08 agosto, 2021

Visto nel Web - 628

 Tempo di vacanze, virus permettendo, chissà... Intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Academics slam Facebook for shutting out research into political ads
Facebook | ad, pubblicità
::: fabiochiusi

‘Mousai’ is Song Recognition App for Linux
ehi! lo desidero da tento! adesso devo solo imparare a cantare Bach & Mozart (ordine alfabetico, nèh) con la bocca 🤓
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

Zoom ha patteggiato in una causa da 86 milioni sulla privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: JvJean1971

Mapus is an #opensource tool to #explore and #annotate #collaboratively on a #map. You can draw, add markers, lines, areas, find places to go, observe other users, and much more
applicazioni, programmi
::: napo

Announcing Scalene: A high-performance, high-precision CPU and memory profiler for Python. Virtually zero overhead line-granularity profiling
::: emeryberger

Introducing CCPHASE, a highly expressive gate set inspired by a proposal for near-term quantum advantage in optimization problems. Using CCPHASE and Quil-T, our pulse-level control language, we saw improved performance of a QAOA algorithm
quantum computing
::: rigetti

Bello il nuovo sito italiadomani.gov.it eh, MA #DatiBeneComune è meglio
dati, raccolta | open source
::: Davidovskij ::: CrespiDaniele

If you haven't come across call-by-name before, come wallow in a past where cars had fins but no seatbelts and languages let functions change variables in the caller's context
roba che i fortrainers sapevano affrontare
storia | programming, codice, snippet
::: pragdave

LaScienza ok sui vaccini! LaScienza brutta e cattiva sul cambio climatico!
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: carlo_magnani

Hurrah, Chrome for Linux FINALLY Supports CSD Properly
::: dcavedon

"A sprawling network of more than 350 fake social media profiles is pushing pro-China narratives and attempting to discredit those seen as opponents of China's government, according to a new study"
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: Shayan86

AlgorithmWatch welcomes the @EU_Commission’s proposition to regulate #AI with the #AIAct. But we ask the @Europarl_EN and @eucouncil to clarify ambiguities and to address several shortcomings in the current draft
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: algorithmwatch

« Update to #glibc #copyright assignment policy »
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: zacchiro

The State Department and 3 Other US Agencies Earn a D For Cybersecurity
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Google+ Class Action Starts Paying Out $2.15 For G+ Privacy Violations
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

"Google's hidden search algorithms are being investigated by researchers. Here's what they've found"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: AdmsCentre

"Una volta oscuro elemento del gergo studentesco, la parola "hacker" è divenuta una palla da biliardo linguistica, soggetta a spinte politiche e sfumature etiche. Forse è questo il motivo per cui a così tanti hacker e giornalisti piace farne uso"
programming, codice, snippet
::: _mattux_

Microsoft Pauses Free Windows 365 Cloud PC Trials After 'Significant Demand'
Microsoft | cloud
::: Slashdot

Miami Launches 'MiamiCoin' Cryptocurrency
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Amazon and Google Patch Major Bug in Their DNS-as-a-Service Platforms
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russia Tells UN It Wants Vast Expansion of Cybercrime Offenses, Plus Network Backdoors, Online Censorship
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | censura | politica
::: Slashdot

Going mouseless
si potrebbe ma perché?
::: UnixToolTip

The ability to add scanning systems like this to E2E messaging systems has been a major “ask” by law enforcement the world over. Here’s an open letter signed by former AG William Barr and other western governments
::: matthew_d_green

We're now live at @BlackHatEvents Arsenal @ToolsWatch to release our Capture the Signal (@SignalCapture) backend framework so that more folks can run contests
programming, codice, snippet
::: phretor

AGID, misure minime di sicurezza ICT per le PA (2017), capitolo 10.4.1: "Assicurarsi che i supporti contenenti almeno una delle copie non siano permanentemente accessibili dal sistema onde evitare che attacchi su questo possano coinvolgere anche tutte le sue copie di sicurezza"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: v2Dark

I was looking to understand why @nntaleb was cyber-bullying a young woman who writes on economics, and I stumbled upon a frankly unbelievable history of inability to handle even gentle criticism—by a man who titled his book "Antifragile"
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: Snowden ::: Snowden ::: Snowden ::: Snowden ::: Snowden

Le nombre de tuyères 😱 Très impressionnant !
spazio, esplorazione
::: thomas_appere ::: Astro_Aure

i am asking you once again to stop
tip, suggerimenti
::: TriciaKicksSaaS

But even if you believe Apple won’t allow these tools to be misused 🤞there’s still a lot to be concerned about. These systems rely on a database of “problematic media hashes” that you, as a consumer, can’t review
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: matthew_d_green

Come si fa a fotografare l'Universo un milionesimo di secondo dopo il Big Bang quando era 400mila volte più caldo del nucleo del Sole?
::: f_ronchetti

Capitalize all vowels in a file: sed 'y/aeiou/AEIOU/'
N.B.: funziona; la versione italiana dell'help su Ubuntu è mooolto incompleta
tip, suggerimenti
::: UnixToolTip

Ladies and gentlemen, Twitter
::: sportbible

Apple Plans To Scan US iPhones for Child Abuse Imagery
::: Slashdot ::: evacide ::: xor ::: matthew_d_green ::: debostic ::: krzyzanowskim ::: Snowden ::: SarahJamieLewis ::: raistolo ::: mrk4m1 ::: edri ::: Snowden ::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot ::: runasand ::: Mixtatiq ::: evacide ::: SarahJamieLewis ::: SamAdlerBell ::: Snowden ::: perrymetzger ::: Snowden ::: josephfcox

Oil producers used Facebook to counter President Biden’s clean energy message, a study shows
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DoctorVive

AWK tutorial updated. AWK is a great little tool for text manipulation. It can be also used as a good introduction to programming
manuali, how to
::: janbodnar

Software patents are still a real and present threat. Read campaigns team intern Panos Alevropoulos's new post for our #endsoftwarepatents campaign
open source
::: fsf

Amazon Postpones Return To Office Until January 2022; Won't Implement Vaccine Mandate
coronavirus | lavoro a distanza/casa
::: Slashdot


EIP-1559 Has Already Burned $1 Million Worth of ETH
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

The Slow Collapse of Amazon's Drone Delivery Dream
droni | Amazon
::: Slashdot

Biden Wants Half of New Cars Sold in 2030 To Be Hybrid or All-Electric
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Fed Governor Waller 'Highly Skeptical' of a Fed Digital Coin
::: Slashdot

Is it a bike? Is it a car? Hard to say...
idea 💡
::: mashable

Complément dingue cette succession de dust devils filmés (en accéléré) par le rover Perseverance 😱
spazio, esplorazione
::: thomas_appere

Make no mistake, this is a backdoor Bitcoin ban
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: balajis ::: jaredpolis

"Il più grande attacco informatico in Italia" (semicit) non è il primo di questo genere nel mondo, non sarà l'ultimo. Non possiamo permetterci tale livello di comunicazione in futuro. Ci sono modelli collaudati di comunicazione di crisi da parte di aziende/enti. Copiamoli
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: carolafrediani

Should documentation live alongside code, or in a separate file?
io separata; ma non perdere il file (che non serve secondo qualcuno)
programming, codice, snippet
::: amszmidt

Comunicazione quantistica
giornali, stampa
::: anonimoconiglio

😱 En ce moment, une grue gigantesque soulève un prototype #Starship pour l'installer au sommet d'un premier étage Super Heavy
spazio, esplorazione
::: thomas_appere

Telephone Industry Moves to Ban Internet Phone Software (1996)
storia | Web, Internet
::: PessimistsArc

Une réflexion intéressante sur l'avenir possible de l'homme sur Mars. Il semble clair que le plus important est de préserver notre Terre plutôt que de fuir en avant en se disant qu'on ira vivre ailleurs!
spazio, esplorazione
::: EricLagadec

A Quantum Circuit Simulator in 27 Lines of Python
No knowledge of quantum computing needed! I enjoyed writing it. I hope you enjoy reading it!
quantum computing | Python
::: awsTO

This is a great long paper called “The Moral Character of Cryptographic Work.” Many of you have read it by now, but it’s always worth another read
::: matthew_d_green

The Future of Cryptocurrency Is Being Decided in Biden's Infrastructure Bill
::: Slashdot ::: slashdot

Young People Get Their Knowledge of Tech From TV, Not School
scuola, educazione, cultura | tecnologia
::: Slashdot

Scientists Spot Warning Signs of Gulf Stream Collapse
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

#otd in 1991 Tim Berners-Lee first posted on an online newsgroup about a project he was working on called "The World Wide Web"

Exchange 2016 servers patched to March 2021 (i.e. vulnerable again)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: GossiTheDog

Good take. Files/artifacts are in the cloud, and productive workflows increasingly require advanced cloud integration features. Long term, either you code in the browser, or you code in a local client that behaves for all intents and purposes like a browser
cloud | browser
::: fchollet ::: fchollet

Updated my Twitter profile
::: matthew_d_green

ElasticSearch Keeps Fighting Open Source Fork by Amazon AWS
ahemmm... capito niente
open source | Amazon
::: Slashdot

Abandonment Function
droni | umorismo
::: xkcdComic

Out of curiosity, where were you all thinking of moving after you're done destroying the Earth?
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | umorismo
::: TheTweetOfGod

Un uomo filma l’incidente di Zanardi, lo mette a disposizione della Procura, rifiuta offerte in denaro per la pubblicazione. E alla fine se lo ritrova sull‘homepage di Repubblica, con tanto di watermark e professionisti pronti a invocare il diritto di cronaca
giornali, stampa
::: simofons

This 10-page data science cheat-sheet covers machine learning, probability, statistics & more
machine learning | matematica

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