Tra due emergenze, il virus e l'afa elenco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Sembra una buona notizia ma temo che la partita si complichi
::: f_ronchetti ::: f_ronchetti
Could Working Remotely Kill Silicon Valley's Culture?
lavoro | lavoro in remoto
::: Slashdot
Many New Details Emerge About Twitter's Breach
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Will 2020 Be The Year Of Rust In The Linux Kernel?
linguaggi di programmazione | Linux
::: Slashdot
Apparently, according to John de Goes, this Haskell function for calculating Pythagorean triples exemplifies imperative programming: pytrip n = [(a,b,c)|a<- a..n="" a="" b..n="" b="" br="" c="" n="">
programmazione funzionale->
::: PaniczGodek
The FBI Secretly Used Travel Company 'Sabre' As A Global Surveillance Tool
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
I love open-source. Freely sharing and reusing code (& technical artifacts) dramatically accelerates progress
open source
::: fchollet
Sunday Already? Have a fantastic day!💕
::: CommodoreBlog
Data sets mined from software repositories have grown remarkably in numbers, size, and sophistication. Discover what makes a popular data set in our EMPSE paper "Standing on shoulders or feet? An extended study on the usage of the MSR data papers"
dati, raccolta
::: CoolSWEng
Open Source Proponents React to Google's 'Open Usage Commons'
open source
::: Slashdot
Thanks to @develpon, V and the V graphics module now run on Android
linguaggi di programmazione | dispositivi mobili
::: v_language
'Mozilla VPN' Launches in Six Countries
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Solar + Battery in One Device Sets New Efficiency Standard
::: Slashdot
The only positive experience I had with this new Windows laptop
sistemi operativi | umorismo
::: stylewarning
What Happened When Microsoft Analyzed Its Own Remote Work Patterns?
lavoro a distanza
::: Slashdot
America's Border Patrol 'Can Track Everyone's Car' By Buying License Plate-Reader Data
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
Whatever you do next, pick something you find difficult
::: fchollet
From the popular #raspberrypi , to de coolest and Libre #LIME2 or to dive into #AI with the #VIM3, at #GNUHealth we've got you covered with the right #GNUHealthEmbedded image!
open source | hardware
::: gnuhealth ::: Augustsson
For the past two years our kid has been using "FatNums", a slightly different numeral representation we came up with, for all her school arithmetic problems. She thought it'd be nice to write it up and share it
Shriram 💥 rockz!
scuola, educazione, cultura | matematica | idea 💡
::: ShriramKMurthi
Could Pine64's Cheap Linux Smartphone Replace Your PC?
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot ::: MisterTechBlog
a *lot* of what passes as "AI" is actually exploited labor rendered invisible. here's one source on the popular kiwibot (seen around berkeley) -- the sf chronicle (linked in the article) reported on how they pay folks in colombia to drive the robots
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | tecnologia
::: WellsLucasSanto
Toh, i blog stanno risorgendo?
::: xmau
For many people involved with the app, the mystery is not why the UK developed a centralised option, but why it took so long to switch away from it
::: fabiochiusi
Worked on #LFE documentation this weekend (new tooling, content updates, and new URLs). Here's the LFE Tutorial ported from #Erlang
linguaggi di programmazione | Lisp
::: oubiwann ::: oubiwann ::: oubiwann ::: oubiwann
Vos deixe uns llibres de programació que em van servir molt
::: perealvaro
Storia vera (sul mio browser)
::: mcascarano
LEGO racing game
hardware | umorismo
::: TechAmazing
ensurepip — Install the Python Package Installer
::: pymotw
Serious props to the #rustlang devs and the contributors to -- this has been a DREAM work work with (super-fast, zero issues, easy migration from all of the #LFE gitbook documentation)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: oubiwann
Zuckerberg: No Deal With Trump
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot
Checking Out Lomiri Formerly Unity8 (Experimental)
::: TylerTechNow
Launched TODAY: using #opensource to bring global tech + public health communities together to combat #COVID19
coronavirus | open source
::: LFPubHealth ::: Slashdot
Coinbase Says It Prevented Over 1,000 Customers From Sending $280,000 Worth of Bitcoin To Twitter Hackers
blockchain e crypto* | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Stock market indexes measure the confidence the ultra-rich have in their ability to get richer, that's all
economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: ClarissaAdjoint ::: BernieSanders
Patients Aren't Being Told About the AI Systems Advising Their Care
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
The Brain Behind the Google Pixel Camera Is Building a Universal Camera App For Adobe
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot
Python 3.8.5 *and* 3.9.0b5 are out!
