29 maggio, 2022

Visto nel Web - 712

Troppe cose da fare, qualcosa mi sfugge oltre a quello che ho wisto nel Web.

What do you do when you have less than a year to hew Twitter to your vision, all while the incoming owner says he has "no confidence" in your leadership and tweets poop emojis at you? @MikeIsaac and I looked into Parag's plan
::: kateconger

Hacker Steals $1.4 Million in NFTs From Collector In One Sweep
“No words can describe the level of life altering results this has caused”
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: VICE

A team of Dutch physicists has taken a significant step toward the computer network of the future, using a technique called quantum teleportation to send data across three physical locations. Previously, this was possible with only two
mah, forse, e poi non oggi, non per me
quantum computing | Web, Internet
::: nytimestech

This madness has to stop. Ban ban ban ban ban - Clearview AI Says It's Bringing Facial Recognition to Schools
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Digital life in the U.S. and China is largely walled off from the other, but the two online spheres are not totally isolated, writes
social media
::: nytimestech

California Parents Could Soon Sue For Social Media Addiction
social media
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Dev Box Will Virtualize Your Windows Development PC In a Browser Window
Microsoft | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Researchers Unveil Paper On New Battery That Could Last 100 Years
::: Slashdot

Twitter to pay $150 mln to settle with U.S. over privacy, security violations
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: emenietti

NY State is Giving Out Hundreds of Robots as Companions For the Elderly
uh! lo voglio anch'io, Silvio proponi la legge e *cough-cough* ti voto
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot


Davos 2022: George Soros blames AI and new tech for helping repressive regimes
“AI “is particularly good at producing instruments of control that help repressive regimes and endanger open societies,” he said”
artificial intelligence | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Shell Consultant Publicly Quits Over Company's ‘Extreme Harm’ to Earth
She urged her former colleagues to do the same
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: VICE

Voyager Wires
::: xkcd

Behold! The worst idea! Please enjoy a world in which you cannot refund your canceled hotel reservation unless you find a greater fool
not fungible token
::: evacide

ma sai che c’è questo materiale super riciclabile che si chiama vetro?
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: emenietti

Elon Musk’s proposed Hyperloop is all smoke and mirrors. @StartsWithABang reviews a few “technical details” of the relationship between infrastructure, geometry, acceleration and you
innovazioni, futuro
::: fjjariego

Emulator-Backed Remakes - “Back in my day, games were better. They were more fun because gameplay was more important than graphics.” – Gamers born in any given decade
::: lproven

Report: workers delivering Amazon’s packages are injured at a "shocking rate"
Amazon | lavoro
::: verge

AI Inventing Its Own Culture, Passing It On to Humans, Sociologists Find
“we argue that rather than a mere means of cultural transmission (such as books or the Internet), algorithmic agents and AI may also play an active role in shaping cultural evolution processes online“
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Google’s ad dominance targeted by a second probe from the UK’s competition watchdog
ad, pubblicità | monopolio
::: verge

Big Tech is pouring millions into the wrong climate solution at Davos
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | big tech
::: verge

How the revamped Large Hadron Collider will hunt for new physics
::: formicablu

Yes, this ~2,300 word story is the short answer. Lawmakers who introduced these bills told us that Big Tech essentially wrote the drafts. We saw industry groups with the same members back it, & talked to advocates who've been overwhelmed by lobbyists
big tech | politica
::: alfredwkng

Broadcom is buying VMware in a $61 billion mega-deal
economia, lavoro | hardware | cloud | programming, codice, snippet
::: engadget ::: GregoryNYC

Wow. Verizon's security is so breathtakingly bad that a hacker was able to trick an employee into giving them remote access to their computer, which allowed the hacker to then scrape an internal database of Verizon employees
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: zackwhittaker

Foxconn Factory Fiasco Could Leave Wisonsinites On the Hook For $300 Million
c'era dentro the Donald
economia, lavoro | hardware
::: Slashdot

Senate Report Finds Government is Unprepared To Stop Ransomware Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Ieri l'Agenzia per la Cybersicurezza Nazionale (@csirt_it) ha pubblicato la Strategia Nazionale di Cybersicurezza 2022-2026. Tra gli obiettivi, un accenno interessante al tema Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) di cui vi ho parlato molto in questi anni 🧵
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: gvarisco ::: evaristegal0is

We introduce the #GeneralIndex of #SoftwareEngineering Papers, a #dataset of fulltext-indexed papers from the most prominent scientific venues in the field of Software Engineering. #msr2022
dati, raccolta
::: zacchiro

He clearly has no idea what he's doing
Elon Musk
::: VICE

L’Università di Udine lancia un corso di laurea triennale in Filosofia e Trasformazione Digitale
::: fabiochiusi

Twitter shareholder sues Elon Musk for tanking the company’s stock
Twitter | Elon Musk
::: verge

Finally we can reveal the cover for the Climate Book! The Warming Stripes graphic by @ed_hawkins on the cover shows the dramatic heating of the planet in recent decades. The book contains essays from over 100 leading experts and voices. It will be released this October
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg ::: ed_hawkins

Hello from Davos! I am here because of the war in my country Ukraine🇺🇦 Because Europe is dependent on Fossil Energy owned by dictator Putin. War in Ukraine is Climate Crisis of today in Europe
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ilyess_ek

ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg ::: Sarahhh_lndian ::: auber_fichess

A La Verità uno dei fondamenti dell’epistemologia, la differenza tra causa e correlazione, resta evidentemente sconosciuto. Ottima premessa per indagare la scienza delle (ripetutamente) presunte “reazioni avverse” dei vaccini di cui non ci dicono (!11)!
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

For a story on a paid facial recognition service called PimEyes, my colleagues graciously volunteered their faces to show just how alarmingly effective it can be in finding photos of someone on the internet
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: kashhill

Today’s JavaScript, from an outsider’s perspective (2020)
successo (molto prima) anche a me, ma non l'ho detto in giro
programming, codice, snippet
::: newsycombinator

Il touchscreen che probabilmente ha usato per scrivere sta cosa "non provocatoria" e mettere il like alle risposte che la soddisfano è stato inventato nel 1972 da Bent Stumpe, ingegnere del #CERN per facilitare il controllo dell'acceleratore SPS. Cosi, tanto per dirne una
innovazioni, futuro | scienza
::: ClaudioBortolin ::: f_ronchetti

Mi chiamo Vera Florence Cooper e sono nata a Philadelphia nel 1928. I miei genitori sono ebrei immigrati dall’Europa orientale e lavorano come impiegati della compagnia telefonica Bell. Incoraggiano me e mia sorella Ruth a studiare qualsiasi cosa ci appassioni. /1
scienza | storia
::: a_a_f_t

Links to the future - (featuring @SWHeritage and @github)
Web, Internet
::: khinsen

Take a look at some of the options for your kids
scuola, educazione, cultura | Linux
::: itsfoss2

AmigaOne X1000/X5000 Remains Well Supported With PowerPC Linux
storia | hardware | sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Ho cominciato a tradurre in 🇮🇹 italiano Gameshell, un gioco per imparare a usare il terminale. Ideale per incontri ai lug o nelle scuole. Mi serve una mano per tradurre e revisionare
Linux | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Mte90Net

Impossibly Small Robot Crabs Could Someday Be Used Inside Bodies
robots, automazione, droni
::: VICE

Schools don't teach, "Writing with Bic," "Math with Texas Instruments,""Art with Crayola," or "Driver's Ed with Ford." But they do teach "Tech with Microsoft." Word processing & operating systems are school subjects, Word & Windows are company products. Who are schools serving?
scuola, educazione, cultura | Microsoft
::: massonpj

Meta Copied VR Technology Key To Metaverse Gaming, Immersion Claims
Facebook | metaverso
::: Slashdot

The law requires shareholders who buy more than 5% of a company’s shares to disclose ownership within 10 days. Musk did not make his purchases public until three weeks later. He also filed indicating that he did not intend to pursue control of Twitter
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: nytimestech

Barnes & Noble introduces a cheap e-reader to compete with the Kindle
hardware | dispositivi mobili
::: verge

G-7 Pledges Put Coal on Notice, Could Boost Climate Aid
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

« Le pillage de la communauté des logiciels libres » Un articolo pubblicato da @mdiplo sul ruolo predatorio dei #GAFAM nella comunità del #SoftwareLibero e disponibile in libero accesso
anche in inglese
open source | big tech
::: nilocram

Top Fed Official Warns About US Falling Behind in Digital Dollar Race
::: Slashdot

Larger-than-30TB Hard Drives Are Coming Much Sooner Than Expected
::: Slashdot

A silent one-person protest can be powerful
Julian Assange
::: StellaMoris1

A nice FreeBSD 13.1 review by @lproven which explains some of why FreeBSD feels subtly different to a desktop Linux, even as you can do basically all the same jobs
sistemi operativi
::: davidgerard

Six months and $1.6 trillion of losses later, what have we learned?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: VICE

Winning the web: How Beijing exploits search results to shape views of Xinjiang and COVID-19
Cina | media
::: fabiochiusi

Gaia found brand new exoplanets among the sea of 1.7 billion it is watching
spazio, esplorazione | scienza
::: universetoday

IndyCar Is Moving To 100% Renewable Ethanol In 2023
::: Slashdot

New Airbus Facility To Research Cryogenic Fuel Systems For Next-Gen Hydrogen Planes
::: Slashdot

Mobile phone in future…
::: TansuYegen

Europe leads the world in the use of renewable energy sources
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: heimbergecon

Troppe cose da fare; non so se posso registrare tutto. Ma poi riprendo. Probabilmente presto. Forse.

