28 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 583

 Oggi un po' meno cose del solito di quello che ho wisto nel Web.

New Bitcoin rewards credit card from @BlockFi offers 1.5% rewards in #Bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: slashdot

Exclusive: French antitrust investigators say Google breached its orders on talks with news publishers - sources
This comes amid complaints by French news publishers that Google failed to hold talks with them in good faith to find an agreement
Google | media
::: fabiochiusi

Amazon Prime Video Direct and the Dystopian Decision To Stop Accepting Documentaries
video, streaming
::: Slashdot

Apache Software Foundation Ousts TinkerPop Creator
social media
::: Slashdot

Cybercrimini, 2020 anno nero: sotto attacco sanità, pagamenti cashless e aziende
::: RepubblicaAF

Biden Signs Executive Order To Address Chip Shortage Through a Review To Strengthen Supply Chains
::: Slashdot

LG Says It Will License webOS To Other TV Makers
video, streaming
::: Slashdot

If you use Debian or a derivative like Ubuntu it makes sense for you to check out Devuan. Devuan is a fork of Debian, so almost everything will be familiar. Devuan was forked from Debian in 2014. It’s solid and stable and has a thriving community
::: DevuanOrg

US and allies to build 'China-free' tech supply chain
hardware | Cina
::: dcavedon

Dopo anni e anni di tentativi, gli editori ci sono finalmente riusciti: sono finalmente una vera e propria minaccia per l'open web. Da oggi, il modello è che si possono far pagare i link
::: fabiochiusi ::: emenietti

In compenso risulta co-firmataria di un disegno di legge che voleva introdurre nel codice penale il "delitto di istigazione all'odio sul web"
innovazioni, futuro | politica
::: fabiochiusi

The weirdest thing about this is that subscripts and calls now look very similar but have completely different behavior wrt positional vs keyword arguments. One passes as tuple, one as positional arguments
::: mitsuhiko

Kali Linux 2021.1 is ready for download with DE updates, tool updates, more partnerships with tool authors, support for VMs on Apple Silicon, NetHunter updates, and much more
Linux distro
::: kalilinux

It's been 5 years since @Jaromil and I started the current implementation of #devuan-sdk bringing @DevuanOrg to way too many platforms. Cheers
::: parazyd

Exclusive: Google pledges changes to research oversight after internal revolt
Google | censura | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Facebook, WhatsApp and Twitter Face New Rules in India
::: Slashdot

Without a doubt, this has been the most exciting and rewarding project of my career to date
hardware | idea 💡 | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nicolamlyons

Twitter Announces Paid Super Follows To Let You Charge For Tweets
::: Slashdot ::: littleoneder ::: verge

Copyright reserves all rights; copyleft reverses all wrongs. The FSF is the steward of the GNU GPL and AGPL, two software licenses that are a crucial part of the fight for freedom
copyright e brevetti | open source
::: fsf

PlayStation is Winding Down Sony Japan Studio
::: Slashdot

cose che è bene sapere
::: ziggymagenta_d

Facebook Is Considering Facial Recognition For Its Upcoming Smart Glasses
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

At #Microsoft we continue to try and share our security knowledge as openly as possible using the concept of #Githubification of InfoSec. We have now added open source CodeQL queries used to hunt for #Solorigate activity
Microsoft | open source
::: MSSPete

Alcuni giornali online non riesci a leggerli perché chiedono di disabilitare l’Adblock e allora cambi sito trovando sistematicamente quello da cui hanno copiato il pezzo che non richiede di disabilitare l’Adblock
Web, Internet | media
::: bermat

Nikola Stops Work on Electric Watercraft and ATV Projects
::: Slashdot

Sysadmin university: Quick and dirty Linux tricks
tip, suggerimenti
::: JvJean1971

Earlier this month the German government published its implementation proposal for #Article17 of the DSM directive. This new proposal is a step back from earlier versions but it still points into the right direction
Unione Europea | copyright e brevetti | censura
::: communia_eu

Coinbase Says Entire Crypto Market Could Destabilize if Bitcoin's Creator is Ever Revealed or Sells Their $30 Billion Stake
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Sergey Brin's Airship Aims To Use World's Biggest Mobile Hydrogen Fuel Cell
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Si va verso l'accordo globale per la digital tax. Yellen al G20 annuncia che Washington cambia la proposta di riforma. E' una virata secca dalla policy di Trump composta da ritorsioni fiscali (verso la Francia) e rifiuto di adottare le linee guida dell'OCSE
Web, Internet | digitalizzazione
::: AlienoGentile

Non lo so. Ma so dove cercare. Non è importante sapere tutte le cose, ma dovrai sempre sapere dove cercare
::: DrMCecconi

Apple Mail and Hidden Tracking Images
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

the pfizer vaccine makes you 94.5% immune to endless video calls
5G | umorismo
::: internetofshit

Apple Forced To Add iPhone and MacBook Repairability Scores To Comply With French Law
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot

Linux / Unix "sudo rm -rf /" command illustrated
::: nixcraft

How you know you're old: the "dragon book" turned 35 this year

Shockingly Real Tom Cruise Deepfakes Are Invading TikTok
::: fabiochiusi

Why an Animated Flying Cat With a Pop-Tart Body Sold for Almost $600,000
::: Slashdot

Post-Pandemic Hat
social media | coronavirus
::: xkcdComic

Distributed programming in 1985 vs now
::: stylewarning

Speculations on the future of space research by astrophysicist @LordMartinRees and myself, in @NautilusMag
ispirazionale; tanto 🤓
::: Mario_Livio

Amazon Rainforest Plots Sold via Facebook Marketplace Ads
Facebook | frodi | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Map: The World’s Network of Submarine Cables
Web, Internet
::: fguglieri

25 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 582

 Ecco qua un'altra lista di cose che ho wisto nel Web.

Very pleased to see that nearly 50% of respondents use sanitizers of some sort by default while developing in C++!
programming, codice, snippet
::: lefticus

New malware found on 30,000 Macs has security pros stumped
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Provata l'efficacia del #vaccino
::: MrAgj

Tra superfici marziane per un altro mondo immaginario possibile
spazio, esplorazione
::: ilmanifesto

Could Earth's Reversing Magnetic Poles Accelerate Climate Change?
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

China has raised this year’s production quotas for rare earths in an apparent goodwill message to the United States
::: simopieranni

Linux Is Now on Mars, Thanks to NASA's Perseverance Rover
Linux | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

After a full day’s Senate hearings where the Murdoch media denied they were a monopoly, what do his tabloids deliver today in 8 different cities? The same cookie-cutter article published in 8 different papers! They really take us for fools. #MurdochRoyalCommission
::: MrKRudd

Bill Gates Questions Societal Value of 'GameStop' Mania, Argues It'd Be 'Good to Get Rid of' Bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

definitely curious what the tau faction's response will be
::: johnregehr

I see the hashtag #InsteadOfGoingToMars and I think, huh, the budget of NASA is 1/200th of the federal budget, 3% of the military budget, a third of what we spend on just cigarettes... and for that we get the entire Universe. Seems like a damn good deal to me
spazio, esplorazione
::: BadAstronomer

It's good practice when you see some amazing and surprising "sciencey" image or video shared by an account that isn't a professional in that field to at least glance at the replies to see if they're filled with exasperated experts shouting "PLEASE STOP SPREADING THIS IT'S FAKE"
::: AstroKatie

Could an Ethically-Correct AI Shut Down Gun Violence?
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

No, quella del governo australiano contro le piattaforme digitali non è una battaglia per la democrazia e il giornalismo. È piuttosto l'esito ultimo di una guerra commerciale in cui a rimetterci, al solito, rischiamo di essere tutti noi
media | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Mario Draghi ha la passione per le email
giornali, stampa
::: Vitellozzo

Inside the ‘Wikipedia of Maps,’ Tensions Grow Over Corporate Influence #OpenStreetMap
open source
::: dcavedon

“Artificial Intelligence Could Mean Large Increases in Prosperity—But Only for a Privileged Few” - Labor-saving advances in AI may undo the gains from globalization and pose new challenges for economic development - by Anton Korinek and Joe Stiglitz
artificial intelligence | economia, lavoro
::: demartin

Read my latest: an ex-ByteDancer walks me through the inner workings of the company's complex content moderation operation and execution in China. They also shared how they felt about developing technologies that censor speech
censura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: shenlulushen

Quale sarebbe questo “fair value”? Un caffè, un mozzicone di sigarette più o meno tre standard deviation? Fair per chi? Appunto: il valore è solo negli occhi di chi lo scambia. Mo’ chiedo a Musk... al limite a Roaring Kitty!
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

Le possibilità contenute nel futuro
::: AlienoGentile

Parler Apparently Temporarily Blocked Its Own Co-Founder and Former CEO
social media
::: Slashdot

Node.js/Deno Creator Discusses Rust, C++, TypeScript, and Vim
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Elon Musk Co-Authors COVID-19 Paper Accepted For Publication In 'Nature'
protagonisti | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Mi stupisce sempre che sia molto più facile che in TV lo dica #BillGates, che gli Stati dovrebbero tassare di più i ricchi per finanziare scuola, ricerca e lotta all'emergenza climatica, rispetto a chi va a rappresentare la sinistra
da non fermarsi al primo tweet
protagonisti | economia, lavoro | open source
::: beabri

For best results, fall in the love with
::: fchollet

Our February update for the #VollaPhone project is out. News about the delivery status and the operating systems. Get the #googlefree smartphone now for #freedom through #simplicity and #security
dispositivi mobili | open source
::: hello_volla

Experian Challenged Over Massive Data Leak in Brazil
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Odio contro Meloni: cattivo. Odio contro Greta: buono
giornali, stampa | ambiente, ecologia
::: fabiochiusi

giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

The operating systems used in spacecraft are a very different breed of cat indeed. Here's a cool article about it if anyone wants to know more
sistemi operativi | spazio, esplorazione
::: richarddlarson

