29 settembre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 435

Sono dispersivo, su altre cose, chissà cosa mi sono perso; questo è quello che ho wisto nel Web.

I paesi con il maggior numero di #laureati in materie scientifiche. #Cinatecnologia | scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Luca_Gualtieri1

Graphical tree of sub-directories with files
tip, suggerimenti
::: commandlinefu

The Air Force Is Deploying Its First Drone-Killing Microwave Weapon
robots, automazione
::: Slashdot

I wouldn't count go get among the worst ones but otherwise agree. Language package managers do something that the OS should do. Badly
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Gianlucadfiore

Math Work
::: xkcd

Gli asini non volano
Oggi Google ha annunciato che eliminerà gli snippet (cioè le brevi anteprime ad articoli giornalistici) dalle sue ricerche in Francia
copyright e brevetti
::: mante

The world's top machine learning conference often excludes researchers from Africa. So they started their own. @davegershgorn reports on the struggle to build an African AI sector that represents the continent's concerns and interests—not Silicon Valley's
artificial intelligence | politica
::: WillOremus

I will never understand the number of CS professors who use C++ to teach data structures or something else equally fundamental and write it like it’s Java. Why not just use Java?
linguaggi di programmazione
::: lexi_lambda

Trolls Are Swarming Young Climate Activists Online
ambiente, ecologia | trolls, disinformazione
::: Slashdot

I agree with this a lot. I get the sense that some people are drawn to Haskell *because* of the math, and they either already understand of some of the abstract algebra and CT concepts, or they pick them up quickly. But I was not like that, and I’m not like that to this day
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Uno dei primi provvedimenti del governo #Conte bis riguarda la sicurezza delle infrastrutture di telecomunicazione e #5G. Un tema marginale nel dibattito politico, ma di importanza strategica. Ecco cos'è e a cosa serve il #GoldenPower
5G | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ispionline

Leadership is about
::: RichRogersIoT

A Silicon Valley firm overcame the final hurdle for a nascent chip-making technique called inverse lithography. This breakthrough reduces the amount of time needed for a critical step from several weeks to a single day
innovazioni, futuro
::: IEEESpectrum

I'm looking to sell my Delorean
::: Dadsaysjokes

Hackers Looking Into Injecting Card Stealing Code on Routers, Rather Than Websites
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Voi l'avete disattivata, spero
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: cobrampi

Developer Made an Ad Blocker That Works On Podcasts and Radio
ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

The /e/ Google-Free, Pro-Privacy Android Clone Is Now Available
sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Amazon Sidewalk Is a New Long-Range Wireless Network For Your IoT Devices
Internet of things
::: Slashdot

Airport: This is a secure facility
sistemi operativi
::: jckarter

"Thompson decided that Unix-- possibly it had not even been named yet-- needed a system programming language. After a rapidly scuttled attempt at FORTRAN, he created, instead, a language of his own that he called B. B can be thought of as C without types" Dennis Ritchie
::: unix_byte

Facebook launches a "new social VR world" called "Horizon": "It also will include human guides, known as Horizon Locals, who can give users assistance and protect their safety in the VR world so trolls can’t run rampant"
social media
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

I'm sure there is a dedicated spot in hell for these language designers who chose indentation rather than symbols for blocks... #PythonIssues
umorismo | Python
::: danielpetisme

The promise of self-driving cars and robotaxis is farther away than previously forecast – the companies invested in the technology have changed tact to survive
::: Reuters

Anyone who equates data with oil, hasn't thought this out at all, as the data vs oil analogy falls flat after a cursory review. The most immediate being, oil is limited, data is not. The academic world is rife with this bad analogy, with a few fighting against it
dati, raccolta | copyright e brevetti
::: attritionorg ::: zacchiro

Una lettera aperta al Presidente della Repubblica per salvare il software libero in Provincia di #Bolzano
open source
::: mmaridev

#BREAKING Airbus hit by a series of cyber attacks on its suppliers. Hackers searching for technical secrets, security sources say. China link suspected
::: AFP

Standard Go Project Layout
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Gianlucadfiore

Not a joke: systemd eats filesystems too. Is this the world you want to live in? if not, NOW is the time to act: explore alternatives, prepare to change your service contracts and get out of this nonsense before is too late
sistemi operativi
::: DevuanOrg

