24 novembre, 2019

Visto nel Web - 451

Mentre piove, tanto, ecco cosa ho wisto nel Web.

They’re not exploiting data. They’re exploiting peopleprivacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | ditte
::: StefSimanowitz

Ctrl-labs CEO: We'll Have Neural Interfaces In Less Than 5 Years
innovazioni, futuro
::: Slashdot

SQUID is a #drone developed by @Caltech and @NASAJPL that is ballistically launched from a cannon and then unfolds and transitions to stable flight
i robot che non mi piacciono; a meno che...
::: IEEESpectrum

+++ Ciascuno di noi è l'alfa e l'omega di Twitter
::: goldbergvariaz

Microsoft is Testing Gmail Integration in Outlook.com
applicazioni, programmi
::: Slashdot

The man who oversaw the Top Secret investigation into my work in exposing the NSA's unconstitutional system of mass surveillance now believes "we are in a better place" because I came forward. He disputes the methods, but admits it was net-good. In another decade, I'll be home
Edward Snowden
::: Snowden

Google Earth Gets Content Creation Tools For Geography-Focused Presentations
tool, componente software
::: Slashdot

Tides are predictable and powerful. Now, a bright yellow buoy stationed off the coast of Oahu is ready to harness ocean waves as a power source
::: IEEESpectrum

Most assuredly, in 10 years, AI will eliminate the job of coding in the very same way as did compilers the last 50 years
ovviamente da seguire il link
artificial intelligence
::: Grady_Booch

Intel is still struggling with the truth about its processor security flaws
::: lucaferrari15

Amazon and Code.org Tap Lil Nas X and Katy Perry To Teach Children To Code
scuola, educazione, cultura
::: Slashdot

“We now create more data every 48hrs than we did from the dawn of civilization to 2003.” @RVAwonk - “Forget the cliché ’if it’s free, you’re the product.’ You’re the abandoned carcass. The product derives fm the surplus ripped from yr life” @shoshanazuboff
dati, raccolta
::: StefSimanowitz

Amazon's Cloud Gaming Service Could Arrive Next Year With Twitch Integration
::: Slashdot

SpaceX's Prototype Starship Rocket Partially Bursts During Testing In Texas
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

5 Reasons Software Engineers are Artists
programming, codice, snippet
::: RichRogersIoT

Super cool. I used to be skeptical about blackbox testing because I had a real thing for precisely modeling the semantics of everything, but if you accept that real software is an unknowable mystery, then this is really The Way
sulla fiducia, non ancora visto
programming, codice, snippet
::: jeanqasaur

System76 Will Start Designing and Building Its Own Linux Laptops Beginning January 2020
::: slashdot

Trump hosted a secret dinner with Mark Zuckerberg Peter Thiel last month. This was the 2nd time time Zuck met with Trump in October, and it took place right as Zuck defended Facebook’s decision to let politicians buy the right to lie on its platform
Facebook | politica
::: RVAwonk ::: fabiochiusi ::: mat

- save me
::: IrenaBuzarewicz

New York City Automated Decision Systems Task Force Report
artificial intelligence | automazione
::: fabiochiusi

so apparently the Linux mascot was almost a cool fox girl and everyone seems to have forgotten about her, so naturally i drew her!
storia | Linux
::: cathodegaytube

In the past year, 93% of people living in countries where federal elections were held were targeted by online interference at the hands of their own governments and/or other domestic operatives. Free and fair elections were the exception, not the rule
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: RVAwonk

Wondering if my keyboard is a she or a he or a they 🤔
un problema; io ce l'ho dai tempi dei/delle BBS
gender, discriminazioni
::: Gianlucadfiore

Interesting to see the notion of “bio power” applied to surveillance capitalism
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

sometimes there is a need to state the obvious again & again: The @creativecommons licenses are not intended to put restrictions on works in the #publicdomain
open source
::: paul_keller

Trump 2020 is lobbying Facebook hard against changing the way ad targeting and custom audiences work (which would likely make their CPMs rise, and/or break some of their targeting tools)
Facebook | politica
::: kevinroose ::: ewarren

Sperimentazione in un ospedale di Baltimora: se arriva un ferito gravissimo, gli sostituiscono il sangue con una soluzione salina e lo raffreddano per due ore, in cui i chirurghi possono provare a salvarlo. Poi lo scaldano e lo rianimano
innovazioni, futuro
::: andcapocci

hink about this: we have fucked up copyright laws only to save fucking Mikey Mouse from the public domain
copyright e brevetti
::: thek3nger

We are not looking at a dystopian world because AI and data science are *already* widely used to build a dystopian (unfair, unjust, violent, oppressive, invasive, ...) present. The problem with AI is not robots taking over the world. Is increasing inequality
artificial intelligence
::: ipnosimmia

TUG is now a @github organization
programming, codice, snippet
::: TeXUsersGroup

a new JavaScript Sorcery post: The second part of our series about the history of JavaScript Errors
linguaggi di programmazione
::: AppSignal

