Tonnerre de Brest! Turin! che temporale qui ma ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.
Meta’s shutting down its digital wallet, Novi
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: verge
Amazon Bars Off-Duty Warehouse Workers from Its Buildings
lavoro | Amazon
::: Slashdot
Is this the strangest way to report even or odd for a number? 🤓 😳 🤣
::: nedbat
Honored to meet @Pontifex yesterday
Elon Musk
::: elonmusk ::: animadellafesta
33 Raptor engines installed on the Booster, 6 on the Ship
spazio, esplorazione
::: SpaceX
"Thompson decided that Unix-- possibly it had not even been named yet-- needed a system programming language. After a rapidly scuttled attempt at FORTRAN, he created, instead, a language of his own that he called B. B can be thought of as C without types" - Dennis Ritchie
::: unix_byte
Julian Assange turns 51 today (3rd July) – for almost 12 years he has been deprived of liberty [@UN]; this is his 4th birthday in a UK jail for publishing the truth and protecting the public’s right to know - he must be freed #FreeAssange51 #FreeAssangeNOW
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks
A mathematician emerges from a cave, hands you the piece of paper below, and asks "Could this strange-looking formulation be true?" What is your answer?
::: pickover
Linux Mint 21 Won't Use Ubuntu's 'Killer' Memory Feature
Linux distro
::: omgubuntu
Su Charlie di oggi, la newsletter del @ilpost su giornalismo e informazione, c’è un’interessante (e spietatamente immediata) tabella sul calo di vendite dei quotidiani italiani dal 2000 a oggi
::: ferrazza
What’s most telling in the CopyleftViolate fiasco is that Microsoft (@github) hasn’t replied to the @conservancy #GiveUpGitHub — they do not care about software freedom
open source
::: amszmidt
"Ci avevano avvisati", per dirla con @tonyscalari... E le vittime hanno pagato molto caro, come in maggio al Grand Corbin
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: CoyaudSylvie
Darktable 4.0 is Out – Open Source Photography Tool Gets Big Update
applicazioni, programmi
::: omglinuxtv
British Army’s YouTube and Twitter accounts were hacked to promote crypto scams
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: verge
Blackbox is a GTK4 Terminal App with a Unique Look
per adesso no, forse in futuro
applicazioni, programmi
::: omgubuntu
In un colpo solo tutti e 7 gli articoli tradotti dal progetto "Web design for the planet: una raccolta di buone pratiche per un web più ecologico"
Web, Internet
::: nilocram
Poverino, il miliardario non potrà far smantellare un pezzo di ponte per farci passare il suo yacht 🥲 #sadbillionaireissad
::: fabiochiusi
After Reports of Mid-Air Emergencies, US Will Audit Boeing's Oversight of 737 Max
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
As TikTok Promises US Servers, FCC Commissioner Remains Critical of Data Privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Ken Thompson is best known for his work on Unix. Just before Unix, Ken implemented the first regular expression engine (Communications of the ACM, 1968). Regular expressions became a part of many Unix tools, and today (nearly) every modern language implements regex
storia | protagonisti
::: unix_byte
A Marina di Ravenna è stato abbattuto un intero filare di tamerici, in periodo vietato per nidificazione, per fare spazio al palco del #jovabeachparty2022 che si terrà a meno di 100mt dalla Pineta di Ravenna, area protetta. Ma #Rep celebra l'evento come niente fosse
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | giornali, stampa
::: RisatoNicola ::: zeropregi
Sulla #Marmolada troppo allarmismo
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | giornali, stampa
::: ldibartolomei
La ragazza che vedi nel video 𝗻𝗼𝗻 𝗲̀ 𝘂𝗻 𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝘂𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗼. È stata creata da Pantheon Lab, una start-up che opera presso l'Hong Kong Science Park. Con il tris #AI, #Metaverso e #TikTok ne vedremo delle belle (e brutte)
artificial intelligence | metaverso
::: SergioGridelli
Perché bisogna inserire il nucleare (e il gas) nella tassonomia Ue
energia | Unione Europea
::: MauroV1968 ::: voicesofnuclear
Microsoft Finds 'Raspberry Robin' Worm in Hundreds of Windows Networks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
"Bicycle is the slow death of the planet." A banker made the economists think this when he said: “A cyclist is a disaster for the country’s economy: he doesn’t buy cars and doesn’t borrow money to buy. He doesn't pay insurance policies