::: gvanrossum
Most Dedicated VPN IP-Addresses Are Not Anonymous
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Facebook Overrides Fact-Checks When Climate Science Is 'Opinion'
Facebook | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
A New Artificial Material Effectively Cannot Be Cut
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot
Google Promises Privacy With Virus App But Can Still Collection Location Data
coronavirus | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
UAE Successfully Launches Hope Probe, Arab World's First Mission To Mars
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Android Camera threat? Know the truth behind it
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: annorapowellgm1
As you know, many countries are now speeding up with the process of implementation of the #copyright #directive – you can find a short summary of what’s going on our blog
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu
OpenAI's New Language Generator GPT-3 is Shockingly Good -- and Completely Mindless
artificial intelligence | linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Photo Deposit
certi commenti su tw sono belli quanto quelli di Randall
::: xkcdComic
Ceci n'est pas une tondeuse à gazon. C'est un avion qui utilise l'effet Magnus, le même effet qui explique la modification de trajectoire d'une balle de tennis ou d'un ballon de football "lifté"
uh! avendo tempo da approfondire
::: SciencesMag
I did *not* know that MS Excel plays interesting games with IEEE floats
anche LibreOffice ovviamente; ma chi usa numeri gosi enormi?
applicazioni, programmi
::: johnregehr
A great idea for a gift...
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | umorismo
::: carlopiana
Since March, COVID-19 contact tracing apps have been installed by about 9.3 percent of residents across the world’s 13 most populous countries with government-endorsed apps, Sensor Tower Store Intelligence estimates show
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
#Microsoft accusata di condivisione dati dei suoi clienti con #Facebook: "Microsoft is being sued for allegedly sharing its #Office365 customers' business data with Facebook app developers, partners, and subcontractors in violation of #privacy promises"
dati, raccolta
::: copernicani ::: quinta
20 years of the FOSS Office Suite. The @ProvinciaBZ has been using it for the past 15 years in administration and schools
open source
::: opavlos
Il 20 febbraio del 2020 ero in smartworking. Non è mai più finito. Per quanto la nuova e pericolosa retorica (da un lato comprensibile) di @BeppeSala la voglia inquadrare come un’anomalia, un inciampo, alcune menti prticolarmente illuminate sanno che è un cambio di paradigma 1/n
lavoro a distanza
::: sasakifujika
New chapter in the Pollen cookbook: automatically generating deep links into @racketlang documentation
language Racket
::: joeld
The losses suffered by people who unwittingly sent bitcoins to scammers thinking they were going to double their money might ultimately pale in comparison to what could come from ill-gotten info contained in unencrypted direct messages
economia, lavoro
::: IEEESpectrum
What’s curious is that, in many cases, incompetence does not leave people disoriented, perplexed, or cautious
::: 39Magilla
US Charges Two Chinese Spies For a Global Hacking Campaign That Targeted COVID-19 Research
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Ransomware Gang Demands $7.5 Million From Argentinian ISP
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
The App of the Summer Is Just a Random-Number Generator
io avevo fatto qualcosa di simile un 5 lustri orsono: oroscopo per il web nascente
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
D’estate non abbandonate gli animali
tip, suggerimenti
::: Eneriry
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt Wants To Create a Government-Funded AI University
artificial intelligence | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot ::: johnregehr
Facebook's CTO Mike Schroepfer talks about how the company's AI reads and blocks hate speech, pornography, ads for illegal goods, and other "bad content" in microseconds
non che funzioni tanto bene...
