The sale of the .org top-level domain to a private investment firm can still be stopped by #ICANN. Now there is an alternative bid to transfer .org to a new cooperative, involving internet non-profit pioneers like @krmaher
Web, Internet | open source
::: Senficon
Now that's much better #ACM. Thanks
open source
::: zacchiro
Apple Says Its Software Business is Booming
::: Slashdot
Solo per ricordarvi che l'SHA-1 ormai è obsoleto da una quindicina d'anni, e non è bello se ancora ce lo ritroviamo in giro
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: LucaSambucci
Quali sono le 20 aziende che segneranno il 2020? Secondo BCG-Fortune, innovazione il fulcro del successo a lungo termine
::: LalaHu9
Twitter Will Soon Let You Choose Who Can Reply To Your Tweets
::: Slashdot ::: MauroV1968
Purtroppo non è vero; e pensare che era stata accolta molto posistivamente, con gioia 🤩
fatto screenshot, nel caso cancelli
Twitter | politica
::: vfeltri
Contrordine compagni!
ecco, vedi, come temevo
Twitter | politica
::: goldbergvariaz
Industry 4.0 will be bigger than the Industrial Revolution and the Digital Revolution - combined. This century we will write billions of lines of software that connect machines with each other, with information, and with algorithms
Internet of things
::: elevat_IoT ::: RichRogersX
AI-Generated People To Appear More Diverse
artificial intelligence | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Un bellissimo esempio di propaganda online
Twitter | cyberwar
::: evaristegal0is
Don't Buy an 8K TV
::: Slashdot
![]() |
The Beatles at the Cavern Club, 1961 |
L'Encyclopédie de Diderot et d'Alembert disponible intégralement en ligne
Web, Internet
::: IngAgrillo
Ring Fired Employees for Watching Customer Videos
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Heard Iran has launched over 9,000 cyber attacks on the USA. Port scanning is a crime
::: NathOnSecurity
During these nightmarish days, @github decides to fix everything by closing my account for being Iranian. Honestly it almost made me laugh. This will be great for my undergrad class, where students have to deliver everything on github
::: saba_a
Gary Starkweather, inventor of the laser printer, passed away on Dec 26, 2019
::: ComputerHistory
If you don’t actively fight for simplicity in software
::: RichRogersX
Quest To Use CRISPR Against Disease Gains Ground
::: Slashdot
Many aspiring AI engineers ask me how to take the next step and join an AI team. This report from @Workera_, a @deeplearningai_ affiliate, walks you through how AI teams work and which skills you need for different AI career tracks
artificial intelligence
::: AndrewYNg
my definition these days is
::: johnregehr
Peter Kirstein, Father of the European Internet, Is Dead At 86
::: Slashdot
I didn’t immediately see how to solve this when I saw the tweet, but it happened to come to mind as I was cycling home this evening, and the solution is very nice. Worth bringing to mind next time you’re cycling somewhere, or your personal equivalent
idea 💡
::: robinhouston
Facebook to Pay $40M Under Proposed Settlement in Video Metrics Suit
The viewership metrics were inflated by 150 to 900%. Whole companies shifted their strategy to video. Companies going bankrupt, people losing jobs, FB gets away with 0.18% of annual income ($40M / $22B), a slap on the wrist
Facebook | frodi
::: profgalloway
Finnish Scientists Produce a Protein Made 'From Thin Air'
innovazioni, futuro | (forse)
::: Slashdot
Facebook’s transformation is really spectacular
::: CarmenCrincoli
Trump is expected to discuss a move to make federal agencies no longer required to take climate change into account when assessing the environmental impact of proposed infrastructure projects
ambiente, ecologia
::: ddale8
Just this morning I was asked by someone both smart & informed: what is Web 3.0 & why isn't it just a new database & why should I care? Luckily the team at @fabric_vc & I had written this early last year and published it over the holidays
Web, Internet
::: richardmuirhead
::: corbindavenport
The tragedy about Germany’s energy experiment is that the country’s almost religious antinuclear attitude doesn’t leave room for advances in technology
::: skdh
Ah anche la storia dei ragazzi improvvisamente diventato figli di Satana appiccaincendi era una cazzata. Chi l’avrebbe detto
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: _arianna ::: real_fabristol
Warner Bros. Signs Deal For AI-Driven Film Management System
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
So Facebook wanted this sponsored content in Teen Vogue and Teen Vogue published it but didn’t SAY it was sponsored content but then they did but then they didn’t and then the story disappeared from the internet. Clear?
