19 giugno, 2022

Visto nel Web - 718

Qualche contrattempo, capita, e fa caldo ma ecco puntuale cosa ho wisto nel Web.

China's Lunar Lander Finds Water Under its Feet
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday

Are we at the beginning of the AI apocalypse?
artificial intelligence
::: VICE

Roblox è un sistema per insegnare ai giovanissimi i rudimenti della programmazione di videogame. I progetti possono generare introiti per milioni. Ma c'è un rovescio della medaglia: il crescente sfruttamento lavorativo dei bambini
uh! non ne so niente; devo approfondire
social media | programming, codice, snippet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: DomaniGiornale

Warren proposes sweeping ban on location and health data sales
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

The value of El Salvador's Bitcoin hoard is down 50 percent amid an ongoing crypto crash
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: VICE

Facebook's advertising tools are tracking people seeking abortion services, report says
Facebook | spyware
::: engadget

The independent e-mail application K-9 Mail will be Thunderbird for Android
dispositivi mobili | applicazioni, programmi
::: DiegoManinetti

The question of sentient chatbots is fascinating but ultimately a distraction from the big tech companies creating them
artificial intelligence | Google
::: VICE

Don’t wait to install the June Windows update — it fixes a major security bug
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

Cameras made by Chinese surveillance company Hikvision are deeply integrated into an intelligence program aimed at tracking and detaining Uyghurs and other ethnic groups in Xinjiang, according to a new report
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza | Cina
::: BethanyAllenEbr

To gain orders of magnitude in speed and efficiency for deep learning models, we need to investigate computing paradigms beyond traditional binary transistors. One approach I'm optimistic about (for inference specifically) is photonics
deep learning
::: fchollet

There’s so much doom and gloom in technology. But the tech job market? It’s still bonkers
economia, lavoro
::: nytimestech

An EU mandate that will require all new devices like smartphones and earbuds to use a common charger could affect consumers worldwide. Here’s what you can do to prepare for the transition and avoid waste
::: nytimestech

My team has spotted something unexpected: It’s a piece of a thermal blanket that they think may have come from my descent stage, the rocket-powered jet pack that set me down on landing day back in 2021
spazio, esplorazione
::: NASAPersevere

D-Wave launches a first prototype of its next-gen annealing quantum computer
quantum computing
::: TechCrunch

Il governo #Draghi ha provato ad annacquare il pacchetto #green dell#Ue in un momento clou, il voto su #Fitfor55. Oltre a pressioni non scritte, ci sono le mail spedite agli eurodeputati italiani per indicare la linea del governo
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

EU unveils tougher industry Code to combat disinformation
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | Unione Europea
::: TechCrunch ::: mathver ::: algorithmwatch

I servizi segreti olandesi conservano illegalmente i dati di milioni di cittadini. @bitsoffreedom ha fatto un reclamo e sta preparando una class action
dati, raccolta
::: dilettahuyskes_

Facebook Is Receiving Sensitive Medical Information from Hospital Websites
Facebook | dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot ::: zackwhittaker

Ubuntu Core 22 Brings Real-Time Linux Options To IoT
Ubuntu | sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

I released redbean 2.0: a single file distributable web server. It features a new repl, unix syscall module, and sandboxing
applicazioni, programmi | Web, Internet
::: JustineTunney

Elon Musk is addressing Twitter employees for the first time today. Follow me and my NYT colleagues for updates as we get them
Elon Musk
::: MikeIsaac ::: verge ::: nytimes ::: verge ::: TechCrunch ::: verge ::: fabiochiusi ::: verge

A new study suggests 33% of U.S. Twitter users post about politics
Twitter | politica
::: TechCrunch

two more PLDI papers that I like a lot: "IRDL: An IR Definition Language for SSA Compilers" - "Finding Typing Compiler Bugs"
programming, codice, snippet
::: johnregehr

Report reveals half of Japan's businesses had yet to ditch Internet Explorer
::: engadget

SpaceX employees draft open letter to company executives denouncing Elon Musk’s behavior
Elon Musk
::: verge ::: TechCrunch ::: nytimestech ::: TechCrunch ::: verge ::: verge ::: RadioProzac

I respect Hofstadter, so I'm disappointed he would put something misleading in his article - Sure, GPT is happy to continue your dada-ist story, just explicitly tell it if you want don't want it to answer bad questions, as @gwern & others pointed out
artificial intelligence
::: lisperati

Our @PLDI 2012 paper describes 🗜️ @creduce, our shrinker of C/C++ programs and other (JavaScript, Rust) programs. Get the software from GitHub, and follow C-Reduce on Twitter! #pldi2022
programming, codice, snippet
::: eeide

Microsoft Defender launches on Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge

Pew confirms what we already knew: People like to retweet political hot takes
social media | politica
::: engadget

Disgruntled Dogecoin investor sues Elon Musk, Tesla and SpaceX for $258 billion
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto* | Elon Musk
::: TechCrunch

How to implement an effective chatbot program
social media | economia, lavoro
::: TechCrunch

Crypto lender Celsius is being investigated by multiple states after transactions freeze
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: engadget

Microsoft is Giving $10,000 to the @GNOME Project
Microsoft | open source
::: omgubuntu

Sometimes... you don't want to check the doc online or the man command... you just need a cheatsheet for common linux command lines. I discovered cheat.sh, made by @igor_chubin - Basically, with a curl you can use it ! i added an alias, i love it. #100DaysOfCode
tip, suggerimenti
::: sanixdarker

