#otd in 1971 a reporter used the phrase “Silicon Valley” as the title for a series about Bay Area semiconductor companiesstoria
2019's Fastest Growing Programming Language Was C, Says TIOBE
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
"SIM swap" attacks have been in the news for years. They’ve enabled serious financial crimes and even a hack of the Twitter CEO's account. We spent 6 months researching how vulnerable wireless accounts are to these attacks. Our draft study is out today
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: random_walker
Car* italian* che leggete questa notizia, sappiate che in realtà
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: AntonioCasilli
Amazon Fires More Employees For Leaking Customer Data (Again)
::: Slashdot
Dude, implementing the software features
::: federighiOS
La Suprema Corte Indiana sul più lungo "spegnimento" di internet (160 gg in Kashmir)
::: CBlengio ::: amnestyusa ::: valigiablu
If someone had told me 10 years ago that there was a streaming service called Netflix that
::: real_fabristol ::: GoComics
A Quick Look At the Fight Against Encryption
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Why I Finally Switched from Chrome to Firefox - and You Should Too
::: Slashdot
Killer Robots Reconsidered: Could AI Weapons Actually Save Lives?
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange awarded Dignity Prize from Catalans
Julian Assange
::: MrsC_Assange
Last year, people often asked me what to study to up their CS game. I usually said "read SICP." Four lectures into the "Programming with Categories" course and I'm inclined to double-down on that comment
manuali, how to
::: dabeaz
Hackers use system weakness to rattle doors on Citrix systems
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: vishne0
This Year's Y2K20 Bug Came Directly From 'A Lazy Fix' to the Y2K Bug
::: Slashdot
Australia's Wildfires Have Created More Emissions Than 116 Nations
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Questa una classifica più aggiornata, del 2018, sul n. di pubblicazioni scientifiche per paese
::: LalaHu9
Until we keep thinking to software development as craftmanship (or poetry) instead of an act of engineering design we are all doomed to fail
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco
Google Agrees to Pay US$7.5M Over Google+ Data Breaches
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: WebSecurityIT
On why I think explainability in AI is not enough to ensure ethical use
artificial intelligence | etica
::: math_rachel
Should #algorithms be used to arbitrate fairness? analysis of recent innovations of the judicial system in the USA, focusing on applications of COMPAS #algosov
algoritmi, codice
::: jaromil
#Elea9003 il pc di #Olivetti che spaventò l’America, inventato dal genio dell'ingegnere cinese Mario Tchou, qui nella foto con la moglie Elisa Montessori
::: LalaHu9
Secondo l'algoritmo segreto di Twitter
::: Santas_Official
Il modem FASTGate - leggasi Technicolor - permette di inserire la qualunque nella variabile SSID. Ovviamente da bravo millennial ci ho ficcato dentro caratteri speciali e emoji scoprendo cosi' che agli oggetti in casa mia non piacciono i caratteri speciali e le emoji
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evaristegal0is
Let's not only talk of what #AI can and can't do but also of what it should and shouldn't do. And why. And being inclusive in this discussion.
artificial intelligence | etica
::: vdignum
Molti dei miei lettori avranno preso bei voti nelle interrogazioni sulle frazioni
::: xmau
Are We Teaching Engineers the Wrong Way to Think?
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot
Microsoft's Azure Cloud Service Is Becoming More Popular Than Amazon's AWS At Big Companies
::: Slashdot
W T F! Alla prima occasione lo provo con qualcuno 😂
::: LucaSambucci
Don't drink and Tweet
People should ask how a constellation of 42,000 satellites designed to ***charge people money*** in remote/unserved locations for Internet is a “humanitarian effort” because it clearly fucking isn’t that
spazio, esplorazione
::: prosperdave
So disappointed that #MarkZuckerberg values profit more than truthfulness that I've decided to delete my @Facebook account. I know this is a big "Who Cares?" for the world at large, but I'll sleep better at night. #PatriotismOverProfits 🇲🇾 > 💰
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: HamillHimself
Apple's Stock Rose 86% in 2019 -- Partly Because Of AirPods
Apple | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Internet Pioneers Fight For Control of .Org Registry By Forming a Nonprofit Alternative
Web, Internet | open source
::: Slashdot
The End of Windows 7 'Marks the End of the PC Era Too'
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
'Music Copyright Lawsuits Are Scaring Away New Hits', Argues Rolling Stone
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot
Unlike a driver’s license or social security number, when a breach occurs, our faces can not be reissued. Take a stand against government use of face surveillance
riconoscimento facciale
::: EFF
the only countries that know how to successfully regulate hate online are authoritarian, non-democratic countries
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | politica
::: fabiochiusi
DAY 306 of @xychelsea's incarceration, w $197,000 in fines
Chelsea Manning
::: SaveManning
E se, oltre a lamentarsi di Amazon, Google, ecc., si investisse il giusto in informatica?
