28 gennaio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 574

 Connessione ballerina, quasi quantistica ma provo a raccontare cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Hopefully European governments get inspired by this to involve more social scientists in science and technology policy
::: rosamunde_vb

How DNSpooq Attacks Could Poison DNS Cache Records
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

For my first research grant application (2002), I described how I would use Java to build a database engine. The reviews were harsh: “nobody builds serious software in Java let alone a database engine!” 1/2
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire

My post on Java’s impact on me over the last 25 years
linguaggi di programmazione
::: alblue

Sono estremamente dispiaciuto nel vedere che questo social, nonostante le grandi potenzialità, è inquinato gratuitamente da persone di questo calibro. Io continuerò a divulgare per chi vorrà ascoltare
Aureliano rockz! 💥
social media
::: AurelianoStingi

Attenzione alle #manipolazioni visive e ai #grafici #ingannevoli
::: cicap

People have built database engines in bash… first hit in google
(non ho il coraggio di guardare)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lemire

smascherare le insidie dei virgolettati in home di Repubblica. #Unframing
giornali, stampa
::: antpavolini

Report Finds Extremists Did Use Facebook to Plan Capitol Attack
::: Slashdot

Nonostante quattro anni di preavviso, siti istituzionali bloccati dalla disattivazione di Adobe Flash
Web, Internet
::: disinformatico

Cool meme now you have to let your workers unionize
Amazon | lavoro
::: AOC

There's that time when I had to do emergency work to get @racketlang to the Int'l Space Station. Export Controls, verification limits, EAR 740.13 (d) (3) (ii) (A), and the Law of the Excluded Middle all make cameo appearances
language Racket
::: ShriramKMurthi

RX 5700 XT Mining Rig Build - 6 GPUs | 330 MH/s and ONLY 880 Watts!!
::: Genjuro75

Ma va anche detto che #BernieSanders è tra i pochi nella politica US ad essersi schierato a favore di Snowden, Assange e Manning
Julian Assange | Edward Snowden | Chelsea Manning
::: madbob

Living organisms represent a level of technological achievement that we're still far from rivaling
meraviglioso, secondo me
linguaggi di programmazione | artificial intelligence | innovazioni, futuro
::: fchollet

US Treasury Nominee Yellen Wants to Encourage Cryptocurrencies -- 'For Legitimate Activities'
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Il Corriere in prima pagina vs il Corriere a pagina 21
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

Something fascinating about Twitter: used well it's an immensely powerful tool to think with. But if you look at the mentions of someone famous or powerful you'll see it's hard for them to benefit in this way. It's a rare technology where power actually denies or inhibits access
::: michael_nielsen

Un invito, polemico ma costruttivo, a uscire dalla sindrome The Social Dilemma. Il dilemma non sono i social media. Siamo noi
::: fabiochiusi

Use @firefox and don't trust chrome/chromium based alternatives. If you build your house in someone else's backyard, don't get upset when they turn on the sprinklers
::: alecaddd

Somebody dares to add Python?
::: marcodelmastro

Ci siamo, ecco l'ex-pilota. Si può fare ancora meglio
giornali, stampa
::: dcavedon

What to focus on this year...
::: newscientist

Ransomware Attackers Try Publishing 4,000 Scottish Government Agency Files
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Biden, Trump & Keystone
ambiente, ecologia | politica
::: MauroV1968

This week Norway awarded 61 new oil and gas exploration rights to 30 oil companies. Sweden's Lundin Oil was awarded stakes in 19 licenses. It's 2021 and when it comes to facing the climate emergency the world is still in a state of complete denial
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg

Le banche investono in criptovaluta ma cercano di non farlo sapere
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Genjuro75

This email 100% belongs in the Computer History Museum: A Unix utility for ordering a burrito from La Costeña using PostScript, from 1992!
::: veltman

The Macintosh 128K, Apple’s first Macintosh personal computer, was released on this day in 1984!
::: PCMag

Stampa italiana: la diapositiva
giornali, stampa
::: bermat ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

L'importanza di imparare leggendo, ma anche di leggere in maniera critica
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: ArgiaSbolenfi

woah, LLVM bug 965, from 2006 ("Infinite loops are optimized out in languages without forward progress guarantees") is finally fixed
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Mercato della #pubblicità in Italia: a fine 2019 il gap, a favore della #Tv, era di 300 milioni. Negli 11 mesi 2020 ci sono 10 milioni in più. Ma per il #web
::: An_Bion

