20 febbraio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 476

Indaffarato con la manutenzione (è, come dire, cosa non tanto sexy) vi racconto cosa ho wisto nel Web.

La quasi totale digitalizzazione dei pagamenti in Finlandia ha portato la media dei cittadini ad avere un indebitamento pari al 127% del reddito
::: arcangeloroc

The impossible often has a kind of integrity
::: DirkGently_Bot

This is 2020. Remote work isn't the future, it is the now
::: tech_faq

Per trasformare la nostra economia verso la transizione ecologica dobbiamo investire in una transizione digitale giusta e sostenibile
economia, lavoro
::: francesca_bria

[ITA] L’EFF condivide la ricerca del MIT sul perché il Voto Online è sbagliato. In Italia l’onorevole @g_brescia, dichiara che alle prossime elezioni in Italia si voterà online, procedendo senza dibattito pubblico con l'accademia ed esperti di cybersecurity
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: fpietrosanti

The Prosecution of Julian Assange: His Right to Publish is Our Right to Know
Julian Assange
::: couragefound

Former NASA Official William Gerstenmaier Joins SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Warning: Microsoft Pulls Windows 10 Security Update After Reports of Serious Bugs
::: Slashdot

Are you getting ready to debug some code in production?
::: nixcraft

Huawei's Silicon Valley Outpost Allegedly Stole Trade Secrets From Cisco
::: Slashdot

Northrop Grumman Launches Spacecraft Delivering Snacks and Equipment To the ISS
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

NASA Flights Detect Millions of Arctic Methane Hotspots
ambiente, ecologia
::: skdh

Police Say Amazon's Ring Isn't Much of a Crime Fighter
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Treat us like something between a telco and a newspaper, says Facebook's Zuckerberg
::: fabiochiusi

Numeri, forme e cambiamento. La mappa della #matematica
::: robertafulci

Slackware Linux on a 386sx40
storia | Linux
::: Genjuro75

Ecco chi ha investito di più in information technology negli ultimi 25 anni
innovazioni, futuro
::: Luca_Gualtieri1

What America's NSA Thinks of Python
::: Slashdot

Oggi niente newsletter perché ho lavorato a questo approfondimento su #CryptoAG e dintorni per @valigiablu. Oltre ai dettagli della storia, descrivo l'attuale mercato della crittografia e accenno a implicazioni della vicenda
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: carolafrediani

I'm very proud to share @QuantaMagazine's new "Map of Mathematics" - a guide to some of the most important ideas in math today and how they relate to each other
::: KSHartnett

oh oh questo e' un passaggio molto delicato nella vita di Twitter (e nella storia dei social che, e' bene ricordare, sono sempre 'il sito di qualcun altro'
::: quinta

I've been asking/waiting for this forever and my first test would be posting json data with content-encoding gzip, as well as using text encoder for the infamous local storage 😅 I can see many other usage all over the Web ... what a great news 🎉
solo per Chrome?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

Firefox, Wordpress Move to Support Lazy Loading of Images and iFrames
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Venezia: in funzione sensori conta-persone
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Genjuro75

OpenPower Foundation Releases a Friendly EULA For IBM's Power ISA RISC
open source
::: Slashdot

Here Are The Most Beautiful Linux Distributions in 2020
la bellezza è nelle esigenze dell'utente, imho
Linux distro
::: ctmcisco

Libre ne veut pas dire gratuit, il veut même dire ici 600 millions d'euros ! C'est le prix envisagé par la Corée du Sud pour migrer toute son administration de Windows vers Linux. Un projet à suivre parce que sa réussite pourrait des émules
open source
::: framaka

Do We Need To Talk About 'Cloud Neutrality'?
::: Slashdot

i meccanismi dei social possono cambiare le sorti della politica? Ad alcuni è permesso sponsorizzare post razzisti con 50k € di budget, ad altri, anti razzisti e anti-mafia si vieta di promuovere i post.Quanto tempo aspetteremo per un legge europea?
social media | politica
::: alex_orlowski

Google Chrome Will Soon Start Blocking Insecure Downloads
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Alternative Browser 'Waterfox' Acquired By System1
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg: Big Tech needs more regulation
Tradotto: ho creato un mostro che non so più tenere sotto controllo. Arrangiatevi
social media
::: davcarretta

Iran Has Been Targeting VPN Servers to Plant Backdoors
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | cyberwar
::: Slashdot

