Esce anche con il lockdown quello che ho wisto nel Web.
After Restoring YouTube-dl, GitHub Revamps Its Copyright Takedown Policy
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot
Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on Landing Zone 4
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceX
Apple Lets Some Network Traffic Bypass Firewalls on MacOS Big Sur
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: slashdot
'Ubuntu Web Remix' Distro Offers Firefox-Based Chrome OS Alternative
sistemi operativi | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
#sbcl #lisp #AppleSilicon #rosetta2 This is as unexpected as it is amazing…
Lisp | Apple
::: RainerJoswig
Xi said a global mechanism involving mutual recognition of health certificates, including nucleic acid test results in the form of QR codes, could be used to enable cross-border travel
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | digitalizzazione
::: fabiochiusi
«Hold-Up» è un caso, costruito sulle fake-news
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: simopieranni
So after the initial M1 fanfare I’m quite pessimistic about the future of macs for development machines
::: mitsuhiko
If the global community doesn’t come together, China will assume economic dominance of Artificial Intelligence applications, be in a position to spy on much of the world, and (...) “make the world as a whole safe for authoritarianism”
Cina | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
US Congress Passes an IoT Security Bill 'That Doesn't Totally Suck'
Internet of things
::: Slashdot
How Firefox Boosted Its JavaScript Performance
::: Slashdot
::: NikoSarcevic
Is Bitcoin's Growth Driven By Speculative Investors?
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
KaOS Linux's November 2020 ISO Adds KDE Plasma 5.20 with Plasma System Monitor - LXer
Linux distro
::: LinuxFansclub
The first 10 domain names registered
qualcuno c'è ancora; qualcuno è cambiato; qualcuno è sparito; niente da vedere, circolare
::: RichRogers_
Memory vs. Disk vs. CPU: How 35 Years Has Changed the Trade-Offs
::: Slashdot
Mass-Produced, Librem 5 Linux Smartphone Begins Shipping to Customers
dispositivi mobili | Linux
::: Slashdot
Parrot OS e sicurezza informatica | Intervista a Palinuro
qualche consiglio per cominciare un percorso di studio nel mondo della sicurezza informatica
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: palinurosec
The disagreeable scientist conjecture
scienza | Web, Internet
::: lemire
A lot of people in the internet / business world have a piece of insight that I think is wrong. It goes like this: "The cardinal sin of the internet was basing it on advertising. If we based it on subscription instead, we wouldn't have all of these /problems/"
Web, Internet | open source
::: hankgreen
Nell'incontro organizzato da @associali si discuteranno le ipotesi per diffondere nelle scuole italiane il progetto Informed Health Choices, per trasmettere la capacità di filtrare in modo critico i contenuti scientifici
scuola, educazione, cultura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: scinet_it
Tu chiamale, se vuoi, marcheeeetteeeeeee
giornali, stampa
::: Ninamimi85
Will 'Vision AI' Be The Next Frontier for Developers?
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Intel and Nvidia chips power a supercomputing center that tracks people in a place where government suppresses minorities, raising questions about the tech industry’s responsibility
hardware | politica
::: fabiochiusi
"An initial focus on health could easily become a Trojan Horse for broader political monitoring and exclusion". You don’t say
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ivosilvestro
The new collection of 200 additional software packages make most ATLAS software open and reinforces @ATLASexperiment's commitment to #openscience
programming, codice, snippet | scienza | open source
::: CERN
cgitb — Detailed Traceback Reports
::: pymotw
These Algorithms Could Bring an End To the World's Deadliest Killer
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot
Solomon Islands Set To Ban Facebook in the Name of 'National Unity'
Facebook | censura | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot
Non vedo errori
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | umorismo
::: RadioProzac
Per chi volesse leggere i dettagli e inorridire...
::: maxkava
New tutorial! 🚀 Intro to siamese networks with #Keras and #TensorFlow (Part 1)
machine learning | Python
::: PyImageSearch
Walmart-exclusive Router and Others Sold on Amazon and eBay Contain Hidden Backdoors To Control Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Amazon
::: Slashdot
Gimp Turns 25
💥 Gimp rockz, auguri! 💥
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot ::: _juhan
Secret Amazon Reports Expose the Company's Surveillance of Labor and Environmental Groups
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | lavoro | Amazon
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi
Apple's Security Chief Indicted in Santa Clara County Sheriff Concealed-gun Permit Scandal
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
Visto che ieri era il Fibonacci Day, ecco la sequenza di Fibonacci in J (i primi 10 elementi)
guarda AP, proprio come te!