economia, lavoro | ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: WallStreetSilv
An apple AirTag was put on me to track my location Saturday night. I’m sharing what happened to me so you know what to look for as I had never heard of this prior to Saturday night
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Hannahrosemay_
1/ Guida rapida per decodificare le informazioni che vedrete domani durante la diretta delle le prime collisioni protone-protone a 13.6 TeV. L’acceleratore #LHC segue delle fasi, ogni fase è definita da due parametri: ACCELERATOR MODE e BEAM MODE. #LHCRun3 #CERN
::: f_ronchetti
Xiaomi's flagship phone has a Leica camera with a massive one-inch sensor
dispositivi mobili
::: engadget
"A brief tour of Julia for High Performance Computing" by Kjartan Thor Wikfeldt
linguaggi di programmazione
::: JuliaLanguage
WebExtensions Support is Coming to Epiphany Web Browser
::: omglinuxtv
EU forces Amazon to make it easier to cancel Prime subscriptions in Europe
Amazon | Unione Europea
::: verge
2022 Fields Medalists
::: PhysInHistory
medaglia Fields a Maryna Viazovska per come impacchettare sfere in 4 e più dimensioni
::: CoyaudSylvie ::: stevenstrogatz
How one senator’s broken hip puts net neutrality at risk
Web, Internet
::: verge
Parlons #scienceouverte : les logiciels dans @hal_fr @SWHeritage @rdicosmo @moraneottilia
open source
::: ccsd_fr
✅ Now that the @EuroparlEN formally approved the #DigitalServicesAct, it's time for EU officials to show they can step up and enforce the law
Unione Europea | big tech
::: algorithmwatch ::: vonderleyen
UK's Oxford Quantum Circuits snaps up $47M for quantum-computing-as-a-service
quantum computing
::: TechCrunch
“Obviously, expensive digital images of monkeys are going to improve the world immensely”
Bill Gates Blasts Crypto, NFTs as Based on ‘Greater-Fool’ Theory
not fungible token
::: business
An anonymous hacker is selling a huge database that allegedly contains the personal information of a billion Chinese citizens
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Cina
::: VICE ::: nytimestech
Twitter sues India's government over content takedown orders
Twitter | censura
::: TechCrunch
La frase chiave qui è "promuovere opportunità di finanziamento dedicate". Perché è tutto molto bello, ma finché non ci si mettono i soldi le cose non succedono
open source | Unione Europea
::: madbob
Vim 9.0 Released
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot
25 years ago, Mars Pathfinder landed on the Red Planet. Like today’s #MarsHelicopter, Pathfinder was designed as a tech demo – testing airbags as a new method for landing an instrumented lander and the first-ever robotic rover on the Martian surface
spazio, esplorazione | storia
#Nuclear: it is vital that Europe speeds up to ensure its energy future and its resilience 🇪🇺⚡️
::: EDF_EUAffairs
Crypto trading volume drops in India as additional taxes hit investors
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: TechCrunch
One bit of trivia about Bitcoin newer people may not know: For quite a long time after its inception, you could send transactions for free - If your coins hadn't moved in a while and you had a large enough amount, it would give you this option
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: lisperati
Apps and advertisers are coming for your lock screen, and it’s going to be exhausting
ad, pubblicità
::: verge
We've Seen a Helicopter on Mars. Next, Sailplanes?
spazio, esplorazione
::: universetoday
Is digitalisation of humanitarian aid a good idea? Yes, as long as it is user-centred and inclusive by design. But that is not what humanitarian agencies and donors are prioritizing
::: PatrickSaez2
Good piece from @JennaMC_Laugh about how DDoSecrets has become biggest repository of hacked Russian data. Unlike WikiLeaks they don’t publish everything they get; has to be in public interest. But sifting thru docs to find important info is a challenge
dati, raccolta
::: KimZetter
Venture capitalists are singing a different tune amid a widespread market meltdown
economia, lavoro
::: VICE
3-D Printing Grows Beyond Its Novelty Roots
::: Slashdot
“This is how you build the next generation of fascists.” TikTok has a growing online subculture that’s propping up surging Christian nationalist and Christo-fascist ideology in the United States and beyond
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: VICENews
In alcuni comuni sono nate iniziative che permettono ai cittadini di ricevere riconoscimenti, previa cessione di dati personali, se adottano determinate condotte. Ma cosa si rischia con iniziative come la "patente a punti"?
