08 luglio, 2021

Visto nel Web - 619

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Julian Assange turns 50 today - in high security Belmarsh Prison while the US tries AGAIN to extradite him, for journalistic work & exposing war crimes. It’s a source of deep shame for the UK & US and our obligation to protect free expression. He must be released. #FreeAssange
Julian Assange
::: BigBrotherWatch ::: rebecca_vincent ::: khrafnsson ::: arturodicorinto ::: wikileaks

Lascio solo un memo per ricordare a tutti che, da un anno, @gutenberg_org è ancora censurato in Italia
::: faffa42

When a 'Wildly Irrational' Algorithm Makes Crucial Healthcare Decisions
algoritmi, codice
::: Slashdot

Unprecedented heat, hundreds dead and a town destroyed. Climate change is frying the Northern Hemisphere
ambiente, ecologia
::: CNN

Mixed Reactions to GitHub's AI-Powered Pair Programmer 'Copilot'
mixed? ho frequentazioni biasate
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot ::: mitsuhiko ::: MalwareJake ::: tomchop_ ::: ID_AA_Carmack

Rocky! For the people, by the people. Never owned by another company ever again. ⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️⛰️🏔️🏔️🏔️🏔️ #RockyLinux #Linux #OpenSource
Linux distro
::: _iloreto

Supply chain attack of Kaseya, commonly used in managed service provider environments in the United States, leading to mass ransomware event
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GossiTheDog ::: arturodicorinto ::: mikko ::: nixcraft

Judge Blocks Florida Law That Would Punish Social Media Companies for Banning Politicians
social media | politica
::: Slashdot

Summer Camp For Children Includes Classes on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

@microsoftitalia ha pubblicato soluzioni alternative per affrontare i rischi derivanti dallo sfruttamento di una vulnerabilità scoperta di recente relativa al servizio Windows Print Spooler. #PrintNightmare #WindowsPrintSpooler #Vulnerability
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andreatemplari

Bitcoin.org Loses in Court, Owes $48,600 to Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Creator Craig Wright
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Mini Raspberry Pi Server With Built In UPS & Stats Display
::: Genjuro75

somebody sent me a nice message saying "I'm continually impressed by your container breakout skills and I'll never understand how you do it" so here is a thread about how I do that
manuali, how to
::: IanColdwater

Jeff Bezos at Amazon office in 1999. Next time you want to give up, think of this!
::: jonathan_aufray

Number of years since launch
sono vecchi, anch'io
Web, Internet
::: JonErlichman

If any of you are under the impression that our billionaires might succeed in "escaping" to space, while the world burns, let me put those fears to rest with what I know from being the spouse of a NASA flight controller.
spazio, esplorazione
::: sim_kern

Buried at the back of BYTE from Dec 1994 was a Slackware Professional Linux ad, "A very stable, easy to use 2 CD distribution of the Linux OS (a Unix clone)". Plus 600 pages of printed docs, all for $57.95
::: unix_byte

Da tempo alcuni poliziotti negli USA, quando si accorgono di essere registrati dai cittadini, suonano tramite i loro smartphone canzoni di artisti famosi. Lo fanno perché le piattaforme rimuovono spesso i video che contengono musica soggetta a copyright
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: unoscribacchino

Francesca Tripodi just published an amazing paper on how Wikipedia articles about women are more frequently mis-categorized as "not notable" and the additional labor it takes to combat this
tu quoque Wiki?
gender, discriminazioni
::: AmeliaMN

👨‍🚀🇨🇳 Liu Boming et Tang Hongbo ont réalisé une sortie spatiale à la station spatiale chinoise ce dimanche. Le sas a été ouvert à 0h11 UTC. La première phrase de Liu Boming à la sortie : Wow, c'est trop beau dehors !
spazio, esplorazione
::: RevesdEspace

All’inizio del ‘900 due fisici, l'austriaco Victor Hess e l'italiano Domenico Pacini, scoprirono indipendentemente la presenza sulla Terra di radiazioni di origine extraterrestre, che più tardi avrebbero preso il nome di raggi cosmici
spazio, esplorazione | scienza
::: a_a_f_t ::: a_a_f_t

YouTube Criticized For Removing Videos Documenting China's Persecution of Uighur Muslims
::: Slashdot

Speaking of Entrenched Tech Companies, Why Didn't Microsoft Die?
::: Slashdot

Kool is a CLI tool that reduces the complexity and learning curve of #Docker and Docker Compose for local environments, and offers a simplified interface for using #Kubernetes to deploy staging and production environments to the cloud
applicazioni, programmi | programming, codice, snippet
::: itsmesumanc

AI & Motion Sensor Makes Holographic Avatars Dance
Internet of things
::: HeinzVHoenen

How To Create #Animations With @pencil2d Animation #Software
applicazioni, programmi | manuali, how to
::: containerize_co

