03 ottobre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 436

Ottobre pensieroso, almeno per me, ma intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

'Massive' Coordinated Campaign Hijacked Many YouTube Accountsprivacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Il Whirlwind Computer mi mancava
::: demartin

HuggingFace has ported their very popular Transformer library to TensorFlow 2.0 / Keras
Python | machine learning
::: fchollet

As 'CentOS Stream' Brings Rolling Releases, Some RHEL Development Moves Into CentOS Project
Linux distro
::: Slashdot

NASA Partners With General Electric To Advance The Future Of Electric Flight
innovazioni, futuro | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

In Italia vengono organizzate campagne di manipolazione dei social media. Adesso è una certezza
social media | politica
::: MauroV1968

Richard Stallman Addresses 'Speculation and Rumor' About His Appearance at Microsoft
protagonisti | open source
::: Slashdot

Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for September 29, 2019
::: GoComics

Interesting @techreview interview with @GaryMarcus on the limits of deep learning and the quest for General AI
artificial intelligence | deep learning
::: fabiochiusi

The latest Sci-Hub working domain
scienza | open source
::: scihub_love

TF-Explain: model interpretability utilities for tf.keras
Python | neural networks
::: fchollet

#lisp Not sure who can beat that. Not me. Anyone else here?
Rainer ha lanciato una discussione (tanti thread che si mescolano) che ricorda le cene dei compagni del liceo, trovi storie, conosci gente, ...
Lisp | storia
::: RainerJoswig

Firefox Promises UK Government DNS-Over-HTTPS Won't Be Default in UK
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Computer scientists say A.I. research is becoming increasingly expensive, requiring complex calculations done by giant data centers, leaving fewer people with easy access to the computing firepower necessary to develop the technology
artificial intelligence | economia, lavoro
::: fabiochiusi

Microsoft has removed the “use offline account” option when installing Windows
sistemi operativi
::: m_adduci

Elon Musk vuole la sua nuova astronave in orbita, e in fretta
spazio, esplorazione
::: emenietti

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 installation tips and tricks
Linux distro
::: opensourceway

1,5 miliardi di dollari per far crescere il mercato degli sviluppatori e chip proprietari per addestrare le AI cinesi
artificial intelligence | Huawei
::: wireditalia

🔵 Uscita la mia newsletter #GuerrediRete. Si parla di nuovo ordine disinformativo globale; deepfake, media e ricerca; #Checkm8; cybersicurezza; #honkongprotest e altro
novità | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: carolafrediani

Super interesting and super easy to follow explanation of what is arguably the most important open problem in number theory. The Riemann Hypothesis, explained by @JorgenVeisdal
::: ramtop

China Hacks Airbus Suppliers For Commercial Secrets
frodi | Cina
::: Slashdot

Abbiamo davvero un computer quantistico più veloce di quelli tradizionali, come sostiene Google? E davvero stanno per rubarci tutti i dati criptati e la carta di credito?
per adesso non si sa, attendiamo (ma può essere una cosa lunga)
matematica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: andcapocci

Scuola media di Bezzecca, Valle di Ledro in Trentino: altro esempio virtuoso di digitalizzazione sostenibile grazie a SW Libero e all'impegno del prof. Matteo Ruffoni
scuola, educazione, cultura | open source
::: opavlos

Happy 65th Birthday CERN!
anche il Web è nato lì
::: CERN

The Swedish data protection authority fined a high school under the GDPR because it was using facial recognition, arguing the students’ consent could not be freely given because the school administration has a moral authority over them
riconoscimento facciale
::: FrankPasquale

Purism's Librem 5 Phone Starts Shipping. It Can Run Linux Desktop Apps
dispositivi mobili | Linux
::: Slashdot

Phew, Ubuntu’s New Light Theme Won’t Be Default After All
::: dcavedon

HACKED! Verbose booting iPhone X looks pretty cool. Starting in DFU Mode, it took 2 seconds to jailbreak it with checkm8, and then I made it automatically boot from NAND with patches for verbose boot. Latest iOS 13.1.1, and no need to upload any images
::: axi0mX

Richard Stallman Is Still Head of the GNU Project
protagonisti | open source
::: Slashdot

Google, un database per combattere i 'deepfake' - Hi-tech
::: Genjuro75

#cyberwarfare 27 paesi hanno firmato una dichiarazione su ciò che è #comportamento #responsabile nel #cyberspazio*
Web, Internet
::: CIaudiaGiulia

