24 ottobre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 442

Problemi di rete; chissà se riesco a dirvi cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Russian Cyber-Espionage Group Controlled Its Malware Partly Through Reddit Postsfrodi
::: Slashdot

Google Criticized After Voice From 'Nest' Camera Threatens to Steal Baby
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Il #SoftwareLibero è necessario per una #ScienzaAperta funzionante. Una donazione di 1 milione di dollari da Arcadia aiuterà gli archivi che rendono gratuito l'#AccessoAperto alla #ricerca scientifica
open source
::: WikimediaItalia

Forbes Raves Upcoming Linux Desktop Will 'Embarass' Windows 10 and macOS
traduzione: quant'è bello il desktop di Deepin; e non solo quello è tutto meglio di Windows e Mac
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

Huawei Says US Firms Have Expressed Interest In Licensing Its 5G Technology
5G | Huawei
::: Slashdot

Why The 'Not-Com' Stock Bubble Is Popping
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Thanks to @bvenners of @ArtimaInc for keeping the Artima blogs and forums up for all those years! Just had fun browsing Python's history
Python | storia
::: gvanrossum

Australia's Buggy Automated System Suspended 1 Million Welfare Payments This Year
::: Slashdot

'South Park' Nears $500-Million Deal for US Streaming Rights
::: Slashdot

Is America's Federal Banking System Considering Its Own Digital Cryptocurrency?
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

How Andrew Yang Would Fix The Internet
::: Slashdot

Is Andrew Yang Wrong About Robots Taking Our Jobs?
politica | robots, automazione
::: Slashdot

Nissan's Next Electric Car Could Also Provide Power To Your Home
::: Slashdot

$35B face data lawsuit against Facebook will proceed
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi

I wrote a short blog post today about something a little different: empathy and subjectivity in discussions on programming languages
lunga dissertazione sull'empatia e su haskell, ovviamente; molto buona imho
programming, codice, snippet | programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Makes me wonder which software development process the Empire went with when building the Death Star...
::: RichRogersIoT

We have a course specifically on CLI and related skills
anche per uso interno, è una discussione che va avanti da sempre
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi ::: krismicinski

Alphabet's 'Wing' Finally Launches America's First Drone Delivery Service, Beating Amazon
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Lesser Known Coding Fonts
tool, componente software
::: newsycombinator

Il fisico Angelo Vulpiani spiega su @ilmanifesto tutti i limiti dei #BigData e perché non possiamo fare a meno di modelli e teorie scientifiche, nonostante i computer
dati, raccolta
::: andcapocci

The Untold Story of the 2018 Olympics Cyberattack, the Most Deceptive Hack in History
::: emenietti

#lisp programming as envisioned by Warren Teitelman: an interactive dialog with networked Lisp systems and their users... 1977 in Interlisp: A Display Oriented Programmer's Assistant
1977: prima che cominciassi io (sul VT100) c'era già chi aveva le finestre
storia | Lisp
::: RainerJoswig

8chan's Original Founder Is Now Urging ISPs To Keep The Site Offline
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

🔴 Uscita la mia newsletter #GuerrediRete. C'è tanta roba e ho sfiorato limiti lunghezza. C'è mia analisi della mega operazione contro sito abusi su minori; analisi su aziende tech, Cina e Occidente; Twitter, social, e i politici e molto altro
::: carolafrediani

It’s 2019. Every time you whinge about the headphone jack
::: TimothyCookothy

Happy 15th Birthday, Ubuntu!
::: dcavedon

Cassini 2007

Facebook Forges Ahead With Libra Despite Some Major Setbacks
blockchain e crypto* | Facebook
::: Slashdot

Vandal Who Keyed A Tesla Discovers That It Filmed Him
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Mathematician Solves 48-Year-Old Problem, Finds New Way To Multiply
::: Slashdot

[Linux on Desktop is still a thing?] Shuttleworth sees the Linux desktop living on with Ubuntu 19.10
::: dcavedon

How I Compiled My Own SPARC CPU In a Cheap FPGA Board
::: Slashdot

Mozilla is Sharing YouTube Horror Stories To Prod Google For More Transparency
social media
::: Slashdot