Trump's campaign manager tweeted a dramatic photo of Air Force One at Daytona, saying ".@realDonaldTrump won the #Daytona500 before the race even started." The shot was of George W. Bush's plane leaving in 2004. Parscale deleted three hours later
funziona, purtroppo
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: ddale8

IOTA Cryptocurrency Shut Down Its Entire Network After a Wallet Breach
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

AAAS Annual Meeting@AAASmeetingsAn excellent concluding plenary lecture by Krysta Svore at #AAASmtg #QuantumComputing
quantum computing
::: AAASmeetings

La smettiano di gonfiare i social con commenti a dichiarazioni fatte apposta per gonfiare i social con i nostri commenti? Vogliamo continuare a cascarci tutti i giorni? Ignoriamo le sue dichiarazioni disparate (parliamo anche di lui ma non di quello che vuole lui)?
social media
::: Franciscktrue

1. It's a myth that anonymity makes people act worse
social media
::: mmasnick

It’s quite hard for authorities to catch people not wearing masks in large crowds. That’s where Baidu’s tool will be useful. The company said it had trained the model on more than 100,000 images to achieve prediction accuracy of 96.5%
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

O un segno di maturità per modelli alternativi ;p
::: carolafrediani

Uber and Lyft Are Creating Traffic, Not Reducing It
::: Slashdot

On #Twitter the conversation about #covid19 #ncov19 #coronavirus is heating up. On http://ncov19tracking.org we are now processing thousands of tweets per hour. Lots of mentions of different countries and cities around the world
social media
::: mtizzoni

Vestager “raised particular concerns about the expanding use of facial recognition technology and said new restrictions might be needed before it was “everywhere””
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

quando ho letto l'attacco di quelli del #Nigergate al nostro articolo sulle accuse dei 2 whistleblower dell'#OPAC, non mi sono meravigliata affatto
social media
::: SMaurizi

My son founded @Wikileaks to give our whistleblowers a safe anonymous publishing platform to warn fellow citizens of crimes & corruption impacting their lives. In retribution for this democratic act, my journalist son is being brutally persecuted by those who were exposed
Julian Assange
::: MrsC_Assange ::: granmarga

I can work with high-level logic; I can work on automated planning; I know the math behind many machine learning approaches... But every time I need to do a small responsiveness tweak feature on CSS, I feel like NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE
programming, codice, snippet
::: thek3nger

Watch Out: This Verizon Smishing Scam Is Crazy Realistic
::: Slashdot

Automated system can rewrite outdated sentences in Wikipedia articles
automazione | Wikipedia

Use HAL.xyz to send emails from your smart contracts with 1 line of code! Our 101 guide
Web, Internet
::: HAL_team ::: emilianobonassi

No ma parlatemi ancora di alternanza scuola - lavoro. Intanto gli stagisti non distinguono la Cina dal Giappone, però chissà che meraviglie sanno fare con la zappa
giornali, stampa
::: Fen_church ::: mazzettam

everytime i write python
::: Viss

Many Businesses Still Love COBOL
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

A hack I can only recommend: change your python startup to register true/false/null as aliases for True/False/Null on the builtins and you can copy/paste JSON into a Python console
::: mitsuhiko

“Should I Take Calculus in High School?” John Ewing looks at the question from several angles and concludes that for too many students, especially those in AB advanced placement courses, the answer is no
perpluto, me 🤔
::: stevenstrogatz

Dark Mode vs. Light Mode: Which Is Better?
e lasciare all'utente scegliere come preferisce?
::: Slashdot

Sigh. Firefox might need to copy how Chrome handles auto-playing video: it gets blocked unless the user has interacted with your site on a regular basis
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | browser
::: corbindavenport

Tweet IDs encode several pieces of data, including a number identifying the datacenter that processed the tweet. Since distance affects network speed, it would be logical to handle tweets in datacenters on the same continent as the user. Can we find evidence that this is so?
thread complesso e interessantissimo (imho)
Twitter | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: conspirator0

Favorite Fractal: Pythagorean Tree
bello; peccato usi codice non free
programming, codice, snippet
::: InertialObservr

Siete convinti che la vostra azienda sia sotto attacco #cyber? No panic! Ecco come adottare le giuste contromisure se ci si trova di fronte a ransomware, veri cyber attack o semplici scansioni automatiche della rete
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ispionline

