28 novembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 660

Io ancora non mi sono abituato alla pandemia ma intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Nepotistic Journals | Science-Based Medicine
::: MauroV1968 ::: MauroV1968

Ian Fishback, an Army whistle-blower whose allegations that fellow members of the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq routinely beat and abused prisoners prompted the Senate to approve anti-torture legislation in 2005, has died at 42
whistleblower | R.I.P.
::: nytimes

After Australia’s defense minister won a defamation case over a six-word tweet, experts say the case represented a troubling shift as politicians bring more lawsuits against ordinary citizens over social media content
censura | Twitter
::: nytimestech

Ifeoma Ozoma, a former employee of Pinterest, Facebook and Google, has emerged as a central figure among tech whistle-blowers
::: nytimestech

Intelligenza Artificiale: l’Italia lancia la strategia nazionale
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

With her glowing, unblemished presence, virtual YouTuber @aichan_nel is always the most charismatic star on the screen. Next to her, human celebrities look drab, no matter how famous they are
social media
::: restofworld

Germany plans cultural revolution on immigration, youth and gender
::: Reuters ::: Domani

France has published Ordonnance n° 2021-1518 du 24 novembre 2021 that implements the remaining provisions of the #copyright directive into French law, making France the 7th Member State to fully implement the CDSM directive
copyright e brevetti | Unione Europea
::: communia_eu

Algorithms can decide your marks, your work prospects and your financial security. How do you know they’re fair?
algoritmi, codice
::: fabiochiusi

Europe Must Ban Bitcoin Mining To Hit the 1.5C Paris Climate Goal, Say Swedish Regulators
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

US Blacklists Chinese Quantum Computing Companies
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

Inside the Rise and Fall of Clubhouse, a Pandemic Poster Child of VC-backed Hype
social media
::: Slashdot

The new German government backs a full ban on the use of biometric identification technologies such as facial recognition in public places
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Melissahei ::: Melissahei ::: Melissahei

Ghiacciaio del Calderone (Gran Sasso)
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: L_Apostata

Productivity tip: if you're procrastinating on something difficult or important, don't set your goal to "get it done", which may seem overwhelming and thus paralysis-inducing. Set it to "sit down, get started, and build momentum". Because that's something you can always do
tip, suggerimenti
::: fchollet

I dunno if should I cry or enjoy for this
applicazioni, programmi
::: TuxmAL

Gas serra. il metano
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968

New tutorial on keras.io: multiple instance learning
machine learning
::: fchollet

Pinterest pledged $50 million to overhaul its corporate culture and promote diversity as part of an agreement to resolve allegations that it discriminated against women and people of color, according to court documents and statements from the company
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: nytimestech

Israel Restricts Cyberweapons Export List By Two-thirds, From 102 To 37 Countries
::: Slashdot

Cosa nascondono gli "oneri di sistema" delle nostre #bollette dell'energia? Un'inchiesta internazionale ha scoperto che parte di quei fondi servivano per finanziare progetti di efficienza energetica inesistenti
energia | economia, lavoro
::: DomaniGiornale

FIFA To Test Automatic Offside Technology Next Week in Preparation for Qatar World Cup
algoritmo kornuto!
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

The World Needs To Crack Battery Recycling, Fast
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

China's New Space Reactor 'Will Be 100 Times More Powerful Than a Similar Device NASA Plans To Put on the Surface of the Moon by 2030'
::: Slashdot

Huge Fines and a Ban on Default Passwords in New UK Law
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Verizon and AT&T To Temporarily Turn Down 5G Power To Address FAA Worries
::: Slashdot

Letter signed by 400+ German AI researchers: "As scientists working on artificial intelligence (AI) & computer science, we strongly oppose autonomous weapon systems...the killing of humans should never be automated based on algorithmic formulas"
artificial intelligence
::: mer__edith

Chipmakers, Quantum Firms Targeted in Latest U.S. Sanction Round
hardware | quantum computing | politica
::: simopieranni

UN agency pushes global AI ethics norm that bans use of the technology for social scoring, mass surveillance purposes
artificial intelligence | etica
::: simopieranni ::: simopieranni ::: CarissaVeliz

Big victory! Next 🇩🇪 government plans for coal phase-out 2030 & to save 5 of our villages at the Garzweiler lignite mine. But it's not enough to stay below 1.5, so we'll keep fighting till #Lützerath is saved & #AllVillagesStay! 💛✊
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: AlleDoerfer

