27 febbraio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 478

CoronaConfusione, come se non bastasse la mia autoprodotta. Pessimo questo venti-venti ma intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Ricordiamoci di AssangeJulian Assange
::: DEAcampaign ::: greekemmy ::: people4assange ::: larazon_es ::: MrsC_Assange ::: SMaurizi ::: suigenerisjen ::: journalismfest ::: estelledehon ::: SMaurizi ::: estelledehon ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: estelledehon ::: msulzbacher ::: cdeloire ::: cdeloire ::: FreedomofPress ::: khrafnsson ::: SMaurizi ::: wikileaks ::: benlewismedia ::: SMaurizi ::: couragefound ::: ilmanifesto ::: SMaurizi ::: yanisvaroufakis ::: Snowden ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: mattberkley ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: couragefound ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: thejuicemedia

'Hutter Prize' for Lossless Compression of Human Knowledge Increased to 500,000€
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Are APIs Putting Financial Data At Risk?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russian Trolls Now Just Push Divisive Content Created By Others
trolls, disinformazione
::: Slashdot

Amazon Is Collecting Donations For a Scientology-Linked Anti-Drug Charity
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

::: engineers_feed

Nonprofit Argues Germany Can't Ratify the 'Unitary Patent' Because of Brexit
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Police are using artificial intelligence to predict which youngsters could be drawn into violent crime, in a major government-funded trial
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Will Low-Code and No-Code Platforms Revolutionize Programming?
mi sembra poco chiaro, probabilmente solo perché sono niubbo
programming, codice, snippet | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Symbolic math without explicit symbol manipulation. As I've said: replace symbols by vectors and logic by continuous (or differentiable) functions
programming, codice, snippet | artificial intelligence
::: ylecun

Better alternatives to Android? Not necessarily - but if you're interested to try something different, check these out
dispositivi mobili | open source
::: itsfoss2

Safari Will Stop Trusting Certs Older Than 13 Months
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

This is not why I have two surface books
::: JenMsft

Oracle's Allies Against Google Include Scott McNealy and America's Justice Department
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Ossessione n.8: ho appena installato Void Linux su un Netbook di 10 anni fa rimasto spento per tre anni. È una scheggia. Perché le persone continuino a usare sistemi proprietari rimane per me un mistero (pari all'adesivo della mela sulla macchina)
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: orporick

Google Detects Edge Users Visiting Its Sites, Urges Them to Switch to Chrome
::: Slashdot

полная фигня
disinformazione, fake news, bufale

New $300 Kitchen Playset For Children Includes Amazon's Alexa
hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Tests of whether a developer-facing library API is any good
thread programmatico, voglio essere così anch'io, cioè il mio codice
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

Python 3 has been around for 10 years. If you’re still writing code that isn’t compatible or haven’t updated the ancient version you embedded into your software for extensions you are the problem. It’s bad enough we’re stuck with this shit language. Stop making it worse
shit a chi?
::: jrozner

Judge Forces America's FCC To Seek New Public Feedback on Its Net Neutrality Repeal
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Amazing! 🤩 In 30 minutes, I visualized 10 years of #opensource history at @RITtigers @RITMAGIC!
open source | storia
::: jflory7

Ho gia' parlato in passato del linguaggio J, successore di APL di Kenneth Iverson. Rispetto ad APL ha il vantaggio di essere scritto in caratteri ASCII, quindi posso incollarvi qui una funzione
il più ostico affrontato finora
linguaggi di programmazione
::: orporick

Thread by @aspide_l: Tracciatura dispositivi mobili, videosorveglianza, riconoscimento facciale e La Storia della Colonna Infame
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: MauroV1968

Deploy your BASIC code to our 6502 data center in just one tweet. Welcome to 8-bit cloud
::: bbcmicrobot

Open Source CPU Architecture RISC-V Is Gaining Momentum
hardware | open source
::: Slashdot

150 PhD economists hired by Amazon! It is the most significant and drastic change in the last 20 years to raise economics at the core of the decision making in firms. It means: microeconometrics works!
ditte | economia, lavoro
::: home

Python and JavaScript: the joys of duck typing
linguaggi di programmazione
::: ChrisShaver64

pkgutil — Package Utilities
::: pymotw

Programming will never advance, so long as we continue to view programming, debugging, and execution as separate activities
programming, codice, snippet
::: pwang

EU Commission To Staff: Switch To Signal Messaging App
social media
::: Slashdot

Our @NASA family is sad to learn the news that Katherine Johnson passed away this morning at 101 years old. She was an American hero and her pioneering legacy will never be forgotten
::: JimBridenstine ::: Mr. Palomar ::: BarackObama ::: IEEESpectrum ::: orporick ::: alicegoldfuss

I still run Linux. It's obv bad, but I always assumed everyone on mac was living in some fantasy land where things work
sistemi operativi
::: moxie ::: _stdio54

Apple To Release First ARM Mac Without Intel Processor in Next 18 Months, Predicts Kuo
hardware | Apple
::: Slashdot

HackerOne's Bug Bounties Skyrocketed To $40 Million in 2019
bug | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Mapping Wikipedia
::: Slashdot

Google Cloud CEO Called Oracle Cloud a 'Disgrace'
::: Slashdot

GIMP 2.10.18 Arrives with Major Changes, Including a New 3D Transform Tool
applicazioni, programmi | open source
::: omgubuntu

What do we need for performant *quantum* software? Intelligent, open-source tools (like optimizing compilers) and low-level control are two things I talked about recently at #RigettiAdvantage2020
quantum computing
::: stylewarning

ZX Spectrum Next, An Advanced Version of the Original 8-Bit Home Computer, Has Been Released
::: Slashdot

r/NoSleep, One of the Largest Subreddits On Reddit, Goes Dark In IP-Theft Protest
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Supreme Court Rejects Apple Appeal In Patent Fight With VirnetX
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Planned vs. Budgeted
::: ismonkeyuser

The utility Hydro-Québec has signed a deal to commercialize a glass battery developed in part by Nobel Prize winner John Goodenough
::: IEEESpectrum

Questo è uno dei motivi per cui non vi conviene seguire account "breaking news" riguardo il coronavirus se non siete certissimi di chi lo gestisce. È un momento d'oro per chi deve creare account, aumentare i follower per poi ripulire i tweet in futuro e rivendere gli account
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: evaristegal0is

The Big Switcheroo
language Racket
::: greghendershott

Il problema maggiore nell'insegnamento della matematica è che quasi mai viene introdotta per quello che è: un linguaggio, forse l'unico linguaggio veramente universale
::: dottorpax

AI Deception: When Your Artificial Intelligence Learns to Lie
How to define it, and how we can prepare against it
artificial intelligence
::: IEEESpectrum

Happy birthday @MacRumors! 🥳🎉 Been a fan for probably a decade at this point
::: corbindavenport

Parents sharing photos, stories, and private details of their children on the Internet often do so without fully understanding the long-term repercussions on data surveillance and privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: NewYorker

Evviva - si comincia a discutere di cose vere: il mercato rilevante ai fini della concorrenza è quello dei dati. La via per alcune soluzioni di problemi legati alle grandi piattaforme è più libertà e più concorrenza, non più controlli
dati, raccolta
::: tedeschini

