08 aprile, 2021

Visto nel Web - 594

 Invece del muone vi racconto cosa ho wisto nel Web.

All 533,000,000 Facebook records were just leaked for free
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Facebook
::: UnderTheBreach ::: jwildeboer ::: nixcraft ::: arturodicorinto ::: alex_orlowski ::: alex_orlowski ::: signalapp ::: emenietti ::: Slashdot

Scopriamo che il primo input di indagare sulle Ong non venne dai pm di Trapani. Ma dal ministero dell'Interno (da poche ore in mano a Minniti) che ordinò alla polizia di investigare. I pm hanno poi intercettato giornalisti estranei. Qualcuno deve spiegare
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: emifittipaldi ::: senzasinistra

Will VW Face Regulatory Scrutiny Over It 'Voltswagen' Prank Like Elon Musk Did For His Tweets?
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Amazon 'Fesses Up': that Peeing in Bottles Thing is Probably True
::: Slashdot

Microsoft was founded #otd in 1975
::: MIT_CSAIL ::: alex_orlowski

What if the best way to get a friendly Common Lisp IDE
Lisp | language Racket
::: stylewarning

Io non ho niente contro quelli che fanno "scienza" per passatempo o per diletto su Twitter. Ben vengano! Massimo rispetto per chi, facendo un altro lavoro, qualsiasi lavoro, trova il tempo per studiare e approfondire un argomento, e vuole parlarne su twitter. 7/
estratto da un thread tutto da leggere
Twitter | scienza
::: glipari

A switch has silently been flipped in millions of instances of Google Chrome
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: EFF

NFTs Weren’t Supposed to End Like This
non-fungible tokens | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro
::: fabiochiusi ::: Slashdot

It is now possible to run a Debian using Coreutils (cp, chmod, ls, rm, tail, install, etc) rewritten in @Rustlang (instead of C for GNU)
è solo un inizio; molto lavoro ancora da fare
linguaggi di programmazione
::: SylvestreLedru

Linus Torvalds Discusses Intel and AMD's New Proposals for Interrupt/Exception Handling
hardware | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Tesla Faces Even More Union Trouble In the EU
::: Slashdot

Putin's Plan For Controlling the Internet In Russia
::: Slashdot

AlmaLinux Released As a Stable RHEL Clone For Those Who Liked CentOS
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

Mi stupisco dello stupore di @RobertoBurioni Non sa o fa finta di non sapere quanto infame è @mariogiordano5 e quindi che razza di gente siano i suoi collaboratori?
giornali, stampa
::: sdallagata

5th April 2010 10:44 @wikileaks has released a classified US military video depicting three airstrikes from a US Apache helicopter on July 12 2007 in New Baghdad. At least eighteen people were killed in the airstrikes, including two journalists working for Reuters
storia | Julian Assange
::: channeldraw ::: wikileaks

1. Ingenuity (ingegnosità) è un piccolo elicottero sviluppato dal Jet Propulsion Center di Pasadena, in California: il primo oggetto costruito dall’umanità per volare su un pianeta diverso dalla Terra
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: a_a_f_t

Siccome usa i dati degli utenti #Facebook non può dirsi gratis
::: sdallagata

💥 SST is a new open source framework for serverless
Web, Internet
::: ServerlessStack

Democrazia Futura. Perché l’oligopolio di Big Tech è insopportabile
::: arturodicorinto

GitHub is Investigating Crypto-mining Campaign Abusing Its Server Infrastructure
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Retweet if DOS Turbo Pascal was your first point of touch with programming
sì ma la versione 3.0; & poi tutte le successive
::: flaviocopes

I got you! As a kid growing up in Los Alamos, I crashed MANIAC II!
::: landsnark

45 years ago today the first major supercomputer was installed. The Cray-1 had a 64-bit processor and a top speed of 160 MFLOPS. For comparison, today’s top supercomputers are 20 billion times faster

Just got this as part of a (spammy) email to participate in a research survey "Note: You don't need to worry about this link, it's a link to a Google form". Made my day
::: zacchiro