Both Apple and Amazon Are Quietly Building Networks That Know the Location of Everything
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

I am astounded at the break-neck pace of developments in the machine learning and AI world at the moment
machine learning
::: Devon_Michael66

Some scientists are arguing that the latest techniques in #machinelearning and #AI represent a fundamentally new way of doing science. Proponents of #generativemodeling see it as novel enough to be considered a potential “third way” of learning
machine learning
::: Nereide

"Nearly two-thirds of people say they can no longer tell good journalism from rumour or falsehoods. This is, to put it mildly," @arusbridger writes, "a disaster. Into this vacuum of unbelief and mistrust step liars and peddlers of fantasies."
media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: rasmus_kleis

Macchine semplici 💡
idea 💡
::: PastadelC

Google's DNS-Over-TLS Plans Scrutinized By US Congress
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Programming as a child, Stack Overflow was a resource like no other. In recent years, as it’s been (rightfully) criticized for the culture it’s bred, I have often looked the other way and believed things would improve. I don’t think I can do that anymore
per me Stack Overflow è una risorsa, importante; poi Lexi ha ragione
Web, Internet | programming, codice, snippet
::: lexi_lambda ::: lexi_lambda

Linus Torvalds Approves New Kernel 'Lockdown' Feature
Linux | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook is not sharing the data as it promised. And as a result, “researchers say, the public may have little more insight into disinformation campaigns on the social network heading into the 2020 presidential election than they had in 2016”
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Il computer quantistico si basa su unità d'informazione che possono essere insieme 0 e 1
::: Dio

#ArtificialIntelligence: friend or foe?
artificial intelligence
::: EURightsAgency

The bigger, the worst! top Internet company Kickstarter grew as biggest in its sector, and now rules on its own right. Actively persecuting worker rights activists the global expansion of such businesses make labor rights in USA are a worldwide concern
::: jaromil

Is there an end to transforming human beings into sensors and data points? This is Taylorism on steroids — but of course the company is called “Humanyze”...
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Oggi il garante della Privacy scrive a Repubblica sull’oblio. Sostiene che Google dovrebbe ordinare i risultati in base ai contenuti. Per esempio il link alla mia assoluzione deve venire prima di quello della mia incriminazione. Come se G. fosse un editore. Le pensano di notte
::: mante

U.S. labor judge rules that Tesla broke labor law
::: philipdisalvo

Contre la #technopolice, les goélands parisiens viennet nous filer un coup de main
robots, automazione
::: UnGarage

Microsoft Launches Free Python Programming Video Series On YouTube
::: Slashdot

compileall — Byte-compile Source Files
::: pymotw

Why is it so hard for old people to understand how incredible the technology of today is?
io ho qualche anno meno di Bob, sono molto meno smart ma ho ricordi simili: la ghiacciaia, la TV, l'elettricità dai miei è arrivata "subito dopo la guerra" ma ricordo quando la linea venne prolungata di altri 3 km per servire altree cascine che usavano solo il gas in bombole. L'acqua veniva pompata inizialmente a mano poi con la pompa elettrica (avete idea di quanto bevono 40 vacche?) ma in cucina arrivava solo a secchi. L'auto, la 500, è arrivata nel '61. Quando ho detto che m'interessavano i computer (cervelli elettronici) mia madre mi disse, testuale: "una moda, un paio d'anni e non ne sentiremo parlare più"; ammetto che non ho seguito il suo consiglio. In tutta la borgata c'era un solo telefono (gli zii materni), da noi è arrivato negli anni '80. E potrei contnuare.
::: Quora

10 facts about Americans and Twitter
::: pewinternet

Looking Back at the Snowden Revelations
Edward Snowden | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Windows Subsystem for Linux is a new tool from Microsoft to run Linux on Windows without setting up a virtual machine. In this post we'll examine how to configure WSL for effective web/JavaScript development
sistemi operativi
::: TheLinuxDev

If you read only one thing about my memoir, #PermanentRecord, make it the cover story in this month's New York Review of Books. It is an extraordinary piece
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

Windows 10 Users Fume: Microsoft, Where's Our 'Local Account' Option Gone?
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Falling in love with code means

