19 dicembre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 458

La lista, non quella di Babbo Natale, quella di cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Science and Technology links (December 14th 2019)novità
::: lemire

The essence of programming is that everything is data, even the program itself
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco

In 9 years of using Python for science stuff, I don't think I've ever used Matplotlib once without cursing it
ingiusto, secondo me
::: fchollet

Building Your Own Open Source, Privacy-Protecting Voice Assistant With A Raspberry Pi
hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Learn about to the different staking models between ETH 2.0 and Polkadot
blockchain e crypto*
::: Alexintosh

Raspberry Pi numbers get stale fast. We sold our thirty-millionth unit some time last week (we think Tuesday)
::: EbenUpton

Will Tesla's Rooftop Solar Panels Revolutionize the Power Industry?
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: Slashdot

Don't take trivial things too seriously
::: fchollet

iMac + iPad = L'accoppiata definitiva
espansiva; (già sentita da altri)
::: Genjuro75

Mettiamoci d'accordo
social media
::: Artibani1

Love LibreOffice? Want to help spread the word? And do you speak another language than English? Give us a hand with social media around the world – you can build up valuable experience too!
open source
::: libreoffice

The Next Nuclear Plants Will Be Small, Svelte, and Safer
::: Slashdot

Attenti che prima o poi ci fanno anche un TED Talk. Titolo: “Scusateci”
social media
::: fabiochiusi

A tug-of-war over biased AI
On one side are the bias-fixers, who believe the systems can be purged of prejudice with a bit more math. (Big Tech is largely in this camp.) On the other side are the bias-blockers, who argue that AI has no place at all in some high-stakes decisions
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

To be fair, we quantum technologists are really all sick of super-string theory's hype. Now they are all just jealous that we're getting all the funding and they are not anymore
boh, chissà...
quantum computing
::: jpdowling

Many thanks to all backers and supporters of our #Kickstarter campaign. You and great friends, partners and vendors have made it possible that the project for the #VollaPhone continues, even if this time we have not reached the funding goal
dispositivi mobili
::: hello_volla

If you create a Hackintosh, the secret Apple police
::: federighiOS

L’altro ieri @twitorino è stata disseminata di monopattini elettrici (4.000) in condivisione. Oggi ne ho già trovati due in un cassonetto. Dalla civilissima Italia è tutto
innovazioni, futuro | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | cose di tutti i giorni, la vita
::: ebobferraris

Vim Releases 'Killersheep' Game To Demo Two New Features In Vim 8.2
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Perfect opportunity to #SwitchToLinux!
sistemi operativi
::: omgubuntu

America's FCC Votes Unanimously To Divide 'Safety Spectrum' Into Wifi and Auto Applications
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

::: stephanpastis

Russian Police Raid NGINX Moscow Office
::: Slashdot

Financial info provider @Refinitiv has blocked more than 200 @Reuters stories about the Hong Kong protests in mainland China. The self-censorship has denied Refinitiv customers in China access to coverage of one of the year’s top stories
::: Reuters

Oggi, 129 anni fa, due giuristi statunitensi (Samuel Warren e Louis Brandeis) pubblicarono sulla Harvard Law Review il primo saggio sulla #privacy.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: diritto2punto0

L'hacker che è in possesso delle mie foto compromettenti mi fa un prezzaccio per chiuderla qui: 850 dollari
::: Artibani1

Sul serio: come fate a lamentarvi delle bufale e dei complottismi e della scarsa qualità del giornalismo scientifico quando allo stesso tempo supportate chi sputa sul valore professionale dei comunicatori scientifici e ride delle loro difficoltà finanziarie?
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: Astrobiocosa

WebAssembly Becomes W3C Standard, Reaches 1.0
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Is Microsoft's Chromium Edge Browser Better Than Firefox and Chrome?
non diciamo katsate! ahemmm... non l'ho mai provato - ma no!
::: Slashdot