26 maggio, 2022

Visto nel Web - 711

Indaffarato e pasticcione, forse o distratto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Scientists are starting to express concerns about the hazardous gasses that rockets can spew into Earth’s skies
spazio, esplorazione | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: VICE

Trascurare le regole che stanno alla base della nostra comunicazione, significa rendere le nostre idee meno efficaci
manuali, how to
::: SergioGridelli

Questa retorica della crisi applicata alla scuola tende ad alimentare i luoghi comuni di cui si nutre, come quelli relativi al progressivo peggioramento del livello degli apprendimenti
scuola, educazione, cultura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DomaniGiornale

Posting about struggles with mental health is not a new concept. But over the last few years - and with the popularization of TikTok - a new corner of the app has seen a big boom: Trauma Tok
social media
::: VICE

Bad Press Award
giornali, stampa | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac

Avoiding Sanctions with Cryptocurrency? US Govt Files First Criminal Charges
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Is Social Media Training Us to Please a Machine?
social media
::: Slashdot

Il crollo improvviso delle valute digitali è coinciso con quello dei titoli tecnologici, facendo pensare allo scoppio della bolla. Ma il futuro di Bitcoin non è ancora segnato, perché ha ormai introdotto un sistema innovativo che non sarà abbandonato
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: DomaniGiornale

On the US-Mexico border, American agents have begun deploying AI ‘robot dogs’ due to the “life-threatening hazards” associated with climate change
robots, automazione, droni | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: EricHolthaus

Why tech giants’ cash is a hidden source of greenhouse gas emissions
big tech | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: verge

Biggest Targets at Pwn2Own Event: Microsoft's Windows, Teams, and Ubuntu Desktop
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Mitsubishi Develops Technology for 3D Printing in Outer Space
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Climate change and scientific advances might just be the shot in the arm the flagging nuclear energy industry needs. But did the dangers actually go away?
energia | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: VICE

Crypto exchange FTX is getting into stock trading
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge

I ‘capricci’ di Voyager 1
spazio, esplorazione
::: MauroV1968

Some years ago, I feel into the GitHub trap -- gratis repositories (private and public). Thankfully, I came to my senses, took an hour, converted to Fossil, setup a VPS, and put all of them there -- do the same, keep the interwebs free. GitHub is harmful to #software #freedom
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: amszmidt

The dominant intellectual current in AI research today is the belief that we can (and soon will) create human-level AI without having to understand how the mind works (and without even having a proper definition of intelligence), through pure behaviorism and gradient descent
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

As a part of ACM’s 75th anniversary celebrations, ACM is opening up a large portion of its archives, making the first 50 years of its published records—more than 117,500 documents dating from 1951 to 2000—accessible to the public without a login
dati, raccolta
::: mikko

Cronache Eloniane
Elon Musk
::: maxberger

Pearls Before Swine for May 22, 2022
::: _juhan

Mathematics, computer programming. A conical spiral comes alive, revealing its beauty to us. By Javad Taba, @smjtyazd. Source, with equations
programming, codice, snippet | matematica
::: pickover

Can Tech Firms Prevent Violent Videos Circulating on the Internet?
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Linux 5.18 Released, This is What’s New
::: omgubuntu

Happy 10th Birthday to me! Thanks to everyone who has used, shared, contributed to, or spread the word about the site in the last decade!
Matt has put some thoughts down on this momentous occasion
programming, codice, snippet
::: CompileExplore

Can We Generate Renewable Energy by Burning Trash?
::: Slashdot

NFT Conference Founder Predicts 97% of Current Projects Will Lose Value Through 2024
not fungible token
::: Slashdot

Lecturer Argues Cryptocurrency Should 'Die in a Fire', Predicts Implosion
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

In a world where many movies and TV shows are available on demand, studios and streaming services still go to great lengths to accommodate government censorship—and citizens will go further to sneak past them
::: VICE

A team of researchers have discovered a way to generate electricity at night
::: VICE

Developer Survey: JavaScript and Python Reign, but Rust is Rising
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Hollywood Designer 6.0 Released: Now a 'Full-Blown Multimedia Authoring System'
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Quattro attempat* in tv, dopo essere stati gabbati per due giorni dai titoli dei giornali e mostrando di non sapervi andare oltre, apostrofano i giovani "analfabeti funzionali" assumendo per pregiudizio siano incapaci di comprendere il testo e "fare le ricerche" come una volta e
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: timetit ::: MilaSpicola

This is a kind of mathematics joke
::: pickover

Most people in tech see their job as a way to make money and then retire. But you spend most of your time working! It shapes who you are and defines the mark you leave on the world. Your job is first and foremost your window of opportunity to grow, learn, and make an impact
lavoro | programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

"Software is either testable or detestable." – Anonymous

dirty hack to implement efficient arrays of unboxed numbers in Coalton, without touching the Coalton compiler - I wish I had the wherewithal to futz around with stuff of this style in Haskell & co. A backdoor to Common Lisp makes it too easy
::: stylewarning

“YouTube has taken down more than 70,000 videos and 9,000 channels related to the war in Ukraine for violating content guidelines, including removal of videos that referred to the invasion as a “liberation mission””
social media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | cyberwar
::: fabiochiusi

We are working to equip Europe with its Blockchain Services Infrastructure
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | Unione Europea
::: marcgarrett20

The Era of Borderless Data Is Ending
dati, raccolta
::: fabiochiusi

“At present, Meta has only one fact-checker dedicated to Slovakia” 😳 Facebook slammed for spreading Putin’s propaganda in Nato’s east
Facebook | cyberwar
::: fabiochiusi

What Made Golang Become Popular? Its Creators Look Back
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Clearview AI ordered to delete facial recognition data belonging to UK residents
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: verge

Survey Finds Highest Developer Interest in Blockchain Apps, Cryptocurrencies, and NFTs
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | not fungible token
::: Slashdot

functools — Tools for Manipulating Functions #python
::: pymotw

Se i droni che sventrano i tank russi vi hanno stufato, qui c'è una variante più interessante: il drone che lancia il defibrillatore a un infartuato in una zona poco raggiungibile della Svezia. Facciamoli entrare nella Nato, ma pure alla Asl Rm1 se vogliono
anzi tutte le ASL
::: andcapocci