L’ufficio di Draghi ha di fronte un cartellone pubblicitario che ritrae Belen. Il direttore del Tempo
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

1. anche se ho pochissimo tempo,devo trovare un minuto per dirvi che è assolutamente allucinante quello che sta accadendo con #TIM. Vi voglio far capire, perché anche se la questione è tecnica, se spiegata in parole semplici,la capisce anche un bambino
::: SMaurizi

SUCCESS! New German government calls for European ban on biometric mass surveillance ⁦@ReclaimYourFace⁩ 👏👏👏
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi ::: Melissahei

With its new laws on tech, Europe could lead the way in global digital regulation. EU ministers today gave the greenlight to their versions of two massive laws to boost tech competition and tackle illegal content online
Unione Europea | economia, lavoro
::: clothildegouj ::: SamuelStolton

1/2 📣🪧📦 This year we stand in solidarity with #MakeAmazonPay because Amazon is using #algorithms and #surveillance technologies to exploit workers around the world!
Amazon | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: algorithmwatch

Africa is responsible for 3% of Global CO2 emissions
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: eve_chantel

come anche #PENGermania, @artventuno consegna la tessera onoraria a Julian #Assange. La cerimonia si terrà il 9 dicembre alla @FnsiSocial. Julian #Assange rimane nella prigione di massima sicurezza di #Belmarsh
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

The Era of the Mathematician Has Arrived
This is maybe somewhat of an exaggeration but it has a ring of truth to it. A lot of people in this pandemic died -- and will continue to die -- because they don't understand basic statistics
::: skdh

EU coalition urges EU to push back against gate keeping by Microsoft, files official complaint
Microsoft | Unione Europea
::: italovignoli

A Machine-Learning Algorithm Just Found 301 Additional Planets in Kepler Data
machine learning
::: universetoday

China’s personal information protection law, implemented this month, is the latest factor adding to a challenging political environment for businesses operating in the country and altering the cost-benefit analysis
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Cina
::: simopieranni

“Corporations have tried to make this tech sound harmless, but let’s be clear: Amazon has a vested interest in getting millions of people to give up their palm scans." - @PresenteOrg executive director Matt Nelson
Amazon | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fightfortheftr

Microsoft Edge's Latest Feature Called a 'Shameless Cash Grab' by Critics
browser | Microsoft
::: Slashdot

Apple in Thailandia avverte i dissidenti: “Lo Stato ti spia”
Apple | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fede_guerrini

Crypto Miners in Kazakhstan Face Bitter Winter of Power Cuts
crittografia | energia
::: Slashdot

China Looks To Set Up Digital Asset Bourse in Virtual Yuan Push
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | digital currency, valuta digitale
::: Slashdot

9 key computer science topics - and the best book and video for learning each of them
scuola, educazione, cultura

Part time
::: CharlyMatt

La tecnica è l'oblio dell'educazione
scienza | tecnologia
::: ProspettivaSoc1

::: xkcdComic

Un pandemonium per la testa!
spiegazione metaforica ma ok, imho 🤓
machine learning | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: la_quasi

Italy fines Apple and Google for 'aggressive' data practices
Apple | Google
::: fede_guerrini

Produzione, stoccaggio, trasporto: così avverrà la rivoluzione dell’idrogeno
tutto da vedere, anzi da fare
::: MauroV1968

Sudafrica in quarantena, ma bisognerebbe collaborare con il continente anziché isolarlo
::: ilmanifesto ::: ilmanifesto

Debian Linux is the operating system used in most terminals in the International Space Station. Before 2013, it was Microsoft Windows
sistemi operativi | spazio, esplorazione
::: fermatslibrary

Rust's Moderation Team Resigns to Protest 'Unaccountable' Core Team
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

AWS Embraces Fedora Linux for Its Cloud-Based 'Amazon Linux'
sistemi operativi | cloud
::: Slashdot

Internet users in the world
Web, Internet

25 novembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 659

Arrivo, arrivo, in ritardo ma ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

"AI" can NOT: * Predict who will commit a crime - "AI" can: * Make biased policing look "objective"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | artificial intelligence
::: emilymbender

Quante vittime?
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: RadioProzac

The Last Days of Amiga - and the Lost Amiga CD64
::: Slashdot

Rolls-Royce claims to have developed the world's fastest all-electric aircraft
tecnologia | energia
::: CNN