« Google refuses to pay publishers in #France » https://politico.eu/article/licensing-agreements-with-press-publishers-france-google/
Who could've guessed, right?
copyright e brevetti
::: zacchiro ::: zacchiro

Machine learning, happy of this move: We finally start to understand how the data structure deeply impacts the learning, and we have a good probabilistic model of structured data. Latest preprint on arXiv, with Sebastian Goldt, @KrzakalaF and @zdeborova
machine learning
::: marc_mezard

@Snowden "S'il vous plaît, j'ai pensé, ne s'avère pas être un abruti." Lisez l'une des critiques les plus intéressantes de #PermanentRecord, rédigée par l'un des auteurs les plus intéressants d'Internet, @Doctorow
Edward Snowden
::: mrobotmyk

BBC News - Snopes: How do you survive 25 years debunking fake news?
Web, Internet | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: JStubbersfield

Twitter just turned lists into multiple timelines you can swipe between
::: verge

Since #Hacktoberfest is coming, I would like to recommend a really complete, yet simple guide on how to make a pull request on @github
open source | manuali, how to
::: caioreis123

Typed Lisp, A Primer - is an eye-opener for me
::: ruby_object

#Racket A x64 assembler in Typed Racket |
language Racket
::: reddit_lisp

What a beautiful view to start out the day at Boca Chica Starship Mk1
spazio, esplorazione
::: BocaChicaGal

'Narrator' Windows Utility Trojanized To Gain Full System Control
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

And for more on the early history of the transistor, see Michael Riordan's 2004 article, on how silicon became the material of choice
::: IEEESpectrum

Open letter to the Free Software Movement
open source
::: DyneOrg

Mypy 0.730 is out, with prettier, colored output and error code support, along with many other fixes and improvements
::: mypyproject

Required Reading! https://excavating.ai Excavating AI: The Politics of Images in Machine Learning Training Sets
artificial intelligence
::: madelinegannon

Top 10 Memory Processes
tip, suggerimenti
::: commandlinefu

Cloudflare, Google Chrome, and Firefox Add HTTP/3 Support
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

How to send emails from static websites
Web, Internet
::: WebReflection ::: WebReflection

Huawei resta a secco con le banche occidentali
::: AndreaPira

Why So Many Apps Are Asking To Use Bluetooth on iOS 13
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: slashdot

Microsoft Bans CCleaner: Report
tool, componente software
::: Slashdot

Facebook Confirms Its 'Standards' Don't Apply To Politicians
e altri anche
social media | politica
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

Continuo a pensare che #opensource e #freesoftware possano essere la cartina di tornasole anche per i politici. Ovvero onestà, etica, legalità, territorio, comunità. Minimo di competenze informatiche per tutti
open source
::: giordi63 ::: Vecchi_Paolo

Researchers at @UCBerkeley developed small #drones that act as flying batteries to power a bigger drone and extent its flight time
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum

A good designer finds a way to
mi ricorda due discussioni recenti che ho perso; questa cit. è una rivalsa, ecco!
::: RichRogersIoT

Internet Sector Contributes $2.1 Trillion To US Economy, Industry Group Says
Web, Internet | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Vimeo Sued For Storing Faceprints of People Without Their Consent
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Alternative iOS App Store Doesn't Require a Jailbreak
::: Slashdot

Number Theorist Fears All Published Math Is Wrong
usare il 'puter per verificare se davvero...
::: Slashdot

If a social media platform facilitated the outing of this whistleblower by an anonymous account the NY Times would cover it for weeks and publish a sanctimonious OpEd on tech ethics. Upset Times journalists can DM me for my Signal if they wish to leak. Protected by NLRB!
media | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: alexstamos ::: fabiochiusi

Anche Facebook ha iniziato a nascondere i “Mi piace”
::: emenietti

PSA @mozilla @firefox no longer allows users to bypass "warnings". Effectively censoring websites merely because "they know better" instead of allowing users to evaluate risks of visiting websites with an expired cert. Blocking access to a hospital website can cost lives
browser | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | censura
::: kingslyj

Lo so che non frega niente a nessuno, ma nelle scorse ore #Facebook ha censurato - e in alcuni casi poi riabilitato - post di pagine di satira politica che menzionavano CasaPound, Forza Nuova, o Mussolini. La satira è stata scambiata per un endorsement. A me fa riflettere
social media
::: RositaRijtano

