10 aprile, 2022

Visto nel Web - 698

Uh! in ritardo, forse incompleto ma questo è cosa ho wisto nel Web

While we're fighting to stop biometric mass surveillance in the #AI Act, the little-known "Prüm II" proposal could quietly double the number of national #FacialRecognition databases in the EU
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Unione Europea
::: ellajakubowska1 ::: ORARiccardo

🚨Mind Blown🚨 In some "you can't make this stuff up" news, I've written a short piece that I hope gets some attention - Fake News about our Fake News Study Spread Faster than its Truth… Just as We Predicted
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: sinanaral

The U.S. said it secretly removed malware from computer networks around the world, a move believed to have pre-empted Russian cyberattacks
::: nytimes ::: zackwhittaker

Tell a computer you want a teapot that looks like an avocado and it can create an image in a second. Is that technology a boon or another worrisome A.I. development?
se vero mi stupisco, tanto
artificial intelligence
::: nytimestech ::: OpenAI

TikTok is cloning its internal systems to keep American user data in the US — and to restrict access to that data in China
dati, raccolta
::: BuzzFeedNews

Meta is reportedly making ‘Zuck Bucks’
Facebook | economia, lavoro
::: verge

This might be Jack Dorsey’s "rockey" hardware crypto wallet
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge

Creators say Instagram is cutting Reels payouts
video, tv, streaming
::: verge

MIT Grad Students Vote To Form Labor Union
::: Slashdot

OpenSea 'Sitting On Ticking Bomb' As Lawsuits Pile Up Over Stolen Apes
not fungible token
::: Slashdot

Microplastics Found Deep in Lungs of Living People for First Time
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot

Google Bans Apps With Hidden Data-Harvesting Software
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Uber To Create Travel 'Superapp' By Adding Planes, Trains and Rental Cars
idea 💡
::: Slashdot

Apple restores opposition app to its App Store in Russia
::: fabiochiusi

Nessuno è troppo piccolo…
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

What is Free Software #OpenSource? Software freedom explained in less than three minutes!
open source
::: sdallagata

“Between March 23 and March 29, 65 cyberattacks occurred on Ukrainian critical infrastructure, which was five times more than in the previous week, the SSSCIP said in its latest report on cyber activity during the war”
::: fabiochiusi

Un pezzo controcorrente rispetto alla narrazione dominante, che dipinge la cyberwar russa all’Ucraina come (incomprensibilmente) assente
::: fabiochiusi

Facebook parent company Meta detailed an array of shady cyber tactics that it says groups linked to Russia and Belarus are using to target Ukrainian soldiers and civilians
::: cnni

Chinese Hackers Abuse VLC Media Player To Launch Malware Loader
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

"Clearly, there are at least parts of the party apparatus that have decided that strategically it is to CCP's benefit, if not China's, to support Russia's invasion and narratives about what's happening in Ukraine"
::: fabiochiusi

"Clearview has created more than 200 accounts for users at five Ukrainian government agencies, which have conducted more than 5,000 searches. Clearview has also translated its app into Ukrainian"
::: fabiochiusi

Dash to Panel Adds Support for GNOME 42
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu

Visualizing the scale of the carbon removal problem
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: verge

SpaceX poised to send first private crew to the International Space Station for Axiom Space
spazio, esplorazione
::: verge

ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: muindi_elijah ::: AaravSeth_ ::: KaitesiJessica1 ::: eve_chantel ::: AtlasSarrafoglu

Katherine Johnson

Did Fermilab’s new result blow a hole in the Standard Model? The W-boson doesn't have the mass that it should. At 7-sigma statistical significance. This could be the long-awaited big clue for what's out there beyond the Standard Model!
::: StartsWithABang ::: RadioProzac ::: ilfisico

Hurrah! The latest version of GNU gzip has been released!
applicazioni, programmi | open source
::: fsf

