Le solite cose, quelle che ho wisto nel Web.
UNITY IS BACK! 🔥 With a new flat UI 💻, a redesigned dash and many more bugs fixed 🐛 and features added, we are releasing Unity 7.6 for testing today, the first major release of Unity in 6 years since 16.10! 🥳
::: ubuntu_unity
sphinxcontrib-spelling 7.3.3
::: doughellmann
Fedora's Lead Speaks on the Popularity of Linux and the Importance of Open Source
Linux | open source
::: Slashdot
Scusate, @Twitter, se questi due pulsanti rimandano esattamente alla stessa pagina (homepage), perchè tenerli entrambi?
::: rico6868
UNIX™: I have many versions to confuse you / Linux: Hold my free beer!
::: climagic
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
::: CBugliano
Why Warren Buffett Still Won't Invest in Bitcoin
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
What is the Fediverse? Una breve e simpatica animazione per spiegare che cos'è il #Fediverso - Adesso ha i sottotitoli anche in italiano😮 Un grazie a Framasoft #fediverse #peertube #LostInTranslation maupao devol (1/2)
social media
::: glipari
Something I love about Mastodon: Mastodon has activity RSS feeds of your public posts
::: glipari
Libertà di opinione non è diritto di dire fesserie. Se uno viene e ti dice che la Terra è piatta e ci si cura il cancro con la Citrosodina, se sei il giornalista, in un minuto ti scusi col pubblico e lo inviti ad andarsene. Se lo ospiti ancora, le stai dicendo tu quelle scemenze
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | giornali, stampa
::: carlopiana ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: mazzettam
A school switched over 350 desktops to @opensuse tumbleweed. Great story!
Linux | open source
::: AlmaLinux
How Silicon Valley is helping Putin and other tyrants win the information war
::: thek3nger
Interfacce grafiche e abitudini
riporto ma se ho capito non concordo, anzi l'opposto
applicazioni, programmi
::: MauroV1968
My Twitter Pullback Is About More Than Elon Musk
Twitter | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: New York Times
Un problema reale, concreto, ma praticamente sconosciuto o almeno ignorato. C’è troppo inglese nella ricerca scientifica?
::: MauroV1968
Compile Python module to C extension
::: Python Adventures
Racket version 8.5 is now available
::: racketlang
It is a bit sad that searching here for @EFF + @elonmusk one finds more occurrences of "eff up" than of this article
Twitter | Elon Musk
::: aittalam
The First US City Government to Mine Bitcoin? Fort Worth, Texas
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
The Wikimedia Foundation has stopped accepting cryptocurrency donations
Wikipedia | bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge
Beyond just phones and laptops looting is a lot harder in a digital world
::: rodneyabrooks
Secondo me per usare i social dovrebbero introdurre un patentino. #Barbero
social media
::: L_Apostata
“the third month of war finds Russia (…) struggling under an unprecedented hacking wave that entwines government activity, political voluntarism and criminal action”
::: fabiochiusi
“50,000 to 70,000 tech workers have fled the country, with 100,000 more expected to leave over the next month — for a total of about 10 percent of the sector’s workforce”
Russia | tecnologia
::: fabiochiusi
How Technocrats Triumphed at Apple
::: New York Times
EU charges Apple over NFC payment restrictions on iOS devices
Apple | Unione Europea
::: engadget
What a lead, from the @washingtonpost, no less: "The world's richest man, Elon Musk, attacked a publication owned by the world's third richest man, Jeff Bezos, last month for reprinting a column published by the world's 13th richest man, Mike Bloomberg"
protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: brianstelter
The cellphones of Spain's prime minister, defense minister infected in "external" spyware attack, the government says
::: AP ::: skirchy
pickle — Object Serialization
::: pymotw
Hey @HSBC we're watching you! 👀 You're the UK’s biggest high street bank financing #deforestation. As your shareholders meet today, maybe explain that they may be liable for the estimated £36.4m in profit they’ve made since 2016 from supporting forest-wrecking companies
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Global_Witness
Nuovi fornitori di gas? Carbone? Nucleare? La crisi avviata dalla guerra pone tutti, Italia in primis, di fronte a un ultimatum. Ma non sembriamo averne compreso davvero la portata, rimandando ancora una vera svolta energetica
::: rivistailmulino
Today I learned about the "secret" Twitter DM inbox — here’s how to see it
::: verge
In April alone, hackers stole more than $370 million in crypto from several web3 projects. The total amount of crypto stolen since the beginning of the year is more than $1.6 billion
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: VICE
Google recently fired another artificial intelligence researcher. While the reasons for that are under dispute, it has added to growing concerns about management of this key part of the company
censura | artificial intelligence
::: nytimestech
Soldi facili e potere: se fossero queste le ragioni per cui Musk ha comprato Twitter?