::: demartin
Is this the Supermicro story? I was under the impression that it was never proven -certainly Supermicro and China denied it vehemently
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | (forse) | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: JimAndrakakis
A glimpse into our heavily-automated future
automazione | tecnologia
::: alexisohanian
Thoughts on Our Possible Future Without Work
lavoro | robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot
Amazon's Donation to Australia's Bushfire Recovery Is Insulting
ambiente, ecologia | ditte
::: dcavedon
Il 38% del traffico ai siti dei publisher arriva da Google & Facebook
Web, Internet | ad, pubblicità
::: DataMediaHub
How Is Computer Programming Different Today Than 20 Years Ago?
::: Slashdot
L'inquietante cena di Westworld dove sapevano tutto
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: SofiaSZM
Best round-up of the last decade so far theverge decade-fails-flops-tech-science-culture-apple-google-data-kickstarter-2010-2019 it's hard to parse all 84 of them, but the topic is really spot-on
::: jaromil
Last semester, I asked my students to write about an example of a digital democracy initiative
Web, Internet
::: Mau_MejiaG
E' online il mio intervento a "Prepararsi per il futuro", progetto curato da Piero Angela e Piero Bianucci e promosso da Fondazione Scuola di Compagnia di Sanpaolo
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: boanergos
Article 17 stakeholder dialogue: What we have learned so far – Part 1
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: JPQuintais
We should teach Probability and Statistics in all high schools. If there is not enough time, feel free to sacrifice trigonometry or pre-calculus. Those are topics that can be covered at Uni for the people who need them. Probability is useful for everyone
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: j_bertolotti
Facebook Glitch Reveals Greta Thunburg's Father Posting As Teenage Climate Activist
protagonisti | ambiente, ecologia
::: real_fabristol
“Diffuso notizie false o narrazioni fuorvianti”: 178
politica | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi
It's 2019 and I love my #computer #desktop: Nextstep inspired #custom setup running Alfredo Kojima's WMaker on @DevuanOrg GNU+Linux Beowulf with openRC init (@systemdsucks) on top of a fullHD X260 refurbished Lenovo (kudos reware.it!) #oldschool #GNUstep #geek
::: jaromil
I dati messi a disposizione dalle agenzie non sono affidabili, sia per quantità che per qualità. Molte le richieste sbagliate nella forma, un problema che andrà affrontato nel prossimo futuro
dati, raccolta | open source
::: openpolis
Influential Maryland lawmakers propose a state tax on online advertising by Facebook, Google, and other dominant platforms
::: TimKarr
functools — Tools for Manipulating Functions
::: pymotw
News & Views: Semiconductors known as halide perovskites have remarkable optoelectronic properties, but their structural instability limits practical applications. A solution has been found that involves squeezing the compounds’ crystal lattices
innovazioni, futuro
::: nature
The sale of the .ORG domain registry to a private equity firm would impact the nonprofits you care about. Join the 20,000 people demanding it be stopped
Web, Internet | open source
::: EFF
Il vero, forse unico incentivo alla “filter bubble” sui social è che nella stragrande maggioranza dei casi argomentare contro qualcosa non serve a nulla, se non a prendersi insulti o farsi bloccare/mettere in mute. Ma è per via di come funzioniamo noi, non i social
social media
::: fabiochiusi
If it looks and quacks like a duck
::: DirkGently_Bot
Cawbird, the Linux Twitter Client, Scores an Update
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon
Microsoft To Replace Edge With Its Chromium Browser This Wednesday
::: Slashdot
V UI 0.0.1 is out! It's a library for developing cross-platform UI apps
un progetto da seguire 💡💥🤩
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language
Today I sued the @nytimes
“when I asked the Times to correct these two false and defamatory statements, I fully expected they would, and I fully expected that would be the end of it. And I so I was astonished when they not only refused to fix the mistake, but doubled down”
::: lessig
Wow voglio provare!😁
::: acad_web
Intelligenza artificiale: confronto fra fotografie reali ed immagini generate da un computer
riconoscimento facciale
::: plorusso
There are many challenges around AI tech, especially re assessing the societal benefits& risks. In the open access paper below, I argue the societal risks around #AutonomousVehicles r not #trolleydilemmas as framed by @MIT but rather #data commodification
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: EmergTechEthics
The "undocumented" commands are:
::: wilbowma
Are We on the Cusp of an 'AI Winter'?
