20 settembre, 2020

Visto nel Web - 537

Immerso nelle onde elettromagnetiche (naturali e artificiali) ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

a fine aprile ho comprato uno smartphone Android de-googlizzato a 5+ mesi di distanza non passa giorno che non rigrazi e.foundation
dispositivi mobili | Google
::: quinta

Facebook Will Release Its First AR Glasses in 2021
augmented reality | Facebook
::: Slashdot

Rail plow operated by Michels Corporation laying fiber optic cable next to a track
::: MachinePix

fun fact: it's also the first rust app to be shipped by default
Gnome 3.38
linguaggi di programmazione
::: bil_moussaoui

USB-C Was Supposed To Simplify Our Lives. Instead, It's a Total Mess
::: Slashdot

the abstract / the paper
::: Geistb0t

E-scooter Trial Put on Hold in Coventry Five Days After Rollout
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Amazon Providing CS Education For 550,000+ Schoolchildren Amid Pandemic
Amazon | coronavirus | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot

Billions of Devices Vulnerable To New 'BLESA' Bluetooth Spoofing Attack
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Oculus Quest 2 Offers a More Powerful Standalone VR Headset For $299
virtual reality
::: Slashdot

Daimler Shows Off Long-Range Hydrogen Semi, New Battery Truck
::: Slashdot

In a parallel timeline, Common Lisp is being released in 2020 with a cool name, fresh out of some Silicon Valley unicorn's overfunded engineering department, and the whole industry is racing to adopt it
::: sanityinc

We have published our response to the @EU_Commission consultations on digital technologies and cultural heritage
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu

La multinazionale filo-Trump a un passo da TikTok
social media | politica
::: ilmanifesto

La signora che ieri diceva "Se sei brutta non dire in giro che ti hanno molestato" ha 14K followers! Mi chiedo quali siano i criteri che gli utenti usano per dare il follow a qualcuno...
social media
::: SteffPy

From the ashes of one airborne wind energy firm, perhaps other developers of high-altitude wind harnessing technology will rise
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: IEEESpectrum

The NumPy paper is out!
::: numpy_team

Chinese company will start trying to figure out how to grab and refine off-planet materials for projects in space—and perhaps here on Earth
spazio, esplorazione | innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

Why the Next Version of GNOME Will Have a New Version Number
ok, capito niente, ma who cares?
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Discovered this tool preinstalled by Manjaro. It’s perfect for managing local backups, includes support for snapshots or backups with rsync
applicazioni, programmi
::: wilbowma

This is big — Paris Mayor @Anne_Hidalgo confirms that cars will not return to rue de Rivoli. This is a remarkable street transformation that has inspired many cities, so the decision to make it permanent is excellent news
ambiente, ecologia
::: BrentToderian ::: plragde

Unmaintained for 97 years. Thread
economia, lavoro
::: RichFelker

How Facebook’s CEO is thinking about the future of augmented reality, virtual reality, and more
“So in the future, instead of a video chat, I’ll just be sitting on my couch and your hologram can just appear on the couch next to me, or I can hologram into your house”
augmented reality
::: fabiochiusi

I have refused the tyranny of PowerPoint! I'm using slideshow :)
language Racket
::: dustyweb

Booktuber, travolti dai capricci degli algoritmi
video, streaming | social media
::: WolfS95b

A new experiment by AlgorithmWatch shows that Google Translate systematically changes the gender of translations when they do not fit with stereotypes. Google says it's because translations between non-English languages pivot over English
applicazioni, programmi | gender, discriminazioni
::: algorithmwatch

The heroine we have but don't deserve
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GianlucaXAcqua

We are excited to announce that 250.000 endangered #Mercurial repositories have been rescued! With @octobus_net we decided to make it available right away, while we ingest it in the @swheritage #archive
storia | programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: SWHeritage

The Trump administration's environmental rollbacks are expected to result in an additional 1.8 billion metric tons of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere by 2035 — more than the combined energy emissions of Germany, Britain and Canada in one year
ambiente, ecologia
::: nytclimate

I'm happy to announce a new project, called Netzschleuder This is a network data catalogue and repository. It currently contains 257 datasets totaling 3,916 individual networks
::: tiagopeixoto

Aprile 1984, Olivetti
::: IlPelagi

Today in the Old Bailey I watched the grim farce of the US/UK attempt to extradite Julian #Assange. The bullying prosecutor is reduced to insulting the integrity of expert witnesses. Trapped behind glass, Julian is denied free access to his barrister. This is Britain's shame
Julian Assange
::: johnpilger