How Facebook and Google fund global misinformation
FB and Google reward - and benefit from - large-scale spam content and viral misinformation created by myriads of 'small businesses' who flood global and local information spaces with garbage, and let the highest bidder exploit their arbitrage business
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: WolfieChristl

Could Fusion Energy Provide a Safer Alternative to Nuclear Power?
::: Slashdot

Is 'The NFT Bay' Just a Giant Hoax?
non-fungible tokens
::: Slashdot

How Bad is Online Shopping for the Environment?
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

“In Portugal, new legislation is offering workers additional rights in the 'work from home' world – banning out-of-hours contact, outlawing surveillance and forcing employers to pick up the tab for expenses”
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: fabiochiusi

GitHub's Annual Developer Survey Finds Remote Developers Aren't Returning to the Office
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: Slashdot

Le ragazze e i ragazzi dei #FridaysForFuture dovrebbero rivendicare riforme costituzionali, e non solo un generico maggiore impegno dei politici
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: rivistailmulino

#Nitter is an AGPLv3 licensed #Twitter frontend with all the features of the default site -- but more importantly -- it returns all of the freedom that Twitter's nonfree JavaScript takes away from you. Try it out!
applicazioni, programmi | Twitter
::: fsf

Friendly reminder. This time of the year starts soon
::: awlnx

How i write code
::: towernter

A German State is Switching Its 25,000 Computers From Windows to Linux
di solito queste operazioni non finiscono bene, ma chissà...
::: Slashdot

"Prima di gridare alla vittoria per il nuovo programma della Apple vogliamo conoscere i dettagli della cosa e capire bene"
diritto di riparare | Apple
::: R2REurope

GitHub Fixes a Private-Package-Names Leak and Serious Authorization Bug
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Intel's Expensive New Plan to Upgrade Its Chip Technology - and US Manufacturing
::: Slashdot

El Salvador Plans 'Bitcoin City' Powered by a Volcano, Financed by Bitcoin Bonds
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Trasporti: investire sulle #ferrovie ha senso? Senza dubbio
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: rivistailmulino

FB knew its hate speech algorithms disproportionately harmed Blacks and other minorities - but kept that info from its own civil rights auditor, new docs show. At one point 90% of autodeletions were comments attacking whites and men
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: lizzadwoskin

A Buenos Aires hacker haven produced some of Argentina’s most valuable crypto companies — then suddenly disappeared
crittografia | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: restofworld

Hot Take: There’s a significant proportion of Common Lisp programmers which I call “Think Big Lispers” (TBLs) who, when given a problem, will propose a solution so grandiose that they’ll never be able to implement it. The solution usually involves rewriting the operating system
rocchetto di filo --uh! non si dice più 🤓
::: stylewarning

::: visualizevalue

A beginner's guide to how crypto works
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*

Alla transizione energetica servono i cavi
::: eugenio_cau

In una Panda con motore tradizionale l’80% dei componenti sono fatti in Italia; in una 500 a batteria la parte italiana scende al 60%. Basta questo per misurare l'impatto della rivoluzione #elettrica sull’industria italiana #auto
lavoro | energia
::: DomaniGiornale

Language-embedded programming with tables is ubiquitous, but not at all as well supported by types as it should be. We have created a design/expression benchmark to spur better science on tabular types. There are 6 parts; 2 should esp. stand out
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi

hmac — Cryptographic Message Signing and Verification
::: pymotw

AWKGo, an AWK-to-Go compiler
linguaggi di programmazione
::: UnixToolTip

About a month since the Metaverse storm started. How are you feeling about it now?
::: jeriellsworth

Il monito di Mattarella al Parlamento sulla fuffa del biodinamico
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | scienza
::: MauroV1968

KDE Plasma Introduces GNOME-like Overview. Is it Good?
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Cutefish OS 0.6 Beta Released with Lock Screen Tweaks, Full Dock Mode #linux #opensource
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Stephan Pastis

💬Sponsor's quote of the day: "We share Software Heritage’s vision that publicly available source code, including open-source software, is a precious heritage of mankind, and should be collected, preserved and shared for the benefit of all"
open source
::: SWHeritage ::: SWHeritage

Jay Last led a team of scientists who developed a fundamental technique that is still used to manufacture computer chips, providing the digital brains for billions upon billions of computers, tablets, smartphones and smartwatches
::: nytimestech

Norway Is Running Out of Gas-Guzzling Cars To Tax
energia | politica
::: Slashdot

Chat control: The latest EU plans to outlaw encryption and introduce telecommunications surveillance
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Unione Europea
::: mailbox_org