Big "tech companies will have to open up their troves of data to smaller rivals, as other sectors such as financial services already do, the European Commission said, in proposals aimed at breaking down the monopolies such as those of Amazon and Google"
::: rasmus_kleis

documenti UN finora inediti ricevuti da @wireditalia descrivono attività cyber Corea del Nord per aggirare sanzioni internazionali, tra #hacker e #criptovalute. Pyongyang è accusata di aver attaccato anche Palazzo di Vetro, fino a gennaio 2020
::: faffa42

Il trend dal 2007 al 2019 di chi legge un quotidiano cartaceo almeno una volta alla settimana
::: DataMediaHub

if you like minimalism, and you don't like classes verbosity, but you do like native Custom Elements (instead of wicked/hooked) you might also like µce
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

Reddit published their 2019 transparency report. - 53M content removals (1,8% of total), mostly spam
social media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: luca

#Common_Lisp State of Common Lisp Survey 2020
::: reddit_lisp

TSA Bans Employees From Using TikTok
social media
::: Slashdot

Calling a programming language “simple” is like
::: stylewarning

When a phone lands in @xach’s backyard
::: stylewarning

I long believed that Linux unlike all other desktop OSes has a steep learning curve during the which you believe it's "bad". Once you reach the intermediate/expert level, it spoils you all other OSes for how "good" it is
sistemi operativi | Linux
::: Gianlucadfiore

In case you missed it! #DigitalEU #digitalpolicy
::: cdteu

Ecco i paesi dove il ritorno economico di una #laurea è più alto
scuola, educazione, cultura | lavoro
::: Luca_Gualtieri1

PayPal Accounts Are Getting Abused En-masse For Unauthorized Payments
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Firefox To Enable DNS-over-HTTPS by Default To US Users
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: schneierblog

Japan Urges Telecommuting, Staggered Shifts To Curb Coronavirus
lavoro | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

The German NetzDG may have contributed to the advance of internet censorship in Africa
::: fabiochiusi

Musicians Algorithmically Generate Every Possible Melody, Release Them To Public Domain
algoritmi, codice | open source
::: Slashdot

Firefox for Mac and Linux To Get a New Security Sandbox System
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Il Joint Artificial Intelligence Center del Pentagono ha pubblicato cinque principi etici che i militari USA adotteranno sia nei sistemi #AI impiegati in combattimento, sia in quelli usati per altri scopi
artificial intelligence | etica
::: LucaSambucci ::: _pdarragh

Plasma 5.18.2 released
applicazioni, programmi
::: kubuntu

Pearls Before Swine for February 26, 2020
Twitter | umorismo
::: _juhan

Smithsonian Releases 2.8 Million Images Into Public Domain
open source
::: Slashdot

The Go port of simdjson (the fast C++ JSON parser) now uses Intel AVX-512 instructions to accelerate parsing… As the name suggests AVX-512 comes with 512-bit registers
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire

Cyborg plants are real, and we should make more of them
::: mashable

Through FOIA, @knightcolumbia and @ACLU have obtained thousands of documents relating to the government’s sweeping censorship system of prepublication review. We’ve been releasing these on a rolling basis, and today we’re highlighting some of the latest
::: Meenu_Krishnan ::: FaizaPatelBCJ ::: bartongellman ::: JameelJaffer ::: Snowden ::: corbindavenport

Microsoft Wants To Do Away With Windows 10 Local Accounts
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Singapore Airlines Is Using Aeroponics To Upgrade In-Flight Meals
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Facebook: “We recently implemented a policy to prohibit ads that refer to the coronavirus and create a sense of urgency, like implying a limited supply, or guaranteeing a cure or prevention”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi

Was Knuth really framed by Jon Bentley?
sviluppi attuali di un'epopea classica! e "So my claim is that the power of the Unix tools is often vastly underestimated. In my everyday work, I use Unix commands many times daily to perform diverse and very different tasks. I very rarely encounter tasks that cannot be solved by joining together a couple of commands."
programming, codice, snippet
::: CoolSWEng

Really enjoying @AustinZHenley @barik and others' work on pain points of computational notebooks, includes some I hadn't realized
programming, codice, snippet | Web, Internet
::: ShriramKMurthi

Android 11 makes it easier to discover DNS server problems
dispositivi mobili
::: AndroidPolice

Here's How Facebook's Brain-Computer Interface Development is Progressing
Bit by bit, the social media giant is pushing forward efforts to pick up signals through the skull that tell what you're thinking
::: IEEESpectrum

Scuola chiusa per il #CoronaVirusItalia? Si può comunque tenere lezione da remoto, usando ad esempio la piattaforma #opensource Jitsi: nessun account, nessuna registrazione, nessuna applicazione da installare
scuola, educazione, cultura | Web, Internet
::: ItaLinuxSociety

Crypto: 10 Years, 3.1 Billion Transactions. 1.1B transactions in 2019 alone. And they said it was a bear market 😏
blockchain e crypto*
::: cburniske

Historically crypto as nearly no correlation with any other asset classes
blockchain e crypto*
::: Alexintosh

For a long time, no robot company had a business model worth funding. "We were no exception," writes @iRobot CEO @colinangle. "We tried 14 business models before we arrived at one that sustainably worked." #robotics #startups
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

The International Maritime Organization wants to cut greenhouse gas emissions in the maritime sector by at least 50% from 2008 levels by 2050
ambiente, ecologia
::: ispionline

The Beacon Chain Ethereum 2.0 explainer you need to read first
blockchain e crypto*
::: josephch

Uber and Lyft Generate 70 Percent More Pollution Than Trips They Displace, Study Finds
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Internal Docs Show Why the US Military Publishes North Korean and Russian Malware
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

La Cineteca di Milano mette tutto il catalogo (e che catalogo) in streaming. Basta andare sul sito per iscriversi gratuitamente
Web, Internet | media
::: MarikaSurace

The EU may force phone manufacturers to bring back replaceable batteries. I really hope so
dispositivi mobili | hardware
::: latentexistence

Google To Spend $10 Billion on Offices, Data Centers in US This Year
::: Slashdot

Flaw in Billions of Wi-Fi Devices Left Communications Open To Eavesdropping
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The law says Chelsea Manning must be freed from prison
Chelsea Manning
::: philipdisalvo

If you're bored and looking for something fresh, enter the Abstraction & Reasoning Challenge - The best entrants currently have algos that can autonomously develop solutions to 3 novel tasks out of 100
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

"Lithium isn't enough now." —Vilas Pol, professor of chemical engineering at Purdue University
::: IEEESpectrum

23 febbraio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 477

Mentre stiamo scoprendo, grazie all'influenza, di appartenere al pianeta Terra io elenco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Intel and QuTech Unveil Horse Ridge Cryogenic Control Chip For Quantum Computingquantum computing
::: Slashdot

I'm not one to be freak out over media scare stories but this piece by @bruceschneier has me worried about the unravelling of democracy
web-bot, robocall | politica
::: fayeflam

Donald Trump 'Offered Julian Assange a Pardon if He Denied Russia Link To Hack'
Julian Assange | politica
::: Slashdot ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: oortcloudfilms ::: wikileaks ::: micahflee

