14 febbraio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 579

 Quante cose! c'è chi festeggia il nuovo anno, chi gli stravolgimenti politici, io vi dico cosa ho wisto nel Web.

The match statement that will debut in Python 3.10 looks really interesting; there's a nice description & tutorial here: python.org/dev/peps/pep-0636/ It's superficially like a switch statement in C, but much more powerful
::: jakevdp

Facebook Is Said to Be Building a Product to Compete With Clubhouse
social media | Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

Microsoft CEO's Take on Tech's Clout: 'Big by Itself Is Not Bad'
social media
::: Slashdot

Corsa al Pianeta Rosso - Oggi #Tianwen1 (Tianwen = domande celesti, poesia di Qu Yuan), prima sonda cinese, è arrivata nell’orbita di #Marte. Ieri ci era riuscita Hope degli Emirati Arabi Uniti, mentre il rover Perseverance -missione Nasa dovrebbe atterrare su Marte il 18 febbraio
spazio, esplorazione
::: LalaHu9

Authorities Arrest SIM Swapping Gang that Targeted Celebrities
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Machines Are Inventing New Math We've Never Seen
::: Slashdot

Privacy is a human right
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: torproject

I'm enjoying see #GNOME 40 come together bit by bit, but I'm not sold on the pending change to move the 'app launcher' out of the dock. It looks OK with no workspaces to the left, but odd when there are some, as 2nd screenshot (via BabyWogue) shows. What do you think? 🤔
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Android 12 Leak Appears To Show Major Redesign With Color-Changing UI
dispositivi mobili | hardware
::: Slashdot

Epic's New MetaHuman Tool Lets You Craft Realistic Faces Inside a Browser
browser | games
::: Slashdot

Mastercard To Open Up Network To Select Cryptocurrencies
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Breached Water Plant Employees Used the Same TeamViewer Password and No Firewall
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Quanto impatterebbe uno sviluppo dell #opensource? #OFE ha concluso che anche un aumento del 10% potrebbe potenzialmente aumentare il PIL dell'UE di quasi 100 miliardi di euro (120 miliardi di dollari) all'anno
open source
::: informapirata

"On current trends, the probability of staying below 2°C of warming is only 5%, but if all countries meet their nationally determined contributions and continue to reduce emissions at the same rate after 2030, it rises to 26%" As if a 26% chance was good
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg

The online tool has ranked Bitcoin’s electricity consumption above Argentina (121 TWh), the Netherlands (108.8 TWh) and the United Arab Emirates (113.20 TWh) - and it is gradually creeping up on Norway (122.20 TWh)
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | energia
::: fabiochiusi

Eh! Bella domanda
hardware | economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon

“Panoptykon believes that “Surveillance and Censorship Act” would be a more accurate name for the law”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

The Council of Europe calls for a ban on the use of facial recognition for determining a person’s skin colour, religious or other belief, sex, racial or ethnic origin, age, health or social status & for affect recognition
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: MullerCatelijne

Apple Privacy Chief: North Dakota Bill 'Threatens To Destroy the iPhone As You Know It'
ditte | politica
::: Slashdot

Well, it stands to reason. We have a problem caused by technology, so how do we solve it? With more technology, of course
ambiente, ecologia | tecnologia
::: mpigliucci

Interessante questo nuovo Gold standard decentralizzato: Il Bitcoin. Il nuovo Gold Standard senza minatori del klondike con tecnologia adatta ad estrarre le pepite. Dopo un certo margine. Che fine farebbe secondo voi? O meglio, faremmo?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: ThManfredi

Illegal CFC emissions have stopped since scientists raised alarm
ambiente, ecologia
::: marcoscan

Un team di fisici dell'Università di Glasgow è riuscito per la prima volta a codificare un ologramma servendosi delle proprietà uniche dell'entanglement quantistico
::: wireditalia

Buying Bitcoin and driving the price up 10% is the same as if @Tesla had put 800,000 gasoline-powered cars back on the road, forever
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | ambiente, ecologia
::: philiprosedale