La questione #Tim e l'offerta di #KKR: come andrà a finire? L'analisi di Alessandro Penati
Web, Internet | economia, lavoro
::: DomaniGiornale ::: DomaniGiornale

Con regolamenti e attività antitrust la #Cina è entrata in una nuova fase: si studia un modo per redistribuire i profitti dei big tech
antitrust | Cina
::: simopieranni

Part of our core mission is to advance policies that promote the progress of free software. Copyright handling has been a topic of concern lately, so we are taking this opportunity to delve into the issue, and alternatives
open source
::: fsf

We’re Making the Facebook Papers Public. Here’s Why and How
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

In the lead up to Libya’s presidential election, Facebook appears to be woefully unfit to manage the country’s complex combination of hate speech, polarized media, active conflict, and fragile electoral politics
Facebook | politica
::: restofworld

Rooftop Solar Helps Send South Australia Grid To Zero Demand In World's First
::: Slashdot

WhatsApp Privacy Policy Tweaked in Europe After Record Fine
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

China's Exiled Crypto Machines Fuel Global Mining Boom
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Theoretical breakthrough on linear-probing hash tables could lead to more efficient data storage & retrieval

@NASAWebb is now targeted to launch no earlier than Dec. 22 to allow additional testing after a sudden, unplanned release of a clamp that secures the spacecraft to its rocket adapter sent vibrations throughout the observatory
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASA

Study finds that five pairs of wings on each carriage would generate lift, reducing the weight and taking the top speed to 450km/h
::: simopieranni

A volte ritornano... Vista ora sul sito di Futuro Remoto. @cittascienza: non è di Darwin questa roba!
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac

Perché il prezzo spot in Francia è alto nonostante il nucleare? Perché è più basso in Polonia? Perché in Germania a volte è basso a volte è alto? Perché in Italia è sempre alto? Domande che mi sono state poste un milione di volte, per cui facciamo lo SPIEGONE definitivo
energia | economia, lavoro
::: durezzadelviver

This weekend, I heard one more time "oh, ... Ubuntu Touch is still alive?" The answer is "YES!" And Updates are rolling =) Your #VollaPhone is always up to date with @UBports working hard on their updates. #privacy #UT #security
open source | dispositivi mobili
::: hello_volla

A tale of two pandemics: the true cost of Covid in the global south
coronavirus | economia, lavoro
::: _arianna

"It's feasible to impose standards for social networks and let users choose the kind of service they want. What’s lacking is the political will," @nicolaskb at the #SNFDialogues' webcast #FacebookDown
::: algorithmwatch

The European Council and European Commission want to “narrow” the definition of #AI in the upcoming AI Act to machine learning systems. This would drastically reduce the scope of future regulation of automated systems
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: algorithmwatch ::: why0hy ::: algorithmwatch

Despite headlines about tech booms and fast-growing startups, researchers and activists report that African governments are getting worse when it comes to internet freedom
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: restofworld

Non cascateci. Grafico fake costruito ad arte da qualche #novax (e infatti c'è l'immagine, ma nessun link).Tutte le informazioni sui vaccini della @WHO le trovate qui: who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines. E non vi troverete quel grafico
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: MauroV1968

They aren’t the flying cars we were promised, but they could transform transportation
innovazioni, futuro
::: nytimestech

Where Vim Came From
::: UnixToolTip

“If someone publishes a meme on social media, and 100, 200, 300 people share it, it would take too much time for the government to figure out who made it or to find and punish all of the people who shared it”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: restofworld

Nella #postadelportafoglio di questa settimana, @soldiexpert parla del boom del #Bitcoin e delle criptovalute. Si può considerare un investimento sdoganato o è invece da considerare qualcosa di altamente rischioso e sconsigliato ai deboli di cuore?
ecco io (sono un boomer) la penso proprio pareil 🤓
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: DomaniGiornale

Censura selettiva: dalla Russia un cattivo esempio in cerca di proseliti
::: fede_guerrini

andiamo a spostare un asteroide
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti

Si possono controllare le big tech?
ditte | politica
::: nilocram

The cryptocurrency industry has embraced the concept of “code as law” wholeheartedly, with some companies explicitly arguing that code can be a better arbitrator than traditional regulators
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nytimestech

Nous espérons que vous pourrez libérer vos événements et groupes des griffes de Facebook 😉
Facebook | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: framasoft