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: RachelAbramsNY
Greta has a question - what major international news organization will be the first to stop carrying ads for fossile energy?
ambiente, ecologia
::: rasmus_kleis
Let us know what you think of the Standard for Public Code, @catileptic! We welcome edits, changes and feedback
open source
::: publiccodenet
Huawei Unveils OpenEuler, CentOS-Based Linux Distribution
Linux distro | Huawei
::: Slashdot
Un pensionato trevigiano che si è costruito il telescopio da solo è l’autore della “più importante scoperta del decennio”
::: mante
Facebook will make political ads optional for users
politica | ad, pubblicità
::: fabiochiusi
Zume Is Laying Off Half Its Staff and Shuttering Its Robotic Pizza Delivery Business
::: Slashdot
Ma dai?
dispositivi mobili | (forse)
::: Lord_Hanmar
#geometry #puzzle
affascinato anche se non indovino (quasi) mai
::: Gogoljecco
E ma vuoi mettere fare subito un articolo con titolo urlato, un post strappalacrime, un tweet indignato? Mica si può sempre verificare tutto, su!
::: danieleviotti
It seems like magic, but hundreds of people in airports will soon be able to look at the same screen and see completely different things
If you’re traveling through Detroit Metro Airport this year, you’ll have a chance to try out this new display tech that points personalized messages at you as you walk through the terminal
::: IEEESpectrum
“La #blockchain notarizza, ma #noncertifica assolutamente nulla. Ecco perchè è possibile compiere frodi alimentari o distribuire prodotti contraffatti anche se le informazioni sono pubblicate su blockchain”
blockchain e crypto*
::: techeconomy2030
Reminder that if you run into undecipherable conflict logs from conda, then be sure to try out mamba which provides much clearer output! #python #conda
::: astrofrog
CPUs that run out of technology pollution ... not sure if awesome or scary, but I'll go with awesome for the time being!
hardware | energia
::: WebReflection
Made a blog post about using mobile Linux as a daily driver, and what to expect
Linux | dispositivi mobili
::: Mariogrip
This post is about the magic constant 0x5f3759df and an extremely neat hack, fast inverse square root, which is where the constant comes from
roba da programmatori-matematti terminali
matematica | programming, codice, snippet
::: crypticsea
Il PE conferma il divieto d’uso della plastica usa e getta entro il 2021
ambiente, ecologia
::: dcavedon ::: _HannahRitchie
What better way to start 2020 than by announcing that we have added our fourth data point, a new 28-qubit backend, Raleigh, to our progress roadmap and achieved a system demonstrating Quantum Volume of 32
quantum computing
::: skdh
Da questo mese la nostra #newsletter si arricchisce della rubrica "Dalle Città", con aggiornamenti e notizie dalle Sezioni Locali e dalle altre associazioni che hanno aderito a ILS
::: ItaLinuxSociety
Sous la pression des actionnaires, Eric #Léandri, le fondateur de #Qwant, quitte la présidence
::: zacchiro
Just in case you want a quick way to convince your calculus students that the trig sum formulas are true
::: MattHHolden
How I teach database design
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire
Un voto del parlamento britannico che non avrà alcuna conseguenza concreta è stato equivocato, e in molti hanno scritto che il Regno Unito "è uscito dal programma Erasmus". Indovinate? Non è vero
giornali, stampa | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: konrad_ilpost ::: davcarretta ::: SimoneAlliva
IMSI catchers (fake cellphone towers)
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: b0rk
At #CES2020, we saw a mosquito detection and tracking system from #startup @getbzigo that combines an IR camera and lasers with computer vision algorithms that follows mosquitoes as they fly and tells you exactly where they land so you can smash them
::: IEEESpectrum
La cialtronaggine imperversa. Complimenti a Vittorio Feltri e alla sua redazione di Libero, che spacciano un videogioco per un documento reale
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: disinformatico
What a difference a day (and a new “high confidence assessment”) makes
novità | (forse)
::: MaxBlumenthal ::: AP ::: evaristegal0is ::: bellingcat
Unremovable Malware Found Preinstalled on Low-End Smartphone Sold in the US
malware, virus
::: Slashdot
Solo a me è scomparsa da diverse settimane la sezione di Twitter — sotto Tendenze — che mostrava gli articoli più condivisi dalla propria rete?