nope, imho
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Google Can View Millions of Patient Health Records in Most States
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
La Explainable AI mira a creare sistemi AI comprensibili e trasparenti. Alcuni ricercatori della UCLA hanno usato i finanziamenti di DARPA per creare un robot in grado di indicare ogni azione che compie. Ora sarà necessario fargli spiegare i motivi
artificial intelligence
::: LucaSambucci
(Personalmente evito, e cerco sempre un'alternativa ad Amazon, ne esistono parecchie, in tutti i settori, con prezzi simili o più bassi, basta cercare) Ken Loach: «Sull’inferno della Gig economy, serve esame di coscienza dei consumatori»
ditte | economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon
Adobe Brings One of Its Last Legacy Products To the Cloud
::: Slashdot
City of Las Vegas Said It Successfully Avoided Devastating Cyberattack
::: Slashdot
EFF Files Amicus Brief In Google v. Oracle, Arguing APIs Are Not Copyrightable
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot ::: joshbloch ::: webmink ::: PamelaSamuelson
Why can I never for the life of my remember how to write a for loop in shell? I've really got to just stop writing shell and write racket
linguaggi di programmazione
::: wilbowma
When non-tech people ask me to describe my job
::: cassidoo
Scientists Use Stems Cells From Frogs To Build First Living Robots
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot ::: marchalberto ::: MIT_CSAIL
The U.S. military is spending more than $4.5 million to develop facial recognition technology that reads the pattern of heat being emitted by faces in order to identify specific people. The technology would work in the dark and across long distances
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi
![]() |
US photographer Helen Levitt, Children's chalk drawings on the streets of New York, c.1940 |
Poi ti chiedono come ti vengono le idee per le storie
::: Artibani1
Dramatically Cut Location Data Flow To Ad Industry
ad, pubblicità | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
How the so-called French media outlet “France Libre 24” – which uses disinformation to sow polarisation in society – hides the fact that it’s managed by a controversial Polish far-right media network
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DisinfoEU ::: fabiochiusi
A new manufacturing method dubbed “Robotic Blacksmithing” has the potential to revolutionize the way high-quality structural parts are made, resulting in a new class of customized and optimized products
robots, automazione, droni
::: RichRogersX
Ieri nel centro di Parma due signore mi salutano, mi dicono cose gentili sui libri e mi chiedono di fare una foto
social media
::: GianricoCarof
La lotta pirata di Sci-Hub per una scienza libera e aperta
open source | scienza
::: RadioProzac
A Lithium-Ion Battery That You Can Scrunch
::: Slashdot
Parigi va verso il voto e la mobilità ciclabile è tra i temi centrali della campagna elettorale
ambiente, ecologia
::: GRAB_Roma
Where programming languages are headed in 2020
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mariofusco
"Come Salvini tiene in vita il network di disinformazione più grande d'Italia".
Un bel pezzo di @simofons sull'evoluzione delle campagne di disinformazione sui social network, partendo dall'inchiesta di @BuzzFeedNews fino ad oggi
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: lracrr ::: remigodeau
La Corte d'Appello di Torino: "C'è un nesso tra uso del cellulare e alcuni tipi di tumore"
Ma sulla base di quali evidenze scientifiche? E poi: da quando i magistrati fanno gli scienziati, di lavoro?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | dispositivi mobili
::: fabiochiusi
In "Reproducible computations with Guix", researcher @khinsen gives a hands-on guide to #Guix as a tool for #reproducibleresearch
::: GuixHpc
Auto tedesca, la batteria del futuro
innovazioni, futuro | lavoro
::: MauroV1968
How fast can you allocate a large block of memory in C++?
