Intanto che recupero i ritardi accumulantesi vi elenco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Qui un analisi del canale Telegram presente nella bio di alcuni bot usati per gonfiare l'hashtag #43MortiChiedonoLaRevoca
web-bot, robocall
::: evaristegal0is
Se analizziamo i messaggi inoltrati da altri utenti, vediamo che circa 2/3 non ha un username (tentativo per non farsi trovare)
web-bot, robocall
::: noneprivacy
Why Did Red Hat Drop Its Support for Docker's Runtime Engine?
::: Slashdot
Musk "Non mollo mai. Cioè, dovrei essere... morto!"
::: dcavedon
Tuxedo's New Manjaro Linux Laptops Will Include Massive Customization
Linux distro
::: Slashdot
The economics of medical drones - The Lancet Global Health
::: RadioProzac
Major Breakthrough In Quantum Computing Shows That MIP* = RE
capito niente, nada, zilch ma riporto
quantum computing
::: Slashdot
La foto risale a circa 10 anni fa, l'agente (quello vero) denuncia il furto d'identità. Nel frattempo l'account fake continua a twittare
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: DavidPuente ::: evaristegal0is
Non volevo commentare a caldo, ma anche dopo averci dormito su questo divieto del riconoscimento facciale per cinque anni mi sembra un errore, probabilmente dettato dalla paura
riconoscimento facciale
::: LucaSambucci
This is pseudoscience babble
artificial intelligence | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | (forse)
::: geomblog
Facial Recognition Database With 3 Billion Scraped Images 'Might End Privacy as We Know It'
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot
Exploit Fully Breaks SHA-1, Lowers the Attack Bar
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Microsoft's New Windows Terminal Preview Offers a Retro CRT Screen Effect
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
Programming languages explained with music
::: elenaneira
Slate Announces List of The 30 Most Evil Tech Companies
::: Slashdot
The privacy paranoid among us have long worried that all of our online photos would be scraped to create a universal face recognition app. My friends, it happened and it’s here
riconoscimento facciale
::: kashhill
Another Project Goes Private: Amara Stops Being Developed As Open Source
open source
::: Slashdot
it seems important for teachers in STEM to understand this
scuola, educazione, cultura | etica
::: johnregehr
Santori oggi su Rep rilancia: “chiediamo alla politica di regolamentare l’uso che fa dei social”, e dice che il Daspo è “semplicemente” un modo per dire “la violenza nei social non può essere tollerata”. Chi lo abbia deciso e come non si sa, ma Rep non glielo chiede
censura | ministra #Pisano, #pisonate, #Marattin, marattinate, censura, pensate farlokke
::: fabiochiusi
Removing complexity is not always a win
programming, codice, snippet
::: OldManKris
#Linux users looking at Windows 7 users upgrading to Windows 10 instead of switching to Linux 😣
::: itsfoss2
This week in KDE: Plasma 5.18 is the release you’ve been waiting for
applicazioni, programmi
::: planetkde
Falco Explorer, conclusa con successo la prima missione del drone di Leonardo
::: DronEzine
Dice @DataMediaHub che le copie digitali dei quotidiani, al contrario di quello che si potrebbe pensare, seguono il trend drammatico del cartaceo. Dal 2014 ad oggi hanno fatto - 58%
novità | giornali, stampa
::: mante
What Linus Torvalds Gets Wrong About ZFS
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
Java's 6 months release cadence is
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mariofusco
We Need to Ban Facial Recognition Altogether, Not Just Regulate Its Use
riconoscimento facciale
::: urvashi_aneja
Perché vietare una tecnologia solo perché non la si capisce è una sconfitta. Quelle che arriveranno fra qualche anno potrebbero essere più complesse: chiederanno ogni volta 3-5 anni per capirle? Ho cercato di spiegare la mia posizione in questo post
riconoscimento facciale
::: LucaSambucci
Reminder that I keep a list of free CS-related textbooks shared openly by their authors
da esaminare con mooolta cura; prossimamente
manuali, how to
::: csgordon
I’m pleased to present the flame-bait sequel to my previous blog post: “No, dynamic type systems are not inherently more open.”
