21 novembre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 450

Forse solo io ma mi sembra che è sempre peggio; ah! ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

monitoring key presses in a console application in a thread
::: Python Adventures ::: Python Adventures ::: Python Adventures

Confirmed: #Iran is now in the midst of a near-total national internet shutdown; realtime network data show connectivity at 7% of ordinary levels after twelve hours of progressive network disconnections as public protests continue #IranProtests 📉
::: netblocks ::: shaahinghodsi ::: ilmanifesto

The first mass-produced "walkie talkies" were used by Allied troops during WWII. They were based on vacuum electronics and weighed more than 32 lbs. A half century later, FRS walkie talkies revolutionized the technology
::: Electric_Genie

prenderò sul serio CHIUNQUE si faccia questa domanda:l'episodio al centro del #Russiagate è la pubblicazione delle email #DemUSA da parte di #WikiLeaks,com'è possibile che tutta indagine sul #Russiagate sia stata condotta senza MAI sentire Julian #Assange e NESSUNO di #WikiLeaks?
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi

Thousands of Hacked Disney+ Accounts Are Already For Sale On Hacking Forums
video, streaming
::: Slashdot ::: Slashdot

To all of Western society and liberal democracy
[T]ut the problem isn't social media as a product category, and it isn't ads as a business model. The problem is Facebook itself, its deeply toxic leadership and its deeply toxic social and political impact
::: fchollet

+++ Fate attenzione a chi vi segue, be' careful with your followers
::: goldbergvariaz

Quantum Computer Made From Photons Achieves New Record
quantum computing
::: Slashdot

I think the more excited you are about the future potential of AI, the more realistic you should be about its current limitations, because it's only by facing reality as what it is that we can make progress
artificial intelligence
::: fchollet

Boeing Fires Its Fuselage-Assembling Robots, Goes Back To Using Humans
robots, automazione, droni
::: Slashdot

Here's a useful #Lisp routine which finds a series of progressively better rational approximations to a real number
appena ho tempo...
::: johnson_davies

Come in ogni horror che si rispetti, a volte ritornano
#Marattin, marattinate, pensate farlokke | giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: ebobferraris ::: ebobferraris

Come proteggere i ragazzi dai rischi della Rete e insegnare loro a usare i social e il web nella maniera più consapevole?Arriva una nuova piattaforma: Generazioni Connesse, il Safer Internet Centre Italiano coordinato dal Miur
social media
::: goldbergvariaz

The Internet Dream Became a Nightmare. What Will Become of It Now?Web, Internet
::: fabiochiusi

This 'bamboo copter' was made by a 53-year-old farmer in Wuhan, China, and cost about 10,000 yuan to build
circa 1290 €
innovazioni, futuro
::: RobotAndAIWorld

Two of America’s biggest coal plants closed this month
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: RadioProzac

Leaked Russian Interference Report Raises Questions About Brexit, UK Election Security
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: Slashdot

Oggi l’Assemblea Nazionale del #Pd ha accolto una proposta che porto avanti da anni. È l’ora di una legge per un web migliore e più sicuro, che responsabilizzi le piattaforme social e che promuova tanta, tanta educazione civica digitale. Liberiamo Internet dai violenti!
altra #marattinata in arrivo?
Web, Internet | politica | #Marattin, marattinate, pensate farlokke
::: lauraboldrini ::: fabiochiusi ::: fabiochiusi ::: MauroV1968 ::: emacurro ::: DataMediaHub

Played quite a bit with async rust this weekend and this async-std vs tokio split is already getting annoying. Not at all compatible :-/
linguaggi di programmazione
::: mitsuhiko ::: mitsuhiko

Microsoft To Kids With Chromebooks: No 2019 Minecraft Hour of Code For You!
::: Slashdot

The UK gov' is "working with the Electoral Commission on statutory Codes of Practice [that] provides clarity on digital campaigning election expenses. The Codes should come into force for the next major elections scheduled to take place in 2021 and 2022"
politica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: rasmus_kleis

UBports running on the Raspberry Pi using the 7" touchscreen! Great progress though perhaps still in Alpha. #UBports #UbuntuTouch #Linux #FOSS #Arm64 #RaspberryPi #Convergence
::: BikePedersen

The collateral economy for Bitcoin will happen on Ethereum via projects like #tBTC and @renprotocol
blockchain e crypto*
::: Alexintosh

