Presto che è tardi, prima di subito ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
We're excited to announce the official release of GNOME 40! After countless hours of work from the GNOME community, this release brings many exciting updates!
applicazioni, programmi
::: gnome
Facebook and Twitter Must Do More To Fight Anti-Vaccine Misinformation, a Dozen State Attorneys General Demand
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Hanno chiuso Napster, brutti bastardi
::: ExplorerLento
The existence of Rust makes
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko
Negli ultimi giorni sta circolando una truffa che promuove buoni spesa o carte regalo Coop
::: Coopitalia
Isn't it funny that the same people who are calling us naive for believing change is possible are the ones who believe fossil fuel companies, big polluters and oil producing nations will ”fix” the climate- and ecological crisis with their vague, distant ”net zero” commitments...?
ambiente, ecologia
::: GretaThunberg
Intel To Outsource Some Key CPU Production for 2023 Chips to TSMC
open source | hardware
::: Slashdot
Very proud of the work we have done together and to recognize this milestone today! Congratulations to the past, present, and future DigitalOcean team 🎉🎉
::: lisaironcutter
China-based hackers used Facebook to target Uighurs abroad with malware
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: guardiantech
A monopolist's first preference is always "don't regulate me." But coming in at a close second is "regulate me in ways that only I can comply with, so that no one is allowed to compete with me"
::: doctorow
Ancora una raccolta di opinioni su RMS
::: slashdot ::: r0ml ::: fsfe ::: webmink ::: JimGettys ::: libreitalia ::: seanodiggity ::: amszmidt ::: mindspillage ::: italovignoli ::: jamesvasile ::: jaromil ::: nixcraft ::: Slashdot ::: schemeprincess ::: jimmy_wales
Trying to Understand the Lynching of Stallman: for an Uncompromising Defense of Free/Libre Software
sì, condivido, al di là di tutto
::: jaromil
Utah Governor Signs Legislation Requiring Porn Filters On Cellphones, Tablets
::: Slashdot
this is going to essentially break computers for many, many elderly people uncomfortable with computers, who rely on being able to recognize the icons and not having the computer yank things out from under them - source: I work at a computer repair shop and help these people
::: atomicthumbs
The performance improvements in Racket 8 are just blowing my mind
language Racket
::: wilbowma
Perché ho deciso di lasciare Facebook
Amreo ha spiegato perché abbandonerà Facebook, ma su FB il dominio del suo blog è considerato spam. Invitiamo quindi tutti i blogger in ascolto a ripubblicarlo, come abbiamo fatto noi!
::: informapirata
Linus Torvalds On Where Rust Will Fit Into Linux
Linux | linguaggi di programmazione
::: Slashdot
Mark Zuckerberg Suggests How To Tweak Tech's Liability Shield
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Asset Management Giant Fidelity Files For a Bitcoin ETF
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
small @ThePracticalDev post I wrote yday to share my first impressions about re-learning C++ in 2021 as a tool for some side-projects
linguaggi di programmazione
::: vikkio88
Today I published a free e-book about #golang. It is composed of 41 chapters and more than 700 pages. You can read it here: I'm waiting for your feedback :)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: MaximilienAld
“The TUC said workers could be “hired and fired by algorithm”, and new legal protections were needed. Among the changes it is calling for is a legal right to have any “high-risk” decision reviewed by a human”
lavoro | artificial intelligence
::: EthicsInAI
in 1995, while interning at apple, i bought a NeXT cube for $150 at stanford surplus
::: imranchaudhri
.@jack trolling a member of Congress who asked CEOs to affirm they know the different between "yes" & "no"
Twitter | umorismo
::: viaCristiano
Google wants to give researchers money. Some no longer want to take it
Google | etica
::: fabiochiusi
"malloc", from the French "mal LOC"
::: jckarter ::: MikelElorz
Alan Turing Honored As The Face of the UK's New 50-Pound Bank Note
::: Slashdot
Suppose RMS made a pull request to your open source project to fix a bug. The code style is fine, the bug is indeed fixed, and the commit message is duly explanatory of the fix’s nature. Would you merge it?
::: stylewarning
I disoccupati ora cercano lavoro nel Dark Web
Web, Internet | frodi
::: ilmanifesto
Autonomous vehicle technology is shifting to a more realistic gear - a new feature I have in Laser Focus World
::: jeffhecht
a great list of program analysis resources by @matt_dz
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr
La storia di @youyanggu, autodidatta immigrato negli Usa e invitato ai tavoli dei massimi esperti di Covid-19. Sembra la trama di un film di Hollywood o il remake della vicenda Gerli. Ma non è né l'una né l'altro
machine learning | coronavirus | politica
::: andcapocci
Half of UK Internet Registry Operator Nominet's Board, Including CEO and Chairman, Has Been Ditched
Web, Internet | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Apple, Google, Microsoft and Facebook collectively undertook 60 acquisitions in the AI tech space during 2016–2020 while Apple led the race with 25 acquisitions. AI has remained a key focus area for tech giants
artificial intelligence | big tech
::: fabiochiusi
Walt Disney World is testing facial recognition technology "to help eliminate long lines to enter the park"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
FileZilla now contains adware if you download from the official homepage. Be careful. You don't need FileZilla on Linux or Unix-like systems at all. On windows, try using WinSCP if you need that kind of stuff. WSL will also save you from such things
ad, pubblicità
::: nixcraft
“Un mese fa”
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: marcocattaneo ::: CharlyMatt
Existentialism is important, because
Twitter | umorismo
::: existentialcoms
When smart people are presented with something new, they tend to ask, "how does it work?": how is it structured, how was it made? But the more important & difficult question is *why does it work*: what is the functional kernel that makes it effective, what guided its evolution?
deep learning
::: fchollet
In a world full of shillcoins and marketing stunts, this is a valid prediction. It is the next layer, what altcoins were in 2011 and may not burn up in hashes like in 2017
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: jaromil
Student, 2 hours before the deadline: HELP my code's not working and it differs in this way from the reference implementation
programming, codice, snippet | scuola, educazione, cultura | umorismo
::: wilbowma
#AI does not pose an existential threat; deep learning is not the path to artificial general intelligence; consciousness is not a hard problem. Those are some of the sacred cows that @numenta’s Jeff Hawkins takes on in his new book
artificial intelligence
::: newsbeagle
Renewables Met 97% of Scotland's Electricity Demand in 2020
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
T-Mobile, Verizon, AT&T Stop SMS Hijacks After Motherboard Investigation
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Congress Questioned Big Tech CEOs For 5 Hours Without Getting Any Good Answers
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot
Facebook To Start Reopening Silicon Valley Offices in May
::: Slashdot
Russian hackers target German parliament again - Der Spiegel
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi
Now Russia Has Its Own Ultimatum for Twitter
::: fabiochiusi
The MagPi magazine issue 104. OUT NOW!
::: TheMagPi
Solar Is Cheapest Electricity In History, US DOE Aims To Cut Costs 60% By 2030
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot
Io ammazzo zanzare da febbraio. Sapete perché? Perché a Roma la temperatura media in 50 anni è cresciuta di quasi 4 gradi. Questa mappa mostra il riscaldamento (ormai ebollizione) dell'Europa, comune per comune. Abitanti di pianure interne inquinate, preparatevi all'inferno
ambiente, ecologia
::: RiccardoPennisi
Il futuro della pubblicità online è nei dati in poche mani e nelle piattaforme chiuse
ad, pubblicità
::: MauroV1968
yped racket version of SQL interpreter in a little over 100 lines... adapted from @tiarkrompf and Nada Amin's paper (just the interpreter)
language Racket
::: burakemir
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