Programmer As A Service
::: dcavedon

Who is way more excited for the Bitcoin halving than for Xmas & the new year? Around 150 days to go!
blockchain e crypto*
::: mir_btc

America's Air Force Seeks Commercial Technologies For 'Space Domain Awareness'
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

ICANN Delays .Org Sale Approval, Calls For More Transparency
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

TIL - progenitori
storia | hardware
::: johnregehr

FBI Busts Massive Pirate Streaming Service With More Content Than Netflix
::: Slashdot

Boeing May Suspend Production of Their 737 Max Aircraft
hardware | bug
::: Slashdot

The Cathedral and the Bizarre: a critique of twenty years of open source
$ì, mancano i $oldi € continuità e altro ma ...
open source
::: khinsen

💥 Notre Cahier de Tendances @metamedia est sorti !
::: EricScherer

Published 20 years ago: "The Pragmatic Programmer," a must-have for software developers
storia | manuali, how to

In an effort to put off actually writing new posts, I've added yet another page to my blog! This time its a page featuring translations that various internet people have been kind enough to make
::: TwoBitHistory

Interview with me on efficiency in the server room (in French): Des serveurs informatiques plus rapides et moins énergivores
Web, Internet
::: lemire

I found a $600k BCH theft that has gone unnoticed
blockchain e crypto*
::: Alexintosh

I recommend reading this to anyone willing to dig deeper than memes around coins
blockchain e crypto*
::: izqui9

Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort we feel when we have conflicting or inconsistent attitudes. I think it should be seen as a positive trait of our cognition. It shows that irrationally hurts
proprio come quando Asimov diceva del complesso di Frankenstein?
artificial intelligence
::: MariannaBergama

.@Facebook - At 4th EU Stakeholder dialogue on #DSM directive #article17 with Fb as evasive as usual : access to recognition tool Rights Manager & rightsholders remuneration completely #arbitrary, no clear thresholds, and no #transparency. And it's all right, thank you very much!
Facebook | regolamentazioni
::: SBouchetob

The online course "Elements of AI" will be available in all EU languages in the second quarter of 2020 (translations were made by the EU Commission). It is currently available in English, Finnish, Swedish and Estonian
artificial intelligence
::: algorithmwatch

Will China Export Its Surveillance Technology?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

By the end of 2020 SKALE will permit running any deterministic program on blockchain. This will include killers apps like MySQL, git and search engines
blockchain e crypto*
::: Stan_Kladko

L'ultima speranza per salvare il pianeta è che siano le intelligenze artificiali, a farlo davvero. Perché se aspettiamo che lo facciano le mirabolanti intelligenze *umane*...
artificial intelligence | ambiente, ecologia
::: fabiochiusi

India's internet shutdown in Kashmir, "which entered its 134th day Monday, is now the longest ever imposed in a democracy, according to [@accessnow] ... Only authoritarian regimes such as China and Myanmar have cut off the Internet for longer."
::: rasmus_kleis

xmlrpc.server — An XML-RPC server
::: pymotw

Hardly probable #AI be able to fully identify copyright infringement(s) in any foreseeable future, say experts of #Lumen independent research project in the Stakeholders Dialogue today!
artificial intelligence | copyright e brevetti
::: Inov_mediapub

I just completed "Oxygen System" - Day 15 - Advent of Code 2019 #AdventOfCode (This was fun! I learned a lot about maze mapping and backtracking...
::: marcodelmastro ::: marcodelmastro ::: marcodelmastro

Runtime Support for Multicore Haskell: a Retrospective
programmazione funzionale
::: SIGPLAN Blog

Npm Team Warns of New 'Binary Planting' Bug
::: Slashdot

Intel Acquires AI Chip Startup Habana Labs For $2 Billion (venturebeat.com)
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Instagram is "rolling out a new feature that notifies people when their captions on a photo or video may be considered offensive, and gives them a chance to pause and reconsider their words before posting"
social media
::: fabiochiusi

really surprised (and a bit disappointed) that some applications can't be removed on @fedora @gnome #linux via gnome software app. This look at me very close to what Google do with Android
::: medeoTL