NEW: NSO Group is in crisis. Scandal and sanction torpedoed a multimillion dollar sale to France. NSO is struggling and failing to reverse US sanctions. There is over $500 million in debt. There is doubt at the highest levels about the future of NSO
::: HowellONeill ::: Snowden

Scientific Visualization : Python + @matplotlib
::: NPRougier

The Amazon lobbyists who kill U.S. consumer privacy protections
Amazon | politica
::: fede_guerrini

Exclusive: Jack Ma’s Ant Group is reshuffling its Huabei consumer loan business to separate it from credit services offered by partners amid a sweeping overhaul
Cina | economia, lavoro
::: caixin

Interactive scraping with Jupyter and Puppeteer
linguaggi di programmazione | Web, Internet
::: Inside xxx

Dobbiamo unirci alla Great Resignation? Forse sì
::: HicRhodus

5 open source alternatives to Zoom
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Il Premio Nobel Giorgio Parisi: “È ben possibile che i nostri governanti decidano che l’industria e la ricerca italiana debbano avere posto sempre più secondario e che Paese debba lentamente scivolare verso il terzo mondo“
scienza | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: demartin

L'#Agcom ha multato #Amazon e #Apple per aver escluso dallo store di Amazon i rivenditori non affiliati. Le due società presenteranno ricorso
::: DomaniGiornale ::: Slashdot

La #Germania e il personale qualificato
::: MauroV1968

New Windows Zero-Day With Public Exploit Lets You Become An Admin
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

California Moves To Recommend Delaying Algebra To 9th Grade Statewide
scuola, educazione, cultura | matematica
::: Slashdot

"The South Korean Ministry of Justice has provided more than 100 million photos of foreign nationals who travelled through the country’s airports to facial recognition companies without their consent"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Atom Bank Introduces Four-Day Work Week Without Cutting Pay
::: Slashdot

@Apple just filed a major lawsuit against NSO Group. Apple also notifying some recent targets. Massive blow to the company notorious for selling spyware to dictators. And there's more... Explainer THREAD. 1/
Apple | spyware
::: jsrailton

Lo sconosciuto WiFi pubblico italiano
qui vicino a me c'è Castagnole (quelli 😜)
Web, Internet
::: MauroV1968

Sulla politica agricola vince ancora il bla bla bla dell’Unione europea
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | Unione Europea
::: Domani ::: DomaniGiornale ::: GretaThunberg

Useful Perl one-liners
tip, suggerimenti
::: UnixToolTip

Playing around with the Altair 4.2 release candidate, re-creating one of the more important charts of our time
::: jakevdp

Japan Allocates $5.2 Billion To Fund Chip Plants By TSMC and Others
::: Slashdot

«Qui sulla ISS trasformiamo il caffè di ieri nel caffè di domani» è lo slogan usato dagli astronauti per descrivere una delle funzioni più importanti della stazione spaziale internazionale: il recupero dell’acqua potabile. /1
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

L’osservatorio amministrazione automatizzata è online!
::: dilettahuyskes_

"Getting the ethics and regulation of artificial intelligence right is crucial if societies are to invest equitably in the technologies while maintaining the foundations of their democratic institutions"
artificial intelligence | etica
::: jaromil

Science communication on Reddit R/science? New research explores 'ask me anything'
scienza | social media
::: JsciCOM

A crowdsourced spreadsheet with a blacklist of bad managers at big Chinese internet platform companies went viral on Chinese social media earlier this week
Cina | social media
::: simopieranni ::: LorenzoLamperti

The Facebook whistleblower's testimony in Brussels this month showed us the EU's planned Digital Services Act does not go far enough
::: fede_guerrini

Whistleblowing for change, la dicotomia artificiale: intervista a @t_bazz
::: simopieranni

"Thousands of pages of internal #Amazon documents (...) show the company ran a systematic campaign of creating knockoffs and manipulating search results to boost its own product lines in #India, one of the company’s largest growth markets." #AIEthics
::: CarissaVeliz

A Third of All Dark Web Domains Are Now V3 Onion Sites
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Nella rassegna delle notizie di oggi: Cosa sta accadendo agli investimenti in #Ue?
Cina | Unione Europea | economia, lavoro
::: chinafiles

Japan To Implement Bank-deposit-backed Digital Currency in 2022
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The panic is getting real as the Indian government moves to advance its cryptocurrency ban, putting many investors’ dreams at stake
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: restofworld