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire
Apple Responds To AG Barr Over Unlocking Pensacola Shooter's Phone: 'No.'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: astepanovich
Per chi ancora pensasse che ci si diverte a criticare il giornalismo altrui: no, non ci si diverte affatto. E no, non è *mai* una questione personale. È *sempre* invece una questione di democrazia. Oggi, in particolare, una questione grave e urgente
::: fabiochiusi
The UK government is changing the way it briefs journalists - to the disadvantage of the press. It is part of a trend - from America to India - where political leaders are cutting press access and briefings . Part of a very worrying pattern for free press
::: emilybell
Megvii, una delle aziende cinesi di intelligenza artificiale messe in blacklist dagli Stati Uniti lo scorso ottobre, ha iniziato l'anno dichiarando che la mossa USA è un regalo che le consentirà di maturare
artificial intelligence | ditte
::: LucaSambucci
Miliardi di utili, tasse quasi zero. I grandi evasori? Cercateli fra i big dell'e-commerce
economia, lavoro | Web, Internet
::: RadioProzac
A group tested Amazon's facial-recognition software on Denver City Council members. Nine of them were falsely identified as sex offenders, and in some cases the system was 92% confident they were a match
riconoscimento facciale
::: drewharwell
Pearls Before Swine for January 15, 2020
::: _juhan
La NSA trova una falla in Windows 10 grande come una casa, riguardante la validazione dei certificati, ma invece di stare in silenzio e usarla come arma (come già fece in passato) ha deciso di segnalarla a Microsoft per farla chiudere
::: LucaSambucci
As more and more companies start implementing some type of #artificialintelligence, #machinelearning or #automation, it can sometimes seem like these #technologies are being used just because everyone else is doing it
artificial intelligence
::: TopCyberNews
Cookies Track You Across the Internet. Google Plans To Phase Them Out
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Annual Global PC Shipments Grow For the First Time in 8 Years
::: Slashdot
This system created by @shadowrobot @HaptX and Tangible Research is one of the most advanced teleoperated #robots we've ever seen
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum
This is the YikeBike
innovazioni, futuro
::: DigitalTrends
NASA’s New #Moon #Rover Tested in Lunar Operations Lab
spazio, esplorazione
::: PeronaSara
#SoftwareLibero, mille firme per salvare il progetto #Fuss a #Bolzano: "Windows provoca doppi se non tripli costi alla finanza pubblica e non permette un'educazione digitale libera intesa come davvero consapevole"
open source
::: WikimediaItalia
Repubblica embedda (correttamente) il nuovo video del NYT sull’abbattimento dell’aereo ucraino. Il Corriere invece lo copia sul suo sito mette il suo logo e via
giornali, stampa
::: mante
2019 was a Record Year for Digital Growth at The New York Times Company
giornali, stampa
::: rasmus_kleis
Coral Is Google's Quiet Initiative To Enable AI Without the Cloud
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Rapper Akon Created His Own Cryptocurrency City In Senegal Called 'Akon City'
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Cut Undersea Cable Plunges Yemen Into Days-Long Internet Outage
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Verizon Media Launches OneSearch, a Privacy-Focused Search Engine
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
How Google Researchers Used Neural Networks To Make Weather Forecasts
neural networks
::: Slashdot
Globally, renewable forms of energy now produce about a quarter of our electricity
::: KnowableMag
Quanto vendono i quotidiani, rispetto a sei anni fa
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
The role of artificial intelligence in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
artificial intelligence
::: RobMcCargow
How Digital Sleuths Unravelled the Mystery of Iran's Plane Crash
::: Slashdot
BlackRock C.E.O. Larry Fink: Climate Crisis Will Reshape Finance
ambiente, ecologia | economia, lavoro
::: PaoloBarucca
Algoritmi al servizio della salute femminile
algoritmi, codice
::: ilmanifesto
Our results suggest that many claims about the effects of exposure to false news may be overstated, or, at the very least, misunderstood
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi
Real World Crypto 2020
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: b3h3m0th
226 mila indirizzi rubati da un sito di ricerca lavoro, di cui solo un terzo già presente nel vastissimo database di HIBP, vuol dire che ben due terzi degli indirizzi finora erano riusciti a evitare i maggiori data breach
::: LucaSambucci
linux.conf.au 2020 (is an annual conference in Australia or New Zealand, with a focus on Linux) - Talks
::: b3h3m0th
![]() |
Gaudi's Sagrada Família in Barcelona, 1915 |
L’Europa vuole il suo «Cloud»: server Ue contro i colossi Usa dell'high
::: Mte90Net
Italy looses an historical bookshop, claiming to be forced to close because of competition @Amazon
ditte | Web, Internet | economia, lavoro
::: InnoGenna
Dopo quasi 3 anni, Wikipedia torna accessibile in Turchia: la corte costituzionale ha stabilito che il blocco deciso dal governo violava la libertà di espressione
Wikipedia | censura
::: i_diavoli
In Canada, an internal document revealed that many visa applications were handled automatically. The report explains that robots can be easily fooled by false statements, but that is not a blocker for an planned expansion of the program in April
::: algorithmwatch
Auguri #Wikipedia! L'enciclopedia libera oggi compie 19 anni
::: WikimediaItalia
@unc_citap launched side-by-side comparisons of platforms and political ads. We are going to maintain them as a public resource
social media | ad, pubblicità
::: kreissdaniel
How to verify that quantum chips are computing correctly
quantum computing
::: jpdowling
Amazon To Invest $1 Billion To Help Digitize Small Businesses in India
ditte | Web, Internet | antitrust
::: Slashdot
Well, it finally happened. Yes, THAT. After almost 40 years of coding.... guess it was bound to happen sooner or later
programming, codice, snippet
::: dabeaz
Cloudflare is Giving Away Its Security Tools To US Political Campaigns
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot
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