Riuscirò --riusciremo-- a superare la pandemia? lentamente, con tenacia, probabilmente, forse. Intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
My analysis for the #pegasus 0-click vulnerability. All is just based on a screenshot from Citizen Lab, but I got the root cause and other conclusions
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: patch1t
The #Fortune500s are among the world’s top leading enterprises, paving the way for industries in setting enterprise and #business examples around the globe
Web, Internet | ditte
::: storyblok
Walmart will test a self-driving delivery service with Ford and Argo
::: nytimestech
It took years — eight years and counting in exile — for me to realize that I was missing the point: we talk about conspiracy theories in order to avoid talking about conspiracy practices, which are often too daunting, too threatening, too total
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: Snowden
"Ci sono Paesi al mondo in cui il 20% del PIL è petrolio. 2 miliardi di
persone vivono di combustibili fossili. State progettando un
genocidio di poveri"
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | economia, lavoro
::: RadioProzac
“knows how to read man pages, grep log files, configure kernel modules, and write and debug C programs” sure is an interesting definition of “non-technical user”
::: lexi_lambda
Today I learned about the gator project, which is a user friendly way to control conda environments from within JupyterLab. Super cool. The @QuantStack & co team is doing all sorts of great stuff
::: choldgraf
1/4 📊 Results are in! @SZ analyzed thousands of data donations from our #Instagram monitoring browser plug-in on the German federal election campaign #btw21
social media | politica
::: algorithmwatch
Andare via da Twitter
Cacciari non l'avrebbe detto meglio 😜; dai poi passa, forse
::: mante
Commission yearns for setting the global standard on artificial intelligence
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: fabiochiusi
The American company that sold a zero-click iMessage hacking tool to a UAE spying operation was Accuvant, a prolific Denver-based firm that specialized in iOS exploits
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: HowellONeill ::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot
New blog post from @r_c_thomas about @TrustedCI involvement with Jupyter https://blog.jupyter.org/trusted-ci-cybersecurity-engagement-with-jupyter-859a5f5d7201 . Thanks to everyone involved in the security working group
::: ProjectJupyter
KPLO, South Korea’s first Moon mission
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
FCC Wants Landlords To Stop Screwing Up Your Internet
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot
3D printed objects sense how a user is interacting with them
Most Plans for New Coal Plants Scrapped Since Paris Agreement
me: dubbi 🤔
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Anonymous Hacks Epik Web Hosting
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot
Kazakhstan Moves To Restrict Foreign Social Media Usage
::: Slashdot
iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro Feature Dual eSIM Support
dispositivi mobili | Apple
::: Slashdot
When the Wind Stops Blowing, an Energy Storm Brews
::: Slashdot
Every few years, a company comes out with AR glasses and the product flops. @Anthropunk talks about why a world in which smart glasses are normalized is dangerous to privacy
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Facebook
::: evacide
Siete sorpresi per le bollette di gas e luce? Non dovreste. La transizione energetica, pur necessaria, sarà costosissima. E l’impatto sui prezzi si estenderà a viaggi, edifici, mobilità. Non è una previsione, è una promessa della Commissione Europea
::: carloalberto
Voglio lanciare una provocazione. Che la #privacy sia un diritto e un bene prezioso è fuori discussione. Ma non è che la stiamo facendo ancora più preziosa di quel che è? Capisco le preoccupazioni per gli attacchi alla stessa, ma forse non sarebbe il caso di rilassarsi un po'?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: MauroV1968
I’m looking for the first instance of a person applying the principles of harm reduction in digital security and privacy training. Bring me your citations so I can give the right people credit
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide
I’ve set a course for the U.S. to achieve 100% clean electricity by 2035, and to reach net-zero emissions economy-wide by 2050. We can do this in a way that creates good jobs, lowers costs, and makes us global leaders of entirely new industries
ma se torna il Donald?