Tutte le strade portano a Python
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Genjuro75

Open Source Stash - A collection of secure and privacy-focused open-source alternatives to popular services
open source
::: campuscodi

Racket Compiler and Runtime Status: January 2021
language Racket
::: Racket ::: samth

When Adobe Stopped Flash Content, It Also Stopped A Chinese Railroad
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot ::: dcavedon

Alinari Foundation vs Open Access?
open source
::: Fotoliberebbcc ::: Fotoliberebbcc

The first step of any project
::: CodeWisdom

Guix has made it into Debian Unstable! This means Debian users can use Guix as a "userspace" package manager now! This is really wonderful! Debian and Guix both care deeply about reproducibility. This could be a big win for user freedom on both
tool, componente software
::: dustyweb

Secondo voi,se facciamo uno studio dei #Qazzari su Tw e FB, è una cosa brutta? Ho raccolto circa 50 mila account nel database :) #facciamorete
social media | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: alex_orlowski

Dropping WhatsApp? Despite Privacy Concerns, Nostalgia Drives Users to ICQ
social media
::: Slashdot

ugh is "This paper is good and I want to stop reviewing it so I can go implement it" a legit review?
programming, codice, snippet
::: wilbowma

Does Facebook Have a Joe Biden Problem?
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot

#Veneto, il sito della Regione pubblica per sbaglio le proprie #password
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: sdallagata

10 Years After Its Discontinuation, Some Fans Still Love Microsoft's Zune Mp3 Player
::: Slashdot

disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: MauroV1968

Clubhouse just might be the next social media powerhouse
social media
::: fabiochiusi

Lucknow Police Deploying AI Cameras to Recognise Facial Expressions of Women in Distress and Alert Officers
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

BP Slashes Its Oil Exploration Team by 85%, Starts Switching to Renewables
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

We are glad to announce #CollaboraOffice 6.4-20 🌻
applicazioni, programmi | open source
::: CollaboraOffice

Please, avoid the term Commercial Open Source software. It is playing the game of all these companies which are creating new licenses that dynamite, at least, the Freedom zero. It also implies that there is non-commercial open source software. Do not feed the trolls
open source
::: toscalix

Ho scritto qui perché penso che tutti gli occhi del mondo debbano essere puntati su Israele non solo nei prossimi due mesi, ma fino all'autunno
::: giorgiogilestro

Si sta discutendo se e come ricostruire il radiotelescopio di #Arecibo. Una proposta prevede di sostituire la gigantesca antenna di 300 metri di diametro con 1000 antenne più piccole di cui combinare i segnali
::: a_a_f_t

OSI networking model, extended
programming, codice, snippet
::: Grady_Booch

Il CNIL ha emesso un'ingiunzione nei confronti del ministero dell'Interno francese per l'uso dei #droni per monitoraggio #covid. Penso sia il primo provvedimento da parte di un'autorità garante, legato all'uso di droni da parte delle autorità pubbliche
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | droni
::: gbgallus

Ma cosa cazzo sto leggendo? È una bambina, non una specie protetta che ha bisogno di un habitat
giornali, stampa
::: FuSignorina

After 28 Years, Tucows Finally Closes Its Downloads Site
Web, Internet | storia
::: Slashdot

selectors — I/O Multiplexing Abstractions
::: pymotw

Google To Open Up Its Office Facilities for COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics
Google | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Waymo CEO Dismisses Tesla Self-Driving Plan: 'This is Not How It Works'
::: Slashdot

Caro Garante della Privacy, cosa sta combinando Microsoft Teams?
::: libreitalia ::: giordi63

Apple Hit With Another European Class Action Over Throttled iPhones
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot

Dutch COVID-19 Patient Data Sold on the Criminal Underground
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Controversy over AI chatbot in South Korea raises questions about ethics, data collection
social media | web-bot, robocall | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: simopieranni

E tu? Riesci sempre a riconoscerle? ;)
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: BeppeBeppetti

Google says it may have found a privacy-friendly substitute to cookies
Google | Web, Internet
::: emenietti