RIP to computing pioneer Larry Tesler, the inventor of copy-paste
protagonisti | storia
::: MIT_CSAIL ::: ComputerHistory ::: RainerJoswig ::: emenietti ::: IEEESpectrum

Indian Police Open Case Against Hundreds in Kashmir For Using VPN
Web, Internet | politica
::: Slashdot

Intellectual maturity is caring more about solutions & progress than about flag-planting
::: fchollet

The development is going to be much faster from now on
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language ::: v_language

Google Launches Android 11 Developer Preview 1
programming, codice, snippet | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

does there exist an OS that can take a well-behaved binary and enforce a deterministic timeout on its execution? for example by killing it after it executes N user-mode instructions?
sistemi operativi | programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

IRS Sues Facebook For $9 Billion, Says Company Offshored Profits To Ireland
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

if everyone could take a break from partisan bickering about Assange for a second and remember the fact that Chelsea Manning is still in jail that would be great
Chelsea Manning
::: evan_greer

Coinbase Becomes a Visa Principal Member To Double Down On Debit Card
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The unemployment rate for young college graduates exceeds that of the general population
::: lemire

Leaked Document Shows How Big Companies Buy Credit Card Data On Millions of Americans
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Computer languages differ not so much in what they make possible
::: RichRogersX

Researchers Trick Tesla Into Accelerating 50 Miles Per Hour
automazione | bug
::: Slashdot

A New Use For McDonald's Used Cooking Oil: 3D Printing
::: Slashdot

Twitter is at its best when the experts weigh in ...
Twitter | politica
::: DavidAFrench

#Twitter compra #ChromaLabs, una startup per l’editing di foto e video. Il primo passo verso le Twitter Stories?
::: SergioGridelli

Wait WHAT? The US says "an algorithm" identified Eyal Weizman as a security threat and he can't enter the country. Yes, the same guy who founded Forensic Architecture at Goldsmiths, a respected researcher who visits frequently. Not good
algoritmi, codice | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: katecrawford ::: theintercept

Fossil-Fuel Production May Be Responsible For Much More Atmospheric Methane Than Scientists Thought
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

"State agents pressuring Twitter employees to deliver private information wasn’t uncommon at the company, former employees tell BuzzFeed News"
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Ecco le azioni messe in atto dalle #imprese italiane per ridurre il consumo di risorse naturali e per la gestione sostenibile dei rifiuti e emissioni.#infografica
ambiente, ecologia
::: istat_it

TIL: PHP8 is going to have JIT !!!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

The German government has approved a bill to force social networks such as Facebook and Twitter to report criminal posts to the police, in a move that some critics say could pave the way for internet censorship
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

I 3 gruppi più importanti al mondo nella valutazione del rischio di contagio sono guidati dalla matematica Dorigatti a Londra, dalla fisica Colizza a Parigi e dal fisico Vespignani a Boston. Parlano italiano, se qualcuno cerca consigli
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: andcapocci

Google's computer vision API stopped returning gendered results in the name of algorithmic fairness... but tells customer to use their own models to assess gender
gender, discriminazioni
::: algorithmwatch

Big Tech will have to share data under EU proposals. This is a matter of EU national security, industrial strategy, digital sovereignty and overall democracy. A big step forward: Brussels aims to break monopolies of the likes of Google, Facebook and Amazon
::: francesca_bria ::: paul_keller ::: CenDemTech ::: maria_axente ::: LucaSambucci ::: ispionline

Everyone knows algorithms are infallible and holy
lo so che mi ripeto ma...
::: rodneylives

I am not on social
::: glovink

CReduce - it’s a kind of magic!
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Not many know this. Bernie Sanders and Julian Assange had the same mentor. A one-off human being who we still miss profoundly
Julian Assange | Chelsea Manning | protagonisti
::: DCKennard ::: Wikipedia

Whistleblower Chelsea Manning's legal team file new motion to Release
Chelsea Manning
::: wikileaks

Watchdog groups and journalists have raised concerns about the media environment in Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary — so Radio Free Europe is back
politica | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: POLITICOEurope

🚨 New release alert 🚨 BERT, RoBERTa, GPT2, TransformerXL and most of the community models are now an order of magnitude faster thanks to the integration of the tokenizers library
linguaggi di programmazione
::: huggingface

hyperHTML, viperHTML, basicHTML, heresy and heresy-ssr, neverland, wickedElements, or hookedElements, if you're curious about differences, strengths, and goals, beside being offers for all Web tastes, I've tried to summarize as much as I could in here
Web, Internet
::: WebReflection

No one is talking about the hottest feature of 5G
::: IEEESpectrum

Now you can add a Tweet to one you already Tweeted, faster
chissà se ci riuscirò a ricordarmelo e farlo
::: Twitter

Dato che mi sembra genuinamente interessato al progresso e al futuro del nostro pianeta, ecco un'idea dirompente e innovativa per Jeff Bezos
idea 💡 | protagonisti
::: philipdisalvo

Apple Weighs Letting Users Switch Default iPhone Apps To Rivals
::: Slashdot

The Linux Foundation Identifies Most Important Open-Source Software Components and Their Problems
::: Slashdot

The 25 ways #ArtificialIntelligence can revolutionize #Transportation from driverless trains to smart tracks
artificial intelligence
::: MobisoftInfo

It has been a great adventure following back this #CyberAttack to "roots". I hope you would enjoy this reading. Uncovering New Magecart Implant Attacking eCommerce
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Marco_Ramilli

Pretty Printing Tree Data Structures in #CommonLisp with Unicode characters (kind of ASCII art)
::: WetHat7

A "menu" 🍽 of my most recent Open Source libraries
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

Styling The Good Ol' Button Element
Web, Internet
::: shadeed9

#Algorithms in the justice system, #DigitalWelfare, #ArtificialIntelligence, the #RightToKnow
algoritmi, codice
::: GlobalCRL

G. De La Torre on #SETI : “One of the potential applications of #AI is not only to assist in #bigdata analysis but to help to discern possible artificiality or oddities in patterns of either radio signals, megastructures or techno-signatures in general”
artificial intelligence
::: aldoceccarelli

Nel caso vogliate andare sulla luna
programming, codice, snippet | storia
::: orporick

In ufficio ingegnere gestionale 28 anni assunta da un anno circa, sempre perfetta, garbatissima e controllata
applicazioni, programmi
::: j_gufo

MIT scientists have shown in mice that a new molecule is highly effective at treating bacterial infections such as TB, salmonella and C.diff. Halicin was discovered via #machinelearning
machine learning

US, UK Formally Blame Russia for Mass-Defacement of Georgian Websites
::: Slashdot

The latest version of ARM uLisp includes the finished version of my assembler written in #Lisp, which allows you to generate and run ARM Thumb code functions alongside Lisp
Lisp | hardware
::: johnson_davies

Una costituzione globale per salvare il pianeta
ambiente, ecologia | politica
::: ilmanifesto

JPEG Committee is Banking on AI To Build Its Next Image Codec
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

"surprisingly enough", IE11 has a horrible bug when it comes to inputs with type="number"
browser | bug
::: WebReflection

