12 settembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 638

 Tempi interessanti --parlo per me-- intento ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

I've ran this poll on YouTube. Lets see if Twitter is any different! What's your current daily driver??
sistemi operativi
::: TechHutTV

From 4% to 45%: Energy Department Lays Out Ambitious Blueprint for Solar Power
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: New York Times

After Google stopped working on drone surveillance software for the DOD Project Maven in 2018, guess who signed on more lucrative contracts to do much of the same work for the Pentagon? Amazon and Microsoft, with a dash of IBM!
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: iblametom ::: _jack_poulson

A generation of companies is plowing ahead with technologies they believe can change how batteries are made
tecnologia | energia
::: nytimestech

After Chiding Apple On Privacy, Germany Says It Uses Pegasus Spyware
::: Slashdot ::: billmarczak

LAPD Officers Told To Collect Social Media Data on Every Civilian They Stop
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

UK.gov Is Launching An Anti-Facebook Encryption Push
crittografia | Facebook
::: Slashdot

We were warned about the dangerous power of the USA PATRIOT Act. @Snowden proved that critics were justified
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: reason

Facebook Users Liable For All Comments Under Their Posts, According To Australia High Court
::: Slashdot

MIT-Designed Project Achieves Major Advance Toward Fusion Energy
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: Slashdot ::: fchollet

World's Largest Direct Air Carbon Capture System Goes Online
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Jules Verne aged 25

Amazon's Cashierless Tech is Coming To Whole Foods Next Year
Amazon | automazione
::: Slashdot

Ma i cosiddetti “innovatori”#Draghi #Colao #Giovannini #Cingolani stanno tutti zitti di fronte alla proposta di #Brunetta di abolire #smartworking ? Che se ben organizzato sarebbe invece un elemento importante per riorganizzare #lavoro in vari settori,#trasporti e molto altro?
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: senzasinistra ::: ilmanifesto ::: minguzzi

The world might soon be in the situation that the CO₂ emissions of some of the richest countries are lower than in the world's big middle-income countries
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MaxCRoser

GitHub finds 7 code execution vulnerabilities in 'tar' and npm CLI
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CyberFactsIT

Prima di Tommaso Claudi l'Italia aveva già un console-eroe: Enrico Calamai salvò 300 persone dalla dittatura argentina. Anche a partire dai crimini invisibili come le "disparicion", su @ilmanifesto Calamai spiega l'importanza di salvare Julian Assange
Julian Assange
::: andcapocci ::: andcapocci

Amazon To Open $21 Million State-of-the-Art Warehouse In Tijuana Slum
::: Slashdot

One of the first reviews of Linux appeared in BYTE from Sep 1994. It was a Linux distribution packaged and sold by Fintronic USA, a company later to be known as VA Linux Systems
::: unix_byte

Non ci sono elementi per, quindi va nel titolo
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: DailyQuino

undermidi's #golang midiserver running on the #raspberrypi 😄
hardware | Web, Internet
::: lfeundertone

Today would have been the 80th birthday of Dennis Ritchie, inventor of C and co-creator of Unix

County IT Supervisor Mined Bitcoin At the Office, Prosecutors Say
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

. @sjmielke I really enjoyed and learned from your post on Jax - I was curious: do you foresee new/continued work on parallax? The repo seems a bit quiet for a while but the ideas very interesting.. Or is there an alternative to it since your orig. work?
programming, codice, snippet
::: fperez_org

Remote Code Execution Zero-Day (CVE-2021-40444) Hits Windows, Triggered Via Office Docs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CyberFactsIT

Il livello del dibattito a destra
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Here's what happened when @MikeIsaac tested the new Wayfarer Stories glasses by Facebook and Ray-Ban
Facebook | tecnologia
::: nytimestech ::: dcavedon ::: evacide ::: mer__edith

Carbon budget & capture
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | economia, lavoro
::: RadioProzac

Example showing how to write custom functions in bc
linguaggi di programmazione
::: UnixToolTip

Quale verità nell’era del capitalismo della sorveglianza
Julian Assange
::: ilmanifesto

A Bunch of Ape NFTs Just Sold For $24.4 Million
ok, non sono aggiornato (aggiornabile), non ci arrivo
non-fungible tokens
::: Slashdot

Web Creator Tim Berners-Lee Joins ProtonMail's Advisory Board
protagonisti | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russia's Yandex Says It Repelled Biggest DDoS Attack in History
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Mastercard Acquires CipherTrace To Boost Crypto Security and Compliance
::: Slashdot

UK suggests removing EU’s human review of AI decisions
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: rosamunde_vb

Microsoft delayed its office return indefinitely due to the Delta variant. "It’s a stark reminder that this is the new normal," wrote Jared Spataro, Microsoft’s corporate vice president for modern work. "Our ability to come together will ebb and flow"
lavoro a distanza/casa | coronavirus
::: nytimestech

