06 ottobre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 437

Intanto che l'autunno avanza ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Mark Zuckerberg posted a link to my story to 117 million people yesterday and got 58,000 reactions, an engagement rate of 0.05 percent. A Facebook follower truly ain’t what it used to beme la sono persa ma cito
::: CaseyNewton

This line from the Zuck transcript just jumped out at me. "You know, for the first 10 years of the company or so, we got more glowing press than I think any company deserves. And it wasn’t just Facebook; it was the whole tech industry"
Facebook | innovazioni, futuro
::: nxthompson

Cawbird is a GTK Twitter Client for Linux
applicazioni, programmi
::: dcavedon

The most dangerous phrase in the English language

FBI Investigating Alleged Hacking Attempt Into Mobile Voting App During 2018 Midterms
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Autonomous driving is hard, even at low speed in private parking lots. "Move fast and break cars or sometimes people" isn't the right approach for deploying this technology
::: fchollet

My notes from today's #GHC19 talk: Building a Better Open Source Community from @lisaironcutter! Key takeaways: we can make OSS more inclusive and successful by being explicit about community values and making documentation a key part of the project
open source
::: misslivirose

& build amazing software for it
::: RichRogersIoT

'Chilling': Singapore's 'fake news’ law comes into effect BUT.... Facebook, Twitter and Google – who have their Asian headquarters in Singapore – were given temporary exemptions from a handful of provisions in the act to give them time to adapt.
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | politica
::: simopieranni

Questo è un pezzo di merda e si sa da sempre. Coglioni noi che compriamo e ci rendiamo complici
::: Fen_church

matematica | storia
::: cmnit

Motorola, Known For Cellphones, is Fast Becoming a Major Player in Government Surveillance
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: ORARiccardo

Those of us concerned with the implications of AI need to seek out and amplify the people already doing the work and learn the histories of those who’ve led the way
artificial intelligence
::: AINowInstitute

If it's your decision, it's design
::: RichRogersIoT

Iraq Shuts Down Internet Access As Mass Protests Turn Violent
::: Slashdot

Custodians of the Internet is now available as a PDF. Free to have, free to circulate. Many thanks to @yalepress for this
Web, Internet
::: TarletonG

We are excited to announce @ENEAOfficial as the 1st Italian mirror! Contributing to long term #software #sourcecode #preservation. Paving the way for an international research infrastructure
storia | open source
::: SWHeritage

How to use @SWHeritage for archiving and referencing your source code: guidelines and walkthrough
storia | open source
::: euanc

Europe’s top court rules that @Facebook can be forced to removed content worldwide — so long as the material is deemed ‘illegal’ and that EU countries comply w/ existing international rules
::: markscott82

How can #SiliconValley build on its #culture of looking forward, its conviction that change is good, to better serve #humanity? By asking questions. By better understanding how we got here. And by understanding that change is complicated—and possible
innovazioni, futuro | tecnologia | ambiente, ecologia | lavoro
::: ComputerHistory

I recently reread Fred Brooks’ classic essay “No Silver Bullet,” as I’ve been thinking about how to reduce the essential complexity of building ML systems. Shared some thoughts about it in The Batch this week
machine learning
::: AndrewYNg

Non chiamate smartphone il nuovo smartphone di Microsoft
ero partito con l'idea di raccontare in tre paragrafi il nuovo surface duo, ne sono usciti 17 sui massimi sistemi e noi intorno 🙈
dispositivi mobili
::: emenietti ::: joshuatopolsky ::: mante

NEW - social media companies have failed to provide adequate ad transparency to users globally - Our research shows that FB, Google, + Twitter have made the deliberate decision to provide some users w increased transparency + some w nothing
social media
::: privacyint

Machine Learning and Approximate Computing
machine learning

France Set To Roll Out Nationwide Facial Recognition ID Program
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: alexgiovannini

Beijing Launches New Rule: Residents Must Pass Facial Recognition Test to Surf Internet
riconoscimento facciale
::: dcavedon

Ivanka Trump and Google's CEO Announce a Tech Job Training Initiative
Google | politica
::: Slashdot

Attorney General Bill Barr Will Ask Zuckerberg To Halt Plans For End-To-End Encryption Across Facebook's Apps
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Political Prisoner
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks

Which form of OO reuse is most common?
::: RichRogersIoT

Dutch Police Take Down Hornets' Nest of DDoS Botnets
::: Slashdot

La #Puglia si sta affermando come uno dei luoghi d'eccellenza dell'Informatica italiana. Molti definiscono il tacco dello Stivale la "Silicon Valley" italiana
::: crescoppola

Boeing Rejected 737 MAX Safety Upgrades Before Fatal Crashes, Whistleblower Says
::: Slashdot

Google Contractors Reportedly Targeted Homeless People For Pixel 4 Facial Recognition
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Typing Speeds On Mobiles Rival Keyboard Users, Says Report
::: Slashdot

Here's the PDF of the talk I gave this evening about mypy at @dropbox in our Mountain View office. (But I said a lot of things that weren't in the slides)
::: gvanrossum

End of Life (EOL) for #Python2 is coming. Are you ready?
::: AndreaDraghetti

Encryption is about trust. The less you trust—the more you encrypt. If you can't trust your gov't, you encrypt end-to-end. And now three gov'ts, two in outright constitutional crisis caused by lying at the top, are asking us to put stronger trust in weakening democracies. Srsly?
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: RidT

The evidence is increasingly clear: self-regulation is not enough. Now we can either blame social media and do nothing, or regulate digital campaigning and political ads on social media
social media
::: fabiochiusi

Andrew Yang proposes that your digital data be considered personal property
Data generated by each individual needs to be owned by them, with certain rights conveyed that will allow them to know how it’s used and protect it
dati, raccolta | politica
::: fabiochiusi

In January, WhatsApp limited how often messages can be forwarded—to only five groups instead of 256—in an attempt to slow the spread of disinformation. New research suggests that the change is working
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: techreview

C’è un cinese, uno svedese e un americano. Scopri di chi è la colpa del riscaldamento globale?
ambiente, ecologia
::: Nova24Tec

Il futuro delle auto a guida autonoma a trazione elettrica in #Cina. Tra i player, aziende US come #WeRide e cinesi come #Huawei che nel 2020 a Shanghai lancerà il 5G, rete che apre la porta all’auto senza conducente
::: LalaHu9

Facial recognition technology case study
riconoscimento facciale | politica
::: hare_brain

Hello World!
link ritrovato cercando altro
::: GNU ::: GNU

Eternal sunshine of the spotless feed: “users treat older content on social media differently: Anything aged more than two days often isn't worth engaging with”
On TikTok, There Is No Time. The popular app doesn’t tell users when a video was posted. Creators say that makes it easier to steal content—but there are also upsides to forgetting what day it is
social media
::: FrankPasquale

The World's Most-Used Cryptocurrency Isn't Bitcoin
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Deep learning is great at interpolating conditions between what it knows; it is not good at extrapolating to situations it hasn’t seen
Want a Really Hard Machine Learning Problem? Try Agriculture, Says John Deere Labs
machine learning
::: IEEESpectrum

GNOME Foundation facing patent lawsuit over Shotwell
open source
::: debian

Microsoft: Iranian Hackers Targeted a 2020 Presidential Campaign
::: Slashdot

this argument that you need monopolistic scale to combat problems like election interference. This is a debate that should be front and center. This should be a Warren vs. Zuckerberg one-hour, broadcast only on free-to-air networks
::: fabiochiusi

.@veronica_hanus shares her first time using Beautiful Soup, comments here as a self-dialogue, and commenting out lines of code, just in case you need to use it again 😆
programming, codice, snippet
::: lisaironcutter ::: lisaironcutter

Cities and countries go from poor to rich by sustained investment in infrastructure, education, and research, over many decades. It works in reverse, too. Decades of lack of investment in these areas will lead to a sharp decline no matter how rich you used to be...
vero, Torino per esempio...
ambiente, ecologia | economia, lavoro | politica
::: fchollet

Summary of the transposition process of #copyright Directive in EU member states. Just a few weeks before @EU_Commission’s stakeholder dialogue begins about the famous #uploadfilter #article13 now #article17
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: evasimon_info

#Whatsapp arriverà presto a 2 miliardi di utenti. In Italia lo usa il 95,1% delle persone per chattare, scambiarsi video e immagini. Whatsapp è bucato. L'azienda lo sapeva da agosto
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: arturodicorinto

A Keras-based library for building graph networks to model molecules and crystals
machine learning | Python
::: fchollet