Integrated Innovation and the Rise of Complexity
Good post by @sogrady at @redmonk - IT has gone thru cycles of dissagregation for flexibility/choice, then re-aggregates for convenience/usability. Of course, a pre-integrated stack is a #monolith in its own right
programming, codice, snippet
::: Dave_Ideate

Privacy-Respecting Smart Home System Can Work Offline and Sends Fake Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Project Trident Ditches BSD For Linux
::: Slashdot

The solution must be co-evolved with the problem. (Or more precisely, with our understanding of the problem)
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

October 2019 Status of Ubuntu Touch on Librem 5 Smartphone
dispositivi mobili
::: Mariogrip

Turns out hacking -- both computer systems and political institutions -- is a very high ROI vector of attack. Cheap and potent. Because you are exploiting your opponent's preexisting hidden vulnerabilities (which are plenty), and entirely by-passing its strengths
hackers at work
::: fchollet

Trump Campaign Floods Web With Ads, Raking In Cash as Demo
“(...) despite mounting research that suggests persuasion ads have little to no impact on voters in a general election”
ad, pubblicità | social media
::: fabiochiusi

We now show that, not only the manufacturers, but... also hackers can abuse those voice assistants to intrude on someone's privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Lots of preening here, but...
ad, pubblicità | politica
::: BrendanNyhan

How Macron tried to fix Facebook — and failed
Facebook | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Ok, it's Monday morning. Well, you're probably going to have a tough week. But let me ask you something, are you sure that requesting changes like this will make your life easier?
programming, codice, snippet | ooh!
::: mariofusco

Teenagers Are Easily Bypassing Apple's Parental Controls
Apple | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

#lisp Adam Gordon Bell talks with Hal Abelson about Language Oriented Design and SICP
1985! 34 anni! 💥 sempre attuale
Lisp | manuali, how to | storia
::: RainerJoswig

The battle on search in #China: #Baidu, ByteDance and Tencent. The use of search engines is declining as Chinese users now spend more time on short video and messaging platforms (like #TikTok and #WeChat)—content that is not indexable by Baidu
Web, Internet | Cina
::: LalaHu9

passa troppo poco tempo su facebook :)
::: makkox

Please tick the box
::: tomgauld

La direttiva copyright sarà un boomerang, anche in Italia
copyright e brevetti
::: GiovanniCocconi

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G Is Safe (and more than one to think otherwise)
5G | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: marcoscan

Researchers Tricked Google Home and Alexa Into Eavesdropping and Password Phishing
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

sys — System-specific Configuration
::: pymotw

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has privately recommended several potential hires to Pete Buttigieg’s campaign, a rare example of direct political involvement from one most powerful tech executives, @tylerpager reports
Facebook | politica
::: JenniferJJacobs

Un idiota o un semplice esibizionista augura su twitter di ammalarsi di tumore a una manciata di personaggi politici. Invece che ignorare l’idiota segnalarlo e bannarlo tutti perfino i giornali ne parlano
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: mante

I have collected some interesting public data about issue activity on Github for @hacktoberfest. I will be happy to share more of it later, but here's a preliminary chart based on ~8500 issues
linguaggi di programmazione
::: erikaheidi

Popular VPN Service NordVPN Says it Was Hacked
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Ten years ago, a device called charge-coupled device — or #CCD in short — brought the #NobelPrize in Physics. Read our #ESOBlog interview on how CCDs revolutionised astronomy
::: ESO

Could AR glasses make a comeback?
augmented reality | hardware
::: IEEESpectrum

Vorrei precisare i dati forniti dalla @M_gabanelli nell'articolo sul @Corriere, è vero che Salvini è cresciuto fino a 3.4 milioni , ma le interazioni sono le stesse di quando aveva un milione di followers #dataroom #facciamorete
social media | politica
::: alex_orlowski

Proper Linux Screen Sharing Coming to Chromium & Electron Apps like Discord
Linux | hardware
::: dcavedon

Lawmakers Slam Apple for 'Censorship' of Apps at China's Behest
Apple | censura
::: Slashdot