#otd in 1947 Grace Hopper found the first actual computer “bug”: a moth stuck in Harvard’s Mark II. (But no, she didn’t actually coin the term)

Meanwhile, la Ministra della Funzione Pubblica francese...
open source
::: madbob

Il mio paesino ino ino grazie allo smartworking e alla dad si era ripopolato, molti ragazzi laureati che lavorano al nord e all’estero sono rientrati in paese e lavorano da qui, ed è bello rivedere un paese vivo. Capisco la dad, ma lo smartworking che fastidio dà a Brunetta?
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: Tritti001

If we do not move aggressively to combat climate change and if we allow the planet to become increasingly unlivable, we will be showing absolute contempt for our younger generation. It would be grossly immoral to turn our backs on our kids and grandchildren. We must act now
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: BernieSanders

I'm just a developer standing in front of a documentation page asking it to provide more realistic examples
ha un mattone nel nome ma sembra ok
programming, codice, snippet
::: DavidDarnes

A farewell to Simon Peyton Jones as he leaves Microsoft Research
::: dsymetweets

Il tempo dedicato a TikTok ha superato quello di YouTube
video, streaming
::: pedroelrey

Pearls Before Swine by Stephan Pastis for September 10, 2021
umorismo | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: stephanpastis

When the USSR collapsed, some subfields of non-Soviet mathematics got a surprise infusion of new ideas
::: mattsclancy

Overall, I think we should be doing less science (i.e. writing fewer papers), but doing it better / more carefully
open source | scienza
::: rabernat

It's Friday
::: ismonkeyuser

Found this great website - Web Skills 🚀 All kinds of learning resources for web developers
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: Prathkum

Inspired by @EllaBatty and @neuromatch I've edited my undergraduate course on Numerical Analysis for Differential Equations into a JupyterBook. Here it is for anyone who wants it, sadly very few videos and no podcasts, I will polish it during the term 1/3
matematica | Python
::: jslbutler

A brief, totally accurate history of programming languages
umorismo | linguaggi di programmazione

Stephen Bourne started working on a new shell early in 1976, and Bourne shell was officially the default shell in Unix Version 7, released in 1979. In 1978 the following article was published in The Bell Technical Journal
::: unix_byte

I'm really excited to announce Coalton, a statically typed functional programming language in Common Lisp
::: stylewarning

Enrico Bo

🚀 Erlang LS 0.19.0 is out! 🚀
linguaggi di programmazione | programmazione funzionale
::: robertoaloi

Mark P. Jones's hit paper, remixed in 2021: Typing Haskell in Haskell in Coalton
programmazione funzionale
::: stylewarning

Revealed: Google illegally underpaid thousands of workers across dozens of countries
::: fabiochiusi

Why Amazon Might Become the Largest Quantum Consumer
quantum computing | Amazon
::: Slashdot

Wide-Ranging SolarWinds Probe Sparks Fear in Corporate America
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Apple Pays Hackers Six Figures To Find Bugs in Its Software. Then It Sits On their Findings
::: Slashdot

Judge in Epic Suit Says Apple Restrictions Anti-Competitive
::: Slashdot

f the security of deploying, using or developing with @ProjectJupyter is relevant to you, thanks to @r_c_thomas & colleagues we now have a single landing page summarizing key resources
::: fperez_org

You don't need a degree in Computer Science. You don't need a degree at all. If you are 18-21 right now, there is a strong chance that your job hasn't even been invented yet
lavoro | innovazioni, futuro
::: evacide

There is a sequence of digits that is not prime in any base
tornassi giovane farei solo mate
::: fermatslibrary


John Hunter started the matplotlib project, which gave people an easy migration path from MATLAB's stateful plot interface, which has turned into something of a bedrock for plotting in Python
tutto il thread su ML
::: dwf

Secondo uno studio, più di 500 siti web fanno affari d'oro con le fake news
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: MauroV1968

Gli streamer stanno usando Twitch per salvare le lingue in via d'estinzione
social media
::: MauroV1968

New (w/ @RMac18 assist): More than three years ago, Mark Zuckerberg unveiled a plan to share Facebook data with outside researchers, so that academics could study misinformation on the site. But the data set had a major flaw
(devo ancore leggerlo)
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: daveyalba

China tells Alibaba, Tencent to open platforms up to each other
Cina | economia, lavoro
::: fabiochiusi

Indonesian Intelligence Agency Compromised in Suspected Chinese Hack
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

In my experience, for a software development to focus on reuse is misguided
programming, codice, snippet
::: Grady_Booch

Che gli intellettuali di questo paese disgraziato si sveglino prima che sia troppo tardi
giornali, stampa
::: glipari

Krebs Also Hit By Massive DDOS, Apparently Caused by Compromised Routers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The suffering and isolation inflicted on Julian, every day, every minute, every second, is a criminal abuse of the legal system. There is no legal case. Just naked political persecution. His treatment defines those who sanction it: torturing, vindictive, primitive, authoritarian
Julian Assange
::: StellaMoris1

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