What does it mean for the news when the AI that's used in both production & distribution increasingly comes from big tech? 🤔🤖📰 - 🧵 ahead…
big tech | dati, raccolta
::: _FelixSimon_

The slow buses will continue until fare compliance improves
da noi sarebbero tutti fermi lì, sempre
::: VICE

Insegnate abilità, non fatti
scienza | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: MauroV1968

Why we need a public internet and how to get one
Web, Internet
::: verge

Before the web there was a hypertext service. Gopher's back • The Register - I first learned about Gopher in middle school back in the '00s. Fun fact it was originally developed in my home state of Minnesota
Web, Internet
::: Tobias_Writes

NASA Programmer Remembers Debugging Lisp In Deep Space
Lisp | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Nvidia turns to liquid cooling to reduce big tech’s energy use
::: verge

La #Cina è responsabile di più della metà delle centrali a carbone in costruzione su tutto il pianeta. E non sembra voler correggere la rotta in futuro
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | energia
::: DomaniGiornale

Così l’Italia vuole guidare l’inseguimento ai pannelli solari della Cina
Ma in Cina le fabbriche sono gigantesche, anche da 15 gigawatt ciascuna. E recuperare il gap richiederà molto tempo
::: DomaniGiornale

You can now get my complete course, "Applications of Deep Neural Networks" as a 576-page paperback or Kindle. YouTube videos for every lecture. PDF is still free, as always. #deeplearning #keras
machine learning | open source
::: jeffheaton

Russia Reverses Decision on Blocking Tor Project's Website
censura | Russia
::: VICE

The hackers scammed users into handing over nearly $500,000 of crypto assets
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: VICE

If the economy heads south, the tech industry’s biggest companies are likely to strengthen their holds on their markets
big tech | economia, lavoro
::: nytimestech

L’anello di re Salomone
tante cose qui
artificial intelligence
::: RadioProzac

fastplotlib update! This weekend I simplified things so it's as simple at matplotlib! See the new and update example for more info
::: kushalkolar

Is it bad that we want one?
mah ... 🤔
robots, automazione, droni
::: VICE

DC Attorney General sues Mark Zuckerberg over the Cambridge Analytica scandal
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Facebook
::: engadget

Next up in my @icseconf+@msrconf trip: tomorrow I'll present at #msr2022 the paper « Geographic #Diversity in Public Code Contributions », joint work with D. Rossi from @unibo. https://conf.researchr.org/details/msr-2022/msr-2022-technical-papers/14/Geographic-Diversity-in-Public-Code-Contributions Brief thread with preprint link at the end
programming, codice, snippet | storia
::: zacchiro ::: laci_noire

Windows 11 CPU Usage Reporting is Apparently Buggy, Including on Task Manager
::: Slashdot

Binance Promoted Terra as 'Safe' Investment Before $40 Billion Collapse
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Yes, this is a runnable model of the simply typed lambda calculus
programmi per il futuro? eccone uno 🤓
programmazione funzionale
::: LeifAndersen ::: Programming Research Laboratory

Happy #BiodiversityDay, Earthlings! Let’s celebrate and protect the diversity of species, ecosystems and genes that makes our planet so beautiful and special, the intricate web of life that connects us all and is the primary foundation of food security. #HumansInAction
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: AstroSamantha

"If you don't know history, then you don't know anything. You are a leaf that doesn't know it is part of a tree." ― Michael Crichton, Timeline
::: pickover

Data scientists, meet LineaPy! Just two lines of #opensource code captures, analyzes, and transforms messy #datascience development code to extract production data pipelines in minutes. No refactoring or new tools needed
::: lineapy_oss

All these images were generated by Google’s latest text-to-image AI
artificial intelligence
::: verge

Researchers are using Google’s app to study the effect of phones on mental health
dispositivi mobili | scienza
::: verge

NYC Removes Last Payphone From Service
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Il successo dei primi satelliti era misurato dalla capacità di acquisire l’orbita corretta o di funzionare senza gravi guasti. Oggi i veicoli spaziali devono essere in grado di osservare galassie lontane o di misurare infinitesime variazioni nel campo di gravità terrestre. 1/11
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

My Prediction That Political Attacks Against Me Will Escalate Has Nothing to Do With Me Exposing Myself to a Flight Attendant
::: RadioProzac

So...this is bad
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide

NASA is Building a Mission That Will Refuel and Repair Satellites in Orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Ukraine Urges Musk’s Starlink to Keep Helping Alongside Weapons
“All critical infrastructure uses Starlink, all structures that are needed for the state’s functioning use them,” Fedorov said. “We need to receive them constantly because they are one of the elements of the foundation of our fight and resilience”
spazio, esplorazione | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

A dusty self-portrait. @NASAInSight took what is likely to be its final selfie on April 24. In the GIF, you can see the spacecraft’s first selfie in December 2018 and its last one where it’s covered in Martian dust
spazio, esplorazione

