25 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 582

 Ecco qua un'altra lista di cose che ho wisto nel Web.

Very pleased to see that nearly 50% of respondents use sanitizers of some sort by default while developing in C++!
programming, codice, snippet
::: lefticus

New malware found on 30,000 Macs has security pros stumped
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Provata l'efficacia del #vaccino
::: MrAgj

Tra superfici marziane per un altro mondo immaginario possibile
spazio, esplorazione
::: ilmanifesto

Could Earth's Reversing Magnetic Poles Accelerate Climate Change?
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

China has raised this year’s production quotas for rare earths in an apparent goodwill message to the United States
::: simopieranni

Linux Is Now on Mars, Thanks to NASA's Perseverance Rover
Linux | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

After a full day’s Senate hearings where the Murdoch media denied they were a monopoly, what do his tabloids deliver today in 8 different cities? The same cookie-cutter article published in 8 different papers! They really take us for fools. #MurdochRoyalCommission
::: MrKRudd

Bill Gates Questions Societal Value of 'GameStop' Mania, Argues It'd Be 'Good to Get Rid of' Bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

definitely curious what the tau faction's response will be
::: johnregehr

I see the hashtag #InsteadOfGoingToMars and I think, huh, the budget of NASA is 1/200th of the federal budget, 3% of the military budget, a third of what we spend on just cigarettes... and for that we get the entire Universe. Seems like a damn good deal to me
spazio, esplorazione
::: BadAstronomer

It's good practice when you see some amazing and surprising "sciencey" image or video shared by an account that isn't a professional in that field to at least glance at the replies to see if they're filled with exasperated experts shouting "PLEASE STOP SPREADING THIS IT'S FAKE"
::: AstroKatie

Could an Ethically-Correct AI Shut Down Gun Violence?
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

No, quella del governo australiano contro le piattaforme digitali non è una battaglia per la democrazia e il giornalismo. È piuttosto l'esito ultimo di una guerra commerciale in cui a rimetterci, al solito, rischiamo di essere tutti noi
media | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Mario Draghi ha la passione per le email
giornali, stampa
::: Vitellozzo

Inside the ‘Wikipedia of Maps,’ Tensions Grow Over Corporate Influence #OpenStreetMap
open source
::: dcavedon

“Artificial Intelligence Could Mean Large Increases in Prosperity—But Only for a Privileged Few” - Labor-saving advances in AI may undo the gains from globalization and pose new challenges for economic development - by Anton Korinek and Joe Stiglitz
artificial intelligence | economia, lavoro
::: demartin

Read my latest: an ex-ByteDancer walks me through the inner workings of the company's complex content moderation operation and execution in China. They also shared how they felt about developing technologies that censor speech
censura | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: shenlulushen

Quale sarebbe questo “fair value”? Un caffè, un mozzicone di sigarette più o meno tre standard deviation? Fair per chi? Appunto: il valore è solo negli occhi di chi lo scambia. Mo’ chiedo a Musk... al limite a Roaring Kitty!
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

Le possibilità contenute nel futuro
::: AlienoGentile

Parler Apparently Temporarily Blocked Its Own Co-Founder and Former CEO
social media
::: Slashdot

Node.js/Deno Creator Discusses Rust, C++, TypeScript, and Vim
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot

Elon Musk Co-Authors COVID-19 Paper Accepted For Publication In 'Nature'
protagonisti | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

Mi stupisce sempre che sia molto più facile che in TV lo dica #BillGates, che gli Stati dovrebbero tassare di più i ricchi per finanziare scuola, ricerca e lotta all'emergenza climatica, rispetto a chi va a rappresentare la sinistra
da non fermarsi al primo tweet
protagonisti | economia, lavoro | open source
::: beabri

For best results, fall in the love with
::: fchollet

Our February update for the #VollaPhone project is out. News about the delivery status and the operating systems. Get the #googlefree smartphone now for #freedom through #simplicity and #security
dispositivi mobili | open source
::: hello_volla

Experian Challenged Over Massive Data Leak in Brazil
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Odio contro Meloni: cattivo. Odio contro Greta: buono
giornali, stampa | ambiente, ecologia
::: fabiochiusi

giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi

The operating systems used in spacecraft are a very different breed of cat indeed. Here's a cool article about it if anyone wants to know more
sistemi operativi | spazio, esplorazione
::: richarddlarson

AI: IBM showcases new energy-efficient chip to power deep learning
hardware | deep learning
::: ZDNet

Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Twitter Agree to Australia's Misinformation-Fighting Code
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Mark Zuckerberg ha cambiato le regole interne di Facebook per supportare le #fakenews #Altright di Alex Jones e Ben Shapiro #Facciamorete
Facebook | politica
::: alex_orlowski