Toh, un altro paese non democratico che glorifica l'uso dell'AI -- qualunque cosa essa sia -- nelle risposte al COVID
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

21 novembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 658

Perso nella nebbia e in ritardo ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Find Files Faster with FSearch, an ‘Everything Search Engine’ for Linux
tool, componente software
::: dcavedon

In September 1787, a group of delegates gathered in Philadelphia to sign the U.S. Constitution. This week, a hastily organized crypto-collective is trying to buy it
::: nytimestech ::: jaromil

Promesse audaci
innovazioni, futuro | energia | (forse)
::: RadioProzac

KerasTuner is the coolest thing! You can use it to tune any hyperparameters of an ML model automatically. I'm using the Bayesian optimisation this week to tune my network + preprocessing steps for me. It was super easy to setup and work with!
machine learning
::: emilydoesastro

Microsoft Gaming Chief Calls For Industry-Wide Game Preservation
::: Slashdot

Bank-Only Stablecoins Limit Innovation, Fed's Waller Says
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Japan's Fugaku Retains Title As World's Fastest Supercomputer
::: Slashdot

Linux Has a Serious Security Problem That Once Again Enables DNS Cache Poisoning
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Douglas Engelbart patented the first computer "mouse" on this day in 1970

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how much the existence of the internet has inadvertently sterilized the process of learning new things: I learn almost everything I know these days without ever having to interact with another human face to face. Which seems… really bad?
Web, Internet
::: lexi_lambda

Elon Musk
::: acmemetico

"The two other countries that have gone ahead with facial recognition payment systems are China and Belarus" So "advanced" in what sense precisely, @nytimes?
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Secondo la whistleblower di Facebook il Digital Service Act salverà la democrazia. Ma è davvero così?
Web, Internet
::: _arianna

“By relying on AI, the company claims, its software can decipher the meaning and significance of online human behavior, and can determine whether subjects have already committed a crime, may commit a crime or adhere to certain ideologies” #not
spyware | artificial intelligence | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

Parlare di scienza su Instagram, rimanendo centrati sull'utente
Facebook | scienza | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: RadioProzac

Just released: Amazon deforestation in 12 months until 31 July was 13,235 square kilometres, up 22% on previous year, according to Brazil's National Space Research Institute. Horrifying. No wonder Bolsonaro's government delayed release until after Cop26
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: jonathanwatts

Today in On Tech, @shiraovide writes that one way that our lives online have rewired our brains is that we’re more comfortable buying from an unfamiliar brand
social media | economia, lavoro
::: nytimestech

Misure di efficacia cercansi
coronavirus | scienza | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac

The Washington Post won a Pulitzer Prize for humping a hoax
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: mtaibbi

C'è una proposta per bloccare i sistemi di riconoscimento facciale in Italia fino al 2023
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Contrary to claims made by Facebook leadership since the heyday of the Arab Spring, the leaked Facebook Papers prove that safety and freedom of expression are not afforded to all users equally, but are instead dictated by the company’s financial interests
::: restofworld

Happy to share some compiler optimizations with @portokalidis on AddressSanitizer created by our student Dennis Zhang @YuchenZ9571. Support anything ASan supports; Nearly Sound; Reduce 40% overhead; All AE badges granted
programming, codice, snippet
::: junxzm

Orbital Launch in January? Elon Musk Updates His Vision for SpaceX's Starship
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

This comprehensive article about what a shitshow Amazon's internal security has been for many years is amazing. "User data flowed like water"
Amazon | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide

Autosufficienza tecnologica: la strategia di Pechino
hardware | Cina
::: ilmanifesto

One of the most noticeable pieces of new language in the draft regulation is its direct acknowledgement of the Great Firewall, the system China uses to filter inbound information and censor a great number of news and social media websites
Cina | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: AleColarizi

Metaimperi. In Cina fin dal 2020 si parla di metaverso e si investe in brevetti e in personale ad hoc. Ma tutta l’Asia si muove: la Corea, regina del soft power, è tra le più pronte
metaverso | augmented reality
::: simopieranni

Like numbers? We got you
Web, Internet
::: restofworld

Starbucks Links With Amazon Go For First Cashierless Cafe
::: Slashdot

Thousands of Firefox Users Accidentally Commit Login Cookies On GitHub
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: phretor

Bill Gates' TerraPower Will Set Up a $4 Billion Nuclear Plant In Wyoming
::: Slashdot