Di recente, #Calenda ha avanzato la proposta di un obbligo di «registrarsi con identità verificata» sui #social. @vitalbaa smonta la sua proposta punto per punto
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: DomaniGiornale

Walmart Plans To Expand Drone Delivery To Six States this Year
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Dev Box is a cloud-powered developer workstation
Microsoft | cloud
::: verge

Microsoft will support third-party Windows 11 widgets later this year
::: verge ::: verge

Version 251 of systemd coming soon to a #Linux distro near you
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: aidaakl

How Ukraine’s wide use of cryptocurrency is playing out during the war
::: verge

Microsoft Teams goes beyond screen sharing for real-time collaboration
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: engadget

This GNOME Extension Measures How Long an App Takes to Open
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Spacesuits are Leaking Water and NASA is Holding off any Spacewalks Until They can Solve the Problem
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Climate Worries Galvanize a New Pro-Nuclear Movement in the US
::: Slashdot

China Launches an Autonomous Mothership Full of Autonomous Drones
::: Slashdot

Spain To Invest $13 Billion To Build Microchip Industry
::: Slashdot

On this day in 1972: the first home video game console was released
::: JonErlichman

La nouvelle ministre de la transition énergétique a littéralement dit : "Envoyez moins de mail pour sauver les ours polaires"
::: MarxFanAccount

Dyson's been secretly working on robots that do household chores
robots, automazione, droni
::: engadget

Essentially blank slate systems like #GPT3 should motivate us to explore "their very antithesis, which would be Kantian systems that start with representations of space and time and causality, and at least some kernels of universal grammar"
artificial intelligence | innovazioni, futuro
::: DorotheaBaur

Original killer PC spreadsheet Lotus 1-2-3 now runs on Linux ... natively
perso: hey LDB, per te!
applicazioni, programmi | storia
::: lproven

Mai fidarsi delle immagini
social media | dati, raccolta
::: MauroV1968

'Tough To Forge' Digital Driver's License is Easy To Forge
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Il canale telegram del battaglione Tik Tok sembra essere diventato RAI Educational. I bei tempi della guerra alle finestre e del tizio che sparava agli alberi tenendo un fucile di assalto per ogni braccio sono finiti. Devono aver ricevuto una bella lisciata di pelo
social media | guerra
::: mentecritica

Sometimes the past calls to us, like an ancient echo or whisper from another world. "A woman in an office using an IBM 650 Magnetic Drum Data Processing Machine." Marietta, Georgia c. 1953
::: pickover

Russian hackers are linked to new Brexit leak website, Google says
::: Bing_Chris

Amazon Opens First Brick-and-Mortar Clothing Store Near LA
::: Slashdot

sphinxcontrib-spelling 7.4.0
::: doughellmann

22 maggio, 2022

Visto nel Web - 710

Tanta roba, fa caldo, Elon Musk, insomma questo ho wisto nel Web.

Una proposta di civiltà
lavoro | etica
::: MauroV1968

TensorFlow 2.9 has been released
machine learning
::: fchollet

Here’s how Microsoft’s new One Outlook email app will work
applicazioni, programmi
::: verge

Damian Rouson (@rouson) on using the Fortran Package Manager
linguaggi di programmazione
::: fortranlang

YouTube's player now shows the most popular parts of a video
::: engadget

Napster Gets Bought Again, This Time With a Web3 Pivot in the Works
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Senators Urge FTC To Probe ID.me Over Selfie Data
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

The Keras ecosystem has two new packages you should check out: KerasCV and KerasNLP
machine learning
::: fchollet

New Bluetooth Hack Can Unlock All Kinds of Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Why tech giants’ cash is a hidden source of greenhouse gas emissions
big tech | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: verge

Il Twitter “comunitario” e a pagamento di Musk che punta a smascherare gli account falsi
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: Domani

A group of tech companies that includes Facebook, Twitter and TikTok filed an emergency petition with the Supreme Court to block a broad law that seeks to prevent them from removing any kind of posts
big tech | censura
::: nytimestech

Pearls Before Swine for May 19, 2022
::: _juhan

#FreeAssangeNOW #DropTheCharges #WeAreAllAssange
Julian Assange
::: FreeAssange_eu ::: ardovig

If you had bought Floki 6 months ago when they plastered Europe with billboard ads, you'd be down 96% today. No joke
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: fchollet

Fine. We're doing this
::: evacide

Here, fixed it
artificial intelligence
::: SashaMTL

(Shhh! Che se Zuck si arrabbia poi smette di elemosinare fondi ai giornalisti, che di sicuro non si fanno troppi problemi) A(nother) way in which Facebook is the 21st Century’s tobacco industry
Facebook | big tech
::: RadioProzac

A 52 pg report by @AdvDemocracy outlines the massive scope of the far right campaign against Jankowicz - Every single day, right wing media & far right influencers flood the internet w/ smears and lies about her and her work
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: TaylorLorenz

TikTok users can now credit specific videos to make sure viral creators get their due
social media
::: verge

LISA moves on to the next phase of its project by passing a design review
spazio, esplorazione | scienza
::: universetoday

Apple accused of union busting in its stores for the second time this week
lavoro | Apple
::: verge

"It feels like as soon as you bring up the union, they treat you differently"
lavoro | Amazon
::: VICE