programming, codice, snippet
::: lexi_lambda
Una società statunitense ha notato un incremento negli attacchi #phishing condotti sfruttando una "talpa" all'interno di un'organizzazione. Ecco come funzionano
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andreatemplari
Choosing an OS
umorismo | (forse)
::: mariofusco
Introducing JetBrains Mono, 'A Typeface for Developers'
tool, componente software
::: Slashdot
Is Google Facing a Backlash From Medical Record Vendors?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
#otd in 1983 Apple introduced the “Lisa” computer, one of the first PCs w/a graphical interface. It had 1MB RAM & a $10K price tag. Result: 10K units sold
l'antenato del Mac, tempo 1 anno
Key Volkswagen Exec Admits Full Self-Driving Cars 'May Never Happen'
::: quinta
Crew Dragon separating from Falcon 9 during today’s test, which verified the spacecraft’s ability to carry astronauts to safety in the unlikely event of an emergency on ascent
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceX
A hacker has leaked this week a list of Telnet passwords for more than 515,000 servers, routers, and IoT devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: campuscodi
Facebook Won't Put Ads in WhatsApp -- For Now
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot
Opera Accused of Offering Predatory Loans Through Android apps
browser | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot
Unsubscribe Message
::: xkcd
Conjecture: every cloud service will eventually morph into an extortion racket
economia, lavoro | ditte
::: floemuc
L’odio? Colpa dei social!
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Against the Cult of Apple: Hostile to customers and in thrall to China, the beloved company doesn’t deserve a pass
::: RoyKenagy
Microsoft has released a free and #opensource tool used by its developers to analyze source code for a potential #securitythreat
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andreatemplari
Recent updates to #KotlinMultiplatform & all the attention it’s getting at #KotlinConf prove that KMP is ready for your team to pilot. As the #KMP experts, we wrote “The Essential Guide to KMP” to help get you up to speed
linguaggi di programmazione | dispositivi mobili
::: TouchlabHQ
Tech Is A Bubble Again. Sorry
economia, lavoro
::: MauroV1968
Australian wildfires are tragic. But exploited in the climate debate as unprecedented and near-proof of climate emergency
è il famoso negazionista climatico danese; a lui piace il caldo
ambiente, ecologia | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: BjornLomborg
Do Engineering Managers Need To Be 'Technical'?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
nice tips to have cleaner js code
linguaggi di programmazione
::: 0xste
"Basic permet d'apprendre très rapidement à programmer très mal" Xavier Leroy dans son inaugurale au @cdf1530
io ho cuorato tutto il thread
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: roger_mansuy ::: cosminribo
La Stampa, oggi: le Sardine “sperano” in un appuntamento con i vertici di Facebook Italia “per discutere con loro di odio in rete, di come poter intervenire soprattutto in occasione delle campagne elettorali, di quel Daspo social evocato e già molto criticato”
social media | politica | ministra #Pisano, #pisonate, #Marattin, marattinate, censura, pensate farlokke
::: fabiochiusi
Google’s Pichai: “there is no question in my mind that artificial intelligence needs to be regulated. It is too important not to. The only question is how to approach it”
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
getopt — Command Line Option Parsing
::: pymotw
Craig Wright Doesn't Have Keys To $8 Billion of Bitcoin
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Ci pensa come spesso accade @FabbioSabatini a far fare figuracce a chi fa propaganda. Si', Luigi @marattin ha fatto l'ennesima figuraccia. Per di piu' continuando a non capire il potere dei simboli, della fiducia e della credibilita'
censura | ministra #Pisano, #pisonate, #Marattin, marattinate, censura, pensate farlokke
::: NicoLacetera
I finally finished all puzzles of #AdventOfCode 2019! I learned a lot: math I did not know about, pathfinding algorithms, new programming techniques, #python tricks & more. It was a nice ride! Thanks @ericwastl!