Sweden Starts Testing World's First Central Bank Digital Currency
::: Slashdot

UCLA Abandons Plans To Use Facial Recognition After Backlash
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot

Twitter is Testing New Ways To Fight Misinformation
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

Google AI No Longer Uses Gender Binary Tags on Images of People
artificial intelligence | gender, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

Trump Backs Supporter Larry Ellison in Court Fight With Google
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

L’inventore dell’H-index dice che, ripensandoci, non gli sembra più una grande idea
::: marioricciard18

Facebook ha fatto respingere a un suo evento un ex dipendente di Cambridge Analytica, assai poco noto se non a noi appassionati del genere. Facebook lo conosceva e ce l’aveva sulla lista nera
Facebook | frodi
::: jacopo_iacoboni

Microsoft To Bring Its Defender Antivirus Software To iOS and Android
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The number one thing to keep in mind about machine learning is that performance is evaluated on samples from one dataset, but the model is used in production on samples that may not necessarily follow the same characteristics...
machine learning
::: fchollet

Coronavirus Has Temporarily Reduced China's CO2 Emissions By a Quarter
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Morgan Stanley Buys E-Trade For $13 Billion
economia, lavoro | automazione
::: Slashdot

France Shuts Down Oldest Reactors, But Nuclear Power Still Reigns
::: Slashdot

A Group of Ex-NSA and Amazon Engineers Are Building a 'GitHub For Data'
programming, codice, snippet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Should Facebook, Google Be Liable For User Posts?
social media
::: Slashdot

Facebook Will Now Pay You For Your Voice Recordings
Facebook | dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot

There are 100M lines of code in the average modern car. This should terrify any experienced programmer
programming, codice, snippet
::: RichRogersX

How Blue Apron Became a Massive $2 Billion Disaster
cuochi? ma raga c'è Benedetta Rossi, la preferita dalla mia amica Elsa (ottima cuoca)
::: Slashdot

Haskell has exceptions. Does that spell doom for linear types? Sure doesn't!
programmazione funzionale
::: tweagio

AI simbolica, top-down, GOFAI, chiamatela come volete, ma dopo aver deluso nei decenni precedenti (e aver causato un inverno) ora molti se la vogliono lasciare alle spalle. Eppure la combinazione fra simbolismo e connettivismo potrebbe risolvere diversi problemi dell'AI odierna
seguire il link
artificial intelligence
::: LucaSambucci

.@Mediapart è un media francese che rispetto: è indipendente, di qualità, ha l’integrità morale di difendere Julian #Assange, Sarah #Harrison, tutti I giornalisti di #WikiLeaks, Chelsea #Manning: VOGLIO un giornale così in Italia
media | Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: Mediapart

(1) A short story on elections and cutting costs:
This Sunday there's an election back in my city in Italy. The italian government send me a letter inviting me to vote and offering "discounts" to travel back to Italy for the occasion. All good, it seems
tutto il thread
::: Gianlucadfiore

Platforms respond to political pressure in big markets: "“We can’t remove all [false news] because it will disproportionately affect conservatives,” said Kaplan, a former George W. Bush White House official and now the head of Facebook’s Washington office"
social media | ad, pubblicità | politica
::: rasmus_kleis

“In view of both the press freedom implications and the serious concerns over the treatment Julian Assange would be subjected to in the United States, my assessment as Commissioner for Human Rights is that he should not be extradited”
Julian Assange
::: fabiochiusi

Let me try the new Windows Terminal
::: keleshev

Guardian reports on a (draft, non-peer rev) study stating 1/4 of climate crisis tweets are by bots. But they don't note the Indiana U tool's misclassification rate is so large it explains a way a lot of that number (see thread)
web-bot, robocall | ambiente, ecologia | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: mikarv ::: fabiochiusi

Barclays Installed Big Brother-style Spyware on Employees' Computers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

as many juniors and seniors are still surprised by this, I've created a little gist to explain the pattern: The `handleEvent` ASCII doodle
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

EU privacy body warns of privacy risks in Google, Fitbit deal
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: emenietti

In software development, there are principles guiding me when I’m in danger of heading in the wrong direction. I printed those quotes and hung them on a wall in our office
programming, codice, snippet
::: philipp_hauer

New unified Office app out of preview and generally available worldwide
applicazioni, programmi | dispositivi mobili
::: tedhudek

Internet of Things Candle
Internet of things | dubbi
::: schneierblog

Michele Serra unsurprisingly tira fuori la solita tiritera su Wikileaks che, cattivoni, mostrano le brutte cose delle democrazie, danneggiandole, ma tacciono ad esempio sui Tremendi Crimini della Russia
Michele, secondo me, da tempo fa il pari con l'Eugenio (et al.)
giornali, stampa
::: AleGuerani

Ever wanted to make a #nuclear #fusion #reactor in your basement? One @Microsoft data center manager shows kids how to become #fusioneers of the future
scuola, educazione, cultura | energia
::: IEEESpectrum

Even the most successful engineers can grow too complacent and forget to put the effort into expanding their career skills
::: IEEESpectrum

Bloomberg debate video would violate Twitter’s deepfake policy, but not Facebook’s
::: fabiochiusi ::: minomazz

Why don't social media companies research the negative effects of their products? An explanation lies in the concept of agnotology — the study of ignorance
social media
::: CIGIonline

Davvero inaspettato! Se io dovessi seguire una strategia, questa volta, punterei a far perdere alle persone la fiducia nel sistema democratico - La Russia sta già interferendo nella campagna elettorale americana per favorire Trump
social media | politica
::: evaristegal0is

A new way to make solar cells could theoretically achieve efficiencies of up to 45%. Conventional silicon cells are typically less than 20% efficient
::: IEEESpectrum

Python 2 Removed from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
::: linuxtoday

Well, finally got around to putting out a version 1.0 of Curio. The feature set has been greatly refined/narrowed. Also much better Windows support. In the big picture, this is mainly a release for myself though
::: dabeaz

Google Is Letting People Find Invites To Some Private WhatsApp Groups
social media
::: Slashdot

Policy vs Technology
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: schneierblog

E la Commissione Europea mette al bando Whatsapp per i suoi funzionari: usate Signal
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: RiccardoLuna

Leaked reports show EU police plan for a pan-European network of facial recognition databases
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Google To Put a Muzzle on Android Apps Accessing Location Data in the Background
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Defeated Chess Champ Garry Kasparov Has Made Peace With AI
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Washington Passes Government Facial Recognition Rules
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: quinta

It is good to see @amnesty is finally on board opposing the extradition of #Assange. As the extradition hearing is taking place in London next week, make sure to add your voice and join the global protests for freedom of press
Julian Assange
::: HorvatSrecko

Global Telcos Join Alphabet, SoftBank's Flying Cellphone Antenna Lobbying Effort
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Say hello to the new and improved GTK website! We've gone out of our way to make the GTK development experience as painless as possible, and, dare we say, enjoyable. 🙂 Check it out, snag GNOME Builder, and build your first app today!
programming, codice, snippet
::: gnome

This week, the @NYTimes features EFF Senior Staff Technologist @legind talking plainly about the privacy risks of Amazon Ring
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: EFF ::: Slashdot

