07 novembre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 446

Grande confusione sotto il cielo anche se la marattinata sta evaporando; intanto ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

Jacob Kaplan-Moss says: stop using passwords. Use Login with Google/Facebook/etc., or login by email. “Google’s security team is better than yours.” Amen. #nbpydiscussione
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: gvanrossum

New Clean-Combustion 'Ducted Fuel Injection' Could Eliminate Soot From Diesel Engines
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

"Futuro prossimo"? Per ora Sycamore ha 53-qubit funzionanti. "Per craccare un protocollo #SRA che usasse una chiave a 300 cifre decimali servirebbe un computer quantistico da 10 milioni di qubit fisici"
quantum computing
::: LallinaManenti

An cities like Vienna, Oslo, Berlin and many more are getting away without even having turnstiles / fare gates
riconoscimento facciale
::: mitsuhiko

La libertà di parola e le folli bugie di Facebook
Facebook | politica
::: ilmanifesto

Germany's Giant Windmills Are Wildly Unpopular
::: Slashdot

Study Estimates 50% of WebAssembly Sites Are Using It For Malicious Purposes
linguaggi di programmazione | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Just in from the LCM+L: Unix V0 booting on the real PDP-7
::: DoctorWkt

Cool! It is also interesting to see what happens when you apply a hyperbolic function: cosh(z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^ z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z^z)
::: PonceCampuzano

Waymo's Completely Driverless Cars Are Now Picking Up Passengers
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

Mentre il futuro di Libra appare sempre più incerto, la Cina ha annunciato pubblicamente il lancio della sua moneta digitale
non mi è ben chiaro come il blockchain possa coesistere con la supervisione della banca ma sono niubbo, assay
blockchain e crypto* | economia, lavoro | Cina
::: wireditalia

Secondo me l'intelligenza artificiale di Google che ha battuto tutti a StarCraft2 dimostra che al deep learning serve l'aiuto umano
machine learning
::: andcapocci

5G: Tecnologia e Problemi
video di 1/2 ora di info in italiano; non ne so niente per cui mi affido ai links allegati
::: YouTube

The ‘sovereign internet’ law purports to provide a legal basis for mass surveillance and allows the government to effectively enforce online existing legislation that undermines freedom of expression and privacy
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi

Meanwhile, Amazon pays $0 in taxes each year
protagonisti | economia, lavoro
::: KaivanShroff

#internet #medieducation Quando la povertà di #parola può essere sintomo di povertà di mente: una volta si diceva....... testa vuota ! Nativi e analfabeti digitali: il paradosso della "Generazione Google"
scuola, educazione, cultura | Web, Internet
::: GLuigiPussino

L’apprendistato ludico dell’algoritmo
machine learning
::: ilmanifesto

We did it! We came together as a community and met our fundraising goal to defend software freedom from patent litigation. 💙 Next up comes the hard part - winning this lawsuit and setting precedent
open source
::: gnome

So while banning political ads sounds nice it’s just a distraction. What we really need to shatter the black mirror platforms are holding against society (..) is to bring down a comprehensive privacy screen. No targeting against personal data
ad, pubblicità | politica
::: fabiochiusi

I tweets di Trump
Twitter | politica
::: nytimes

This Ubuntu 19.10 bug shares your media folders without your knowledge
Ubuntu | bug
::: omgubuntu

#otd in 1971 Bell Labs released the first Unix Programmers Manual

#Coal Giant Murray #Energy Files For Bankruptcy
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

Falsehoods CS Students (Still) Believe Upon Graduating - An incomplete 🧵 based on experience and observation
programming, codice, snippet
::: jschauma

Does Linux Have a Marketing Problem? - Slashdot
::: Slashdot

Linus Torvalds: 'I'm Not a Programmer Anymore'
::: Slashdot

A Widespread BlueKeep 'Exploit' Is Targetting Unpatched Windows 7/XP Computers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

30 years of scroll bars! Breathtaking history
interfaccia grafica
::: GreatDismal

I'm about halfway through writing a C compiler from scratch and I've just got function calls with arguments to work. Very happy
programming, codice, snippet | linguaggi di programmazione
::: DoctorWkt

Pearls Before Swine for November 04, 2019
::: _juhan

If you're interested in mixing #Python and #LEGO , we're starting a @crowd_supply campaign for snekboard in a couple of weeks. Build Lego robots running snek, or CircuitPython from @adafruit
Python | hardware | robots, automazione
::: keith_x11

