16 aprile, 2020

Visto nel Web - 492

Mentre perdura la quarantena ecco coosa ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: greekemmy ::: greekemmy ::: couragefound ::: wikileaks ::: wikileaks ::: DEAcampaign ::: _taylorhudak ::: MrsC_Assange ::: couragefound ::: DEAcampaign ::: LaFleurDelSur ::: WErMILLIONS ::: SomersetBean

privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: StefanoFeltri ::: galbcasanova ::: dcavedon

Apple-Google tracing system
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: killyourfm ::: simopieranni ::: benadida ::: fabiochiusi ::: _Sazed ::: mikarv ::: FabbioSabatini ::: mitsuhiko ::: cmnit ::: LeoKelion ::: 1Br0wn ::: jaromil ::: _Sazed ::: fabiochiusi ::: moltke ::: Slashdot ::: vicoludo8 ::: corrini

American Appeals Court Allows Facebook Privacy Lawsuit to Proceed
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Man Says He's Fallen in Love With an AI Chatbot
artificial intelligence | web-bot, robocall
::: Slashdot

Mathematician and genius John Conway, inventor of The Game of Life has succumbed to COVID-19 today. What a terrible loss for the world. RIP
protagonisti | matematica
::: AdiShavit ::: mathhombre ::: ulaulaman ::: mariofusco ::: robinhouston ::: stylewarning ::: braised_babbage ::: MathisintheAir ::: xkcdComic

Most mathematicians are not writing for people
::: johncarlosbaez

Are Decentralized Renewable Microgrids 'The Power Plant of the Future'?
::: Slashdot

Switching Software : peut-être le site le plus simple, efficace et ergonomique que je connaisse si (bonne idée) vous cherchez à remplacer vos applications #GAFAM par du libre, éthique, décentralisé et respectueux des données personnelles
anche in italiano
open source
::: framaka

La prova di Huawei P40 Pro: un grande smartphone con una grande incognita
dispositivi mobili | Huawei
::: sole24ore

Just refreshed the "intro to Keras for researchers" notebook. It features a hypernetwork example and a VAE example. ~15 min read
machine learning | Python
::: fchollet

L'uso dell' #energia nucleare in #Europa
::: Luca_Gualtieri1

This is my dishwasher
Internet of things
::: nathanhammond

Russia Spreads Conspiracy Theory Linking Coronavirus Pandemic to Bill Gates
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Vint Cerf Explains Why the Internet is Holding Up
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Aggiornamento Windows 10 aprile 2020: tutte le novità
sistemi operativi
::: Genjuro75

Open Source Advocates Hope They Don't Have to Fork Qt
open source
::: Slashdot

Il MIT ha lanciato un sito con risorse e attività online per insegnare l'intelligenza artificiale ai bambini dall'asilo fino a 12 anni. Utile a insegnanti, educatori e genitori che vogliono avvicinare i bambini alla programmazione, alla robotica e all'AI
artificial intelligence | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: LucaSambucci

#manjaro #linux Happy Easter and check out the latest #kde development edition
Linux distro
::: ManjaroLinux

How Red Hat's New CEO Handles Life Under IBM -- and a Global Pandemic
lavoro | coronavirus | Linux
::: Slashdot

When you hear that Jeff Bezos has donated $100 million to food banks during this crisis, remember that Amazon paid just 1.2% in taxes on $13,285,000,000 in profit last year. The solution isn't philanthropy. It's making everyone pay their fair share to strengthen our safety nets
protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: RBReich

In 1991 Wolfram released Mathematica for Windows
applicazioni, programmi | storia | sistemi operativi
::: unix_byte

'Abolish Silicon Valley' Author Urges 'Expropriating' Platforms, Making them Open-Source Public Services
economia, lavoro | open source
::: Slashdot

During the Pandemic, Will Robots Take Over More Human Jobs?
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot

Twitter Accused of Obliterating Its Users' Privacy Choices
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

::: _stdio54

::: savagechickens

Elon Musk Still Predicts 1 Million Tesla Robotaxis By the End of the Year
::: Slashdot

Media, quelli seri, su carta, adesso anche online
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: _Sazed ::: FabioMassi

To #SaveYourInternet, I have joined the team of @GFF_NGO for my new project control ©! Together, we will pursue strategic litigation for free communication
copyright e brevetti
::: Senficon ::: communia_eu ::: jdrodrigues

Un discorsetto sul #5G: Non fa male
::: sdallagata

About ‘Zero Dependencies’ ...
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

I don’t write a lot of Racket these days now that I am back in Haskell-land full-time, but I still use it for scripting because it’s just so easy! Today’s bit of fun is a 125-line script to scrape Hackage for packages that use proc notation and store the results in a SQLite db
programmazione funzionale | language Racket
::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda

Find out how running AI models at the edge where GPUs and low-latency connectivity are unlocking previously prohibitively expensive solutions for businesses to put in place and lead the 4th industrial revolution
artificial intelligence | 5G | Ubuntu
::: ubuntu

The reaction to Justin Trudeau's explanation of Quantum Computers shows we should raise our expectations
quantum computing
::: MauroV1968

#lisp tante risorse proposte da Rainer Joswig (rockz! 💥)
storia | Lisp
::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig ::: RainerJoswig

Leggo 'articolo di @RiccardoLuna (così entusiasta da metter una lettera di troppo nel suo nome?). Quando sarà tornata la calma forse si ragionerà con più equilibrio su questi temi, evitando quelle che rischiano d'essere forma involontarie di sciacallaggio culturale
Web, Internet | coronavirus
::: threadreaderapp

Le fake news sui rifiuti al tempo del #coronavirus: “basta raccolta differenziata, servono inceneritori”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: robdellaseta

If information can't be destroyed except in a black hole

queue — Thread-Safe FIFO Implementation
::: pymotw

As YouTube Traffic Soars, YouTubers Say Pay Is Plummeting
social media
::: Slashdot

Applications of Blockchain to Programming Language Theory
blockchain e crypto*
::: Lambda the Ultimate

Women were essential to the ENIAC’s calculations, from inputting programs, to finding the one vacuum tube that had failed out of 18,000. Find out about the ENIAC programmers and other women in computer history in our timeline
storia | gender, discriminazioni
::: ComputerHistory

Con un ragionamento simile a quello usato per imporre l'idea di una app a scatola chiusa per salvare vite umane, io vorrei imporre l'idea di abolizione del copyright per copia privata senza fini di lucro
copyright e brevetti
::: carlogubi

Perhaps my favorite relationship between π & 𝑒
::: InertialObservr

Now that the Chrome Web Store is dead, it looks like the Play Store will be the new place to find web apps
applicazioni, programmi | dispositivi mobili
::: corbindavenport

Free Computer Science Courses in time of COVID-19 - A list of websites offering courses and certifications in relation to Computer Science or associated fields in response to COVID-19 pandemic
programming, codice, snippet | coronavirus
::: _Sazed

Industry 4.0 is a continuation of the Digital Revolution. We are moving from a computer on every desk, in every home, and in every pocket - to a computer in every machine
Internet of things
::: RichRogers_

Ransomware Scumbags Leak Boeing, Lockheed Martin, SpaceX Documents After Contractor Refuses To Pay
::: Slashdot

6GHz Wi-Fi Access Could Boost Speeds and Generate $183 Billion By 2025, Study Says
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

I feel that I’ve lost the Python path. Not sure when it happened or how it happened, but I no longer “get” what the language or the community is even about. Dunno. Maybe it’s me instead
dissentisco vehementemente, nèh!
::: dabeaz

Samsung's S-Voice Is Shutting Down On June 1st
assistente digitale
::: Slashdot

The Maths
::: mathematicsprof

Would a Post Office Bankruptcy Kill E-Commerce?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Redox-Flow Cell Stores Renewable Energy As Hydrogen
::: Slashdot

Great software comes from great software engineers, not from great software development processes
programming, codice, snippet
::: mariofusco

#COVID19 fake news & disinformation can endanger people's lives ⚠️
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Europol

America's billionaires are giving to charity – but much of it is self-serving rubbish
economia, lavoro | protagonisti
::: RadioProzac

Google Cloud's AI recog code 'biased' against black people – and more from ML land
artificial intelligence | gender, discriminazioni
::: TheRegister

Il sistema informatico di @regionepiemonte ha davvero fallito in modo così miserabile rendendo impossibile il tracciamento dei malati #COVID2019?
bug | coronavirus
::: andreaganduglia

Inspired by webkit I implemented a version for @racketlang
Shows what keeps an object alive. Requires Racket CS
language Racket
::: samth

5G - COVID-19
::: _Sazed

Artificial Intelligence Is Evolving All By Itself
(forse, nèh)
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

PC Shipments Saw 10-12% Decline in Q1 2020 Due To Coronavirus
economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Rust has a new compiler backend, what does that mean for you? And what is a Rust backend anyway?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Jason_williams

New chip uses new technique for tackling the traveling salesman conundrum and other complex puzzles with greater speed and accuracy—and lower power—than competing processors
::: IEEESpectrum

Nature aderisce al piano europeo per l'open access. È il segno che il piano funziona o che il piano è sbagliato?
open source
::: andcapocci

Il dominio .org, usato anche da #Wikipedia, sta per essere privatizzato. Anche alcuni senatori USA chiedono di #SaveDotOrg
Web, Internet
::: WikimediaItalia