::: marcodelmastro
Apple CEO Calls For Global Corporate Tax System Overhaul
Apple | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Una società distrutta con un ransomware
::: evaristegal0is
Ubuntu is Finally Removing the Amazon Web App that No-One Uses
Ubuntu | ad, pubblicità
::: omgubuntu
Algoritmi in ambito amministrativo, il Consiglio di Stato delinea i limiti
algoritmi, codice
::: phisaz
Controlling complexity
Schneier is obviously right: banning facial recognition is not enough, per se. It is a first step though, and an important one, in terms of public awareness. I think we should value it even if yes, taking on the whole surveillance apparatus is something entirely different
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi
Qualche considerazione su #AdventOfCode 2019
::: marcodelmastro
Cash, Plastic or Hand? Amazon Envisions Paying With a Wave
::: Slashdot
The Official Kubuntu 'Focus' Linux Laptop Goes on Sale
Ubuntu | hardware
::: Slashdot
Al Politecnico primo master per super esperti in smog e cambiamenti climatici
ambiente, ecologia
::: LeonDiPaco
Parsing JSON at high speed in R: R bindings for simdjson
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire
Sometimes in #RustLang 🦀 you will need more time ⌚ 'til your code is complete. Where in #Python you're "done". When the code is still wrong (And on perf it'll never compete)
a proposito della discussione|rissa del typing statico vc. dinamico?
::: llogiq
Filling large arrays with zeroes quickly in C++
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire ::: trav_downs
#Tesla premia #hacker che riescono a violare la #Model3
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: hacker_journal
Excellente analyse juridique et historique sur l'extradition d'Assange sur le Club de Mediapart
Julian Assange
::: vincib
@wikileaks, generale Mini e ambasciatore Bradanini: "Liberate #Assange, ha detto solo la verità"
Julian Assange
::: KHS9NE
Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access To Detailed Medical Records
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Feds Seize For Selling Access To Stolen Data
::: Slashdot
Huge PS5 Leak Spills a Bunch of Info On Sony's Reveal Event
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Ultrafast Camera Takes 1 Trillion Frames Per Second of Transparent Objects, Phenomena
::: Slashdot
Loot Boxes Push Kids Into Gambling, Says England's NHS Mental Health Director
vero o il solito allarmismo farlocco?
games | frodi | (forse)
::: Slashdot
User Story
::: ismonkeyuser
Il commissario Agcom Martusciello scrive sul Riformista che ci vorrebbe una “news quality obligation”, qualunque cosa sia, per i “new media”, qualunque cosa siano, certificata da un “regolatore”, qualunque cosa sia. Come sempre è colpa dei social, sui giornali tutto bene
giornali, stampa | social media
::: fabiochiusi
🤣🤣🤣 La rivoluzionaria lotta alle feic nius di gnusguard diventa a pagamento
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac
Anche #ANSA, come altre testate in altre occasioni, si focalizza sull'abbigliamento della donna della notizia, qui "Lady Huawei" coi tacchi a spillo. Se il protagonista fosse stato un uomo, sarebbe successo?
gender, discriminazioni | Huawei
::: LalaHu9
New blog post summarizing our upcoming CHI paper: What’s wrong with computational notebooks?
uh!? 🤔
programming, codice, snippet
::: AustinZHenley
No Ransom è il luogo in cui poter trovare gli ultimi decryptor e strumenti per eliminare i #ransomware, nonché tutte le informazioni su come proteggersi
non so se serve, sono niubbo, riporto
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: KasperskyLabIT
A Small Matter of Programming
artificial intelligence
::: SIGPLAN Blog
⏲️ As of today, we have about eighteen years to go until the Y2038 problem occurs. But the Y2038 problem will be giving us headaches long, long before 2038 arrives. I'd like to tell you a story about this
::: jxxf
#thereisnomoretime The #climatechange will cause the next financial crisis. And it could be devastating. The alarm is launched by the Bank for International Settlements in a newly published report
ambiente, ecologia
::: stefaniaconti
UK Regulators’ Data Violations Fines Top $126.5M : Regulators in the U.K. have levied €114 million ($126 million) in fines for data violations since instituting new stronger privacy mandates
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TrustedFintech
holy shit. A game in a pure language (part 1)
programmazione funzionale
::: vamchale
App Highlight: Catfish Desktop File Searching Tool
tool, componente software
::: itsfoss2
Leaders like the idea of Industry 4.0 more than reality
Internet of things
::: RichRogersX
We (@serg_delft) just opened our software testing lecture notes. It currently contains 14 full chapters, 52k words, 63 videos, and 82 exercises. License: CC-BY-NC-SA. Feel free to use it!
