Julian Assange
::: MrsC_Assange ::: LoudClearRadio ::: Melbourne4Wiki ::: jlpassarelli ::: SMaurizi ::: 0rf ::: shadowproofcom ::: SMaurizi ::: StellaMoris1 ::: Slashdot ::: louisviljee ::: NielsLadefoged ::: SMaurizi
Apple 'Suddenly Catches TikTok Secretly Spying On Millions Of iPhone Users', Claims Forbes
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: SofiaSZM
After 19 Years, Python May Finally Get a Pattern Matching Syntax
::: Slashdot
Facebook market value plummets $56 Billion as advertisers flee platform
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: Newsweek
Journalist's Phone Hacked: All He Had To Do Was Visit a Website. Any Website
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Opera Integrates #Twitter Into its Desktop Browser
Twitter | browser
::: MakeUseOf
This is what happens when your programming language doesn't have tail call invocations
programming, codice, snippet | umorismo
::: mariofusco
AWS Launches 'Amazon Honeycode', a No-Code App Building Service
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Apple Will Force Apps to Ask for Permission Before Tracking Users
ad, pubblicità | Apple
::: Slashdot
Google's Phone App May Soon Tell You Why Businesses Are Calling
idea 💡
::: Slashdot
Deleted TikTok. As useful as it was for any journalist wanting to keep an eye on what the yoof are up to, I’m just not convinced by the infosec explanations/assurances the company has given in recent months
social media | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: JeromeTaylor
Ho aggiornato la mia app con le ultime release delle librerie di #Android, ho fatto refactoring passando a #Kotlin e sono due giorni che non faccio altro che fronteggiare errori di compilazione
cosa già vista, poi passa
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lorenzovngl
::: cobrampi
‘Rolling Rhino’ Lets You Create Your Own Ubuntu Rolling Release
::: dcavedon
Twitter è l'opposto
non è vero, basta (saper) scegliere
social media
::: alexa1163
Chinese Bank Required Two Western Companies to Use Tax Software With a Hidden Backdoor
manco fossero 'mericani
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
America Pushes Europe to Reject Chinese Baggage Screening Tech
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot
::: dangerwolf93
To Keep Trump From Violating Its Rules...Facebook Rewrote the Rules
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot
The @internetarchive is threatened to close during these hard times of activity in emergency relief. If this is the destructive role of #copyright lobbies in time of crisis, civil disobedience is the only way left
open source | storia
::: jaromil
Martedì 30 il ministero dell'Istruzione, tomo tomo cacchio cacchio, sposterà tutti gli account di posta elettronica sull'infrastruttura di Microsoft. C'è ancora qualcuno cosciente in Parlamento che chieda conto? Una DPIA? Che ne pensa il Garante @meobaldo?
digitalizzazione | open source
::: waltervannini
![]() |
The real Alice in Wonderland. Alice Liddellì |
E peraltro, Repubblica non era il giornale della lotta senza quartiere alle "fake news"?
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi
Roy Fielding's Misappropriated REST Dissertation
t's been too long, I know, but I finally got around to writing a new post. This one is about how REST APIs should really be known as FIOH APIs instead (Fuck It, Overload HTTP)
programming, codice, snippet
::: TwoBitHistory
Stop ‘Messages from Firefox’ Showing on the New Tab page
::: dcavedon
Nuovo windows manager: vifm #linux
sì, se non hai nuovi che vengono da Windoze (o peggio)
applicazioni, programmi
::: SteffPy
Le immagini delle mappe #OSM visibili in osm.org saranno ora diffuse con sola licenza ODbL invece della tradizionale CC-BY-SA-2.0
open source | copyright e brevetti
::: WikimediaItalia
Oracle Celebrates 'The 25 Greatest Java Apps Ever Written'
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Shipped @racketlang with this 20 years ago. And with an innovative way to program it, too. If 10 years ago was "radical", 20 was…? (Oh, I know: "obscure", "parenthetical", "academic", "not widely used in industry"….)