AI: IBM showcases new energy-efficient chip to power deep learning
hardware | deep learning
::: ZDNet

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter Agree to Australia's Misinformation-Fighting Code
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg ha cambiato le regole interne di Facebook per supportare le #fakenews #Altright di Alex Jones e Ben Shapiro #Facciamorete
Facebook | politica
::: alex_orlowski

Curiosità personale. Nell'arco della giornata, quanto tempo passate su Twitter: più o meno di un'ora?
::: janavel7

decimal — Fixed and Floating Point Math
::: pymotw

The Elon giveth, and the Elon taketh away
::: nbashaw

WhatsApp To Switch Off Messages For All Who Reject New Terms
social media
::: Slashdot

3-0: porta sfiga

Yellen apre al dollaro digitale: "Merita di essere studiato"
digitalizzazione | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Agenzia_Italia

Microsoft is "working with Europe’s four leading lobby groups for news publishers to develop a legal solution to “mandate payments” for the use of content by “gatekeepers that have dominant market power”" @alexebarker reports
::: rasmus_kleis

Clubhouse Chats Are Breached, Raising Concerns Over Security
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Serenity, a 20 kg remote controlled ornithopter by RC Ornithopter
uh 🤓 le macchine volanti!
::: MachinePix

Facebook Strikes Last-Minute Deal With Australia Around News Content
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

When you think about it

A operating system that cannot be recompiled in first boot is broken
sistemi operativi | open source
::: amszmidt

I have a favourite from that list - but then again, I might be biased! :-D
::: racketlang

Le scelte di indirizzo politico sono tutte legittime. Tuttavia snaturare (ancora) il #copyright per renderlo strumento di sussidio “spintaneo” ad un settore dell’industria dei contenuti non fa onore alla tradizione giuridica del nostro continente
copyright e brevetti | media
::: marcoscialdone

Google Finally Adds iOS Privacy Labels To Gmail
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Python is getting so complex that i wonder if people from the C++ committee secretly joined the core devs
::: mitsuhiko

A guide to Python virtual environments with virtualenvwrapper
::: doughellmann

FCC Proposes Rules for Emergency Broadband Program To Keep Struggling Families Online
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Now Linux is on Mars the aliens will be flying open saucers 😬
::: dlitchfield

Firefox's Total Cookie Protection Aims To Stop Tracking Between Multiple Sites
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

PlayStation CEO Says PS5 Will Get Its Own VR Headset
virtual reality | games
::: Slashdot

Samsung Now Updates Android For Longer than Google Does
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

What caused the electric-power fiasco in #Texas and what can now be done to make sure that it never happens again? Grid expert Robert Hebner of the University of Texas at Austin lays it all out
::: IEEESpectrum

Our last PNAS Paper explores the key differences between the main social media platforms and how they are likely to influence information spreading and echo chambers’ formation. Feed algorithms may burst polarization. @PNASNews @SapienzaRoma
social media
::: Walter4C

Apple Has Bought Over 100 Companies Over the Past Six Years, Tim Cook Tells Investors
Apple | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

"Chinese spyware code was copied from America's NSA" "Experts argue that American spies should devote more energy to fixing the flaws they find in software instead of developing and deploying malicious software to exploit it"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: PirateOrg

Huawei Turns To Pig Farming as Smartphone Sales Fall
Huawei | 5G
::: Slashdot ::: Huawei

The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
::: RadioProzac

Chipmakers in drought-hit Taiwan order water trucks to prepare for 'the worst'
::: ReutersBiz

TypeScript 4.2 is now out
linguaggi di programmazione
::: typescript

UCL now hosts Facebook’s PhD programme. Not an endowment or grant with guaranteed independence, but a business partnership where the company (as in this press release) describes the PhD programme, consistently as “ours”
::: mikarv

Marco Delmastro

Pyroscope is a new open source continuous profiler
programming, codice, snippet
::: PyroscopeIO

Learn more about the Sourcegraph vision, mission, and values. I'm glad to be continuing to serve the developer community and to work on building its growth with inclusiveness and equity as core components
programming, codice, snippet
::: lisaironcutter

Commento al "Report on a digital euro"
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: CrossWordsCW

Nel frattempo, Musk ha twittato che il prezzo del Bitcoin è “troppo alto”. E il corso è crollato di 10k dollari. Sembra una tarantella
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

V now supports thread primitives with an easy way to get computation results
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

Obvious to anybody who has any marketing brain. Microsoft is not here to love open source or make it any better. Just to milk it to their own gains. As usual. You're a fool to think otherwise
open source | Microsoft
::: GianlucaXAcqua

City of Annapolis, MD brings #climateaccountability lawsuit against 26 fossil fuel defendants including American Petroleum Institute. First major new #climatelawsuit filed in 2021, first by a state capital, & 2nd by a city in #Maryland! #climatelitigation
ambiente, ecologia
::: Dana_Drugmand

Starlink Will Hit 300Mbps and Expand To 'Most of Earth' This Year
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Open source software and standards are driving the transition to #5G, #AI and #IoT. Learn what open source technologies matter most and why in this free training course from @LF_Networking
5G | artificial intelligence | Internet of things
::: LF_Training

21 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 581

 Giorni spaziali anche se qui c'è solo nebbia; e poi ho wisto nel Web.

