Introducing #Kogito. Recording of my DevNation Live talk
applicazioni, programmi
::: mariofusco
New Map Shows Where America's Police, Businesses Are Using Facial Recognition and Other Surveillance Tech
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
I can't think of a more misleading clickbait article about physics than this
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: real_fabristol
#lisp #ai #hacker Patrick Henry Winston , RIP
::: RainerJoswig ::: xvandervoort
Is Russia Trying to Deanonymize Tor Traffic?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: jacopo_iacoboni ::: fabiochiusi ::: jaromil
Browser extensions have call it 10% of the attack service of a browser, 10 to 100% of the damage to the user if compromised, and 0.00000001% the budget for hardening. In most cases the risk/reward tradeoff not there for technology professionals
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: patio11
Rai5 ha appena trasmesso un episodio di ‘C’è musica e musica’ diretto da Luciano Berio, e intitolato ‘Nuovo mondo’. È del 1972, e parla di algoritmi, AI, musica elettronica, limiti della creatività computerizzata e dell’umano come fosse oggi. Servizio pubblico. Cultura
::: fabiochiusi
How to Mirror & Control Your #Android Phone from the #Ubuntu Desktop
Ubuntu | dispositivi mobili
::: omgubuntu
Is There Tension Between Developers and Security Professionals?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
The future of #space is exciting, but there’s work to do to ensure that the benefits are spread equitably and ethically around the world
spazio, esplorazione | etica
::: ComputerHistory
NASA Marks The 50-Year Anniversary of Man's First Steps on the Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Members of the @FSCDems House Financial Services Committee question @Facebook #crypto chief David Marcus about their proposed #Libra cryptocurrency
::: RealBankReform
This is the story of the people, deeply involved in “work to put him there” & how a decision to employ this unproven technology, criticized at the time as reckless, helped to launch the IC as an essential building block of our digital world
::: ComputerHistory
Intel Prepares To Graft Google’s Bfloat16 Onto Processors
deep learning
::: codinghorror
The nation was at war with the Soviet Union — a Cold War — and one of the new battle-fields was space. Read "The Computing Race to Space: From Sputnik to Apollo" by @dag_spicer #apollo11 #moonlanding #scifi #sciencefiction
spazio, esplorazione | storia
::: ComputerHistory
Lo specchio di un'Italia cattiva, disumanizzata: non riconosco più quell'Italia piena di umanità semplice, fatta di brava e buona gente
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: udogumpel
The Inventor Who Fought To Get Black Box Flight Recorders Into Every Plane
peccato che il nome sia sbagliato: la scatola nera per i programmatori (e forse i mate) è tutt'altra cosa
::: Slashdot
Come ha fatto il complottismo a uscire dalle fogne e a diventare mainstream in ogni settore dello scibile umano? Così ha fatto: con la complicità dei media mainstream, che lo hanno legittimato click dopo click, spettatore dopo spettatore. È lo scandalismo il nemico del vero
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | media
::: fabiochiusi
this is the common lisp gateway drug you've been looking for: Call python from Common Lisp
Python | lisp(s)
Cut Out By The Middle Man: The Free Speech Implications of Social Network Blocking and Banning in the EU
social media | regolamentazioni
::: Barrie_Sander
Models of Generics and Metaprogramming: Go, Rust, Swift, D and More
programming, codice, snippet
::: Gianlucadfiore
JavaScript is popular for the same reason PHP was popular: low barrier to entry for newcomers plus ubiquity (aka, easy to embed everywhere). JavaScript remains popular largely due to much better evolution than PHP, which couldn’t figure out which way to grow
linguaggi di programmazione
::: slicknet
It would be really interesting to actually know what these Iranian accounts were doing to justify the block -- and how it was different from Trump's quasi-declaration of war and daily hatred/racism on Twitter, which is fine instead according to Twitter
Twitter | censura
::: fabiochiusi
Google Abandons Go's try() Function Proposal, Citing 'Overwhelming' Community Response
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Celo Launches Decentralized Open Source Financial Services Prototype
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Microsoft Demos Hologram 'Holoportation'
::: Slashdot
Un problema che non è confinato agli Stati Uniti, spiega @repubblica il Garante Soro, e che dimostra il cinismo delle piattaforme, «impegnate da un lato ad esaltare il rispetto dei più piccoli, mentre dall'altro ne collezionano indiscriminatamente i dati per trarne profitto»
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: RositaRijtano
Debugging other people's code
::: RichRogersIoT
GitLab Survey Finds Positive Results For Both DevOps and Working Remotely
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
let me tell you a story about ergonomics
linguaggi di programmazione
::: ggbozzo
Google Settles Age Descrimination Lawsuit
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot
When Online Teachers See Child Abuse
social media
::: Slashdot
50 years ago today we said goodbye to Sea of Tranquility, we’re ‘first on the runway,’ and lit the ascent engine for home
storia | spazio, esplorazione
::: TheRealBuzz
My first post on Medium - PEG Parsers
PEG = Parsing Expression Grammars
::: gvanrossum
Doing some stress and temp testing on the Raspberry Pi 4
::: codinghorror ::: codinghorror
Have you missed RacketCon? Take the day off, stretch your legs and it's time to binge on Racket!