Come spesso accade su twitter, un trombone sopravvalutato (Cottarelli) spara una minchiata su un argomento che conosce poco (test INVALSI) e, per colpa della sua popolarità immeritata garantitagli da TV e giornali, genera una fake news
scuola, educazione, cultura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: v2Dark

Huawei e 5G: la guerra fredda tecnologica con la Cina e cosa teme davvero l’America di Trump
5G | Huawei | Cina
::: _arianna

Mi hanno dato la camera 404
::: frankiehinrgmc

Gli editori amano parlare di "svolta digitale". In soldoni? Tagliare i costi, pagando sempre meno i contenuti. Vale di più un gattino che un'inchiesta sui poteri. Faccio una scommessa: il primo editore che cambia strada creando il Mediapart italiano passerà alla storia
::: andreapalladino

Jokes about info wars aside, it is important to realize the extent to which social media is an avenue of actual warfare. This is made super obvious in this graphic i made explaining the discourse battle surrounding chemical weapons investigations in Syria
social media
::: emmibevensee

inspect — Inspect Live Objects
::: pymotw

Samsung's Second Foldable Smartphone, $1,380 Galaxy Z Flip, is Dead on Arrival, Too
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Did you know that the biggest mistake made by #programmers nowadays is considering OOP and FP as two mutually exclusive paradigms? 🤔 @mariofusco explained to us last year
programming, codice, snippet
::: jbcnconf

Facebook has released a paper outlining its views on content regulation, a couple days before a planned DOJ workshop to discuss CDA 230
::: b_fung

o, comunque, continuo a non concepire come wget in *meno di 1 secondo* possa
Web, Internet
::: ebobferraris

UK To Spend $1.6 Billion on World's Best Climate Supercomputer
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

B1056 has failed to land on OCISLY. #SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: nextspaceflight ::: emenietti ::: JeanFranoispel6 ::: Slashdot

E oggi il Darwin award va al sottoscritto
::: cobrampi

Help us reach 2K stars (and beyond) on the Arduino CLI @GitHub repo
programming, codice, snippet
::: arduino

Poi diventa dura difendere anche chi fa un buon lavoro (come se per altro non ci fossero notizie vere di cui scrivere) ps notare le fonti qualificate tipo Daily Mail
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: simopieranni

Il giornalismo investigativo italiano
giornali, stampa
::: fededambri

This week Commissioner @Vestager will announce much anticipated proposals for making Europe ‘fit for the digital age’?
artificial intelligence
::: cdteu

The unreasonable effectiveness of #deeplearning in #artificialintelligence
deep learning
::: PaoloBarucca

In un'epoca in cui i nostri figli fanno sempre più fatica ad accedere al senso della parola scritta e alla complessità del pensiero, l'uso delle faccine da parte degli adulti è la sconfitta definitiva, la resa. Viene meno il senso stesso della scuola!
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: alinatede

No 10 tells BBC licence fee will be scrapped
economia, lavoro
::: real_fabristol

People used to think the crowdsourced encyclopedia represented all that was wrong with the web. Now it's a beacon of so much that's right
a me piace e la uso0 spesso; da sempre
::: jesswade

Google Ends Its Free Wi-Fi Program, Station
Web, Internet | Google
::: Slashdot

German court orders Tesla to stop felling trees for Gigafactory
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

Viviamo anni bellissimi
giornali, stampa
::: andcapocci

The most widely-used programming languages last year, via @StackOverflow
's Developer Survey
linguaggi di programmazione

WikiLeaks twitter account has been locked, shortly before Assange extradition hearing. All attempts to get it reopened via regular channels have been unsuccessful. It has been impossible to reach a human at twitter to resolve the issue
Julian Assange
::: khrafnsson ::: greekemmy ::: SMaurizi ::: wikileaks

Samsung's Changes To Android Are Making Its Phones Less Secure, Says Google
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Microsoft has (seemingly) dropped support for tablets and Chromebooks with the new combined @Office app
applicazioni, programmi
::: corbindavenport

Jeff Bezos Commits $10 Billion To Fight Climate Change
ambiente, ecologia | protagonisti
::: Slashdot ::: fchollet

Calling a developer "coder" is like saying that a composer is a note-writer, an architect is somebody who draws stuff on paper, a violinist is a string-plucker
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco

Python being "easiest to learn" will probably go down as one of the dumbest myths in computing. There are so many gotchas for novices absent in simpler languages that proponents quickly summon up apologia for. Easy syntax doesn't make for easy programming
sì & no; dipende cosa fai, e se devi fare diagrammi c'è tutto (matplotlib &co)
::: jaykruer

Notorious online forum 8chan was forced off the internet in August. Rather than fade away, 8chan's Qanon posters migrated to other platforms, where they’re still trying to use social media to influence the 2020 presidential race
social media

Con questo articolo concludiamo una piccola serie di guide improntate su come migrare dai sistemi #Windows a #Ubuntu. Oggi scopriremo l'aspetto di #Ubuntu e le differenze rispetto al desktop Windows e come installare le varie applicazioni
::: ubuntuit

How to Change Theme on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS & Above
ci sono anche info a Gnome-tweaks
::: dcavedon

Presumably rust developers: let's restrict the macro system so that people don't build crazy stuff with macros
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko

A @DeloitteInsight study found gaps between manufacturers’ Industry 4.0 plans & results. 70% believe their organizations’ long-term success requires Industry 4.0 technology, yet only 10% have a long-range strategy to accomplish that
innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogersX

Bug In WordPress Plugin Can Let Hackers Wipe Up To 200,000 Sites
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

#EU rejects #Facebook’s proposals for online #regulation via @FT. #Democracy #RuleofRule #FundamentalRights #Antitrust
Facebook | antitrust
::: PaulNemitz

FDA Clears 'World's First' Portable, Low-Cost MRI Following Positive Clinical Research
::: Slashdot

does there exist an OS that can take a well-behaved binary and enforce a deterministic timeout on its execution? for example by killing it after it executes N user-mode instructions?
sistemi operativi
::: johnregehr

Google Confirms It Again Removed Alleged Spying Tool ToTok From Google Play
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Samsung's 'Ultra Thin Glass' On Galaxy Z Flip Is Basically Just Plastic
dispositivi mobili | hardware
::: Slashdot

The Countdown To Bitcoin Halving 2020 Begins
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

New Email-Based Extortion Scheme Targets Website Owners Serving Ads Via Google AdSense
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

On a letter first published today in the prestigious medical journal, The Lancet, the 117 doctors and psychologists express concern over “medical neglect” and Assange’s fitness for his legal proceedings
Julian Assange
::: LissaKJohnson

remember this tweet? There's apparently no way to use JS primitives to store and retrieve compressed data as utf-16 strings (cookies, localstorage, etc) so while my next attempt would be to post compressed data to a server, saving data on the client is out
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

There's an invention that the scientific community is about to discover. It's 10, 15 years in the future -- maybe less. No one knows what it is, or what form it will take, or what its applications will be. One thing is certain: getting it will mean an instant $100 trillion
come il personal, il web, il grillo-gigginismo (seguendo Silvio)
innovazioni, futuro
::: fchollet

But because they made an error in replying to someone in 2009... this flawed code caused bugs that still exist as recently as March of 2018
::: Foone

US Mulls Cutting Huawei Off From Global Chip Suppliers
::: Slashdot

nonostante le centinaia di migliaia sterline spese e il dibattito pubblico al riguardo, le ads politiche a pagamento sui social sono state viste da appena il 14% degli intervistati, mentre 2/3 del campione si sono imbattuti nel classico volantino
social media | ad, pubblicità | politica
::: fabiochiusi

All orgs developing advanced AI should be regulated, including Tesla
::: elonmusk ::: kentindell

nice in the world of alexa and co's spying "We engineered a wearable microphone jammer that is capable of disabling microphones in its user’s surroundings, including hidden microphones."
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: socksred

L'amministrazione Trump continua a cancellare regole di protezione dell'ambiente
ambiente, ecologia
::: minomazz

“Il server è in sovraccarico”. Infrastrutture della PA, Italia, 2020
::: raistolo ::: andreaganduglia

In the future (R4.0), stringsAsFactors will be FALSE by default, and later the option will disapear. Feeling nostalgic already :-)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: markvdloo

Likely done on purpose
Gab - A social network that champions free speech, individual liberty and the free flow of information online. All are welcome
social media
::: getongab

Looking to get started with the @kaggle ARC challenge & want to learn about psychometric/ability-based assessment of intelligent systems? Checkout my blogpost which provides an intro to "On the measure of intelligence" & the corpus by @fchollet 🤖 🧠 🎉
artificial intelligence
::: RobertTLange