language Racket
::: ShriramKMurthi
Twitter promises to fine-tune its 5G coronavirus labeling after unrelated tweets were flagged
Twitter | 5G
::: _Sazed
Sono collegata al sistema della Giustizia inglese che permette a noi giornalisti di seguire le udienze in aula da remoto: ci hanno richiesto di disabilitare #assiatentiVocali come #Siri e #Alexa
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | assistente digitale
::: SMaurizi
Mercedes-Benz and Nvidia Partner On Software-Defined Autonomous Cars
::: Slashdot
Twitter ha sospeso @LulzSec_ITA e @Anon_ITA. So long
Twitter | censura | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: faffa42
platform — System Version Information
::: pymotw
Apple Declined To Implement 16 Web APIs in Safari Due To Privacy Concerns
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Animated map shows the rise and fall of Blockbuster Video stores in the US from 1986 to 2019
economia, lavoro | tecnologia | storia
::: simongerman600
Indian Govt bans 59 Chinese apps, including Tik-Tok. Full list
politica | applicazioni, programmi
::: ShivAroor
Oh my god, this is massive. Reddit has just banned r/The_Donald. Absolutely one of the most important hubs of his alt-right, hive-mind support base
politica | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: carljackmiller
Twitch Temporarily Bans President Trump
politica | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot
Secondo me se clicchi su “1 mese gratis” e non su “salta la prova”
umorismo | social media
::: Tremenoventi
Microsoft Pauses Spending on Facebook, Instagram
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot
Solo il #SoftwareLibero garantisce la #privacy e lo sviluppo di competenze. La scuola deve investire nel futuro, non diseducare
scuola, educazione, cultura | open source
::: WikimediaItalia
The New York Times Removes Its Articles From Apple News
::: Slashdot
Using OpenOffice? Get up-to-date with LibreOffice, a successor project! (OpenOffice's last major release was back in 2014.) LibreOffice has extra features, better MS Office compatibility, and regular releases with security updates. And it's still free
applicazioni, programmi
::: libreoffice
A Hacker Gang is Wiping Lenovo NAS Devices and Asking for Ransoms
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
... articles downloaded from Sci-hub were cited 1.72 times more than papers not downloaded from Sci-hub and that the number of downloads from Sci-hub was a robust predictor of future citations
scienza | open source
::: Sci_Hub
“Chi dice il contrario è un cretino”. Chissà come ci si sente a usare toni uguali a quelli di Toninelli: perché sono i toni cui su Twitter (e non solo) qualcuno ricorre da mesi
::: vitalbaa
When French Sci-fi Barjavel was asked to imagine the future just after world war 2 : he had it almost right
::: tariqkrim
The Japanese supercomputer Fugaku has taken the Top 500 championship belt by coming in first on all the judges' scorecards
hardware | tecnologia
::: IEEESpectrum
After switching to ARM, expect Apple to buy TSMC, too via I, Cringely: Readers have been asking me to comment on Apple’s decision, announced at last week’s World Wide Developers’ Conference, to start switching to
non so quanto affidabile ma ecco
Apple | hardware
::: cringely
To combat COVID-19, various IEEE sections are developing technologies such as a virus-detection robot, 3D printed PPE, and a hand-washing system
coronavirus | robots, automazione, droni | tecnologia
::: IEEESpectrum
Diving deeper into #machinelearning this weekend with #python’s #scikitlearn. Today’s topic: unsupervised ML & principal component analysis (PCA) - Grow ML muscle, grow 💪👩🏻💻 Used resource: @jakevdp’s wonderful “Python #datascience Handbook” 🙏😀
machine learning
::: Ulrike_Boehm
I think there are a lot of valid points for not being defensive in this post
linguaggi di programmazione
::: WebReflection
This. Sure, taking a phone to a protest is unsafe, but *going* to a protest is unsafe, because the problem isn't your phone—it is the decades of authoritarianism that made it a weapon. Your phone will be safe when everyone is safe, and that won't come without taking some risk
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Edward Snowden
::: Snowden
we juste passed the threshold of 130 M projects archived by @swheritage
storia | open source | programming, codice, snippet
::: zacchiro ::: zacchiro
A Boston, un robot con raggi UV, girerà per i depositi per disinfettarli uccidendo eventuali microorganismi nell'aria
robots, automazione, droni
::: Link4Universe
La televisione, il 5G e le nuove tecnologie
5G | innovazioni, futuro
::: MauroV1968 ::: f_ronchetti
Lo scandalo Wirecard
::: MauroV1968
Hans Boehm on an API for real numbers
programming, codice, snippet
::: vivekhaldar
This is 100% #JuliaLang code. It trains a dense neural network using the #Keras Python library. If you replace the first 3 lines with "import tensorflow as tf; from tensorflow import keras", you can run the exact same code in Python. Talk about excellent interoperability! 🤝
Julia ha un futuro, imho (sì, lo lovvo, assay!)
