontatomi da una mamma, tutto confermato dal figlio vittima in quarta elementare. Non so se tutto vero, riporto. E a seguire qualche perplessità (mie, solo mie, nèh!).

Tutti i giorni arrivano le slides prima quelle delle lezioni e quelle dei compiti a seguire.

Le lezioni devono essere copiate (così dimostri di averle lette), i compiti devi anche svolgerli. Scannerizzi (a me non piace questa parola ma è quella usata, è un termine tecnico™) tutti i malloppi (tipicamente 5 + 3 pagine, circa, varia molto come scrivi e da giorno a giorno) e invii all'indirizzo che la scuola ha predisposto, grazie Google.

L'altro giorno la lezione è arrivata a notte inoltrata (può capitare che la rete è giù, non darei subito la colpa alle maestre, nota mia), rimandato tutto al giorno dopo, lavoro doppio.

Non so se sono solo io ma non mi piace neanche un po'! Per la presenza dello scolaro non ho chiesto tutti i chiarimenti che avrei voluto, chissà se online...

Una considerazione preliminare: non tutti hanno computer e stampante (con lo scanner) a casa; anzi recentemente (ma prima della quarantena) mi veniva detto che è molto meglio il telefono (ordiphone ho sentito dire en France, bellissimo neologismo), fai le stesse cose (cosa?) e te lo porti dietro, e la/il ragazza/o lo puoi controllare. È ancora valido? evidentemente no.
Quanti scolari (dai non per antigenderismo ma non ce la faccio a supplire il maschilismo della lingua italiana continuando a desinenziare "o/a", io che da sempre mi lamento della mancanza del neutro) hanno (o hanno avuto in questo periodo di quarantena) l'hardware necessario? E il toner? vero che puoi leggere a schermo ma a volte la carta serve (io sottolineo, evidenzio, scrivo commenti e altro). Ma ancora prima: quanti hanno una connessione?

Il ragazzo in questione è stato più mesi senza avere contatti con i compagni di scuola, vero che nella stessa casa abitano due cuginetti ma più piccoli, non è la stessa cosa.

L'aiuto dei genitori: questa è una componente non trascurabile ma con variabilità di gigazilioni di ordini di grandezza. Non ho chiesto anche se ... Per il caso in oggetto c'è di tutto (padagni doc, immigrati, operai (in via di estinzione), giggini, altri, anche normali) e mi dicono che le classi sono mischiose. Come vengono gestite eventuali carenze dalla scuola?

Non è compito mio ( che cu --- fortunatamente) ma come saranno giudicati gli alunni? in base a quali elementi? e le condizioni sono tutte ugualmente certe? e le maestre (mi dicono che c'è anche un maestro ma questa volta il discriminato è lui) faranno tutto loro, saranno lasciate sole?

Da qualche tempo sto seguendo un paio (abbondante) di didattica a distanza, non so se per mia spheega pochi casi positivi. Ah! uno che mi piace, tanto, raccomandatissimo, Orporick, per la parte terminale della secondaria.

E poi, OT: avrei da ridire anche su studenti universitari ma 1) non tutti; e 2) probabilmente sono solo io.

E poi basta, oggi devo anche festeggiare


24 maggio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 503

Fase 2, si riprende, comincia a sembrare quasi normale, e questo è quello che ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: CredicoRandy ::: SomersetBean ::: DefendAssange

Covid-19 - sorveglianza
::: tim_cook ::: Slashdot ::: SMaurizi ::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: davegershgorn ::: fabiochiusi

Twitter is Testing a Feature That Limits Who Can Reply To Your Tweets
::: Slashdot

Kaggle launched a "Load from URL" feature for notebooks
machine learning
::: MeganRisdal

CPUs were invented by the compiler industry
::: donsbot

Bart Gellman on Snowden
Edward Snowden
::: schneierblog

The Public Do Not Understand Logarithmic Graphs Used To Portray COVID-19
::: Slashdot

::: xkcdComic

Arkansas Governor Frames Programmer Who Discovered PUA Data Breach As Acting Illegally
bug | politica
::: Slashdot

A neat TF2/Keras implementation of text-to-speech with Transformer
machine learning
::: fchollet

Carlsberg and Coca-Cola Back Pioneering Project To Make Plant-Based Bottles
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