Google Removes 49 Chrome Extensions Caught Stealing Crypto-Wallet Keys
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Multics guide from 1969 shows that Multics already had a primitive shell (in later editions called "command processor"), had a concept of user working directory, and two editors "edm" and "qed". The command "runcom" was used to run scripts, ASCII files that contain shell commands
::: unix_byte ::: enf

Open-Source Electronics Maker Adafruit Switches To Producing Face Shields, Other PPE
::: Slashdot

Branding genius: this Google Datacenter in Belgium has a huge QR code on it (in a ventilation shaft - it seems), which points to the DC's webpage
::: g_bonfiglio

GitHub Is Now Free For All Teams
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Ships with sails that capture the wind and convert the sun's rays to electrical charge can cut fossil fuel use and emissions by more than 10 percent
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: IEEESpectrum

Best of Nextdoor
::: bestofnextdoor

Se anche voi vi chiedete dove sia finita l'AI che doveva togliere il posto ai medici e - già che c'era - curare il cancro, ecco un impietoso articolo che "viviseziona" IBM Watson
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: LucaSambucci

One year ago today, the Council adopted the EU copyright directive, despite widespread protests. Member States have another year to implement the new rules. I have joined @GFF_NGO to make sure that our civil liberties will be protected from #uploadfilters
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: Senficon

Se siete fotografi e usate Instagram come vetrina fate attenzione a questo "piccolo" particolare
copyright e brevetti
::: _Sazed

Functional Programming in DMN: recursion, currying, Y Combinator - I had fun with these exercises, FEEL is not only business-friendly, but also a quite powerful FP lang!
programmazione funzionale
::: tari_manga

Using a 1930 Teletype as a Linux Terminal
::: Genjuro75

I never expected this: finally we may have a path to the fundamental theory of physics...and it's beautiful
uh! da non dimenticarsi di non trattenere il respiro, Stephen rockz! 💥 ma chissà... da niubbo attendo fiducioso
protagonisti | scienza
::: stephen_wolfram

Announcing airbreak, a toolkit to jailbreak inexpensive CPAP machines to turn them into emergency #COVID19 ventilators by unlocking all operational modes and allowing custom software extensions
hardware | coronavirus
::: qrs

In case you missed it yesterday, @doctorow has written a great explainer on my new project control © and why we need impact litigation to protect our fundamental rights against laws like the #uploadfilter provision of the EU #copyright directive
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: Senficon

Questo è il momento di capire come la #sorveglianza di massa minaccia i nostri diritti. Non è il momento di distrarsi e di dare carta bianca ai governi
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: amnestyitalia

Il team Curiosity della NASA gestisce il rover su Marte da casa
lavoro | coronavirus | spazio, esplorazione
::: Genjuro75

“Technology is not neutral. We are writing this to open the aperture of imagination. Technology companies can do more than they have been doing to save lives.”
tecnologia | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

having `fileName` and `dirName` with NodeJS and ESM is as needed as having `__filename` and `__dirname` with CJS. The µmeta (micro meta) utility covers exactly these cases, also simplifying the usage of `require` within ESM when needed
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection

Excited to launch a new report on National AI Strategies and Human Rights
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GlobalPartnersD

"non è il momento di fisime sulle prove di efficacia" (paracit.)
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: RadioProzac

"N2494: Programming languages - a common C/C++ core specification"
linguaggi di programmazione
::: b3h3m0th

Esperti di Python: usare il decoratore di classe dataclass mi qualifica come noob pigro?
per adesso una sola risposta ma aspetto; mi interessa perché non mi piacciono i decoratori
::: orporick

Necessity is the mother of invention. What are the necessities of today? How can we create new technology to aid in those necessities? Learn critical thinking and design with your budding engineer using our Design the Future activity
innovazioni, futuro
::: ComputerHistory

Interested in the Industrial Revolution? I just finished writing a textbook chapter about it
mi sembra intrigoso, parecchio; devo leggerlo tutto
::: JonSteinsson

🔥BTC++ is now listed on @LiveCoinWatch🔥
blockchain e crypto*
::: PieDAO_DeFi

1. vi prego di leggere l'articolo di @giovannavitale @repubblica (carta) sulla "APP" di tracciamento, perché io mi sento in dovere di allertarvi sulla gravissima situazione in cui stiamo per precipitare nella "distrazione" e "disperazione" generale
tutto il thread
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: SMaurizi

In this new (free) book, experts from Google share best practices to help your organization design scalable and reliable systems that are fundamentally secure
programming, codice, snippet
::: mattiasgeniar

In a big step for computing with silicon spin qubits, researchers today describe operating quantum devices at temps above 1 Kelvin
quantum computing
::: AmyNordrum

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