24 aprile, 2022

Visto nel Web - 702

La situa è un quella che è ma per intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Astrobotic unveils private robotic lunar lander it aims to launch to the Moon this year
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: verge

Perché la Germania non tiene accese le centrali nucleari? Valgono il 5% della prod. energetica e non hanno scorte di uranio per continuare a funzionare oltre il 2022. Nuove scorte sarebbero pronte tra 15 mesi e li fornitore di uranio in Europa è la Russia
::: AlienoGentile

How to change (or eliminate) your Windows 11 sign-in
sistemi operativi | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

Google rolls out new badges to help people avoid bad Chrome extensions
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

Dice uno studio dell'ISD che l'Italia ha il primato, tra i 20 paesi studiati, per post FB che sollevano dubbi sui massacri di Bucha
Facebook | cyberwar | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

really divisionless random numbers
programming, codice, snippet
::: fanf

GitHub can't be trusted. Or, how suspending Russian accounts deleted project history and pull requests
programming, codice, snippet | cyberwar
::: jesse_squires

Apple Store workers in Atlanta file for first union election in the US
lavoro | Apple
::: engadget

YouTube Blocks Hong Kong's Next Leader John Lee
::: Slashdot

The Obamas are leaving Spotify for a new multiplatform podcast deal
social media
::: verge

Amazon Europe Unit Paid No Taxes on $55 Billion Sales in 2021
Amazon | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Tesla nearly doubled its revenue in Q1 despite industry wide supply chain woes
economia, lavoro
::: engadget

This AI clone of Reddit’s Am I The Asshole forum will give you the best bad advice
artificial intelligence
::: verge

Computer memory and storage have become exponentially cheaper since the 1950s
::: redouad ::: zacchiro

Sony Plans To Sell Advertising in PlayStation Games
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

A UK court just approved Julian Assange's extradition to the US. The decision now lies with UK Home Secretary @pritipatel
, which means it’s no longer before the courts, which means now's the time to make noise. Here's an Honest Government Ad to get us up to speed. #FreeAssange
Julian Assange
::: thejuicemedia ::: umanesimo ::: _Nico_Piro_ ::: AngeloBonelli1 ::: maxdantoni ::: BigBrotherWatch ::: JacobinItalia ::: carlogubi ::: DomaniGiornale

We're in the middle of a giant machine learning surge, with ML-based "classifiers" being used to make all kinds of decisions at speeds that humans could never match: ML decides everything from whether you get a bank loan to what your phone's camera judges to be a human face. 1/
machine learning
::: doctorow

The concept of self-driving vehicles is at least 2,800 years old. As they say, it's execution that's hard
confermo quanto dice @ralfduschef
::: fchollet

Ve la ricordate #xylella vero? Una soluzione per il monitoraggio su vasta scala che pensavo fosse ovvia sin dall'inizio della triste vicenda. La Regione #Puglia del mitico Emiliano ci ha messo solo 8 anni per realizzarla...
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: cmnit

Detecting Modern-Day Slavery From the Sky
lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | artificial intelligence
::: formicablu

Oracle already wins 'crypto bug of the year' with Java digital signature bypass
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lproven

NASA enlists SpaceX and Amazon to help develop next-gen space communications
spazio, esplorazione
::: engadget

Elon Musk lays out funding for ambitious Twitter takeover
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: verge ::: engadget ::: VICE ::: nytimestech ::: verge

Google gives Europe a ‘reject all’ button for tracking cookies after fines from watchdogs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

"[The US] should take targeted action to maintain Chinese dependence on foreign technology while continuing to attract and engage with Chinese innovators. For maintaining that dependence, the best point of leverage is semiconductors." Amen
tecnologia | Cina
::: KaiserKuo

Canonical Now Hopes To IPO in 2023
Ubuntu | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

$19bn buildup to help double nuclear power capacity by 2030
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | Cina
::: simopieranni

Non sono d'accordo con la conclusione. Ritengo che le registrazioni siano ormai uno strumento di studio fondamentale. Ovviamente espongono "impietosamente" errori e carenze del docente o del metodo didattico. Bene per miglorarsi
non ce la faremo; non ce la possiamo fare
scuola, educazione, cultura | digitalizzazione
::: fulcorno

Installed Ubuntu 22.04? Do These Things Next!
::: dcavedon

Moscow Court Fines Google Over Failing To Delete 'Banned Content' About Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine
censura | guerra | Russia
::: fabiochiusi

Let's just hope the planet is still around then
energia | scienza
::: VICE

VisPy 0.10.0 is out now! It includes fixes and updates to the VolumeVisual, a new ComplexImageVisual, and contributions from 4 new contributors!
::: vispyproject

