08 agosto, 2019

Visto nel Web - 420

Tempi interessanti (come dicono i cinesi), tanti in ferie o vacanze, io qui e questo è quello che ho wisto nel Web.

This wave of AI hype will have dire consequences. Not just for our field. For public safetyartificial intelligence
::: fchollet

Marty the Grocery Store Robot Called 'Ominous', 'Mostly Useless'
robots, automazione
::: Slashdot

Yikes, an old brochure of me running my port of OPS5 to the Xerox 1108 Lisp Machine
::: mark_l_watson

C++20 Is Feature Complete
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

AMD Sold 79% of All CPUs in July
::: Slashdot

Science and Technology links (August 3rd 2019)
::: lemire

Did WhatsApp Backdoor Rumor Come From 'Unanswered Questions ' and 'Leap of Faith' For Closed-Source Encryption Products?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Pearls Before Swine for August 04, 2019
cose di tutti i giorni, la vita
::: _juhan

Why do emerging AI guidelines emphasize “ethics” over human rights? Great article and FYI Ethically Aligned Design from @ieee has Human Rights as its first principle
artificial intelligence | etica
::: johnchavens

A US 🐝
::: elonmusk

SpaceX Makes Plans For Up To 24 Starship Launches A Year From Florida
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Over the years, the Keras brand has often been used to market "Keras for X" copycat libraries (most recently a couple of days ago). Flattering, but compared to the original, they tend to have so many holes you could drain pasta with them...
machine learning
::: fchollet

Reminder: If you need a break, take one
::: varcharr

Armando Delantero

I'm working on a dashboard and hoping to use python. Just been playing with #altair and it's definitely the most productive charting + python experience I've ever had
::: benjaminallen ::: jakevdp

Saying you will solve general AI is a bit like saying you will solve computer science: generality in artificial intelligence is not a riddle to be solved. It isn't a single problem, it isn't a single technology
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

what we all need after today
::: simon_schama

Google's Plans for Chrome Extensions 'Won't Really Help Security', Argues EFF
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Gilder's Law: "bandwidth grows at least three times faster than computer power"
Web, Internet
::: codinghorror

Cloudflare Terminates 8chan
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot ::: codinghorror ::: kevinroose ::: WIRED ::: fabiochiusi ::: GrahamBrookie

Next PEG post is up: generating the parser from the grammar, and packrat parsing through memoization
programming, codice, snippet
::: gvanrossum

Memory Management in #Python
::: Gianlucadfiore

Altair: Declarative Visualization in Python
::: Altair

Franky Zapata stands on his jet-powered "flyboard" as he took off from Sangatte, northern France, on August 4, 2019, before he successfully crossed the 35-kilometre Channel crossing in 20 minutes
[OK, solo per questa link al Sun; il Daily Mail ancora no]
innovazioni, futuro
::: CaliaDomenico

"Startup, la Lombardia batte Germania e Francia" titola trionfante Il Sole 24 ORE poi ne sopravvivono poche, ammette, e non abbiamo bisogno di chiederci il perché
economia, lavoro | innovazioni, futuro
::: Confucio_

Lyft Pulls Its Electric Bikes From the Bay Area After Four Catch on Fire
::: Slashdot

How to use documentation
::: garabatokid

Stop blaming the video games you absolute morons
::: brianklaas

bz2 — bzip2 Compression
::: Python 3 Module of the Week

Con la pausa estiva del Parlamento ormai alle porte le possibilità di convertire in legge il rafforzamento del #goldenpower sulle reti #5G varato lo scorso 11 luglio sono pari allo zero. L’approfondimento di @AndreaPira
::: StartMagNews

Half of All Google Chrome Extensions Have Fewer Than 16 Installs
tool, componente software
::: Slashdot

Huawei Tests Smartphone With Own OS, Could Potentially Start Selling Them Later This Year
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

This python programming class
::: JackRhysider

Twitter Users Are Escaping Online Hate by Switching Profiles To Germany
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

8chan Goes Dark After Hardware Provider Discontinues Service
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Applied Category Theory - The Emerging Science of Compositionality
programmazione funzionale
::: Lambda the Ultimate

Per molti, aripurtroppo, internet è il www, e il www è facebook
Web, Internet
::: DarioBressanini

'There is No Evil Like reCAPTCHA (v3)'
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

The specialization of human intelligence, perhaps paradoxically, is also the source of its generalization power
di qui François parte con una lezione sulla programmazione (tutta)
cit. | programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

Google Pledges Carbon-Neutral Shipping, Recycled Plastic For All Devices
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Agile is not about speed
::: RichRogersIoT

An R tutorial updated for Debian 10 is as good a reason as any to re-use my pirates-themed R gif 🏴‍☠️🦜⚓️
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lisaironcutter

Turkey Moves To Oversee All Online Content, Raises Concerns Over Censorship
::: Slashdot