Elon Musk
::: Domani
Amazon workers at second Staten Island warehouse vote against unionization
lavoro | Amazon
::: engadget ::: amazonlabor
Remote Lockouts Reportedly Stop Russian Troops From Using Stolen Ukrainian Farm Equipment
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Twitter re-suspends two right-wing accounts trying to evade their bans
Twitter | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: verge
Facebook will shut down its podcast service on June 3rd
social media
::: engadget
Rocket Lab captures booster in mid-air with a helicopter for the first time
spazio, esplorazione
::: engadget
Thread today on HN: "What's the most elegant software ever?" - I agree with those who say it's Turbo Pascal, which I experienced 1st hand - Minimalism (by necessity) of the IDE+language optimized by a single genius (Heijlberg) means it had best usability+performance+size combo ever
linguaggi di programmazione | storia
::: lisperati
Jumping on the @pyscript_dev hype train and sharing what we've been up to for the past ~6 months at @QuantStack with regards to Python + WebAssembly + @ProjectJupyter
Python | linguaggi di programmazione
::: wuoulf
Some say that most of programming consists of using Google Search and StackOverflow. In reality, it depends 100% on your workflow. So this is not a statement about programming, but more of a statement about the kind of work that you do
programming, codice, snippet
::: fchollet
Today is World Press Freedom Day. And the award-winning journalist Julian #Assange is in a max security jail in the UK, awaiting extradition to the United States for the "crime" of revealing evidence of war crimes. Free the press, free Assange now. #JournalistsSpeakUpForAssange
Julian Assange
::: serenatinari ::: valigiablu
“EUvsDisinfo has published these two articles in Chinese to provide Chinese-speaking audiences with fact-based information to help raise awareness of disinformation surrounding the war in Ukraine”
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi
Department of Energy boosts domestic battery supply chain with billions in funding
energia | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: verge
L'Italia crolla dal 41esimo al 58esimo posto nel World Press Freedom Index di @RSF_inter -- appena sotto Romania e Macedonia del Nord, e appena sopra Niger, Ghana e Kosovo
politica | censura
::: fabiochiusi
“I am a witness of how a whole nation, our nation in the 21st century, became the object of a successful experiment of being irradiated by propaganda. In the absence of free media, propaganda always starts preparing for war. (…) Propaganda is war itself”
politica | media
::: fabiochiusi
Pop Culture Has Become an Oligopoly
yep! proprio come avrei voluto dirlo io 🤓
::: RadioProzac
10% of the world‘s population own 75% of all wealth, get 50% of all income and are responsible for nearly half of all CO2 emissions
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: heimbergecon
Se oggi sappiamo di che cosa è fatto l'universo è anche merito mio, ma la mia carriera è stata costellata di ostacoli. Mi chiamo Cecilia Payne e questa è la mia storia. /1
scienza | protagonisti
::: a_a_f_t
There was a record 293 journalists jailed worldwide for doing their job, according to CPJ’s 2021 prison census
media | censura
::: pressfreedom
Thread by @RivEnergia on Thread Reader App
::: MauroV1968
Twitter Circle is in testing for the tweets you’d rather keep to "select people"
::: verge ::: bermat
Da un lato i fattori di #ranking, dall'altro il business. In mezzo, noi che abbiamo perduto il tempo dell'attesa. #bouncerate
Web, Internet
::: SergioGridelli
The CDC bought access to location data harvested from tens of millions of phones to asses compliance with curfews, track patterns of people visiting K-12 schools, and specifically monitor the effectiveness of policy in the Navajo Nation
coronavirus | riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: VICE
“I don’t really have a business plan,” Elon Musk has said
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: nytimestech
Scientists have created a modified enzyme that can break down plastics that would otherwise take centuries to degrade in a matter of days
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: VICE
