Did A Chinese State-Sponsored Group Breach Taiwan's Semiconductor Industry?privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot
America has a pandemic problem so I solved it by making a gun
coronavirus | tecnologia | umorismo
::: AnyTechnology
Red Hat, Google, Microsoft, GitHub, and Others Launch the Open Source Security Foundation
open source
::: Slashdot
Leaked SpaceX Starlink Speedtests Reveal Download Speeds of 11 to 60Mbps
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
Russel Kirsch, the inventor of the pixel, passed away on Aug. 11. The 172 x 172 image of his son made in 1957 is the 1st digital images ever made -- a photo that changed the world. His legacy lives on in the billions of photos we take and share each day
::: docmilanfar
Check out this amazing new JPEG decoding Arduino library from Larry Bank
hardware | programming, codice, snippet
::: PaulStoffregen
Any sufficiently advanced technology carries within it
::: plragde
Should Perl 7 Be Backwards Compatible?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
If your language needs this, your macro system needs improving
forse è solo il caldo, dai!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: samth
Can Firefox Be Saved?
::: Slashdot
Day 12 of #100DaysOfCode. Going well so far but I wish the default IDE font was easier to read. Not sure why no one has invented a solution for this yet?
Web, Internet
::: ctrlshifti
The 404 page on @JoeBiden's site is a thing of beauty
politica | Web, Internet
::: kvlly
There are long-studied, fundamental computer science problems underlying the report's conclusion that secure Internet voting isn't currently possible. Solving them would revolutionize not just voting, but computing generally
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: mattblaze
National Security apparatchiks like @AmbassadorRice (no longer an Ambassador) have wanted Snowden in prison for years because he exposed how they secretly and illegally converted the internet into their spying playground
Edward Snowden
::: ggreenwald ::: FreedomofPress ::: trevortimm
How 4 lines of #Java code will end up in 500000 lines in production. Why should I care?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: BrianVerm
Microsoft Flight Simulator: A History
This is a truly incredible demonstration of the evolution in real time computer graphics between 1982 and 2020
programming, codice, snippet
::: Javi
New AI Dupes Humans into Believing Synthesized Sound Effects Are Real
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
The NSA's Guidelines for Protecting Location Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Happy Birthday to Debian, CPAN, and Mutt
Linux distro
::: Slashdot ::: WikimediaItalia ::: debian
Tutti a prendere in giro i detrattori del #5G quando è provato che di magnetismo si muore. Stecchiti
5G | umorismo
::: LeonhardHahn
What Makes Some Programming Languages the 'Most Dreaded'?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Reviewer Calls Linux-based PinePhone 'the Most Interesting Smartphone I've Tried in Years'
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
Please trash me on Wikipedia, I’m begging you
::: elonmusk
Facebook algorithm found to 'actively promote' Holocaust denial
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi
Google Warns Australians it Really Doesn't Want to Pay for News
Google | novità
::: Slashdot
Your instant dev environment - Get the full Visual Studio Code experience without leaving GitHub
da verificare
applicazioni, programmi
::: albertodebo
Cory Doctorow: 'Self-Driving Cars are Bullshit'
::: Slashdot
The creator of C++, Bjarne Stroustrup, had his Reddit account suspended because Reddit does not believe it is him
social media
::: blelbach
Predicting the Music Mood of a Song with Deep Learning - Predict the mood of music tracks with Neural Networks models using Keras and Tensorflow #MachineLearning #DeepLearning #AI #music #Keras #TensorFlow by Cristobal Veas via @TDataScience
deep learning | machine learning | Python
::: rzembo
"Fuck the algoritm". È lo slogan scandito dagli studenti in UK ma che, ben presto, potrebbe diventare popolare ed essere utilizzato in tutte le proteste contro le ingiustizie determinate dall'intelligenza artificiale
artificial intelligence | algoritmi, codice
::: diritto2punto0 ::: EthicsInBricks ::: fabiochiusi ::: DrZimmermann ::: fabiochiusi
HTTP 3 is Out and About
Web, Internet
::: evilripper
Scientist Proposes a New Programming Language For Teaching Coding (and Python)
linguaggi di programmazione | Python
::: Slashdot
Thought you'd never be able to see an old film in 4K and at 60 frames a second? Think again
video, streaming
::: novapbs