Via libera del #RegnoUnito all'estradizione di #JulianAssange negli #Usa #Wikileaks
Julian Assange
::: DomaniGiornale ::: fabiochiusi ::: DomaniGiornale ::: Snowden ::: DiEM_25 ::: FreedomofPress ::: DomaniGiornale ::: Snowden ::: engadget ::: TechCrunch ::: DomaniGiornale ::: Snowden ::: verge ::: wikileaks ::: BenjMathieu ::: pen_int ::: AmnestyEU ::: FreedomofPress ::: jeremycorbyn ::: wikileaks ::: WIRED ::: VICE ::: avilarenata ::: rico6868 ::: wikileaks ::: IaconaRiccardo ::: TomValletti ::: ggreenwald ::: JameelJaffer

ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: fffUttarPradesh ::: Zipat_YN ::: DavidFopp ::: AaravSeth_ ::: GretaThunberg ::: Leahinitiative ::: corathecoolbean

Cheshire Police to use retrospective facial recognition technology, after a trial
riconoscimento facciale, sorveglianza
::: joepurshouse

UK wants to replace cookie pop-ups with browser-based opt-outs
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Web, Internet
::: TechCrunch

Per l’Italia la #siccità è diventata la nuova normalità climatica: l'ambiente è come se fosse un conto in banca e il nostro paese ha accumulato un debito idrico. Nei mesi scorsi non è piovuto abbastanza e questo ha conseguenze adesso
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: DomaniGiornale

TSMC Reveals 2nm Node: 30% More Performance by 2025
::: Slashdot

An NFT explosion is taking place in China, but how long will it last?
not fungible token | Cina
::: SupChina

Scientific Visualization: Python + Matplotlib by @NPRougier #python #matplotlab #Datavisualization
manuali, how to | Python | programming, codice, snippet | dati, raccolta
::: dataelixir

Excellent and important work by the @CyberpeaceInst in documenting and visualizing #cyberattacks and their hidden impact on civilians during the Russian war in #Ukraine. 18+ countries and multiple sectors impacted, too
::: lzxdc

What's Italy without tourism? The EU's second-largest industrial location, where firms produce and export lots of high-tech goods. Let's stop these one-sided stories about a more or less completely run-down 🇮🇹, somehow artificially kept alive by the ECB and the EU... #CAIN
economia, lavoro
::: heimbergecon

Il fotovoltaico no no no che i pannelli arrivano dalla Cina e signoramia sono 16mila chilometri, oh quanto inquina il trasporto! Spoiler: 'n'altra bufala
energia | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: LuMo71

The complexity of a system hinders its own security. The authenticity of processes running inside a IBM/Linux desktop since the systemd takeover is hard to control
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: jaromil

Black Gen Z VCs are here and swinging for the fences
economia, lavoro
::: TechCrunch ::: TechCrunch

When the head of US Cyber Command said recently that US conducted offensive cyber ops to support Ukraine, many assumed he meant destructive attacks that risk pulling US into war. So I spoke w/ 2 former lawyers for the command to see what he really meant
::: KimZetter

Putin was forced to delay a highly anticipated speech after a cyberattack disrupts the system handling access badges to the venue
::: fabiochiusi

My robot lawnmower has a belief system. It currently believes that it's raining (it's not) - and I can't get him to mow the lawn :/
Carin 💥 sarebbe davvero da seguire, la lovvo
artificial intelligence
::: gigasquid

Leaked recordings, reviewed by @BuzzFeedNews, contain 14 statements from nine different TikTok employees indicating that engineers in China had access to US data between September 2021 and January 2022, at the very least
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: latams ::: engadget

Brave Roasts DuckDuckGo Over Bing Privacy Exception
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Senators call for a common charger standard in the US
::: engadget

Three crypto firms are down bad this week, and things may get worse
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge

An inside look at 2150 VC’s bet on urban tech to tackle the climate crisis
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: TechCrunch

Apple Hit With Yet Another 'Batterygate' Lawsuit
::: Slashdot

Meta is launching a digital clothing store where you can purchase outfits for your avatar
voi || io => male 😶
::: TechCrunch

Leaked Amazon Memo Warns the Company is Running Out of People To Hire in Its Warehouses
lavoro | Amazon
::: Slashdot

My latest column in @IEEESpectrum. (I prefer the print headline coming in July: "The Other Side of The Innovator's Dilemma.")
innovazioni, futuro
::: rodneyabrooks

Unified-IO is an AI system that can complete a range of tasks, including generating images
artificial intelligence
::: TechCrunch

🚨Just released: Important new report from @humanrightsnyu, giving a thorough look at the World Bank’s ID4D initiative, one of the most important drivers of digital identity systems around the globe. But the report raises the question: are they jeopardising people’s human rights?
::: privacyint

Look how easy it is to extract a region from a #GeoTiff in this #Jupyter notebook using #ipyleaflet! #geospatial #python htt
::: banesullivan

The current model of infinite growth in a world of finite physical resources will deliver inflation, climate chaos & conflict. The solution is clear: infinite renewable resources – wind, sun, tides - are at our disposal to solve our energy needs
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | politica
::: antonioguterres

Red Line Through HTTPS
::: xkcdComic

Troppo ricco per prendere in mano uno qualunque delle dozzine di libri e ricerche sull’argomento, immagino. Meglio parlare a vanvera, as usual
Elon Musk
::: fabiochiusi

OMG, Eliza is sentient!!!
artificial intelligence | umorismo
::: NPRougier

Bitcoin will be a gold mine for lawyers. When regulations are fuzzy, there is a lot of room for civil suits, as with the junk bond debacle (in additional to criminal ones, e.g. Milken). If you bought cryptos based on an EXPLICIT recommendation, make sure you have the screenshots
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: nntaleb

Burn it to the ground and fling its ashes into the center of the sun
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Grady_Booch

China Built a 246-Foot Tower To Test an Emerging Solar Power System
energia | spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

Happy 50th birthday, C! The first C compiler was released as part of Second Edition Unix on June 12, 1972
::: zhuowei

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