::: emmevilla
Microsoft Launches Tool To Identify Child Sexual Predators in Online Chat Rooms
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Pilotless Air Taxi From China's Ehang Takes Flight in the US for the First Time
::: Slashdot
we explore and you call us criminals... we seek after knowledge and you call us criminals... my crime is that of curiosity
The Hacker Manifesto
::: ebobferraris
Facial recognition at South Wales derby 'a step too far', says police chief
riconoscimento facciale
::: hare_brain
The cure for algorithmic bias may not be more, or better, algorithms. There may be some machine learning systems that should not be deployed in the first place, no matter how much we can optimize them
algoritmi, codice
::: FrankPasquale
Welcome To Walmart. The Robot Will Grab Your Groceries
::: Slashdot
Vermont Bill Would Ban Cellphone Use For Anyone Under 21
dispositivi mobili | politica
::: Slashdot
Astropy v4.0 has been released!
::: astropy
Never before had a diode #laser emitted UV light shorter than 315 nm. Now an international team has demoed a 271.8-nm diode laser, more than 40 nm deeper into UV than previously possible, a boon to #biosensing and #sterilization
::: IEEESpectrum
Poi dite che qua pettiniamo le bambole
giornali, stampa
::: vucciria79
Però se Trump sta sempre su Twitter
::: ilGatt0Pardo
E-Scooter Startup Lime Shuts In 12 Markets, Lays Off Around 100
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot
Samsung's Galaxy XCover Pro Brings Back the Removable Battery
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
New: this secretive surveillance company is marketing hidden cameras in tombstones, vacuum cleaners, and even baby car seats to regional law enforcement. The company is so secret that it demanded we not report on the brochure, and threatened to sue us
sorveglianza, privacy, spionaggio
::: josephfcox
"Eureka" nell'epoca di Twitter
::: LucaSambucci
Facebook will continue to allow people to make false claims & spread disinformation, believing regulation should come from Governments. Ok, then it is clear to me the EU should regulate & take control. A voluntary approach has failed
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: guyverhofstadt
Reddit Bans Impersonation On Its Platform
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
La lotta pirata di Sci-Hub per una scienza libera e aperta
social media | Web, Internet | scienza | open source
::: RadioProzac ::: marcoscan ::: ilTascabile
It's great to see the recent interest in 'Simple Haskell'
programmazione funzionale
::: haskellhutt
A proposito di privacy, social media, capitalismo della sorveglianza e attacchi coi droni
sorveglianza, privacy, spionaggio
::: RadioProzac
Non dite che non l'avevamo detto...