Equifax Used 'admin' as Username and Password for Sensitive Data: Lawsuit
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft Announces Secured-core PCs To Counter Firmware Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Seeking to "stop abuse and election interference on our platform," Facebook releases new election-integrity policies
Facebook | politica
::: TimKarr

Big day ahead at the @UN for the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. We’re speaking to governments & journalists about the urgent need to ban #killerrobots by launching negotiations on a treaty to retain meaningful human control over the use of force. #unga74 #keepctrl #teamhuman
robots, automazione | etica
::: marywareham

Judge refuses to allow three month delay to @WikiLeaks #JulianAssange's extradition hearing
Julian Assange
::: StefSimanowitz ::: YourMarkLubbers ::: SMaurizi ::: Snowden ::: marina_catucci ::: SMaurizi ::: pamfoundation ::: hronir ::: wikileaks ::: georgegalloway ::: fabiochiusi ::: wikileaks

#Apple, from Made in China to Made in India #tradewar #iPhoneXR
::: LalaHu9

Amazon penalizza su Twitch le persone che commentano a favore delle proteste ad Hong Kong
ditte | politica
::: quinta

Here's what I got opening gatsbyjs.org just now. 😞
Web, Internet
::: matthewcp

Bank of America Says It Saves $2 Billion Per Year By Ignoring Amazon and Microsoft and Building Its Own Cloud Instead
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Apple CEO Tim Cook Joins Influential Chinese University Board
Apple | Cina
::: Slashdot

They have very different views on #AutonomousWeapons, but these experts were able to reach consensus on a promising policy roadmap
robots, automazione | etica
::: IEEESpectrum

Just published 15,000+ words on security keys. 🔐📱💻With SIM attacks at their highest, now is a great time to take a closer look at your online security
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Stammy

Because I woke up one morning and said to myself “you know what the Haskell ecosystem needs? another effect system”
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

More than 1,000 Australian engineers (+95 engineering firms) declare a climate emergency, commit to evaluating their participation in new projects "against the environmental necessity to mitigate climate change”
ambiente, ecologia | programming, codice, snippet
::: AlexSteffen

Google Says a Fix For Pixel 4 Face Unlock Is 'Months' Away
Google | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Is PyTorch or TensorFlow more efficient for training and running transformer models?
::: ylecun


First you learn the value of abstraction
::: RichRogersIoT

EU contracts with Microsoft raising 'serious' data concerns, says the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS)
dati, raccolta
::: FlorenceBonnet

Facebook Shuts Down New Accounts From Iran and Russia Spreading Disinformation
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Everyone who knows @boye_g recognizes the Spanish police's "search" for what it is: political repression. It should alarm us that even in democracies lawyers, publishers, and ordinary people are facing retaliation for work involving political principles
::: Snowden

Ogni volta che mi collego al mio gmail da un pc diverso dal solito mi arrivano ennemila email di Google per chiedermi se sono sicuro, se va tutto bene, di fare attenzione, ti vedo sciupato, sicuro sicuro che va tutto bene? Google sta alla sicurezza come mia madre al cibo
Web, Internet
::: orporick

“We’re preparing kids to become successful adults.” No, you're preparing kids to become accustomed to total surveillance, self-censorship, reciprocal suspect and a world with no privacy. Stop this madness
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Il 45% della popolazione mondiale usa internet. In Islanda praticamente non lo usano solo i neonati e gli ultra centenari
Web, Internet
::: evilripper

We're trying to defend #FOSS against patent trolls
open source
::: gnome

The Internet of creation disappeared. Now we have surveillance and control
Web, Internet
::: Gianlucadfiore

People are wondering why we're not holding an October event
::: TimothyCookothy

c'è @esa che ha rifatto il sito 🤩
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti

Facebook is now displaying fact checks more prominently on false posts. A warning label will be superimposed on debunked photos and videos
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: dpfunke

Meet another great #tutorial on sending #emails with #Python’s build-in module by @juldanjou and Mailtrap team #emailsending
::: Mailtrap

The "leap of faith" into Linux is a bit anxiety inducing so here are three steps to help with the plunge
::: jrswab