Finnish City Espoo Pioneers Civic AI With Education and Explainability
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Fully electric 0 emission cars
robots, automazione, droni | umorismo
::: TaylorLorenz

Digital factory revenues to hit to $375bn in 2030 from $59bn now
As the amount of custom code required to deploy new solutions on the factory floor drops, data and analytic service revenue growth in smart manufacturing will accelerate
::: RichRogersX

More Bosses Give 4-Day Workweek A Try
::: Slashdot

Slickwraps Data Breach Exposing Financial and Customer Info
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Company Buying .Org Offers To Sign a Contract Banning Price Hikes
Web, Internet | open source
::: Slashdot

Gopher's Rise and Fall Shows How Much We Lost When Monopolists Stole the Net
open source | storia
::: Slashdot

US Defense Agency That Secures Trump's Communications Confirms Data Breach
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Radical Hydrogen-Boron Reactor Leapfrogs Current Nuclear Fusion Tech
::: Slashdot

I have submitted a GHC proposal to add the delimited continuation primops I use in eff
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

E adesso sarà un fiorire di “se non hai nulla da nascondere, di che ti preoccupi”? Un Paese di sudditi, lieti di consegnare la propria libertà, nell’illusione che lo Stato possa assicurare panem et circenses
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: MarcoCantamessa

Chief Magistrate in Julian Assange case financially benefited from two secretive partner organisations of the UK Foreign Office before her appointment
fonti sospette ma quando c'è di mezzo gli über-mega-ultra-spioni ...
Julian Assange
::: declassifiedUK

I'm excited to announce today the new members of the @inrupt leadership team. These individuals will help @johnwbruce and me to power Inrupt as we shape the next era of the web
Web, Internet
::: timberners_lee ::: schneierblog

150K Nature Illustrations Spanning Hundreds of Years Are Now Free Online
open source
::: Slashdot

Adding this to my list of pure, unadulterated #AI hype
artificial intelligence
::: EricTopol

Alexa records you more often than you think
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Twitter is suspending 70 pro-Bloomberg accounts, citing 'platform manipulation'
::: fabiochiusi

Altra raccolta su Julian Assange
Julian Assange
::: jlpassarelli ::: SMaurizi ::: HorvatSrecko ::: SMaurizi ::: DEAcampaign

These activists use makeup to defy mass surveillance
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: dcavedon

Questo è diventato un bel thread, pieno di interventi significativi, su come potremmo definire la explainable AI, su cosa davvero vogliono le persone quando chiedono che una decisione sia spiegabile, su quale compromesso potrebbe essere accettabile per andare avanti
artificial intelligence
::: LucaSambucci

Ma robe da matti
giornali, stampa
::: AlfonsoFuggetta

Google sued by New Mexico over claims it spies on US students
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Science and Technology links (February 22nd 2020)
::: lemire

Breach of MGM Hotels' Cloud Server Exposed Data on 10.6 Million People
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

20 febbraio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 476

Indaffarato con la manutenzione (è, come dire, cosa non tanto sexy) vi racconto cosa ho wisto nel Web.

La quasi totale digitalizzazione dei pagamenti in Finlandia ha portato la media dei cittadini ad avere un indebitamento pari al 127% del reddito
::: arcangeloroc

The impossible often has a kind of integrity
::: DirkGently_Bot

This is 2020. Remote work isn't the future, it is the now
::: tech_faq

Per trasformare la nostra economia verso la transizione ecologica dobbiamo investire in una transizione digitale giusta e sostenibile
economia, lavoro
::: francesca_bria

[ITA] L’EFF condivide la ricerca del MIT sul perché il Voto Online è sbagliato. In Italia l’onorevole @g_brescia, dichiara che alle prossime elezioni in Italia si voterà online, procedendo senza dibattito pubblico con l'accademia ed esperti di cybersecurity
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: fpietrosanti

The Prosecution of Julian Assange: His Right to Publish is Our Right to Know
Julian Assange
::: couragefound

Former NASA Official William Gerstenmaier Joins SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Warning: Microsoft Pulls Windows 10 Security Update After Reports of Serious Bugs
::: Slashdot

Are you getting ready to debug some code in production?
::: nixcraft

Huawei's Silicon Valley Outpost Allegedly Stole Trade Secrets From Cisco
::: Slashdot

Northrop Grumman Launches Spacecraft Delivering Snacks and Equipment To the ISS
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

NASA Flights Detect Millions of Arctic Methane Hotspots
ambiente, ecologia
::: skdh

Police Say Amazon's Ring Isn't Much of a Crime Fighter
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Treat us like something between a telco and a newspaper, says Facebook's Zuckerberg
::: fabiochiusi

Numeri, forme e cambiamento. La mappa della #matematica
::: robertafulci

Slackware Linux on a 386sx40
storia | Linux
::: Genjuro75

Ecco chi ha investito di più in information technology negli ultimi 25 anni
innovazioni, futuro
::: Luca_Gualtieri1

What America's NSA Thinks of Python
::: Slashdot

Oggi niente newsletter perché ho lavorato a questo approfondimento su #CryptoAG e dintorni per @valigiablu. Oltre ai dettagli della storia, descrivo l'attuale mercato della crittografia e accenno a implicazioni della vicenda
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: carolafrediani

I'm very proud to share @QuantaMagazine's new "Map of Mathematics" - a guide to some of the most important ideas in math today and how they relate to each other
::: KSHartnett

oh oh questo e' un passaggio molto delicato nella vita di Twitter (e nella storia dei social che, e' bene ricordare, sono sempre 'il sito di qualcun altro'
::: quinta

I've been asking/waiting for this forever and my first test would be posting json data with content-encoding gzip, as well as using text encoder for the infamous local storage 😅 I can see many other usage all over the Web ... what a great news 🎉
solo per Chrome?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

Firefox, Wordpress Move to Support Lazy Loading of Images and iFrames
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Venezia: in funzione sensori conta-persone
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Genjuro75

OpenPower Foundation Releases a Friendly EULA For IBM's Power ISA RISC
open source
::: Slashdot

Here Are The Most Beautiful Linux Distributions in 2020
la bellezza è nelle esigenze dell'utente, imho
Linux distro
::: ctmcisco

Libre ne veut pas dire gratuit, il veut même dire ici 600 millions d'euros ! C'est le prix envisagé par la Corée du Sud pour migrer toute son administration de Windows vers Linux. Un projet à suivre parce que sa réussite pourrait des émules
open source
::: framaka

Do We Need To Talk About 'Cloud Neutrality'?
::: Slashdot

i meccanismi dei social possono cambiare le sorti della politica? Ad alcuni è permesso sponsorizzare post razzisti con 50k € di budget, ad altri, anti razzisti e anti-mafia si vieta di promuovere i post.Quanto tempo aspetteremo per un legge europea?
social media | politica
::: alex_orlowski

Google Chrome Will Soon Start Blocking Insecure Downloads
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Alternative Browser 'Waterfox' Acquired By System1
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg: Big Tech needs more regulation
Tradotto: ho creato un mostro che non so più tenere sotto controllo. Arrangiatevi
social media
::: davcarretta