Voi traduttori siete una razza in estinzione. Google Translate vi rimpiazzerà tutti
::: scaffarini

Teens Love TikTok. Silicon Valley Is Trying to Stage an Intervention
social media
::: ceciliakang

It's finally here! @OpenRoboethics published an AI ethics toolkit, documenting the process we used to assess AI ethics challenges for our enterprise clients during GenR days
robots, automazione | etica
::: RoboEthics

E Marattin rilancia l'espressione -- loro che sono contro l'odio, ovvio -- aggiungendo "talebani del fatturato". Ok, cominciamo a fare una domanda: di chi stiamo parlando, @marattin? Nomi e cognomi, su
#Marattin, marattinate, pensate farlokke
::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: ebobferraris ::: Lord_Hanmar ::: AlfonsoFuggetta ::: giannigipi ::: marcocanestrari ::: zacchiro ::: gianlucac1 ::: micheleboldrin ::: zacchiro ::: disinformatico ::: _arianna

What Happened When Microsoft Tried A Four-Day Work Week
::: Slashdot

R Melts Brains: An IR for First-Class Environments and Lazy Effectful Arguments
linguaggi di programmazione
::: neu_prl

"In Cina funziona benissimo". Sticazzi
riconoscimento facciale
::: _happycactus_

Haaretz investigation "reveals Israel has become a leading exporter of tools for spying on civilians. Dictators around the world ... use them eavesdrop on human rights activists, monitor emails, hack into apps and record conversations" @HShezaf reports
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: rasmus_kleis

fractions — Rational Numbers
::: pymotw

Apple Announces $2.5 Billion Plan To Ease California Housing Crisis
::: Slashdot

Ubuntu Publishes Support Roadmap for the Raspberry Pi 4
Ubuntu | hardware
::: dcavedon

Understanding the World with Program Synthesis
artificial intelligence
::: SIGPLAN Blog

25 years of software eating the world
storia | innovazioni, futuro
::: Nereide

The Internet Archive Is Making Wikipedia More Reliable
::: Slashdot ::: cmnit

Apple Now Rejects Electron Apps from Mac App Store
Apple | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

'I Worked on Political Ads at Facebook. They Profit By Manipulating Us'
::: Slashdot

E del rebranding di Facebook ne vogliamo parlare?
::: marina_catucci ::: Kantrowitz ::: Slashdot ::: fabiochiusi

Adobe Photoshop Finally Arrives on the iPad
applicazioni, programmi | dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Reuters Institute's 'Digital News Report' 2019
novità | media
::: fabiochiusi

This programming book has a true epic ending
programming, codice, snippet
::: old_sound

Microsoft Launches Public Previews of Visual Studio Online and Power Virtual Agents
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Io odio questi titoli, @repubblica. Perché dimostrano che voi odiate la scienza
::: MauroV1968

The problem isn’t data protection, it’s data collection
Edward Snowden
::: CNBCi ::: aswinlutchanah ::: AnaMartinsGomes ::: lrainie ::: TonySakich ::: OscarWGrut ::: Snowden ::: SMaurizi ::: nickgillespie ::: margaretomara

ByteDance lancia un suo smartphone, #JianguoPro3, integrato con #Douyin (la versione cinese di TikTok). Prezzo 2.899 yuan (circa $412), per ora è venduto solo in #Cina
social media | hardware
::: LalaHu9

L.A. Suspends Uber's Permit To Rent Out Electric Scooters and Bikes
energia | politica
::: Slashdot

Cake machines by Unifiller
::: MachinePix

📡 〰️〰️〰️ 🛰️ @NASAVoyager 2 signals from interstellar space! New research reveals what the spacecraft's instruments found as it crossed the cosmic shoreline where the environment created by our Sun ends and the vast ocean of space begins
spazio, esplorazione | robots, automazione
::: NASA

Microsoft replaced an in-house Q&A system with Stack Overflow for Teams, and went from 900 to 70,000 employees using it. In a couple of years they have built up a knowledge base of 80,000 answered questions!
social media | programming, codice, snippet
::: spolsky

Facial recognition is a form of social pollution. Its a relatively cheap/easy to use tech that has permanent negative impact on our identity & society. China wildlife park sued for forcing visitors to submit to facial recognition scan
riconoscimento facciale
::: EmergTechEthics

Katharine Hepburn

Buying Fitbit Won't Save Google's Failing Wear OS
::: Slashdot

Paris #Climate Agreement: U.S. Formally Begins Its Withdrawal
ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac ::: LalaHu9