a gemini server in Erlang
Web, Internet | Lisp
::: oubiwann
dis — Python Bytecode Disassembler
::: pymotw
![]() |
Shapley - Curtis |
IBM Unveils Power10 Processor for Big Data Analytics and AI Workloads
::: Slashdot
Battaglia persa, anche perché ci marciano anche gli addetti ai lavori per motivi di marketing 😎
programming, codice, snippet | artificial intelligence
::: l_gervasi
US Tightening Restrictions on Huawei Access To Technology, Chips
hardware | Cina | politica
::: Slashdot
Kashmir: Criticizing the government on Twitter can now get you harassed by police; citizens abandoning the platform in fear of reprisal
social media | politica
::: mariabustillos
King of Bahrain arrives in Dubai with his robot bodyguard
leggere tutto il thread
robots, automazione, droni
::: ReneeEverett
Amazon Investigated By German Watchdog For Abusing Dominance During Pandemic
antitrust | coronavirus
::: Slashdot
Text Editor Notepad++ Banned In China After 'Stand With Hong Kong' Update
Cina | politica
::: Slashdot
Il perfetto tweet di successo deve far riflettere e sorridere, dev'essere originale e diretto, arguto il giusto e scritto in un italiano semplice in modo che possa arrivare a tutti. Già usando la parola "arguto" mi sono fregato da solo
cit. | Twitter
::: Santas_Official
Microsoft Will Bid Farewell To Internet Explorer and Legacy Edge In 2021
::: Slashdot
XCSSET: un nuovo malware per Mac travestito da progetto Xcode
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Genjuro75
L'introduzione delle antenne 5G ha destato preoccupazioni sui social network, sui quali si sono creati comitati volti ad impedire l'implementazione di questa tecnologia per non correre rischi per la salute. Cosa dice la letteratura scientifica a riguardo?
::: cicap
#TikTok, dopo Microsoft e Twitter si fa avanti anche Oracle per acquisire le operazioni della piattaforma social negli Stati Uniti, Canada, Australia e Nuova Zelanda
social media | politica
::: LalaHu9
This is actually... Not bad. At all
linguaggi di programmazione | umorismo
::: ShriramKMurthi
Un po’ di novità su Quantizzando: La Settimana Astrofisica, podcast in diretta e niente social network
un blog (e bon solo) che fa *bang* (big) 💥
blog | social media
::: Quantizzando
if post-open source wants to not die the same death, it will need to explicitly and aggressively fight its greatest existential threat
open source
::: glipari
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about free/open-source software given the recent Mozilla news, and I think all that discussion is super valuable, but to me, the heart of the “problem of open source” has always been the difficulty of non-commercial licensing
open source
::: lexi_lambda
Quali sono profili di creator donne, molto brave qui su twitter o su instagram o youtube, che seguite e vi piacciono molto, e pensate si meriterebbero molti più follower? Consigliatele sotto con una breve descrizione di come mai vi piacciono
social media
::: Link4Universe
Hi folks, @NeerajaJY, @PooyanJamshidi, Romain Jacob, and I have a proposal about a new diamond open-access Journal for Systems Research
::: vj_chidambaram
Jeff Bezos' answer to Elon Musk's space endeavors could be the start of an ongoing scramble for extraterrestrial communications supremacy
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet
::: IEEESpectrum
L'antitrust conferma l'assurdità delle posizioni dell'alleanza dei sindaci #stop5g
::: f_ronchetti
Shrinking deep learning’s carbon footprint
In a study last year, researchers at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst estimated that training a large #deeplearning model produces 626,000 pounds of planet-warming carbon dioxide, equal to the lifetime emissions of five cars
deep learning | ambiente, ecologia
::: Antonio_GomezM
::: xkcdComic
Responsible and Effective Bugfinding
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr
Restoring Interlisp-D Medley to usability on modern OSes
storia | Lisp
::: Interlisp8
Another automated, predictive system that's:
algoritmi, codice | automazione
::: nicolaskb
So is today a good day to talk about the gap between how AI & algorithmic systems work and how people SAY they work?
artificial intelligence | algoritmi, codice
::: ginasue
L’intelligenza artificiale ci consente di vivere meglio usando le miriadi di dati che produciamo quotidianamente. Come il #Covid19 ci ha insegnato a trasformare la #tecnologia in un alleato?
artificial intelligence | dati, raccolta | coronavirus
::: ispionline
Expect some news about the @decodeproject tools soon! in September we'll be announcing the long-term support release of Zencode the human-like language for data-sovereignty - power to the people, #crypto to the masses!