scuola, educazione, cultura | manuali, how to
::: mauricioaniche ::: jeanqasaur
According to Chief #OpenSource Officer @_dirkhh, the software supply chain as it currently operates is highly problematic
open source
::: vmwopensource
FTCode Ransomware Now Steals Saved Login Credentials
::: BleepinComputer
Our report from the 5th meeting of the #Article17 stakeholder dialogue, in which it became clear that most participants want the dialogue to fail, that 🇩🇪 does not intend to keep a promise made in April & some stakeholders dont understand #copyright law
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: communia_eu
Spazio, la stazione spaziale cinese sarà pronta nel 2022
spazio, esplorazione
::: RaiNews
Some good context on Article 14 of the #copyright directive (Works of visual art in the #publicdomain)
copyright e brevetti | open source
::: paul_keller
È cosa risaputa che la struttura del mercato dei media ha un incentivo implicito a deformare le informazioni
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | media
::: _pp_tm_
Afraid of Tail Recursion
uhmmm... 🤔
Lisp | programming, codice, snippet
::: planet_lisp
For all those who "don't care about privacy" cause they "have nothing to hide", an example why privacy matters and why it's dangerous to not protect it
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: listnux
Non comprerò cose inutili questa volta
::: FrancescaBazan
I did it, a clean sweep of #AdventOfCode 2019, in pure Excel formulas. No macros, no VBA. All solutions in Excel. All 50*. My view on Excel stays the same; Excel is usually a tool, usually not close to the best though
Uh! 'n altro! questo è anche mooolto più bravo di quelli che conosco io che considerano il 'puter un supporto di Excel
programming, codice, snippet
::: pengipengi
Non c'entra niente, ma sarebbe interessante analizzare il grafo dei blocchi su Twitter
una cosa che penso anch'io, quando mi bloccano ingiustamente
::: glipari
😀 ti ricordi di quando “il web è informazione di flusso, rapidità, brevità”?
storia | Web, Internet
::: tedeschini
It's easier to imagine the end of the world, than the end of the Post-Apocalypse
poi, un giorno, su Marte
::: HorvatSrecko
Here we go: a totally polished and not-at-all half-baked take on static vs dynamic typing
un altro take ancora
programming, codice, snippet
::: hillelogram
Biggest food brands 'failing goals to banish #palmoil deforestation'
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac
Apple Dropped Plan for Encrypting Backups After FBI Complained
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Macron and Trump Declare Truce in Digital Tax Dispute
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Absolute red alert: This is unbelievably naked retaliation for revealing extreme corruption at the highest levels of #Bolsonaro's administration, and an existential threat to investigative journalism in #Brazil
::: Snowden ::: Snowden ::: Snowden ::: AndrewDFish ::: ggreenwald ::: SenSanders
microsoft on facial recognition
riconoscimento facciale
::: mikarv
I'm glad to announce that I've been appointed President of of the newly created Italian Innovation Fund. A great challenge to help find, nurture, and amplify ambitious, and transformative projects at the cutting edge of digital innovation & sustainability
innovazioni, futuro
::: francesca_bria ::: francesca_bria
14% of Android App Privacy Policies Contain Contradictions About Data Collection
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
AR is the 'Next Big Thing', Says Apple CEO Tim Cook
augmented reality
::: Slashdot
Here's a reminder why the attacks on Assange (and now @ggreenwald) are a wake up call to all investigative journalists
Julian Assange | censura
::: arusbridger
Notorious Crime Gang Targets Internet Routers Using Tomato Firmware
::: Slashdot
Jeff Bezos hack: Amazon boss's phone 'hacked by Saudi crown prince'
::: emenietti ::: fabiochiusi ::: carolafrediani ::: jaketapper ::: Slashdot
Industry 4.0 is a continuation of the digital revolution
innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogersX
AMD Launches Navi-Based Radeon RX 5600XT To Battle GeForce RTX 2060 Under $300
::: Slashdot
Wine 5.0 Released
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
Hofstadter's Law
::: RichRogersX
Amazon To Ramp Up Counterfeit Reporting To Law Enforcement
economia, lavoro | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Gods. #Linux #jokes
::: dcavedon