Come calcolare gli utenti “quasi” spenti? Come depurare quelle cifre dai bot? Probabilmente è qui il mare dell’opinabile per cui Twitter afferma che gli utenti fasulli sono meno del 5%, mentre #Musk sospetta siano il quadruplo
da verificare, imho; (per esempio il tweep del nord-ovest è molto a ovest da tanto tempo)
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: DomaniGiornale

Engineers Investigating NASA's Voyager 1 Telemetry Data
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot ::: johnregehr

I tried (and failed) to channel my inner Bezos
::: engadget

Altre bruttissime notizie dai Paesi Bassi sullo stato dei processi automatizzati nei servizi pubblici, 🧵 🇳🇱L'equivalente della Corte dei conti ha valutato 9 algoritmi di questo tipo, concludendo che 6 su 9 (!!!) non soddisfano tutti i requisiti di base
artificial intelligence | automazione
::: dilettahuyskes_

The long-run effects of climate change on the corporate sector
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | economia, lavoro
::: BaldwinRE

Centrali nucleari in zona sismica: sì, è possibile
ma come facciamo con grillini, noTav &co?
::: MauroV1968

“Check Point’s research showed that despite the countries’ deepening ties, China appeared to view Russia as a legitimate target for the theft of sensitive military technological information”
::: fabiochiusi

New @citizenlab report: Bada Bing, Bada BoomMicrosoft Bing’s Chinese Political Censorship of Autosuggestions in North America 👇👇👇 Jeffrey Knockel and @lotus_ruan find filtering on Bing autosuggestions for sensitive terms spills into North America
Microsoft | censura
::: RonDeibert

The coming food catastrophe
guerra | economia, lavoro
::: camposmello

The Linear Bias
da rileggere e raccontare spesso; ma non ti credono o dimenticano
::: MauroV1968

This gas would have stayed in the ground if it wasn't for bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | energia
::: RadioProzac

Davanti ai nostri occhi
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac ::: FerdinandoC

Suona bene questo lettore audio, #QMMP , per Windows e Linux
applicazioni, programmi
::: rico6868

A bug in a Texas government website exposed the personal information of 1.8 million residents over close to three years
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: zackwhittaker

TikTokers Are Accused of Starting Forest Fires For Views
social media
::: Slashdot

The 'villain' in Reddit's GameStop investor saga is shutting down
economia, lavoro
::: engadget

Framework’s new Laptop means the promise of modular gadgets might be coming true
diritto di riparare
::: verge ::: Slashdot

Whatever the terms 'artificial intelligence', 'AI' and 'machine learning' mean or meant, they are now primarily used to obfuscate or glamorize things, so @GeorgetownCPT will stop using them in their work on how digital technologies affect society
artificial intelligence | machine learning
::: WolfieChristl

After running through various threats targeting Ukraine, Zhora said that he believed Russia's post-invasion brain drain had hamstrung it's cyber operations. He said the "flow of qualified specialists out of Russia" was affecting Moscow's ability to carry out digital campaigns
cyberwar | Russia
::: razhael

How China uses global media to spread its views — and misinformation
ma ricordiamoci come the Donald chiamava il Covid-19
media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: _arianna

TikTok reportedly plans a "major push’ into gaming and games livestreamers could play with viewers
games | social media
::: verge

Internet searches, cloud computing and AI all involve orchestrating legions of powerful computing machines to work together. None of this coordination would be possible without the work of Leslie Lamport
::: QuantaMagazine

The new generation of CentOS replacements – plus the daddy of them all: RHEL 8.6
Linux distro
::: aidaakl

We should stop hosting #freesoftware on and for these platforms, not trying to get Google or other companies to host #freesoftware. The dangers of this have been made clear over and over again by the @FSF and the @GNU project. #FairEmail
open source | Google
::: amszmidt ::: Slashdot

Bad reviews for good. With the help of #AI, this researcher is digging up digital clues that could project the next #disease outbreak
artificial intelligence | Web, Internet
::: Northeastern

Disinformazione, i talk italiani sono in contrasto contro le indicazioni dell’Ue
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | cyberwar
::: Domani

DOJ has announced a significant policy shift in how it will bring computer hacking charges under CFAA in the future. "The policy for the first time directs that good-faith security research should not be charged"
hackers at work
::: zackwhittaker ::: zackwhittaker

Without major intervention, algorithmic systems will merely automate the oppressive ideologies which form our society
algoritmi, codice | politica
::: VICE

Twitter is rolling out new content moderation rules to address misinformation about crises like the war in Ukraine
::: kateconger ::: engadget

Senators push to break up Google, Facebook ads businesses in new bill
ad, pubblicità | Google | Facebook
::: verge ::: engadget

Mathematical expressions can now be displayed in Markdown on GitHub using the $$ and $ delimiters - all with the help of the wonderful @MathJax project
Web, Internet | matematica
::: github

Today's Giant Farm Vehicles Threaten 20% of the World's Cropland
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

The Meta History Museum is raising money for the Ukrainian government through NFTs, but the project is facing an uphill battle. Going viral is harder than it looks
not fungible token | guerra
::: VICE

Y Combinator Advises Founders To 'Plan For the Worst' Amid Market Teardown
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

2 Vulnerabilities With 9.8 Severity Ratings Are Under Exploit. A 3rd Looms
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Canada Set To Ban Chinese Tech Giant Huawei From 5G Network
::: Slashdot