linguaggi di programmazione | Python | machine learning
::: aureliengeron
"If we were just to use the technology by itself, to identify someone, I would say 96 percent of the time it would misidentify" -- Detroit Police Chief
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Il 5G di una volta
::: _Sazed
FCC Declares Huawei, ZTE 'National Security Threats'
politica | Cina
::: Slashdot
Uber's New Strategy: Buy Unprofitable Companies, ???, Profit
uhmmm, siamo sicuri che...
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
The V language is officially out of alpha and now has a backwards compatibility guarantee
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language
E intanto il comune di Roma fa altri "contratti" con Microsoft, in barba anche alle sue stesse delibere
open source
::: libreitalia
400 TB Storage Drives In Our Future: Fujifilm
::: Slashdot
Someone Mysteriously Sent Almost $1 Billion In Bitcoin
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
As TikTok continues to grow, I think it should be scrutinized and be held accountable for how they collect and use user's data just like any other major social media platforms - FB started as an innocent social site for college students and I think TikTok has a similar beginning
social media
::: wongmjane
USTPC urges an immediate suspension of the current and future private and governmental use of facial recognition technologies in all circumstances known or reasonably foreseeable to be prejudicial to established human and legal rights
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
#censorship & #copyright Un bell'articolo di @faffa42 sull'oscuramento del progetto #Gutenberg di #libripertutti "Perché il Progetto Gutenberg sarà sotto sequestro per sempre"
censura | copyright e brevetti
::: arturodicorinto
Facebook to boost news articles with original reporting in algorithm
mah... vedere cammello
::: mathewi
«What’s next for #RegisteredReports?» #openscience #reproducibility #msr2020 (h/t @neilernst)
::: zacchiro
Meet the Phoenix, a propellerless blimpthat propels itself by rising and falling—and moving like a porpoise
tecnologia | idea 💡
::: IEEESpectrum
Google Docs is the social media of the resistance
social media
::: techreview
SSV3/Ken & Dennis got early PDP-11/45, which had real memory management, rewrote kernel in C, and signal was in 4th Edition, the one I started with in Fall 1973, ~same week as we got our 11/45 for PWB/UNIX
parte di una storia che noi vecchi...
::: JohnMashey
This year, people will take more than 1.4 trillion photos
::: IEEESpectrum
La pressione dei marchi mondiali farà sì che i social, per non fallire, soggiaceranno a regole (censorie) dettate da Stato e giudici, e questa è la direzione che sta prendendo la regolazione Ue e quella Usa, partendo da punti diversi
censura | social media
::: vitalbaa
vi(m) è la tua salvezza quando da console o dumb terminal devi sistemare qualche config di rete o altro se non funziona nulla, tantomeno X e i vostri bei desktop
applicazioni, programmi
::: cmnit
'It's really hard to find maintainers': Linus Torvalds ponders the future of Linux
Linux | protagonisti
::: TheRegister
Lombrosiani del terzo millennio? La comunità AI si oppone alla rete neurale fisiognomica: una raccolta di firme ha impedito la pubblicazione di una ricerca che ambiva a riconoscere i criminali partendo dai tratti somatici del volto
artificial intelligence
::: LucaSambucci
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