Iran Has Been Targeting VPN Servers to Plant Backdoors
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | cyberwar
::: Slashdot

Trump's campaign manager tweeted a dramatic photo of Air Force One at Daytona, saying ".@realDonaldTrump won the #Daytona500 before the race even started." The shot was of George W. Bush's plane leaving in 2004. Parscale deleted three hours later
funziona, purtroppo
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: ddale8

IOTA Cryptocurrency Shut Down Its Entire Network After a Wallet Breach
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

AAAS Annual Meeting@AAASmeetingsAn excellent concluding plenary lecture by Krysta Svore at #AAASmtg #QuantumComputing
quantum computing
::: AAASmeetings

La smettiano di gonfiare i social con commenti a dichiarazioni fatte apposta per gonfiare i social con i nostri commenti? Vogliamo continuare a cascarci tutti i giorni? Ignoriamo le sue dichiarazioni disparate (parliamo anche di lui ma non di quello che vuole lui)?
social media
::: Franciscktrue

1. It's a myth that anonymity makes people act worse
social media
::: mmasnick

It’s quite hard for authorities to catch people not wearing masks in large crowds. That’s where Baidu’s tool will be useful. The company said it had trained the model on more than 100,000 images to achieve prediction accuracy of 96.5%
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

O un segno di maturità per modelli alternativi ;p
::: carolafrediani

Uber and Lyft Are Creating Traffic, Not Reducing It
::: Slashdot

On #Twitter the conversation about #covid19 #ncov19 #coronavirus is heating up. On http://ncov19tracking.org we are now processing thousands of tweets per hour. Lots of mentions of different countries and cities around the world
social media
::: mtizzoni

Vestager “raised particular concerns about the expanding use of facial recognition technology and said new restrictions might be needed before it was “everywhere””
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

quando ho letto l'attacco di quelli del #Nigergate al nostro articolo sulle accuse dei 2 whistleblower dell'#OPAC, non mi sono meravigliata affatto
social media
::: SMaurizi

My son founded @Wikileaks to give our whistleblowers a safe anonymous publishing platform to warn fellow citizens of crimes & corruption impacting their lives. In retribution for this democratic act, my journalist son is being brutally persecuted by those who were exposed
Julian Assange
::: MrsC_Assange ::: granmarga

I can work with high-level logic; I can work on automated planning; I know the math behind many machine learning approaches... But every time I need to do a small responsiveness tweak feature on CSS, I feel like NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE
programming, codice, snippet
::: thek3nger

Watch Out: This Verizon Smishing Scam Is Crazy Realistic
::: Slashdot

Automated system can rewrite outdated sentences in Wikipedia articles
automazione | Wikipedia

Use HAL.xyz to send emails from your smart contracts with 1 line of code! Our 101 guide
Web, Internet
::: HAL_team ::: emilianobonassi

No ma parlatemi ancora di alternanza scuola - lavoro. Intanto gli stagisti non distinguono la Cina dal Giappone, però chissà che meraviglie sanno fare con la zappa
giornali, stampa
::: Fen_church ::: mazzettam

everytime i write python
::: Viss

Many Businesses Still Love COBOL
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

A hack I can only recommend: change your python startup to register true/false/null as aliases for True/False/Null on the builtins and you can copy/paste JSON into a Python console
::: mitsuhiko

“Should I Take Calculus in High School?” John Ewing looks at the question from several angles and concludes that for too many students, especially those in AB advanced placement courses, the answer is no
perpluto, me 🤔
::: stevenstrogatz

Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
e lasciare all'utente scegliere come preferisce?
::: Slashdot

Sigh. Firefox might need to copy how Chrome handles auto-playing video: it gets blocked unless the user has interacted with your site on a regular basis
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | browser
::: corbindavenport

Tweet IDs encode several pieces of data, including a number identifying the datacenter that processed the tweet. Since distance affects network speed, it would be logical to handle tweets in datacenters on the same continent as the user. Can we find evidence that this is so?
thread complesso e interessantissimo (imho)
Twitter | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: conspirator0

Favorite Fractal: Pythagorean Tree
bello; peccato usi codice non free
programming, codice, snippet
::: InertialObservr

Siete convinti che la vostra azienda sia sotto attacco #cyber? No panic! Ecco come adottare le giuste contromisure se ci si trova di fronte a ransomware, veri cyber attack o semplici scansioni automatiche della rete
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ispionline

Come spesso accade su twitter, un trombone sopravvalutato (Cottarelli) spara una minchiata su un argomento che conosce poco (test INVALSI) e, per colpa della sua popolarità immeritata garantitagli da TV e giornali, genera una fake news
scuola, educazione, cultura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: v2Dark

Huawei e 5G: la guerra fredda tecnologica con la Cina e cosa teme davvero l’America di Trump
5G | Huawei | Cina
::: _arianna

Mi hanno dato la camera 404
::: frankiehinrgmc

Gli editori amano parlare di "svolta digitale". In soldoni? Tagliare i costi, pagando sempre meno i contenuti. Vale di più un gattino che un'inchiesta sui poteri. Faccio una scommessa: il primo editore che cambia strada creando il Mediapart italiano passerà alla storia
::: andreapalladino

Jokes about info wars aside, it is important to realize the extent to which social media is an avenue of actual warfare. This is made super obvious in this graphic i made explaining the discourse battle surrounding chemical weapons investigations in Syria
social media
::: emmibevensee

inspect — Inspect Live Objects
::: pymotw

Samsung's Second Foldable Smartphone, $1,380 Galaxy Z Flip, is Dead on Arrival, Too
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Did you know that the biggest mistake made by #programmers nowadays is considering OOP and FP as two mutually exclusive paradigms? 🤔 @mariofusco explained to us last year
programming, codice, snippet
::: jbcnconf

Facebook has released a paper outlining its views on content regulation, a couple days before a planned DOJ workshop to discuss CDA 230
::: b_fung

o, comunque, continuo a non concepire come wget in *meno di 1 secondo* possa
Web, Internet
::: ebobferraris

UK To Spend $1.6 Billion on World's Best Climate Supercomputer
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

B1056 has failed to land on OCISLY. #SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: nextspaceflight ::: emenietti ::: JeanFranoispel6 ::: Slashdot

E oggi il Darwin award va al sottoscritto
::: cobrampi

Help us reach 2K stars (and beyond) on the Arduino CLI @GitHub repo
programming, codice, snippet
::: arduino

Poi diventa dura difendere anche chi fa un buon lavoro (come se per altro non ci fossero notizie vere di cui scrivere) ps notare le fonti qualificate tipo Daily Mail
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: simopieranni

Il giornalismo investigativo italiano
giornali, stampa
::: fededambri

This week Commissioner @Vestager will announce much anticipated proposals for making Europe ‘fit for the digital age’?
artificial intelligence
::: cdteu

The unreasonable effectiveness of #deeplearning in #artificialintelligence
deep learning
::: PaoloBarucca

In un'epoca in cui i nostri figli fanno sempre più fatica ad accedere al senso della parola scritta e alla complessità del pensiero, l'uso delle faccine da parte degli adulti è la sconfitta definitiva, la resa. Viene meno il senso stesso della scuola!
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: alinatede