Welcome to the future of the Internet in Iran: a “legal VPN”-based caste system
::: fabiochiusi

Ok maxi down di Netflix, pare globale o comunque sovranazionale
Web, Internet
::: suzukimaruti

Interessante come “scrivere articoli di giornale” sia considerata la più umana e meno robotica delle attività, quando in realtà — pur se in certi campi specifici ed entro precisi paletti — è automatizzata eccome. E senza rimetterci granché
artificial intelligence
::: fabiochiusi

I know this is probably an extremely hot take, but my primary takeaway from studying Haskell effect systems intensely for the past couple months is that monads probably aren’t worth it
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda ::: PaniczGodek ::: lexi_lambda

Kubernetes for Full-Stack Developers
Should I stand in a queue for 30 minutes at this #Kubecon booth to get a Kubernetes book or should I leverage this excellent online resource?
applicazioni, programmi
::: rasharm_

Cloud computing: a story of incentives
::: lemire

It seems that I wrote yet another monad tutorial. Can you forgive me, the Internet?
descrizione inusuale (secondo me) ma ... OK, riporto
programmazione funzionale
::: PaniczGodek

Some years ago, @Cambridge_Uni put the papers of Sir Isaac #Newton online for the 1st time, including his own annotated copy of #PrincipiaMathematica, with notes and calculations in his handwriting revising the book and answering critics
::: Nereide

Bill Gates Says Open Research Beats Erecting Borders in AI
open source | artificial intelligence
::: Slashdot

At #CyberwarCon, Google reveals new details about Russia’s GRU hackers known as Sandworm, including their role in French Election hacking, ongoing watering hole attacks, and perhaps most surprising, Android malware
::: a_greenberg

Inside Apple's iPhone Software Shakeup After Buggy iOS 13 Debut
bug | Apple
::: Slashdot ::: federighiOS

tep by step guide on how to integrate #Alexa with your #arduino #iot project
::: mastrolinux

Cyber security e asset strategici. Il piano del governo presentato a Milano
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: phretor

“Everyone believes that their job will be the last job to be automated.” — R. David Edelman, director of MIT’s Project on Technology, Economy & National Security talks to Spectrum about AI’s coming impact on employment
robots, automazione, droni
::: IEEESpectrum

#Socialcommerce, Asia batte Silicon Valley con 10anni di vantaggio
economia, lavoro
::: LalaHu9

Tech twitter can be wonderful, but it’s also quite the bubble. Remember that the majority of developers aren’t on this platform! They’re not using, or possibly even aware of, this year’s newest popular platform or library. It can be easy to lose that perspective
Twitter | tecnologia
::: laurieontech

Twitter Says It Will Let All Users Hide Replies To Tweets
::: Slashdot

Google Shakes Up Its 'TGIF' -- and Ends Its Culture of Openness
::: Slashdot

To make progress on hard problems, stop caring what anyone thinks. Progress often depends on crazy people taking a first step into the unknown, disbelieved and disapproved by almost everyone else
innovazioni, futuro
::: fchollet

Google & Facebook have established control over the primary channels that most of the world relies on to engage with the internet. These platforms are no longer ‘optional’ in many societies, & using them is a necessary part of participating in modern life
Web, Internet | Facebook | Google
::: StefSimanowitz

Apple Pulls All Customer Reviews From Online Apple Store
è un bug o sono i bugs?
::: Slashdot

T-Mobile Reveals Data Breach Affecting Prepaid Customers
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Russia Bans Sale of Gadgets Without Russian-Made Software
::: Slashdot

Finland Has an App Showing Shopping's True Carbon Footprint
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

More fun at Tesla Design Studio as we wait for the Cybertruck announcement #tesla #TeslaCyberTruck #Cybertruck @Tesla
::: slashdot ::: slashdot ::: skdh

The Downside of Tech Hype - It makes it harder for scientists, engineers and policy makers to understand how technology is changing and make good decisions
::: skdh

Current status
::: mariofusco

Saying cyber 3 times in front of a mirror will create a new blockchain start-up looking for funding
::: malwareunicorn ::: fchollet

To protect our core human values in the digital age – dignity, autonomy, privacy – there needs to be a radical overhaul of the way Big Tech operates, and to move to an internet that has human rights at its core
Web, Internet | privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: fabiochiusi

Yes that’s me. (In Dutch)
::: gvanrossum

Bold Space Mission To Bring Back Rocks From Mars Takes Shape
spazio, esplorazione
::: Slashdot

“All this hate and violence is being facilitated by a handful of internet companies that amount to the greatest propaganda machine in history” - Not sure at all the is actually the case (not even in what sense: Goebbels, anyone?), but it does show what @kevinroose is arguing here
odio, razzismo, discriminazioni
::: fabiochiusi

About the Init Systems GR, a letter to @debian and to all those who care https
::: jaromil