Why Firefox Fights for the Future of the Web
browser | Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

In programming there is always one point where the community splits in two, in one side people that appreciate very simple languages, and in the other people that are fascinated with the powerful languages full of abstractions
linguaggi di programmazione
::: antirez

Visualization of @Spacex #Starlink satellites on orbit
spazio, esplorazione
::: Nereide ::: sarahkaplan48

The Next Graphene? Shiny and Magnetic, a New Form of Pure Carbon Dazzles
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

Cc @jack @facebook: subtly inducing people to think about accuracy affects our sharing behavior. Adding friction & trust signals about original source & the account that shared it would decrease the velocity of misinformation
social media | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: digiphile

Con lo sdoganamento degli “influencer” di Cybersecurity penso sia giunto il momento di chiudere l’internet. Nel caso in cui non fosse possibile potrebbe cominciare smettendo di comprare prodotti Lenovo...
ad, pubblicità
::: ebobferraris

Compose sklearn objects the way you compose layers in Keras
machine learning
::: Reza_Zadeh

Interpol statement expected today, condemning the spread of strong #encryption. Although having no legal standing, the resolution could provide greater political cover for more countries to pass laws on encryption design / data access by authorities
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: CarolineGreer ::: DataKnightmare

71 media organizations from 32 countries. How are they thinking of “AI”, and what are they doing with it?
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

the espionage activities were conducted by #UCGlobal to provide the #US intelligence vital information on Julian #Assange, the @wikileaks journalists,media partners, lawyers,physicians: the extradition proceeding relies on illegal espionage
Julian Assange
::: SMaurizi ::: SMaurizi ::: couragefound ::: eziomauro

Ottima analisi di @valigiablu sulle ricerche che smentirebbero gli effetti del digitale sui bambini, che però è focalizzata sui *tempi* di utilizzo. Non credo di aver ancora visto analisi sugli effetti del *contenuto* consumato
dispositivi mobili
::: phretor

# un amico (informaticamente skillato) mi scrive su Telegram
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: ebobferraris

Ma perché? A cosa serve? Non gliel'ha detto nessuno che col wifi si può anche leggere?
Web, Internet
::: ChiaraBaldi86 ::: Slashdot

Current payment systems add % fees on each tx in exchange of a set of features, like fraud insurance; a bundle we can only accept as is. With ETH and BTC, users can choose features and the competition benefits them first
blockchain e crypto*
::: PhABCD

A poche ore dal lancio della piattaforma, migliaia di #account di #Disney+ sono stati #hackerati e rivenduti #online. Molti degli utenti al quale è stato sottratto l'accesso avevano riutilizzato #password note
::: sonoclaudio

un'inchiesta su #Exodus, il malware spia usato dalla procure in Italia. Iniziamo con: chi ci ha fatto affari? Un poliziotto
::: Luke_like

Depuis 2016, le gouvernement autorise illégalement la police à identifier massivement les manifestants par reconnaissance faciale
riconoscimento facciale
::: laquadrature

gettext — Message Catalogs
::: pymotw

Facebook, Google Donate Heavily To Privacy Advocacy Groups
ditte | ad, pubblicità
::: Slashdot

The upcoming release of @racketlang will be (mostly) available under a new, permissive license: MIT or Apache2
language Racket
::: samth

Microsoft Winds Down Its Bigger Plans for Cortana With Mobile App Shutdown
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

Il disastro è cominciato quando i media digitali hanno reso i leader politici onnipresenti. Chiunque nella propria vita cerca di ridurre l’esposizione pubblica delle cazzate che pensa. Lo fa per calcolo, senso del limite o semplice decoro. Nel flusso digitale diventa impossibile
social media | politica
::: mante

Intel To Remove Old Drivers and BIOS Updates From Its Site
programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

Thanks to the new Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, Amazon’s federal tax responsibility is 21% (down from 35% in previous years). But with the help of tax breaks, according to corporate filings, Amazon won’t be paying a dime (...) despite posting more than $11.2 bn in profits in 2018
::: fabiochiusi

Microsoft: We're Changing All Your Cloud Contracts After Privacy Complaints
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

US Firms Get 90-Day Extension To Work With Huawei On Rural Networks
::: Slashdot

cosa fare quando si leggono sciocchezze sull'auto elettrica : Tomorrow is Good: why German automobile club study is the anti-electric lobby at its finest
::: starax