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: DomaniGiornale
TikTok is reportedly giving up on its live shopping plans in the US and Europe
social media | economia, lavoro
::: verge
FedEx To Close Data Centers, Retire All Mainframes By 2024, Saving $400 Million
dati, raccolta
::: Slashdot
IDC: 'All Eyes Will Be On Apple' As Meta's VR Strategy 'Isn't Sustainable'
virtual reality
::: Slashdot
NIST Announces First Four Quantum-Resistant Cryptographic Algorithms
algoritmi, codice | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot
Over 70 years ago Claude Shannon ushered in the field of information theory with his paper "A Mathematical Theory of Communication", which has been cited over 100,000 times
Mini-thread da physics nerd. Delle 4 medaglie Fields, una è sul packing delle sfere, uno sul modello di Ising in 3D, uno sul graph coloring. Indovina chi si è occupato di tutti e tre questi problemi?
::: andcapocci
It’s even harder now to understand what the U.S. wants to accomplish with its computer chip plans, writes @shiraovide in On Tech
::: nytimestech
Gtk 5 Might Drop X.11 Support, Says GNOME Dev
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot
Here's my view on multiple-dispatch, a simple yet far-reaching characteristic of the @JuliaLanguage, through some carefully selected examples and some discussion
linguaggi di programmazione
::: MartinDMaas
July 1987 (35 years ago!): Sun introduces the first SPARC system - the Sun-4/260
::: aka_pugs
Thomas Fitzsimmons: uLisp on the SMART Response XE
hardware | Lisp
::: planet_lisp
Invano i giovani attivisti per il #clima si sono sbracciati coi loro manifesti. L’Europarlamento non ha i numeri per fermare la #tassonomia #Ue, il documento che inserisce anche #gas e #nucleare nell'elenco degli investimenti sostenibili
energia | Unione Europea
::: DomaniGiornale ::: GretaThunberg
La transizione energetica non è una passeggiata. Ma non farla è molto peggio
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: MauroV1968
The EU is going to set up a European Centre for Algorithmic Transparency whose work will complement and assist the enforcement teams in the European Commission working on the Digital Services Act
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Unione Europea
::: mathver
Crypto broker Voyager Digital files for bankruptcy
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: TechCrunch
Perché non può esistere una transizione ecologica senza una transizione digitale
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale | digitalizzazione
::: MauroV1968
Ecosystems are lost to make room for monocultures both in Sweden & tropical forests - the EU law to counteract this - is counteracted by Sweden - That says everything you need to know about Sweden's environmental/climate policy & the power of this industry🧵
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: LBurnelius
Nothing can't resist the NFT hype, and its fans are questioning
not fungible token
::: TechCrunch
Switzerland's 20 Million kWh 'Water Battery' Is Now Operational
::: Slashdot
Un asteroide sta per colpire la Terra e bisogna organizzare una missione spaziale di emergenza che eviti la catastrofe. È lo scenario di diversi film di fantascienza, di solito più attenti agli effetti speciali che al rigore scientifico. Ma è anche una preoccupazione reale? /1
spazio, esplorazione
::: a_a_f_t
In effetti fino agli anni 60 il dubbio poteva anche starci. Ma 60 anni dopo, direi proprio di no
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: manlius84
You can read the free ebook "Fundamentals of Data Visualization" by Claus O. Wilke on #dataviz with #rstats on the following website of the named author
manuali, how to
::: rmarkdown
Meta open sources early-stage AI translation tool that works across 200 languages
open source | applicazioni, programmi
::: verge ::: engadget
Barbarians at the gate? Try billionaire in the DMs
Elon Musk
::: business
Marriott suffers at least its seventh data breach since 2010
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: engadget
This 'sand' battery stores renewable energy as heat
::: engadget
Japan to start jailing people for online insults
social media
::: verge
Crypto Startup Uprise Lost 99% of Client Funds While Shorting LUNA During Its Price Crash
lo so, sono ripetitivo; ma sono loro
bitcoin, blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot
UK’s antitrust watchdog investigating Microsoft and Activision megadeal
::: engadget
NASA is having a hard time communicating with its new tiny lunar spacecraft
spazio, esplorazione
::: verge
Methane Much More Sensitive To Global Heating Than Previously Thought, Study Says
ambiente, ecologia, riscaldamento globale
::: Slashdot
Fedora 37 May Offer Official Support for the @Raspberry_Pi 4
hardware | Linux distro
::: omglinuxtv
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