Tanto per capirci: la fake news più ampiamente circolata sui social fra ieri ed oggi (e chissà per quanto) segnalata da moltisssimi (me compreso che ho fatto RT a un Tweet di @chedisagio) l’ha messa in giro La Stampa
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: mante ::: mante ::: annamasera ::: christianraimo

Life is never more fun than when
::: RichRogersIoT

ISPs Lied To Congress To Spread Confusion About Encrypted DNS, Mozilla Says
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Seriously though, am I the only one still testing libraries and sites with Windows Phone? 'cause those chaps are still getting updates, it'll last more than Vista if they don't stop 😅
sistemi operativi
::: WebReflection

Apparently, your index finger will change the acoustic signature of a sound emitted by a device differently than anyone else's. That, says a group of researchers, should make for a reliable biometric identification technique
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum

FYI, Google is trying to kill web URLs
sì, visto che è diventato normale per tanti; ieri uno mi ha anche fatto vedere copme si fa (sanno che sono niubbo)
Google | Web, Internet
::: drybones_5

Complete new leaked Facebook confidential documents will be online to assist the International Grand Committee on Disinformation and Fake News, meeting in Ireland on Wednesday
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: dcampbell_iptv

With a Laser, Researchers Say They Can Hack Alexa, Google Home or Siri
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Software Updates
proprio come dico io!
::: xkcd

Android Bug Lets Hackers Plant Malware Via NFC Beaming
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

“Much of the discussion around 'bias' in AI systems misses the mark: there is no 'neutral,' 'natural,' or 'apolitical' vantage point...There is no easy technical 'fix' by shifting demographics, deleting offensive terms, or seeking equal representation”
artificial intelligence | etica
::: FrankPasquale

Now Googlers Are Protesting Company's Cloud Deals With Big Oil
Google | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

GitLab Considers Ban On New Hires In China and Russia Due To Espionage Fears
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Undercover Reporter Reveals Life In a Polish Troll Farm
::: Slashdot

Recent articles say InfoSec has ~2-3 million jobs to fill. Let’s stay that’s true. As point of reference, I found these charts http://code.org where the U.S. is graduating only 50-60K comp-sci a year. If InfoSec is to close the gap, labor must come from elsewhere
lavoro | economia, lavoro
::: jeremiahg

viruses / creative cloud
::: ow

While social media have at times served as a level playing field for civic discussion, they are now tilting dangerously toward illiberalism, exposing citizens to an unprecedented crackdown on their fundamental freedoms
Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi

We now have proof: asking for API permission without user interaction is a terrible idea. "about 99% of notification prompts go unaccepted, with 48% being actively denied by the user"
programming, codice, snippet
::: marcosc

Calcio, sperimentato allo stadio Friuli il sistema di riconoscimento facciale
Pensare a un sistema analogo di riconoscimento facciale per tutte le migliaia di spettatori presenti sugli spalti, ha spiegato, sarebbe invece molto più complesso. Servirebbe a monte una banca dati di milioni di persone
riconoscimento facciale
::: fabiochiusi

#Brexit: A review of the algorithm used for the "Settled Status" scheme shows that the choice of data sources discriminate against women – and increases the likelihood they'll be deported when the UK leaves the EU.
algoritmi, codice | gender, discriminazioni
::: algorithmwatch

Did Linux get slower after 4.14? Yes, if you use the KPTI defaults. How much? Between 1 and 800%, depending on your workload. I expected our workloads to slow by between 0.1 and 6%
::: brendangregg

Twitter suspends accounts affiliated with Hamas and Hezbollah
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Twitter
::: fabiochiusi

In Brüssel hängen sie schon die Weihnachtsdeko an die Bäume 🎄
::: StefanLeifert

Il blogging alla fine del 2019
::: dottorblaster

La mia risposta a Perché x elevato alla 0 fa 1?
::: xmau ::: xmau

No, il riconoscimento facciale non è una risposta al razzismo. Punire i razzisti è una risposta al razzismo. E non ditemi che il problema è identificarli perché no, non lo è
riconoscimento facciale | odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

If you're not into 1980's Soviet Prototype computers, then I don't need our friendship
::: moomoomang

L’indagine sui ricercatori all’estero
::: crescoppola

The V online playground is back!
forza V, se cresci ti adotto (non ditelo a Python)
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

New release of guile-gi v0.2.1, which is is a #GObject introspection layer that lets you write #GTK #GNOME in #GNUGuile @guilelang
::: MikeSpike3