Ciao @PamelaFerrara, ti ricordi quando parlavamo di quelli che non sono nemmeno buoni a copiare i tweet altrui? C.V.D. Eccoti un top di gamma! "1986".....🤦‍♂️ I congiuntivi però l'ha copiati bene
::: Santas_Official

YouTube's Recommendation System is Criticized as Harmful. Mozilla Wants To Research It
social media
::: Slashdot

Cloudflare and the Wayback Machine, Joining Forces For a More Reliable Web
Web, Internet | storia
::: Slashdot

Facebook Needs Trump Even More Than Trump Needs Facebook: Employees fear Zuckerberg’s commitment to free speech is more about protecting the president than the company’s ideals. @business cover story from @sarahfrier and @KurtWagner8
Facebook | politica
::: justinhendrix ::: JuddLegum

Google 'Formally' Bans Stalkerware Apps From the Play Store
Google | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

As the Julian #Assange extradition hearing enters a crucial phase, the UK authorities try drastic measures to stop my 5-year-long #FOIA litigation. It's completely outrageous. For legal reasons, I won't be able to discuss this for now
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

A Utah Company Claims It Invented Contact Tracing Tech
::: Slashdot

Mozilla Shuts Down Firefox Send and Firefox Notes Services
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Amazon Defends Working With Oil Companies To Reach Its Zero-Carbon Goal
Amazon | ambiente, ecologia
::: slashdot

a frustrating thing about mainstream operating systems is that the basic ideas have not changed for a very long time
sistemi operativi
::: johnregehr ::: johnregehr

US Charges Chinese and Malaysian Hackers In Global Hacking Campaign
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Il serait peut-être temps de demander au @Conseil_Etat ce qu"il pense quand le préfet de Paris s'asseoit sur sa décision ?
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Controle2Police

Nintendo 3DS Discontinued After Almost a Decade
hardware | augmented reality
::: Slashdot

Facebook Will Stop Recommending Health Groups
::: Slashdot

“Vi spiego perché i social minacciano la democrazia”, titola Rep l’intervista a Wylie, fonte del caso Cambrdige Analytica. Poi la leggi, e la soluzione sarebbe rimuovere la disinformazione “preventivamente” — non si sa come peraltro. Chiedano in Cina, è un buon modello!
::: fabiochiusi

Vorrei far notare all'Universo che questo bell'articolo sulla storia del profumo non è stato accolto dalla sponsorizzazione facebook per "nudità"
::: francdisa

The race for #artificialintelligence supremacy has left many behind. There are not only main differences between continents but inside countries the gap of #innovation and the use of #AI technologies is growing extensively
artificial intelligence
::: ispionline

vabbè, proviamo ad aggiungere il widget delle news, dai
::: bermat

Getting help from an engineer 🛠
::: pablostanley

Gli hacker sono innovatori, parola della ministra Pisano
programming, codice, snippet
::: ilmanifesto

Over the past 25 years we have seen the retail space completely disrupted by technology. Over the next 25 years we will see a similar disruption occurring in the manufacturing space
::: RichRogers_

Bon, globalement après 2 semaines, le "hybride" avec moitié des gens sur place autre moitié devant son ordi, les premiers retours sont horribles tant du côté des enseignants que des étudiants
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: mixlamalice

#Zerorating means #zerorating: today's European decision closing the debate of that #netneutrality issue
Web, Internet
::: InnoGenna

The Institute for Policy Studies' latest Billionaire Bonanza report on wealth inequality shows the 643 wealthiest Americans have raked in a whopping $845 billion in combined assets between March 18 and September 15, growing their combined wealth by 29%
economia, lavoro
::: fabiochiusi

A great pleasure to see many colleagues and talk about @SWHeritage and #OpenScience at #sefm2020 today! The slides are available online (you may also want to watch the demo from ICMS 2020)
storia | programming, codice, snippet
::: rdicosmo ::: zacchiro

Sembra che si voglia soddisfare la richiesta dei cittadini ,ma in realtà si fa leva su un timore non del tutto legittimo per sfruttarli e mettere in piedi un’infrastruttura di sorveglianza porta a porta
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | politica
::: fabiochiusi

We're entering a new and exciting era of Developer Experience. ✨ A few decades ago a company could not have done so well taking a command-line tool, making a website from it, and then getting people excited about putting the functionality BACK IN A CLI
io Jean la lovvo 💖
applicazioni, programmi | Web, Internet | innovazioni, futuro
::: jeanqasaur

I wrote a text to ban #FacialRecognition in Europe
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: PaoloCirio

Notizia terribile
First death reported following a ransomware attack on a German hospital
::: AlfonsoFuggetta ::: phretor

to sum it up, these are live examples on how my libraries do @​vue/lit things, smaller to bigger
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