Curiosità personale. Nell'arco della giornata, quanto tempo passate su Twitter: più o meno di un'ora?
::: janavel7

decimal — Fixed and Floating Point Math
::: pymotw

The Elon giveth, and the Elon taketh away
::: nbashaw

WhatsApp To Switch Off Messages For All Who Reject New Terms
social media
::: Slashdot

3-0: porta sfiga

Yellen apre al dollaro digitale: "Merita di essere studiato"
digitalizzazione | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Agenzia_Italia

Microsoft is "working with Europe’s four leading lobby groups for news publishers to develop a legal solution to “mandate payments” for the use of content by “gatekeepers that have dominant market power”" @alexebarker reports
::: rasmus_kleis

Clubhouse Chats Are Breached, Raising Concerns Over Security
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Serenity, a 20 kg remote controlled ornithopter by RC Ornithopter
uh 🤓 le macchine volanti!
::: MachinePix

Facebook Strikes Last-Minute Deal With Australia Around News Content
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

When you think about it

A operating system that cannot be recompiled in first boot is broken
sistemi operativi | open source
::: amszmidt

I have a favourite from that list - but then again, I might be biased! :-D
::: racketlang

Le scelte di indirizzo politico sono tutte legittime. Tuttavia snaturare (ancora) il #copyright per renderlo strumento di sussidio “spintaneo” ad un settore dell’industria dei contenuti non fa onore alla tradizione giuridica del nostro continente
copyright e brevetti | media
::: marcoscialdone

Google Finally Adds iOS Privacy Labels To Gmail
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Python is getting so complex that i wonder if people from the C++ committee secretly joined the core devs
::: mitsuhiko

A guide to Python virtual environments with virtualenvwrapper
::: doughellmann

FCC Proposes Rules for Emergency Broadband Program To Keep Struggling Families Online
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Now Linux is on Mars the aliens will be flying open saucers 😬
::: dlitchfield

Firefox's Total Cookie Protection Aims To Stop Tracking Between Multiple Sites
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

PlayStation CEO Says PS5 Will Get Its Own VR Headset
virtual reality | games
::: Slashdot

Samsung Now Updates Android For Longer than Google Does
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

What caused the electric-power fiasco in #Texas and what can now be done to make sure that it never happens again? Grid expert Robert Hebner of the University of Texas at Austin lays it all out
::: IEEESpectrum

Our last PNAS Paper explores the key differences between the main social media platforms and how they are likely to influence information spreading and echo chambers’ formation. Feed algorithms may burst polarization. @PNASNews @SapienzaRoma
social media
::: Walter4C

Apple Has Bought Over 100 Companies Over the Past Six Years, Tim Cook Tells Investors
Apple | coronavirus
::: Slashdot

"Chinese spyware code was copied from America's NSA" "Experts argue that American spies should devote more energy to fixing the flaws they find in software instead of developing and deploying malicious software to exploit it"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: PirateOrg

Huawei Turns To Pig Farming as Smartphone Sales Fall
Huawei | 5G
::: Slashdot ::: Huawei

The U.S. Air Force Just Admitted The F-35 Stealth Fighter Has Failed
::: RadioProzac

Chipmakers in drought-hit Taiwan order water trucks to prepare for 'the worst'
::: ReutersBiz

TypeScript 4.2 is now out
linguaggi di programmazione
::: typescript

UCL now hosts Facebook’s PhD programme. Not an endowment or grant with guaranteed independence, but a business partnership where the company (as in this press release) describes the PhD programme, consistently as “ours”
::: mikarv

Marco Delmastro

Pyroscope is a new open source continuous profiler
programming, codice, snippet
::: PyroscopeIO

Learn more about the Sourcegraph vision, mission, and values. I'm glad to be continuing to serve the developer community and to work on building its growth with inclusiveness and equity as core components
programming, codice, snippet
::: lisaironcutter

Commento al "Report on a digital euro"
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: CrossWordsCW

Nel frattempo, Musk ha twittato che il prezzo del Bitcoin è “troppo alto”. E il corso è crollato di 10k dollari. Sembra una tarantella
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

V now supports thread primitives with an easy way to get computation results
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

Obvious to anybody who has any marketing brain. Microsoft is not here to love open source or make it any better. Just to milk it to their own gains. As usual. You're a fool to think otherwise
open source | Microsoft
::: GianlucaXAcqua

City of Annapolis, MD brings #climateaccountability lawsuit against 26 fossil fuel defendants including American Petroleum Institute. First major new #climatelawsuit filed in 2021, first by a state capital, & 2nd by a city in #Maryland! #climatelitigation
ambiente, ecologia
::: Dana_Drugmand

Starlink Will Hit 300Mbps and Expand To 'Most of Earth' This Year
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Open source software and standards are driving the transition to #5G, #AI and #IoT. Learn what open source technologies matter most and why in this free training course from @LF_Networking
5G | artificial intelligence | Internet of things
::: LF_Training

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