Web, Internet | open source
::: quinta
Falla #TikTok, una cosa che mi ha insegnato il 2019 è che privacy degli utenti non è messa a rischio "dalle app", "dalla Cina", "dagli States". Ma solo dalla troppa fiducia che riponiamo nei device che usiamo. Vale per TikTok come per Whatsapp.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: faffa42
During a pentest I found an MD5 hash in a config file
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TihanyiNorbert
facciamo il punto sugli attacchi agli #smartphone via #usb
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slvlombardo
Here’s the talk on how @botherder, @ORARiccardo and I discovered, analyzed, and reported on the Exodus malware. Exodus was a spy tool made for the Italian government that somehow ended up being used on innocent citizens
malware, virus
::: lorenzofb
Skype Audio Graded by Workers in China With 'No Security Measures'
::: Slashdot
L'équipe sécurité de @qwant_fr avait découvert de nombreuses failles sur une plateforme de @Linagora destinée à tester #QwantMail. Plusieurs ex-salariés du « leader français du logiciel libre » déplorent une éthique « privacy by design » de façade
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: manhack
In Singapore, cryptocurrency exchanges and trading are legal, and the city-state has taken a friendlier position on the issue than regional neighbors
blockchain e crypto*
::: sygnumofficial
we have read through the dutch and the french proposals to implement #Article17 of the #copyright directive so you don’t have to. What we have found is not pretty, both laws ignore key safeguards for user rights and would enable unchecked #uploadfilters
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: communia_eu
Are you afraid of LISP (clojure)? Don’t like all the parentheses? Here, I’ll teach you LISP
::: unclebobmartin
Over 50 Organizations Ask Google To Take a Stand Against Android Bloatware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
AI-Written Articles Are Copyright-Protected, Rules Chinese Court
artificial intelligence | copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot
Over Two Dozen Encryption Experts Call on India To Rethink Changes To Its Intermediary Liability Rules
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Happy birthday to Donald Knuth, whose "Art of Computer Programming" books have led many to call him the "father of the analysis of algorithms"
Privacy, sui dati degli utenti vittoria di Facebook al Tar del Lazio
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi
What Went Wrong With Virtual Reality?
virtual reality
::: Slashdot
Hundreds of Millions of Cable Modems Are Vulnerable To New Cable Haunt Vulnerability
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
"Developers cannot just ask, “What do I need to do to fix my algorithm?” They must rather ask: “How does my algorithm interact with society at large, and as it currently is, including its structural inequalities?”"
algoritmi, codice | etica
::: fabiochiusi
Machines Are Learning To Write Poetry
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
New LG CEO Won't Give Up on Smartphone Market, Promises Profitability by 2021
dispositivi mobili | hardware
::: Slashdot
Indian Supreme Court Finds 150-Day Internet Blackout In Kashmir Illegal
::: Slashdot
The DARPA Launch Challenge has lost almost all of its participants. Except one
armi nello spazio
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum
SIM Swappers Are Using RDP To Directly Access Internal T-Mobile, AT&T, and Sprint Tools
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Good round up of major studies on fact-checking that came out in 2019
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Mantzarlis
They’ve laid out what the rules are going to be, and now everyone has to line up behind these rules. Which are effectively no rules
Facebook | politica
::: kevinroose
San Diego’s massive, 7-year experiment with facial recognition technology appears to be a flop
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi
As of January 9, #Wikipedia allows semantically enhancing mathematical #formulae with the definitions of the terms they contain
::: physikerwelt
Excellent thread about pervasiveness of facial recognition in new devices and appliances ... all new TVs, for example
riconoscimento facciale
::: Moonalice
Terry Cavanagh Releases Source Code For VVVVVV On GitHub
games | open source
::: Slashdot
The ACM "regret" signing the AAP letter to President Trump. "We regret having signed with the coalition, since the final letter did not adequately represent the views of our membership and the computing community"
::: robertkiley
In early 2000s Google feared IE and their ability to set search default). Google paid Firefox big $ for search default to mitigate, but there was Firefox risk. Poached key Firefox contributors to build Chrome, pushed hard w/search monopoly, unlocking browser market dominance
::: jeremys
How the Entertainment Industry Solved Piracy, Then Made It Popular Again
open source
::: sverrirbo
“”Neons are not AI assistants," the company said. "Neons are more like us, an independent but virtual living being, who can show emotions and learn from experiences”
web-bot, robocall | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
The Jupiter-Xm has an AI based I-Arpeggiator that creates whole songs while you play
hardware | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
if you are looking for an "elegant" way to ask for any kind of password, similarly to what systemd-ask-password offers
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection
Linus Torvalds: Avoid Oracle's ZFS Kernel Code Until 'Litigious' Larry Signs Off
::: Slashdot
MIT has suspended Seth Lloyd, a pioneer of quantum computing, who was found to have accepted $225,000 in research funding from the late Jeffrey Epstein, plus $60,000 as a personal gift
quantum computing | etica
::: dcastelvecchi
Deep Learning State of the Art (2020) | MIT Deep Learning Series
deep learning
::: PaoloBarucca
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