26 dicembre, 2021

Visto nel Web - 668

E... le feste, distrazioni, freddo, virus, JWST, chissà cosa mi sono perso, questo e cosa ho wisto nel Web.

He's making a list

In South Korea, Big Tech's Power Struggle With Regulators is Way Ahead of the US
big tech
::: Slashdot

Has the pandemic changed public attitudes about science?
scienza | coronavirus
::: formicablu

Today in On Tech, @shiraovide writes that in 2021 the tech titans became both more powerful and more vulnerable
big tech
::: nytimestech

Second Ransomware Family Exploiting Log4j Spotted In US, Europe
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

The secret Africa deal that has brought NSO to the brink of collapse
::: fabiochiusi

Stati Uniti, cosa ci dicono le nomine di Biden per la regolamentazione dei mercati
economia, lavoro
::: Domani

Germany Is Closing Half of Its Reactors at Worst Possible Time
::: Slashdot

Fisher-Price's Chatter Phone Has a Simple But Problematic Bluetooth Bug
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Intel Comes Under Fire in China Over Xinjiang Labor Stance
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni | politica
::: Slashdot ::: nytimestech

Apache Log4j bug: China’s industry ministry pulls support from Alibaba Cloud for not reporting flaw to government first
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: campuscodi

"Jitter is a software automatically generating a portable, very efficient language virtual machine with performance close to native code, starting from a relatively high-level specification provided by the user": Jitter is now GNU Jitter
linguaggi di programmazione
::: BrideOfLinux

Con Nft e blockchain (il Blockchain Service Network) la #Cina segue le linee del suo «modello»: integrato con i meccanismi del mercato globale, ma protetto per evitare speculazioni sul proprio territorio, anche quello virtuale
non-fungible tokens
::: simopieranni

China gaming crackdown: Baidu to lay off over 100 from gaming unit amid regulatory crackdown, heavy losses
games | Cina
::: simopieranni

So called #web3 relies on yet another pump and dump of $eth. Whales will have to dump big time for its success before 2022/Q2: at current prices 1 year domain registration is at 640USD. Computational assets are investor traps
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: jaromil

I feel for @jack but some of us are banned by both Web 2.0 *and* Web 3 cheerleaders
::: evgenymorozov


Skillsoft To Acquire Codecademy For $525 Million
economia, lavoro | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot

A Swedish Firm Has Created an Under-Skin Microchip for COVID Vaccine Passport
coronavirus | hardware
::: fede_guerrini

I know I am not the first, nor the last, to feel like this
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

🚨New Daily Distortions: The disinfo research group Miburo found over 2,000 accounts in the last year that have spread China propaganda on FB, Twitter and YouTube, building on the revelations we saw this week. They spread lies about Covid and Xinjiang
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: daveyalba

Krita 5.0 Released with a TON of New Features
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Personal and professional links between Orbán and new Euronews owner
::: formicablu

L’OMS vuole inserire la dipendenza da videogiochi tra i disturbi riconosciuti: evidenze scientifiche o pressioni politiche?
::: fabiochiusi

Efficienza energetica, il “primo combustibile” per contrastare la crisi climatica
::: formicablu

A third Polish opposition figure hacked by #NSOGroup Pegasus spyware, @CitizenLab confirms. This victim, Senator @KrszysztofBrejza, was hacked 33 times in 2019, when he was chief of staff for the opposition's parliamentary campaign
::: fbajak

The most sensible thing I have ever read on the geopolitics of crypto
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: evgenymorozov

Il mondo delle startup europee lascia ancora ai margini donne e minoranze
lavoro | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fede_guerrini

Public Agencies Are Buying Up AI-Driven Hiring Tools and 'Bossware'
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Primo storico provvedimento di un tribunale italiano (Venezia) a tutela del #SoftwareLibero #OpenSource #FOSS, anche grazie ai colleghi @carlopiana e @AlbertoPianon che hanno assistito la ricorrente. Riconosciuta e sanzionata la violazione della #GPL
open source
::: simonealiprandi