In this day and age, it's hard to imagine that we *ever* thought "let random people type whatever they want at the bottom of your web page" was a good idea. Clearly.. no
Web, Internet
::: codinghorror

Autobus di NY
Web, Internet
::: AlfonsoFuggetta

The end-to-end canonical Keras on TPUs sample was updated for Tensorflow 1.14
machine learning
::: martin_gorner

I am pretty critical of deep learning in general
deep learning
::: fchollet

Google Employee Alleges Discrimination Against Pregnant Women In Viral Memo
gender, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Amazon Squeezes Sellers That Offer Better Prices On Walmart
economia, lavoro | ditte
::: Slashdot

Amazon Is Coaching Cops On How To Obtain Surveillance Footage Without a Warrant
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft's New Windows Terminal Update Is Out and It's 'Huge'
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Libraries Are Fighting To Preserve Your Right To Borrow E-Books
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Europe is edging towards making post-car cities a reality
innovazioni, futuro | ambiente, ecologia
::: Gianlucadfiore

Programming Algorithms: Data Structures
molto bello imho
programming, codice, snippet | lisp(s)
::: Lisp, the Universe and Everything

Microsoft Catches Russian State Hackers Using IoT Devices To Breach Networks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Voto #garanteprivacy ri-rinviato, se ne riparla dopo la pausa estiva *a data da destinarsi*. Attuale collegio che guida l’autorità resta in carica per ordinaria amministrazione
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: faffa42

The #NEC vehicle is essentially a large #drone with 4 propellers, capable of carrying people.The Jap. electronics maker demonstrated the machine, flying without a passenger on Monday. Powered by a battery, it rose briefly to about 3 m above the ground
innovazioni, futuro
::: Nereide

AT&T Employees Took Bribes To Plant Malware on the Company's Network
::: Slashdot

A recent addition to the tf.keras guide: a guide about RNN features, including performance considerations
machine learning
::: fchollet

Why Canonical Views the Snap Ecosystem as a Compelling Distribution-Agnostic Solution
capito poco
::: Slashdot

Millions of Books Are Secretly in the Public Domain. You Can Download Them Free
open source
::: Slashdot

Linux Performs Poorly In Low RAM / Memory Pressure Situations On The Desktop
::: Slashdot

Things that happen in China. A five-story "building" was spotted cruising along the Yangtze River on Saturday. The "building" was actually a floating restaurant
::: Rainmaker1973

China Warns India of 'Reverse Sanctions' if Huawei is Blocked
::: Slashdot

The Fed Is Getting Into the Real-Time Payments Business
blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Toshiba Introduces New Tiny NVMe SSD Form Factor
::: Slashdot

Why #opensource is necessary today?
open source
::: OpenSourceOrg

Final Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Version Released
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

What's better than using a MusicVAE to generate music? Personalizing a MusicVAEVAE for just the music you like!
programming, codice, snippet
::: notwaldorf

In a paper posted online at the end of May, computer scientists Ran Raz and Avishay Tal provide strong evidence that #quantumcomputers possess a #computing capacity beyond anything classical computers could ever achieve
quantum computing
::: Nereide

Tokyo Offers $1 Billion Research Grant For Human Augmentation, Cyborg Tech
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

This thread is a crash course on everything you need to know to use TensorFlow 2.0 + Keras for deep learning research. Read on!
machine learning
::: fchollet

Google Expands its Advanced Protection Program To Chrome
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Windows Defender Achieves 'Best Antivirus' Status
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

One of the big changes in TF 2.0 is how easy it is to write custom training loops for your models
machine learning
::: fchollet ::: random_forests

High-Security Locks For Government and Banks Hacked By Researcher
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Hyundai Releases Car With Solar Panel Roof
::: Slashdot

US Appeals Court Voids Google 'Cookie' Privacy Settlement That Paid Users Nothing
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Twitter may have /accidentally/ shared data on users to ads partners even for those who opted out from personalised ads. That would be a violation of user settings and expectations, which #GDPR makes a quasi-contract
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lukOlejnik

I limiti della sorveglianza
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lucadebiase

Isaac Asimov mulled the best ways to unleash creativity in this 1959 essay
idea 💡
::: techreview

En 2018, la @villeistres a utilisé des drones pour surveiller des manifestations pendant 59h, soit 77% de leur temps d'utilisation. Ne laissons pas la surveillance s'installer dans nos villes
robots, automazione | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: laquadrature

This 3D map reveals the Milky Way’s perplexing curves
::: GalacCuriosity

Microsoft's MSDN Magazine is Ending Its Run After More Than Three Decades
::: Slashdot

Intel pulls the plug on Omni-Path networking fabric architecture
::: JBenet38

Now, Bluetooth earphones and other small-battery-operated devices will be able to listen for wake words that bring them to full power
::: IEEESpectrum

British Airways Cancels Over 100 Flights After Computer Systems Fail
::: Slashdot

Do not forget Julian #Assange. Or you will lose him
Web, Internet | politica
::: johnpilger

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