14 gennaio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 570

 Mi sono lasciato travolgere dagli avvenimenti, perso il filo, entrato in confusione; lo so, non ho padroneggiato quello che wisto nel Web.

Nel Bocconi Alternative Universe alla scuola media di Rastignano chiamano Higgs a parlare di particelle subatomiche
::: andareairesti

I doubt there are many outside of Norway that know that the Norwegian pop group A-ha was critical in the introduction of electric car incentives in Norway. I certainly didn't. Read on...
::: robbie_andrew

Notes on technology in the 2020s
::: ChrisSpoke

Dear journalists, venture capitalists, TikTok teens and other ThinkFluencers: before hot-taking on how to regulate online speech, please consider reading some of the foundational work in this area
h/t @fabiochiusi
social media
::: alexstamos

è interessante che ci si continui a interrogare sull'opportunità che una piattaforma privata decida quali utenti e contenuti ammettere, e non sull'opportunità che i politici facciano comunicazioni importanti, anche istituzionali, prevalentemente tramite piattaforme private
h/t @cmnit
social media
::: fedesettetre

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for January 10, 2021
social media | umorismo
::: GoComics

RIP to the greatest poster of all time
Twitter | politica
::: willmenaker

🎙️🎧 “Deplatforming” Trump: la giusta decisione di Facebook e Twitter di bloccare gli account del presidente uscente > Ora anche in versione podcast
social media
::: valigiablu

Julian still doesn't have Monday's judgment
Julian Assange
::: StellaMoris1

Spaventoso il vomito fascista, razzista e violento che sotto l'hashtag #Bergoglio si scatena contro le parole del papa sul vaccino
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: janavel7

Trump tried tweeting from the official POTUS account despite Twitter's ban, but the tweets were immediately removed
::: fabiochiusi

This is a very nice thread (that is actually criticizing me but so nicely you wouldn't spot it (-:). Worth reading how an expert on numerical analysis teaches floating point. My own ugrad numerical analysis class didn't offer this. Will also make me slightly rethink my pedagogy
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi

The Case Against Section 230: 'The 1996 Law That Ruined the Internet'
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Momento nostalgia (giugno 2009, ancora si parlava di micro-blogging)
::: ivosilvestro

Cacciari: "Trump sospeso è pazzesco"
::: L_Apostata

Here's a neat package that provides reference implementations of various reinforcement learning methods in TF/Keras
machine learning
::: fchollet

Racket lang is a car with a magic "MY OTHER CAR IS ___" bumper sticker. You write in whatever other car you need or want. And hey presto you have that car. :)
language Racket
::: greghendershott

Parlare di censura per uno che scende in sala stampa e ha tutti i media del mondo istantaneamente a disposizione mi pare francamente un po’ eccessivo
giornali, stampa
::: AlfonsoFuggetta

The Trump suspension overshadowed Twitter suspending @sci_hub's account. ICYMI, the scihubbot account on Telegram will message you a PDF if you msg it a DOI. You should definitely not do this. It's piracy, and siphons profit from the publishing industry
censura | scienza
::: strnr ::: RadioProzac

if 70% of the social platforms ban Trump
cit. | social media
::: hunterwalk

great thread related to #TrumpBanned (although not specifically about it) and digital platform monopolies/oligopolies
social media | monopolio
::: zacchiro

L'un de ces deux objets contient une puce qui tracke tout ce que vous faites et dites et sait exactement où vous êtes :
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | coronavirus
::: ComplotsFaciles

Six Degrees of Freedom Omnicopter With Ardupilot
::: hackaday

New XPrize Challenge: Predicting Covid-19's Spread and Prescribing Interventions
::: Slashdot

The simplest way to make a great software tool
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

The Democrats could harness the Right's hatred of big tech to get a historic left wing victory by forcing them to open their protocols and allow anyone to communicate with Facebook/Twitter, breaking their monopoly on discourse and ability to control information. But they won't
social media
::: existentialcoms