Did the Early Internet Activists Blow It?
Web, Internet | ditte
::: Slashdot

Shifting to a software-defined approach will enable mobile operators to differentiate their services in a #5G world
dispositivi mobili | open source | 5G
::: ubuntu

Since some people asked me to, I’ve preserved a conversation I had in the Haskell channel on the FP slack about delimited continuations and reduction semantics in a gist
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Quanto inquiniamo con i social media?
social media
::: RadioProzac

First version of #Calibre ported to #python3, great! Conversion from PDF to #EPUB fails with ... you've guessed it ... an #Unicode traceback
::: zacchiro

Dialoghi sui social. Sono possibili?
::: BeppeBeppetti

When Keir Starmer was DPP and responsible for the CPS, FoI searches by Italian journalist Stefania Maurizi, showed Sweden tried to drop the Assange case in 2011, but a CPS official told the Swedish prosecutor not to treat it as “just another extradition”
Julian Assange
::: DerbyChrisW ::: SMaurizi

Due to a programming issue at payroll, please note that February 29 must be coded as March 0
::: ass_deans

Reporters Without Borders — which genuinely defends press freedom, not just when someone says means things about their friends — is sounding the alarm about the abuse and mistreatment imposed by the UK Government on Julian Assange in retaliation for his journalism
Julian Assange
::: ggreenwald

Samsung Wins 5-Nanometer Modem Chip Contract From Qualcomm
hardware | 5G
::: Slashdot

Hacking McDonald's for Free Food
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: schneierblog

“Yo dawg, I heard you like lists so I made a list out of lists.” Anyway, Coders at Work made the list which is pretty gratifying
manuali, how to | programming, codice, snippet
::: peterseibel

This is a big deal: Kickstarter workers have voted to unionize. This will be the country’s first unionized workplace composed of full-time white-collar tech workers
::: bentarnoff ::: jason_koebler

Patterned silicon chips create one-time digital keys that can
supposedly resist any codebreaking attempt through the laws of physics. But cryptographers and physicists I contacted for my @IEEESpectrum story were more skeptical.
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jeremyhsu

NEC has quietly built an enormous facial recognition business, with more than 1000 global biometrics contracts
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: davegershgorn

'The Paywalled Garden: iOS is Adware'
::: Slashdot

20 Years After Dot-Com Peak, Tech Dominance Keeps Investors on Edge
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Non Sequitur for February 19, 2020
lavoro | umorismo
::: _juhan

This Could Be Microsoft's Most Important Product in 2020. If it Works
politica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Can Solar Power Compete With Coal? In India, It's Gaining Ground
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

ISPs Sue Maine, Claim Web-Privacy Law Violates Their Free-Speech Rights
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

We've Just Seen the First Use of Deepfakes In an Indian Election Campaign
deepfake | politica
::: Slashdot

Google Stadia Is Coming To Samsung, Asus, and Razer Phones On February 20th
::: Slashdot

SpaceX Wants To Launch 4 Tourists Into Super High Orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Lunedì Londrà deciderà sull’estradizione di Assange negli Stati Uniti dove rischia 175 anni di carcere. Il padre: è la condanna a morte per aver sfidato il potere Usa
Julian Assange
::: francofontana43 ::: wikileaks ::: KellieTranter ::: auerfeld ::: LissaKJohnson

The EU’s flagship data protection regime renders automatic identification through facial recognition technology illegal, Commission Vice-President for Digital Margrethe Vestager has said
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

.@vonderleyen sulle pagine del @sole24ore 🗣” La #transizionedigitale dell’Europa 🇪🇺 deve proteggere e dare maggiori poteri ai #cittadini” Solo così potranno percepire i benefici della tecnologia. L’#Europa deve fare investimenti strategici su #5G #AI e #blockchain
tecnologia | artificial intelligence | politica | blockchain e crypto*
::: LDRaimondo ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: SamuelStolton ::: davcarretta

Governments of the world just ramped up spying on reporters
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | politica
::: davidakaye

Employers want techies to Go. But they'd rather not
linguaggi di programmazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Why does the AI recognize darker skin as more “violent”?
artificial intelligence
::: fpietrosanti

Warren è la più aggressiva. Ma anche i moderati si rendono conto che un monopolio è un monopolio. Tra l’altro in un ambito pericoloso come la vita e la privacy delle persone
antitrust | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: minomazz

Wireless experts discuss network deployment and ongoing challenges
::: IEEESpectrum