#UbuntuBudgie 20.04 Review: Smooth, Polished & Plenty of Changes!
::: AndreaDraghetti

I ricercatori hanno scoperto una vulnerabilità Bluetooth che consente a un utente malintenzionato di impersonare l'identità di un altro dispositivo senza la chiave di collegamento utilizzata per l'associazione
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: arturodicorinto

Cold War Satellites Inadvertently Tracked Species Declines
spazio, esplorazione | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Bello, ma non facciamo prima a scrivere un compilatore Typescript per .net? E poi magari fare eseguire il .net da node.js? Ah, no, aspetta...
linguaggi di programmazione
::: DiegoManinetti

Tweet threads demonstrate the abject failure of the web as a publications medium. Turns out people didn't want markup and style sheets and scripting. They just wanted a box to type into
ovviamente non concordo
Twitter | Web, Internet
::: runarorama

Dovette assolutamente leggervi la conversazione romantica avvenuta ieri notte tra @Twitter e @NASA - Hanno un appuntamento per andare insieme su Marte
::: Link4Universe

Le major non vogliono perdere il controllo della produzione culturale, nemmeno per garantire l'accesso allo studio
copyright e brevetti
::: ArgiaSbolenfi

Did anybody really believe that it could?
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

Migliaia di utenti con password in chiaro, tra cui pazienti e infermieri. @SanRaffaeleMI nessuno è preoccupato del #databreach?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: LulzSec_ITA

The Italian Society for the History of Science is on Twitter! Please spread the word and help us create a lively virtual community! We love to know what everyone is up to!
scienza | storia
::: SISS_Outreach

At long last! A BibLaTeX style file for citing software
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: CoolSWEng

Spot, il robot della Boston Dynamics usato a Singapore per controllare il distanziamento nei parchi, in Nuova Zelanda allevatore di pecore 🐑 e agricoltore
robots, automazione, droni
::: LalaHu9

NASA’s Lunar Space Station Is a Great/Terrible Idea
And ICYMI, here's Spectrum's 2019 report on extreme social distancing. AKA returning to the moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Facebook Says It Will Permanently Shift Tens of Thousands of Jobs To Remote Work
::: Slashdot ::: CaseyNewton ::: austin_walker

Facebook and Twitter are terrified of Trump
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: _arianna

Last year, Google claimed to have achieved quantum supremacy with just 53 qubits, performing a calculation in 200 seconds that the company estimated would take the world's most powerful supercomputer 10,000 years. But is Google's claim legit?
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

Copyright Office: System For Pulling Content Offline Isn't Working
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Check Point Releases Open-Source Fix For Common Linux Memory Corruption Security Hole
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Here are instructions for constructing a standalone #COVID19 contact tracing device prototype with a @Raspberry_Pi Zero-W. The device is compatible with the Apple/Google Bluetooth contact tracing specification and the #DP3T privacy-preserving design
hardware | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: CoolSWEng

Grandmother Ordered To Delete Facebook Photos Under GDPR
social media | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Hackers Infect Multiple Game Developers With Advanced Malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Today in "fun" Unix facts. The #! ("shebang") is not part of the POSIX spec. In fact, it's listed as a "some implementations do this"
yepp! cosa non nuova ma i giovani forse non sanno
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: apgwoz

Students Are Failing AP Tests Because the College Boards Can't Handle HEIC Images
::: Slashdot

The Deprecated *nix API
io sono rimastyo indietro, SysV con integrazioni (Bash, linguaggi (interpretati) vari e poco altro) --ah! sì l'interfaccia grafica, ma solo a volte
sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

The #GNUHealth HMIS client 3.6.9 is out
::: gnuhealth

Heh, the Google Family Link app has an average score of 1.5/10 because kids are mad that they are being parented
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: corbindavenport

Microsoft Open-Sources GW-BASIC
this is really cool! GW-BASIC was my third BASIC (after Apple and TI) and I spent untold hours writing it in the early/mid 80s
storia | linguaggi di programmazione
::: johnregehr ::: richturn_ms ::: CoolSWEng

Great progression on the #algosov research theme by @UrbanoReviglio and @_vecna in this recently published article: Thinking Outside the Black-Box: The Case for “Algorithmic Sovereignty” in Social Media
social media
::: jaromil