To get started, check out this tf.keras guide
machine learning
::: fchollet ::: TensorFlow ::: StuartReid1929 ::: MIT_CSAIL ::: fchollet

Top Oracle Lawyer Attempting To Gaslight Entire Software Community: Insists APIs Are Executable
programming, codice, snippet | politica
::: slashdot

Get a list of stale AWS security groups
tip, suggerimenti
::: commandlinefu

YouTube is Experimenting With Ways To Make Its Algorithm Even More Addictive
social media
::: Slashdot

We Are in the Middle of a Wave of Interesting New Productivity Software Startups
innovazioni, futuro | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

NASA Hiring Engineers to Develop “Next Generation Humanoid Robot”
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Nothing to see here, just psyops state propaganda that uses Twitter to change behaviour in the Middle East. And no, it's not China
Twitter | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: real_fabristol

Apple's New iPhones Will Warn You If They Can't Verify a Replaced Screen
::: Slashdot

Legit-Looking iPhone Lightning Cables That Hack You Will Be Mass Produced and Sold
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

About one-in-five adult Twitter users in the U.S. follow Trump
Obama 1 su 4 (& me)
Twitter | politica
::: pewinternet

Thousands of Ships Fitted With 'Cheat Devices' To Divert Poisonous Pollution Into Sea
::: Slashdot

Sometimes I see this kind of AI nonsense and I think “Superintlligence” is actually a history book
artificial intelligence
::: wilbowma

Al lupo, al lupo! Tutti gli smartphone (non) sono sotto attacco!
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: phretor

Non è solo che sbaglia, discrimina e non fornisce alcuna trasparenza ai cittadini. È che il riconoscimento facciale incarna una visione profondamente antidemocratica della società
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi

EU brings in 'right to repair' rules for appliances
::: Gianlucadfiore

Go Interfaces, the Tricky Parts
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Gianlucadfiore

Facebook will reportedly only pay a quarter of the news outlets featured on its upcoming news tab
Facebook | novità
::: MediaEu

- what, in this world, could law enforcement possibly do with **encrypted** messages (assuming the crypto is done right) - child abuse as yet another excuse to fingerpoint encryption? Seriously? Really?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: phretor

My favourite language is Racket, which has datalog embedded in the language
language Racket
::: weskerfoot

I spent hours trying to understand @racketlang syntax-rules macros before discovering define-simple-macro which trivially facilitates exactly what I'm trying to do. Hurray for not having to learn!
language Racket
::: seisvelas

Sono l’unico a trovarlo rivoltante?
virtual reality
::: demartin

With Twitter's decision today, it appears that a militia group tweeting about a "full-blown 'hot' civil war" does not qualify as promoting violent extremism
Twitter | politica
::: mat

This 10-page data science cheat-sheet covers machine learning, probability, statistics & more
tante risorse da perdercisi
Python | machine learning | matematica

Vim quickies/cheatsheet
manuali, how to
::: TheLinuxDev

A brief history of the Linux Kernel's process scheduler: The very first scheduler, v0.01
storia | Linux
::: satoru_takeuchi

Quanto è intelligente un’intelligenza artificiale?
artificial intelligence
::: Scientificast

Volete salvare il Pianeta dal riscaldamento globale? I gesti quotidiani (che non servono)
ambiente, ecologia
::: MauroV1968

We need to deal w/a divide in journalism between a vanguard who thinks the problem is journalism hasn’t changed enough and a rearguard that thinks the problem is that the world has changed too much
::: rasmus_kleis

Quando si parla di #zerocarbon che ruolo ha la #tecnologia? Qui solo qualche esempio
tecnologia | ambiente, ecologia
::: suxsonica ::: aimeevanrobot

Aversion to politics has left tech leaders ill equipped to deal with the political obstacles that stand in the way of their techno-optimistic dreams
tecnologia | politica
::: fabiochiusi

Leaked Zuckerberg Audio Reveals Facebook's Plan To Sue the US Government If Elizabeth Warren Tries To Break Up Big Tech
Facebook | politica
::: Slashdot ::: ddayen

Over 500 US Schools Were Hit By Ransomware in 2019
::: Slashdot

Enfin, des influenceurs blockchain qui apportent du bon sens sur la question !
blockchain e crypto*
::: seirl_

Here are some challenges for those who think that "C++ is the best programming language ever"
OK, a Panicz non piace il C++
linguaggi di programmazione
::: PaniczGodek