Pagamento con il POS
::: iltrumpo

Great point by Claudia Quinonez: in many cases, journalists fear a technology because they do not know it. Once they are shown what it actually does, “they change their mind pretty quickly”
artificial intelligence | tecnologia | giornali, stampa
::: fabiochiusi ::: fpmarconi ::: fabiochiusi

Google Maps Tests a Social Networking Feature
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Joseph Weizenbaum, creator of the world’s first chatbot, was troubled when his secretary insisted that he leave the room so she could talk to the program in private
storia | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: IEEESpectrum

The outlet started in response to the 2013 mass surveillance revelations has really become a global force. @TheIntercept's sourcing increasingly determines the @NYTimes' front page
::: Snowden

This @UCBerkeley robot may not have any arms but that doesn't keep it from juggling a ball on its head
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

The World's Fastest Supercomputers Hit Higher Speeds Than Ever With Linux
::: Slashdot

Hacker Publishes 2TB of Data From Cayman National Bank
::: Slashdot

Professori (americani) di economia fanno credere che i soci di maggioranza di Amazon, Facebook etc hanno tax rate sui loro redditi pari a circa zero, conteggiando come redditi gli utili non (ancora) distribuiti dalle società da loro partecipate. E abboccano quasi tutti.
ditte | economia, lavoro
::: d_stevanato

Intel Unveils 7nm Ponte Vecchio GPU Architecture For Supercomputers and AI
::: Slashdot

Disinformation? In MY government? It's more likely than you think
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden ::: DevangPat

Without a programmable blockchain, the likelihood of being able to earn interest on BTC holdings in a decentralized and non-custodial way is negligible
blockchain e crypto*
::: kacperwikiel

Really enjoyed this exploration of machine intelligence benchmarking by @fchollet. It made me consider the different mental models (and meta mental models) I think about using and creating in my human practice of decision making
artificial intelligence
::: chrizbot

Instagram explicado en 5 segundos
::: javisanchezglez

China Now Launches More Rockets Than Anyone In the World
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

"Data regulation and what is now grandly termed “digital sovereignty” are among those issues everyone in the EU thinks tremendously important but no one has much idea how to address"
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | censura
::: rasmus_kleis

Sul perché Vestager ha ragione nel dare la caccia ai pesci grossi
::: davcarretta

Racket is an acceptable Python
Python | language Racket
::: wilbowma

Reasons #DeFi is going to changes the world tweet storm edition 👇
blockchain e crypto*
::: josephdelong

The Teachings of Chairman Cao
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | scienza
::: RadioProzac

The son of Julian Assange’s judge is linked to an anti-data leak company created by the UK intelligence establishment
Julian Assange
::: wikileaks

La Stampa fa retromarcia sulla licenza #creativecommons e si allinea alla posizione della #FIEG sulla #CopyrightDirective. Era nell’aria, ma sinceramente mi dispiace e lo reputo un grosso passo indietro
copyright e brevetti
::: ebobferraris ::: zacchiro ::: ebobferraris ::: ebobferraris

wedish prosecutors drop rape inquiry into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is currently in custody in the UK
tanto ormai è in catene, non serve più
Julian Assange
::: BBCBreaking

Fun fact: 90% if my tweets are written on the go, while walking around during inefficient time
::: Alexintosh

India Says Law Permits Agencies To Snoop on Citizens' Devices
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Twenty-five years ago I bought a suitcase for a trip to the US, and marked it "GvR Python". Today I am back for six days in Amsterdam with the same suitcase
::: gvanrossum

My answer to What are some excellent codebases to read that are written in a scheme?
Scheme | language Racket
::: PaniczGodek

Sweden today drops Assange investigation into sexual allegations. Never was a scintilla of evidence for the most phoney and obvious state fit-up in history.
I wait for the personal apologies from virtually the entire fucking mainstream media. Julian jailed for publishing truth.
Julian Assange
::: CraigMurrayOrg ::: wikileaks ::: dcavedon ::: SMaurizi ::: NilsMelzer ::: wikileaks ::: MaryKostakidis ::: caitoz ::: SEP_Britain ::: CraigMurrayOrg ::: ScambioEtico

The EU is poised to send a message that could exclude China businesses from lucrative 5G contracts
5G | Cina
::: AleColarizi

The powerful, efficient, and compact supercomputer, featuring the world's largest chip, will advance research across several areas including defeating cancer and studying the inner workings of the brain
::: IEEESpectrum