Under Twitter’s new ad rules, environmental groups can’t pay to spread pro-climate policy messages. But Exxon can pay to spread tweets claiming a widespread political conspiracy against it, and touting its pro-climate credentials
ad, pubblicità | Twitter
::: emorwee

React vs Vue: my personal point of view
linguaggi di programmazione
::: Sanfra1407

After a morning filled with statements from rightholders from the AV sector in which they complained that managing rights is expensive and praised the virtues of exclusive and territorial licensing, the (press) publishers have their turn now
copyright e brevetti
::: communia_eu ::: communia_eu

It’s Official: Microsoft Edge IS Coming to Linux
per fare i test o masochismo estremo?
::: dcavedon

German Government Expands Subsidies For Electric Cars
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

Former TikTok employees told us the company's Beijing-based leadership often overrode their censorship concerns and restricted lots of social and political videos. "They want to be a global company ... but the decisions all come from China"
social media | politica
::: drewharwell

Don't Reboot Your Computer After You've Been Infected With Ransomware, Experts Say
frodi | tip, suggerimenti
::: Slashdot

A Glitch in Robinhood App is Allowing Users To Trade Stocks With Excess Borrowed Funds, Giving Them Access To What Amounts To Free Money
::: Slashdot

The @ACLU argues the whistleblower problem is bigger than Trump, and they're right: Americans today must rely upon a broken system
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

We want people to have full control over their data
"we need long-term planned sustainability programmes for innovation that is not strictly bound to profit and profitable markets, but concerns the governmentability of our […] smart-city scenarios”
dati, raccolta | innovazioni, futuro
::: Tada_City

No, the price of the iPhone in 2020 will not be higher because costs have gone up. Apple chose those high costs because they believe (probably correctly) that people are willing to pay the price
::: PerBylund

Africa Should Look To India For Digital Inspiration
innovazioni, futuro | economia, lavoro
::: Slashdot

Amazing lineup of scholars weigh in on @jack’s @Twitter political ad ban feat
Twitter | politica
::: kreissdaniel

How hard can it be?
::: kathyra_

l nuovo regolamento ENAC per i droni è pronto: da Marzo patentini online e niente registrazione per il Mavic Mini
robots, automazione
::: DronEzine

Trump CTO Addresses AI, Facial Recognition, Immigration, Tech Infrastructure, and More
artificial intelligence | riconoscimento facciale | politica
::: Slashdot

#TikTok, l'app più discussa del momento - Ritratto di #ZhangYiming, che nel 2012 ha fondato #ByteDance (di cui possiede 26%), a cui fa capo TikTok: classe '83, laurea in ingegneria informatica, con patrimonio di $16,2 mld, è nona persona più ricca della Cina
protagonisti | social media
::: LalaHu9

Little-known Companies Are Amassing Your Data and Selling the Analysis To Clients
dati, raccolta | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

“This is a huge market worth trillions of U.S. dollars,” Guo said. “The biggest winners will be our partners.” Rotating Chairman of @Huawei, Guo ping speaking about 5G on Centre Stage at #WebSummit 👏
5G | Huawei
::: WebSummit

Spleeter is an amazing open-source project from Deezer (the French Spotify) that uses Deep Learning to do source separation on musical tracks. Built with Keras and TensorFlow. It runs out-of-the-box on CPU!
deep learning | social media
::: fchollet

#Focus1, la fascia che monitora l'attenzione degli studenti sviluppata da una startup americana e utilizzata in alcune scuole cinesi, è già in vendita: ne sono state vendute 64 in 15 paesi tra cui US, Italia (!) e UK. In Cina è su #Taobao al prezzo di 3.499-3.979 yuan ($498-566)
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: LalaHu9

Pubblicato oggi su BioScience, ennesimo drammatico articolo e appello da parte di migliaia di scienziati sulla crisi climatica
ambiente, ecologia
::: cmnit

AVX-512 on Intel processors can be amazing on the right problems
::: lemire

One Bitcoin 'Whale' May Have Fueled the Currency's Price Spike in 2017
blockchain e crypto*
::: Slashdot

Anche noi di LulzSecITA ci uniamo al #FifthOfNovember rendendo pubblici carte d'identità, passaporti, patenti, tabulati telefonici e carte di credito del gestore telefonico @LycamobileIT ovviamente una piccolissima parte, il resto ce lo teniamo! #lulz
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | umorismo
::: LulzSec_ITA