Questa roba è ora in prima pagina su La Stampa. Un singolo volontario, che non sa nemmeno se ha ricevuto il trattamento o il placebo, sta bene. Questa in Italia passa per ''stampa seria''
giornali, stampa
::: brusco_sandro

Caratteri Cinesi – L’Intelligenza artificiale nei programmi universitari
artificial intelligence | Cina
::: simopieranni

Trump to block U.S. downloads of TikTok, WeChat on Sunday, officials tell Reuters
social media | politica
::: CNBCnow ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: gruber

Caro Gunter Pauli, è palese che il problema sono le valvole, non altro. Le valvole non sono permesse
coronavirus | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: italiadati

Il Presidente del Parlamento Europeo, a breve, parlerà di futuro insieme a questo signore qui. Il generale Pappalardo non ha ancora confermato la presenza
::: LucaBizzarri

Will Facebook and Instagram join with TikTok to go against the Trump admin and its plan to ban downloads of TikTok?
social media | censura
::: CraigSilverman

Canonical CEO Mark Shuttleworth makes peace with Ubuntu Linux community
::: dcavedon

Computing Pioneers Endorse Biden, Citing Trump Immigration Crackdown
protagonisti | politica
::: Slashdot

Wikipedia Edits Have Massive Impact on Tourism, Say Economists
::: Slashdot

Scusi, @EP_President, davvero lei vuole “dialogare” con un simile personaggio? La sua è mancanza di informazione, sprovvedutezza o che altro, esattamente?
::: Phastidio

Facebook Accused of Watching Instagram Users Through Cameras
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Mozilla says users should update as soon as possible to Firefox v79 for Android. Firefox bug lets you hijack nearby mobile browsers via WiFi
::: Gurgling_MrD

Iranian Hackers Found Way Into Encrypted Apps, Researchers Say
::: Slashdot

Aritmetica con Bash - Solo interi e se il numero inizia con 0 è --ovviamente-- ottale
programming, codice, snippet
::: _juhan

Tutto il thread. Come la Corte inglese impedisce a un giornalista accreditato che segue il processo #Assange dall'inizio, senza dare spiegazioni, né a lui, né ai colleghi. Se qualcuno vi parla di Lukashenko e no non vi parla di ciò che sta accadendo a Londra, è minimo un clown
Julian Assange
::: PMO_W

NASA To Film an Estee Lauder Ad In Space As the ISS Opens For Business
spazio, esplorazione | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

Happy #ProgrammersDay!
(in ritardo, lo so)

I wrote a short article to showcase the awesome powers of #uhtml @webreflection, @github Pages, and some of @GEOLYTIX beautiful MapIcons @cityremade
programming, codice, snippet | Web, Internet
::: DBauszus

Meet Bittle, an adorable little #robot dog by @PetoiCamp that is now on @kickstarter
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

All greenhouse gas sources, compared. Air transport is surprisingly small, less even than landfill
ambiente, ecologia
::: stewartbrand

Thanks to @shenaznigans for fixes / updates to the latest deploy of the #LFE website!
Lisp | linguaggi di programmazione
::: oubiwann

"But a price on carbon needs to be designed such that marginalized communities most at risk from climate impacts aren’t adversely impacted economically as well." #hr763 #priceonpollution
ambiente, ecologia | economia, lavoro
::: BoulderCCL

Btw WeChat NON è “qualcosa di simile a whatsapp”: qui in francese una parte del primo capitolo di #RedMirror proprio su WeChat
social media
::: simopieranni

Questo ti piace di sicuro, sono anni e anni che lo dici
parte di un thread
social media | scienza
::: _sigkill_ ::: BidutElia

1/ Ho potuto leggere alcune parti del libro di Gunter Pauli. E' difficile trovare un solo periodo che non sia invalidato da una qualche disciplina scientifica conosciuta
5G | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: f_ronchetti

good afternoon
::: taffyakner

At Least 10 Amazon Employees Took Bribes from Sellers, Indictment Alleges
::: Slashdot

Riciclare la plastica ha davvero senso?
ambiente, ecologia
::: Genjuro75

Are you sure?
ok, finalmente (secondo me)
matematica | storia
::: fakehistoryhunt

Se foste costretti a tenere UN SOLO SOCIAL tra questi quale terreste?
social media
::: F1Carcarla

Weekend poll: I find it acceptable to access scientific papers that are behind a paywall using sci-hub
scienza | Web, Internet | open source
::: EthicsInBricks

Microsoft Warns Workaround Preventing Lenovo ThinkPad BSOD Increases Risk
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russian Announces Plan to Independently Explore Venus
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

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