13 settembre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 535

Niente di nuovo, pandemia senza vaccino, ambiente in condizioni pessime ma questo lo sappiamo tutti. Intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

NSA and CIA Have Classified Evidence the Russians Had Placed Malware in the Election Registration Systems of at Least Two Florida Counties, Bob Woodward Reports
politica | cyberwar
::: Slashdot

Ireland To Order Facebook To Stop Sending User Data To US
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Facebook
::: Slashdot

Enormous amounts of energy are spent keeping electronics cool. A new microfluidic technology could keep power electronics cool more efficiently
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

Walmart To Test Drone Delivery of Grocery, Household Items
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot

TikTok, US Discuss Ways To Avoid Sale
social media | politica
::: Slashdot

🚨🚨 It turns out "Hey Alexa" is short for "Hey Keith Alexander." Yes, the Keith Alexander personally responsible for the unlawful mass surveillance programs that caused a global scandal. And Amazon Web Services (AWS) host ~6% of all websites 🚨🚨
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Amazon
::: Snowden ::: ggreenwald ::: Snowden

The @WSJ (@samschech and @EmilyGlazer) reported the @DPCIreland
may order a stop to Facebook's EU-US transfers after #SchremsII / #PrivacyShield - additional letters published by us, that this "action" by the DPC is (again) only half-assed...
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Facebook
::: maxschrems

Mastercard To Help Central Banks Test Their Own Digital Currencies
economia, lavoro | crittografia
::: Slashdot

I know that feeling
::: _youhadonejob1

Portland's City Council on Wednesday passed the strongest ban on facial recognition in the US, blocking the technology from private businesses as well as government agencies in the Oregon city
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: Matt_Cagle

Attacco #ransomware a Università di Roma Tor Vergata #unitorvergata
::: PGRotondo

Very important: former #Spiegel's journalist,@holger_stark, says NO evidence whatsoever has ever emerged that informants died/were injured as a result of #WikiLeaks' #AfghanWarLogs. The whole #Assange extradition case relies on this *alleged harm*
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi ::: noamchomskyT

Singapore to begin nationwide distribution of COVID-19 contact tracing wearables
These new measures will include the mandatory use of the TraceTogether Tokens or contact tracing app TraceTogether to facilitate digital check-in procedures at some locations where "higher-risk activities" are held
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

40+ NGOs today sent an open letter to Zuckerberg
Facebook | politica
::: billyperrigo

La spaventosa situazione di San Francisco. Altre città negli Stati di Washington e Oregon sono nelle stesse condizioni. Il cambiamento climatico peggiora quella che si chiama "stagione degli incendi", oggni anno più lunga e devastante
ambiente, ecologia
::: AtlanteUsa2020 ::: marcocattaneo ::: Slashdot ::: ilmanifesto ::: skdh ::: AtlanteUsa2020 ::: AtlanteUsa2020 ::: Slashdot ::: edawson78 ::: fabiochiusi

Un po' di nomi e cognomi di persone a cui dobbiamo l'emergenza climatica. Immagino che costoro abbiano anche un piano per sfangare le tragedie che loro stessi contribuiscono a creare (e che in questo piano c'entri il fatto che sono pieni di soldi)
ambiente, ecologia
::: diffrazioni

Dozens of Scientific Journals Have Vanished From the Internet, and No One Preserved Them
Web, Internet | open source
::: Slashdot

Do you like crypto? Are you interested in new attack techniques? Then this is something for you: We present raccoon-attack.com a novel cryptographic vulnerability in the SPECIFICATION of TLS Credits
::: ic0nz1

Govts have deployed an array of automated decision-making systems aimed at containing #COVIDー19. 🔖 This report from @algorithmwatch + @algoethik maps the spread of #ADM systems (including apps, thermal imaging + facial recognition) across Europe
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EngnRoom

Esempio di schifo. Questo e’ giornalismo ? Date notizia ? Invitare a reazioni odio!
giornali, stampa
::: 273_333

