31 maggio, 2020

Visto nel Web - 505

Tempi difficili, non bastava la pandemia evidentemente. Qui si tratta di Web e allora il grosso della settimana è ovvio, ho riportato tanti link, senza discriminare. Poi c'è anche altro che ho wisto nel Web.

Julian Assange
::: DEAcampaign ::: DefendAssange ::: couragefound ::: declassifiedUK ::: wikileaks ::: DEAcampaign ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: greekemmy

COVID-19 - sorveglianza
::: birdsarentreal ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: StopCovidApp ::: valigiablu ::: carlopiana ::: laurentchemla

Trump vs. Twitter
::: quinta ::: nelson ::: EricaJoy ::: TheOnion ::: LaPrimaManina ::: polotek ::: stefanoepifani ::: AlxThomp ::: vijaya ::: evelyndouek ::: Senficon ::: spinozait ::: fabiochiusi ::: ilmanifesto ::: fabiochiusi ::: evan_greer ::: fabiochiusi ::: TonyRomm ::: donie ::: conspirator0 ::: WebReflection ::: ACLU ::: carloalberto ::: slashdot ::: marina_catucci ::: marina_catucci ::: Breaking911 ::: marina_catucci ::: marina_catucci ::: MauroV1968 ::: marina_catucci ::: LalaHu9 ::: katierogers ::: AlienoGentile ::: fabiochiusi ::: janavel7 ::: cdteu ::: fabiochiusi ::: brianstelter ::: TwitterComms ::: axios ::: _arianna ::: gianlucac1 ::: gba_mm ::: JoanBarata ::: tedeschini ::: InertialObservr ::: thek3nger ::: diritto2punto0 ::: fabiochiusi ::: alex_orlowski ::: fabiochiusi ::: MarcBodnick ::: fabiochiusi ::: Link4Universe ::: rezamarashi ::: disinformatico ::: jacopo_iacoboni ::: Stefano32847521

Microsoft Releases Windows 10 Update with Linux and Notepad Enhancements
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

#Huawei CFO #MengWanzhou can be extradited to the US. Highly sensitive decision as tensions with #China 🇨🇳 are escalating
politica | Huawei | Cina
::: galbcasanova

Arrivo tardi per la lezione
coronavirus | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: SpaamIsBack

OpenSSH To Deprecate SHA-1 Logins Due To Security Risk
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Dopo le storie di Snapchat, i video di TikTok: Facebook ha pronta la copia
social media | Facebook
::: sole24ore

A federal appeals court rejects claims that social media giants including Google, Facebook and Twitter conspired to suppress conservative views online
social media | politica
::: Anthony

GE Is Saying Goodbye To Its 129-Year-Old Light Bulb Business
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

John Lennon sniffing Coke

New Fuzzing Tool Finds 26 USB Bugs in Linux, Windows, macOS, and FreeBSD
::: Slashdot

Amazon In Advanced Talks To Buy Self-Driving-Car Tech Company Zoox
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: MattOrtega

This is obnoxious. I can’t even
politica | Cina | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: mattmight

Once again, @Facebook refuses to enforce its own, clearly spelled out policies - this time about election misinformation
politica | Facebook
::: kreissdaniel

Bankrupt OneWeb Seeks License For 48,000 Satellites, Even More Than SpaceX
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Forza, ce la possiamo fare tutti a fare come Manuel!
social media | umorismo
::: LaPrimaManina

La Nasa, Musk, Bezos, Boeing e quella voglia di spazio dei privati, che puntano a Marte
spazio, esplorazione | economia, lavoro
::: sole24ore

I'm a strong believer in active learning, and I'm so excited to share what I've been working on at @digitalocean: Interactive Tutorials!
::: bphogan

Una bufala è sempre una bufala
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: _Sazed

Neat! A reimplementation of Smalltalk-80 to run on modern machines
cosa non sta facendo il virus!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: PaniczGodek

Questa settimana, la #ESA ha testato per 30 secondi un nuovo motore stampato interamente in 3D chiamato ETID! L'obbiettivo è riuscire a creare strutture troppo complesse da poter assemblare in altro modo, che abbiano sia un peso minore che efficacia molto maggiore
innovazioni, futuro
::: Link4Universe