Google manipola i suoi algoritmi più di quanto crediamo
::: emenietti

Hey happy guy look at your phone
::: stephanpastis

Google Stadia Review: Gaming's Streaming Future Isn't Here Yet
::: Slashdot

Racket v7.5
language Racket
::: Racket

Disinformazione, misinformazione e malinformazione: cosa sono e come si generano online? Ma soprattutto: come dovrebbero comportarsi i media mainstream per evitare di amplificare contenuti manipolati o alterati?
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: lracrr

Vorrei umilmente ricordarvi che la vera minaccia dei gruppi #WhatsApp non sono i virus, ma i membri del gruppo
social media
::: purtroppo

Google and Samsung Fix Android Spying Flaw. Other Makers May Still Be Vulnerableprivacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Secretive Energy Startup Backed By Bill Gates Achieves Solar Breakthrough
energia | ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

I'm starting to suspect that Racket is more serious about dynamic linking and backwards compatibility than Haskell
language Racket
::: wilbowma

#TikTok ora strizza l'occhio all'#ecommerce - Test su alcuni utenti, si possono aggiungere link per shopping
social media
::: LalaHu9

Unpopular opinion: that UI irritates me much less than a "modern" one where you need to click 4 times to enable an obscure, for the author but not the user, option. Showing everything from the beginning is daunting but also clearer in the long run
programming, codice, snippet
::: Gianlucadfiore ::: Gianlucadfiore

Extremely disappointing to see a professor at IU write something like this, which disparages our colleagues, students, and co-workers. This attitude is ahistorical, not supported by evidence, and harmful to our community
gender, discriminazioni
::: samth ::: SheRatesDogs ::: _pdarragh

Antivirus Vendors and Non-Profits Join To Form 'Coalition Against Stalkerware'
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Xiaomi Integrates Earthquake Alert System Into MIUI OS
da vedere prima di credere
sistemi operativi
::: Slashdot

Much of what’s being sold as "AI" today is snake oil. It does not and cannot work
artificial intelligence
::: random_walker

Demystifying Hooks
programming, codice, snippet
::: gc_psk

I've written about surveillance for years, and it still amazes me that Democratic leaders will simultaneously lament the dangers posed to vulnerable communities by over-powerful police, FBI, and NSA while voting to give them extraordinary powers again and again
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: SamAdlerBell

I’m calling on all censorship circumvention developers and researchers. All hacktivists. All technologists. No matter what your skill set is, we need you now. Get it touch if you want to help. #IranProtests
censura | politica
::: mrphs ::: article19org

what I've actually realized with lighterhtml v2, is that you can write components in a deadly simple way, keeping performance speedlight ⚡️
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

Senators Ask Zuckerberg To Explain Why Facebook Still Tracks Users' Location Even When They Have Asked it Not To
Facebook | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Spain forced Github to take down the repository used by people in Catalonia to ownload apps to organize demonstrations. In a pending process the Spanish government is trying to label Tsunami Democràtic as a terrorist organisation. The organisation calls for non-violent protests
::: martinschurig

Who really benefits from #Article17? Primarily the producers of #uploadfilter software. AudibleMagic has a dedicated section on its website now, trying to get unsettled website operators to buy their services. AudibleMagic was a major lobbyist for the #copyright directive
copyright e brevetti | censura
::: Senficon

Cops Put GPS Tracker On Man's Car, Charge Him With Theft For Removing It
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook is considering limiting political ad targeting options, better labelling, other ideas, per spokesperson. Nothing is off the table. Hard to imagine FB's political ad offering stays the same ahead of 2020
Facebook | ad, pubblicità | politica
::: Kantrowitz

L’account Twitter dell’ufficio stampa dei conservatori di Boris Johnson durante il dibattito tv ha cambiato nome e si è mascherato da istituto di fact checking indipendente, affossando le proposte di Corbyn
Twitter | politica
::: antoguerrera ::: FT ::: jimwaterson ::: fabiochiusi

On the benefits of using C as a language backend
linguaggi di programmazione
::: v_language

Modern #NLP is ready for on device! We just published a demo of question-answering using SQuAD 1.1 running on @Android and powered by DistilBERT, our 66M-parameters model thanks to @tensorflow Lite!
programming, codice, snippet
::: pierrci

Valve Announces Half-Life: Alyx, Its First Flagship VR Game
games | virtual reality
::: Slashdot