Mi devo essere perso i campi di concentramento di Facebook e i gulag di Google, ma sicuramente quel "nuovo" davanti a "totalitarismo" rende il tutto molto sensato
::: fabiochiusi

Wall Street Fund Wants To Hire r/WallStreetBets Users To Help Pick Meme Stocks
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Stack Overflow Users Rejoice as Pattern Matching is Added to Python 3.10
::: SteveHarville

Ok, sto cominciando a rimpiangere John McAfee
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Clodo76

In this 2018 interview, Don Eyles recounts the hack that saved Apollo 14. Fifty years ago this month, the mission returned safely to Earth
uh! post vecchio ma nuovo per me su una cosa compltamente dimenticata
storia | spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

"In short, we come to the conclusion that severe doubts exist on the compatibility of #Article17 with fundamental rights and the basic principles of EU law such as proportionality and legal certainty", great article by @ChristopheGeig1 & @bjjuette!
Unione Europea | copyright e brevetti
::: Senficon

Microsoft Approached Pinterest About a Takeover
Microsoft | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Speaking of Apollo mission software, let's take a moment to reflect on the wondrous rope memory at the heart of the Apollo Guidance Computer
storia | hardware | spazio, esplorazione
::: IEEESpectrum

🇪🇺 For the first time the EU got more electricity from renewables than fossil fuels in 2020
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: _HannahRitchie

Bitcoin Hits Record as Mastercard, BNY Mellon Embrace Crypto
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Solar and Wind Are Reaching for the Last 90% of the US Power Market
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Proofpoint Sues Facebook To Get Permission To Use Lookalike Domains For Phishing Tests
::: Slashdot

super mega storiaccia questa (nei giorni scorsi tencent ha cacciato un tot di dipendenti...chissà)
Cina | politica
::: simopieranni

EU Weighs Deal With TSMC, Samsung for Semiconductor Foundry
Unione Europea | hardware
::: Slashdot

Biden Team Pledges Aggressive Steps To Address Chip Shortage
::: Slashdot

So much complexity in software comes from
::: CodeWisdom

Twitter Has Studied Using Bitcoin, CFO Says
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | Twitter
::: Slashdot

Effectiveness is
::: MauroV1968

I guess I've been living under a rock; I only just now realized Excel 2021 adds record data types, dynamic arrays, and lambda including recursion
ma se vedessi come lo usano certi utenti...
applicazioni, programmi
::: greghendershott

Government Agencies Begin Investigating Robinhood, Reddit Over GameStop Stock
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Had to look twice at the name of the journalist there
robots, automazione, droni | umorismo | (forse)
::: michaelglasper

CLOS is just a part of Common Lisp. It's not a separate language. It's a niche language, but there are some systems in the 1-10 MLOC range
thread lungo e articolato su OOP
Lisp | programming, codice, snippet
::: RainerJoswig

Ottimo lavoro del team creato dalla Ministra @PaolaPisano_Min per lo studio dell'odio online, leggete il PDF allegato. #stophate #facciamorete #hatespeech bravi!
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: alex_orlowski

In a 2020 patent, Clearview AI proposed to apply its facial recognition tech to basically everything: identifying drug users, sex offenders, homeless people; determining mental issues or handicap; dispensing social benefits; reducing fraud
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

1 BTC transaction: 741 kWh - 100,000 VISA transactions: 149 kWh - Observing crypto people rationalize this: Priceless - For everything else there’s MasterCard
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | energia
::: profcarroll

Clubhouse. Can we skip the infatuation phase where we think “this time is different” and
social media
::: AntonioCasilli

Ieri il reparto di cybersec del cliente
::: SteffPy

Every repeated, 2D pattern has one of 17 different symmetries. These are called the “Wallpaper Groups”, and you can create your examples
::: MathigonOrg