Machine Learning Guide and Tutorial for Software Engineers
machine learning
::: DataScienceCtrl

Appeals Court Upholds FCC's Cancelling of Net Neutrality Rules
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Again,@facebook is not your friend: “Trump using FB to run thousands of ads about #impeachment” — and per Zuckerberg’s new policy, NONE them have to be fact-checked. Beware impeachment cacophony aided and abetted by tech corps for profit. #FollowTheFacts
Facebook | politica
::: sfpelosi

Delete your browser cookies before you buy airline tickets
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: HiddenTlps

Today MIT professor Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web Consortium turns 25!
Web, Internet

The cost of software faults has increased from 59 billion USD in 2002 to 1.7 trillion USD in 2017
programming, codice, snippet | bug
::: vgarousi

UPS Gets FAA Approval To Operate an Entire Drone Delivery Airline
robots, automazione
::: Slashdot

Almost No One Out There Thinks That Isaac Asimov's Three Laws Could Work For Truly Intelligent AI
artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

Ransomware Forces 3 Hospitals To Turn Away All But the Most Critical Patients
::: Slashdot

Google Play Malicious Apps Installed 335M+ Times in September
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: quinta

On banning @RealDonaldTrump from Twitter
Twitter | politica
::: TimKarr

Docker Is In Deep Trouble
social media
::: Slashdot

Seattle Startup 'Picnic' Unveils Pizza-Making Robot That Makes 300 Pies/Hour
robots, automazione
::: Slashdot

Facebook To Exempt Opinion and Satire From Fact-Checking
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: Slashdot

Campagna PDFex – esfiltrazione dati da file PDF criptati
problemi con i PDF cifrati
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CertPa

Hey, @jack. Time to do something about this
politica | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: KamalaHarris ::: IanSams

Quelli che vogliono usare solo il #contante che gli garantisce la #privacy
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

"Smartphone typing speeds catching up with keyboards, study shows" - This is based on the mobile typing study that @sunjun_kim presents today at MobileHCI in Taipei
dispositivi mobili
::: oulasvirta

Apple built an empire on that argument
::: Gianlucadfiore

Some mornings I see so few tweets that
::: Gianlucadfiore

Best open source #QA tools and frameworks
tool, componente software
::: BoburMeliev

Mastercard e Visa hanno molti dubbi su Libra
chi l'avrebbe mai detto che una valuta digitale proposta da facebook avrebbe lasciato tutti diffidenti?
blockchain e crypto* | Facebook
::: emenietti

Cybercriminals are lurking everywhere on these Internet streets. Researchers are hard at work developing ways to keep data safe no matter where it lands or how it gets there
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum

The new massively upgraded #drone from @SkydioHQ is even more impressive than the first generation. Skydio 2 can follow people or vehicles at speed while nimbly dodging anything that might get in the way
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum

Interesting to see the expectations on various AI tech and how that changes overtime
artificial intelligence
::: maria_axente

La trattativa Pd-Casaleggio sulle nomine alle Authority. E di come la blockchain da core-business aziendale è diventata progetto di governo, anche in Europa
::: BiondoNik

I want to talk about this photograph. It's the first photograph ever taken of the backside of the Moon, taken October 7th, 1959
andando indietro di 60 anni non ci ritroviamo più❗
spazio, esplorazione | storia | tecnologia
::: Kevin_Hainline

So far, Neuralink’s weakest suit is neuroscience
tecnologia | protagonisti
::: techreview

Elon Musk Hyperloop Dreams Slam Into Cold Hard Reality
As more and more Hyperloop plans fail to come to fruition, the excitement about Musk’s futuristic project appears close to fizzling out
tecnologia | protagonisti
::: RadioProzac

I'm scared someone's gonna dig up an old tweet of mine from 2013
::: iamdevloper

Allora, sono a uno sportello del @ComuneMI. C'è un PC ad ogni sportello in cui uno straniero può parlare nella sua lingua e l'impiegato legge la traduzione; dopodiché anche la sua risposta verrà tradotta
applicazioni, programmi
::: Casellabooksweb

Zuckerberg misunderstands the huge threat of TikTok
social media | Facebook
::: emenietti

When satellites break or run out of fuel, they become mostly useless. Several programs are now underway to send robotic spacecraft to refuel or repair satellites in orbit
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum

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