🚨 New Raspberry Pi alert 🚨 The long-rumoured 8GB Raspberry Pi 4 is now available, priced at just $75
::: Raspberry_Pi ::: Gabry89 ::: nixcraft ::: Genjuro75

Un "logiciel" (software) est désormais un élément de #bibliographie à part entière ! C'est la dernière version de #BibLaTeX, qui propose 4 entrées possibles, @SWHeritage
programming, codice, snippet | storia
::: ThierryStoehr

Google Highlights Indian 'Hack-for-Hire' Companies in New TAG Report
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Developers Reveal Programming Languages They Love and Loathe, and What Pays Best
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Devastating thread on Facebook - at this point, Facebook is the social network arm of the Republican Party. Just like Fox is their TV network, both claim “fair and balanced”, but we can see their actions
Facebook | politica
::: migueldeicaza ::: michelleinbklyn ::: maxberger ::: LeoKelion ::: RadioProzac

How Baidu's AI Produces News Videos Using Just a URL
artificial intelligence | novità
::: Slashdot

il primo pensiero quando vedi un #chromebook
hardware | Linux
::: Genjuro75

ACLU sues facial recognition firm Clearview AI, calling it a ‘nightmare scenario’ for privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

What a Week's Disasters Tell Us About Climate and the Pandemic
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Exit Vim
::: nixcraft

$100 Million in Bounties Paid by HackerOne To Ethical Hackers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

This is not going to end well
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: jessgartner

Mapping an interval of integers to the whole 64-bit range, fairly?
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Star #polygons and #Mandalas, made at school together with my students using @geogebra software. The procedure is illustrated in my Mathematics blog
matematica | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Nereide

A flurry of research into antiferromagnets has come out in the past few years. I explain why some engineers (+ tech companies) think these materials will be key to the future of memory tech
::: AmyNordrum

A $350 'Anti-5G' Device Is Just a 128MB USB Stick, Teardown Finds
5G | frodi
::: Slashdot ::: schneierblog

The Vintage Beauty Of Soviet Control Rooms
::: orporick

NSA Warns of Ongoing Russian Hacking Campaign Against US Systems
::: Slashdot

Viva viva @Sci_Hub!! (I could not have done science without it.)
open source | scienza
::: carlorovelli

YouTube Says China-Linked Comment Deletions Weren't Caused By Outside Parties
social media | politica
::: Slashdot

Google Launches Android Studio 4.0 With Motion Editor, Build Analyzer, and Java 8 APIs
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Germany Calls In Russian Envoy Over Hack Attack
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg – Dead At 36 – Says Social Media Sites Should Not Fact Check Posts
umorismo | social media
::: TheShovel

Vulcan Is Closing 'The Living Computers: Museum + Labs' In Seattle
storia | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Some programming languages can draw images in the REPL. In @racketlang I got the REPL to display animations
language Racket
::: doitwithalambda

Finally, binary output and thus execution of @rustlang programs on Compiler Explorer
programming, codice, snippet | browser
::: CompileExplore

Check out the highlights from our 2020 Developer Survey
linguaggi di programmazione | programming, codice, snippet
::: StackOverflow

Negli Stati uniti un film complottista - "Pandemic" - sul Covid-19 è diventato un «colossal» con migliaia di condivisioni. Presto «molti americani accetteranno o rifiuteranno una storia solo a seconda di chi la racconta»
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | coronavirus
::: ilmanifesto

Optical atomic clocks based on the natural vibration of atoms will likely redefine the standard for measuring a second in time. Now @NIST has shown how stable microwave signals can synchronize modern electronic systems with optical clocks
tecnologia | scienza
::: jeremyhsu

The time to adopt btrfs has come (already a while ago perhaps). I loved Zfs before this and is a pity how it will not survive long term because of its proprietary licensing. Let this be a lesson, long live btrfs! #filesystems
sistemi operativi
::: jaromil

🌟 The #Townscaper Steam page is live! 🌟
::: OskSta

[Thread] La mia università (non faccio nomi poichè al netto di questo scivolone la ritengo di ottimo livello) ha deciso di inserire un sw di proctoring nelle modalità di esame
scuola, educazione, cultura | sistemi operativi
::: beard_333