Myopia Correcting 'Smart Glasses' From Japan To Be Sold in Asia
::: Slashdot

To help get vaccines to more people, Google is providing $150M to promote vaccine education & equitable access, and opening up our spaces for vaccination sites as needed
Google | coronavirus
::: sundarpichai

Don't let our current pandemic-driven remote work situation fool you: Working exclusively from home probably won't be the norm in the future
lavoro a distanza
::: DigitalTrends

Cryptocurrency exchange #BuyUcoin hacked, data of 325K+ users leaked
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: securityaffairs

Renewable Energy Production Beat Fossil Fuels in Europe
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

La crisi del 2008, che ha posto le basi per il populismo che di lì a dieci anni sarebbe dilagato in Europa e negli Stati Uniti, mi ha fatto capire che ciò che è devastante per la massa spesso è vantaggioso per l’élite
economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon

From this graph we can also conclude that WW1 caused people to start naming children “Miles”
::: wilbowma

A: Coinbase runs on mongo? And I am supposed to pretend this is money?
::: peterseibel

techies: everything on a blockchain, i.e., immutable ledger
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ShriramKMurthi

Vancouver Seaplane Company To Resume Test Flights With Electric Plane
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: Slashdot

I’ve now design a language so I can easily express the right spec, which compiles to Racket contracts
linguaggi di programmazione | language Racket
::: wilbowma

Twitter ha bloccato l'account della ambasciata Cinese USA @conspirator0 ha fatto una ottima analisi degli account fake che la retwittano, seguitelo è molto bravo. Io nel frattempo aggiungo del mio, più tardi i dati di quella Italiana
Twitter | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: alex_orlowski

did I run apt update today?
::: omgubuntu

"Facial recognition technology amplifies racist policing, threatens the right to protest and should be banned globally, Amnesty International said as it urged New York City to pass a ban on its use in mass surveillance by law enforcement" #BanTheScan
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Memory is infinite
::: wilbowma

Insomma quando paga non distrugge la democrazia, pare di capire
::: fabiochiusi

Congratulations to whoever invents forests
ambiente, ecologia | umorismo
::: drmistercody

La guerra di Bolsonaro contro la scienza
politica | scienza
::: andcapocci

As China pushes the world to avoid official dealings with Taiwan, leaders across the globe are realizing just how dependent they’ve become on the island democracy
economia, lavoro | hardware | politica
::: LorenzoLamperti

Apple Shuffles Hardware Execs To Make Room For a Mysterious 'New Project'
::: Slashdot

Low Powered but High Risk Evaluating Possible Attacks on LoRaWAN Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Internet of things
::: miaoski

🐦 Today we’re introducing @Birdwatch, a community-driven approach to addressing misleading information. And we want your help. (1/3)
Twitter | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: TwitterSupport ::: Slashdot ::: birdsarentreal ::: fabiochiusi

A preprint of our #CHI2021 paper, "Coping with Digital Wellbeing in a Multi-Device World"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: luigidr

Amazon's Alexa Can Now Act On Its Own 'Hunches'
smart assistant
::: Slashdot

The Norwegian data protection authority has notified Grindr of a € 9 600 000 GDPR fine. This is a result of the complaint we filed last year. Very important precedence that will limit how personal data can be shared for advertising purposes
dati, raccolta
::: airavn

Average US iPhone Price Hits a Record $873
Apple | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

All those discussions about how full of warts async in Rust is are so sad :(
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko

Italian researchers are developing a smart mirror that could selectively reflect wireless signals like a prism fans out white light into a range of colors. Metamaterials could deliver a new medium for next-generation wireless networks
::: IEEESpectrum

Toyota announces $75 million AI collaboration w/16 universities, with a focus on autonomous driving

The killing of CentOS Linux: 'The CentOS board doesn't get to decide what Red Hat engineering teams do'
Linux distro
::: dcavedon

Luci e molte ombre sulla crescita astronomica di Netflix
video, streaming
::: ilmanifesto

Twitter Acquires Newsletter Startup Revue To Expand Business
::: Slashdot

Join @jason_mayes and @paulrjessop to learn how he built a robotic device that can follow a moving person, which solves a problem in sports video analysis
machine learning
::: TensorFlow

