14 maggio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 500

Ho visto che devo dedicarmi meno alla pandemia, andare avanti, ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: wikileaks ::: NilsMelzer ::: couragefound ::: DEAcampaign ::: DEAcampaign ::: greekemmy ::: markcurtis30 ::: epicenterbtc ::: wikileaks ::: StellaMoris1 ::: afshinrattansi

Covid-19, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot ::: vitalbaa ::: bortzmeyer ::: marcosala ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: AntonioCasilli ::: vitalbaa ::: fabiochiusi ::: GiuliaSciorati ::: edri

Do Working-From-Home Developers Risk Burning Out?
sì, ovviamente
lavoro | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

If I had to pick a tool for my top five most helpful for compiler engineering, it would be git bisect. C-Reduce (or your favourite local equivalent) might just take the prize for "most helpful"
programming, codice, snippet
::: jamesgreenh

Elon Musk Threatens to Move Tesla's HQ After County Blocks Its Reopening
economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

A badminton playing robot by Chengdu Champion Robot Co.
robots, automazione, droni
::: MachinePix

Man Sues Teenager's 'Crew of Evil Computer Geniuses' Over Crypto Heist
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | hackers at work
::: Slashdot

Richard Stallman Joins Discussion About Changing Emacs' Appearance To Make It More Popular
protagonisti | applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

An excellent long read: "systemd, 10 years later: a historical and technical retrospective" - It combines outstanding depths of historical research and technical critique
sistemi operativi
::: sergeybratus

La formazione a distanza diverrà la modalità predefinita. È tempo di assegnare il giusto peso alla comunicazione non-verbale all'interno dello schermo
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: SergioGridelli

Massive Python Survey Reveals Popularity of Linux and PyCharm, Just 10% Still Using Python 2
::: Slashdot

Awesome V: a curated list of awesome V frameworks, libraries, software and resources
uh 💥 cresce 🤩
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

Even After the Pandemic, 43% Say They'll Want to Work Remotely More Often
::: Slashdot

Which Linux Desktop Environment is the Best?
dipende da quello che fai (e chi sei)
::: Slashdot

Uscita la mia newsletter #GuerrediRete. Si parla di #ContactTracing e della solitudine dei centralizzati. 😂
::: carolafrediani

An Engineer's Guide
::: loremgibson

Dozens More Arson Attacks on UK Phone Masts Over 5G Conspiracy Theory
5G | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

James Damore Silently Ends Lawsuit Against Google
lavoro | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | Google
::: Slashdot

America Urges Chipmakers to Build Factories in the US
hardware | politica | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

AI Drives Innovators To Build Entirely New Semiconductors
artificial intelligence | hardware
::: Slashdot

Australian Company Generates Cheap Renewable Energy From Tides
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Let's suppose that I'm developing an #opensource app. I would like to allow my users to self check that the app I deployed on Google's and Apple's stores has been built from exactly the same code that I have on my public repo. I cannot find a way to do this, what am I missing?
open source
::: mariofusco

Big news for Python on Android from @freakboy3742 and @PyBeeWare
::: jessejiryudavis

If programming languages were cabs
::: mariofusco

LightGraphs, the @JuliaLanguage package for network analysis, beats its competition in other languages in all algorithmic tasks
Julia è ancora poco usato ma ha tutto un futuro davanti
linguaggi di programmazione
::: acidflask

living the dream - Type Hinting Generics In Standard Collections
::: zacchiro

my wip .net/clr language #flat, with full type inference, lambdas, closures, lists, tuples, generics, etc. Generating code over the #fsharp runtime libraries, understands #fsharp type sigs, with fricken MACROS. Built with #squirrel and @racketlang
linguaggi di programmazione
::: pezi_pink

An analysis [on #GitHub] of developer productivity, work cadence, and collaboration in the early days of #COVID19
lavoro | coronavirus
::: zacchiro

25 years of Community, 25 years of Research, 25 years of FP, 25 years of Awesome, 25 years of Racket. To all the users and contributors out there, thanks for being part of our story
il diario della nascita
language Racket
::: racketlang


Creating an infocomic to journal about my understanding of Lambda Calculus
devo approfondirlo
programming, codice, snippet
::: prathyvsh

We met up with @VictorStinner and @juldanjou to discuss the performance of the programming language #Python! 🐍
::: behind_thecode

Continuations in Racket's Web Server
language Racket
::: bogdanp

everyone should write a C++ compiler
linguaggi di programmazione | umorismo
::: f1ac5

socketserver — Creating Network Servers
::: pymotw

Thunderbolt Bug Lets Hackers Steal Your Data in 'Five Minutes'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: slashdot

Trump and Chip Makers Including Intel Seek Semiconductor Self-Sufficiency
hardware | politica
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

Bitcoin Crashes as Halving Hype Loses Impetus Over the Weekend
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot ::: RichRogers_ ::: Slashdot ::: sole24ore

How Animal Crossing's Fake Industries Let Players Afford Real Rent Amid COVID-19
non ho capito di cosa si tratta; da indagare (forse)
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

IonQ CEO Peter Chapman on How Quantum Computing Will Change the Future of AI
quantum computing | artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Newton Mail is Being Resurrected Again, This Time by Superfans
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

AMC's Stock Is Surging On Reports Amazon May Buy It
economia, lavoro | hardware
::: Slashdot

TensorFlow has crossed 100 million total downloads. Over 10 million in the past month alone -- it's accelerating fast
machine learning
::: fchollet ::: fchollet

Incidentally, as a physicist, Inwould like to point out that “quantum dye dot radio transmitters” aren’t actually a thing
vivere nel futuro, immaginato; e c'è chi ci crede
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: drskyskull

