Mentre fuori sembra che arrivi la bella stagione (ma con la siccità perdurante) ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Sometimes it only takes a few people with the right skills to undermine a censorship campaign. "9 servers he raised alone had 155,762 users from Kazakhstan between January 4 and 11"
::: Snowden
IARPA “is preparing to develop new artificial intelligence systems that can identify who, or what, authored any specific text…”
artificial intelligence
::: hypervisible
Think your web browser consumes too much system resources? Try these light web browsers in Linux
::: itsfoss2
James Webb's First Pictures are Out! But it's a Work in Progress
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
In Israel, the only way to uncover the truth of a phone hacking scandal in which cops may have destroyed evidence is... to ask for help from a company that has routinely lied to cover up scandals in the past? How very modern
::: Snowden
'A Hacker Group Has Been Framing People for Crimes They Didn't Commit'
::: Slashdot
Wyden, Booker and Clarke Introduce Algorithmic Accountability Act of 2022 To Require New Transparency And Accountability For Automated Decision Systems
“Our bill will pull back the curtain on the secret algorithms that can decide whether Americans get to see a doctor, rent a house or get into a school. Transparency and accountability are essential”
automazione | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: FrankPasquale
Il destino incerto della Bbc è lo stesso di tutti i media
::: Domani
Israel unveils artificial intelligence strategy for armed forces
“The IDF’s goal is not just to have some systems that use artificial intelligence, but rather to have it be systematically incorporated across the military”
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi
Apple Plans AirTag Updates to Address Unwanted Tracking
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
NFT Marketplace Halts Most Transactions, Citing 'Rampant' Fakes and Plagiarism
not fungible token
::: Slashdot
Valve's Steam Deck Will Run Linux-Based Steam OS - But Won't Have a Fortnite Port
sistemi operativi | games
::: Slashdot
Our 15 month old is able to turn on Netflix herself on the iPad and start her favorite show. I’m not sure what to think about that
::: mitsuhiko
For the next decade at least, one of the biggest themes in tech will be an increasingly brutal effort by Apple to extract taxes from more and more people, and the steps they take to avoid it
::: paulg
The most under-stated job description of all time
protagonisti | umorismo
::: slashdot
Today, @CocaCola announced its new promise to sell 25% of their beverages in refillable glass and plastic by 2030. This video of River Rwizi is evidence that, no time. We need ACTUAL reduction and redesign to reuse and refill. #EndPlasticPollution Now
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: SadrachNirere
I dottori di ricerca sono quasi il 30 per mille degli occupati in #Svizzera, il 18 per mille negli #USA, il 13 per mille in #Germania e appena il 4 per mille in #Italia
scienza | lavoro
::: Luca_Gualtieri1
Per una intelligenza artificiale democratica e femminista > Incontro con @fabiochiusi e @IvanaBartoletti
artificial intelligence | etica | dati, raccolta
::: valigiablu
'Meta Wouldn't Tell Us How It Enforces Its Rules In VR, So We Ran A Test'
Facebook | virtual reality
::: Slashdot
Does a $3.6B Bitcoin Seizure Prove How Hard It Is to Launder Crypto?
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
This Year's Super Bowl Broadcast May Seem 'Crypto-Happy'. But the NFL Isn't
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot ::: Snowden
How Two 23 Year-Old Texans Made $4M Last Year Mining Bitcoin in Oil Fields
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Valve Releases Steam Deck CAD Files Allowing Anyone To 3D-Print Custom Shells
::: Slashdot
Declaring 'Renaisance' for French Nuclear Industry, French President Promises Up to 14 New Reactors by 2050
::: Slashdot
Linux Malware Attacks are Increasing, and Businesses Aren't Ready
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
India bans 54 Chinese apps, including those of Tencent, Alibaba and NetEase, on security concerns, report says
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Cina
::: simopieranni
inspect — Inspect Live Objects
::: pymotw
The End of Free Google Storage for Education
Google | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot
Transizione ecologica: potenzialità, impatti e rischi della diffusione delle rinnovabili
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: valigiablu
Bosch startup Azena runs a surveillance camera app store, offering--among other things-- "ethnicity detection, gender recognition, face recognition, emotion analysis, and suspicious behavior detection"
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: hypervisible
Anche la Cina sta entrando nel metaverso. In un anno la spesa è quintuplicata, ma il partito comunista potrebbe non vedere di buon occhio questa nuova frontiera digitale e ha già dato chiari segnali d’insofferenza
metaverso | Cina
::: DomaniGiornale
The addresses of more than 500,000 organisations including defence sites, a missile maintenance unit and domestic violence shelters were inadvertently made public in the first major breach of the NSW government’s massive trove of QR code data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Asher_Wolf
K-index e h-index
Twitter | scienza
::: RadioProzac
China, Not SpaceX, May Be Source of Rocket Part Crashing Into Moon
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
US Tech Firms Hunt for Cheap Home-Based Hires in Latin America
lavoro da remoto | smartwork
::: Slashdot
Texas Sues Meta Over Facebook's Facial-Recognition Practices
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi
Ci sono frequenti problemi di sicurezza femminile nel Metaverso.Come risolvere i problemi correlati nel Metaverso? Google Traduttore è OK (credo, non sono capace a confrontare la traduzione con l'originale ma scorre) (correzione: non sempre, a volte non compone nemmeno la frase, continuo a verificare)
metaverso | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Cina
::: simopieranni
(Il metaverso (元宇宙 - yuan yuzhou) è affidabile? 来听听这7位风险投资人的看法
metaverso | Cina
::: simopieranni
Consumo elettricità Italia: 300 TWh. Autorizzazioni inevase impianti fonti rinnovabili finanziati da privati: 150 GW. Se la metà entrasse in funzione avremmo ~ 100 TWh in più.