New code walkthrough on keras.io: Switch Transformers, an architecture the makes it possible to increase the representational capacity of a Transformer while keeping its computational cost low. Implemented by Khalid Salama
machine learning
::: fchollet

Windows, un aggiornamento blocca i PC protetti da crittografia
::: Genjuro75 ::: MUO_official

Ecco il cerotto con cui controllare i livelli di caffeina nel vostro sangue
::: Genjuro75

What we're seeing in Texas right now is the tragedy that unfolds when big oil, corporate interests, deregulation, and climate change meet. This is not a Texas problem. This is an American problem. And low-income people of color will once again suffer the most
ambiente, ecologia | economia, lavoro
::: NYCMayor ::: disinformatico ::: Slashdot ::: l___kent

YouTube TV To Launch Option for 4K and Unlimited Streams
video, streaming
::: Slashdot

#Norway, the UK and Canada are not climate champions. They are climate hypocrites." These nations "all plan to keep producing fossil fuels, investing in new projects and explorations#
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg

Chromebooks Outsold Macs Worldwide in 2020, Cutting Into Windows Market Share
hardware | sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Facebook Blocks All News In and From Australia
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot ::: _arianna ::: rasmus_kleis ::: AlienoGentile ::: ilmanifesto

Python is 30 years old this month. Here's an archive of the first beta release (by @gvanrossum obviously), version 0.9.1, with some tweaks to make it work today
::: sfermigier

First Apple Silicon optimized malware discovered in the wild https://
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: 9to5mac

Plasma 5.21 is out and it is the prettiest thing ever. Check out the new wallpaper, the easy-to-use application launcher, the brand new system monitor, and dozens of other improvements that make 5.21 the ideal desktop for you
applicazioni, programmi
::: kdecommunity

BREAKING: We’re calling on President Biden to pause all federal government use of face recognition technology. This tech is flawed, biased against people of color, women, trans people, and more. Even if it worked exactly as advertised, it would be a nightmare. Let’s explain
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: ACLU

Bentornato archivio de #LaStampa! Bello vedere che usa #SoftwareLibero (OpenSeadragon)
::: WikimediaItalia

If flying a helicopter on Mars sounds cool to you, you'll definitely want to check out our interview with the Mars Helicopter Operations Lead at @NASAJPL- we talk about hardware, autonomy, and the sad fate of Ingenuity when its 30 day mission is up
spazio, esplorazione
::: BotJunkie

A quick reminder to all the science writers out there
::: StartsWithABang

New York Sues To Shut Down 'Fraudulent' Coinseed Crypto Platform
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | crittografia
::: Slashdot

Le terre rare sono 17 elementi metallici, situati al centro della tavola periodica. Questi metalli hanno insolite proprietà magnetiche, conduttive e fluorescenti, il che li rende particolarmente utili quando legati, in piccole quantità, a metalli più comuni quali il ferro
::: DaLoVe1974

Nuova giornata, nuovo capolavoro dall'@istbrunoleoni
ambiente, ecologia | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: stebaraz

GCompris is now included in the Italian's catalogue of Open Source software for public institutions
open source | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: g_compris

Numérique versus paperasse... il y a beaucoup à dire là-dessus. Je vais parler uniquement de ce que je connais très bien, de l'intérieur : l'administration universitaire. En 20 ans de responsabilités diverses qui impliquent des tâches d'administration, 1/n
può far ridere; può far pensare mal comune; vedei te
::: flomaraninchi

Microsoft Starts Removing Flash From Windows Devices
ma c'è ancora?
::: Slashdot

How Oracle Sells Repression in China
::: Slashdot

@LenovoItalia condannata ad un risarcimento di 20.000 euro per aver negato il rimborso della licenza Windows pre-installata su un suo PC
sistemi operativi
::: ItaLinuxSociety

Biden To Order Review of US Reliance on Overseas Supply Chains For Semiconductors, Rare Earths
::: Slashdot

Just finished updating all the notebooks for my book to Scikit-Learn 0.24 and TensorFlow 2.4
Python | machine learning
::: aureliengeron

Using Python's "Rich" library from Common #Lisp 😍
Python | Lisp
::: aerique

ttenzione alla falsa e-mail del @MISE_GOV In realtà veicola il trojan #Ursnif/#Gozi
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slvlombardo

Half of London Councils have purchased Chinese-made surveillance gear, made by companies accused of abetting ethnic cleansing of Muslims
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: AASchapiro

Bill Gates Says We Need More Entrepreneurs Like Elon Musk To Take on Climate Change
protagonisti | (forse)
::: Slashdot

Ubuntu Touch is a platform developed by the Ubports foundation, making a third party platform viable and with the newest features, they can fight against Android and iOS. Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 5 works wonderfully
dispositivi mobili | sistemi operativi
::: dcavedon