LAMBDA: The ultimate Excel worksheet function
programming, codice, snippet
::: Lambda the Ultimate

New code walkthrough on keras.io: image search with natural language queries using a dual-encoder approach. The idea is to learn a joint embedding space for images and associated captions (inspired by OpenAI CLIP)
machine learning
::: fchollet

La Terra ha perso 28 trilioni di tonnellate di ghiaccio dalla metà degli anni '90. Per mettere le cose in prospettiva: la perdita di ghiaccio ha subìto un'accelerazione del 57% dagli anni '90
ambiente, ecologia
::: StellaLevantesi

Chissà quale sarà il prossimo linguaggio di programmazione definitivo
::: Genjuro75

🌟 The first release (0.1) of TFLite Support! Check out this toolkit that makes deploying TFLite models on mobile devices much easier. It works cross-platform with Java, Python, C++, and Swift APIs
machine learning
::: TensorFlow

Embedding the syntax of a simple WHILE language into Lean 4 via recursive macros
linguaggi di programmazione
::: derKha

Today I learned that
::: gregeganSF

Clojure 1.10.2 is now available!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: cognitect

HEAP-based buffer overflow in sudo has been granting user privilege escalation for the past 10 years
::: jaromil ::: Gurgling_MrD ::: lexi_lambda

Academics are one of the biggest groups using the #TwitterAPI to research what’s happening. Their work helps make the world (& Twitter) a better place, and now more than ever, we must enable more of it. Introducing 🥁 the Academic Research product track
::: TwitterDev

The Beginning of Social Media
::: GoComics

Controversial AI company HireVue implied that an external audit showed its algorithms had no bias. But a look at the audit itself tells a different story
artificial intelligence | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

Taking a Twitter sabbatical. Stay free
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

Konami smette di produrre videogiochi, chiuderanno le tre divisioni
::: Genjuro75

New campaign targeting security researchers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Linux Release Roundup: GParted, Lightworks, Google Chrome + More
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Biden's Commerce Nominee Backs Changes To Section 230
social media
::: Slashdot

I have written this Python script to easily list the possible email domains hidden behind the asterisks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evaristegal0is

One-Third of Tech Workers Admit To Working Only 3 To 4 Hours a Day, Report Finds
::: Slashdot

Chrome OS 88 Turns Your Chromebook Into An Impromptu Smart Display
::: Slashdot

Telegram has helped fuel democracy movements and served as an engine of resistance. But far-right conspiracy theorists, racists and violent insurrectionists have been flocking to the app in recent weeks after being banished from Facebook and Twitter
social media
::: nytimes

Anyone up to convince me that legacy financial markets have more concrete ties to dynamics of production and use value than the "wild west" of crypto markets?
crittografia | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: jaromil

What does this print?
::: gvanrossum

The Indian Government Shut Down the Internet as Farmers Protest
::: fabiochiusi ::: majunteo

”64% believe the world is in a state of climate emergency” according to @UNDP in the largest global survey on climate ever made. 1.2 million people in 50 countries participated. Most interesting: ”just 10 percent believe world leaders are doing enough.”
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg

Per combattere il #nimbycontrobiometano nuova puntata di #unfakenews di @Legambiente unfakenews
ambiente, ecologia
::: FranFerrante

Just 1 In 10 Companies Expect All Employees To Return To the Office
lavoro a distanza
::: Slashdot

Iran blocks Signal messaging app after WhatsApp exodus
social media | censura
::: fabiochiusi

Minori sui social: il Garante privacy apre fascicolo su Facebook e Instagram. La verifica sarà estesa anche agli altri social
social media
::: fabiochiusi

Andiamo sulla Luna e usiamo PowerPoint
::: RobertaEsseci

TikTok To Shed Hundreds of India Workers After National Security Ban
social media
::: Slashdot

TiVo Says People Want Ads
video, streaming | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

Lear Yourself a PDP-11 for Great Good
::: larsbrinkhoff

Google Spells Out Consequences of Apple's Privacy Push and IDFA Changes
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Apple | Google
::: Slashdot

MIT's robot cheetah front-flips over its brother
robots, automazione, droni

Social Media Damages Teenagers' Mental Health, Report Says
social media
::: Slashdot

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