Bitcoin is Trading Near $66,000 in South Korea as 'Kimchi Premium' Returns
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Problems people on Twitter think women in tech face, vs the problems women in tech actually face
Twitter | gender, discriminazioni
::: jeanqasaur

The more I use Go professionally and have to rely upon various forms of global or implicit state/behaviours, the more desperately I wish I could use a pure FP language (compiled) instead. I'm looking at you, context and deferred actions ...
programmazione funzionale
::: oubiwann

A curious observation I keep making is that Rust code is quite consistently shown with 4 space indentation. Go code on the other hand is all over the place since gofmt uses tabs. Originally go was shown everywhere with 8 space indentation which is rarely used these days
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko

If anyone is still holding out, Firefox is really good these days and has a lot of amazing privacy features built-in
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: micahflee ::: Slashdot

1. BREAKING @Facebook pledged to suspend political donations for the first 90 days of 2021, then donated $50,000 to @RSLC, a Republican group pushing voter suppression laws
Facebook | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | politica
::: JuddLegum

Locating solar panels directly above water canals—an idea that has been tried and proven effective in India—might help Californians get the water and electricity they're insatiably thirsty for
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: IEEESpectrum

Utility That Funded Racist Ad Tweets It Is ‘Committed’ to Antiracism
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: RadioProzac

Is a JingOS Linux Phone Coming? This Video Hints at the Possibility
dispositivi mobili | Linux
::: dcavedon ::: Genjuro75

Diamond-Based Quantum Accelerator Puts Qubits in a Server Rack
quantum computing
::: ericoguizzo

Sanity has prevailed: the Supreme Court sides with Google in Oracle’s API copyright case. It's astonishing that this case even got started, much less that it ground on for more than a decade
dispositivi mobili | copyright e brevetti
::: errcraft ::: Slashdot ::: SCOTUSblog ::: xor ::: webmink ::: ShriramKMurthi ::: lenazun ::: EFF ::: zacchiro

In 50 years, when the Internet generation runs the show, the Supreme Court is going to be split 5-4 between Lispers and Haskellers
::: breckyunits

Moscow clashes over facial recognition in shops
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

This is not only in Germany. Digital infrastructures create dependencies, are hard to remove, and are likely to be expanded. Precaution is key when creating solutions for emergency situation. Their impact on society will be longlasting. There is no Back to the Future in real life
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: carmelatroncoso

Omofobo fino in fondo
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: MariuzzoAndrea

Universities, don't do this to your students. Just don't
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: raistolo

A new and increasingly significant arm of medical research has gotten derailed from one of the basic tenets of scientific inquiry. Researchers are pushing to get it back on track
machine learning
::: IEEESpectrum

Big Meat and Dairy Companies Have Spent Millions Lobbying Against Climate Action, a New Study Finds - Inside Climate News
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

Di questo legame se ne parla troppo poco: pandemie e cambiamento climatico
coronavirus | ambiente, ecologia
::: MauroV1968

Colorado Denied Its Citizens the Right-To-Repair After Riveting Testimony
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot

Justice Thomas Argues For Making Facebook, Twitter and Google Utilities
social media
::: Slashdot

Yahoo Answers, a Repository for Stupid Questions, Is Shutting Down
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot ::: Santas_Official

LG To Shut Down Smartphone Business
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

A group of 51 digital rights organizations has called on the European Commission to impose a complete ban on the use of facial recognition technologies for mass surveillance – with no exceptions allowed
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

We had to discontinue the HomePod because we only sold millions of them
::: TimothyCookothy

Do NOT use Sci-Hub please! Here is the list of links, so you can avoid them more efficiently!
scienza | Web, Internet
::: N_Tomassetti

Results of Debian Vote On Stallman To Be Known By April 17
::: Slashdot

Questa settimana in #EconomiaPerTutti siamo meno scherzosi e più "verticali". Il tema è di spessore, e nel consueto limite dei 30 minuti bisognava dire un sacco di cose. Per questo abbiamo aggiunto un post con approfondimenti e link
::: AlienoGentile

Il y a eu une attaque informatique contre les serveurs du CNED
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Nain_Portekoi ::: glipari

Modi govt now plans a ‘touchless’ vaccination process, with Aadhaar-based facial recognition
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

We've created a searchable table of 1800+ publicly funded agencies that are listed as having used the facial recognition tool Clearview AI, per data we’ve obtained. Reporting this, by contacting every agency in the chart, took 9 months. Here’s the story
::: caro1inehaskins

#otd in 2005 Linus Torvalds messaged the Linux community about Git, a revision-control system he created over the weekend

Microsoft is Now Submerging Servers Into Liquid Baths
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Signal Tests Payments Feature To Let Users Send Cryptocurrency
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Intel Launches First 10nm 3rd Gen Xeon Scalable Processors For Data Centers
::: Slashdot

Money has no utility to me beyond a certain point
::: Forbes

The State of Clojure 2021 results are in and Clojure is still going strong!
programming, codice, snippet
::: cognitect

How can we make #AI more sustainable? @FriedR17 @johl presented our project SustAIn – #Sustainability Index for Artificial Intelligence @bmu @algorithmwatch
artificial intelligence
::: ioew_de

"This dinosaur is back in the top 20 after more than 10 years. Fortran was the first commercial programming language ever, and is gaining popularity thanks to the massive need for (scientific) number crunching. Welcome back Fortran," says Tiobe
linguaggi di programmazione
::: fortranlang ::: MIT_CSAIL

La leggendaria email di Schroedinger
::: ITSquOd

La prima apparizione di un computer in un fumetto avviene nel 1948 in una storia sceneggiata da Joye Hummel e che ha Wonder Woman come protagonista. La storia di Joye Hummel, che ci ha lasciato due giorni fa, la potete invece trovare qua
::: PeppeLiberti

Scoop w/ @NicoAGrant & @dinabass: Google AI research manager Samy Bengio has resigned from his position, following the ousting of Ethical AI leaders @timnitGebru and @mmitchell_ai
Google | artificial intelligence | etica
::: josheidelson ::: CadeMetz

China Creates Its Own Digital Currency, a First for Major Economy
moneta digitale
::: Slashdot

It's been amazing to see how @rustlang is really taking off in the @Android platform, and I'm very hopeful for how this will improve both developer productivity and ultimately platform quality!
linguaggi di programmazione | dispositivi mobili
::: larsberg_ ::: rust_foundation ::: durumcrustulum

Il metano non dà una mano
ambiente, ecologia
::: MauroV1968

Piccola storia triste sulla Cyber Response italiana
::: _odisseus

Una raccolta di strumenti digitali e applicazioni libere e responsabili da utilizzare soprattutto a #scuola: ladigitale.dev Un progetto, da diffondere e sostenere :) #softwarelibero #sostenibilità @magnaneta @R_Leuco @opavlos
open source | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nilocram

Last week, @IBM and @Intel formed an unlikely partnership to take on international competition in the chipmaking business. From sub-7nm processes to tech-sharing arrangements, the duo are exploring new inroads to collaboration
::: IEEESpectrum

Processing Large Files through Unix pipeline in AWS Lambda Function
::: SteveHarville

Proctoring is surveillance. In Open Dialog, @hypervisible tells me why A.I. proctoring can't be reformed to be fair and can't be integrated into sound teaching practices. Where does this leave us? @hypervisible argues the tech should be abolished
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EvanSelinger

Jeff Bezos Comes Out in Support of Increased Corporate Taxes
protagonisti | Amazon | economia, lavoro | politica
::: Slashdot

Our media is too important to be left to the billionaires
::: jeremycorbyn

registro elettronico hackerato
::: MauroV1968

Et Tu, Signal?
::: Slashdot

Airship Scheme is an R7RS implementation hosted on Common Lisp
::: fogus

T-Mobile Launches Home Internet Service and Small Town Initiative as Part of Latest 'Un-carrier' Move
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

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