Europe's highest court Facebook verdict hits a new low for technomagical thinking
::: fabiochiusi

See this long list of civil liberties, human rights, civil rights, journalism and other groups that are backing Facebook's plan to provide messaging users with genuine security. They are right. Encryption in communications is essential to YOUR security
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dangillmor

proprio come diceva (12 anni prima) la mia mamma --o è la mia mamma sotto falso nome?
::: PessimistsArc

Google Cloud Worth $225 Billion, Deutsche Bank Says
economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Le parole del Ministro
già sentito, ripetuto fin dalla nascita del Web, in tante varianti presto superate
social media
::: mante

French media @3l3ctr0nLibr3 publishes France's draft law that will transpose the #copyright directive's Article 17 and the audiovisual media services directive
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: LauKaya

macOS Systems Can Be Abused In DDoS Attacks
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook Removes Hundreds of Propaganda Accounts Targeting Iran and Qatar
Facebook | cyberwar
::: Slashdot

60 Amazon Workers Walked Out Over Warehouse Working Conditions
lavoro | ditte
::: Slashdot

No. I really think that a currency should stay in the hands of countries. I’m not comfortable with the idea of a private group setting up a competing currency
Facebook | blockchain e crypto*
::: emenietti

Cosa succede quando hai delle scimmie ammaestrate a gestire i Social invece di persone competenti nel settore: una società mostra una campagna di Phishing e loro rispondono così
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: lastknight

Best sticker ❤️🐍
::: kelleyrobinson

Know your compiler
::: mariofusco

Volete “il punto” di Mauro Masi su Tor e l’anonimato in rete, su MilanoFinanza di oggi?
non ce la possiamo fare 🙁
::: fabiochiusi

Preventing Digital Feudalism
By exploiting technologies that were originally developed by the public sector, digital platform companies have acquired a market position that allows them to extract massive rents from consumers and workers alike
Web, Internet | ditte
::: fabiochiusi

Just read "The Discoveries of Continuations", a really fun historical account of continuations. It's a short read (took me 30 minutes). We need more history papers like this
programming, codice, snippet
::: wilbowma

The completed package is required by Friday 6 October
::: wilbowma

YES. I started programming with BASIC and VB but I didn't get really into it until I could share with people online, which was exactly what HTML/JS let me do
programming, codice, snippet
::: jeanqasaur

I’ve been having a crisis of faith in `stack` recently
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Wow: Mining $1 worth of Bitcoin entails almost $0.5 in human and environmental costs. This new paper on the environmental and health impacts of cryptocurrency mining is amazing
dubbi nel thread
blockchain e crypto*
::: evgenymorozov

China and Taiwan clash over Wikipedia edits
cyberwar | open source
::: simopieranni

Together with @osfEUpolicy, @beuc and a group of other civil society actors we created a manifesto for European, #humancentric, digital transformation
innovazioni, futuro
::: communia_eu

Tipico di tante innovazioni tecnologiche: se ne magnificano i vantaggi trascurandone i danni (non sempre in buona fede e di solito guardando solo a guadagni immediati). Finché non se ne viene travolti. La cd 4a rivoluzione industriale s‘annuncia non meno sanguinosa delle prec.
innovazioni, futuro
::: LorenzoTomasin

Cars All But Banned On One of Manhattan's Busiest Streets
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

California is the 2nd US state to pass a law targeting deepfakes in elections. Now "illegal to distribute deceptively edited videos and audio clips intended to damage a politician’s reputation or deceive someone into voting for or against a candidate"
deepfake | politica
::: ndiakopoulos

Answer to Is there any real world analogy of Monad in functional programming?
tutto il thread; io continuo a esere perpluto
programmazione funzionale
::: pedro_pazzini

NASA Will Soon Start Testing Its First All-Electric X-Plane
innovazioni, futuro | energia
::: Slashdot

I can confidently say this is the best improvement to my shell prompt I have made in years
language Racket | programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Questa spiegazione sul perché i pagamenti digitali non possono e non devono “sostituire” i contanti mi sembra chiara... viva la libertà di scelta
economia, lavoro
::: annamasera

#otd in 1991 the Linux kernel was publicly released by Helsinki grad student Linus Torvalds

Chrome Promises 'No More Mixed Messages About HTTPS '
::: Slashdot

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