Attraverso un’analisi della realtà virtuale, Nicholas #Mirzoeff spiega come e perché i mezzi di comunicazione basati sulla dimensione visuale hanno assunto un ruolo così centrale nella nostra vita quotidiana.
::: francdisa

As part of #ReclaimYourFace's investigation in rights-violating deployments of biometric mass surveillance, @EDRi member @HermesCenter explains how the Italian Police are deploying dehumanising biometric systems against people at Italy’s border
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

TIL that in 1957 there was a Polish computer that used base -2 to represent numbers
::: pinkhairedcyn

Over-Blocking: When is the EU Legislator Responsible?
censura | Unione Europea
::: hutko

learned today that the phrase “Choose Your Own Adventure” is an actively enforced US trademark
copyright e brevetti
::: lexi_lambda

"Hacking http://Chess.com and Accessing 50 Million Customer Records" Huge thanks to @sshell_ and @xEHLE_!
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: samwcyo

The price of solar electricity has dropped 89% in 10 years
This is a true technological revolution. (The price of batteries has dropped by a similar percent, btw.) This isn't just about green energy anymore. It's about CHEAP energy
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Noahpinion

A new report by the International Network of Civil Liberties Organisations looks at the use and abuse of facial recognition technology by states across the globe, providing detailed case studies from the Americas, Africa, Asia, Australia and Europe
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Inside the Making of Facebook’s Supreme Court
The company has created a board that can overrule even Mark Zuckerberg. Soon it will decide whether to allow Trump back on Facebook
::: fabiochiusi

The Long Hack: How China Exploited a U.S. Tech Supplier
::: Slashdot

The new owners of @BostonDynamics demonstrate some interesting robot designs
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

Jack Dorsey and Jay Z Invest 500 BTC To Make Bitcoin 'Internet's Currency'
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Darknet Crypto Kingpin JokerStash Retires After Illicit $1 Billion Run
::: Slashdot

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for February 13, 2021
social media
::: GoComics

Le Réseau Social
::: Boulet

Les douanes US ont scanné 23 millions de visages en 2020 et démasqué un nombre incroyable de fraudeurs : zéro
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: MathieuTriclot

Shell plans to expand their fossil gas production by over 20%
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg

Google, Microsoft, Qualcomm Protest Nvidia's Arm Acquisition
economia, lavoro | hardware
::: Slashdot

Interessante: il neoministro dell'Istruzione, Patrizio Bianchi, "Dal gennaio 2020 è direttore scientifico della Fondazione Internazionale Big Data e Intelligenza Artificiale per lo Sviluppo Umano"
politica | artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

Spesso invece non abbiamo la pazienza di aspettare
social media
::: BeppeBeppetti

Apple Will Proxy Safe Browsing Traffic on iOS 14.5 To Hide User IPs from Google
Apple | Google
::: Slashdot

Microsoft's Big Win in Quantum Computing Was an 'Error' After All
quantum computing | Microsoft
::: Slashdot

#lisp cltl1
storia | Lisp
::: RainerJoswig

Internal screaming
linguaggi di programmazione | (forse)
::: vzverovich

Yandex Said It Caught an Employee Selling Access To Users' Inboxes
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

HPE, Microsoft To Launch AI Capabilities To Space Station With Spaceborne Computer-2
artificial intelligence | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Same place, same memory, 58 years later
::: weird_hist

Maryland moves ahead with nation's first tax on internet ads
::: fabiochiusi

One of my favorite VSCode features is the regex search/replace that highlights matches in real-time
tool, componente software
::: jakevdp

This is so useful! I would always use http://regex101.com to test regex before finding this
tool, componente software
::: josemhe

China Refuses To Give WHO Raw Data on Early Covid-19 Cases
::: Slashdot

Normal Conversation
uh! it's me!
::: xkcdComic

Tra i retweet del neoministro alla transizione digitale, Vittorio Colao
::: fabiochiusi

Facebook Blames 'Technical Issues" for Its Broken Promise to the US Congress
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot

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