language Racket | linguaggi di programmazione
::: racketlang
Securing Linux with a Faster and Scalable Iptables. In the Appendix, we provide the instructions needed to check out the code and replicate the results
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: sebymiano
In orbita per sfuggire alla gravità della vita
spazio, esplorazione
::: matteoalberi
Is Object-Oriented Programming a Trillion Dollar Disaster?
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
#Neuralink: cosa è e come funziona il nuovo giocattolo di Elon Musk
innovazioni, futuro
::: lastknight ::: emenietti
1) Strategie per un giornalismo che non faccia da megafono a falsità e propaganda
thread tutto da leggere
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: carolafrediani ::: carolafrediani ::: raistolo ::: carloalberto
Free Spotify and YouTube Users Are Now a Bigger Challenge Than Music Pirates
::: Gianlucadfiore
How trashy TV made Italian children dumber, enabled a wave of populist leaders
media | politica
::: Gianlucadfiore
Quanto Twitta Salvini @DataMediaHub - Analisi critica dell'utilizzo di Twitter da parte di Salvini, dei leader dei principali partiti politici, del Premier, e di tutti i ministri in carica
Twitter | politica
::: DataMediaHub
Reconnaissance faciale : La Quadrature du Net attaque le décret ALICEM
riconoscimento facciale
::: reesmarc
With Chandrayaan-2 Launch, India's ISRO Shoots For the Moon on a Shoe-String Budget
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot ::: emenietti
Samsung-Backed Researchers Develop a Ternary Semiconductor
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot
readline — The GNU readline Library
::: pymotw
Artificial Intelligence in Astronomy | ESO
artificial intelligence
::: AINewsFeed
Microsoft Invests $1 Billion in OpenAI To Develop AI Technologies on Azure
artificial intelligence | open source
::: Slashdot ::: voxdotcom
ant-sized bristlebot, a toilet-cleaning humanoid, and a robot balancing on a ball
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum
Facebook will have to pay a record fine for violating users’ privacy. But that’s short of what some federal regulators wanted. The inside story of a multi-billion dollar tech giant’s privacy war with Washington
Facebook | regolamentazioni
::: washingtonpost
#FortuneGlobal500 Sorpasso storico: per la prima volta nella classifica (redatta dal 1990) le aziende cinesi superano quelle americane: 129 contro 121. Azienda con maggiore fatturato Walmart, Huawei 61esima dietro a Microsoft, cresce Xiaomi
economia, lavoro
::: LalaHu9
To solve a hard problem, you need to be pretty much obsessed with the process of solving it, not merely enamored with the idea of having solved it
::: fchollet
How YouTube Paved the Way for Google's Stadia Cloud Gaming Service
If there is a physical heart for Google’s many cloud services, it’s 16 huge data centers located in the Americas, Europe, and Asia
::: IEEESpectrum
Scientists are experimenting with growing plants in space, with the hope of sending fresh produce on a spaceship to Mars by the 2030s
spazio, esplorazione
::: NYTScience
Tinder Bypasses Google Play Joining Revolt Against App Store Fee
social media | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
$50M investment to develop a new field of research around technology's impact on democracy. Under-investigated, yet critical. Data science and machine learning can help