"Before thinking about a ban, lawmakers should take stock of current uses and enforce the provisions of the GDPR regarding the right to access personal data.” AW's @nicolaskb about the EC's consideration to ban the use of #FaceRecognition in public places
riconoscimento facciale
::: algorithmwatch
China's 500-Meter FAST Radio Telescope Is Now Operational
::: Slashdot
About the time EU public infrastructures moves away from Windows, imho
sistemi operativi
::: WebReflection
A very different view
::: lucasofri
Sad fact: The Spitzer Space Telescope will shut down Jan. 30. NASA celebrates its legacy this week. A 16-year NASA mission that painted the universe in infrared light will come to an end this month, as Spitzer takes its final observations on Jan. 29
::: spaceflashnews
Vederci più chiaro, molto più chiaro sul riconoscimento facciale in Italia è imperativo
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi
Greta & team prendono di petto lo spin allarmistico volto a costruire uno "straw man argument". Si tratta invece di far capire il concetto di #carbonbudget
ambiente, ecologia
::: cmnit
Excited to announce the JOSS paper @nolauren and I wrote about our #distantviewing toolkit is now published! Looking to apply computational humanities techniques to moving image data? Try out our open-source software and let us know if you find it useful!
It contains low-level architecture for applying state-of-the-art computer vision algorithms to still and moving images
::: statsmaths
For the colleagues outside France, wondering what are all those strange tweets about: the next law project concerning sciences is so bad that 2700 researchers decided to collectively candidate to head the French evaluation institution (HCERES)
::: LegalizeBrain
Can lasers zap dangerous drones? Maybe. It's a tough problem with no easy answers
::: jeffhecht
Ecco: più giornalisti, meno articoli ma migliori = più lettori
media | giornali, stampa
::: davcarretta
despite being a Haskeller
::: wilbowma
Windows 7 end of support strikes. The German government is paying approximately $887,000 for security updates for thousands of PCs still running Windows 7
sistemi operativi | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: tomwarren
Pythonitis delimitar
::: CoolSWEng
if the criteria to fund AI is not based on a technology’s trustworthiness, ethics, or innovative capabilities, then which drivers inform these decisions?
artificial intelligence | etica
::: fabiochiusi
Merci la @laquadrature pour tout ce que vous faites. Notamment sur le sujet de la technopolice à #Marseille
riconoscimento facciale
::: chdugue
la loi impose désormais aux plateformes de retirer en une heure les contenus que la police lui signalera comme relevant du terrorisme ou d’abus sur mineurs. La police décidera seule des contenus relevant du terrorisme – sans le contrôle d’un juge
politica | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: clemkeirua
India Likely To Force Facebook, WhatsApp To Comply With 'Traceability' Demand
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
f you're interested to know more about LuaTeX's \directlua command, especially low-level details, maybe this @Overleaf article will be of interest
linguaggi di programmazione
::: publishergeek
Tesla Surges Past $100 Billion Market Value, Usurping VW
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Se vi siete mai chiesti com'è che siam finiti così, che alcune aziende private americane governano e controllano il dibattito pubblico e buona parte della ns vita, allora la storia che ho tentato di raccontare può darvi qualche indizio
economia, lavoro | Web, Internet
::: CBlengio
Polish Social Security Administration just announced yesterday, that they signed up a new deal with "Linux Polska" to migrate all their infrastructure to Linux
sistemi operativi
::: kamilogorek
Chinese Academic Suspended After His 'Fully Independently Developed' Programming Language Found To Be Based on Python
non è che c'è stato un frantendimento? il giornalista ha capito bene? bene-bene? me: dubbi.
(forse) | Python | Cina
::: Slashdot
Two missions by the European Space Agency will seek to safeguard critical infrastructure both in space and here on Earth
spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum
US Cops Have Wide Access To Phone Cracking Software, New Documents Reveal
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Any fool can write code that a computer can understand
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