Barack Obama has waded deeply into the public fray over disinformation and its effect on the foundations of democracy
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: nytimestech ::: therecount ::: doctorow ::: dlberes ::: fabiochiusi

Il tribunale penale di Frosinone ha assolto i gestori di alcuni siti di #streaming pirata: secondo i giudici non c’è il reato di violazione delle norme sul diritto d’autore. Ecco con quali motivazioni e perché si tratta di una sentenza storica
copyright e brevetti
::: DomaniGiornale

📢 Today, the much-awaited IMCO-LIBE draft report on the #ArtificialIntelligence Act, produced by @Europarl_EN lead negotiators @brandobenifei & @IoanDragosT, was finally disclosed – a major milestone in the #AIAct negotiations
artificial intelligence | Unione Europea
::: algorithmwatch ::: edri ::: MarkBrakel ::: montezumachavez ::: nytimestech ::: nytimestech ::: Slashdot ::: verge ::: algorithmwatch ::: Rasha_Abdul ::: mathver

Oggi ho scoperto il vero significato della parola fiducia
programming, codice, snippet | umorismo
::: SteffPy

Python is good at math and numbers. Also Python
::: mitsuhiko

Useful vim commands to use with macros
tip, suggerimenti
::: climagic

If you'd handed me a modern smartphone 25 years ago, and told me this is how everyone does computing now...
programming, codice, snippet
::: lisperati

#EarthDay2022 #FridaysForFuture
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: eve_chantel ::: SirSaadN ::: GretaThunberg ::: EKOenergy_ ::: Fridays4FutureU ::: FFFinBD

Anche l'ultimo strumento dell’osservatorio spaziale James Webb ha aperto gli occhi sull'universo. Si tratta di MIRI (Mid-Infrared Instrument) che nel mese di aprile ha raggiunto la temperatura operativa di 7 Kelvin, ossia 266 gradi Celsius sotto zero. /1
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t

Does Python (cpython specifically) have gradual typing?
::: stylewarning

SpaceX inks 1st deal to provide Starlink internet service on planes
Web, Internet
::: SPACEdotcom

Fortran stdlib release v0.2.1
linguaggi di programmazione
::: fortranlang

Here's a list of the top decentralized social media platforms
social media
::: slashdot

US, EU and Western allies to subscribe to democratic principles of the internet
“Washington is promoting a declaration on the future of the internet, outlining a series of democratic principles in an initiative set to receive the support of the EU and other Western allies”
Web, Internet | politica
::: fabiochiusi

In questo pezzo di @CodaStory sulla presa della propaganda di Putin in Europa, l'Italia è un capitolo a sé
cyberwar | Russia
::: fabiochiusi

Perseverance Begins the Next Phase of its Mission, Studying an Ancient River Bed on Mars - Universe Today
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione, droni
::: universetoday

Climate model code is so outdated, MIT starts from scratch
I love that @fortranlang has such a vibrant community
linguaggi di programmazione | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: rjzak

Report reveals Big Tech’s last minute lobbying to weaken EU rules
Unione Europea | big tech
::: fabiochiusi ::: marcoscialdone

This is T-Mobile's seventh data breach in four years
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: TechCrunch

How to change the default apps on your Android phone
dispositivi mobili | applicazioni, programmi
::: verge

Shuttleworth Explains Why Ubuntu Won’t Support Flatpak
::: omgubuntu

Twitter bans climate change denial ads
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | ad, pubblicità
::: engadget

Seized Silk Road Bitcoin To Clear Ross Ulbricht's $183M Debt
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

American Phone-Tracking Firm Demo'd Surveillance Powers By Spying On CIA and NSA
::: Slashdot

Singapore will move away from a key Covid contact tracing app that previously attracted controversy due to government disclosures about its use for criminal investigations
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: bpolitics

Italia: come ci si "emancipa" dal gas russo? Quest'anno il nostro Paese sta già facendo a meno del 38% del gas russo che importava nel pre-pandemia. È un'impresa monumentale. Vi chiederete: come ci stiamo riuscendo? Ecco come. 🧵
::: emmevilla

Assigning Numbers
::: xkcdComic

Da leggere l'ampia riflessione di @amingardi. «Molti hanno abdicato alla riflessione. Nessun calcolo dei costi, degli interessi e dell'utile. La società più colta con il dibattito pubblico più infantile». Tanti hanno dato pessima esibizione di sé in queste settimane. E continuano
::: vitalbaa

the problem with making these @racketlang languages is I just get carried away writing more and more fun macros instead of actually doing what I was supposed to #pisemble
::: pezi_pink

Celebrating 40 years of ZX Spectrum ❤️ 💛 💚 💙
::: marcoscan

US Invests $6 Billion to Save 'Financially Distressed' Nuclear Reactors
::: Slashdot

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