È così, chi ha passato mesi interi a seguire i figli anche per non renderli device dipendenti sa che non è più gestibile o compatibili con un impiego. Dire questo non significa negare la gravità della situazione, ma essere consapevoli del prezzo che si paga. E di chi lo paga
scuola, educazione, cultura | coronavirus
::: danpoggio

Reverse engineering fans may want to keep an eye on Rizin https://github.com/rizinorg/rizin a new promising offspring of radare2, growing ananas
programming, codice, snippet
::: jaromil

Molte perplessità su Twitter e Facebook prima e ora, ma non diciamo cazzate: quando un signore può scendere in sala stampa e avere tutte le telecamere del mondo che lo trasmettono live, la censura non esiste
::: davcarretta

Reti neurali convoluzionali "equivarianti" trattano in maniera efficiente varietà curve in analogia con la relatività generale
neural networks | scienza
::: cmnit

A note from 1978 that describes the implementation of UNIX to VAX -11/780, a highly successful 32-bit computer by Digital. VAX -11/780 came with its own operating system, VMS. One of its chief designers, David Cutler, was hired in 1988 by Microsoft to design Windows NT
nessun utente DEC usava Unix, tutti difesero VMS fino alla fine
::: unix_byte

NVIDIA Fixes High Severity Flaws Affecting Windows, Linux devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Povero Capitano ieri ha perso di colpo 1857 followers qui su twitter. Ovviamente simpatizzanti dell'assalto a Capitol Hill #facciamorete #Salviniaprocesso
Twitter | politica
::: alex_orlowski

This gives Bezos way too much credit. Grid computing—the name a reference to this very analogy—was being talked about by the mid-90s. A major BOOK on it came out in 1998. Bezos figured out a lot, but this has a whiff of revisionism
storia | protagonisti
::: ShriramKMurthi

I am alarmed by the role facial recognition played in identifying this man. It wasn’t the FBI, it was private researchers using it
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: BostonJoan

Imagine thinking humans have a right to Twitter but
social media | politica
::: 3littleredbones

Cara @repubblica c’è qualcosa che non va in questo titolo: quale manifestazione del 6 giugno?
va beh, Rampini
giornali, stampa
::: SaraBentivegna

Jake Angeli aveva solo 4 amici italiani su FB ma molte connessioni con il mondo complottista di Ultra Destra europeo. Come lo so? Sapevo che avrebbe chiuso l’account e così ho salvato i dati dei suoi contatti di FB che ho inviato ieri alla FBI. #Buongiorno #facciamorete #QShaman
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: alex_orlowski

Attackers May Still Be Breaking into US Networks Without SolarWinds, CISA says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Shifting to a software-defined approach will enable mobile operators to differentiate their services in a #5G world. Read more in this whitepaper with @LimeMicro
5G | open source
::: ubuntu

Insomma state dicendo che se domani un qualunque leader politico chiamasse sui social ad assaltare Montecitorio o il Quirinale a mano armata dovremmo stracciarci le vesti per difendere il suo diritto di fare proseliti? Perché di questo parliamo, non di “libertà di espressione”
::: fabiochiusi

Devo ammettere che il cashback ha praticamente annullato le resistenze degli esercenti contro ai pagamenti elettronici nella mia zona
::: bermat

Proteggere #Trump da #Twitter? La sfida delle democrazie liberali è semmai il contrario: difendere gli strumenti che favoriscono libertà di espressione dall’interferenza dell’autocrate di turno
::: carloalberto

Torneremo al baracchino! Il Vero Social Anni 90
::: Genjuro75

GeekTalk con @italovignoli su LIBRE OFFICE, Formati aperti e la conoscenza condivisa
open source
::: gaetanolarosa

"Google’s power is immeasurable. You see what Google wants you to see." An explainer on the U.S. antitrust lawsuits against the tech giant for "favoring its own products over competitors’ in search results & unfairly driving up digital ad prices"
::: DuckDuckGo

Wasmer 1.0 Can Run WebAssembly 'Universal Binaries' on Linux, MacOS, Windows, Android, and iOS
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