Amazon's Alexa Stalled With Users as Interest Faded, Documents Show
::: Slashdot

Seconds Before a 6.2 Earthquake Rattled California, Phones Got a Vital Warning
dispositivi mobili | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Tech Execs and Engineers Are Quitting Large Companies For 'Once-in-Generation' Opportunity With Crypto
lavoro | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Invito a leggere con attenzione questo post di Sylvie Coyaud, a ricordare i fatti e a darle supporto. Carlo Rovelli il 2 aprile scriveva questo articolo "Il caso Coyaud e quei rischi (giudiziari) se critichi i ciarlatani"
scienza | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: timetit

Negative space in operating systems
ecco, io lo dico da sempre
sistemi operativi
::: UnixToolTip

75,000 followers today. Jesus only had twelve. The founding fathers only had four. Imagine how much our movement Can do with 75 thousand patriots ravenous for justice. Typing this through tears right now. Just wish I had some one to share this with and spend time with
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | umorismo
::: birdsarentreal

How much data is generated every minute by companies like Google, Uber and Netflix
Web, Internet

In the far future, we'll have technology so advanced it will start looking like biological processes. Self-manufacturing, self-repairing, nano-scale, arbitrarily scalable
::: fchollet

Decentralized Exchanges Saw Over $1 Trillion in Trading Volume This Year
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

SPREADSHEET GAMES - Everyone knows game designers love working with spreadsheets, but there aren't enough games that run *in* spreadsheets. But my students are helping set things right. Check out some of their amazing games, all playable in Excel or Google Sheets
programming, codice, snippet
::: LiterallyAKing

Una vicenda che va avanti da un decennio. Ancora se ne scrive così
Julian Assange
::: philipdisalvo ::: Snowden ::: Snowden

Il ministero dell'economia tedesco promuove Sovereign Tech Fund un fondo per il rafforzamento della #sovranitàdigitale, lo sviluppo e il finanziamento del software #opensource e delle infrastrutture digitali #SovereignTechFund
open source
::: nilocram

bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: smdiehl

“History is written by the victors” except on Wikipedia
Wikipedia | protagonisti
::: elonmusk ::: johnregehr ::: slashdot

Transformers can be trained to solve problems of linear algebra (matrix transposition, addition, multiplication, inversion and eigenvalues) to very high accuracy. 1/4
::: f_charton

#Darktable 3.8 Released For This Great #OpenSource Alternative To #Adobe #Lightroom
applicazioni, programmi
::: phoronix

Thank you to the 500,000 people who have visited this tweet. I'm delighted to see so much interest in the public domain. We take a one day break every year to celebrate the hundreds of thousands of works that become locked open
open source
::: textfiles

The Top Retractions of 2021
::: RadioProzac

Tempo di meditare
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: RadioProzac

::: Slashdot ::: AFP

SEC Rejects Valkyrie, Kryptoin Bitcoin Trusts
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

New System Would Let Us Know If Aliens Are Using Lasers to Communicate
::: Slashdot

The field of #AIEthics is prioritizing technical computer science abilities over skills that can critically evaluate AI's ethical impact. "In doing so, we are building the field of AI Ethics to replicate the very flaws this field is trying to fix."
artificial intelligence | etica
::: CarissaVeliz

Thanks to the incredible @evgenymorozov and his new project @cryptosyllabus for this opportunity to ruminate on crypto-Nature3, #NFTs and other new(?) forms of #NeoliberalConservation
non-fungible tokens | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: brambuscher

::: StreetArtUtopia

We have LIFTOFF of the @NASAWebb Space Telescope! At 7:20am ET (12:20 UTC), the beginning of a new, exciting decade of science climbed to the sky. Webb’s mission to #UnfoldTheUniverse will change our understanding of space as we know it
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASA ::: NASAWebb ::: a_a_f_t ::: Santas_Official ::: emenietti

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