Apple Hiring Engineers To Develop 6G Wireless
innovazioni, futuro | 5G
::: Slashdot

Lollypop 2 development is stopped due to an issue in pygobject. This give me time to learn a new language. So I'm trying to rewrite Lollypop 2 (what exists in Python version) in Rust. Nothing is decided but GTK-rs community is awesome :-)
linguaggi di programmazione | programming, codice, snippet
::: gnumdk

Silicon Valley-backed Groups Sue Maryland To Kill Country's First-Ever Online Advertising Tax
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Why Google's Internet Balloon Project Loon Failed
Google | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

2021: The year of Linux on the Mars-top
::: 0x30n ::: omgubuntu ::: vandario ::: SteffPy ::: andreagrandi ::: mikko

Climate Change, 1938 (!)
ambiente, ecologia | storia
::: cmnit

Giornali e riviste stiano tranquille, anche se moribonde da anni mamma Eni vi manterrà ancora con le sue pubblicità green
giornali, stampa
::: RadioProzac

Evasione fiscale, ora in Francia un algoritmo andrà a caccia dei «furbetti» sui social network
::: Corriere

Me, in the process of removing lines of code that “I don’t need”
::: themarcba

Think you jumped on the deep -learning trend early? Check out this NeuralWare™ ad from BYTE magazine for a neural networks software package... from 1988

Hello, world. My first look at my forever home. #CountdownToMars
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAPersevere ::: L_Apostata

A 14 years old just made me aware of the existence of a browser extension that makes you look frozen during calls. Fuck the future is actually bright
largo ai giovani!
social media | browser
::: philipdisalvo

This is the open source flight code that the NASA Mars drone is running
spazio, esplorazione | programming, codice, snippet
::: chr1sa

Talk about prehistoric attitudes – Italy's @Corriere newspaper falsely describes the Yanomami people as 'very aggressive' & 'close to a Neolithic society'. This is tired, #racist rubbish
giornali, stampa
::: Survival ::: StephenCorrySvl

With the successful use of Terrain Relative Navigation (TRN) on @NASAPersevere
for landing on Mars, you can see why @blueorigin has been testing TRN now on #NewShepard for eventual use next on Blue Moon cargo landers & for the Human Landing System; from Earth to Mars to the Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: ac_charania

Mark Dickinson: "I can't recall where I saw this originally, but you can use the spaceship operator "--0--" to turn floor division into ceiling division:"
da matti!
::: VictorStinner

IBM Explores Sale of IBM Watson Health
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

have a nice weekend @MicrosoftTeams
severo ma giusto
applicazioni, programmi
::: vikkio88

Apple is Trying To Drag Valve Into its Ongoing Legal Battle with Epic Games, and Valve Wants Nothing To Do With It
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Bitcoin Secures a $1 Trillion Market Cap for First Time Ever
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Questa è stata fatta durante la discesa, dal modulo con i retrorazzi che stava per sganciare il rover sospeso ai cavi
spazio, esplorazione
::: amedeo_balbi ::: James7Holland ::: BotJunkie ::: amedeo_balbi ::: amedeo_balbi

Many others will be sharing photos this morning. I'm going to do something different: read through Maki et al. (2020), the paper describing Perseverance's engineering cameras, and provide you some context for those pictures
spazio, esplorazione
::: elakdawalla

Australian Law Could Make Internet 'Unworkable', Says World Wide Web Inventor Tim Berners-Lee
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Livello di delirio senile: inveire contro alla TV
giornali, stampa
::: bermat

I used to be constantly disappointed by the human race, but
::: rickygervais

Pezzo imperdibile di Ferroni sul Tempo
giornali, stampa
::: gisellaruccia

che vergogna:la compagna di Julian #Assange racconta che in prigione a Julian #Assange hanno dato un computer con tasti incollati:come può studiare gli atti del processo?Da testimone,ho dovuto studiare il faldone dell'accusa, sono 368pag,senza scrivere sul computer come le segui?
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

For the love of god, Python, can you please add a random.shuffled that returns a shuffled version of a collection without me having to make a copy, etc
::: peterseibel

Programming is social
::: lemire

Se ho ben capito l'epidemiologia di Twitter, il mattone nel nick è una temibile variante della bandierina italiana. Fortunatamente il vaccino funziona su entrambe, si chiama "blocca" e ha un'efficacia del 100%
Twitter | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: scaffarini

Google's really come a long way from the “Don't be evil” days, huh?
::: peterseibel

Once He Steps Down From Amazon, Jeff Bezos Will be Able to Focus his Energy on Blue Origin
protagonisti | spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Python 3.9.2 and 3.8.8 are out!
::: gvanrossum

NVIDIA Limits RTX 3060 Crypto Speeds As it Introduces Mining Cards
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

ngenuity, the Mars Helicopter I carry, is working as expected. I’m currently charging it, but once I set it down, it’ll rely solely on its solar panels. If it survives the brutally cold Martian nights, the team will attempt flight.
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAPersevere

Texas Was 'Seconds and Minutes' Away From Catastrophic Monthslong Blackouts, Officials Say
energia | politica
::: Slashdot

Today, America is officially back in the Paris Climate Agreement. Let’s get to work
ambiente, ecologia

In back pages of BYTE from Dec 1995 there was an article on FreeBSD by Jordan Hubbard. Jordan is the co-founder of the FreeBSD project, and later became the director of Unix technology at Apple
::: unix_byte

I don’t say this encircling all AI researchers at Google or Facebook, but aren’t “ethical AI” and “advertising giant” completely at odds with one another? What is an AI ethicist at Google supposed to do that doesn’t actually undermine their most valuable business model?
artificial intelligence | etica
::: stylewarning

Dogecoin Has a Top Dog Worth $2.1 Billion
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Perseverance Microphones
spazio, esplorazione | umorismo
::: xkcdComic

"Learn Common Lisp by Example: Qt GUI with EQL5" by Matthew D. Miller. #lisp #ecl
avendo tempo...
::: dk_jackdaniel

A meta-review of 1,000 studies found that the science tying our facial expressions to our emotions isn’t entirely universal. People make the expected facial expression to match their emotional state only 20% to 30% of the time
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

innovation means more than inventing new things
::: AlienoGentile

New report out: "Dark Web Marketplaces and COVID-19: The vaccines". We found 16 vendors offering unspecified, AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines
quelli che Zaia?
coronavirus | frodi
::: a_baronca ::: a_baronca

Dare colpa a africani pure di carenza vaccini? Non è facile, ma ci si può riuscire
giornali, stampa
::: Reale_Scenari

Machine Learning: se nun ce capisci n'emerita sega, qui ce trovi na specie de Bignamino fatto bene bene
machine learning
::: ScienzaCoatta

Para el diario italiano @repubblica no puedes ser simplemente colombiana, tienes que ser "de la Colombia de los narcos". Porque las cosas y las gentes no vienen de Italia, sino "del país de la mafia"
giornali, stampa
::: IdafeMartin

Daily Mail (5th December 2000)
::: fi_lor

Kodi v19 is out! Keep in mind, we have updated everything to Python 3, so make sure any addons you use have been updated, or they will be marked as incompatible on upgrade
video, streaming | Python
::: KodiTV

Did Facebook Inflate Its Advertising Metrics?
::: Slashdot

Google fires top AI ethics researcher Margaret Mitchell
artificial intelligence | etica | Google
::: fabiochiusi ::: math_rachel ::: everestpipkin ::: JAldrichPL

Top Banks Join Linux and Open-Source Patent Protection Group
Linux | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Python Turns 30. A Steering Council Member Reflects
::: Slashdot

18 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 580

 Novità? io mi sono perso tutto tranne quello che ho wisto nel Web.

New from @stanfordio: Clubhouse transmits user IDs and channel IDs in plaintext to Agora (a Chinese company), allowing a network adversary to see which users are talking to each other
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jackhcable

New Major Release: Racket v8.0 is here!
language Racket
::: racketlang

Coca-Cola Begins Testing a Paper Bottle
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Non esistono soluzioni semplici per problemi complessi
::: MauroV1968

Golang Approves Generics, While Python Accepts Pattern-Matching Proposals
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Ciao sono nuovo
Twitter | umorismo
::: _soloGian

Misleading Viral Claims Show Dangers of Preprint Servers, Researchers Warn
media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

AI is getting smarter, but are we ready to trust it? Ethical frameworks can help give it credibility. Partner Content by @IBMEurope
artificial intelligence
::: ft_content

Panico nelle redazioni
giornali, stampa
::: davcarretta

Did Linux Kill Commercial Unix?
::: Slashdot

The Rich Got Richer: GameStop's Trading Frenzy Benefited Wall Street's Elite
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

'We Need to Inflict Pain': Mark Zuckerberg's War on Apple
::: Slashdot

An under-appreciated feature of our present is how we record almost everything -- far more data than we can analyze. Future historians will be able to reconstruct and understand our time far better than we perceive and understand it right now
dati, raccolta
::: fchollet

Apple, la nuova beta di iOS nasconde gli indirizzi IP quando contatta Google per il servizio Safe Browsing
Apple | Google
::: Genjuro75

Cina e Russia rimangono tra i paesi in cui l'impatto delle intelligenze artificiali mette a rischio i diritti umani, ma il problema è globale: cosa dice l'ultimo studio del National Institute of Standard and Technology americano
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: wireditalia

Poliziotti virtuali, riconoscimento facciale, tecnologie biometriche, scoring algoritmico per gestire il controllo dei confini: è questa l’Europa dei diritti?
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: _arianna

confidenze tra donne
::: evilripper

I did not spend the last 10 years avoiding phonecalls just to go and join clubhouse
social media
::: erinfranmc

Biden condemned Putin for abusing the justice system to deal with the political embarrassment of Navalny - and now engages in exactly the same abuse to deal with the political embarrassment of Assange
Julian Assange
::: Bynickdavies