Ogni commento è superfluo
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | umorismo
::: Ponzietto

Do you prefer using Flatpak? If yes, here's how you can do it
applicazioni, programmi
::: itsfoss2

If you're just starting to try the terminal, this is a must-know
per i nuovi (benvenuti!)
::: itsfoss2

Chinese embassy calls for Twitter inquiry after porn clip liked
Twitter | Cina | (forse)
::: simopieranni

China's Huawei to launch Harmony OS, its rival to Google Android, on smartphones next year
dispositivi mobili | sistemi operativi | Huawei
::: ReutersChina

❗️❗️LEAK: We got the long-awaited #cryptocurrency proposal. Commission proposes strict rules for "significant e-money tokens" like #Libra, including a new 'superbody' of national & EU authorities to oversee it. They'll be considered as credit institutions
crittografia | Facebook
::: europressos

Android 11 Go Could Make Cheap Phones Up To 20% Faster
dispositivi mobili | sistemi operativi
::: slashdot

In China, GitHub Is a Free Speech Zone for Covid Information
coronavirus | social media
::: Slashdot

The entertainment industry has started a campaign to re-write the history of Europe's most controversial #copyright law, #Article17, the infamous #uploadfilter provision. The goal: to bully governments & the @EU_Commission into simply ignoring all user rights that we fought for
copyright e brevetti
::: Senficon

Ransomware Accounted For 41% of All Cyber Insurance Claims in H1 2020
::: Slashdot

TikTok Reveals Details of How Its Algorithm Works
social media | algoritmi, codice
::: Slashdot

GM Can Manage an EV's Batteries Wirelessly -- and Remotely
energia | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The new rules, which Twitter says will go into effect next week, explicitly prohibit a lot of the material Trump is prone to posting, putting the company on a collision course with Trump
Twitter | politica
::: fabiochiusi

coronavirus | ambiente, ecologia | umorismo
::: savagechickens

Salireste su un’auto a guida autonoma programmata, in caso di una manovra di emergenza, per salvare le vite di tutti piuttosto che quelle dei soli passeggeri?
::: pestapere

😅 fantastico! Tattica vincente
tip, suggerimenti | umorismo
::: Ale_oh_ohhh

It's been 70 years since physicist Arnold Nordsieck built himself this wondrous analog computer from $700 worth of military surplus parts
::: IEEESpectrum

Interest in analog computing continues, for efficient problem solving in a whole host of disciplines
continuando dal link precedente
::: IEEESpectrum

Even the Best Language Models Don’t Have a Clue What They’re Doing
artificial intelligence
::: lemire

Facebook Returns To Its Roots With Campus, a College Student-only Social Network
::: Slashdot

Parsing floats in C++: benchmarking strtod vs. from_chars
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

Grouped Notifications Are Coming to GNOME Shell
programming, codice, snippet
::: dcavedon

A new type of quantum processor can be accessed via the cloud, thanks to Xanadu's photonic chip
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

WSL 2 is Getting Even Tighter Windows/Linux Integration
sistemi operativi
::: dcavedon

.@PetoiCamp's Bittle shrinks Boston Dynamics' Spot into a palm-sized robot you can build yourself
robots, automazione, droni
::: Hacksterio

In which I learn that Python's Queue is broken by design for a lot of use cases because it can be interrupted by GC
::: mitsuhiko

Da leggere.Poi vedremo specifiche e vantaggi per Apple.Certo novità pare rilevante. Apple fa lo sgambetto a Google e Facebook: con iOS 14 cambia il tracciamento dei dati
tutto da vedere
::: francopizzetti

Here is our response to the Commission’s consultation on the proposed Article 17 implementation guidance. While we see lots of room for improvement the proposed guidance reflects a meaningful attempt to protect user’s rights from automated filters
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu

Is the Uptake of Artificial Intelligence Lost in the World Pandemic?
artificial intelligence
::: enzolefevre