tecnologia | machine learning
::: fchollet
The Marks of a True Senior Developer
The true senior developer will advocate for clean coding habits & guide peers towards it without being a bias force of destruction. They are kind to their peers’ mistakes & accept their own with grace — aiming to educate & learn rather than destroy egos
programming, codice, snippet
::: RichRogersIoT
'Cyber hygiene' alone cannot prevent some of the most damaging cyber attacks on the grid. Could analog controls be the answer?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum
#odiareticosta , ARRIVANO TEMPI DURI PER GLI ODIATORI IN RETE. FINALMENTE! "l'obiettivo finale di questa grande azione è garantire che a ogni commento d'odio in rete corrisponda un risarcimento danni"
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: TempoDiDiritti
Ecco, @Twitter
, che spesso non sospende neanche account violenti, antisemiti, istigatori all’odio, ha sospeso l’account di satira @gfonetico, che prendeva in giro il premier Giuseppe Conte
::: jacopo_iacoboni
The worlds’ rural population has now probably plateaued at c. 3.2 billion. All population growth from here on out is going to be urban. That is quite a significant marker in humanity's collective development since the neolithic
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia
::: adam_tooze
BricsCAD Shape is a Free SketchUp Alternative for Linux
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon
in realtà Julian #Assange non è incriminato per #spionaggio come scrive @fattoquotidiano, è incriminato ai sensi dell'#EspionageAct, una legge del 1917 che PURTROPPO equipara QUALSIASI gestione "anomala" dei documenti segreti del governo USA allo spionaggio
::: SMaurizi ::: flemingjude
Microsoft Pays $25 Million To End US Probe Into Bribery Overseas
::: Slashdot
Ecco come la missione Chandrayaan2 finirà sulla Luna
seguire il link indicato da Sandro, "queste cose di mate dell'India" mi diceva tempo fa un'amica italo-franco-greco-indiana a cui non piace la mate 🤪
spazio, esplorazione
::: sandrociarla
Siemens Contractor Pleads Guilty To Planting Logic Bomb In Company Spreadsheets
::: Slashdot
Facebook Design Flaw Let Thousands of Kids Join Chats With Unauthorized Users
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Fascinating analysis of real time image censorship in China / WeChat
::: codinghorror
This morphing drone can fold and unfold itself to pass through narrow gaps
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum
I still believe the world is created by us. And whatever future world we envision or we want to live in is due to the work we do today
artificial intelligence
::: StanfordHAI
Steps to install Go on Linux
linguaggi di programmazione
::: TheLinuxDev
A settembre discuteremo di sapere libero all’Università di Padova, col convegno Internazionale “#Wikipedia in Academia”! Tenetevi liberi il 20 e 21 settembre
Web, Internet
::: wikimarcok
Why an “AI race” between U.S. and China is a terrible idea
artificial intelligence | politica
::: fabiochiusi
La mappa interattiva di tutti gli allunaggi
spazio, esplorazione
::: formicablu
The main pillars of programming, and why you should master them
programming, codice, snippet
::: mit_csail
Can you explain to non-coders the most impressive code you've seen?
