26 maggio, 2019

Visto nel Web - 399

Un giorno importante per l'Europa ma intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Shareholder Efforts To Curb Amazon Facial Recognition Tech Fall Short
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Can you guess which one of these models is a virtual human?
virtual reality

If you think you’re not storing secret information in logs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GossiTheDog

These are the top 10 landmarks in the history of making measurements
innovazioni, futuro
::: MauroV1968

Hackers Are Holding Baltimore's Government Computers Hostage
::: Slashdot

I don’t want to see an authoritarian surveillance state whether it’s run by a government or whether it’s run by five corporations” - AOC
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: mat

Il 62,6% dei follower di #Salvini su #Twitter sono fake, di questi, il 41% sono stati aperti negli ultimi 90 giorni a ridosso delle #europee2019. Lo dimostrano i dati elaborati per Il Sole 24 Ore ha DataMediaHub
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: ultimenotizie

Goto and the folly of dogma
programming, codice, snippet
::: Gianlucadfiore

rest assured that nothing dystopian will arise from allowing the world's biggest company to scan your body 😧
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ClaraJeffery

'We'll fight to the end': China's media ramps up rhetoric in US trade war
politica | Web, Internet
::: simopieranni

Secondo Richard Yu, capo divisione consumer della @Huawei nuovo sistema operativo sarà lanciato in autunno o cmq non oltre primavera2020 #Huawei #Usa #Cina Ma come sottolinea Ren Zhengfei, il fondatore, un Os non è un problema. Il prob è l'ecosistema
politica | Web, Internet
::: simopieranni

How to Create a Malware Detection System With Machine Learning
confesso che non ho letto il post
programming, codice, snippet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evilsocket

How Silicon Valley gamed Europe's privacy rules
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: emenietti

Gli Usa incriminano Assange, 17 capi d’accusa
Web, Internet | politica
::: la Stampa ::: NatashaBertrand ::: Snowden ::: ggreenwald ::: CraigMurrayOrg ::: mmasnick ::: bartongellman ::: ACLU ::: jeremyscahill ::: wikileaks ::: mtracey ::: kgosztola ::: dangillmor ::: rcfp ::: trevortimm ::: MikeGravel ::: BoutrousTed ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: mante ::: hronir ::: UnGarage ::: caitoz ::: couragefound ::: simopieranni ::: michaelluo ::: wikileaks

Wikipedia To Fight Turkey Ban in European Human Rights Court
::: Slashdot

Verso i 4mila ormai gli iscritti. A 5mila raggiungo limite di Tinyletter e niente più iscrizioni. Idee per dopo?
Web, Internet
::: carolafrediani

Redditor Allowed To Stay Anonymous, Court Rules
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

In the early 1970s, nuclear experts were convinced we would likely have commercial fusion reactors by 2000, and most definitely by 2020
ricordo; io ci contavo negli anni ~[70-85]; ma ci si arriverà, in ritardo
energia | innovazioni, futuro
::: fchollet

Many Google Duplex Calls Are From Real People Instead of AI
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

#socialPA #vsburocracy XXI secolo ricevere da un comune un modulo da compilare, in PDF formato immagine. Da stampare, compilare a penna, scansionare, mandare per email, e sicuro poi lo stamperanno
economia, lavoro
::: LucaLombroso

New: sources say multiple Snapchat employees abused their access to user data. Four former employees, a current employee, and a cache of emails obtained by Motherboard also describe 'SnapLion', Snap's previously unreported tool for accessing user data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: josephfcox

Happy to see the @OECD #ArtificialIntelligence Principles. In line with our guidelines released in March. In line with our common goal: reaching a trustworthy #AI!
artificial intelligence
::: ViolaRoberto

#Breviloquio per "tweet" sarebbe una bellissima soluzione anche in italiano
::: gius_antonelli

Anche #FSFE suggerisce: l'esclusione di #Huawei da alcuni software proprietari di Google (che sono di solito anti-#privacy e anti-utente) è un'occasione per passare a un più sano #SoftwareLibero
open source
::: WikimediaItalia

Mark Zuckerberg Dismisses Calls To Break Up Facebook
Facebook | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

99% of mid-market manufacturing executives are familiar with Industry 4.0, yet only 5% are currently implementing or have implemented an Industry 4.0 strategy
innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogersIoT

Facebook Removed 2.2 Billion Fake Accounts This Year
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Comcast Does So Much Lobbying That It Says Disclosing It All Is Too Hard
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Everything you wanted to know and more about radix sort...
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Some devs, when confronted with a problem
::: RichRogersIoT

5G Could Mean Less Time To Flee a Deadly Hurricane, Heads of NASA and NOAA Warn
a sentimento mi sembra fuffa à la tanto è acerba
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Deepfakes Can Now Be Made From a Single Photo
artificial intelligence | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot ::: timetit

Senate Passes Bill Cracking Down On Robocalls
web-bot, robocall
::: Slashdot

Check out this Transformer Chatbot Tutorial with TensorFlow 2.0
TensorFlow e Keras
::: TensorFlow

Just like everything else
::: fchollet

Atari 800 vs. Commodore 64 – The Brief Tale of Two 8-Bit Home Computers
::: Gianlucadfiore

Social media giant @facebook is set to roll out its own cryptocurrency – referred to as 'GlobalCoin' internally – in 2020
blockchain e crypto*
::: coindesk