Lauren Hirsch, a reporter covering Elon Musk and the Twitter deal, discusses what it has been like to cover an unpredictable figure throughout a remarkable series of events
Elon Musk | Twitter
::: nytimestech
Instagram is testing a TikTok-like full-screen feed
social media
::: verge
SEC nearly doubles crypto enforcement unit, citing fraud risk in booming market
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge
Microsoft Edge Overtakes Safari As World's Second Most Popular Desktop Browser
::: Slashdot
NASA Is Sending Artificial Female Bodies To the Moon To Study Radiation Risks
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot
Spot gets footloose in a factory in Boston Dynamics’ latest video
robots, automazione, droni
::: verge
A Stealthy New Espionage Group is Targeting Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Coinbase CEO Predicts One Billion Crypto Users Within a Decade
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
Covid Hospitalisation May Affect Thinking Similar To 20 Years of Ageing, Study Says
::: Slashdot
PCWorld: Six Months Since Release, Windows 11 Still 'Unnecessary'
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot
YouTube Go will no longer be available starting this August
social media
::: engadget
Ireland: Data Centers Now Consuming More Electricity Than Rural Homes
::: Slashdot
Il Marchio di Caino. (Un thread) - Leggevo, ieri, alcune utenti che manifestavano un forte stupore all’idea di essere seguite qui su un social da una persona poi finita sui giornali per aver commesso un “fatto di sangue”. Devo dire la verità: mi ha stupita lo stupore /
social media
::: LaRobiErre
40 years ago today: I joined a tiny startup called Sun Microsystems. What a ride! Here's the never-before-told story of how I arrived at Sun as employee #8! 🧵
::: aka_pugs
Dopo Repubblica anche Il Post usa articolo di psicologo sociale Haidt -le cui tesi sono plurismentite-per denunciare che i social rompono fiducia e rendono stupidi. Si ergono a difesa di verità ma diventano strumento di disinformazione, come può esserlo ciascuno con influenza>
social media
::: timetit
that's what I love and hate of javascript
::: vikkio88
Non serve che mi chiediate la mia opinione
social media
::: MauroV1968
h/t @zacchiro
::: OwariDa
Dal blog di @framasoft, "Elon Musk e Twitter vs #Mastodon e il #Fediverso" - Una breve introduzione all'uso consapevole di Mastodon
Mastodon | Twitter | Elon Musk
::: nilocram
Non stupisce più di tanto che aziende e lobby abbiano imposto ai cittadini e ai decisori la narrazione fiabesca delle rinnovabili come via maestra per la salvezza del pianeta. Ma c'è un rovescio della medaglia non da poco
::: DomaniGiornale
Every ISP In the US Has Been Ordered To Block Three Pirate Streaming Services
pirateria | (forse)
::: Slashdot
Meta offers new professional certificates through Coursera
::: engadget
Mental health app privacy language opens up holes for user data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge
How To Record Video on Your Phone in an Emergency
how to
::: MauroV1968
Qualche giorno fa, @Montecitorio ha pubblicato il parere favorevole alla Proposta di regolamento europeo sull’Intelligenza Artificiale (#AIAct). Siamo molto soddisfatti del testo, e anche di vedere che molti nostri commenti sono stati considerati!
h/t @dilettahuyskes_
artificial intelligence
::: privacynetwork_
Starbucks To Launch NFTs This Year
una cosa che capisco ancora meno di Haskell
not fungible token
::: Slashdot
L’impatto della #Dad sugli studenti nel nuovo studio #Istat
scuola, educazione, cultura | digitalizzazione
::: DomaniGiornale
The French presidency of the Council of the EU has proposed new obligations to force digital companies like Facebook and Google to open up about the political ads circulating on their platforms, according to a document seen by POLITICO
big tech
::: clothildegouj
Stack Overflow’s copy / paste keyboard now comes with RGB
mah! ... 🤔
::: verge
US intelligence gave classified evidence to lawmakers on national security threats posed by Hikvision inc. risks of Chinese "espionage and cyberattacks" ahead of US ban
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: BigBrotherWatch
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