The most ambitious Quora answer I ever wrote, in which I try to describe the work of @dfried00 and @webyrd
lunga risposta, richiede tempo per assimilarla ma semplice -- meravigliosa
programming, codice, snippet
::: PaniczGodek
A toy train in space
::: codinghorror
LA REPUTAZIONE DEL WEB: UN MODO DIVERSO DI DIRE CENSURA. Di come sono stato accusato di antisemitismo dalla destra americana e di come ho perso il lavoro di disegnatore in @CNN
::: channeldraw
#Globalization is a force both more powerful and ancient than #Trump. Too often we think of it — of economic integration and the exchange of ideas, people and goods that comes with it — as a recent phenomenon. It isn’t dying, It’s just evolving
economia, lavoro
::: CozzolinoSalvo
Alright, since my Twitter followers are clearly a better Hoogle than Hoogle
::: lexi_lambda
The discussion around ethics & regulation…needs to expand to include more existential questions. How should we respond to the promises of technology? Do we really want the world to be completely under our control? What are the moral costs of doing this?
etica | regolamentazioni
::: 1Br0wn
That’s why RedMonk’s regular breakdowns of programming-language rankings are so important. The analyst firm doesn’t just look at the fortunes of different languages over the past quarter or year—its measurements extend back to September 2012
linguaggi di programmazione
::: redmonk
Two police officers in Louisiana have been fired after one wrote a Facebook post suggesting Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez should be shot, and the other liked it
social media
::: CNN
Deepin 15.11 Released, This is What’s New
Linux distro
::: dcavedon
AG Barr Says Consumers Should Accept Security Risks of Encryption Backdoors
mica sono cinesi, loro possono
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Sarah Glaz from the Univ of Conn has collected dozens of math links that might interest math students and mathematicians
::: mathematicsprof
Stephan Pastis
una striscia delle migliori di uno dei migliori
::: stephanpastis
#otd in 1985 Commodore released the Amiga 1000, often considered the first affordable multitasking PC. It had a Motorola 68000 CPU & 256 KB of memory & cost $3K in today's dollars
Fun #Python tip - if you have a directory with HTML/JS files that you want to serve locally, e.g. to test out a website, you can type: python -m http.server in that directory. That's it!
::: astrofrog
Julia. Native, amazing multi-threading. Hot off the press!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: quinn_jacobd ::: SimonPJByrne
Apple Dominates App Store Search Results, Thwarting Competitors
ditte | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Facebook Deceived Users About the Way It Used Phone Numbers, Facial Recognition, FTC To Allege in Complaint
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
spazio, esplorazione
::: exploreplanets ::: emenietti
The Best Algorithms Still Struggle to Recognise Black Faces
algoritmi, codice | #hate
::: RobMcCargow
Justice Department To Open Broad, New Antitrust Review of Big Tech Companies
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
BMW To Treat Apple CarPlay as a Subscription Service and Charge Customers an Annual Fee
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
UPS Is Launching a Drone Delivery Service In the US
robots, automazione
::: Slashdot
Yikes. On the one hand, anonymization is hard
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jeanqasaur
I appreciate @NBCNewsTHINK giving me a chance to discuss DeepFakes. Some of my takeaways
::: alexstamos
#EU draws up sweeping rules to curb illegal #onlinecontent #DigitalServicesAct #onlineharms
regolamentazioni | copyright e brevetti
::: MariaMichalis
The Man Who Built The Retweet: “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”
no, non mi convince
social media
::: fabiochiusi ::: mante
A book about #algorithms and #Lisp
::: Gianlucadfiore
Quando l’ex direttore della CIA e della NSA polverizza le proposte di indebolimento della crittografia dell’attuale amministrazione Usa con un reply su Twitter ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: carolafrediani
Huawei Technologies Co., il gigante tecnologico cinese sanzionato da Washington, ha segretamente aiutato il governo nordcoreano a costruire e gestire la rete wireless nazionale. E’ quanto confermano documenti interni ottenuti dal Washington Post
Huawei | politica
::: chinafiles
Meet Jade, a Desktop Environment for Linux Built Using Web Tech
::: dcavedon
1) Dove si connette la Cina col resto del mondo? Non in Cina come capita altrove ma al di fuori del suo perimetro, in Europa e Usa (Francoforte, Seattle, Los Angeles). Non ci sono telco straniere nei confini cinesi (mentre negli Usa ci sono x es. Telecom Italia o China Telecom)
Web, Internet
::: carolafrediani
RIP to AI pioneer Patrick Winston, who taught at MIT for nearly 50 years. Two of his most influential texts are free online
protagonisti | lisp(s)
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