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 16, 2021
::: GoComics
This year risks establishing the US judiciary as a failed institution, with any judges that retain a meaningful concept of justice consistently diluted into a powerless minority
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Snowden
Speriamo l’OMS chiami in redazione così abbiamo risolto la pandemia
giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi
Dopo Como, anche Udine vuole installare telecamere per il riconoscimento facciale nonostante i rischi e il fatto che al momento non siano tecnicamente legali
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EasyInve
Smart working, grave errore il dietrofront: ecco invece come migliorare
lavoro a distanza/casa
::: JvJean1971
A Stanford Proposal Over AI's 'Foundations' Ignites Debate
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
EU commissioner calls for urgent action against Pegasus spyware
spyware | Unione Europea
::: fabiochiusi
«Capitale alle masse», Alibaba cerca una strada nella «prosperità comune»
economia, lavoro | Cina
::: ilmanifesto
Vaccini, la grande rapina di Big Pharma
economia, lavoro | coronavirus
::: ilmanifesto
Il Pcc incombe e Meituan modifica il proprio algoritmo
lavoro | Cina
::: ilmanifesto
Australia's two most populous states are trialing facial recognition software that lets police check people are home during COVID-19 quarantine, expanding trials that have sparked controversy
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | coronavirus
::: Reuters
Ransomware Encrypts South Africa's Entire Department of Justice Network
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Il y a désormais 14 personnes dans l'espace
spazio, esplorazione
::: RevesdEspace
Michelle #Bachelet, Alto Commissario #ONU per i #dirittiumani, ha chiesto una #moratoria sull'uso della tecnologia di #AI che rappresenta un serio rischio per i diritti umani, compresi i sistemi di #riconoscimentofacciale che tracciano le persone negli spazi pubblici
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: informapirata
BYTE from March 1991 explains e-mail under Unix
::: unix_byte
Home computing pioneer Sir Clive Sinclair dies aged 81
protagonisti | storia
::: fabiochiusi ::: fogus ::: ApuliaRetro ::: f_ronchetti ::: orporick
Windows 11: Just say no
per il 'puter non nuovissimo
sistemi operativi
::: dcavedon
No Longer Just Theory: Black Lotus Labs Uncovers Linux Executables Deployed as Stealth Windows Loaders
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CyberFactsIT
You might see two very different kinds of internets in the future. Here's what to expect
browser | ad, pubblicità
::: nytimestech ::: nytimestech
LibreOffice 7.2.1 Is Now Available for Download with More Than 85 Bug Fixes
applicazioni, programmi
::: MariusNestor
Google and Apple have removed jailed Kremlin critic Alexei Navalny's tactical voting app from their stores, his team said, after Russia accused the U.S. tech firms of meddling in its internal affairs
::: Reuters
Jaw-dropping moments in WSJ's bombshell Facebook investigation
::: CNN ::: thelazza
Some thoughts on China’s digital transformation
::: monkchips
Running Arm Binaries on x86 with QEMU-User
random reminder that the thing where a Linux box just transparently runs binaries for other architectures is awesome and magical
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr
Revelations a decade ago that U.S. spies hacked American internet companies helped change technology as we know it
spyware | Edward Snowden
::: nytimestech
New tutorial on http://keras.io: training a deep learning model (MIRNet) to enhance low-light images -- with much nicer results than what you'd get from a simple auto-contrast correction
machine learning
::: fchollet
We just released a toolbox for anomaly detection using #GANs. Completely written in idiomatic #TensorFlow 2 style 💪 It can be used as a CLI application with standard datasets, or use your own and see how the GAN-based model performs
machine learning
::: paolo_galeone
Spotify Linux Client (Finally) Fixes Missing Artwork Issue, Slow Startup Times
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu
Apple is suddenly grappling with a surge in employee activism, as workers complain about workplace conditions, unequal pay and the company’s business practices
Apple | lavoro
::: nytimestech
Another journalist has joined the list of #Pegasus spyware victims: Africa-focused Belgian reporter @PVerlindenJst, as well as his wife, were hacked in 2020, a Belgium State agency revealed today
::: FbdnStories
An American Company Fears Its Windows Hacks Helped India Spy On China And Pakistan
::: ForbesTech
OS X command line utilities
::: UnixToolTip
FTC Releases Findings on How Big Tech Eats Little Tech
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot
Telegram Emerges as New Dark Web for Cyber Criminals
social media | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Researchers Defeated Advanced Facial Recognition Tech Using Makeup
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot
Man Who Unlocked Nearly 2 Million AT&T Phones Gets 12 Years In Prison
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot
US To Target Crypto Ransomware Payments With Sanctions
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | crittografia
::: Slashdot
Rolls-Royce's All-Electric Aircraft Completes 15-Minute Maiden Voyage
energia | tecnologia
::: Slashdot
China's Shenzhou-12 crew has returned to Earth
spazio, esplorazione
::: ChinaInSpace
The first ever Linux kernel version 0.01 was released to the public 30 years ago on 17th September 1991
::: itsfoss2
Ve lo ricordate che dobbiamo tagliare le emissioni del 50% entro il 2030 vero? Beh Greta ha ragione, c'è tanto #greenwashing e pochi fatti
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: cmnit
Amnesty International confirms that Belgian journalist, Peter Verlinden @PVerlindenJst, was hacked with #Pegasus spyware. #PegasusProject
::: AmnestyTech
I am a Senior Software Engineer. Yesterday I couldn't remember how to do something, so like all effective Engineers, I googled it. The third result was from a book I wrote on the subject
programming, codice, snippet
::: iamjkeating
I find this picture so incredibly moving. This is @GretaThunberg aged 15, sat alone outside the Swedish Parliament Aug 2018 - the first school strike. In just one year, she’s created a wave that will change the whole world. Never underestimate the power of one young person Cuore violaCuore verde
h/t @cmnit
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Louisemac
Rover Replies
spazio, esplorazione | umorismo
::: xkcdComic
US, EU Pledge 30% Cut In Methane Emissions To Limit Global Heating
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
While human rights & data protection authorities around the world are speaking out on the need to ban #BiometricMassSurveillance, governments are trying to secretly sneak through proposals to legalise it. The latest is #Serbia 🇷🇸 and their proposed interior affairs law
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: ellajakubowska1
Mi stanno arrivando molte segnalazioni di altri comuni che investono soldi pubblici in sistemi di videosorveglianza con riconoscimento facciale, al momento vietati dal Garante della privacy. Qui Monselice, in provincia di Padova
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: EasyInve
The site is now being hosted from GitHub pages
::: pymotw
In Finland, Scientists Are Growing Coffee In a Lab
innovazioni, futuro | (forse)
::: Slashdot
Despite 'Economic Distress', Two US Nuclear Power Plants Saved From Closing Through Subsidies
::: Slashdot
From the moment your daughter gets a ”problem of the week”
programming, codice, snippet
::: robertoaloi
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