Pro is short for
::: TimothyCookothy

Il #softwarelibero in PA si dovrebbe scegliere perché qualcuno ne ha misurato i benefici in termini di #sostenibilità E questa dovrebbe essere una ragione sufficiente, o no?
open source
::: suxsonica

Muy de acuerdo con @Snowden, que ha hecho una linda descripción de mi infancia. Todo se lo debo a mis padres y a @Nintendo
Edward Snowden
::: auraneurotica

The Original Google Pixel Will Get One Final Update In December
dispositivi mobili
::: Slashdot

Facebook Says 100 Software Developers May Have Improperly Accessed User Data
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

It's easy to believe you're free when you never ask questions or speak out
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: LeeCamp

An Energy Breakthrough Could Store Solar Power For Decades
::: Slashdot

Adding a (predictable) branch to existing code can increase branch mispredictions
programming, codice, snippet
::: lemire

It is not only psychology and medicine, the #machinelearning community has #reproducibility issue, too
machine learning
::: danilobzdok

More Than 11,000 Scientists From Around the World Declare a 'Climate Emergency'
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

TypeScript 3.7 is finally here!
linguaggi di programmazione
::: typescript

Quando mi domandano se la rete e i social non stiano peggiorando la nostra capacità di relazione, di gestione del tempo e di deformazione della realtà
Web, Internet | social media
::: insopportabile

Zuckerberg remains open to ideas about how to curb the spread of false ads, including limiting the ability of candidates to target narrow groups of users, an issue that has been a key sticking point for the Federal Election Commission
::: fabiochiusi

Intervista a Francesca Bria, curatrice con @evgenymorozov del simposio torinese sui #BigData
dati, raccolta
::: simopieranni

Another one that I'm surprised hasn't received more attention: the top lawyer at the FBI who tried to force Apple to backdoor encryption is now saying that law enforcement should embrace encryption and stop trying to break it
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: mmasnick

The idea is to turn Alexa into an omnipresent companion that actively shapes and orchestrates your life. This will require Alexa to get to know you better than ever before
innovazioni, futuro
::: NoraNiLoideain

Bloomberg has matched our story from Friday
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: AlbertoNardelli

Elizabeth Warren slams Twitter for ban on ads tied to climate change
Twitter | ambiente, ecologia
::: fabiochiusi

Features that I’m looking forward to in 2020
dice il capo della progettazione
::: dantley

Dai like dei social network alle metriche di valutazione accademiche (impact factor, ecc.), la propensione a misurare e attribuire punteggi ovunque corre il rischio di trasformarsi nell' "epidemia della gamification"
social media
::: MarcoFasol

At @decodeproject event #OurDataOurFuture @evgenymorozov eloborates on the disbalance in power in Big Tech and Big Money. Non-commercial institutions and infrastructures have to be build so 20 smaller alternatives for the Facebook’s of the world can rise
social media
::: aikvaneemeren

As @barbaracarfagna just mentioned on the stage of #OurDataOurFuture part of @decodeproject team was acqui-hired in an attempt to power-grab the project
dati, raccolta
::: jaromil

Tesla Owners Say Autopilot Makes Them Feel Safer
::: Slashdot

Two sets of people scare me
::: mariofusco

I wrote something about Libra and the future of Digital Fiat Currency
blockchain e crypto*
::: rohangrey

I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. Thrilled to see the @dart_lang team make such an amazing release
linguaggi di programmazione
::: yonkeltron

Naomi Oreskes: ‘Discrediting science is a political strategy’
scienza | ambiente, ecologia
::: NaomiOreskes

Ho scritto qualcosa su una donna che ci ha cambiato la vita
::: mmcasetti

My totally unscientific explanation of why I quit everything I start and how everything gets too overwhelming
tip, suggerimenti
::: ADHD_Alien

A New Robotic Instrument Will Map Millions of Galaxies and Reveal Dark Energy's History
robots, automazione | scienza
::: skdh

Researchers from @wyssinstitute at @harvard unveiled their strange sea urchin-inspired robot at @IROS2019MACAU #iros2019
robots, automazione
::: IEEESpectrum

IBM Calls For Regulation To Avoid Facial Recognition Bans
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Leaked Documents Show Facebook Leveraged User Data To Fight Rivals and Help Friends
::: Slashdot

This Is How the US Military's Massive Facial Recognition System Works
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

I've just released a fairly lengthy paper on defining & measuring intelligence, as well as a new AI evaluation dataset, the "Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus". I've been working on this for the past 2 years, on & off
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

This Website Has Solved Cybersecurity
::: Slashdot

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