programming, codice, snippet
::: orporick
Researchers are turning the human body into a communications channel to prevent hackers from attacking pacemakers and other medical devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum
Abbiamo provato CarDroid, la chiavetta che trasforma Android Auto in un mini PC Android (video) | AndroidWorld
sistemi operativi | hardware
::: Genjuro75
Google Gets Web Allies by Letting Outsiders Help Build Chrome's Foundation
::: Slashdot
Ecco quanto ci mettono gli hacker a trovare le tue password!
a volte è difficile distinguere la pubblicità
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: KasperskyLabIT
The Common Lisp Condition System Book
::: Lisp, the Universe and Everything
Biden's Top Tech Adviser Makes Regulation More Likely
::: Slashdot
Language is a powerful mechanism for people to communicate goals, beliefs and concepts. Can we use language to train machine learning models? Read our new blog post on Learning from Language Explanations
machine learning
::: StanfordAILab
Web, Internet
::: xkcdComic
For some reason when people see my shell prompt they get really mad
::: xkcd
Chang’e 5 separation! China’s lunar sample return mission has deployed from its Long March 5 rocket on the way to the moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceflightNow ::: Slashdot
Happy 3 week anniversary to the 28 browser tabs I have open
io mai più di 5 (normalmente 2-3, poi ci sono eccezioni)
::: CodesCarla
The future of technology is intelligent machines & digital factories. Software combined with machines is 100X more valuable than software by itself. @WiBotic joins @Astrobotic's team to build wireless charging system for moon rovers
innovazioni, futuro | spazio, esplorazione
::: RichRogers_
Analyzing Satoshi's Bitcointalk posts, SourceForge commits, and emails, along with other available data, points to the most likely place the anonymous inventor of #Bitcoin called home - London
blockchain e crypto* | storia
::: chain_bulletin
Say what you want about D-Wave, but they’ve existed for a *long* time and their software has been working for equally long, whereas their front end Python—like at all quantum companies—has seen churn. It’s little known that D-Wave has contributed back to SBCL in various ways
quantum computing | Lisp | Python
::: stylewarning
images that precede legendary events
uh! quel cappello...
::: nodefunallowed
The XY gates available on our QCS platform enable more powerful near-term quantum algorithms by dramatically reducing gate count. Our paper demonstrating the results of these gates was published today
quantum computing
::: rigetti
![]() |
Zena |
Laser Fusion Reactor Approaches 'Burning Plasma' Milestone
::: Slashdot
but why 5??
programming, codice, snippet | (forse) | umorismo
::: rsnous
haha lambda calculus go
programmazione funzionale | umorismo
::: ionathanch
OneWeb Emerges From Bankruptcy, Plans Global Satellite Broadband By 2022
Web, Internet | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Adding a warning decreased quote tweets of misleading information by 29 percent, the company said
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi
Qantas looks at smartphone app for COVID-19 'vaccine passport'
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
Nuovo scandalo emissioni: test dimostrano che i veicoli elettrici ibridi plug-in inquinano il clima più di quanto dichiarano le case automobilistiche
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac
Internet Freedom Foundation "is all set to launch Project Panoptic, India’s first facial recognition technology tracker. "It maps the development and deployment of facial recognition projects across India
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
#OpenData anche alla IEA
open source | energia
::: LuMo71
Raga adesso aprite un documento di testo, schiacciate il tasto ALT e poi, tenendolo premuto, digitate i numeri 0200
per Windows, thread lungo con diverse soluzioni
tip, suggerimenti
::: scaffarini
Aria inquinata, l’ottimismo ingiustificato dell’Europa
ambiente, ecologia
::: ilmanifesto
Thierry Breton on the Digital Services Act: Platforms will have to be more transparent about their algorithms, which will be "regularly audited"
ditte | algoritmi, codice
::: LauKaya
Intel Shuts Down Its AR/VR Volumetric Capture Stage
augmented reality | virtual reality
::: Slashdot
Stantinko #adware and coin-mining #botnet is now targeting #Linux servers with a new version of PROXY #malware to fly under the radar
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TheHackersNews
Now I understand that one *can* use Python / Numpy / Matplotlib to do math, but this becomes very expensive for the user. Writing the English one-liner vs. correctly putting together the 20 lines of commands is quite a substantial difference
combinazione sto occupandomi (nuovamente) di Gnuplot. Poi c'è anche Maxima; Matlab è caro ma c'è Octave; Wolfram / Mathematica soluzioni belle ma costose; concordo su julia per il futuro