Here's what the PureOS store looks like on the Librem 5
open source | sistemi operativi | dispositivi mobili
::: Puri_sm

New programming student: "I'm not very good at this. When I type out the code, I have to fix lots of errors. And I have to look up how to do most of it"
::: StuxnetStudios

EPIC JAILBREAK: Introducing checkm8 (read "checkmate"), a permanent unpatchable bootrom exploit for hundreds of millions of iOS devices
::: axi0mX ::: lucaferrari15

Drone Fishing
::: xkcd

Amazon Is Writing Its Own Facial Recognition Laws To Pitch To Lawmakers
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Interesting comparison of Typescript vs ReasonML
linguaggi di programmazione
::: jonharrop

Microsoft Edge on Linux Looks Likely, But Your Feedback is Wanted First
::: dcavedon

Now that Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy, where does quantum computing go from here?
quantum computing
::: IEEESpectrum

What about taxes?
economia, lavoro
::: dcavedon

#lisp A reddit user writes: 'The company I'm working for
::: RainerJoswig

Smartphones are warming the planet far more than you think
dispositivi mobili | ambiente, ecologia
::: UomoPena

The World's Largest Offshore Wind Farm is Nearly Complete. It Can Power 1 Million Homes
::: Slashdot

But then how will my co-workers understand the needs of my ego?
::: switchcasebreak

Starship halves being joined
spazio, esplorazione
::: elonmusk

The Heat Death of 5G
::: Slashdot

HTTP/3 is being deployed in production for all of us, and that could be important for you and me and the Internet
Web, Internet
::: jgbarah

If anything goes bad
::: RichRogersIoT

Full Circle Magazine #149
::: fullcirclemag

Study Proves the FCC's Core Justification For Killing Net Neutrality Was False
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

#FIFA20 è così realistico che quando compri i calciatori
games | umorismo
::: rostokkio

Low-level programming is
::: RichRogersIoT

10 years ago Julian Assange was doing cryptography in OCaml
linguaggi di programmazione

Apple TV Plus Movies Might Hit Theaters Before Streaming Service
::: Slashdot

Il Garante massacra la "legge concretezza" e il decreto attuativo, che prevede biometria e videosorveglianza generalizzate per il controllo degli accessi del dipendente pubblico
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: gbgallus

After Facebook announced it would exempt its political customers from policy enforcement, Trump campaign goes full falsification. Exactly what critics of the policy change feared would happen
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: profcarroll

Casaleggio in versione statista dell’Internet parla di un improbabile “diritto all’uso di piattaforme online di democrazia partecipativa, come irrinunciabile requisito per l’effettività del diritto alla partecipazione degli uomini al governo del Paese”
Web, Internet | politica
::: fabiochiusi ::: davcarretta ::: davcarretta ::: janavel7 ::: marcocanestrari ::: cmnit

NASA Wants To Send Nuclear Rockets To the Moon and Mars
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

We have released more updates in the past two weeks than most Android users have seen in their entire lifetime. #OneMoreThing
::: JonyIveParody

La foto bufala della strada sporca dopo la manifestazione Friday for Future
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: nadiarizzo1210

Millions of #books are secretly in the public domain thanks to a copyright loophole, a new project seeks to put them on the #Internet #Archive
media | copyright e brevetti | open source
::: Nereide

MAJOR SCOOP by El Pais: US intelligence had cameras, microphones concealed throughout Ecuador's London embassy, including in diplomats' bathroom.

The US was not just spying directly on Assange but also on Ecuador's diplomats inside their own embassy
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks

AI and facial recognition used for first time in job interviews in UK to find best applicants
riconoscimento facciale
::: LinaDencik

Meet the household robot army at 5G experience block of Shenzhen
5G | robots, automazione
::: evazhengll

GNOME Foundation Is Being Sued Because of Shotwell Photo Manager
copyright e brevetti
::: Slashdot

Should We Build A Publicly-Funded Social Media Platform?
social media
::: Slashdot

I got an email this morning asking for my views on 'Google won't pay french publishers for snippets" ... so here is a quick reply: [thread]
h/t @mante
Google | copyright e brevetti
::: baekdal

Science and Technology links (September 28th 2019)
::: lemire

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