During COP26, Facebook Served Ads With Climate Falsehoods, Skepticism
Facebook | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Apple Accelerates Work on Car Project, Aiming for Fully Autonomous Vehicle
::: Slashdot

How Fraudsters Exploit Popular Interest-free Payment Plans
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Steve Wozniak's Startup Privateer Plans To Launch Hundreds of Satellites To Study Space Debris
protagonisti | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

There should be a companion account to @NewLispRepos called @OldLispRepos dedicated to Common Lisp (or ancestor) code on the internet that began before the year 2000
Lisp | storia
::: stylewarning

The Washington Post yesterday had a forum on disinformation and Fake News, and @JameelJaffer -- formerly of the ACLU, now with the Knight Center -- gave the perfect answer for why nothing is more dangerous than giving the government the power to decree and regulate Fake News
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: ggreenwald

Thanks for contacting us. To get help with this issue, please reach out to Curl
Apple | Web, Internet
::: AppleSupport

Always try the simplest approach first, so you have a reference point to justify any increase in complexity. In ML, this typically means using a non-ML baseline as your first model
machine learning
::: fchollet

#lisp a 41 year old screen shot of a GUI-based Lisp data inspector tool. Also shown: the same thing running on my Mac today - by way of a Lisp Machine emulator
storia | Lisp
::: RainerJoswig

The #PegasusProject was awarded one of the prestigious #RSFAwards2021 for its impact. Last July, this collaborative investigation uncovered the global abuse of Pegasus spyware. 👉 What's happened since then? WATCH how people, leaders and prosecutors have taken up the scandal
::: FbdnStories

Perchè è necessario un Osservatorio sui sistemi di decisione automatizzata delle PA? Ve lo spieghiamo io e @dilettahuyskes_ in questo video della #PrivacyWeek @privacynetwork_
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lunabianchi84

Python (e tutti gli altri linguaggi)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: tritlo

this is really interesting, I had no idea that ANSI C function prototypes were borrowed from C++
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: johnregehr

Sometimes the call really is coming from inside the house
::: evacide

Altoparlante pubblicoNew paper! In which I work through a lot of my uncomfortable observations since joining academia, examining the alarming-but-quiet capture of academic AI research by big tech, what this means for how and what we know about AI, and how we can resist
artificial intelligence
::: mer__edith

#Sorveglianze ep. 2 L’azienda, partecipata di Leonardo, vende servizi di intelligence e dual use. Sistemi di sorveglianza simili sono usati dagli Emirati come armi contro gli oppositori
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: irpinvestigates

School strike week 170. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #UprootTheSystem
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: GretaThunberg ::: GretaThunberg

Non è un po' surreale questa intervista?
giornali, stampa
::: andcapocci

The @EU_Commission parades #GaiaX as a "key contributor" to European data sovereignty. Funny sovereignty if #Palantir is a participating member, and Chinese companies among the main sponsors. Please explain dear Commission!
Unione Europea | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: SophieintVeld ::: Luke_like

#otd in 1991 Microsoft Office for Windows was launched

Can a machine make moral decisions? Researchers at the University of Washington are working on it
no, imho
artificial intelligence
::: nytimestech

We just pushed a new release candidate for Altair, making available a number of new chart types & features
::: jakevdp

A Look Under the Hood of the Most Successful Streaming Service on the Planet
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Mappa interattiva e modelli 3D dei portici di #Bologna
applicazioni, programmi
::: ArgiaSbolenfi

“The only reason to use the eNaira over cryptocurrency would be trust in the government, and that trust has been eroded for many." Inside the shaky launch of Africa’s first e-currency in Nigeria
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: YinkaWrites

Imperdibile! 😀
bash script | umorismo
::: cmnit

I strongly suspect that virtually nobody will ever actually use this feature of my Racket CommonMark implementation, but I am pleased to provide it, nonetheless
language Racket
::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda

È un modello per le ragazze non solo italiane e dimostra che con il duro lavoro si può raggiungere ogni obiettivo. La Mattel le ha dedicato una #Barbie. Samantha Cristoforetti è la prima astronauta italiana e presto tornerà sulla Stazione Spaziale Internazionale. /1
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

SpinLaunch Hurls a Test Vehicle Kilometers Into the air. Eventually, it'll Throw Them Almost all the way to Orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Torna la rubrica #MondoAsean, dedicata al Sudest asiatico a cura di @Itasean. Oggi parliamo di crisi dei chip, e tanto altro
hardware | politica
::: chinafiles