Building a 3270 Terminal Controller - We like to talk about how most of our computers today would have been mainframes a scant 40 or 50 years ago. Because of that, many people who want to run IBM mainframes such as the IBM 360 or 370 use the Hercules emul...
storia | hardware
::: hackaday

Remember the XCodeGhost malware? It used to infect XCode's build process to backdoor iOS apps. Here, now there's the NetBeans version of it, planting a RAT on your system and using other NetBeans projects to spread further
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: phretor

Why Remote Work Is So Hard -- and How It Can Be Fixed
::: Slashdot

Full Circle Magazine #157
::: fullcirclemag

I love Twitter -- the product, the tweets, the people I've met on here over the years
::: fchollet

Google Rescinds Offers To Thousands of Contract Workers
::: Slashdot

Quando Trump incontra il giornalista saggio Trump blocca
ok, fake ma ok
Twitter | politica | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: iancanwrite

Ricordi TomTom? Ci ha semplificato la vita e lo abbiamo usato in milioni. Poi si sono venduti i dati sulla viabilità così da piazzare meglio autovelox e multare più efficacemente. Il punto è sempre quello:convincere le persone a fornire spontaneamente i loro dati più preziosi
dati, raccolta
::: f_ronchetti

Indennità Covid-19: distribuito malware APK tramite falso sito INPS
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: _mrbyte

Lockdown has caused a drastic shift in climate we thought was impossible. While people have stayed home, 2.6 billion metric tons of CO2 was never emitted
ambiente, ecologia
::: QuickTake ::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg created a website to rank his female classmates by their appearance
::: democracydiva

Google To Enable the Chrome Anti-Notification Spam System in July 2020
::: Slashdot

Senator Ted Cruz Calls For Criminal Investigation of Twitter
Twitter | politica
::: Slashdot

Amazon Sellers Are Marking Products As 'Collectible' To Get Around Price Gouging Rules
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Eye-Catching Advances in Some AI Fields Are Not Real
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

we can model a lightning strike by finding the shortest path in a random maze, from a point at the top to the ground
ooh! | programming, codice, snippet
::: matthen2

#Apple and Google may never sell their own #cars, but they've already planted their flag in the auto industry
::: DigitalTrends

TinyML is giving hardware new life, thanks to companies like @EdgeImpulse and @Arduino
::: Hacksterio

Joe Biden Doesn't Like Trump's Twitter Order, But Still Wants To Revoke Section 230
social media
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

"Windows is not capable" McNealy said. "Just because you put wings on a horse doesn't mean it's going to fly" 😎
le previsioni riguardo al futuro... Sun, chi l'avrebbe detto (come DEC, Prime, Apollo e tanti altri)
::: unix_byte

He STRONGLY disagrees
social media
::: karaswisher

When An Island Shuts Down: Aruba & the National Emergency Library
Web, Internet | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: RadioProzac

Amazon Will No Longer Support the Echo Look, Encourages Owners To Recycle Theirs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

"(...) Twitter che cancella i messaggi Donald Trump o li bolla per contenuto ingannevole". E quali messaggi avrebbe cancellato?
certi giornalisti (tanti, troppi) e giornali (tanti, troppi) proprio non ce la fanno
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

Rimane sempre il fatto che i social network sono come club privati. Se non stai alle regole ti sbattono fuori. Alcuni sono più restrittivi di altri. È così difficile da capire? Svolgono un ruolo pubblico ma non sono un bene pubblico economicamente definito
social media
::: ThManfredi

La nuova cybertruffa in auge è il vishing
::: sole24ore

Così nasce una leggenda metropolitana? Anche gli scherzi e le battute, se condivisi e adattati, possono essere una scintilla...
confesso che ci sono cascato; ho re-tweettato
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | umorismo
::: Ceravolc

Today, Germany (one of the richest countries of the world that was once called a „climate pioneer“) is opening a new coal power plant. In 2020, in the midst of the climate crisis. What the hell. We are determined shut it down again. And we will. #StoppDatteln4
ha rinunciato al nucleare e allora...
ambiente, ecologia | energia
::: Luisamneubauer

Science and Technology links (May 30th 2020)
::: lemire

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