E' molto semplice farla semplice. Pure quando magari non lo è. My 2 cents on the issue
social media | politica
::: Walter4C

After the Riot, the US Capitol's IT Staff Faces 'a Security Mess'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Vala 0.50.3 has been released! See what’s new
linguaggi di programmazione
::: vala_lang

Firefox 86 Will Support Next-Gen Image Format by Default
Web, Internet | browser
::: dcavedon

Mentre discutiamo di regole per i social network che si "permettono" di eliminare incitazione alla violenza (reale, concreta), il leader del principale partito italiano va in tv a diffondere tesi senza prove sull'origine del virus -- e la trasmissione lo rilancia sui social 🤦‍♂️
social media | politica | media
::: fabiochiusi

Python Named Programming Language of the Year by 'Somewhat Dubious' TIOBE Index
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Happy birthday to Donald Knuth, whose "Art of Computer Programming" books have led many to call him the "father of the analysis of algorithms"

In molti mi avete scritto preoccupati per il ban di Cane Cattivo. Ecco gli ultimi aggiornamenti
::: NatangeloM

New Zealand's Central Bank Says Its Data System Was Breached
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Però funziona ancora 🤣 D-Link una garanzia!
::: Genjuro75

A tutti gli esperti che scrivono “hanno decretato la morte Social media e comunicativa di Trump!” Ebbene tutti i canali ufficiali come @POTUS e Facebook sono aperti e funzionanti ma devono passare dalprotocollo.Ultimo post FB 2 anni fa, oppure solo RT. #facciamorete
social media | politica
::: alex_orlowski

IIRC I first wrote code in Logo on an Apple II (e?) when I was ~6 yo. We drew circles & rectangles and it was great!! I did not expect that as an adult I'd be wondering if my refrigerator has debugging tools that will let me prevent it from autonomously deciding to freeze food 😀
programming, codice, snippet
::: michael_nielsen ::: girba

Stripe 'Will No Longer Process Payments' For Trump's Campaign Site
Web, Internet | politica
::: Slashdot

It's hard to overstate the considerable impact of NumPy on both the scientific community and the destiny of Python over the last 14 years. Thank you!
Python | machine learning
::: fchollet

“Ma il peggio è ritenere che Dad e scuola siano la stessa cosa. Dietro si cela l'idea che la scuola sia solo trasmissione di contenuti. Ma allora internet potrebbe sostituirla in modo definitivo. L'apprendimento non è meccanico"
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: letipezz

Ha colpito ancora
social media | politica
::: davcarretta ::: GianlucaXAcqua ::: drewharwell ::: alex_orlowski ::: alex_orlowski ::: evaristegal0is ::: evaristegal0is ::: Slashdot ::: Literature_Lady ::: davidedm_91 ::: bitburner ::: Slashdot ::: MatthewKeysLive ::: L_Apostata ::: b_fung ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Think better. Use the LISP programming language. Trust less. Act more. Be kinder. Live a fuller life
cit. | artificial intelligence | web-bot, robocall
::: fortunes_teller

Beati i popoli che
cit. | social media
::: janavel7

Those who left FB ~2014 when WA was acquired should have left WA as well. I did not, because of the many contacts I have there. The new privacy policy acted on me as a reminder of what I should have done in line with my thoughts behind leaving FB. Not much new in the policy
social media
::: phretor

Una piattaforma trumpista all’inferno
social media | politica
::: ilmanifesto

shelve — Persistent Storage of Objects
avrei 2 app da aggiornare adesso che so di shelve; zitti tutti, nèh!
::: pymotw

LFE almost feels like the most powerful Lisp ever because it gives you the Erlang VM. A Lisp to build distributed systems
::: frescosecco

Twitter Shares Fall 7% Following Permanent Trump Ban
::: Slashdot ::: menicr

The term "Silicon Valley" was coined 50 years ago today in an article about Bay Area semiconductor start-ups. Today, Silicon Valley’s five largest companies have a higher market valuation than the entire economy of the UK