No 10 tells BBC licence fee will be scrapped
economia, lavoro
::: real_fabristol

People used to think the crowdsourced encyclopedia represented all that was wrong with the web. Now it's a beacon of so much that's right
a me piace e la uso0 spesso; da sempre
::: jesswade

Google Ends Its Free Wi-Fi Program, Station
Web, Internet | Google
::: Slashdot

German court orders Tesla to stop felling trees for Gigafactory
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

Viviamo anni bellissimi
giornali, stampa
::: andcapocci

The most widely-used programming languages last year, via @StackOverflow
's Developer Survey
linguaggi di programmazione

WikiLeaks twitter account has been locked, shortly before Assange extradition hearing. All attempts to get it reopened via regular channels have been unsuccessful. It has been impossible to reach a human at twitter to resolve the issue
Julian Assange
::: khrafnsson ::: greekemmy ::: SMaurizi ::: wikileaks

Samsung's Changes To Android Are Making Its Phones Less Secure, Says Google
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft has (seemingly) dropped support for tablets and Chromebooks with the new combined @Office app
applicazioni, programmi
::: corbindavenport

Jeff Bezos Commits $10 Billion To Fight Climate Change
ambiente, ecologia | protagonisti
::: Slashdot ::: fchollet

Calling a developer "coder" is like saying that a composer is a note-writer, an architect is somebody who draws stuff on paper, a violinist is a string-plucker
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco

Python being "easiest to learn" will probably go down as one of the dumbest myths in computing. There are so many gotchas for novices absent in simpler languages that proponents quickly summon up apologia for. Easy syntax doesn't make for easy programming
sì & no; dipende cosa fai, e se devi fare diagrammi c'è tutto (matplotlib &co)
::: jaykruer

Notorious online forum 8chan was forced off the internet in August. Rather than fade away, 8chan's Qanon posters migrated to other platforms, where they’re still trying to use social media to influence the 2020 presidential race
social media

Con questo articolo concludiamo una piccola serie di guide improntate su come migrare dai sistemi #Windows a #Ubuntu. Oggi scopriremo l'aspetto di #Ubuntu e le differenze rispetto al desktop Windows e come installare le varie applicazioni
::: ubuntuit

How to Change Theme on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & Above
ci sono anche info a Gnome-tweaks
::: dcavedon

Presumably rust developers: let's restrict the macro system so that people don't build crazy stuff with macros
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko

A @DeloitteInsight study found gaps between manufacturers’ Industry 4.0 plans & results. 70% believe their organizations’ long-term success requires Industry 4.0 technology, yet only 10% have a long-range strategy to accomplish that
innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogersX

Bug In WordPress Plugin Can Let Hackers Wipe Up To 200,000 Sites
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

#EU rejects #Facebook’s proposals for online #regulation via @FT. #Democracy #RuleofRule #FundamentalRights #Antitrust
Facebook | antitrust
::: PaulNemitz

FDA Clears 'World's First' Portable, Low-Cost MRI Following Positive Clinical Research
::: Slashdot

does there exist an OS that can take a well-behaved binary and enforce a deterministic timeout on its execution? for example by killing it after it executes N user-mode instructions?
sistemi operativi
::: johnregehr

Google Confirms It Again Removed Alleged Spying Tool ToTok From Google Play
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Samsung's 'Ultra Thin Glass' On Galaxy Z Flip Is Basically Just Plastic
dispositivi mobili | hardware
::: Slashdot

The Countdown To Bitcoin Halving 2020 Begins
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

New Email-Based Extortion Scheme Targets Website Owners Serving Ads Via Google AdSense
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

On a letter first published today in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, the 117 doctors and psychologists express concern over “medical neglect” and Assange’s fitness for his legal proceedings
Julian Assange
::: LissaKJohnson

remember this tweet? There's apparently no way to use JS primitives to store and retrieve compressed data as utf-16 strings (cookies, localstorage, etc) so while my next attempt would be to post compressed data to a server, saving data on the client is out
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

There's an invention that the scientific community is about to discover. It's 10, 15 years in the future -- maybe less. No one knows what it is, or what form it will take, or what its applications will be. One thing is certain: getting it will mean an instant $100 trillion
come il personal, il web, il grillo-gigginismo (seguendo Silvio)
innovazioni, futuro
::: fchollet

But because they made an error in replying to someone in 2009... this flawed code caused bugs that still exist as recently as March of 2018
::: Foone

US Mulls Cutting Huawei Off From Global Chip Suppliers
::: Slashdot

nonostante le centinaia di migliaia sterline spese e il dibattito pubblico al riguardo, le ads politiche a pagamento sui social sono state viste da appena il 14% degli intervistati, mentre 2/3 del campione si sono imbattuti nel classico volantino
social media | ad, pubblicità | politica
::: fabiochiusi

All orgs developing advanced AI should be regulated, including Tesla
::: elonmusk ::: kentindell

nice in the world of alexa and co's spying "We engineered a wearable microphone jammer that is capable of disabling microphones in its user’s surroundings, including hidden microphones."
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: socksred

L'amministrazione Trump continua a cancellare regole di protezione dell'ambiente
ambiente, ecologia
::: minomazz

“Il server è in sovraccarico”. Infrastrutture della PA, Italia, 2020
::: raistolo ::: andreaganduglia

In the future (R4.0), stringsAsFactors will be FALSE by default, and later the option will disapear. Feeling nostalgic already :-)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: markvdloo

Likely done on purpose
Gab - A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome
social media
::: getongab

Looking to get started with the @kaggle ARC challenge & want to learn about psychometric/ability-based assessment of intelligent systems? Checkout my blogpost which provides an intro to "On the measure of intelligence" & the corpus by @fchollet 🤖 🧠 🎉
artificial intelligence
::: RobertTLange

Did the Early Internet Activists Blow It?
Web, Internet | ditte
::: Slashdot

Shifting to a software-defined approach will enable mobile operators to differentiate their services in a #5G world
dispositivi mobili | open source | 5G
::: ubuntu

Since some people asked me to, I’ve preserved a conversation I had in the Haskell channel on the FP slack about delimited continuations and reduction semantics in a gist
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Quanto inquiniamo con i social media?
social media
::: RadioProzac

First version of #Calibre ported to #python3, great! Conversion from PDF to #EPUB fails with ... you've guessed it ... an #Unicode traceback
::: zacchiro

Dialoghi sui social. Sono possibili?
::: BeppeBeppetti

When Keir Starmer was DPP and responsible for the CPS, FoI searches by Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi, showed Sweden tried to drop the Assange case in 2011, but a CPS official told the Swedish prosecutor not to treat it as “just another extradition”
Julian Assange
::: DerbyChrisW ::: SMaurizi

Due to a programming issue at payroll, please note that February 29 must be coded as March 0
::: ass_deans

Reporters Without Borders — which genuinely defends press freedom, not just when someone says means things about their friends — is sounding the alarm about the abuse and mistreatment imposed by the UK Government on Julian Assange in retaliation for his journalism
Julian Assange
::: ggreenwald

Samsung Wins 5-Nanometer Modem Chip Contract From Qualcomm
hardware | 5G
::: Slashdot