C Passed Java to Take #1 Spot on TIOBE's Index
ci credo sempre di meno
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

this one was especially popular in Utah
e io quasi ci credevo!
::: johnregehr

Wow, we're sooooo impressed by this AI that can detect sarcasm
artificial intelligence

The next version of Rich will have the ability to create full-screen dashboards. Building such things is much more like HTML than curses. You define a layout and a model, and let Rich handle the rendering
tutto sul blog di Will
::: willmcgugan

Grazie a @CNRsocial_ per continuare a sostenere #SoDiLinux, dstribuzione Linux usata in tante scuole italiane. Per assistenza e supporto ci si può rivolgere alla community Lavagna Libera
scuola, educazione, cultura | Linux
::: ItaLinuxSociety

How the Ozone Layer Was 'Rescued' From a Spike in CFC
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

On arXiv today: @mrtz and @beenwrekt's new textbook on machine learning. I learned a TON from this
machine learning
::: JSEllenberg

Microsoft Urges America to Force Google and Facebook to Pay for News
::: Slashdot

Food Delivery Drones - Irish Manna Company is Testing
::: HeinzVHoenen

What Cyber Threats Await Us In 2021
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MinaChan77

For folks trying to get their head around PEP 634 (pattern matching), which will land in the next alpha release of 3.10, here's a brief tutorial I wrote: (more concise than the introduction in PEP 636)
::: gvanrossum

who made this
::: NickyWoolf

Non Sequitur for February 15, 2021
::: _juhan

How Bill Gates Is Funding the Fight Against Climate Change
ambiente, ecologia | protagonisti
::: Slashdot

In India un’attivista è stata arrestata per “sedizione” per aver editato un Google Doc
::: amassone

Perché le case farmaceutiche non producono abbastanza vaccini? È colpa dei brevetti o (come in tutte le cose della vita) è una questione più complicata? 1/n
coronavirus | copyright e brevetti | innovazioni, futuro
::: BiologiScienza

Incredibile che lo scenario contro il quale il mondo del #softwarelibero ha sempre messo in guardia si sia concretizzato, vero? Non dite che non vi avevamo avvisati. #ilovefs
open source
::: framarinucci

Nessuna sorpresa però, parliamo di questa gente in fondo
social media
::: RadioProzac

After Researchers Raise Spying Concerns, Clubhouse Promises Blocks on Transmitting to Chinese Servers
social media
::: Slashdot

Looking for an GNU+Linux system that doesn't exposes its users to the incompatibilities and security breaches that systemd inflicts on its adopters? Go Devuan! Six years of love and still counting
sistemi operativi | Linux | Linux distro
::: DyneOrg

Web, le lobby all'attacco delle nuove regole sulla privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ilmanifesto

dbm — Unix Key-Value Databases
::: pymotw

SolarWinds Hack Was 'Largest and Most Sophisticated Attack' Ever, Microsoft President Says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Today's the 75th anniversary of ENIAC, widely considered to be the first digital computer, coded by six female programmers

“An operating system is a collection of things that don’t fit into a language. There shouldn’t be one” - Dan Ingalls
::: amszmidt

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 16, 2021
::: GoComics

We believe adding context to what people are seeing on Twitter leads to a more informed public conversation, especially when it involves political actors and topics. Today, we’re expanding government account labels to additional countries
::: Policy

Doesn’t Use Cookies
::: nixcraft

The Journal of Functional Programming will move to Open Access in 2022! Our published research will be freely accessible to all
programmazione funzionale

Disastro ambientale. Carabinieri sequestrano il porto di Bagnara Calabra - Le immagini subacquee girate dagli uomini dell'Arma mostrano come sia stato sversato di tutto sui fondali di fronte all'area portuale
ambiente, ecologia
::: francofontana43

Così Spotify ruberà la voce, un commento alla canzone, magari un’imprecazione. Per capire se sei in strada o in un parco, se sei felice con una melodia mainstream o arrabbiato con un hip hop, tanto per restare dentro gli stereotipi
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: arturodicorinto

Capolavoro de @ilgiornale: non solo prima casca nella bufala sull'intervista a Brunetta e poi la rimuove zitto zitto, ma il giorno dopo fa pure finta di niente, incolpa i "principali siti di informazione" e anzi titola s una "imboscata" di "Pd e M5S"
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: davcarretta ::: AndreaZitelli_

This is a compiler bug of the worst type. If an interrupt arrives exactly between the two instructions then the stack will be overwritten. This is something that will almost never happen, but when it does things will go badly wrong
se ho capito bene "improbabile" e solo "old"
::: bitfield

Here, Musk quotes a portion of Carl Sagan's speech to say its core message is false. The way Sagan ended the speech was "To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known"
::: AstroKatie

The Lunar Gateway is coming to life 🌕 First elements of @NASA #HALO’s primary structure welded & unveiled in @Thales_Alenia_S’ #Turin plant
spazio, esplorazione
::: Thales_Alenia_S