For decades, more and more of a computer’s systems were integrated onto a single chip. But this new chip bucks that trend
::: IEEESpectrum

Komikku is a GTK Manga App for Linux
applicazioni, programmi | Python
::: dcavedon

How to strangle a legacy codebase
programming, codice, snippet
::: laura_nobilis

Red Hat finds enterprise users are adopting open-source software at a rapid pace
open source
::: mariofusco

Circa 5 anni fa ho smesso di leggere giornali online. Non leggo più quotidiani né italiani né esteri da anni e nonostante questo sono più informato della media. Twitter mi permette di avere notizie da più fonti, verificarle immediatamente e farmi mia opinione
thread, si rischia però di sentire quelli che la pensano come te
::: real_fabristol ::: hronir

Driver Stranded After Connected Rental Car Can't Call Home
Internet of things | bug
::: Slashdot

Unix, Plan 9 and the Lurking Smalltalk
certe cose potevano|dovevano evolvere diversamente; devo rileggerlo più attentamente prima di decidere
programming, codice, snippet | sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

Poi ci siamo inventati i social
social media
::: FannyStravato

Excellent essay on opacity as choice in AI to protect polical decisions “If we agree that in context of AI implementations technical often becomes political, the next step is to call for transparency of these decisions & some form of democratic oversight”
artificial intelligence
::: maria_axente

Vestager on facial recognition: in some instances it will be harmless (eg. to unlock phone or for automatic border control); completely different when used for remote identification in public places. EU is launching a debate on whether those uses are justified and when #DigitalEU
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Jeff Bezos vuole salvare il pianeta con 10 miliardi di dollari
Il capitalista più ricco al mondo, Jeff Bezos, fondatore di Amazon, ha annunciato la creazione di un fondo per contribuire alla lotta contro i cambiamenti climatici. La decisione un mese dopo che l’azienda ha minacciato di licenziare i dipendenti che l’avevano sollecitata a prendere posizione sulla crisi climatica. Il ruolo delle lotte dentro le grandi aziende e i dilemmi politici della filantropia digitale
protagonisti | ambiente, ecologia
::: ilmanifesto

Programmer's critique of missing structure of operating systems
condivido ma mi viene da pensare che non è facile, non c'è ma in futuro...
sistemi operativi
::: b3h3m0th

Big Data e algoritmi, lo stato sociale digitale è una realtà
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | algoritmi, codice
::: ilmanifesto

Modern C - (Second Edition, 2019 Oct)
manuali, how to
::: b3h3m0th ::: b3h3m0th

The first step of any project is
::: CodeWisdom

You know RacketCS (Racket + Chez backend) is production-ready since Racket 7.6 right? But you want more: plots, bars, benchmarks results, colours... We got you covered
language Racket
::: racketlang

What exactly is going on in the U.S. Supreme Court case Google vs. Oracle? Here’s what you need to know
programming, codice, snippet | copyright e brevetti
::: IEEESpectrum

Adobe Photoshop Completes 30 Years, Launches New AI-Powered Features
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot ::: emenietti

The tougher part of the #5G race is retooling how to secure it. Companies must be held responsible for a new cyber duty of care and government must establish a new cyber regulatory paradigm
5G | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ispionline

La pirateria sottrae ai giornali 144 mln di euro l’anno, mentre il calo nelle vendite si fa drammatico: Corriere 268.956 (a dicembre 2013 era 450.014), Repubblica 186.062 (380.725) e Sole 150.541 (344.093)
giornali, stampa
::: FscoMer

We read the European Commission's white paper on AI published earlier today. Despite some positive proposals, the 26-page document fails to provide the necessary safeguards for automated systems
artificial intelligence
::: algorithmwatch

Today we've launched the draft of our #AI auditing guidance. This pivotal piece of work will help in assessing the risks to rights and freedoms that AI can cause; and the appropriate measures you can implement to mitigate them
artificial intelligence
::: ICOnews

Short thread on the security impact of copy-pasting code
ebbene sì! io consulto spesso StackOverflow
programming, codice, snippet
::: phretor

Protip #1: All senior developers use a fancy serif font. Zapfino is a great choice. #protip
::: cledanjou

Meet Spacety, a private space company established in 2016 that’s already been involved in 10 launches
spazio, esplorazione | Cina
::: IEEESpectrum

Happy birthday to Conway Berners-Lee, the actual literal father of modern computing

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