Hacking McDonald's for Free Food
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: schneierblog

“Yo dawg, I heard you like lists so I made a list out of lists.” Anyway, Coders at Work made the list which is pretty gratifying
manuali, how to | programming, codice, snippet
::: peterseibel

This is a big deal: Kickstarter workers have voted to unionize. This will be the country’s first unionized workplace composed of full-time white-collar tech workers
::: bentarnoff ::: jason_koebler

Patterned silicon chips create one-time digital keys that can
supposedly resist any codebreaking attempt through the laws of physics. But cryptographers and physicists I contacted for my @IEEESpectrum story were more skeptical.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jeremyhsu

NEC has quietly built an enormous facial recognition business, with more than 1000 global biometrics contracts
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: davegershgorn

'The Paywalled Garden: iOS is Adware'
::: Slashdot

20 Years After Dot-Com Peak, Tech Dominance Keeps Investors on Edge
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Non Sequitur for February 19, 2020
lavoro | umorismo
::: _juhan

This Could Be Microsoft's Most Important Product in 2020. If it Works
politica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Can Solar Power Compete With Coal? In India, It's Gaining Ground
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

ISPs Sue Maine, Claim Web-Privacy Law Violates Their Free-Speech Rights
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

We've Just Seen the First Use of Deepfakes In an Indian Election Campaign
deepfake | politica
::: Slashdot

Google Stadia Is Coming To Samsung, Asus, and Razer Phones On February 20th
::: Slashdot

SpaceX Wants To Launch 4 Tourists Into Super High Orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Lunedì Londrà deciderà sull’estradizione di Assange negli Stati Uniti dove rischia 175 anni di carcere. Il padre: è la condanna a morte per aver sfidato il potere Usa
Julian Assange
::: francofontana43 ::: wikileaks ::: KellieTranter ::: auerfeld ::: LissaKJohnson

The EU’s flagship data protection regime renders automatic identification through facial recognition technology illegal, Commission Vice-President for Digital Margrethe Vestager has said
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

.@vonderleyen sulle pagine del @sole24ore 🗣” La #transizionedigitale dell’Europa 🇪🇺 deve proteggere e dare maggiori poteri ai #cittadini” Solo così potranno percepire i benefici della tecnologia. L’#Europa deve fare investimenti strategici su #5G #AI e #blockchain
tecnologia | artificial intelligence | politica | blockchain e crypto*
::: LDRaimondo ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: SamuelStolton ::: davcarretta

Governments of the world just ramped up spying on reporters
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | politica
::: davidakaye

Employers want techies to Go. But they'd rather not
linguaggi di programmazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Why does the AI recognize darker skin as more “violent”?
artificial intelligence
::: fpietrosanti

Warren è la più aggressiva. Ma anche i moderati si rendono conto che un monopolio è un monopolio. Tra l’altro in un ambito pericoloso come la vita e la privacy delle persone
antitrust | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: minomazz

Wireless experts discuss network deployment and ongoing challenges
::: IEEESpectrum

For decades, more and more of a computer’s systems were integrated onto a single chip. But this new chip bucks that trend
::: IEEESpectrum

Komikku is a GTK Manga App for Linux
applicazioni, programmi | Python
::: dcavedon

How to strangle a legacy codebase
programming, codice, snippet
::: laura_nobilis

Red Hat finds enterprise users are adopting open-source software at a rapid pace
open source
::: mariofusco

Circa 5 anni fa ho smesso di leggere giornali online. Non leggo più quotidiani né italiani né esteri da anni e nonostante questo sono più informato della media. Twitter mi permette di avere notizie da più fonti, verificarle immediatamente e farmi mia opinione
thread, si rischia però di sentire quelli che la pensano come te
::: real_fabristol ::: hronir

Driver Stranded After Connected Rental Car Can't Call Home
Internet of things | bug
::: Slashdot

Unix, Plan 9 and the Lurking Smalltalk
certe cose potevano|dovevano evolvere diversamente; devo rileggerlo più attentamente prima di decidere
programming, codice, snippet | sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

Poi ci siamo inventati i social
social media
::: FannyStravato

Excellent essay on opacity as choice in AI to protect polical decisions “If we agree that in context of AI implementations technical often becomes political, the next step is to call for transparency of these decisions & some form of democratic oversight”
artificial intelligence
::: maria_axente

Vestager on facial recognition: in some instances it will be harmless (eg. to unlock phone or for automatic border control); completely different when used for remote identification in public places. EU is launching a debate on whether those uses are justified and when #DigitalEU
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Jeff Bezos vuole salvare il pianeta con 10 miliardi di dollari
Il capitalista più ricco al mondo, Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon, ha annunciato la creazione di un fondo per contribuire alla lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici. La decisione un mese dopo che l’azienda ha minacciato di licenziare i dipendenti che l’avevano sollecitata a prendere posizione sulla crisi climatica. Il ruolo delle lotte dentro le grandi aziende e i dilemmi politici della filantropia digitale
protagonisti | ambiente, ecologia
::: ilmanifesto

Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems
condivido ma mi viene da pensare che non è facile, non c'è ma in futuro...
sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

Big Data e algoritmi, lo stato sociale digitale è una realtà
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | algoritmi, codice
::: ilmanifesto

Modern C - (Second Edition, 2019 Oct)
manuali, how to
::: b3h3m0th ::: b3h3m0th

The first step of any project is
::: CodeWisdom

You know RacketCS (Racket + Chez backend) is production-ready since Racket 7.6 right? But you want more: plots, bars, benchmarks results, colours... We got you covered
language Racket
::: racketlang

What exactly is going on in the U.S. Supreme Court case Google vs. Oracle? Here’s what you need to know
programming, codice, snippet | copyright e brevetti
::: IEEESpectrum

Adobe Photoshop Completes 30 Years, Launches New AI-Powered Features
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot ::: emenietti

The tougher part of the #5G race is retooling how to secure it. Companies must be held responsible for a new cyber duty of care and government must establish a new cyber regulatory paradigm
5G | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ispionline

La pirateria sottrae ai giornali 144 mln di euro l’anno, mentre il calo nelle vendite si fa drammatico: Corriere 268.956 (a dicembre 2013 era 450.014), Repubblica 186.062 (380.725) e Sole 150.541 (344.093)
giornali, stampa
::: FscoMer

We read the European Commission's white paper on AI published earlier today. Despite some positive proposals, the 26-page document fails to provide the necessary safeguards for automated systems
artificial intelligence
::: algorithmwatch

Today we've launched the draft of our #AI auditing guidance. This pivotal piece of work will help in assessing the risks to rights and freedoms that AI can cause; and the appropriate measures you can implement to mitigate them
artificial intelligence
::: ICOnews

Short thread on the security impact of copy-pasting code
ebbene sì! io consulto spesso StackOverflow
programming, codice, snippet
::: phretor

Protip #1: All senior developers use a fancy serif font. Zapfino is a great choice. #protip
::: cledanjou

Meet Spacety, a private space company established in 2016 that’s already been involved in 10 launches
spazio, esplorazione | Cina
::: IEEESpectrum

Happy birthday to Conway Berners-Lee, the actual literal father of modern computing