China Would Rather See TikTok US Close Than a Forced Sale
social media | Cina
::: Slashdot

Erlang is getting a JIT! In some preliminary benchmarks my Jason library is beating a native C implementation (jiffy). Real-world applications like RabbitMQ seeing 30-50% throughput increase. This is huge. Congrats @garazdawi 🥳
linguaggi di programmazione
::: michalmuskala ::: mononcqc

Macchina per pittura murale
::: blusewillis

Consigliera del XII municipio di Roma
politica | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: _Sazed

DJI Promises 'Local Data Mode' To Fend Off US Government's Mooted Ban
politica | Cina
::: Slashdot

Facebook board member Peter Thiel "hosted a dinner with one of the most influential and vocal white nationalists in modern-day America" and then "emailed the next day to say how much he’d enjoyed his company"
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | Facebook
::: JuddLegum

The Pringles Tube Is Being Redesigned Because It's a 'Recycling Nightmare'
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Huawei Closing Enterprise Hardware Division In the UK
::: Slashdot

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Confirms a Pattern of Age Discrimination at IBM
lavoro | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot

U.S. Intelligence shows Russia is actively interfering in the 2020 election. In an #11thHour exclusive, we discussed that with Edward @Snowden who remains exiled in Russia after leaking NSA secrets in 2013
politica | Edward Snowden
::: 11thHour

Dopo l'indegno raduno dei complottisti #NoMask e negazionisti del #Covid_19 oggi si replica con la manifestazione a Roma degli stregoni #stop5g: due facce della stessa medaglia. Ogni rappresentante delle istituzioni o della politica che si fa vedere con loro è "unfit to lead"
5G | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: f_ronchetti

Ho delle idee bellissime
::: Genjuro75

In the past, literate people wrote books
Twitter | umorismo
::: GianlucaXAcqua

::: evilripper

I dischi in vinile vendono più dei CD, non accadeva dagli anni 80
::: Genjuro75

📢📚 The Software Foundations team is pleased to announce a new volume in the series and major updates to two others. NEW! "Verifiable C" by Appel and Cao: an extended hands-on tutorial on specifying and verifying real-world C programs using VST 🚫🐞
programming, codice, snippet
::: CoqLang

Why are so many Americans terrified of the nonexistent “Antifa” bogeyman? One word: Facebook
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: JamesGleick

A new sensor chip that can run on a whisper of electricity could usher in skin-mounted brain-computer interfaces with a resolution that rivals implants
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

A Brief Totally Accurate History Of Programming Languages
molto parziale; dissentisco vehementemente
::: vardi

What's the best programming language
::: thephysicsmill

US Company Faces Backlash After Belarus Uses Its Tech To Block Internet
::: Slashdot

Interesting highlight after rejecting a paper I submitted
::: Daniel_Urologia

The essence of smart software development
::: mariofusco

LISP Dialects Alignment
non nuovo ma sempre ispirativa, anche per JS (che sto riconsiderando)
::: zshangsr

Caro @Twitter forse è il caso di addestrare meglio gli algoritmi anti-fakenews perché taggano chi le #FakeNews le denuncia e non chi le diffonde
Twitter | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: f_ronchetti

The #AI that we actually have, like playing games, transcribing syllables, and vacuuming floors, it’s really pretty far away from the things that we’ve been promised
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: RobMcCargow

di tutti coloro che quotano @f_ronchetti il suo e' l'unico senza l'avviso
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: giulioenrico

The many flavors of artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence
::: vardi

Hilariously accurate
energia | umorismo
::: moms4nuclear

Le compagnie sostengono che se ci fosse permesso di manipolare liberamente i dispositivi i segreti industriali verrebbero rubati. Ma l’assenza del Right to Repair mantiene sotto il loro controllo l’obsolescenza dei prodotti e ha un impatto sull’ambiente
diritto di riparare
::: andcapocci

C++ is About To Get a Huge Update
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

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