[1/6] @TensorFlow has its own learn-machine-learning curriculums
machine learning
::: rickwierenga

Blockchain, Network Science and Dynamical Systems
blockchain e crypto*
::: block_science

La blockchain per il made in Italy. Che in realtà non è una blockchain, non è aperta, e non è distribuita ma è centralizzata (lo dicono loro stessi!!!). In sostanza è mysql
Web, Internet
::: raistolo

Password Data For About 2.2 Million Users of Currency, Gaming Sites Dumped Online
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Remember all the enthusiasm about smart cities, smart cars, smart homes, smart appliances, smart phones, etc.? That was before we learned that they were programmed to spy on us & report all our desires and activities to their digital corporate masters. "Smart" is now an insult
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: langdonw

Il fantasma di Adriano Olivetti. Enrico Cuccia, Roberto Olivetti e Gianluigi Gabetti. Il salvataggio operato da Mediobanca nel 1964 con il Gruppo di Intervento. Il giallo storico della cessione della elettonica nelle carte dell'archivio di Mediobanca
::: PaoloBricco

4€/d per un’intercettazione telefonica, 60€/d per l’ambientale, 150€/d per l’utilizzo di un trojan. Ecco le cifre delle intercettazioni in Italia, mercato da 205mln € che attira più interessi che competenze
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: faffa42

Molto interessante che una bufala diffusa dalle agenzie di stampa diventi istantaneamente opera del web
#Marattin, marattinate, pensate farlokke
::: mante ::: giannigipi ::: emenietti

Cara @YouTube, tu che tra Sultans of Swing e Fortunate Son mi mandi come "artista da scoprire" un fregnone che stride nel microfono, lasciati dire una cosa
social media
::: Lord_Hanmar

La domanda è molto semplice: se davvero vi sta a cuore capire le dinamiche della disinformazione (tutta), perché invece di proporre Commissioni parlamentari d'inchiesta non cominciate 👏 finanziando 👏 la 👏 ricerca 👏?
disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: fabiochiusi ::: peppeuz

orenolisp - a structural #Clojure editor for producing sound using #Overtone
programming, codice, snippet | Lisp
::: saidone

Machine learning methods help improve diagnostic accuracy, with deep convolutional neural networks showing promise for chest radiograph interpretation. Here are the impressive stats @PhysicsWorld #machinelearning #healthtech
machine learning
::: AaronAuldDE

Per tutti quelli che blaterano di votazioni elettroniche magari con fuffachain (#casaleggioinc e pentastellati in particolare): la scheda elettorale di carta garantisce il voto per davvero contro le possibili manipolazioni esterne
politica | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: cmnit

Descartes in 1637, on how language models would be able to generate realistic-sounding text, but would not be able to show understanding under probing
::: fchollet

Il "genio matematico" e l'insipienza dei media
::: xmau

Arch Linux has the best technical linux docs. It doesn't matter which Linux you use. Always read the Arch docs for tips
Linux | manuali, how to
::: dysinger

Any proposal on #ArtificialIntelligence from the @EU_Commission should respect fundamental rights and #GDPR, says HoU @Babsmaylou at the S&D Workshop on AI #Ethical aspects
artificial intelligence | etica
::: CarlaFarreM

Amazon Is Planning To Open Cashierless Supermarkets Next Year
economia, lavoro | ditte
::: Slashdot

we are standing up to the patent trolls: "Open Invention Network teams up with IBM, Linux Foundation, and Microsoft to protect open-source software from patent trolls"
copyright e brevetti | frodi
::: cra

what an oppertune time to upgrade to libreoffice
applicazioni, programmi | open source
::: sckwib ::: libreoffice ::: libreoffice ::: italovignoli

n addition to requesting up to 12 hours of video produced in the last 45 days, police can ask for footage within a maximum of 0.5 square miles
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

We’re currently working on watchOS 7 for the Apple Watch Series 6 Pro
::: federighiOS

WhatsApp users urged to update their app immediately over spying fears
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: dcavedon

Google Wants to Bring Android Closer to the Mainline Linux Kernel
Linux | dispositivi mobili
::: dcavedon

*Heresy* is an interesting library to create web components by @WebReflection
programming, codice, snippet
::: webcomp_dev

his Is How Elon Musk Can Fix The Damage His Starlink Satellites Are Causing To Astronomy
Web, Internet | scienza
::: StartsWithABang

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