Travestite da notizie
media | Web, Internet
::: mante

Avast Says Hackers Breached Internal Network Through Compromised VPN Profile
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Disney+ Does Not Work On Linux Devices
Web, Internet | bug
::: Slashdot

Calling all @Java developers. How secure are you? Check out the new cheat sheet: 10 #Java security best practices
linguaggi di programmazione
::: snyksec

Firefox 70 Arrives With Social Tracking Blocked By Default
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: AndreaDraghetti ::: dcavedon

Comcast's 'Free' Streaming Box Actually Requires an Additional $13 a Month Fee
open source
::: Slashdot

Drone delivery service known for ferrying medical supplies in Africa auditions for a role in combat missions. What payloads might Zips eventually drop on the battlefield?
::: IEEESpectrum

Gmail ci ha abituati a non pagare, ma ora Google inizia a chiedere il conto
::: emenietti ::: Slashdot ::: Gianlucadfiore

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for October 23, 2019
::: GoComics

Introduction to Linux monitoring and alerting
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: opensourceway

47 US Attorneys General Are Investigating Facebook For Antitrust Violations
Facebook | antitrust
::: Slashdot

How can tens of thousands of amateurs collaborate with powerful computers to solve thorny problems in physics? Danish researchers made it possible with an online game
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

Firefox To Get Page Translation Feature, Like Chrome
::: Slashdot

Facebook Pledges $1 Billion for California Housing
Facebook | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

I have been asked by some organization in France to send a signed letter in three copies
Web, Internet
::: lemire

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Will Tell Congress That Embattled Libra Crypto Project Will 'Extend America's Financial Leadership'
Facebook | blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The @OpenSourceOrg is renewing its commitment to building an inclusive open source movement, and one that does not shy away from the pursuit of justice
open source
::: joshsimmons

Le big tech sono tassabili, basta volerlo
economia, lavoro
::: fsaraceno

More Than Half of the World's Banks Are Already in a Weak Position Before Any Downturn That May Be Coming
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Quantum Supremacy From Google? Not So Fast, Says IBM
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

Gigantic wind turbines can grow so far before the laws of physical scaling take a hand. Today's plans for 250-meter-long blades may be unworkable
tecnologia | energia
::: IEEESpectrum

We have just one question: Why?
::: FarandWidecom

Bernie Sanders pledges to end practice of prosecuting whistleblowers under the Espionage Act
Web, Internet | politica
::: ryangrim

This tweet had an unexpected twist (at least for me) and sparked a very interesting discussion today. In particular @evacchi made me notice that some languages like Coq and Pony adopted the convention that 1/0=0 and also linked this article by @hillelogram explaining ...
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mariofusco

Dewulf GKIIISE 3-row trailed carrot harvester
::: MachinePix

Sending this tweet through space via Starlink satellite
Web, Internet
::: elonmusk ::: Slashdot

What's your favorite programming language?
non è come sembra
programmazione funzionale
::: jeanqasaur

Patent trolls suck. Please help @gnome fight the good fight. And please retweet!
open source
::: killyourfm

Please follow the link below to sign the statement calling for a moratorium on facial recognition technology for mass surveillance. Several groups have already signed-on. Join us! #FacialRecognition #privacy
riconoscimento facciale
::: EPICprivacy

Introducing MediaWell: A new platform to track and distill the latest research on disinformation, online politics, election interference, and emerging collisions between media and democracy
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: ssrc_org

Non ho letto la sentenza completa ma il PM di Roma scrive malissimo una cosa vera e per molti indicibile. Che ai tempi dei social network il concetto stesso di diffamazione andrà rimodulato
social media | politica
::: mante

Oggi @ilmanifesto inserto su alternative possibili a Fb. Grazie agli acari dell'istanza Bida di Mastodon, il gruppo Ippolita, Giansandro Merli e Benedetto Vecchi che hanno scritto in questo primo quartino tra tech, geopolitica e un po' di sana nerditudine
social media
::: simopieranni

Il PD e Italia Viva a Bologna contro il 5G. Un esempio tra i tanti della poltiglia populista che avvolge tutto e tutti
5G | politica
::: mante