Grazie ESA
::: orporick

Linux Desktop Org GNOME Foundation Settles Lawsuit With Patent Troll
open source
::: Slashdot

"Like the creators of sitcoms or junk food or package tours, Java's designers were consciously designing a product for people not as smart as them." —@paulg - "Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them popular by not having them." —@jamesiry
::: ShriramKMurthi

How iPhone Hackers Got Their Hands on the New iOS Months Before Its Release
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Anche #Twitter cede alle sirene delle stories. Non è lontano il tempo in cui ci sarà un unico gigantesco social. #FleetsFeedback
::: SergioGridelli

I learned Emacs in high school because I wanted something better than Notepad++ and I thought the screenshot on Wikipedia looked cool. That was almost exactly 10 years ago. I still think that was one of the best decisions I ever made
applicazioni, programmi
::: tikhonjelvis

We Lose A Lot When Podcasts Go Closed Instead Of Open
open source
::: Slashdot

Take the alternating geometric sum of any 0 matematica
::: InertialObservr

'Weird' Nintendo Switch Issue Makes it Easier to Guess Passwords
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Basically, [District Judge John Coughenour] ruled, the FBI pushing the button on the phone to activate the lock screen qualified as a search, regardless of the lock screen's nature
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: eeide

Microsoft: Here's Why We Love Programming Language Rust and Kicked off Project Verona
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Google's a Problem For Everyone Who Sells Something Online, Says Expedia Group CEO
Google | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

On Facebook and YouTube, Classical Musicians Are Getting Blocked or Muted
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Lisp has too many parentheses
::: stylewarning

Researchers Claim New Internet Speed Record of 44.2 Tbps
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Nvidia's AI Recreates 'Pac-Man' For 40th Anniversary
artificial intelligence | games | storia
::: Slashdot ::: nvidia

To everyone wanting to keep their San Francisco salary when they move to Montana
lavoro | economia, lavoro
::: nikitabier

Uninstall #sudo ASAP hereby admitting my mistakes to sudo haters: you were right. I suck for having used sudo for more than a decade and you all #suckless
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Python
::: jaromil

Petr Horálek

The startup @CoderHQ wants to put your development environment in the cloud
::: IEEESpectrum

Programming inside a container - This is how I program in 2020
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire ::: lemire

Contextual Symbols in Math
::: MathProgramming

we're super happy that people continue to use and contribute to Csmith!
::: johnregehr

Watch Erica, an android created by @hiroshiishiguro, try to have natural conversations with people, in this week's roundup of awesome robot videos
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

Modern telescopes take more images than astronomers can easily study. See how @mike_w_ai uses crowdsourcing and active learning with @galaxyzoo to help identify galaxies
machine learning
::: TensorFlow

The crazy story of how a classic calculator was revived
l'ho mancato, prima TI poi HP per me allora
::: IEEESpectrum

All of these high school students are now superstitiously knocking on wood #FakeNews #Mentana #MockingbirdMedia
giornali, stampa
::: heather_parisi

Artificial intelligence can make personality judgments based on photographs
h/t massimiliano tanzini @tanzmax
artificial intelligence
::: _juhan

MC-microcomputer online
dal 1981 (al 2001) la piu' autorevole rivista di informatica personale
::: eagle1maledetto

Genio del giorno
::: dcavedon

Dobbiamo mirare sempre più a una gestione responsabile e sostenibile del capitale naturale, patrimonio di tutti, cui è strettamente associato quello culturale, unico al mondo. Da centinaia di scienziati 10 idee concrete al governo per la ripartenza
ambiente, ecologia | politica
::: ilmanifesto

"There is no force that can stop our confidence and pace in building a beautiful world with artificial intelligence!” So exclaims a tech company who is doing nothing suspicious and possesses no frightening ambitions
artificial intelligence | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: jathansadowski

Debugging Tactics
programming, codice, snippet
::: _Sazed

Coltivare di più per coltivare meno
digitalizzazione | ambiente, ecologia
::: MauroMandrioli

parse and format IP:port currently in listen state without net tools (glaudiston) #net #tcp #container
tip, suggerimenti
::: commandlinefu

Raspberry Pi 4: Assembliamo un Mini-PC desktop con meno di 100€
::: Genjuro75

I ported a small npm package to Deno. Then I wrote a small report
linguaggi di programmazione
::: thek3nger