GNOME 40 Finally Fixes My Biggest Gripe
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

An IBM ad from 50 years ago today

Google Stadia, Nvidia GeForce Now Support is Coming To LG's 2021 TVs
::: Slashdot

#Fedora 34, niente #PHP 8․0: le motivazioni degli sviluppatori #linux #IT
linguaggi di programmazione | Linux distro
::: LukeScuba ::: nixcraft

As the Trump era ends, one thing I'd like to see in media is a lot of the wrongest people supplanted by a lot of the rightest people
media | politica
::: AnandWrites

We continue to shatter traffic records and add capacity as more and more people come to terms with how much they dislike Facebook's new terms. If you weren't able to create a new group recently, please try again. New servers are ready to serve you
social media
::: signalapp

Merkel having the serenity in understanding the grave repercussions of Twitters actions. Just like monopoly’s have regulations, so is the need to regulate Twitter, Facebook, etc.
social media
::: amszmidt ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

Linux Kernel Developers Discuss Dropping a Bunch of Old CPUs
::: Slashdot

WWW inventor & MIT prof @timberners_lee's big idea to save the web: "pods" that let you control your own data (sites visited, products bought)
Web, Internet | protagonisti

People stuck at home buy laptops. Who would have though?!
economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: mikewilks

Entangled pairs of photons have been used by physicists in Germany and Austria to image structures beneath the surfaces of materials that scatter light
innovazioni, futuro | scienza
::: PhysicsWorld

This is absolutely crazy and a must see! A #C64 rendition of "Chop Suey" from System Of A Down, with voices by SAM (Software Automated Mouth)
::: davidmt

Un giorno bannano Trump, il giorno dopo #Libero e un’assessora veneta si fanno bannare (temporaneamente) per aver fatto delle cazzate improbabili, e possono andare su tutti i giornali a raccontare di come non hanno libertà di parola
::: g3p5 ::: ilfoglio_it ::: fabiochiusi ::: sheeraf ::: alex_orlowski ::: L_Apostata ::: L_Apostata ::: L_Apostata

IBM is using light, instead of electricity, to create ultra-fast computing
innovazioni, futuro | machine learning
::: AghiathChbib

Whoa! The U.S. Department of State released a notification that "Donald J. Trump's term ended on 2021-01-11 19:39:54." A typo? Or did he resign? Was the 25th amendment implemented?
politica | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: sibinmohan ::: juha_remes

a tiny random thing I enjoy is that both GCC and Clang/LLVM manage to avoid warning/error about not returning a value from a function on a path where it asserts a compile-time false value
linguaggi di programmazione
::: johnregehr

Some Ransomware Gangs Are Going After Top Execs To Pressure Companies Into Paying
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook says it will remove all content referencing "stop the steal"
::: kateconger

NEWS ALERT: Sci-Hub has created a censorship-resistant Handshake gateway available at sci-hub.hns!
open source | scienza
::: NamebaseHQ

Data Science about Data Science
open source | scienza
::: jjvie

China Gives US Tech the Silent Treatment
::: Slashdot

Happy to see a senior Facebook exec saying this
::: EthanZ

A proposito dell'opposizione all'eolico offshore
::: cmnit

Intel Unveils New Core H-Series Laptop and 11th Gen Desktop Processors At CES 2021
::: Slashdot

Monday software hot take: Most programmers don’t actually need tons of screen real estate. All the fuss about watching 20 terminals, 6 web pages, & an IDE at the same time is Command Center LARPing. The more screen real estate you have, the less I assume you actually type code
verissimissimo (imho)
hardware | programming, codice, snippet
::: stylewarning

La "censura" dei social networks contro #Trump
social media
::: MauroV1968

$200 Billion Wiped Off Cryptocurrency Market In 24 Hours As Bitcoin Pulls Back
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

There's nothing Python can't do
::: fchollet

Researchers Test UN's Cybersecurity, Find Personal Data On 100K Employees
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Get better 1% every day, and by the end of the year you'll be 38 times better
::: alfcnz