Summary of the 4th stakeholder dialogue meeting: #Article17 is really just the result of the music industry and youtube not getting along very well. Instead of resolving the (very real) power imbalances of that specific sector with a targeted legislative intervention...
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: communia_eu

Fake Princesses, Pulled Teeth, and a Whole Lot of IP Infringement
Apple | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Free games that you can play on Linux
::: itsfoss2

10 skills every Linux system administrator should have
::: opensourceway

I define the software gap as the abyss between intent and reality, where code isn't just 100 lines of C that's distributed between two or three files with a makefile anymore
programming, codice, snippet
::: QConSF

Amazon Learns a New Skill: Making Money From Alexa
ditte | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Google Warns Turkish Partners Over New Android Phones Amid Dispute
::: Slashdot

TL;DR please don’t feed the troll
Twitter | social media
::: ebobferraris

I'm starting a series of the best free and open-source alternatives to Google apps on Android! First up is Gmail
open source
::: corbindavenport

::: mariofusco

I just completed "Flawed Frequency Transmission" - Day 16 - Advent of Code 2019
::: marcodelmastro

Sometimes the machine learning model learns something
::: fchollet

Nuclear Fusion Startup Raises $100 Million To Design and Build a Demo Power Plant
::: Slashdot

New Jersey's Largest Hospital System Pays Up In Ransomware Attack
::: Slashdot

Visa Warns That Hackers Are Scraping Card Details From Gas Pumps
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Submit button
::: fulcorno

In nome della libertà di informazione, Julian Assange va difeso
Julian Assange
::: fabiochiusi ::: DEAcampaign

Apple Pulls App That Let You Turn Your Phone Into a Virtual iPod With Click Wheel
Apple | applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

facciamo le foto con i telefoni che poi si rompono
e il back-up?
dispositivi mobili
::: shevvu

you've got to be kidding me. hope Apple employees are mostly brighter than falling for this one
::: johnregehr

Facebook funding "deepfake" course for newsrooms that uses the "drunk Pelosi" video that Facebook failed to remove
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: mathewi

'Social Media: How Much Regulation is Needed?' #OnlineHarms Briefing Paper from @commonslibrary
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: cyberleagle

Facebook Owns The 4 Most Downloaded Apps Of The Decade
Facebook | dispositivi mobili | applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Linux Mint 19.3 is Out, Available to Download Now
Linux distro
::: dcavedon

(Come e perché l'#AI e più in generale il comparto hi-tech cinese sta *già* influenzando l'Occidente #Cina (nel 2020 uscirà qualcosa al riguardo...;-)
China exports AI surveillance tech to over 60 countries
artificial intelligence | Cina
::: simopieranni

Microsoft: We Never Encourage a Ransomware Victim To Pay
::: Slashdot

With Xi’s backing, China looks to become a world leader in blockchain as US policy is absent
blockchain e crypto*
::: simopieranni

Firenze vuole diventare la città più videosorvegliata d'Italia, a Torino si sperimenta l'uso di droni per la sorveglianza dei parchi e Salvini vorrebbe videocamere nelle scuole. Tanto "chi non ha nulla da nascondere non ha nulla da temere", giusto? WRONG!
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: signorelli82

Alexa could be taking commands from someone other than you—without you knowing they're in control
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum

#AI experts urge machine learning researchers to tackle climate change
artificial intelligence | ambiente, ecologia
::: RobMcCargow

How AI Will Eat UI
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Peter Thiel is reported to have extended his influence over Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and was key in the decision to not fact-check political ads ahead of the 2020 election
protagonisti | Facebook | politica
::: thedailybeast

Great (and terrifying) article about how much data your car has on you--and how this makes the owners vulnerable. Here's something I didn't think about: many cars download your data the minute you plug in your smartphone for charging
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jeanqasaur