Jeff Bezos Can’t Lose via I, Cringely: Big technology companies have been recently coming under increased scrutiny from federal regulators
riporto, poi chissà
::: cringely

What one should also read once a decade: @joshbloch's talk on API design
programming, codice, snippet
::: gvanrossum

A modern software application is a rainforest rather than a single tree. 🦜🌴 It's a no-brainer that blackbox/graybox testing is the future. There's no way you can model your systems otherwise! But fuzzers have a bad rap bc the developer experience is bad. We can fix that!! ✨
programming, codice, snippet
::: jeanqasaur

The Eclipse Foundation Is Moving to Europe
applicazioni, programmi
::: mmilinkov

Puccini e Toscanini

Ransomware Hit ATM Giant Diebold Nixdorf
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Every now and then, someone asks me how to learn more about programming languages. I put together this list of books/syllabuses/lighter reading for people interested in everything from learning Coq to getting a flavor of cutting-edge research. 👯✨
cercando si trovano online (qualcuno, p.es. SICP, HtPDP)
manuali, how to
::: jeanqasaur

The more I look at this, the more it pisses me off
::: andyweirauthor

Linux on the desktop has come a long way! Nolan Lawson's account perfectly elucidates why investing into a shiny $2,500 MacBook is not a required first step towards becoming a web developer — no matter what all those conference speakers had you think. 🙃
sistemi operativi | hardware
::: slsoftworks

U.S. Navy Laser Creates Plasma ‘UFOs’
::: cannedcat

Plan... with Racket!
language Racket | artificial intelligence
::: racketlang

Spiders are the only web developers
::: Dadsaysjokes

Arguably, the 20 year period that saw the fastest rate of technological & scientific change was 1880-1900, when much of the Western world transitioned from pre-industrial to industrial
thread con sondaggi, laikato
::: fchollet

Facebook is Quietly Helping To Set Up a New Pro-tech Advocacy Group To Battle Washington
Facebook | antitrust
::: Slashdot

No," said the autonomous car
::: MicroSFF

Twitter Will Allow Employees To Work At Home Forever
::: Slashdot

Dal bullismo al Covid-19: ecco le azioni correttive di Facebook e Instagram
coronavirus | Facebook

Telegram Abandons Its TON Blockchain Platform
blockchain e crypto* | politica
::: Slashdot

A tsunami of false health information and exploitative advertisements about the coronavirus pandemic has been unleashed onto Facebook. New AI tools fresh out of the social media giant's labs are helping to block the flood
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Facebook | artificial intelligence
::: IEEESpectrum

US Govt Exposes New North Korean Malware, Phishing Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Linux is Most Used OS in Microsoft Azure – over 50 percent of VM cores
sistemi operativi
::: newsycombinator

Modern problems require modern solutions
::: _youhadonejob1

Quibi Cofounder Jeffrey Katzenberg Blames Pandemic for Streaming Service's Rough Start
coronavirus | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Uber Makes Takeover Approach To Grubhub
::: Slashdot

The most valuable startup of the last decade didn’t raise money, didn’t have employees, gave away the cap table, and let anyone invest.
blockchain e crypto*
::: RichRogers_

US Marshals Service Breach Exposed Personal Data of 387,000 Prisoners
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

US e-Commerce Sales Jump 49 Percent In April, Led By Online Grocery
economia, lavoro | Web, Internet | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

I'm still reeling today at learning that Elon Musk didn't actually "found" Tesla, he was an early investor and post-Series A employee who retroactively strong-armed his way into a "founder" title through politics, money, and multiple legal battles
::: lazerwalker

ISS Docking Simulator
applicazioni, programmi
::: TuxmAL

Swift announces official Windows support — maybe too late
linguaggi di programmazione
::: thek3nger

New Essay! "In Praise of AutoHotKey" - Where I gush about the Windows killer app and why I'm willing to endure being a second-class citizen in the wider dev world for my precious precious AHK
con Windows lo usavo, tanto tempo fa
applicazioni, programmi
::: hillelogram

The lead developer of the all new @ubuntu_unity is now on Forbes. It's probably a big deal since he's 10 years old...
::: killyourfm

Nel frattempo, a milioni di km da noi, nello spazio profondo, il motore ionico della sonda Hayabusa2 si è appena riacceso (sotto la foto durante i test sulla Terra), per spingere la navicella verso la Terra con il suo prezioso campione dall'asteroide Ryugu
spazio, esplorazione
::: Link4Universe

Non credo che esistano parole per descrivere quanto corrotto, barbaro, volgare, menzognero e malvagio sia apparato intelligence americano e i governi che lo sorreggono. Pensate che ultimi anni hanno perfino fatto credere che dietro al 9/11 ci fosse Iran
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: real_fabristol

nice retrospective by the developer of the Ninja build system
applicazioni, programmi
::: johnregehr

David Bowie as Tilda Swinton. Tilda Swinton as David Bowie
che storia!
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: ThatEricAlper

Tutto sui nuovi magneti superconduttori al niobio-stagno che saranno impiegati per l'upgrade di luminosità di #LHC
innovazioni, futuro
::: f_ronchetti

Abbiamo già il Pulitzer del giorno. Oggi abbiamo fatto prestissimo
giornali, stampa
::: hardcorejudas

New Solar Panels Suck Water From Air To Cool Themselves Down
energia | tecnologia
::: Slashdot

German Chancellor Angela Merkel Cites 'Hard Evidence' Russian Hackers Targeted Her
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: SecurityWeek

Discovered an interactive version of SICP!
Lisp | programming, codice, snippet
::: prathyvsh

It's time for my list of interesting tech I've found this morning, starting with what looks like a great alternative to Clojure or Lisp: janet-lang.org
::: lzsthw

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