Caro Governo ti scrivo, per dirti che #openness è opportunità. Adesso più che mai
open source
::: suxsonica

A cons cell saved is a cons cell earned
cit. | Lisp
::: stylewarning ::: stylewarning

Twitter has suspended "more than 70,000 accounts" since Friday that were "engaged in sharing harmful QAnon-associated content at scale and were primarily dedicated to [its] propagation." This explains prominent Republicans losing followers en masse
::: oneunderscore__

Google Speech-to-Text API Can Help Attackers Easily Bypass Google reCAPTCHA
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: AghiathChbib

By the time the social media platform Twitter permanently suspended his account on Jan. 8, 2021, President Donald Trump had posted 2,520 tweets degrading journalists and the media as a whole
politica | media
::: fabiochiusi

LG Teases a Rollable Phone At CES 2021
hardware | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Framablog parla un po’ di italiano ;) e ci presenta i progetti di @Framasoft per il 2021
open source
::: nilocram

Millions of people uploaded photos to the Ever app. Then the company used them to develop facial recognition tools
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

What is your favourite way in which humanity made progress against a big problem? Which invention? Which policy? Which product? Which discovery? Which idea?
innovazioni, futuro
::: MaxCRoser

Il discorso di Cacciari su Twitter non mi convince.È stato Trump a fare dei Social Network un'arma (impropria) di comunicazione politica
Twitter | politica
::: LorenzoTomasin

Biogen Launches Study to Find Out if Apple Watch and iPhone Can Detect Declining Cognitive Health
::: MacRumors

How it starts How it ends
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: evaristegal0is

ENAC Confermato: nessun patentino per i droni sotto i 250 grammi e conversione attestati CRO in A2
::: DronEzine

Was going to happen. Signal fork with migrate-from-WhatsApp functionality
social media
::: phretor

Suona come una minaccia
video, streaming
::: thek3nger

Citing 'Censorship' Concerns, North Idaho ISP Blocks Facebook and Twitter
::: Slashdot

A useful Venn diagram
::: im_PULSE

La campagna vaccinale in Israele secondo @repubblica. E poi secondo il Guardian
giornali, stampa
::: EleonoraZocca

Trump preferisce perdere la presidenza che il diritto di twittare. Ottimo articolo del #NewYorkTimes
Twitter | politica
::: Fabriziotonello

📢 Today AlgorithmWatch joins @edri and 60 other civil society organisations demanding #AIredlines for applications of #ArtificialIntelligence that threaten fundamental #HumanRights in an open letter to the @EU_Commission
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: algorithmwatch

Warning: Cross-Platform ElectroRAT Malware Targeting Cryptocurrency Users
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: AghiathChbib

La censura chiama censura. Anche in Europa
::: ilmanifesto

Property-based testing is an important upcoming topic in software reliability, but it gets no attention in computing education. We've been trying to fix that. This blog post summarizes our work and points to a recent paper with lots more detail
programming, codice, snippet
::: ShriramKMurthi

In 1959, a Swedish engineer at Volvo patented what would become one of the greatest inventions of all time
::: ankithharathi

"Social media services will not be allowed to remove content or block accounts if they do not break Polish law" under proposed legislation
::: rasmus_kleis

Lost Passwords Lock Millionaires Out of Their Bitcoin Fortunes
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Rolls-Royce and UK Space Agency launch study into nuclear-powered space exploration
spazio, esplorazione | energia
::: WKCosmo

Non è mai stata censura, l'account non è mai stato bloccato, sapevano tutto e hanno creato volutamente un caso dal nulla > Libero e la Censura che NON lo era
giornali, stampa | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: valigiablu ::: fabiochiusi ::: pedroelrey ::: alex_orlowski ::: fabiochiusi

Altro che Trump o @Libero_official, parliamo di un caso gravissimo di censura sui social
social media
::: NatangeloM

