Good News For Climate Change: India Gets Out of Coal and Into Renewable Energy
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Many Security-Critical Military Systems Are Now Using Linux
::: Slashdot
Interesting and important in light of the potential changes to the Official Secrets Act being trailed this week. "The police went as far as to argue that publishing the Snowden files was itself a terrorist act, thereby explicitly conflating journalism with terrorism"
Edward Snowden
::: shashj
YouTube's Top Earner For 2019? An 8-Year-Old Who Made $26M
social media
::: Slashdot
Vox Media Fires Hundreds of Freelance Writers, Blaming California's 'Gig Economy' Law
::: Slashdot
The U.S. Navy Bans TikTok from Government-Issued Mobile Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
'We Tested Ring's Security. It's Awful'
social media
::: Slashdot
Let's keep writing, every day, to @TheOfficialACM to remind them we haven't forgotten their perfidy and aren't going to (nor their bullshit "clarification"). If we stop writing, they're going to think they weathered the storm
open source
::: ShriramKMurthi
An excellent article providing strong evidence against "open access involves a lot of cost"
open source
::: vj_chidambaram
With all the bad decisions Apple is making and the good ones Microsoft is making, I’m giving Windows with WLS 2 a real shot as a dev machine
sistemi operativi
::: wilbowma
::: Mr_Nohmer
8 Classic Operating Systems You Can Access in Your Browser
questo mi fa sentire vecchio 🙄
::: MakeUseOf
Newly discovered Mac malware uses “fileless” technique to remain stealthy
::: lucaferrari15
Is this the best prediction in the history of tech?
innovazioni, futuro | storia
::: AlecStapp
Ecco, una inchiesta che dura da anni, basata sui dati, che produce database di servizio per i cittadini. Giornalismo che conta. Giornalismo digitale
giornali, stampa
::: tedeschini
Il decennio di Apple
Walt Mossberg, temuto e rispettato giornalista di tecnologia, ha fatto un bilancio dei successi e dei molti inciampi dell'azienda sotto la guida di Tim Cook
::: emenietti
Bloomberg Fined $7.6M For Re-Publishing Info From Fake Press Release
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
China Could Be Turning On Its 'Artificial Sun' Fusion Reactor Soon
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: Slashdot
ALBERT is a new, open-source architecture for natural language processing that achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple benchmarks with ~30% fewer parameters than #BERT
natural language processing
::: GoogleAI
Many of Kubernetes 2,000 TODO Comments Appear to Be Forgotten
::: Slashdot
How to Use Darktable, the Free Adobe Lightroom Alternative
alternativa a GIMP, da provare
applicazioni, programmi
::: MakeUseOf
n every Scheme with a decent module system (e.g. @guilelang or @racketlang) you can shadow existing bindings with your own ones, effectively making the language look exactly the way you want. That's how I added destructuring to lambda and let forms
language Racket | Scheme
::: PaniczGodek
General Electric: Freeze the pensions of 20,000 workers in order to cut costs. Also GE: Avoid billions in federal taxes for years while handing out huge paychecks for execs (CEO Larry Culp made $15,000,000 last year alone). We must end this corporate greed and protect workers
economia, lavoro | lavoro
::: RBReich
BBC could restrict journalists’ use of Twitter
giornali, stampa | Twitter
::: tedeschini
Microchip Pioneer Chuck Peddle, Lead Designer of the Historic 650x Microprocessors, Dies
::: Slashdot
Wikipedia Search v10 is now rolling out to Chrome and Opera! It includes multi-language support, a lot of bug fixes, and more
Web, Internet | Wikipedia
::: corbindavenport
20+ years ago, a guy who disagree with me copied Ruby repo & replaced my name in copyright notices. He wanted his version of the lang. Technically it was license violation but I didn't say anything. I was curious about his ideas. No move for months. The repo disappeared. 1/
linguaggi di programmazione | copyright e brevetti
::: yukihiro_matz
Update: the 20 accounts described in this thread have all been banned, but a new (and evolved) batch has arisen to take their place. By exploring the followers of accounts listed in #MAGA train tweets, we found 32 accounts, all created Dec 14th or later. We may have missed some
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: conspirator0
After a bit of a delay, my latest creation: a digital simulation of an algorithmic poetry generator from 1677. It's handy if you need to compose some Latin verses, but you can't read or write!
storia | algoritmi, codice
::: JeffMBinder
“Guerra digitale. Il 5G e lo scontro tra Stati Uniti e Cina per il dominio tecnologico” di Francesca Balestrieri e Luca Balestrieri
5G | cyberwar
::: pandorarivista
Almost 200 face recognition algorithms—a majority in the industry—performed worse on Asian, African American, and Native American faces than on Caucasian faces
riconoscimento facciale | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: techreview
Usare la potenza di calcolo per connettere #dati: un progetto per raccontare in modo nuovo la storia della #schiavitù
dati, raccolta
::: formicablu
Buying a new PC? You have more operating system choices than ever. Which is the best operating system for your computer?
io penso che dipende da chi sei e cosa vuoi farne; semplice, anzi tutto qui
sistemi operativi | hardware
::: MakeUseOf
I quite like #Python3 with #mypy #gradualtyping, but I still miss proper algebraic data types (ADT) support. I'm giving a try. Hit me if you've better suggestions/tips!