programming, codice, snippet | matematica
::: alfcnz ::: alfcnz
India Bans Another 43 Chinese Apps Over Cybersecurity Concerns
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | censura
::: Slashdot
Women are “naturals” at computer programming", Admiral Grace Hopper once said. @wireditalia collects 50 stories of women who changed or are changing the history of Ict, internet, tech
lavoro | gender, discriminazioni
::: Luke_like
Così la Cina si è presa l'Asia lasciando gli Usa a rincorrere
Cina | economia, lavoro
::: ellepuntogi
Xi Jinping calls for Germany and Europe to ‘remain open to Chinese companies’ as EU plans restrictive measures against state-subsidised companies and is expected to steer closer towards the US under a Biden presidency
Cina | politica
::: stuartlauscmp
In total, it's been estimated that more than 11,000 journalism jobs were lost in the first half of the year. Thousands more layoffs are expected by year's end
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
In an upcoming @ieeesoftware #paper I've conducted a longitudinal #genderstudy of authors of #publiccode commits from @swheritage, analyzing 1.6 billion commits contributed by 33 million distinct authors over a period of 50 years. Short thread w/ links at the end 👇 #FOSS [1/6]
programming, codice, snippet | gender, discriminazioni
::: zacchiro
Tesla is Now Worth Half a Trillion Dollars
tecnologia | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: IEEESpectrum
In October I asked two people I’d never met to give me their Facebook account passwords for three weeks leading up to and after Election Day. Then I talked to them at length about what I saw and why it was making them miserable
Facebook | politica
::: cwarzel
Social Media Companies All Starting To Look the Same
social media
::: Slashdot
Facebook Said It Would Ban Holocaust Deniers. Instead, Its Algorithm Provided a Network for Them
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi
YouTube has barred One America News Network from posting new videos for a week and stripped it of its ability to make money off existing content after the Trump-friendly channel uploaded a video promoting a phony cure for COVID-19
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: fabiochiusi
This is a big get from @alexeheath. More than 110,000 government government officials and candidates were on a Facebook whitelist that prevented them from being factchecked — and subsequently have their reach reduced — for spreading misinformation
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RMac18
Amazon Warehouse Workers In Alabama File To Hold Unionization Vote
Amazon | lavoro
::: Slashdot
Vivaldi Web Browser Now Has a Built-in Email Client
::: dcavedon
The Digital Revolution is over. It's time to pivot your career to the Industrial Revolution
::: RichRogers_
Gaia-X is a disaster in the making. Europe cannot be hostage of mega-corporate sales and marketing
cloud | politica
::: jaromil
When Twitter was launched, they had to explain it as a “micro blogging” web site because EVERYBODY HAD A BLOG
Twitter | blog
::: profmusgrave
Linus Torvalds Would Like To Use An M1 Mac For Linux, But...
protagonisti | Linux | Apple
::: Slashdot
Spotify, hacker rubano 350.000 credenziali e le salvano in un cloud senza password
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: arturodicorinto
Study Finds Users, Not Notifications, Initiate 89% of Smartphone Interactions
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
Raramente capita di incontrare su Twitter un tale concentrato di animosità, volgarità, violenza. Oltre a segnalarlo ci sarebbe da consigliargli un supporto medico e psicologico, per il suo bene
tutto il thread
::: QuinziUgo
Hey app team, should we make the next (and better) Instagram?
social media
::: moment
La bolla del tuitter italiano in una pratica striscia a fumetti
::: italogalactus
Esoteric metrics based on analyzing extensive data about employee activities has been mostly the domain of fringe software vendors. Now it's built into MS 365. A new feature to calculate 'productivity scores' turns Microsoft 365 into an full-fledged workplace surveillance tool
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: WolfieChristl
In a seemingly routine case at the #Amsterdam court of appeal, a judge ruled that it was acceptable for a municipality to use a black-box #algorithm, as long as the results were unsurprising
lo sa la macchina (forse)
algoritmi, codice
::: algorithmwatch
There was never a bad time, but now would be an excellent time for @realDonaldTrump to pardon @Snowden, pardon #JulianAssange, and commute @RealRossU’s egregious (double-life plus 40 years) sentence
Julian Assange | Edward Snowden
::: RepThomasMassie ::: Snowden ::: mcarmystrong
IBM Planning 10,000 Job Cuts in Europe Ahead of Unit Sale
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
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