World's Single-Biggest Ransomware Attack Hit 'Thousands' in 17 Countries
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Can Heat Pumps Change Demand for Air Conditioners Into a Climate-Change Win?
ambiente, ecologia | energia
::: Slashdot

Will a Pandemic Wave of Automation Be Bad News for Workers?
::: Slashdot

Apple allows censorship of LGBTQ apps in more than 150 countries
Apple | gender, discriminazioni
::: ilmanifesto

Sono 69 i bancomat per bitcoin presenti in Italia, 71 se si tiene conto che in due sedi ne sono presenti un paio. E sono sparsi in maniera abbastanza uniforme su tutto il territorio nazionale
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: wireditalia

#Microsoft is urging #Azure users to update the #PowerShell command line tool as soon as possible to protect against a critical RCE #vulnerability (CVE-2021-26701) that impacts .NET Core
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TheHackersNews

China launches cybersecurity review into more US-listed firms following action against Didi Chuxing
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: simopieranni

New Instant Water Disinfectant 'Millions of Times More Effective' Than Commercial Methods
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

To Help Livestreamers Avoid Copyright Violations, Riot Games Releases an Uncopyrighted Album
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Apple is 'Decentralizing Out of Silicon Valley'
lavoro | Apple
::: Slashdot

Zuck Celebrates $1 Trillion Valuation, Dismissed Antitrust Suits With Bizarre Flag-Waving Instagram Post
protagonisti | Facebook
::: Slashdot ::: greg_jenner ::: Snowden ::: AltitudeChaz ::: fchollet

Hotmail launched 25 years ago today. A year later it was sold to Microsoft for $650m (in 2021 dollars)

yolo 🇮🇹😊
umorismo | social media
::: sjokz

Yes the Ubuntu Touch Q&A has hit 5K subscribers and we thought you all should know and enjoy a very big Thank You for all your support. See you all for the next one
Ubuntu | dispositivi mobili
::: UBports

I don’t do a ton of Racket stuff these days, but I took the time yesterday to update my megaparsack library to support user-defined parser state, which makes it much easier to parse context-sensitive grammars
language Racket
::: lexi_lambda

urllib.robotparser — Internet Spider Access Control
::: pymotw

The workplace hellscape of algorithmic injustice: punitive automated decisions that ignore context, lack of due process, predictable facial recognition fails, undue constant anxiety, and corporate apathy to mistreated workers perceived as expendable
Amazon | automazione
::: EvanSelinger

China plans to open a large solar panel module plant in Malaysia and build a 580-kilometer highway in Laos as the U.S. steps up efforts to counter Beijing’s influence in Southeast Asia
::: caixin

Parfait édito de @dovalfon sur le nuisible #JeffBezos . Quand la presse retrouve une lucide insolence face aux types dans son genre, ça fait du bien...
dicono Aubin & Dov
::: Aubin_Hellot

Vim, a text editor for the ages
tool, componente software | storia
::: UnixToolTip

Sondaggio SWG: oltre un italiano su due possibilista sui nuovi reattori nucleari
::: MauroV1968

Le logiciel #opensource #Audacity espionne désormais les utilisateurs - Vraiment dommage que cet excellent logiciel bascule comme cela. Faites attention, et espérons tous un fork très vite 😉
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Linux_Alpes ::: Slashdot ::: stylewarning ::: Mte90Net ::: jaromil

The 2021 media universe map
::: fpmarconi

Surveillance cameras in areas such as hotel rooms, hospital wards, dormitories, public bathrooms, and fitting rooms will be banned when the law passes
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

The use of algorithms in the social care sector without appropriate safeguards can backfire, often affecting those most vulnerable
algoritmi, codice
::: privacyint

Avviso ai non-boomer (se qui ce ne sono)
uh! sembra apposta per me
tip, suggerimenti
::: AndreaMinuz

In 1956, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Prof Claude Shannon writes a one-page article trying to curb the information theory hype
h/t @demartin
::: vardi

Perhaps it's no surprise that @elonmusk's brain implant co, @neuralink, is aiming for best-in-world performance. Get all the engineering details here
innovazioni, futuro | (forse) | prot
::: IEEESpectrum

Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code’s impact on big tech power
::: formicablu

Ubuntu 21.10 Release Date & Planned Features
::: dcavedon

The Archaeologists Who Unlocked Cold War Spy Photos of Israel
Google | censura
::: RadioProzac

Google AI chief Jeff Dean sparks cries of hypocrisy as he urges marginalized groups to work with its researchers: 'After what you did to Timnit?'
Google | artificial intelligence | censura
::: fabiochiusi

Pyroscope is a new open source continuous profiler
programming, codice, snippet
::: PyroscopeIO

La Digitale, software educativo libero e responsabile
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: nilocram

Twitter is a major platform used to criticize the Indian government, which has been ramping up pressure to censor user-generated content. Local Twitter employees face multiple criminal complaints & now India is stripping Twitter of liability protection
Twitter | censura
::: AASchapiro

Study finds that few major AI research papers consider negative impacts. "71% didn’t make any mention of societal need or impact, and just 3% made an attempt to identify links connecting their research to societal needs"
artificial intelligence
::: dilettahuyskes_

Hackers Scrape 90,000 GETTR User Emails, Surprising No One
social media | politica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

NASA engineers are getting a novel type of composite solar sail support ready for a test flight in 2022
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Congratulations to WebAssembly (a.k.a. WASM), winner of the 2021 @SIGPLAN Programming Languages Software Award!
linguaggi di programmazione | Web, Internet
::: sigplan

America Used Fewer Fossil Fuels In 2020 Than It Has In Three Decades
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Debit Card Apps For Kids Are Collecting a Shocking Amount of Personal Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russian State Hackers Breached Republican National Committee
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: WilliamTurton

EU Device-Cracking Platform To Receive Major Upgrade
crittografia | Unione Europea
::: Slashdot

TikTok is Taking the Book Industry By Storm, and Retailers Are Taking Notice
social media
::: Slashdot

America's global leadership in human-centered AI can't come from industry alone
artificial intelligence | politica
::: StanfordHAI

Biden Sets Up Tech Showdown With 'Right-to-Repair' Rules for FTC
diritto di riparare
::: Slashdot

French court orders Twitter to provide details on what it is doing to tackle hate speech
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: _juhan

Floats tend to be overused by programmers. Almost every real-world quantity (time, money, sensor readings...) is actually quantized, and is better represented via integers (ms, cents, etc.) - The only real use case of floats is scientific computing (physics, ML, simulations...)
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet

Android and Apple have 75 and 23 percent of the global mobile market share, respectively. They are both locked down by design, hide features from its users, and deliberately offer no convenient ways for full ownership of devices. 1/7
dispositivi mobili | open source
::: maemoleste

it's amazing to watch our society grapple with questions like "why do Amazon drivers have to pee in bottles and run red lights" and "why is Jeff Bezos so rich" as if these are deep mysteries of the universe
economia, lavoro
::: bmastenbrook

Google Sold $2.5 Million In AI To The Pentagon For Its Covid-19 Recovery
artificial intelligence | coronavirus
::: fabiochiusi

they actually used Math.random(), I'm crying
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ashaindlin

spettro solo per chi si risveglia
scuola, educazione, cultura | coronavirus
::: timetit

NASA's Mars Helicopter Breaks Record In Challenging, Nerve-Wracking Flight
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot ::: arstechnica

1. A year and a half ago, President Macron asked Jean Tirole and me to form an international commission to study future major challenges facing France and think about policies. We decided to focus on three issues, global warming, inequalities, and aging. The report just came out
ambiente, ecologia | politica
::: ojblanchard1

In your report please include details of
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: robdykedotcom

Europe's cities have the most to gain and plenty to lose from the EU's AI bill, and they want to be in the room where it happens. They're banding together to lobby Brussels and call for an outright ban on mass biometric surveillance systems
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: Melissahei ::: mikarv

Trois dessins sur la neutralité du net
Web, Internet
::: ptilouk

Disassembled sources of micro-PROLOG available!
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: fogus

GNOME 40 Lands in Ubuntu 21.10 Daily, This is What it Looks Like
::: dcavedon

Javascript is known to the State of California
::: prop65bot

China's Tencent Says It'll Use Face Recognition to Keep Minors From Gaming at Night
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

Nanofiber Membrane Filters 99.9% of Salt From Seawater Within Minutes
::: Slashdot

Ehi! I published a repo containing some PDF payloads that you can use to test web-based PDF readers and editors. They helped me to find some vulnerabilities 👀 Happy hacking!
programming, codice, snippet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evaristegal0is

Even as countries like the United States, China and Russia participate in discussions about a treaty limiting autonomous weapons, they’re racing ahead to develop them
automazione | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Trump To Sue Mark Zuckerberg, Jack Dorsey
social media | politica
::: Slashdot ::: marina_catucci

it's super fun to speculate about whether compilers have gotten more correct over the years. I think they probably have, but it's a complicated question
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Fuck off. We are not individually responsible for the destruction of the planet. Corporations and governments are the only ones who can make any kind of meaningful impact. Stop with this neoliberal bullshit
ambiente, ecologia
::: anitasarkeesian

Researchers are able to track microplastics in the ocean using hurricane data
ambiente, ecologia
::: universetoday

Overall, we had over 164,000 detections the last 7 days running the pilot. We were able to detect students on multiple cameras and even detected one student 1100 times!” Taylor May, then a regional sales manager for AnyVision, said in an email to the school’s administrators
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi

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