Gatik is bringing its self-driving box trucks to Kansas
::: engadget

I don't want self driving cars
::: GlennOfEarth

Nuclear power is dangerous! Do you agree? Then you have to read this thread
::: lproven

No more than 5% of accounts on Twitter are being operated from a drab office building in the suburbs of Saint Petersburg
::: fchollet

Sylhet flood situation deteriorates, Low-lying areas flooded, over 100,000 people marooned, most areas suffer a power outage. 55 unions have been completely and four unions have been partially inundated. About 1.2 million people have been affected by the floods. 1/4
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale

#FridaysForFuture #FinanceNotPromises #ShowUsTheMoneyNow #ClimateAction
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: NazmusNahid1 ::: fffitalia ::: mnyomb1 ::: BoruahTapashi ::: eve_chantel ::: NakabuyeHildaF ::: StefanoFeltri ::: _DylanHamilton_ ::: climateact_ngs ::: patienceNabz ::: emenietti

(L’AI non può “calcolare cosa accadrà domani”)
non ancora, dobbiamo migliorare l'*algoritmo*
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

45 years later, scientists hone in on a mysterious alien signal's origin - A new study finds a few possible sources for the Wow! Signal, detected in 1977
probabilmente no ma da indagare
::: lproven

Two Military Satellites Just Communicated With Each Other Using Space Lasers
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Da ieri sera circa 50 siti istituzionali italiani sono sotto attacco informatico da parte di un gruppo hacker russo, Killnet, che ha rivendicato l'azione
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | cyberwar
::: DomaniGiornale

“the platform will no longer automatically recommend or emphasize posts that make misleading claims about the Russian invasion of Ukraine”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | guerra
::: fabiochiusi

If safety features like automatic braking actually prevented people from dying, roads would be safer by now. They aren’t
automazione | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: VICE

How the Anchor protocol helped sink Terra
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge

“The attack hit a large number of satellite communication stations, affecting hundreds of thousands of people outside Ukraine”
cyberwar | Russia
::: fabiochiusi

Even Among Corporate Raiders, Elon Musk Is a Pirate
The world of deal making has never seen a buyer like Elon Musk, who seems free to do as he pleases. One of the reasons: his extraordinary personal wealth, that lets him ignore a deal’s economics
Elon Musk
::: nytimestech

Come stanno gli studenti dopo questi due anni di convivenza con il Covid? Non benissimo, a giudicare dall'indagine #Chiedimicomesto condotta da Rete degli studenti, @udu_sind e @SpiCgil
coronavirus | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: DomaniGiornale

Putin promises to bolster Russia's IT security in face of cyber attacks
cyberwar | Russia
::: fabiochiusi

New: The Conti ransomware group said it is "determined to overthrow the government" of Costa Rica if the country doesn't pay a $20M ransom. "The success of these attacks should concern smaller governments around the world"
::: zackwhittaker

Epic's lawsuit against Google won't stop Bandcamp's in-app payments
applicazioni, programmi | Google
::: engadget

French officials have warned that divisions between EU countries over a ban on facial recognition are among the hurdles ahead for the bloc's Artificial Intelligence Act
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Unione Europea
::: clothildegouj

What an odd coincidence that the human brain happens to work just like the most advanced man-made automaton of the moment -- first clockwork, then electronic computers, and now deep learning latent space
::: fchollet

Il 26 ottobre 1960 i giornali sovietici annunciano che il generale Mitrofan Ivanovic Nedelin è morto in un incidente aereo. È falso: Nedelin è morto nella più grande tragedia dell’era missilistica, ma ci vorranno quasi 30 anni e la perestroika di Gorbačëv per sapere la verità. /1
tragico thread 🙁
spazio, esplorazione | storia
::: a_a_f_t

#blockchain #bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Tr0llyTr0llFace ::: mfeilner ::: ben_mckenzie

"Daddy, my teacher said there are no words in English that end in j." Well let's find out
bash script
::: climagic

When #EU lawmakers agreed on the #DigitalServicesAct last month, the fine print on key issues were still a ❓ Now we have a final compromise text via @POLITICOEurope — with a “trade secrets” exemption that could undermine platform research under new data access rules. 🧵
Unione Europea | dati, raccolta
::: algorithmwatch

many, many people think this man is a genius
Elon Musk
::: mccormick_ted ::: obbedirepoco

Boeing’s Starliner successfully docks to the International Space Station for the first time
spazio, esplorazione
::: verge

Tesla’s Aura Dims as Its Plunging Stock Highlights the Risks It Faces
economia, lavoro | Elon Musk
::: New York Times ::: DougJBalloon

Anche l’Ue si rivolge a #Taiwan per conseguire la sua “sovranità digitale”: ma queste relazioni più strette minacciano di peggiorare ulteriormente quelle con la #Cina
hardware | Unione Europea
::: DomaniGiornale

#otd in 1967 two computer scientists presented a paper about Simula 67, the first programming language to include abstract data types and classes
nota: il link associato (@ 0b10) è ottimo ma forse fuori tema --imho