Trump’s latest explanation for the Huawei ban is unacceptably bad
Web, Internet | politica
::: emenietti ::: simopieranni ::: Slashdot

I Casaleggio usavano i social media in un modo nuovo, dinamico, per spargere i loro messaggi in giro con una tecnica a cascata e distribuita, pensammo che avemmo potuto copiarli
social media | politica
::: jacopo_iacoboni

SpaceX ha portato in orbita i primi 60 satelliti del suo progetto Starlink per trasmettere Internet dallo Spazio
Web, Internet
::: ilpost

Zuckerberg is arguing that Facebook is the only one with enough resources to police the internet. Meanwhile, his strategy is to make more of his users' activity end-to-end encrypted, unable to be policed even by Facebook
::: sarahfrier

Analisi degli investimenti in Facebook ads in tutti i Paesi della UE28 per le elezioni europee 2019
Facebook | politica
::: DataMediaHub

That's probably me. But with more doodling
::: thek3nger

A Rocket Built By Students Reached Space For the First Time
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

I'm trying to formulate a thought on the "OOP was about classes and objects"
::: JonasWinje

Non parliamo di programmi come Office o Word ma di programmi che fanno funzionare la Pa. Ma se non servono, allora perchè acquistano le licenze?
open source
::: eniogemmo

Humans held responsible for twists and turns of climate change since 1900
ambiente, ecologia
::: emenietti

While I think that deep-fake technology poses a real threat, this type of low-tech fake shows that there is a larger threat of misinformation campaigns -- too many of us are willing to believe the worst in people that we disagree with
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Another visual programming prototype, all drag-drop-able #visualprogramming #scheme
programming, codice, snippet
::: nebogeo

Se anche dovesse arrivare una crisi nel settore tecnologico, sarebbe molto diversa dalla “bolla delle dot com” perché dal 2000 a oggi le aziende del settore sono molto cambiate
economia, lavoro | tecnologia
::: ilpost

A Group of Independent Linux App Developers Has Asked Wider GNOME Community To 'Stop Theming' Its Apps
open source | Linux
::: Slashdot

Mobile Chrome, Safari and Firefox Failed To Show Phishing Warnings For More Than a Year
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The Last Working Olivetti Mainframe Sits In a Tuscan High School
::: IEEESpectrum

NASA Executive Quits Weeks After Appointment To Lead 2024 Moon Landing Plan
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Gli hacker hanno messo online migliaia di mail della Lega e di Salvini
::: ebobferraris

Al via l’obbligo per le Pubbliche Amministrazioni di pubblicare in #opensource tutto il proprio codice in @developersITA e di valutare software già esistente prima di realizzarne di nuovo, mettendo così fine alla duplicazione della spesa
open source
::: teamdigitaleIT

Quelli che stanno ridendo per #Huawei chissà dove pensano che vengano fatti gli smartphone figherrimi che comprano a 1000€. Dovessero passare alla rappresaglia, i cinesi annullerebbero qualsiasi mercato IT
politica | hardware
::: Genjuro75

Microsoft's Game Streaming Service Project xCloud Technically Supports 3,500 Games
::: Slashdot

Is the Java ecosystem healthy? For *months* now we have been unable to release our code due to an unfixed major bug in JDK 11 and 12. We made the mistake of adopting the post-JDK8 features, and now we are stuck. Fixes are not getting released
linguaggi di programmazione | bug
::: lemire

Thinking doesn't guarantee that we won't make mistakes. But
::: CompSciFact

Zuckerberg Met With Winklevoss Twins About Facebook Developing Cryptocurrency, Report Says
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Facebook, as usual, is confirming its role as the social equivalent of a plague-bearing rat infestation -- making itself available as a vector of far-right radicalization, refusing to curtail the spread the viral disinformation, etc
Facebook | politica
::: fchollet

Google Shut Out Baltimore Officials Using Gmail After Ransomware Attack
::: Slashdot

Forse la colpa non è tutta dei social, cari media tradizionali
media | politica
::: LauraACarli

UNIX version zero manual written by Dennis Ritchie in early 1971 was unearthed by Doug McIlroy in 2015. It describes early UNIX that run on PDP-11 and had 21 system calls. By November 1971, this increased to 35 system calls, as documented in UNIX Programmer's Manual v1
::: unix_byte

Olivetti's Programma 101: “A good secretary can learn to operate it in a matter of days!”
The P101 could be leased on a monthly basis, or bought outright for US $3,200 (about $25,000 today): quindi --fammi rabbrividire: io l'ho usata per qualche giorno (nel '68 o '69) grazie a un rivenditore (in team con con suo figlio) per una tesina; a $100 di allora al giorno, contando gli interessi, non riuscirò mai a uscirne fuori! Grazie AS e papàS!
::: IEEESpectrum

Coding is hard
programming, codice, snippet
::: donnacamos88

Forget solar cells—perovskite x-ray detectors will be commercialized much more quickly, experts say
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

Why I love Perl 6
linguaggi di programmazione
::: b3h3m0th

Science and Technology links (May 25th 2019)
::: lemire

NASA Announces First Commercial Partner For A Space Station Orbiting The Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

OH: python 2 is
::: krisnova

Facebook knows it is a disinformation platform and it doesn’t care
::: chrisinsilico

Replacing JavaScript: How eBay Made a Web App 50x Faster With WebAssembly
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot


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