artificial intelligence | Facebook
::: IEEESpectrum ::: fabiochiusi
SUSE Releases Major Linux Update
Linux distro
::: Slashdot
TikTok Plans To Odd 10,000 Jobs in US as Trump Admin Considers Banning It
Cina | lavoro
::: slashdot
Bored kids at home? These free, printable activity sheets will entertain kids while they learn about robots! #STEM #Robotics #Parents #SummerVacation
robots, automazione, droni | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: IEEESpectrum
Elon Musk Says Neuralink Will Stream Music Straight Into Your Brain
innovazioni, futuro | (forse)
::: Slashdot
It has been nice to see Twitter grow increasingly responsible over the past 4 years. Hopefully they keep at it
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fchollet
'World's Most Wanted Man' Involveld In Bizarre Attempt To Buy Hacking Tools
::: Slashdot
We’ve been clear that we will take strong enforcement action on behavior that has the potential to lead to offline harm. In line with this approach, this week we are taking further action on so-called ‘QAnon’ activity across the service
Twitter | politica
::: TwitterSafety ::: oneunderscore__ ::: fabiochiusi ::: katestarbird
Il cortocircuito di #LinkedIn, quando chi nasce con l'obiettivo di supportare le assunzioni si trova costretto a licenziare. A detta del CEO Ryan Roslansky sarebbero gli effetti della crisi post#covid19
ditte | lavoro
::: SergioGridelli
Moscow Metro to Equip 1,500 Train Cars With Facial Recognition By 2021
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Cutbacks at The Guardian: features are expensive but vital to journalism
::: RadioProzac
#Wayland Apps are easy to Build and Test on #Linux... Even on #PinePhone @ThePine64 with #UbuntuTouch
programming, codice, snippet
::: MisterTechBlog
his makes GPT-3 feel like a big xlookup function on the terabytes of web pages it trained on except the underlying computation seems more obscure and less reliable (e.g., the population of Alaska is 721K not 609K and it is founded in 1959 not 1906) than the real xloopup 🤦
da approfondire
applicazioni, programmi
::: tian_yi_zhang
Great move! But seems to assume the language is textual, and executes as a unix process. Maybe we also need fresh ideas outside that box. Not even spreadsheets qualify
la critica di Jonathan mi fa sentire vecchio; ma ok, largo ai giovani (anche con Excel (e oltre))
programming, codice, snippet
::: jonathoda
If when you read “ML” and think “Maximum Likelihood”
tip, suggerimenti
::: mzerecero
Helpful reminder
economia, lavoro
::: berendvdkolk
🚧 PROSEGUONO I LAVORI PER l'installazione delle antenne #5G a #Bugliano
5G | umorismo
::: CBugliano
Nel 2015 #Pechino ha annunciato la creazione di un'infrastruttura digitale sino-centrica per affermare la propria potenza economica e tecnologica. Da quali fattori dipende il successo della Digital Silk Road?
digitalizzazione | Cina
::: ispionline
A review of 3 automated systems in use by the Swiss police and judiciary reveals serious issues. Real-world effects are impossible to assess due to a lack of transparency
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: algorithmwatch
Proud to co-author this: Google-Fitbit deal will turn health data of citizens into a proprietary fiefdom, threatening data sovereignty, privacy & competition. Brussels should block abusive monopolies early on rather than regulate them when it is too late
dati, raccolta
::: francesca_bria
How Hollywood Accidentally Built Netflix
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
When you fix a bug but it's friday and it's time to go home
::: evilripper
Slack Accuses Microsoft of Illegally Crushing Competition
::: Slashdot
The market for face and voice biometrics is expected to leap to $22.7 billion by 2027 from an estimated $7.2 billion in 2020
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EvanSelinger
Interesting take on copyright. Every Melody Has Been Copyrighted (and they're all on this hard drive)
copyright e brevetti
::: glipari
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