Plants can grow in lunar regolith, but they’re not happy about it
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Le violazioni delle norme di mercato spingerebbero la #Sec, regolatore Usa a sanzionare duramente #ElonMusk, ma questi è ormai tanto ingombrante da far temere ripercussioni telluriche sulla già troppo polarizzata politica Usa
economia, lavoro | Elon Musk
::: DomaniGiornale

Oracle CEO Larry Ellison joined call about contesting Trump’s election loss
protagonisti | politica
::: engadget

The FCC has a plan to boost rural broadband download speeds to 100 Mbps
Web, Internet
::: engadget

ACM Digital Library Archive Is Open Access With 50 Years of Published Records
media | storia
::: Slashdot

Trust Stamp, which has a $7.2 million annual contact selling facial recognition to ICE, was breached. People's names, addresses, dates of birth, and driver's license data were exposed. The info doesn't appear to include any migrants' data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: caro1inehaskins

Il “supercrackpot”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: RadioProzac

The Math Prodigy Whose Hack Upended DeFi Won't Give Back His Millions
che modo di raccontare 🙁
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

China Is 3D Printing a Massive 590-Foot-Tall Dam, And Constructing It With Without Humans
se vero 💥 ma i lavoratori che faranno?
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot

Microsoft is testing Android 12.1 and other improvements for Windows 11
Microsoft | sistemi operativi
::: verge

Twitter’s latest update will make third party apps better
::: verge

Google 'Private Browsing' Mode Not Really Private, Texas Lawsuit Says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Google
::: Slashdot

Google's AI Is Smart Enough To Understand Your Humor
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and Paul Dirac

EU Drive For New Clean Energy Could See Solar Panels on All New Buildings
::: Slashdot

Electrify America Will Be 100 Percent Solar-Powered By 2023
::: Slashdot

Foreign Torrent Site Operator Can Be Sued in the US, Court Says
::: Slashdot

Fortran-lang was chosen to participate in the Google Summer of Code 2022 program. Five contributors will work on exciting projects from LFortran and fpm to the Fortran website and an online playground
linguaggi di programmazione
::: fortranlang

Javascript hack: I had a fun to print variables to the console by writing dbg("myDataStruct",myDataStruct) to print the name of the variable & its contents - But then I realized in ES6 the parser can autogenerate an object key for you, so now I can just write dbg({myDataStruct})
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lisperati

Cronache Eloniane
Elon Musk
::: Tweetermeyer ::: mmasnick ::: Tweetermeyer ::: JamesGleick ::: beccalew ::: MassiveAttackUK

We just observed Morocco's 🇲🇦 hottest day in May in reliable recorded history: 45.7°C (114°F). Extremely hot widely across Europe with many notable station records in several countries
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ScottDuncanWX

Angular Diameter Turnaround
dispositivi mobili | umorismo
::: xkcdComic

you are walking in the pyrenees when you see this old man doing category theory. how do you open
dibattito come piace a me, con rimpianto di cose perse (la mate)
matematica | protagonisti
::: SC_Griffith

@RogerDingledine -cofundador de TOR- explicó para qué sirve esta red segura y por qué deberíamos todos usarla para mantener protegida nuestra navegación y nuestros datos. Y @jaromil resaltó la importancia del software libre y de sus desarrolladores para proteger los #DDHH
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dieguitocazar

COVID delays are frustrating the world’s plans to save biodiversity
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968

Monkeypox goes global: why scientists are on alert
monkeypox, morbillo delle scimmie
::: MauroV1968

Apple shipped me a 79-pound iPhone repair kit to fix a 1.1-ounce battery
da leggere, meditare e diffondere
Apple | diritto di riparare
::: verge

Harley-Davidson’s updated Serial 1 e-bikes will feature Google Cloud connectivity
::: verge

The net-zero transition in the wake of the war in Ukraine: A detour, a derailment, or a different path? in McKinsey Quarterly
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | energia
::: MauroV1968

HP Chooses Ubuntu-Based Pop!_OS Linux For Its Upcoming Dev One Laptop
::: Slashdot

The ongoing #SaharanDust storm is strongly affecting #AirQuality over western #Europe and North #Africa 😷 Here is the @CopernicusECMWF #CAMS Aerosol forecast for today 21 May at 19:00 UTC
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: CopernicusEU ::: extremetemps

Une nouvelle organisation des données publiques des résultats de tests Covid a été dévoilée il y a quelques jours. Les données infra-départementales sont plus facilement accessibles. Voici une animation de la succession des vagues depuis mai 2020
::: flodebarre

Der Gold-Standard für #OER, una raccolta di risorse sulla produzione di #OER: open-educational-resources.de/gold-standard-buch-artikel/#more-23624 10 articoli in #tedesco su #video, #foto, #audio, esercizi interattivi, modelli per #maker ecc. e una playlist di 10 brevi video #opensource #CreativeCommons #scuola
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nilocram

La teoria del complotto più letale al mondo
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: MauroV1968

#SoftwareLibero e #OpenSource usato e raccomandato dalle amministrazioni dello stato francese: https://sill.etalab.gouv.fr/catalogue C'è anche in Italia, vero?
open source
::: nilocram

Microsoft Warns of 'Stealthy DDoS Malware' Targeting Linux Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Linux
::: Slashdot

How a Rust Supply-Chain Attack Infected Cloud CI Pipelines with Go Malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot