Versione ferragosto con caldo afoso incorporato di cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Thunderbird 91 Arrives with Improved Set-Up Wizard, Better Calendar Support
applicazioni, programmi | Web, Internet
::: dcavedon
🥳 Am excited to share that we have released a completely in-browser @github+@code editing tool. You can even *run* @ProjectJupyter notebooks with the entire #Python data science stack, using the #Pyodide extension
programming, codice, snippet | Python
::: DynamicWebPaige
Here is the latest PDF version of the free 500+ page textbook that I developed for my Applications of Deep Learning course that is about to start for Fall 2021 at @WashUengineers. #python #deeplearning #keras
💥 uhau! 💥
machine learning | manuali, how to
::: jeffheaton
$600 million gone: The biggest crypto theft in history
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CNN ::: Slashdot
'Apps Getting Worse'
::: Slashdot
Google Employees Who Work From Home Could Lose Money
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: Slashdot
Samsung Unveils New Foldable Smartphones With Lower Prices To Expand Market
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
Finding the right sample size for model training is easy as 1️⃣, 2️⃣, 3️⃣! With Keras, you can estimate the optimal number of images needed to achieve desired model performance
machine learning
::: TensorFlow
Netflix Intensifies 'VPN Ban' and Targets Residential IP-Addresses Too
video, streaming
::: Slashdot
Papers writing on Assange should mention the core of the US's extradition case—a frail and deeply suspect "hacking" claim—collapsed in June when the US's prime witness recanted his testimony. What remains are only "unlawful journalism" charges
Julian Assange
::: Snowden ::: ilmanifesto
The stupid urban myth that YouTube is a force for right-wing radicalization has needed to die for a long long time. Hopefully this paper will kill it
social media
::: Noahpinion
Traduzione: oltre il 18% dei server Exchange è attualmente violato
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Gabry89
Companies: Sorry, since you’ve moved to an area with lower wages and cost-of-living, we have to adjust your pay down 12%
::: CubicleApril
Non vedo il problema: due miliardi di anni fa i cianobatteri hanno fatto diminuire la temperatura della Terra di qualche decina di gradi, ora gli esseri umani la faranno aumentare di qualche decina di gradi. Sono cose che succedono
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | umorismo
::: a_smeriglia
Welcome to the internet, come and take a seat 🎶
::: Davide
Kuwait has the biggest tyre dump in the world. It is now on fire
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: ExtinctionR
Per tutti gli economisti (e non solo) che vogliono capire meglio la scienza del cambiamento climatico, consiglio questo articolo. Pure utile per non considerare "esperto" chi non lo è (vedi articoli @ilfoglio_it) e non confondere stock e flussi di CO2
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | economia, lavoro
::: AndreaRoventini
Il destino delle telco
Web, Internet
::: MauroV1968
"UN human rights experts called on all States to impose a global moratorium on the sale and transfer of surveillance technology until they have put in place robust regulations that guarantee its use in compliance with international human rights standards"
::: fabiochiusi
Un’epidemia di ransomware ha colpito l’Italia
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ilmanifesto
"I don't like IPCC report day"
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac
Cette semaine, #Apple a annoncé une nouvelle feature dans iOS 15 qui scannera l'album photo des utilisateurs d'iCloud à la recherche de contenus pédo-pornographiques. J'ai étudié le protocole cryptographique sous-jacent, et je vous propose un #Thread de vulgarisation
Apple | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: MathisHammel
"At what point do we escalate? [...] When do we start physically attacking the things that consume our planet and destroy them with our own hands? Is there a good reason we have waited this long?” #CambiamentoClimatico #mastodon
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac
"Obsessive focus on ‘When will it be done?’ guarantees you will move the delivery of value to the backseat." And that's for sure
programming, codice, snippet
::: TuxmAL
Japan firms to jointly develop facial recognition payment system
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: simopieranni
great quantum compilation result: this was exactly the kind of thing we wished we could have proved in the polytope paper, but we found out it’s super hard! very satisfying to see others knock it out
quantum computing
::: ringspectrum
The new release of TensorFlow (2.6) is now out! Lots of great features in this release! Among other things, significant improvements to preprocessing layers, which are now part of the core Keras API
machine learning
::: fchollet
Released 40 years ago today: IBM's first PC, the 5150
HP's New Chromebase has a 90-degree Rotating Display
::: omgchrome
A new report by @accessnow is the first comprehensive look at how foreign companies, mainly from Israel and China, have driven demand for surveillance technology in Latin America. For @restofworld, I looked into why they're often giving it away for free
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: leomschwartz
Reddit Is Now Valued At More Than $10 Billion
social media
::: Slashdot
The @Apple #spyPhone scandal grows as its own employees begin to turn against its plan to force over one billion iPhones to begin scanning for digital contraband in iOS 15. Apple describes the new system as "expanding protections for children"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Snowden ::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
Così il Pentagono affronta il cambiamento climatico
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968
A crypto-mining botnet has been seen modifying CPU registers on hacked Linux servers in order to disable hardware prefetching and give a 15% boost to its cryptocurrency mining code
crittografia | web-bot, robocall
::: campuscodi
Bill Gates Wants In On Congress' Big Climate Infrastructure Push
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | protagonisti
::: Slashdot
Dei 160 "unicorni" cinesi la metà si occupa diintelligenza artificiale, big data e robotica
Cina | economia, lavoro | innovazioni, futuro
::: simopieranni
I ricercatori hanno scoperto che l'impronta di gas a effetto serra dell'idrogeno blu è più del 20% maggiore della combustione di gas naturale o carbone per il calore… chiamarlo un carburante a zero emissioni è totalmente sbagliato… non è nemmeno a basse emissioni
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: lucaberga
Java Creator James Gosling Interview
protagonisti | linguaggi di programmazione
::: RainerJoswig
BMW Has Fallen Behind in the Electric Vehicle Race. Can It Catch Up?
::: New York Times
Amazon To Monitor Customer Service Workers' Keyboard and Mouse Strokes
Amazon | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | lavoro
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
Google Bans Location Data Firm Funded by Former Saudi Intelligence Head
::: Slashdot
NASA Has a New Challenge To Reaching the Moon by 2024: Its $1 Billion Spacesuit Program
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Homeless Encampment Grows On Apple Property In Silicon Valley
economia, lavoro | Apple
::: Slashdot
Pirated-Entertainment Sites Are Making Billions From Ads
video, streaming | ad, pubblicità | pirateria
::: Slashdot ::: tha_rami
WhatsApp and Other Social Media Platforms Restricted in Zambia Amid Ongoing Elections
::: Slashdot
Warner Bros. Is Using Personalized Deepfakes For Its Latest Movie Promo
ad, pubblicità | deepfake
::: Slashdot
Twitter's New Font, Chirp, Is Apparently Giving Some Users Headaches
::: Slashdot ::: gwsace
Soccer Superstar Messi is Being Partly Paid in Crypto by PSG
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
The White House is approving drilling permits like there’s no tomorrow
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: NicoSGonzalez
Malgré le rapport de l'UNECE montrant que le nucléaire est NÉCESSAIRE pour combattre le réchauffement climatique, ce ne sera pas un sujet de la COP26
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Astro_Aure
::: SteffPy
DOBBIAMO tutti ridurre le emissioni, POSSIAMO farlo, lo faremo. MA c'è un chiaro gap tra "current" policies, "pledges" e pathways che il report 2018 & Parigi hanno definito "sicure". Quindi: tempo di arrendersi, o ci sono altre... opzioni?
h/t @cmnit
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DanVisioni
Daily Affirmation: End to end encryption provides some safety, but it doesn't go far enough. For decades our tools have failed to combat bulk metadata surveillance, it's time to push forward and support radical privacy initiatives
crittografia | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: SarahJamieLewis
Dalla Svezia con calore
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | umorismo
::: NatangeloM
1/9 ⚠️ AlgorithmWatch was forced to shut down its #Instagram monitoring project after threats from #Facebook!
::: algorithmwatch ::: algorithmwatch ::: rajiinio
La rivista il Mulino: Un nuovo statalismo climatico
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac
An interesting resource and tools for dev teachers!
scuola, educazione, cultura | programming, codice, snippet
::: phretor
Smartphones Won. We Can Ignore Them
dispositivi mobili
::: _juhan
Con i kleenex
i post di Oca sapiens S. sono diversi da tutti gli altri che frequento ma sempre ok, assay
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac
I just uploaded my #CommonLisp presentation that I gave on some Friday on April of 2013 at my workplace back then. It is still a good introduction to the strange and beautiful world of S-expressions. #Lisp
::: peterhil
Snopes Retracts 60 Articles Plagiarized by Co-Founder: ‘Our Staff Are Gutted’
copyright e brevetti | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: New York Times
Boeing Starliner Launch Delayed Again
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
A Cygnus resupply craft is schedules to dock up with the ISS today carrying a bunch of new experiments
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
OpenAI can translate English into code just by speaking
artificial intelligence
July Was Earth's Hottest Month on Record
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
The Way the Senate Melted Down Over Crypto Is Very Revealing
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Week57 #ClimateStrikeMappamondo Week57 Different parts of earth from #Siberia to #California to #Greece to #Brazil to #Algeria are on #fire now & so our future then what are we waiting for? TIME TO ACT NOW! #FridaysForFuture
bravi ragazzi! 💖👌
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: AaravSeth_
mentre la propaganda vi continua dire dei progressi dell'#Afghanistan sotto le truppe occidentali,gli #AfghanWarLogs fotografano assoluto fallimento,stragi,brutalità. L'unico in prigione è il giornalista innocente che le ha rivelate,non i criminali di guerra
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi
Vol 11 (Sol 163) - Vol vertical à 12m + Aller simple de 383m vers le Nord-Ouest - Durée : 131s
spazio, esplorazione
::: Astro_Aure
To help contextualize the newly released #IPCC Report, here's 800,000 years of Earth's CO2 history in 30 seconds
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: OceansClimateCU
Not really. My point is Firefox seems like the least worst option. *shrug* Good luck
::: wilbowma ::: LeifAndersen
Back in the day, scientists used to have stacks of physical preprints on their desks that they were going to read "real soon". Thanks to the @arxiv, we now have 50 browser tabs open with PDFs that we're going to get to any day now. Happy birthday, arXiv!
Web, Internet | scienza
::: duetosymmetry
Quando vedo la gente con i tatuaggi a cerchio su braccia o gambe
::: kindoftweet
Il sindaco di Udine vuole il riconoscimento facciale
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi ::: ebobferraris
Emulate the Amiga home computer with Linux
::: linuxtoday
This California lawsuit alleges that Huawei engineered a "backdoor" in the Lahore Safe City project in Pakistan by mirroring a Police C3I integrated platform in a lab in Suzhou
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: meta_lab
'Blue' Hydrogen Is Worse For the Climate Than Coal, Study Says
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Google's incognito mode is “pretty useless”. Protect your privacy online for real w/our all-in-one solution:
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: DuckDuckGo
Linux Release Roundup: Cozy, Polychromatic, Latte Dock
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu
A future for SQL on the web
non ci ho capito quasi niente, cautela; (e non conosco l'argomento)
programming, codice, snippet
::: SteveHarville
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