Facebook has shut a slew of accounts belonging to Ugandan government officials accused of seeking to manipulate public debate ahead of elections Thursday
::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot

How To Become a Data Engineer
dati, raccolta
::: SteveHarville

La tempesta perfetta sulle montagne russe del Bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ilmanifesto

Spintronics development is advancing, with a new logic device that can be manipulated with electric current instead of magnetic fields
IMEC and Intel Researchers Develop Spintronic Logic Device
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

Russia may fine citizens who use SpaceX’s Starlink Internet service
spazio, esplorazione | Web, Internet
::: universetoday

It's definitely telling that Republicans, conservatives, and Trumpists are all more concerned with their social media losses than the capitol #insurrection #sedition
social media
::: JohnLaprise

Account bandito, dalla brace alla padella
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: ilmanifesto

Telegram prende il volo: + 25 milioni di utenti in sole 72 ore
social media
::: Genjuro75

Enzyme, a compiler plug-in for importing foreign code into systems like TensorFlow & PyTorch without having to rewrite it
programming, codice, snippet | machine learning

.@vestsger on ban from social media: I'm from Denmark, and we have a quite liberal view when it comes, for instance, to nudity. It's just thought-provoking that you can blatantly lie about essentials in your democracy but you cannot show a nipple
social media
::: CheEiberg

The Biggest Gun Forum Just Kicked Off The Internet Without Explanation
Web, Internet
::: AghiathChbib

AMD Reveals Ryzen 5000 Mobile CPUs, Coming to Laptops Next Month
::: geekdotcom

SqUID warehouse logistics robot by Bionic Hive
robots, automazione, droni
::: MachinePix

Privacy, dati
::: upanizza

The Impractical but Indisputable Rise of Retrocomputing
hardware | storia
::: Slashdot

Mozilla VPN is Now Available to Mac & Linux Users
Web, Internet
::: dcavedon

GM Reveals Electric Van and Delves Into Flying Cars
energia | innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Nerd alert: a bit of the history of hypertext, from one of its pioneers (Norm Meyrowitz, co-teaching the history of hypermedia @BrownCSDept w/ Andy van Dam)
storia | Web, Internet
::: ShriramKMurthi

YouTube takes down Trump video, bans new uploads for a week
video, streaming
::: fabiochiusi

Just because a technology *can* be used for good does not mean it is a net good. Read @BostonJoan & @hypervisible on why we should still ban face recognition
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: WillOremus

È online @Pdf4Teachers un software #opensource per l'annotazione e la valutazione di compiti e verifiche in PDF e finalmente parla anche italiano :) Un grazie a Clément, il giovane sviluppatore e a @mauri_paolo per la traduzione collaborativa #scuola
open source | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nilocram

Huawei had previously said none of its technologies was designed to identify ethnic groups
Huawei | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

Alla fine se ne accorgono che gli OGM servono, ma, ideologicamente, asseriscono che i nuovi ibridi prodotti con genome editing siano diversi. Cialtroni antiscientifici
::: ascochita

Install Privacy-friendly WhatsApp Alternative Signal on Linux Desktop
social media
::: itsfoss2 ::: framaka

The Los Angeles Police Commission approved a policy Tuesday that set new parameters on the LAPD’s use of facial recognition technology, but stopped far short of the outright ban sought by many city activists
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Questo natale mi sono fatto un regalo... ho abbandonato windows e sono passato ad @ubuntu
sistemi operativi
::: quinta

Ubuntu is Making Home Folders Private in 21.04
non sapevo & mai controllato; tanto ~ è mia (a parte certi momenti, vero PaM & PLG & ...?)
::: dcavedon

Qualcuno spieghi ai manager
::: SteffPy

Top 10 companies for patents in 2020
copyright e brevetti | innovazioni, futuro
::: RichRogers_

Scientists in Japan have pioneered a new kind of superconducting microprocessor (2.5 GHz) that uses 80 times less energy than conventional CPUs -- even after accounting for the energy expended in cooling it. A new direction for energy-efficient computing?
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

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