It has been a week, so I am dropping an 0day. The bed facing Tapia robot deployed at the famous Robot Hotels in Japan can be converted to offer anyone remote camera/mic access to all future guests. Unsigned code via NFC behind the head. Vendor had 90 days. They didn't care
robots, automazione
::: lrvick

#javascript #religione #cristianesimo #ProprietàTransitiva
::: meropone

"Senza approvazione, l’impiegato non può partecipare a qualsiasi attività politica o esprimere qualsiasi opinione politica". @giuliapompili
svela il codice di condotta (incostituzionale) che Huawei fa firmare ai dipendenti in Europa. Qui non siamo in Cina
lavoro | politica | Huawei
::: lucianocapone

Differenze Social. Su Instagram nella mia bolla tutti criticano il vergognoso servizio di report sul caffè. Qui su Twitter la critica a report viene automaticamente collegata all’altro servizio. Evidentemente la disinformazione scientifica che report fa da ANNI interessa poco qui
social media | media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DarioBressanini

Il prossimo @LinuxDayItalia sarà sabato 26 ottobre, in tutta Italia e ovviamente anche a #Torino!
non solo a Torino, ovviamente
::: LinuxDayTorino ::: Linux Day ::: LinuxDayItalia

"As the saying goes in open source, “Many eyes lead to shallower bugs.” So too do many perspectives lead to better software. Here’s to a better, more inclusive tomorrow"
open source
::: faidonl

MIT researchers reveal new system to improve fake news detection
disinformazione, fake news, bufale

A Face-Scanning Algorithm Increasingly Decides Whether You Deserve the Job
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Verizon's 5G Network Can Only Cover 'Certain Seating Areas' In a Basketball Stadium
::: Slashdot

Facebook To Face $35 Billion Class-Action Lawsuit Over Misuse of Facial Recognition Data
Facebook | riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Quando con @sruotolo1 si fece il servizio sulla #Bestia sapevamo che era solo punta dell'iceberg e x quelle rivelazioni arrivarono i primi problemi. Ringrazio anche @StevenForti che mi fece la prima intervista su @RollingStoneita
#Report #facciamorete
web-bot, robocall | politica
::: alex_orlowski

In a First, FTC Bans Company From Selling 'Stalkerware'
::: Slashdot

'Hyperstealth' Invisibility Cloak Developed For Military Use
sarà vero?
::: Slashdot

Mastodon e gli altri | Un altro modello c'è e si chiama Fediverso #ilmanifesto
social media
::: ilmanifesto

Here is a quick report of what happend at last week’s meeting of the stakeholder dialogue on #Article17 of the EU #copyright directive (spoiler: not that much)
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu

L'invenzione del #computerquantistico non cambierà nulla nella vostra vita, ma almeno stavolta lo sapete. Quando avete inventato la ruota nessuno ve l'ha detto, non sapevate che era successa una gran cosa, e poi eravate troppo impegnati a scheggiare pietre. Ecco, ora è lo stesso.
::: Dio

Google Claims a Quantum Breakthrough That Could Change Computing
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

Violazioni di dati e spie russe, che cos'altro deve succedere questa settimana per convincervi a regolamentare Facebook?
::: christianrocca

2,000 WeWork Employees To Lose Their Jobs As Former CEO Adam Neumann Prepares To Walk Away With at Least $1 Billion
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

A correction of the historiographical record on the probability integral
storia | matematica
::: republicofmath

Apple Pay Overtakes Starbucks as Most Popular Mobile Payment Platform in the US
economia, lavoro | Apple
::: Slashdot

Apple Arcade made my mobile gaming fun again
::: thek3nger

Watch our #Unix50 panels and talks TODAY!
sistemi operativi | storia
::: BellLabs

This is a guide for the beginner to learn Linux from scratch
Linux | manuali, how to
::: TheLinuxDev

Happy birthday Ed @Snowden! Thank you for everything
Edward Snowden
::: ACLU

Devuan ASCII (stable) 2.1 point release is rolling out. With new package mirrors, updated installers and more...
::: DevuanOrg

Put the work-in-progress effect system stuff I’ve been doing on GitHub
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Georges Méliès

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