::: zacchiro
14 Ways to Make Windows 10 Faster and Improve Performance
tip, suggerimenti
::: MakeUseOf
As the hype around "AI" leveled off in 2019, the impact of automated decision-making made itself seen. Regulators & civil society fought hard to rein in Big Tech, but much remains to be done to achieve a good balance
artificial intelligence
::: algorithmwatch
If you love having your personal data used against you with targeted ads, NOBODY IS INTERESTED IN STOPPING YOU! I’m sure Google and Facebook would be thrilled to offer a data dumpster where you could upload your location data, medical information, purchase histories, whatever
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | dati, raccolta
::: dhh
The Lost Worlds of Telnet
::: fcambus
Day 3303 of the unlawful and arbitrary detention of politically persecuted WikiLeaks publisher and multi-award-winning journalist Julian Assange in the UK
Julian Assange
::: moniquejolie
Must admit, Dr. Racket's support for images as a first-class object you can just paste into code is kind of blowing my mind. I should unleash this on the kids once I get a bit better at playing with it
language Racket
::: dabeaz
Your smartphone broadcasts your exact location thousands of times per day to dozens of different companies. Each has the power to follow individuals wherever they go, in near-real time. That’s not a glitch in the system. It is the system
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Edward Snowden
::: Snowden
fnmatch — Unix-style Glob Pattern Matching
::: pymotw
You might have heard about the Wayland display server. Here's what that is and how it affects your Linux computer
::: MakeUseOf
Ethiopia Has Launched its First Satellite Into Space
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Chinese Hacker Group Caught Bypassing 2FA
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Bringing Rocks Back From Mars
non l'immaginavo xosì difficile; ortunati voi giovani che ne vedrete delle belle!
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
California Gives a Green Light To Companies Testing Driverless Delivery Vehicles
::: Slashdot
50 Funny Wi-Fi Names for Your Router's Network SSID
::: MakeUseOf
Boeing Fires CEO Dennis Muilenburg
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: A_W_Gordon
Twitter Bans Animated PNG Files After Online Attackers Targeted Users With Epilepsy
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Google/Alphabet's 2018 revenue was 137 billion
::: michael_nielsen
The 8 Smallest Linux Distros That Are Lightweight and Need Almost No Space #linux
::: MakeUseOf
I don't need @BullshitQuantum to know that this is bullshit. #StopHype
Sabine non ci crede; Sabine la sa lunga e allora io entro in mode dubby ok
quantum computing
::: skdh
It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: AViLUG
No, just no! There is so much wrong with these systems that enable universities to track students. I hope that faculty refuse to participate in this surveillance by not using the data in their evaluation of students
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: EADHistory
The Next Big Streaming Trend? Recommendations From Actual People
ad, pubblicitÃ
::: Slashdot
Baltimore Police Back Pilot Program for Surveillance Planes, Reviving Controversial Program
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Why the Wikimedia Foundation Has Not Signed on To the Contract for the Web
Wikipedia | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
A Natale scopri che i tuoi zii sono identici ai complottari
social media
::: Zziagenio78
anche la corea del sud dismette il nucleare. una seconda centrale atomica viene chiusa per puntare sulle rinnovabili
::: jacopogiliberto
#Pentagono fortemente impegnato affinché in reti #5G ci siano SOLO imprese e tecnologie #USA, o del #PerimetroAtlantico, ed escluse "in toto"quelle #Cinesi, con #Huawei.Idem #Germania,#UK,#Francia.@GiuseppeConteIT dia seguito a #RapportoCopasir!
::: GiulioTerzi
The first two algorithms for constructing a minimum spanning tree (MST) were discovered by Czech mathematicians, Otakar Borůvka in 1926 and VojtÄ›ch JarnÃk in 1930. Both published their algorithms in the same Czech journal
storia | matematica
::: mhyee
A Twitter App Bug Was Used To Match 17 Million Phone Numbers To User Accounts
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
![]() |
Hillary & Bill Clinton on their wedding day, 1975 |
New York Governor Promises Net Neutrality Legislation In 2020
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
BBC News - Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet
::: dcavedon
Apple pulls ToTok because it's built to spy. As @UW research shows, you can turn a phone into an intel source just by cleverly purchasing ads. For $1000, you can track a person's location, tell what apps they use and more
::: rcalo
Bushfires Release Over Half Australia's Annual Carbon Emissions
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
MIT Reveals First Ever Laser Ultrasound Pictures of a Human Body
::: Slashdot
Mike Bloomberg Is Plowing Millions of Dollars Into a Secretive Tech Firm Called Hawkfish
innovazioni, futuro | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
5 Bold Predictions for Linux & Open Source in 2020
Linux | Ubuntu
::: dcavedon
"my business card runs linux" has a pretty impressive bill of materials
::: johnregehr
Chinese Apps Are Losing Their Hold on India
::: Slashdot
A moment of silence please to remember Chuck Peddle whose 6502 chip powered the Apple II, Commodore PET and other 1st gen PC's. The 6502, fondly remembered, was the only chip I ever did any assembly language programming for
::: mkapor
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