Tesla Cybertruck
::: mante ::: antirez ::: fabiochiusi ::: mante ::: Anthony ::: cedricgirard1 ::: TrumpDraws ::: nerdist ::: flglmn ::: umanesimo

Ehm ehm carissimi colleghi, NON "secondo lui" bensì secondo Garante Privacy che per questo l'ha sanzionata: “La piattaforma Rousseau non gode delle proprietà richieste a un sistema di e-voting”
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus | politica
::: OGiannino

'Not cool': telescope faces interference from space-bound satellites
spazio, esplorazione | scienza
::: skdh

Furto dati alla Pubblica Amministrazione, arrestato un hacker. Operazione della Polizia postale
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: phretor

What can artificial intelligence do for physics? And what will it do *to* physics?
artificial intelligence | machine learning
::: skdh

Our special issue on 'Automation, Algorithms & News' is out in Digital Journalism
algoritmi, codice | novità | giornali, stampa
::: neilthurman

Are Neural Networks About to Reinvent Physics?
neural networks
::: PhilosophyMttrs

Technologies VS Clients
::: garabatokid

Oxford Dictionaries Declares 'Climate Emergency' the Word of 2019
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

One-Third of Tropical African Plant Species at Risk of Extinction
ambiente, ecologia
::: Slashdot

As protests continue in Hong Kong, fears of online censorship have grown
::: IEEESpectrum

We uncovered 2 Facebook pages managed from Ukraine that support Marine Le Pen and Jean-Luc Mélenchon – leaders of 2 major French political parties (far-right and far-left). They contain a substantial amount of disinformation
Facebook | disinformazione, fake news, bufale
::: DisinfoEU

I’ve been getting to work on something kind of neat for work recently: an `Arrow` that implements automatic incrementalization of Haskell functions. It’s kind of like `make`, but with ordinary Haskell values as dependencies and products rather than external resources
programmazione funzionale
::: lexi_lambda

Il “crimine” di Julian Assange: aver portato alla luce i crimini di guerra Usa
Julian Assange
::: ilmanifesto

AT&T Promises Low-Band 5G for 5 Cities in Weeks, 15 by Early 2020
::: Slashdot

1.2 Billion Records Found Exposed Online in a Single Server
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: Slashdot

Facebook Built a Facial Recognition App That Let Employees Identify People By Pointing a Phone at Them
riconoscimento facciale
::: Slashdot

Sacha Baron Cohen Gave the Greatest Speech on Why Social Networks Need To Be Put On Check
disinformazione, fake news, bufale | social media
::: Slashdot

DOD Joins Fight Against 5G Spectrum Proposal, Citing Risks To GPS
::: Slashdot

Federal Court Approves First 'Pirate' Site Blockade In Canada
::: Slashdot

Write tests devs .... write tests! types *alone* won't help you create better software
programming, codice, snippet
::: WebReflection

KiCad joins the Linux Foundation
::: kicad_pcb

I really enjoy the new Pokémon
::: thek3nger

NYC Creates a High-Level Position To Oversee Ethics In AI
artificial intelligence | etica
::: Slashdot

Why the Electric-Car Revolution May Take a Lot Longer Than Expected
::: Slashdot

Groq Announces World’s First Architecture Capable of 1,000,000,000,000,000 Operations per Second on a Single Chip
::: skdh

Ok, this is devastating. It seems that almost the whole database of People Data Labs, a MASSIVE data broker who claims to have detailed profiles on 1.5 billion people, was left open on the Internet
privacy, sicurezza, spionaggio, virus
::: WolfieChristl

Alphabet's Loon Balloons Will Provide Internet To Remote Parts of the Amazon Next Year
Web, Internet
::: Slashdot

Aside from #ICANN allowing this corporate capture as regulator, #ISOC is clearly not acting in the public interest either by deciding to sell the .org domain. If you feel that the commercialization of the Internet has gone too far, this right here is what drives it.
Web, Internet
::: Senficon

Together with the @wef, @sciam convened an international Steering Group of leading #technology experts and engaged in an intense process to identify this year's “Top 10 Emerging Technologies”
tecnologia | innovazioni, futuro
::: Nereide

Corporations see the brain as key arena for profit. To say the least, this could be a boon for surveillance capitalism & authoritarian dictatorships
artificial intelligence | politica | etica
::: EvanSelinger

Volkswagen Axes All Non-Electric Racing Programs Worldwide
::: Slashdot

Escludere dal portafoglio degli investimenti le compagnie del comparto #fossile. È l’indicazione dell’ente europeo incaricato di stilare le linee guida per il settore della finanza responsabile
politica | ambiente, ecologia | economia, lavoro
::: Valori_it

I agree with this. I would like to see more pirates 🏴 and projects being run by anonymous people. Problem is, it's hard to raise money without a face
programming, codice, snippet | open source
::: Alexintosh

Facebook Teams With Microsoft On Visual Studio Code's Remote Extensions
applicazioni, programmi | programming, codice, snippet
::: Slashdot

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