programming, codice, snippet | open source | crittografia
::: jaromil
Quando la scrittura automatica batte quella umana è ora di cominciare a riflettere seriamente sulle esasperazioni della #SEO
artificial intelligence
::: SergioGridelli
Quali sono i paesi europei in cui si lavorava di più da #casa prima del #lockdown
lavoro a distanza
::: Luca_Gualtieri1
Vi propongo un giochino: quando leggete una qualunque "notizia" (e ricordate che gli algoritmi tendono sempre a proporvi contenuti a voi affini) fate una ricerchina veloce sulle fonti, prima di amplificarla. È un bel passatempo e allena la mente, tipo la Settimana Enigmistica
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Santas_Official
All’inizio di ogni anno accademico chiedo ai miei studenti la differenza tra buono e cattivo giornalismo
giornali, stampa
::: arturodicorinto
Having to explain this meme, and the entire concept of memes, to Barbara Liskov was one of the weirdest parts of my PhD
scuola, educazione, cultura | umorismo
::: danrkports
Facebook Wanted to Be a Force for Good in Myanmar. Now It Is Rejecting a Request to Help With a Genocide Investigation
::: fabiochiusi
You'll Need a Facebook Account To Use Future Oculus Headsets
virtual reality | Facebook
::: Slashdot ::: thek3nger
University of Texas researchers claim to have produced a LITHIUM BATTERY that contains NO COBALT but lasts as long as one with cobalt. They hope it will be on the market in a few years
::: AukeHoekstra
Sudo apt-get upgrade!
::: acad_web
AI Company Leaks Over 2.5 Million Medical Records
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Google Maps Is Getting a Lot More Detail
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
Facebook and NYU Set Out To Develop AI-Powered 5-Minute MRI Scan
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Android 11 Is Taking Away the Camera Picker, Forcing People To Only Use the Built-In Camera
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
During the pandemic, facial recognition means business: "The Hong Kong-based start-up’s 2020 sales are projected to reach US$1.3 billion, up 80 per cent from a year ago"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Transparent Solar Panels For Windows Hit Record 8% Efficiency
::: Slashdot
Blame the politicians, not the technology, for A-level fiasco
The more we deploy automated decision-making systems, the smarter we must become in considering how best to use them and in scrutinising their outcomes
artificial intelligence | politica
::: fabiochiusi
Sui microchip arriverà nei prossimi giorni sul manfo la storia del tentativo cinese, da Mao a Xi, di colmare il gap con Usa, Jpn e Twn (storia dalla quale si evincono molti aspetti del "modello" cinese). E l'Ai potrebbe essere proprio la svolta. Intanto...
purtroppo manda a un link non open
artificial intelligence | Cina
::: simopieranni
Come la pandemia ha accelerato la nostra digitalizzazione: il boom delle app
coronavirus | applicazioni, programmi | dispositivi mobili
::: Genjuro75
Wrote a cute function today that is a good, simple demonstration of moving invariants around in the type system. Both these functions say a lot in their types alone—and they fit together in a very useful way!
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda
Michigan College Requires Students to Stay Within 5 Miles of Campus or Face Suspension, Tracks Them by App
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Last week was difficult for many in our community, but we think #rustlang will emerge from it stronger than ever! Read about the impact of the Mozilla layoffs and the Core Team’s efforts towards a Rust foundation on our blog
h/t https://twitter.com/glipari
linguaggi di programmazione
::: rustlang
Accettate un consiglio: aggiornate Windows. #Microsoft ha appena rattoppato un totale di 120 vulnerabilità presenti nel suo software, da #Outlook ai lettori di .pdf. su @repubblica vi diamo qualche dettaglio in più
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: arturodicorinto
La giostra di Elon Musk - I satelliti, che hanno superato quota 500, sono ormai tutti dotati del nuovo sistema antiriflesso, visorsat, studiato da spacex per venire incontro alle giuste rimostranze della comunità degli astronomi
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet
::: ASI_spazio
Two ways to stay up to date
::: AndreCronjeTech
Dicevano che era un piano stupido e impossibile
spazio, esplorazione
::: disinformatico
Once Again: Break Big Tech Companies. -- Big Tech’s Domination of Business Reaches New Heights
::: thek3nger
The Attack That Broke Twitter Is Hitting Dozens of Companies
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
Apple Is Now Worth $2 Trillion, Punctuating Big Tech's Grip
Apple | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Ex-Apple Engineer Says U.S. Government May Have Built a Top-Secret Geiger Counter Out of an iPod
::: Slashdot
Ho il collegamento alla rete che funziona male; chsissà se... 🙄
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