Quando ci fu il passaggio dai blog a Facebook ero molto scettico e resistetti per un po’. Poi, anche per altre questioni, attivai il profilo Facebook senza mai rinunciare al blog. Sono sempre più convinto che lo scetticismo di allora aveva molto senso
social media | personale
::: dionisoo
Hire these people
economia, lavoro | lavoro | programming, codice, snippet
::: RichRogersIoT
A-EON Talks About The Future of The Amiga Platform
esiste ancora? una volta era OK; norto per ragioni economiche
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
We need STEM majors in order to make
scuola, educazione
::: existentialcoms
Training ever bigger convnets and LSTMs on ever bigger datasets gets us closer to Strong AI -- in the same sense that building taller towers gets us closer to the moon
nota per me: LSTM Long short-term memory
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet
Use a FreedomBox to regain control of your online privacy
hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Sjig
Seeing lots of excitement about Windows letting users see Android notifications on the desktop — #Ubuntu can do this (and a whole lot more) too!
Ubuntu | tools, componenti software
::: omgubuntu
Do Complex Systems Require Higher Safety Standards From Managers and Engineers?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Data collected within a city, for example, might be placed under the control of a data trust, ensuring it can only be used in ways that benefit citizens, involving them in the decision making
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi
Uno dei motivi per cui strillare che “i social uccidono la democrazia” è non solo inutile ma nocivo è che non spiega come mai in Spagna per esempio - nonostante fake news etc. - abbiamo vinto i socialisti, con l’estrema destra che non sfonda. Ora non la uccidono più?
social media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: fabiochiusi
Sometimes @Twitter's recommendation algorithm gets things hilariously wrong. I can assure you that fans of @Sci_Hub will most emphatically NOT like @ElsevierConnect 😂
open source
::: rskudesia
Stephan Pastis 29 apr 2019
social media
::: stephanpastis
SpaceX: il punto della situazione una settimana dopo l’esplosione della Crew Dragon DM-1
spazio, esplorazione
::: AstronautiNEWS
Zuck ha inventato la sveglia
::: quinta
Cloud Database Removed After Exposing Details on 80 Million US Households
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Hackers have breached Docker Hub, a popular programming tool used by major tech companies. The impact of the breach is still unclear but hackers accessed private keys and tokens for GitHub and BitBucket, which is potentially really, really, bad
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lorenzofb
SBCL 1.5.2 now available with lots of RISCV goodness. Consume with moderation
::: ascii19
Some time ago I wrote about optimal transport for machine learning with @PyTorch. If you're really into this topic, check out GeomLoss: a fast, optimized library to calculate Sinkhorn distances (and their gradients!)
machine learning | Python
::: danieldazac
Spotify ha raggiunto 100 milioni di utenti iscritti al servizio premium in tutto il mondo
::: ilpost
German far-right AfD party is saturating Facebook with Russian memes while researchers also find evidence of “inauthentic coordinated behavior” ahead of EU elections
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: profcarroll
Facebook is boycotting the European Elections by preventing not only EU parties but also many 💯 organisations from using Facebook/Instagram to run mobilization campaigns encouraging citizens to vote
Facebook | politica
::: alemannoEU
I'm so old I can remember when social media was going to be a force for good
::: defrag
a self-taught programmer from Belgium just cracked MIT's 20-year-old cryptographic puzzle
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MIT_CSAIL ::: codinghorror
Vodafone “identified hidden backdoors in the software that could have given Huawei unauthorized access to the carrier’s fixed-line network in Italy (...), according to Vodafone’s security briefing documents from 2009 and 2011 seen by Bloomberg”
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot
Vado a fare un giro
::: BeppeBeppetti
UK police forces can use a ‘mobile phone extraction’ device to download all info on your phone, even if you’re a witness or victim of a crime - & often without informed consent
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: privacyint
Yesterday #28A Spain went to the polls for #ElecionesGenerales, PI looked into how Spanish political parties are using online technologies and personal data to reach voters and conduct their campaigns
social media | politica
::: privacyint
Thanks to @maonus for showing me the most incredible talk I’ve seen in years. I am a huge fan of retrocomputing and spend a ton of time reading about computing history and old archs, but this blows it all out of the water. Watch til the end; it’s worth it
🤩 fantastico 🤩
storia | spazio, esplorazione
::: lexi_lambda
100% agree "Fake news is not a technological or scientific problem with a quick fix. It should be treated as a new kind of public health crises in all its [social] complexity", Samir Patel writes, the answer might be "increasing the immunity of citizens"
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: rasmus_kleis
La velocità di adozione delle nuove #tecnologie sta crescendo sempre di più
innovazioni, futuro
::: Luca_Gualtieri1
Un Twitter libre, décentralisé, sans espionnite: Mastodon. A vous de jouer!
iscritto; provato ma non decolla
social media
::: davduf
Today's a big day in open-source history: #otd in 1993 @CERN released the source code for the World Wide Web for anyone to use
storia | Web, Internet
New project from @factchecknet: We combined five major lists of websites that repeatedly publish false or misleading information. The result: A database of 500+ unreliable news sources
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: dpfunke
Linux Release Roundup: Geary, Raven & Fedora 30
::: dcavedon
SSE version of #simdjson ready! In included benchmarks, faster than #JSON alternatives. Exciting stuff, think I’m a #SIMD convert! Pending review by @lemire & @geofflangdale. Would love feedback from other folks too, @cowtowncoder interested?
programming, codice, snippet
::: sunnygleason
Non riesco a capacitarmi dell’autogol comunicativo di Facebook. Zuckerberg incentra tutto il suo speech a #F82019 sul motto “the future is private”. Che implica immediatamente una domanda: ma scusa, quindi stai ammettendo che ora FB non lo è?
::: fabiochiusi
#SocialMedia in Italia, dati @AGCOMunica
social media
::: franzrusso
Mark Shuttleworth Sees Increased Demand For Enterprise Ubuntu Linux Desktop
::: Slashdot
If I wasn't already in love with ArchLinux, I would likely be a Fedora user
::: WebReflection
Carlo Nardone |
Print advertising – once the bedrock of all newspaper income - accounts for 8% of the company’s total revenue
Guardian breaks even helped by success of supporter strategy
::: fabiochiusi
Mark Zuckerberg ha cambiato idea sulla privacy
Facebook | social media
::: emenietti
These countries have the most robot workers
::: wef
China blocks Facebook at home but enthusiastically uses it abroad: 5 out of 6 media outlets with the largest following are Chinese state-run
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Mantzarlis
I just released a library to make "ridge elevation plots" with Python and @matplotlib
::: colindcarroll
Social media are a tool of US propaganda
social media
::: real_fabristol
Amazon Dismisses Idea Automation Will Eliminate All Its Warehouse Jobs Soon
::: Slashdot
Your phone isn’t really spying on your conversations—the truth might be even creepier
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Gianlucadfiore
I don't know what's more depressing, this chart or the fact that people are trying to set fire to wood beams to 'prove' that the Notre Dame fire was a hoax
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: JaneLytv
These researchers want to study artificial intelligence systems in the same way we’ve always studied animals and humans: through empirical observation and experimentation
artificial intelligence
::: techreview
A Thiel-backed startup sells software that can recognize specific behaviors, like fighting, walking slowly when others are walking fast, virtually anything that aberrates from the norm
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: FrankPasquale
People predict they (and others) wouldn’t unlock and hand over their phones if asked to in the course of an experiment
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: zittrain
Saper ascoltare significa possedere
::: SergioGridelli
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