"Frances Haugen’s policy proposals are modest at best, amounting to little more than what Facebook has already proposed or supported"
::: fabiochiusi

What’s Crypto.com, which is paying $700 million for the naming rights to Staples Center in Los Angeles?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nytimestech

Peter Rawlinson engineered the Tesla S and helped redefine driving. Now he is challenging Tesla's dominance with his Lucid Air electric sedan
tecnologia | energia
::: nytimestech

15 Best GNOME Extensions for Ubuntu (2021 Edition)
::: dcavedon

Thanks to all (too many to thank here!) in the community who have helped over the last few weeks with the complex discussion about evolving the @ProjectJupyter notebook to a modern v7. We now have a (draft) JEP for the plan forward - feedback welcome
Python | programming, codice, snippet
::: fperez_org

Premio mucca sferica 2021
(forse) | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

Hoy es #ViernesDeEscritorio y queremos compartir el lanzamiento de nuestra versión 2.0 de GobLin GNU/#Linux. Un SO diseñado específicamente para las oficinas de los gobiernos. Construído sobre @DevuanOrg 4, con kernel liquorix 5.14 y escritorio XFCE 4.16
Linux distro
::: CarlosBrys

"Facebook is still using the vast amount of data it collects about young people in order to determine which children are most likely to be vulnerable to a given ad. This practice is especially concerning"
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: torproject

Some one-liners from RedHat
tip, suggerimenti
::: igor_chubin

A quali condizioni si è svolto il #lavoro da remoto durante la #pandemia? Con quali vantaggi e quali costi per i #lavoratori? Una indagine di Sonia Bertolini e Giovanna Fullin
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: rivistailmulino

Oggi su @ilmanifesto con @PaoloBory abbiamo parlato di #Meta e #Metaverse focalizzandoci su 2 caratteristiche: l'aspirazione (e la vanità) del tutto + una visione del futuro retrotopica che si ispira al passato "mitico" del digitale
::: gabriele_balbi

Pentagon Asks Amazon, Google, Microsoft and Oracle for Bids on New Cloud Contracts
::: Slashdot

The Amazon Lobbyists Who Kill US Consumer Privacy Protections
Amazon | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

First Electric Autonomous Cargo Ship Launched In Norway
energia | automazione
::: Slashdot

Canadian Police Arrest Teen For Stealing $36.5 Million In Cryptocurrency
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Alphabet Puts Prototype Robots To Work Cleaning Up Google's Offices
robots, automazione, droni | Google
::: Slashdot

Tor Project Sees Decline in Server Numbers, Will Offer Rewards for New Bridge Operators
open source
::: Slashdot

DuckDuckGo launches App Tracking Protection for Android, a beta feature that blocks third-party trackers from Google and Facebook
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | dispositivi mobili
::: Techmeme

Perseverance Rover Captures Awesome Video of Helicopter Flying on Mars
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Sci-Hub: Researchers File Intervention Application To Fight ISP Blocking
copyright e brevetti | open source
::: Slashdot

Il «controllo totale» dell’algoritmo
::: ilmanifesto

Facebook Papers: Stati uniti, India e Filippine
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: ilmanifesto

Andy Prokh

#Metaverso #元宇宙 riforma o rivoluzione? e i pericoli per la privacy
Google Traduttore 💥 rockz!
metaverso | Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: simopieranni

There are many security threats when using distributed dependency packages like in go or npm or rust, this is a simple example. Reason why at dyne.org we distribute critical components that have zero dependencies
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jaromil

New TypeScript 4.5 Improves Asynchronous Programming
linguaggi di programmazione
::: DiegoManinetti

How koyo's URL resolver tackles an annoying problem with @racketlang's powerful dispatch-rules macro
language Racket
::: alamajesse

Climate change: Conspiracy theories found on foreign-language Wikipedia
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Wikipedia
::: RadioProzac

Visualizations Show the Extensive Cloud of Debris Russia's Anti-Satellite Test Created
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Texas Plans To Become the Bitcoin Capital, Vulnerable Power Grid and All
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

#lisp Learn Common Lisp by Example: GTK GUI with SBCL. the other articles in that series also look interesting
::: RainerJoswig

🚨 I'm really excited to share that my paper on the international legal implications of Israel's use of facial recognition tech in the occupied Palestinian territory has just been published in the @ICRC
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: rohantalbot

NASA Seeks Ideas For a Nuclear Reactor On the Moon
spazio, esplorazione | energia
::: Slashdot