An object from another star system crashed into Earth in 2014, and it may have left interstellar debris on the seafloor
uh! ma 'spe': affermazioni straordinarie richiedono prove straordinarie (cit.)
spazio, esplorazione
::: VICE ::: pascalleetweets

Google Play Store Cracks Down on Outdated Apps
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Oh what I wouldn’t pay to be a fly on the Falqoura wall for this one
Twitter | Elon Musk
::: peterseibel

If twitter isn’t the public editor anymore, I think they should probably hire one
::: espiers

Hey physics fans, do you like the Standard Model? Or do you dream of physicists finding evidence that shows how the Standard Model is insufficient?
::: StartsWithABang

Welcome to America's multi-user spaceport! Seen here is @SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket for #Ax1 on Pad 39A & our #Artemis I rocket on 39B. This is the 1st time two different types of rockets & spacecraft made to carry humans are on the sister pads at the same time
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAKennedy

Congratulations to the @Europarl_EN for having passed the motion for a resolution on the #RightToRepair with a vast majority: 509 in favor, 3 against, 13 abstain #FreeSoftware #Ecodesign #UpcyclingAndroid
diritto di riparare
::: fsfe ::: Slashdot

Webb will also be “dusting” in space! With its infrared vision, it will peer through cosmic dust to see how stars & planets form. More from @SpaceTelescope's Webb project scientist Klaus Pontoppidan
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAWebb

Windows 3.1 Is Officially 30 Years Old
::: Slashdot

La Stazione Spaziale Internazionale rischia di precipitare a causa della guerra in #Ucraina? /1
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

[1/10] Very happy to say that our first @GoogleFonts Knowledge drop of 2022 is now live! 🥳
tool, componente software
::: elliotjaystocks

Tell me a decade years ago that Microsoft would sue nation-state hacker groups in U.S. courts to seize their domains, and I would've told you that it was a stupid idea and that it would never work. And yet, to date, Microsoft has seized 100+ malicious domains linked to Russia
Microsoft | cyberwar
::: zackwhittaker

Microchips are the lifeblood of the modern economy. So why does making millions of these tiny components mean building — and spending — so big? Follow our reporter as he tours Intel production plants in Chandler and Hillsboro, Ore. for the answers
::: nytimestech

A growing number of studies indicate that a powerful few control the burgeoning NFT market
not fungible token
::: VICE

E Ink's New Color Electronic Paper Is Fast Enough To Play Videos
::: Slashdot

Tesla, Block and Blockstream Team Up To Mine Bitcoin Off Solar Power in Texas
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

I do all my programming in clojure/zig/javascript now, for when I want an easy/performant/popular language, respectively
uh! Zig non sapevo (a me nessuno dice mai niente!); chissà se qualcuno lo usa
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lisperati ::: SrPablo

🎓 PICO-8 Education Edition: 🌟OUT NOW! 🌟 A web-based version of #pico8 with complete set of editing tools ~ for schools, workshops, and anyone who likes to learn and make stuff. ❤
linguaggi di programmazione | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: lexaloffle

Very impressive---indeed, awe-inspiring---AI demos this last week, e.g., from OpenAI (image generation) and Google (text generation). These demos seem to convince many people that current AI is getting closer and closer to human-level intelligence. 🧵
artificial intelligence
::: MelMitchell1

Julian Assange and Wikileaks: freedom of information on trial #Ijf22
Julian Assange
::: fabiochiusi

A lot of the reason Rust was successful is that it had C-like syntax, as a familiar counterbalance to the weirdness of the lifetimes and borrow check. It had to pick its battles as to where to innovate, and syntax wasn't one of those areas
linguaggi di programmazione
::: pcwalton

Torna la normalità, torna il #jovabeachparty!
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: RadioProzac

“YouTube has blocked Duma TV which broadcasts from Russia's lower house of parliament, drawing an angry response from officials who said the world's most popular streaming service could face restrictions in response”
::: fabiochiusi

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