UK Proposes Plan To Ban Sales of Locked Mobile Phones
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Talked about AI and journalism with Charlie Beckett (@CharlieBeckett), director of the London School of Economic's Polis think-tank, which recently published a big report on how newsrooms are using and/or thinking about AI
artificial intelligence
::: mathewi

I explain the upcoming steps for our organization in #DeFi. Why I think is the right moment to move forward, what's next and how it will happen
blockchain e crypto*
::: Alexintosh

Google Execs Debated Getting Out of Cloud Computing Last Year, But Instead Set a Goal of Being a Top-Two Player By 2023
::: Slashdot

Reed Hastings and Erskine Bowles were two really thoughtful members of Facebook’s board and their absence is being felt today. I had a long conversation with @pkafka about how Facebook could allow for political ads while discouraging abuse
Facebook | politica
::: alexstamos

We hope that you can use our report on journalism and AI in your teaching - there's even a special training module and a journalism AI bibliography. Please let us know if you teach AI or journalism!
artificial intelligence | giornali, stampa
::: CharlieBeckett

I was fired last week by Google for organizing. All I did was make a popup to share the labor notice Google has to share with its workers. 3 hours later mgmt came to my desk, took my phone/laptop, escorted me away. I never got to say goodbye.
lavoro | Google
::: eiais

Microsoft Starts Showing Non-Removable Ads In Windows 10 Mail, Calendar Apps
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

XSS: bypass user input validation using JavaScript global variables
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Menin_TheMiddle

Starting today, Facebook will have a team of community reviewers working in the U.S.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ananny

I’d stop at the very first sentence: “We’ve made significant progress reducing misinformation through our partnership with some of the world’s leading fact-checkers”
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

How a Whale Crashed Bitcoin To Sub-$7,000 Overnight
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Nel piano per l'innovazione da qui al 2025 di @PaolaPisano_Min c'è anche il proposito di mettere l'AI "al servizio dello Stato". Bene ci sia una riflessione sull'etica. Ma meglio ancora sarebbe parlare di "automated decision-making"
artificial intelligence | politica
::: fabiochiusi

We're online with our blockchain interop stack Zenbridge: read/write data on Bitcoin, Hyperledger Sawtooth and MongoDB (soon Ethereum too!), powered by Zenroom
blockchain e crypto*
::: DyneOrg

Would the country—and the tech industry—be better served if STEM graduates could go anywhere and get a good tech job?
tecnologia | economia, lavoro
::: IEEESpectrum

Cyberattacks on Medical Devices Are on the Rise—and Manufacturers Must Respond
::: IEEESpectrum

We have a brand new guide on using Mixed Precision in TensorFlow 2.1. Speed up training and inference on GPU by up to 3x (and up to 50% on TPU)
machine learning
::: fchollet

If you have expertise in one of the tech specialties on Indeed's top salaries list, you probably aren't having a hard time making ends meet
tecnologia | economia, lavoro | lavoro
::: IEEESpectrum

We discovered six archetypes of founders that cluster around their own unique traits (or superpowers). 3 doing very well...
economia, lavoro
::: xuezhao

Map surveillance. Map it in China. Map it in Mexico. Map it in Europe and the United States. Map it in your neighborhood. Understanding the shape of surveillance is the first step to fighting it
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide

A network of social media accounts connected to a leak of US-UK trade documents has used "the community section of BuzzFeed and other open-access websites to publish and promote fake stories, highly partisan content and conspiracy theories", BBC reports
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: rasmus_kleis

5 Best Linux Distros of 2019
Linux | Linux distro
::: dcavedon

Former NASA Engineer Thwarts Porch Pirates Again With 'Glitter Bomb 2.0'
::: Slashdot

Hundreds of 'Pink Slime' Local News Outlets Are Distributing Algorithmic Stories and Conservative Talking Points, Investigation Finds
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: Slashdot

Google, Amazon, and Apple Join Forces To Develop IP-based Smart Home Connectivity Standard
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

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