::: stebaraz
#CONTEilnostroPresidente con 10.600 Tweet nel giro di poche ore è una goduria, ma vedere pure i renziani mangiarsi il fegato è l'apoteosi
la parte deprimente dei social-cosi
Twitter | politica
::: LuceDeLaurentis
Meanwhile, in Ohio, there is a new privacy protection bill that doesn't protect your privacy at all
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: evacide
Il termine utopia è la maniera più comoda per liquidare quello che non si ha voglia, capacità, o coraggio di fare. Un sogno sembra un sogno fino a quando non si comincia da qualche parte, solo allora diventa un proposito, cioè qualcosa di infinitamente più grande. (A. Olivetti)
::: flavia_marzano
This #OpenSource project needs some contribution
::: facetimeJS
I updated Sci-Hub, now you can watch download statistics in real-time, monthly stats and other. Will add more in the future
scienza | open source
::: ringo_ring
MonoLisa font for software developers
tool, componente software
::: TeXtip
frawk: a more efficient variation on awk
applicazioni, programmi
::: UnixToolTip
“Our analysis shows that the NYPD’s use of facial recognition technology helps to reinforce discriminatory policing against minority communities in York City”
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi
So not only did IDme's CEO blatantly lie about the company's use of 1 to many facial recognition, but they also had an undisclosed relationship with Palantir, who are notorious for their technical support for ICE's human rights abuses
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: evan_greer
How SoftBank's Costly Bet on the 'Internet of Things' Backfired at Arm
Internet of things
::: Slashdot
EU privacy watchdog urges ban on Pegasus, the spyware, developed by tech company NSO Group, which could have been used by governments across the world, including in Poland and Hungary, to hack the phones of journalists, activists and politicians
::: IvanaBartoletti ::: EU_EDPS
Abbiamo scoperto che se volete promuovere su Facebook un libro che ha nel titolo la parola "Democrazia", semplicemente non potete
Facebook | censura
::: HicRhodus
OBS Studio 27.2 is now available as a Flatpak, officially
applicazioni, programmi
::: itsfoss2
Elon Musk, the chief executive of Tesla, gave little information about where he directed his charitable gift last year
Elon Musk
::: nytimestech
Chilling: “We know that there are technologies out that can do this and we want to make sure that the tech companies are doing all they can to take this content off their platforms” official says about gov' demands tech cos block ‘legal but harmful’ posts
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: rasmus_kleis
Eradicating extreme poverty would raise global emissions by *less than 1%* This paper highlights the absurd inequality in global carbon footprints! My coverage of the @naturesustainab study for @CarbonBrief
tutto il thread
etica | politica | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: AyeshaTandon
Senators Call for Removal of Facial Recognition Tech in Unemployment Services
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
74% of Ransomware Revenue Goes To Russia-Linked Hackers
::: Slashdot
::: Slashdot
spazio, esplorazione
Virgin Galactic Is Looking For 1,000 People To Buy Its $450,000 Spaceflight Tickets
Harsh, but fair
::: zacchiro
Windows 11's First Big Update Arrives With Android Apps and Taskbar Changes
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
L’ennesima applicazione socialmente tossica dell’AI venduta come “il potenziale di rivoluzionare” qualcosa
artificial intelligence | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi
Somehow @GreatDismal did not include "your retinal implant is no longer supported by the company that manufactured it" in his dystopian cyberpunk future, but we sure have it in the dystopian cyberpunk present
tecnologia | economia, lavoro
::: evacide
This, by the CEO of facial recognition producer Corsight AI, is a proper biometric-based dystopia sold as a dream frictionless and contactless society
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: fabiochiusi
What To Expect From Generation #AI? #IoT #BigData #ArtificialIntelligence #MI #DataScience #Robotics #DeepLearning #DL #Tech #Technology #Data #Automation
artificial intelligence | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Ronald_vanLoon
Happy to share with you my recent paper on a new conceptualisation for #AI that focus less on rationalisation and optimisation aspects and more on the relational, societal collective impact
artificial intelligence | etica
::: vdignum
LibreOffice running within the browser using WebAssembly
applicazioni, programmi | browser
::: WasmWeekly
Google Plans Privacy Changes, but Promises To Not Be Disruptive
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
South Korea To Allow Delivery Robots on Public Roads in 2023
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot
A Network of Fake Test Answer Sites Is Trying to Incriminate Students
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
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