Abbiamo il piacere e l'onore di condividere con tutti i lettori della newsletter, che a Gennaio 2021 il wiki #Ubuntu-it ha superato il traguardo delle 700 guide, fra pagine create e ideate dalla comunità
::: ubuntuit

Il pezzo sullo smartworking del Corriere twittato ieri da @dariodivico più che al mondo dell'ironia appartiene però a quello frivolo dei pezzi "di colore" che vanno dalla bassa psicologia che confonde smartworking con lockdown al disagio delle piante lasciate morire in ufficio
lavoro a distanza | giornali, stampa
::: _av0n

New Linux 5.11 Released, This is What’s New
::: dcavedon ::: ZDNet

Bitcoin Jumps To $50,000 as Record-Breaking Rally Accelerates
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

VIDEO: MIT researcher shows how dangerously easy it is to create a deep-fake of anyone

Fakes sull'energia e riscaldamento ambientale ne abbiamo? certo ecco FoxNews in Texas
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | energia
::: LisPower1

Are you ready for the CEH(Certified Ethical Hacker)?
hackers at work
::: NetworkChuck

Shellshock, also known as Bashdoor, could enable an attacker to cause Bash to execute arbitrary commands and gain unauthorized access to many Internet-facing services, such as web servers, that use Bash to process requests
::: Hakin9

Microsoft Office, l’app arriva ufficialmente anche su iPad
applicazioni, programmi
::: Genjuro75

More pseudoscientific nonsense "Now scientists from South Korea have created an artificial intelligence system that could theoretically take advantage of 5G networks to "discover human emotions" in entire cities"
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: rosamunde_vb

Una nuova azienda aerospaziale arriva a #Torino: è @exosaerosystech, produttore texano di razzi suborbitali riutilizzabili
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

Finland topped the European 2019 index measuring resistance to misinformation and disinformation. Media literacy is taught from the age of six
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: MKeinanen

Oh, io ci ho provato a stare su #Clubhouse. Però non ho capito perché dovrei passare il tempo a sentire persone che non conosco parlare di argomenti che non mi interessano e di cui spesso non sanno un gran che. Qualcuno mi aiuta?
social media
::: marcocattaneo

🇸🇪 Swedish police authority gets slapped with a EUR 250,000 fine for unlawful use of Clearview AI facial recognition tech
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: vmanancourt

Everything You Need to Know About NASA's Perseverance Rover Landing on Mars
spazio, esplorazione
::: BotJunkie

Ring tells its customers that they get to choose whether to share the footage from their street-facing cameras with cops, but that's a lie, too. If you say no, the cops still get to look through your camera
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: doctorow

While permits have been needed since at least 2017 to write about topics such as political and military affairs, enforcement has not been widespread. The new rules expand that requirement to health, economics, education and judicial matters
Cina | censura
::: fabiochiusi

What I Write / What I Mean
::: lizandmollie

Gli Investimenti Pubblcitari sui Quotidiani dal 2010 al 2020 - https://bityl.co/5dj7 | @DataMediaHub - Nel 2010 erano 1.3 miliardi di euro. Il 2020 si è chiuso a circa 428 milioni di euro. Attorno ad un terzo di quello che erano dieci anni fa
CMQ fanno schifo (quai tutti)
media | ad, pubblicità
::: DataMediaHub

Evitare di commentare sui social network
social media
::: g3p5

How one tiny country is beating the pandemic and climate change
coronavirus | ambiente, ecologia
::: formicablu

Fortnite Creator Epic Files European Union Complaint Against Apple
games | Apple
::: Slashdot

Reminder: No one thing will save you from creating bad software
sì, ma
programming, codice, snippet
::: fogus

Hi I'm a hacker and I fund this serious vulnerability
::: johnjhacking

Spot’ is a Native Spotify App for Linux
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

the tech + society resource list i was compiling is here 🥳 it's not done yet, but so far it has
un sacco di risorse
tecnologia | artificial intelligence | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: garnettachieng

Particolare attenzione va posta agli investimenti in manutenzione delle opere e nella tutela del territorio, incoraggiando l’utilizzo di tecniche predittive basate sui più recenti sviluppi in tema di Intelligenza artificiale e tecnologie digitali
politica | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Today we launch a European Citizens Initiative to call for a ban on biometric mass surveillance. This will be a huge win for the safety of our communities. Sign and share!
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: sarahchander

#China's digital RMB will give Beijing the power to monitor all transactions at an individual level in real time. But will other countries want to use something that gives the CCP such an extraordinary surveillance reach?
digitalizzazione | Cina | economia, lavoro
::: JKynge

IBM Commits To Net Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions By 2030
it's good to see this commitment
ambiente, ecologia
::: redmonk

Manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool" asdf-vm.com
applicazioni, programmi
::: redmonk

Oggi tutto Super: variante, farmaco, anticorpi, robot
giornali, stampa
::: Arnaldogreco

Spy Pixels In Emails Have Become Endemic
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

A Redesigned GNOME Software is in the Works – and it Looks Great!
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon